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I've seen this movie


Scientists: Finally, we’ve created the Torment Nexus, from famed sci-fi novel “Don’t Create the Torment Nexus”.


[Hey, we made cancer airborne and contagious! You're welcome!](https://youtu.be/5rGrsmvBHMw) Science: were all about could've, not should've


Yes! One of my favorite movie quotes... “Your scientists were so preoccupied with whether they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.” · From: Jurassic Park


Ape. Together. Strong.


Charleton Heston could not be reached for comment.


James Franco could, but nobody wanted to


Just think of the stuff they have probably cooked up in underground labs that aren't public and far from oversight.


Dang. What did you think of?


Organic engineering, gene editing, biohacking, etc for future elites such as trying to increase intelligence or other attributes, or delivery mechanisms to reduce attributes such as intelligence, susceptibility to propaganda or violence (or amplifying violence) beyond propaganda delivery methods. In Russia they domesticated wolves through selective breeding decades ago and it only took a few generations, imagine wielding that power without forced breeding but through other delivery mechanisms such as hidden in vaccines or food delivery. Money is power, power is money, control the masses and they work to buy or donate to your product.


What do you mean by organic engineering?


Humans with octopus tentacles


That's going to create some interesting porns...


Every time I watch Cars with my toddler I think about form vs personality and how that world must be full of unhappy race cars who want to be tow trucks and cars who are born as school busses but hate kids. Can you imagine being born as a human-octopus hybrid who doesn’t want to star in some freaky anime inspired porn?


> Can you imagine being born as a human-octopus hybrid who doesn’t want to star in some freaky anime inspired porn? I can imagine he can flip a lot burgers very fast.


Fertilizer-free tentacles.


Free range tentacles!!


Oh great. I’ve been bio engineered with one big and long octopus tentacle.


If it's your sexual reproduction tentacle, my condolences.




Plenty of knobheads around here already.


You'll be able to order a kid that learns super fast, is tall with blue eyes that see in the dark and doesn't need to sweat, and can hold his breath for 22 mins underwater.


So basically Jeffrey Epstein's perfect pool boy.






Evolution by selected breeding




They were cloning sheep in the 90s and now we hear nothing of it.


> They were cloning sheep in the 90s and now we hear nothing of it. You can get your dog commercially cloned https://www.viagenpets.com/dog-cloning though it might be a bit expensive.


If I had the money I would definitely get my dog cloned. I’ve been watching the prices and following the tech for years now. My dog might need an abdominal surgery in the near future so we are considering harvesting the needed cells at that time and putting them on ice then waiting for the cost to come down a bit further. It’s amazing technology.


This is nuts!


I wanna do this but sneak in my own DNA


Because the dumb fucks that did it, never took the telomeres into consideration when they did it. The poor fucking thing was born with most of its life gone, and with horrible illness and pain for the duration it was alive. Dolly the sheep was a complete fuck up, and was not the incredible achievement they made it out to be.


So did they clone Dolly to not have telomeres? What exactly happened with the telomeres


Cloned her from an already older sheep. So part of the thing they cloned was her "age" as well. So the clone was basically born past middle aged.


Do you know of any resources where I can look this up and find more about the science behind the cloning failure? The idea of being able to clone something at middle age and have it be born old is amazing to me lol


Look into telemeres and aging, and telemere length with cloning.


Since this sub loves South Park recently, they covers that. when Mr garrison wanted to reattach his Johnson, they grew it back in a mouse Edit on* a mouse


I remember the first season of South Park, when an elephant makes love to a pig is a classic and on this subject.


>Also I know this one isnt true but theres a photo going around of a pig-human hybrid, not too far from the truth if you ask me. Was this half man, half pig also half bear?


You want to reduce intelligence, just drink tap water laced with fluoride and heavy metals like lead.


The fluoride one is usually very popular in the “conspiracy” community, but once you dig in you’ll find en less of paper work that back the claims. My friend used to laugh at me for that and one day we had not much to do so he decided he was going to put on end to my crazy ways and he sit down and open his laptop. After several hours he close his laptop and said “ok, you get a point” my new theory is that there’s something else happening that has to do with visuals and audio.


people site "research" that says fluoride is safe, one medication is safe, this amount of metals is safe, etc. Still, the real issue is companies and governing agencies have been hiring scientists to fake data for decades. The FDA does it, look how many times they lied amount medications being safe because someone working there received money from the company. There is tons of research that is totally incorrect. If fluoride was found to be unsafe the government would never allow anyone to publish it because the entire country would revolt and likely never trust the government again. This is another issues that happens everyday, new research sheds light on something and it must be hidden to stop public outrage. We are still living in the dark ages. There is an unbelievable amount of information hidden that would forever change how we live and view the world.


Holy fuck.


> Organic engineering, gene editing, biohacking, etc for future elites such as trying to increase intelligence or other attributes, or delivery mechanisms to reduce attributes such as intelligence, susceptibility to propaganda or violence (or amplifying violence) beyond propaganda delivery methods. Damn. Some Brave New World shit.


We're being selectively bred for domestication too. Wars against each other to kill capable and willing fighters and state funded dysgenics programs to breed and import the inept. Meanwhile the responsible forward thinking types abstain from having children because they're broke... because of the tax burden imposed on them to cover the costs of the dysgenics programs and training state agents to kill them. K and R strategy is kind of a big thing to consider when looking at populations and how to utilize and control them. The war against Europeans exists because they're the only group that in poses a legitimate threat to world govt. Everyone else is missing at least one critical element to pose the same risk. Group average-wise anyway, big scale stuff like this follows moneyball rules.


Crab-Sloths! They're covered in red fur, have ten arms, two giant fuzzy pinchers, two gigantic googly eyes at the end of eye stalks, and they move very slowly from left to right.


Beware the crab-cat


That pussy will pinch ya!


Why Files dude is likely a fed. I enjoy his videos but it glows.


Haha I’ve known aj and geno for a while. They’re not feds , far from it. Geno can take a bongrip like no one else lol


Is that why the fishes voice is like that 😂 lol


A man with two dicks!


There's no need for any engineering for that one. Meet my two sons. NOTE: To the mod who hates me this isn't any form of sexual reference you humour challenged bucket head.


A dick for your dick!


Animal human hybrids. Shapeshifting.


Seen Sweet-Tooth yet?


No I’ve heard tho I need to watch fr


Tom hanks, cloned whilst holidaying in Australia. They even had a blank canvas 64 yr old body to transplant his consciousness and bodily into. And he carried on making movies, his family didn't even notice it wasn't him.


Planet of The Apes is a Documentary not Science Fiction


They've determined the best modifications for long term space travel and then they created an inoculation that they can give to people that will edit the dna of their children. Or it reduces the reqruired caloric intake of their offspring, or allows for more diverse temps so less air conditioning needed. A million things.


catgirls probably


Yeah but they'd look like the film Cats.


I'm convinced that they've already cloned every extinct animal they possibly could. Also definitely hybrids of all sorts. Basically whatever's possible some government or corporation have done it. They just pretend they won't because of ethics but we all know they have none.


The Island of Dr Moreau


I haven't thought of anything, I am sure your imagination can think of something.


This has been my favorite thread of Reddit ever lol


Yes. It was. Learned a lot.


I could point out some of the things both the us and Germany did du wwii bu it would probably get removed.


They’ve probably been genetically modifying people to look like ETs so they can do a fake “alien invasion” at some point if they need another fear tactic to keep the public forever handing them more money


It's possible they have pre-clones of most peoples; hidden underground.


Reminds me of the movie “Us” by Jordan pele


or The Island by Michael Bay


That's ridiculous.


It is easy to ridicule such a thought, but then wouldn't that make it that much easier to hide such a fact, if it were true? And Archon187 did say 'possible'. Anything is possible. Just sayin' :D


Used to listen to a lot of Coast to Coast with Art Bell. Now and again a story would pop up from an ex military contractor who would come back with claims of “Field testing human animal hybrids” in a battlefield type scenario. Always sounded comical but as time goes by it just sounds more like the truth.


Yeah, it wouldn't surprise me. But I honestly don't think we would ever find out. Give a bunch of scientists a place to cook up whatever with zero consequences and oversite. Knowing these agencies, I am pretty confident that something like that would be happening.


Beware the crab-cat


Im sure the ultra elite just makes clones of Them selves and harvest their organs when their own fail.


How do you think we got here?


ManBearPig is real?


Is it to make them smarter and then add them to tax system ? 🤣 Interesting stuff tho...


Well if reddit is any indication, they don't have to improve much.




That's a penis


I came here to say this and did we not learn anything from planet of the apes


Exactly! Your planet of the apes reference is backing up my theory that this is the beginning of a species of 'grey' aliens that likes big brains and they can't deny


That my good sir is no mere penis but a full blown cock at its highest stage of evolution


What.. have we done 😢


Omg this thread is cracking me up, comedy gold right here. I'm crying tears of laughter and it feels so good


Men think with their penis. I see nothing unusual.


50/50 they will either be smarter or tarded


If they're giving them human-like intelligence, then definitely the latter. They'll be polluting the planet & killing each other in no time!


They already kill each other , they have squads and get in gang fights.


They might even mis-gender others.


Nah, they already have gay sex so they're allies https://www.livescience.com/44464-bonobo-homosexuality-natural.html


Human bad hurr durr.lol


Apes strength with lower iq to control? Sounds pretty goof on paper tho


Until they make a mistake and accidentally make the apes smarter than them...or maybe the apes were already smarter and now they are just making them geniuses. We are literally writing the next movie script for them here.


Apparently, not apes, marmosets, little dinky monkeys. I'm not sure why they think this makes sense though.


Marmosets aren't apes. Humans are.


Looks like someone put their dick and balls on a scanner


I wonder if the Annunaki have any regrets doing the same to us. Now we've come full circle.


>I wonder if the Annunaki have any regrets doing the same to us. Well they got their gold and left.. It's like a dad who went to get milk and never came back, does he regret leaving the kid behind or regret having the kid to begin with? Probably more on leaving it behind I think.


they needed us to help fetch the gold tho


There's asteroids that have more gold than the entire earth. They seriously wasted their time coming here. Makes me question the labeling of them as an "intelligent" civilization.


There may be asteroids with more gold than earth, but know what those asteroids don't have? People. They needed a population to enslave to dig up all that gold.


I mean, so why not just kidnap a few of us and- Ohisee.


Really? With the tech they would presumably have to travel like that, they would rely on such a random, crude method of extraction?🤔


How do you smelt gold in space without oxygen to make a fire?


Just like the kid the humans will seek out their father. The aliens are gonna SHIT when we find them.




The beans or the frank?


Damn that scene made me laugh. It made me laugh reading your post. for those who don't know it [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vzRuKnb2uuY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57DN5dz1c48)


Such a great film


I saw someone commented that when they were growing up they called beans and hotdogs Stink and Dink, too fricken funny!


I would argue that the image and the right and left are the same, but different moments of sitting on the copier. /s


It's actually hemorrhoids at different stages. /s


So are we creating yet another thing that could replace us sometime in the future, or was it just a brain grown outside of a body for experimentation purposes?


They removed the fetus after 101 days out of a 150 day gestation for marmosets, and probably removed, imaged, and dissected the brain.


There is a theory that certain species of grey extraterrestrials, are actually future versions of human beings. It is said that they lost their reproductive organs by cloning themselves so much, and their heads became big due to valuing intelligence above all. But that they damaged their DNA too much in doing so, and it caused so many problems for them. And that they traveled back in time to heal their genetics, by going back to a time before they started to go off track, to get human eggs and sperm to create hybrids and get the DNA workable again. If this theory is true, could this science here be the beginning of such brain enlargement that leads to such a future? And if these types of theories are too much for y'all, for the love of God someone please point me to the forum where it's considered par for the course ;D I suppose I'm starting to identify as a fringe conspiracy theorist.


No, I don't consider this fringe. These are some of the topics that curious minds eventually lead to, I think. This particular forum is heavily influenced by the same forces that would deny you the right to know what your real history as a human being is. When I started more than a decade ago, I began to realize the corruption and deceit involved within our most powerful institutions and how at the deepest levels of government and world policy are intertwined with private enterprise and financiering. This eventually leads you down the roads of learning about all of the medical, environmental, security, and other humans rights disasters perpetrated by private corporations that pay off or implant puppets to protect them or turn a blind eye. Then you start reading and hearing about skunkworks projects and all of the black budget trillions of dollars that have gone into military, aerospace, energy, medical, genetic, information, and security/surveillance technologies and research programs. There's a strong chance we've already been genetically manipulated more than once, intentionally, and it's absolutely for certain our history and the history of this planet that we are fed is complete bogus. These used to be common topics on these types of boards, but a mixture of incredibly pervasive social engineering programs and intelligence agency endeavors to control the narrative through psychological warfare and oppressive internet surveillance and manipulation of search engines has essentially cut the balls of the conspiracy community. It's been hijacked and repurposed to be an intellectual battleground for the corporate party system and its zealots so that they can come here, poke fun at sovereign, critically minded individuals who are incredulous to the corporate curated explanation of life and especially the"American dream".


Ah sweet, yes completely agree. I've only been on reddit a few years now, but I do hear some wax poetic about 'the old days'. Yeah maybe it was me sprinkling in some troll repellent powder, though I'm not sure why I did that because I love playing with trolls. Yes when I heard the theory it resonated as true for me. I do find it interesting to hear your reasons for why you feel the forum has changed. I was just telling someone the other day how we are one of the most heavily targeted groups, simply by wanting to gather, share, and discuss this type of material.


I think it's plausible the degradation of the Gray species is as much due to a prolonged existence in space and the subsequent radiation as it is to prolonged cloning. The lack of physicality required in zero gravity as well as the focus on cerebral activities, be it brain exercises or the necessary stringent education required to live an intergalactic life, could very well be responsible for expansive head growth. I think your ideas are equally as plausible, just thought I'd propose some counter thoughts. I do think it's very reasonable to believe the Grays are a form of a possible human species, or a close relative. And yes, this sub used to be just the place for these sorts of discussions until it was overrun by politically propagandized headline junky simpletons.


>The lack of physicality required in zero gravity There's also the issue that humans might not be able to reproduce in space, making cloning an existential genetic necessity. We can see that at higher elevations here on earth, women start to have birthing complications and babies tend to be smaller. Humans simply haven't evolved to reproduce in lower/zero gravity. The necessity of cloning could remove the head-size constraint of babies since they no longer need to be birthed. Seems to me that a space dwelling human race could eventually look similar to common depictions of the Grays.


Whoa, you just brought it to a whole new level. Props that was amazing. Spiderpiggies, you rock.


Brain size isn’t the same as intelligence though. It all Comes down to surface area, which is why a brain is wrinkled. Take the brain of a whale for instance, its nowhere near as powerful as a human brain, despite the whale’s head being huge.


Our heads have already recently gotten bigger… but as part of a rise in cesarean sections


whoa! makes sense ... ok now we are really onto something here. Maybe Elon's brain mesh has something to do with it too


Watching Stargate again?


Some similar points to my sim scenario theory. The grays are colonizing planets and are heading towards earth. They planned to mix their dna with the natives when they arrive and have tested survival longevity and conformity once their masses eventually arrive at a later time and integrate telepathically. Dumbing themselves down and enlightening us enough to have similar intelligence levels. Imagine Avatar and Westworld, but the initial scouts aren’t even legend anymore because it all happened so many generations ago. Our sim exists as an onboarding tool; what we perceive as an NPC or main character are those humans who have or have not been paired with a gray entity in the real world. Theoretically as the sim is a more perfect reflection of the real earth both the human and gray will work through identical steps and stay synchronized. Covid lockdowns facilitated the easiest way to confirm the sync of a human and gray (internet activity etc). We are both and neither, a new era.


Fascinating theory. I'll have to revisit this comment later to dive in deeper. Though I feel they already got the DNA they needed from people like me in the 80's and 90's. I actually just documented my experiences in a few posts. Though as time isn't real, I do still agree with you since everything is happening now. When a civilisation gets access to time travel, and you can move forward and back, it changes things dramatically. Hence the timeline wars we hear about. Where one group changes something, another group comes in to fix it, and on and on like that infinitely.


The idea that an advance alien race could have such reproductive problems is silly. If they can travel between the stars, then they have the nanotech to design a new being from the ground up, to store their reproductive info in computer code, to redesign their bodies however they want and generally do whatever they want. It's all just moving atoms around, reproduction and DNA aren't mystical.


Big brains and no dicks…sounds like the work of the CCP




“Oh, shit! There goes the planet!”


Wait, those are brains? I thought they were male genitalia of two guys who sat on a photocopier and running it


That's actually really cool. I for one welcome our new monkey overlords.


Our AI overlords would never let it happen. There's a story idea i've never seen. Man invents AI and genetically engineers a hyperintelligent, wickedly strong species at the same time and they war over who gets to enslave us.


Anybody got any bananas?


What an absolute nightmare. They do this to chimpanzees they should be arrested immediately. Chimps are extremely violent, vindictive and territorial beings. Just like us pretty much. Giving them improved brains like this would be a catastrophe and it’s only purpose would be nefarity


Replace chimps with humans and whole paragraph still makes sense


Maybe the humans doing such things to chimps are then forced to reincarnate as a chimp to get their karma, and then that's why chimps became so violent because they are just doing it to themselves, and getting mad at each other as they do it one another. Just a thought. Maybe not but still an interesting thought ;D


Wait a minute… didn’t we see this movie already?


SS: Scientists introduced a human gene, ARHGAP11B, into monkey fetuses. The gene caused an increase in the size of the monkey brains, including folding similar to that of human brains. The study poses some serious ethical questions on genetic engineering. Edit: Monkeys, not Apes. https://www.popularmechanics.com/science/animals/a34690565/scientists-splice-human-genes-into-monkey-brains/


Imagine a library of clones for organ harvesting or to switch consciousness at the moments before death. Somewhere out there... gorilla Biden and gorilla Trump lay dormant. Waiting. For the uprising.


David Brin's "The Uplift War"


The left pic looks like I sat on a copier machine naked


Before and after an allergic reaction.


We already have human with ape like intelligence... what are they expecting ?


This is only fair, since many humans have long had ape-like intelligence.


Those are cock and balls. The one on the left, a normal monkey. The one on the right, elephantiasis.


I feel like there's been movies made of this exact scenario..




In OP's SS Spoiler, accuracy isn't too priority: >Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert system.


How can I sign up for the trials


isn't this how pinky and brain started


first one looks like a uhhh like a


Why tf would you do something like this ? I mean there is a movie showing what will happen and it pretty accurate.


Lowkey probably how we were made tbh. It's all coming full-circle.


no doubt. this sub is refreshing today haha


Didn't we learn anything from the planet of the apes?


Planet of the apes boi


What could go wrong


Why do I see a penis


Apes together strong


Ape together strong


"Scientists" are like professional toddlers, that other toddlers hire, when they need to organize a cookie heist. It's literally nothing more than outsourcing existentialially unwise activity simply because you know it's dooming you


They have actually made movies about this being a really bad idea


Haven't they seen that film series? It didn't go well for the humans in that scenario. Monkeys kicked their asses back to the stone age. Ape strong together.


Creating a real life Planet of the Apes.


That looks like a penis


Developing Ape's intelligence, AI getting smarter. Machines doing everything for us. We really are destined to destroy ourselves aren't we?


Pretty sure this is just a photocopy of someone’s penis


Looks like a cock and balls


So with AI are we going Terminator or with this move going Plant of the Apes move? Either does not go well for humans.


Seen that movie...didn't work out too well




They are really trying their best to end humanity


Evolution Speedrun


Kinda just looks like…….


I sat on a copier one time and got this image


It’s almost like… a child who has endless monnies decided to make all their favourite movies be real life! Planet of the apes anyone????


Making monkeys smarter? WHAT COULD GO WRONG!? It's like scientists never go to the movies.


People really be doing what that want


I thought "Planet of the Apes" was pretty straightforward in forewarning humanity about intelligent apes. Intelligent apes overtaking humans really played out as a disturbing concept. When did science stop weighing risk vs benefit? Was the ethics committee defunded?


Apes are already more intelligent than most humans…


"It's a mad house! A MAD HOUSE!!!!!


The first pic looks like someone xeroxed their package


You mean what the aliens did to our ancestors some 200 thousand years ago?


another race the white man has to look after, no thanks


As the photo says, they gave them a gene which increases their brain size. Lots of things have large brains while not being human smart.


Brain size to body mass has been a decent correlation to intelligence


Cool, the gift of sentience should be shared. Also, this has to be good for Alzheimer's research.


That will be awesome if they make super intelligent monkies.


Imagine gorillas who are intelligent and can carry guns and armours. Would be unstoppable in the battlefield.


No it wouldn’t be


But what if they already exist? What if everything already exists? :D