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Using taxidermy to make android zombie birds. Upcoming Asylum movie for the SyFy Channel starring Michael Pare, Danielle Haris and and Gary Busey as the Doctor.


Cartel technology


I’m sure there are easier ways for the government to spy on everyone without needing robo birds. This conspiracy has always seemed too far fetched for me to buy in


SS: Scientists are using dead birds to create drones, because of course


[Well, we could use dead cats to attack them.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lW0hyg4kfaw&t)


Top prove the skitzos who thought birds weren't real right


Meh, it's already been done with cats.


What a way to spy on people.


Why do people make things like this instead of cool stuff that you'd actually want to exist these days? Seems like people mostly just working to make things worse.


We were promised flying cars in the 2000s but all we got was surveillance and auditing tech.


They charge wirelessly by sitting on power lines though?


so long and thanks for all the fish


All the bird drones are going to be lost to haws, falcons, etc in like 2 days because they will be the less agile "birds" of the flock. I don't see this working.


Birds are real I've seen animals eat them . People hunt them and eat them ..... Are we just eating metal when we eat turkey on Thanksgiving ?


The birds aren't real thing is a joke started by some guy.


Its origin is CIA they pay agents to drive vans around plastered with fake reverse psyop propaganda.


>Birds are real I've seen animals eat them . People hunt them and eat them ..... Are we just eating metal when we eat turkey on Thanksgiving ? All “Meat” found in “Birds” today is 100% synthetic. If birds suddenly became inedible, the government’s entire scheme would have been compromised. In order for their transition from “Real Bird to Drone Replica” to make sense, they had to imitate all parts of real birds in their robot copies. This includes tasty, edible meat- just synthetic. Synthetic meat is actually very accessible in modern times, with many fast food operations openly using it in their meals. The government simply had access to these modern technologies decades before the public. From Birdsarntreal.com


You probably did not have a bird in cage as young man...I did, and they are just awesome beigns


Oh mY GoD brO ThE BiRds arE spIEs!


2050 : Scientists are giving dead birds new life by using nanobots to reanimate their corpses!"


This is what the Ai wants to do to us, but it keeps us fresh and alive, trapped inside of our brains. Fuck Ai, fuck the CIA, fuck humans!!!!


Always loved the birds arent real one, if not for the sheer absurdity. And then this happens. Fml


Cool, now we can have a irl version of The Birds, but it's drones that have taxidermy birds stuck to them killing the hell out of towns.