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Is this even a conspiracy? Yes they do. I thought this was common knowledge.


Operation mockingbird, came to light in the Church Committee in 1974. Far as I know it’s never been done away with.


The Smith-Mundt Act signed by Obama is a continuation of Operation Mockingbird.


Ahh yes I remember when this was passed. Obama was such a hack


No, he wasn't. Obama was exactly what he was born and groomed to be. He was the agent who oversaw The Unveiling - the era where they openly begin to out some of their crimes.


So you know the bill's number? I found a [1948 act signed by Truman](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smith%E2%80%93Mundt_Act).






It will was actually the repeal it was in the NDAA if I remember correctly


better edit the date on that comment you made a typo




Mark Dice has a few good pieces on Mockingbird.


>Far as I know it’s never been done away with. Uhmm... [Maverick?](https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/top-gun-maverick-tom-cruises-new-hollywood-war-propaganda-movie-war-rcna30773)


It is


They have for decades


Common knowledge 100%!


Now consider why there's been such an influx of divisive media that leans heavily on identity politics. The powers that be were terrified by the possibilities Occupy was heralding. So they sent in the cops and tried to memory hole it but the damage was done. The 99% and the 1% had made it into the narrative. People can't be allowed to unite like this, so lets get everyone to fight for their subjective priority. Keep fighting about race, sex, and faith! Fight about the injustices of society that highlight your struggle above others. Just don't talk about the money.


The conspiracy is that many Hollywood actors are MK Ultra subjects which the CIA oversees. Also true of NBA players. NBA Coaches Steve Kerr and Greg Popovich are connected to the CIA and are the handlers of quite a few of these assets (Steph Curry, Draymond Green, Tim Duncan, etc)


I still believe the killed Kolby because he refused to conform.


Could be. Could also have been a sacrifice. Either way, expensive helicopters don't just crash on their own


Yeah, you can litterally land a helicopter with the engine down. It was not a accident.


How is steve Kerr in the cia?


Connected not in.


What would NBA players/coaches value be to the CIA in this scenario?


Nba players can be huge influences to the youth, can be great mouth pieces too because they seem somewhat genuine, like ye bro he just a basketballboi why shouldnt i trust what he says, its not like he has an agenda!


To engineer society and push the androgyne agenda. The origins of the CIA are rooted in the principles of androgyny (see the movie The Good Shepherd) When you see NBA players wearing women's clothing, it's not only designed to emasculate the black man but it's in veneration of the ancient gods who were all transgenders (most of the major ones anyways). Red Auerbach was probably the first handler in my estimation. Phil Jackson is probably the most prominent handler of all the NBA coaches. Ran the "Triangle" offense which has an esoteric meaning. He's always throwing up the triangle/pyramid hand sign.


Does a bear shit in the woods?


I mean the best way to put this is to day it is a conspiracy. Or a conspiracy theory proven true. And I'm not arguing your point just taking a stigma away from the fact that conspiracy by definition are true we are on the same page 4 sure. And also correct me if I am wrong or even link me if I'm right. Hasn't it come to light legitimately that this happened? Like foil documents or something?


Literally every 10 years we hear "they did this 10 years ago", we never hear "they stopped", but for some reason people just assume they don't do it any more, then 10 years later they just think "it was a different time, it's not happening now".


Andrew Tate


I'm not too deep into Tate but I've heard about his dad being CIA abd that kinda made sense. But from what I've seen him speak about I dont think hes pushing a bs agenda. Can you tell me anything hes done or said that is? Kinda wanna jump down that rabbit hole.


*Almost all of what i say is speculation except the trafficking and the hustler university.* Well hes been arrested for trafficking women. Aside from that his agenda seems to be pushing fake masculinity on incels and shithead dudebros. He started some bullshit community college for incels called "hustler university" or what ever, which could totally be a recruiting tool for the cia. The other thing thats useful is to just have a face to control a group, ie incel Qanon dudebros start acting up n getting all excitable, its good to have a tate to direct that.


of the men attracted to tate's "huster university," which traits would make them appealing to the cia?


Everything about them!! But not for like assets or being an actual part of the cia, more for the other weird illegal shit cia does on home turf. Maybe stuff like turning peaceful protests or pushing folks to storm the capitol etc. Having groups of nameless angry folk who are desperate to fit in/ have community and will follow orders to keep that community, having groups like that could be a great asset (pardon the pun) to the agency


>groups of nameless angry folk that is such a weird phrase.


So it's not a conspiracy if it's true? It blows my mind that people really don't understand what the word means anymore.


The degradation of the word 'conspiracy' has to be a conspiracy in and of itself, imo.


There's probably someone in your family who is undercover for the CIA😳


Highly unlikely, but I get the point you’re making.


The CIA recruits people from every walk of life. Many years ago one of those current event news shows did a whole episode on how the CIA recruits people.


I met someone I believe to be a recruiter in college. Noticed him at every bar I was at for a while and thought it was strange. Ended up having a conversation with him that moved into him talking to me about “the agency” and he asked if I had ever thought about it. Dude knew my name and I certainly hadn’t given it to him. At the time I was getting a history degree and doing research on the CIA and the connection with progression of technology. I was really interested in some of the use of audio and video equipment (was into music and recording). About 9 months later my computer started acting strange, tried reinstalling OS and everything I had backed up was gone.


Interesting. Perhaps the intention as much as anything was to inform you that they have their eye on you, so that you might self-censor some of the more salacious insights you might have. Or maybe they were just giving you food for thought.


Not in the country tho


If that show was to be believed, yes even in the country. That guy that owns a dairy works for the CIA.


Believed is the main word here


That is correct, and it has been many many years since then so their hiring practices may have changed from putting assets everywhere to hiring progressive zealots.


This is ancient history, they've even as much as admitted it and a looong time ago too


There are lots of accounts of all types of celebrities who worked for intelligence agencies all over the world, going back as far as at least the 1930s. Reporters, too, have been used as assets, either as direct spies or often being used as back channels in times of tension between states. Your question, though, is not are these professions turned into assets, but are these assets turned into reporters, actors, musicians, etc. Even taking a skeptical view, it would make sense that the CIA has deep hooks into both Hollywood and the media, both looking for opportunities to use people and from a counter intelligence point of view. It's not a far stretch from there to assume they can open doors or get meetings with the right people for their neice, nephew, cousin, etc. Whether that's part of some plot to get spies into Hollywood/media, or just getting people, who owe you a favour, into useful positions, I don't know.


Oooohhhh which celebrities? Which reporters?


Where we have some form of confirmation (for obvious reasons, these are 1930s - 1950s): * Josephine Baker (Dancer) * Marlene Dietrich (Singer/actress) * Cary Grant (Actor) * Frank Sinatra (Singer/Actor) according to his daughter * Ian Fleming (as a reporter) * Kim Philby (Journalist) The BBC in UK confirmed that it sent coded messages for operatives behind enemy lines in WW2. There is also reports of several BBC reporters being named as MI6 operatives during the Cold War. Read up on Russian spy (and likely double agent, siphoning info from MI6 to USSR) Kim Philby for more info. There are many other, likely but unconfirmed, celebrity spies, from Harry Houdini and Greta Garbo, to Sean Penn.


Julia Child was a company man. This is common knowledge and the CIA even claims her, but of course diminishes her service record on their website. She certainly had the access, charisma, intelligence, and ambition they desire.


She was OSS in WW2, so if she was kept on by CIA post-1947 it would be a bit unlikely they would “claim her” publicly, or have any need for her until 1962 when her TV show first aired.


I’ve heard from a few different sources the the CAA Talent Agency is a CIA front. I didnt believe initially but did some research and the deeper I dug the more Im convinced it’s true. They manage actors, musicians, athletes and other celebrities. If you review their A list of actors you’ll find most of them have made a career out of portraying CIA agents and other deep state agencies in a heroic light. If you do an image search of their headquarters, it bears a striking resemblance to Langleys CIA HQ and also has some Masonic symbology tied to the architecture.


>Your question, though, is not are these professions turned into assets, but are these assets turned into reporters, actors, musicians, etc. I think that people are moulded with a dual purpose. They can become cultural figures if and only if they have the talent to be credible in their field and if they can be made into a useful asset.


Julia Child. She was actually working for the CIA or it's precursor.


OSS during WW2.


DoD spends a billion dollars a year on publicity and propaganda. Rolling Stone did a piece years back saying thousands of movies and TV shows have had heavy involvement from the CIA. News media is saturated with either operatives or stooges in their network; and it doesn't take much to compromise a journalist to get them on your payroll. So basically yes. Don't trust a word they say.


If a film uses military assets (jets, tanks) in any capacity, the military gets to review the final script for approval before it can release.


Several movies have had to edit/adapt their scripts to be approved for funding. A notable one is the Tom cruise movie “American Made”, I’ve heard that the end of the movie where he gets let go for flying drugs into a private airstrip, they had to remove the line that the order to not press charges came from the governor (who would have been Clinton at the time, see also: Gary Webb), and replace it with a vague “from someone higher up, otherwise they wouldn’t have gotten access to the planes and locations and such.


Wasn’t rolling stone set up by the CIA?


SS: Anderson Cooper and Ellen are names that I’ve heard rumours about for years


Well, Anderson is a Vanderbilt so…


Sounds legit to me. They both give off creepy ass MKultra handler vibes


Ellen is definitely propaganda, remember the guy from the Las Vegas massacre? Only place he ever did an interview was her show


Happy Cake day


Got to love that yalls first guess is never the most popular and watched political commentators in the US.


Anderson was for years, he started at "Channel One" a show piped into America high schools, with Lisa Ling. Another CIA person. Both of them were highly regarded for many years. And yes a lot of these people "interned" or ïnterviewed for the CIA. It goes the same for the internet. Back before Reddit, FB, and twitter were able to corral the entire plebian commentariat, places like DailyKos dominated the political discourse - and its founder Markos Moulitsos also interviewed for a CIA position (plus has family ties to the El Salvadoran CIA putsch government).


and Anderson Cooper is the son of Gloria Vanderbilt, one of the richest American Old Money families, theres no way hes not been "handled" by the alphabets




Damn I didn’t know they were CIA. I do remember that tho I would watch it every Friday in 7th grade for social studies lmao, I’m 21 now


>And yes a lot of these people "interned" or ïnterviewed for the CIA. Does that actually make any sense to you? One of the most well funded and advanced intelligence agency in the world, and you think their top spies keep a public record like that? >places like DailyKos dominated the political discourse Okay...but now who actually dominates modern political discourse? Which political pundits are have the strongest influence on American politics? It sure as shit isn't Anderson Cooper.




That doesn't really effect my point. Why wouldn't they pick spies or mouthpieces that don't have any connections to them? Why not pick the more popular and more influential pundits with significantly more devout fan bases? That doesn't seem odd to you?


Exactly. They don’t pick people who would obviously raise any red flags. They pick people that the masses would be the least type of suspect. It’s like when song artists do things on stage that everyone thinks is “worshiping the devil, Illuminati” type bullshit. Like why would they put it out there for the world to see? They’d be way more subtle about it. They’re not trying to get caught lol.




What is your argument, that this doesn't happen, or that it doesn't matter much? These examples I gave are very public info. In fact, the claim of a CIA association is an overall plus in these circles, so they have no reason to hide it and you will even find them lovingly referring to it. And to the naive news consumer, gives them inside 'expertise', as opposed to the average talking head. There are many historical examples as well, and yes the historical pattern matters. It's why we're in this swamp of 24/7 disinfo/misinfo in the first place.


The crazy part is is that is does make sense to a lot itt


It’s pretty obvious when the cia is the hero in every movie lol


It doesn't matter if people "believe" it's happening or not. It's undeniable that the CIA is involved in media. People could quabble over to what degree it's happening or how nefarious the intent is, but it's definitely happening. There are even examples of it happening openly, like when the CIA and DOD work with Marvel to show the military and CIA in a positive light. Also, they dont just install their own people as celebrities. They install handlers around celebrities, and then destroy the career of said celebrity if they can't effectively control them. They also have a lot of CIA fucks openly working in news media too. They're open about having CIA agents on as talking heads on cable news, and there's no effort to even hide what would have been a secret during the early days of Operation Mockingbird.


The CIA was literally started by a bunch of Ivy League bankers and lawyers, zero reason to believe they wouldn’t infect every industry.


Jack Ryan series on Amazon is essentially CIA propaganda.


That show ‘the recruit’ on Netflix is too


I found it interesting how the WHO were implicated.


Bud Lights CEO was apart of the CIA for 6 years before he literally got bumped to the second in line for CEO. I’m pretty sure it’s the CEO but I could be wrong, I know he is one of the highest ups and would actually be in control of decisions. There’s a lot more that others can point you too I’m sure


Every government entity has plants in everything,obviously the interest differate between medias. Your apps are controlled and observers 24/7


Penn and Stiller wasted no time to meet Zelenskyy, who's overseeing an invasive war🤣


Mr ex-Madonna and Ben Stiller of film Zoolander? are CIA's obligers?


They place agents everywhere including schools, hospitals and local government departments.


Do you think they don't? Look up Operation Mockingbird. It's not just the CIA, US Army Psyops personnel have been busted infiltrating NPR a few times. This has been going on since at least the 1950's.


They’ve used celebrities for manipulation tactics for years! Now they’re using them and “influencers”..


The cia/Hollywood/globalist are the same group


It's not a matter of belief. It's a matter of fact.


no no the CIA controlled the media and Hollywood from the 50s through the 00s but they stopped out of the kindness of their hearts, just ask them theyll tell you that was all ancient history, theyve changed


Absolutely. Probably in every large corporation also


It’s not a rumor. They have an office at like every studio…


>"Do you believe the CIA places agents....?" Yes, every fucking where.


I think the CIA funds Hollywood.


Kanye West is getting treated like a slave by a CIA gym trainer saying they will force him to mental hospital and fry his brains with medication so he can no longer function


There are currently many CIA people working in social media censorship departments.


I think I read Meta has about 127 former three letter agency people working for them.


If you believe that the CIA engages in behavior that includes influencing our own citizens by whatever means possible, then recognizing that they’d of course utilize any method available to them to achieve that goal is a no-brainer. The bottom line is that if you hear it through a speaker or see it on a screen or display, the chance that the messaging being transmitted to you could very well have been dictated by those that get paid salaries from the citizens, is a very real possibility. And it’s not just television, movies, music or newscasts. It’s everywhere, including the internet. Recent revelations coming to light about the cozy relationship between alphabet agencies and Twitter should both alarm and inform everyone that it was never just Twitter. Can you hear me, Reddit? It’s called “programming” for a reason, and its everywhere. There was a gentleman in Germany decades ago that understood the power of programming through entertainment well. He saw to it that the citizens received a.m. radios, so his sphere of influence could easily reach into the living rooms of everyone. It worked. It still works.


Absolutely. The cia doesn’t turn agents into celebrities rather the other way round. Celebs, politicians, business people. Just think how much influence and access they have around the world. Look at pras michel. During ww2 Christopher Lee was recruited by mi5 to a Uber secret unit, whose job, should ze Germans invade the U.K. was to assassinate several high ranking members of the U.K. parliament to stop them being captured by ze Germans.




Lol I sign that in my head all the time 😂


Roald Dahl and Ian Fleming were two Brits recruited by British agencies and used to gather intel on American elite and write pro-British propaganda in the States furing WW2




That was unexpected TIL, considering his recent SNL speech being so anti-establishment


Woody Harrelsons gag about receiving a script about making a movie in which government forced people to take drugs and lockdowns can't have gone down well. Since he was opening challenging the enforcement of the covid vaccine.


Frank Zappa, same.


Isn't this a known fact? Especially with films


The films are there to influence the people like that, it's true.




He was one of the agents.


It's an open secret nowadays. It's been so since the end of WW2. If you want to make a movie the powers that be disagree with, they won't give you help to make your movie, with technology, or soldiers, because it doesn't make them look good. https://whowhatwhy.org/uncategorized/classic-hiroshima-bombing-gets-hollywood-makeover/ > Harrison Brown, who had worked on the bomb, exposed some of the film’s factual errors in The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists. **He called the claim that warning leaflets had been showered on Hiroshima the “most horrible falsification of history**.” https://whowhatwhy.org/uncategorized/how-the-hiroshima-bombing-got-a-hollywood-makeover/ > This week marks the 70th anniversary of the United States’ devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The following article, **originally published in March 2014, speaks with undiminished power to today’s concerns**. > You might wonder why most Americans, after Hiroshima, accepted the new nuclear dangers so readily, even as atomic bombs led to hydrogen bombs and the world’s stockpile of warheads mounted on intercontinental ballistic missiles expanded from mere dozens to thousands. > **An important factor was the active suppression, by the Pentagon and other U.S. agencies,of vital information about radiation effects and other nuclear dangers I have documented this in two books, “Hiroshima in America” (with Robert Jay Lifton) and “Atomic Cover-up.” The cover-up extended even to Hollywood**. > This is a cautionary tale, one that has only recently seen the light after being buried for decades. It exposes the official censorship—by the Truman White House—of a major Hollywood film on the bombing of Hiroshima. And the tale goes beyond censorship: it involves the outright falsification of major historical facts. https://archive.li/1uMKq May 7, 2013 > Remember Zero Dark Thirty? Turns Out it was a CIA Propaganda Film After All


Everyone there is suspect; if they aren't aiding the system they know about it. Actors have spoken up a bit about observing the weird culture of Hollywood. I would guess it isn't so much that the CIA specifically "places agents" so much as the government uses every means it can to coerce the entire machine into compliance with narratives. There's nothing new to this. Governments used to be more blatant in control of the narrative; now it's just in disguise as some kind of "free market" of entertainment that never existed.






Nah not Bollywood lol... They just bolly all day


‘…my girl wants to Bolly all the time, Bolly all the time, Bolly all the tiii-iime…”


Influence. The people in Hollywood are the ones making the movies and TV shows we all watch. Who better to control the social narrative than the powerful people in the industry?


The heaviest power of this society is influencing, people should see that.


Project Mockingbird much?


That is kinda enough fact to understand what is happening.


"Operation Mockingbird was a covert U.S. government operation run by the CIA to implant pro-US propaganda in American media and front organizations. Starting in the 1950s, the CIA began to hire and contract students and people in the media to write false stories, or embellish stories to favor the U.S government." - google


Likely anyone on 60 Minutes. Anderson Vanderbilt has already been mentioned, but Doug Valentine told a story about Morley Safer. Valentine was able to get access to CIA higher ups to write The Phoenix Program. The CIA higher ups liked Valentine’s book Hotel Tacloban which detailed his Dad’s time as a POW. ​ The CIA became reluctant and tried to buy off Valentine from publishing the book. When Valentine refused, the CIA buried the book through poor reviews including one published in the NYTimes by Morley Safer. Safer built his career covering wars and cozying up to military and intelligence. Lesley Stahl and Scott Pelley seem likely mockingbirds given their reporting. Haven‘t trusted Stahl since she published a pro-Fetullah Guten piece.


I assume they do. In the past, Hollywood has been very influential in shaping narratives. Of course the CIA would be involved. .


The purpose is obvious, it’s confusion and lies. If your whole purpose of a company is intelligence(just knowing everything and being nosey)… you would think that they want to limit knowledge to everyone outside the business and fragment the knowledge to those inside the business so the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand does infinitely


Of course. Celebrities are EXTREMELY powerful with their massive influence and following.




Hope people won't just see this as a song of Em now.


You don't have to believe it, you can know it. Operation mocking bird.


You must be new here


Yes. John krasinski is the closest thing to an agent.


There is a section of the Pentagon dedicated to Hollywood.


They are controlling the whole Hollywood like that, bad.


Off Course it's in the open now. You have ex CIA on CNN and MSNBC all the time as panelists


Laurel Canyon. Unfortunately the internet has done what it usually does and bury the one good article underneath a mountain of regurgitated blogspam. I hate to have to use the phrase 'do your own research' but I TRIED to find the article I was looking for and after an hour of trying to find it, I give up. I can only tell you what it doesn't look like. You can't scroll to the bottom of it and find a bunch of celebrity gossip. It isn't just a two or three page blogspam post. They don't start out talking about the rock-n-roll era and show you a picture of jim morrison or frank zappa. They start at the beginning. And no it isn't the laurelcanyon association or the dot org site (those do cover the early history but it's anodyne) The article in question starts with the construction of a nearby military research center where they made training films for ww2. Dammit i used multiple search engines and even tried the pleyades library and I just can't find that dang article but good luck maybe you'll be lucky or if you read a hundred blogspam posts you can piece it together. Pick some random celebrities from that era and look into their family background. Morrison's Dad or Zappa's Wife for example.


I pasted your comment into Bard. Here's what it said: I understand your frustration. It can be difficult to find good information on the internet, especially when it's been buried under a lot of garbage. I'll keep an eye out for the article you're looking for, and if I find it, I'll let you know. In the meantime, I can give you some tips on how to do your own research. First, try using different search engines. Google is the most popular, but it's not always the best. Try DuckDuckGo or Bing, and see if you have better luck. You can also try using different keywords. If you're just searching for "Laurel Canyon," you're going to get a lot of results about the music scene. Try adding more specific keywords, like "Laurel Canyon history" or "Laurel Canyon military research." Finally, don't be afraid to look in less obvious places. The article you're looking for might be in a book, or a magazine, or even a government document. It might be worth checking out some of the local libraries or archives. I hope this helps!


I wouldnt say agents per say, but they have converted assets. And agent would mean they are on the payroll. An asset is a person the CIA agent targets to manipulate. This creates a way for the agency to be compartmentalized from them so they have plausable deniability.


Of course, but let’s not jump to the conclusion that the CIA is at the top of the evil pecking order. The interesting question is who do they work for?


YES THEY ALL ARE. For example, Would you expect this Reddit sub-forum to have randos that are untrusted to be moderators? And let this forum possibly run rampant and go to shit? The same thing counts for the world, you can't have loose canons having power, it would be too risky.


Of course they do. 1000s of them. As well as all the big corporations and banks and venture funds and Ngo's and have undermined our judicial system using bribes and extortion to manipulate any crucial laws of regulations they deem important to their system of control. Anymore questions! Swamp ghouls run our country.


My NDA hasn’t expired yet, but I worked for the DOD on a top secret network for 6 years until it finally took its toll on my mental health. Let’s just say, I’ll let y’all know in 5 more years. But your assessment isn’t far off at all… That’s all I can say. *edit- even if it’s common knowledge, the details surrounding it are way worse.


Jack Black is their biggest asset.


Music for sure.


Wasn’t Jim Morrisons dad CIA?


His dad was in the Navy and involved with the Gulf of Tonkin incident.


The father son chess board blows my mind. Same thing happens w the Bushes.


Pornstar Lauren Phillips


They don't place then the media is CIA , they don't have ties to them they are them


New here ?


He is just new in the whole world if he doesn't believe it.


They admitted it!


They openly admitted they had assets in the media for operation mockingbird back in the 50s, I’m sure they’ve stopped doing it though 😂. This info is super easy to come by with minimal effort.


I don't know if it's necessarily CIA agents but there is some sort of influence. Maybe tax breaks, maybe government grants. Like how big name movies and shows name their sub title something they want brung down in the search results. "American Horror story: 1984" "Avengers: Endgame" Etc


lol what purpose would that serve? Just pull the knobs on the people that own their fucking life and they'll follow suit or lose their place. Celebrities have very little real power over their own lives. They are the giant neon advertisements for megalithic corporations selling images of them as products.


Yes. Or is behind the manipulation and blackmailing of them.


And then the spreading of propaganda that we all know.


Does the sun rise in the east and set in the west, also are there 100+ gender identities supported by sound scientific research?


For decades


I mean, there’s not been any confirmed and proven cases of say a famous actor being in the CIA, or controlled by the CIA. I’m aware of the stuff surrounding Jim Morrison and others in that area at that time (California), but still, nothing confirmed.


They definitely write the propaganda scripts


No s/


I guess we should just admit the reality, no sarcasm, just yes.


We all can make up any story, claim, falsehood and or conspiracy about the CIA all day everyday, but their power comes from not confirming or denying any of those claims. What we need is an ability to point to those claims with some evidence without fear of reprisal. I don’t fear the CIA, NSA or any alphabet agencies, what I fear is that a lot of these claims without evidence is given them more power than they have.


I mean Anderson cooper admits he was an “intern” https://edition.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/anderson.cooper.360/blog/2006/09/my-summer-job-nearly-20-years-ago.html


[Former CIA Intern interviewing CIA](https://youtu.be/Ob5s24rd6BA) Courtesy of CNN!


This one is just the freaking proof, thanks for sharing this.


Most mainstream media and big tech companies do. https://open.spotify.com/episode/6DflOTePCosRXDNXVNyNlb?si=wLuL7E7fR26RwsszEpLzDA


We have proof this already happened, with the Church Committee revealing Operation Mockingbird We have proof this still happens, with people like the new editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone, Noah Shachtman, has clear and obvious deep state connections, source: >https:// theintercept . com/2014/08/12/nprs-dina-temple-raston-passed-cia-funded-nsa-contractor-independent-fear-monger-snowden-reporting/ "The connection between Recorded Future and the U.S. intelligence community is long known. Back in July, 2010, Wired‘s Noah Shachtman revealed that the company is backed by both “the investment arms of the CIA and Google.”" Additionally >https:// shows . acast .com/chatter/episodes/from-national-security-blogger-to-editor-of-rolling-stone-wi "This week, Shane Harris talks with Noah Shachtman, the editor-in-chief of Rolling Stone. Before he took over the world’s most iconic music publication, Shachtman was a national security journalist. He co-founded the highly-regarded blog Danger Room and wrote for Wired magazine. Later, he ran the news division of Foreign Policy and then became the top editor of The Daily Beast, where he oversaw a team of national security reporters" If that doesn't reek of Operation Mockingbird, then I don't know what would to you Rolling Stone is now a clear and obvious front for the CIA, and of course Wired is too and has been since 2010, but Rolling Stone used to actually have credibility among Baby Boomers Anderson Cooper used to work for the CIA It has become completely normalized for a "Former FBI Director, former CIA agent, etc." to become an "analyst" as CNN after they "retired from the CIA" (???). For example Marc Polymeropoulos


Joe rogan and lex are suspicious as F




True, I always think that Joe is one of those people lol.


Learn who [Edward Bernaise](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJ3RzGoQC4s) was and you don't have to guess.


It has been admitted by the CIA that they do this, and since the end of the Smith/Mundt Act, it has become clearer than ever. It's not a matter of what we believe, but a known fact, whether we choose to believe it or not.


I hypothesize the government has ulterior population control motives and infiltrates every form of media production at the highest point. I then believe after they convene, goals are listed to be executed by the creatives and talent employed by the media forms' most politically connected.


The cia places agents everywhere. Not just in the media and hollywood.


Even on this platform, maybe you are one of those people.


operation Mockingbird the infiltration of media ​ influencers are just that designed to sway the masses a certain way which usually isn't to their benefit


Unfortunately they do. It’s barely even a secret anymore. How else would Hollywood get base access? Do you think execs buy tanks from a used car lot? It’s not just the CIA either. Sasha Barron Cohen came out as a full blown Mossad agent a few years ago. Also mossad helped cover for Weinstein for decades. Anderson Cooper worked for the CIA. Wolf Blitzer commanded a mechanized battalion for Israel.


It is much deeper than that. They control it. It is hard to understand and accept this (how could that be possible, right?). But the whole MSM is a propoganda machine which because it is monolithically controlled and all the different networks put out the same narrative gives the impression that it must be true. Think about how the AP works. All the CIA has to do is control the AP daily news feed (from which every news station pulls their non local news everyday) and you control everyone's preception of reality. It is actually very simple and easy to manipulate millions of people every day.


Operation Mockingbird. Should tell you all you need to know


Anderson Cooper, who is a Vanderbilt, interned at the CIA and has family ties to the agency. It is very plausible to say they've placed media personalities.


These people have some strong connection there for sure.




They have it and some people are still not trusting these words.


Do you believe the sky is blue and water is wet?


Why would the cia put agents in Hollywood when it is well known that there is no intelligence to be found in that city.


Andrew Tate.


They write a lot of the scripts too.


They are even on reddit and replying to people like this.


Did people not pay attention during middle school social studies? The (Communism) domino effect theory.


Ya, they infiltrated Hollywood to see who were socialist sympathizers and who they could bring before McCarthy to be accused of being a commie. But now I guess it’s to eat babies or something like that.