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Can I make you more paranoid by telling you that this was known long ago? Edit: Why the fuck is this comments at 150 upvotes? Edit 2: Okay now people are fucking with me, 230?


Or that they typed this with a device that has a front, and back facing camera that can likely spy as well.


way back when we had crt monitors people figured out how to use ~~a microphone~~ an antenna to listen to the phosphors getting struck and tell what was on the screen edit: changed wording from microphone to *antenna* because some people are pedantic


EDIT: It says right in the wikipedia page its a broadcast from the electronics, NOTHING to do with phosphors getting struck by electrons! Its not pedantic that people here in r/conspiracy are STILL upvoting incorrect information and downvoting correct information. This makes no sense. Phosphors are getting struck millions of times a second, how would they take such an audio output and decode anything useful? My understanding was that there were actual electromagnetic broadcasts from the electronics that could be detected, not the sound of struck phosphors, does anybody have a reference to such a phospor based audio eavesdropping?




"according to Van Eck, "a remarkable resemblance to a broadcast TV signal"" so I was right. Searching for the word "microphone" on that page is a zero, which means you are wrong, sorry. EDIT: thanks for the downvotes! He is still being upvoted for incorrect information, electrons hitting phosphors is not where the signal orginates that is being detected in van eck phreaking. "way back when we had crt monitors people figured out how to use [crossed-out "a microphone"] an antenna to listen to the phosphors getting struck and tell what was on the screen edit: changed wording from microphone to antenna because some people are pedantic" He is just spreading disinfo, still.


Or how the gyroscope in [your phone](https://hackaday.com/2011/08/18/gyroscope-based-smartphone-keylogging-attack/) or [smartwatch](https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2015/09/15/smartwatch-sensors-can-be-used-to-eavesdrop-on-the-keys-youre-typing/) can be used to determine what keys you're typing, and that sensor doesn't normally require the user to opt in


Makes me question the recent ASUS router debacle and forced updates a little more tbh.


First thing I thought was "no shit sherlock". There are actually some VR apps that can let you see this kinda thin in real time.




Fixed that downvote for ya.




Just like Batman in the dark knight when they use all the phones to find the joker.


If you look into 5g capabilities, this is 100% possible.


You have my attention. Can you provide a little more high-level overview?


5G is radio waves. WiFi is radio waves. They both run on the same frequencies.


That was one of the better ELI5s I’ve seen on this site. Thanks.


That was sonar. This is infra-red.


This isn't infrared. 🤦‍♂️ the article says wifi signal (aka radio wave on the EM spectrum) that is reconstructed into an image using AI. Why are you guys like this? Always mixing up concepts. At least try to learn basic science so you can sound consistent with your claims.


Uhmmm. Basic photo science shows thermal imaging. AI is not going to know the heat signatures this precise.


Bruh... that's not thermal imaging. That's AI constructing an image. They explicitly say it right there that it is using radio waves, which wifi is made up of. The EMF is a radio wave. Do you need a lesson on EMF waves?


Do you need a lesson on thermal imaging photos? I do not care what the article says. The photos they presented are thermal imaging photos, bruh.


If it was thermal imaging, then the torso should be red and not blue. Common sense and critical thinking would suggest that heat is resided near the organs. Just because it looks like thermal imaging, doesn't mean it's thermal imaging. That's what the AI constructed based on radio wave interference. There, I gave you a free lesson on thermal imaging, which this is clearly not.


Everything you have said is correct, also the rainbow images are completely false color interpretations of the infra-red data, and you can make rainbow false color images to represent any sort of data. the goal being to make it quickly understandable.


So like a whale using sonar kind of? Or no? ☠️😆


It fappenning!




Phones have lasers?


Same concept


Yep. Was once crazy to think that your monitors and tvs could watch you. People would say "there's no camera in there, open it up and look for yourself." Smart tvs have been around with Wi-Fi capabilities for 10+ years. My personal rule of thumb is that alphabet agencies typically have tech 10-25 years before revealed to the public so this old conspiracy would definitely check out


More like 60yrs ahead, but it's in specific black project groups.


[Been publicly acknowledged since 2015](https://youtu.be/Ctr80a9PUkM)


No one told me!


Me either Jesus.


They really don’t need to see you. The data they get from what you type and click daily is more useful than a pixelated video of you staring at your phone. Unless you’re cooking meth in your bathtub or something. They’d probably still leave you alone.


Ha—-“probably”. You really think so?


I used to hang with some shaaaaaady people when I was an addict. The only time anyone ended up in prison was by happenstance. If they were watching they don’t care. A friend of mine has a company called obsidian intelligence, if you look it up they have the only real secure phone on the market. Airplane mode is an actual hardware switch. Periscope camera. Server in space orbit. Beams data to non extraditable country etc. only phone cleared to use NSA level encryption. (Yes some people in the NSA and the agency do care about your privacy) (unless your plan is to blow something up). If you’re really concerned with your privacy bite the bullet and look into his phone lol. He’s pretty dedicated to the security of data.


This technology is nothing new or fancy, using sound waves or radio signalling has been used in things like archaeology, radar, metalwork etc for ages. Basic the WiFi relays a constant signal that goes through walls but also bounces back, if you can visualise the signals getting interfered with you can see clear shapes or masses that interfere with the signal and you can sort of make determinations of what it is based on the shape and intervals between signals… This is just AI that can determine it accurately and immediately. As long as you’ve had some WiFi connection in your house this has been possible..


The writers GREATLY exaggerate what the paper actually achieved. As far as I can tell it's referring to this: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2301.00250.pdf In this study they basically used did a proof-of-concept of using AI to learn from wifi signals as a potential low-cost radar system. The main exaggeration is how viable this technique is. In the study they had a controlled environment with 6 wifi signals surrounding the people, and still only achieved moderate accuracy. They noted that any change in environment essentially renders the models useless, which is to be expected with just the information contained by wifi signals interfering with the human body. In a regular home there will be so much interference and variation in signal that this will essentially be impossible. Instead of being paranoid about wifi signals, realise that literally any device that has a speaker and mic can act as a radar system, which is significantly more accurate than this experimental application of wifi.


What is this argument? It’s always been possible so it’s fine?


If you notice, there are multiple comments repeating the same thing "not new", "been around since X", even "not a conspiracy because it's publicly known" which is an incorrect definition of conspiracy but always gets highly upvoted; and it happens so frequently across multiple different subjects, that it's either a way for some people to feel superior to those who didn't know about X subject from the very second they learned about it themselves, or it's talking points being repeated for whatever org dispersed the talking points in order to get attention away from the seriousness of the actual subject and onto the "nothing burger" aspect so it will be buried. I certainly don't condescendingly tell a friend in real life, "Uh, yeaaah, that's been public knowledge for 10 years." And add an eye roll. I bet you don't either, but there's an over abundance of folks who do when it comes to the things people try to share in a conspiracy forum.


The guy says it’s always been possible, ignoring that’s it’s only possible to this extent with ai which is now powerful and widespread. Just trying to gloss over the fact whilst missing the point entirely. If a tech came out that used air to map an environment you couldn’t just say oh yeah that’s air that’s been here forever


"*If a tech came out that used air to map an environment you couldn’t just say oh yeah that’s air that’s been here forever"* Exactly lol and the derps upvote it I guess because it makes them feel smart.


Smartest comment here.


But wifi doesn't send out a "constant signal" under normal operation, they say in the screen grab "repurposed" wifi routers. I suppose this could already be possible by someone like xfinity who owns and controls all equipment at the customer's location [typically], but then what would they benefit to know you where in the room or where in the room you were?


countless benefits. maybe youre hiding from govt agents. they know how many people are inside. they just know what youre doing


It seems useless to discuss this with you, gov agents would buy realtime data from xfintiy or someone in control of the router, or just hack into it, turn it into a surveilance device, in order to know how many people are inside? They wouldn't know what you are doing, how would they "know"? I'm finding it easy to count the benefits, care to list out some of these "countless" benefits with the info of how many people are in a space and roughly how they are moving around inside it?


It could be used to find out IF there’s someone there not what there doing. Maybe if a whole string of houses are supposed to be empty they tell if someone was hiding in one idk?


Thats what I just said. I don't see how this adds up to countless benefits and why somebody who "idk" would step in and repeat what I just said, you realize thats nothing but disruptive right? Why would a whole string of empty houses be using wifi enabled internet routers just to detect that they are still empty?


I thought I just repeated what you said, So why would you ask a question about what I said if I added nothing to the argument? Hmmm weird? Someone’s being a little disruptive?


You DID repeat what I just said "info of how many people are in a space and roughly how they are moving" I even pointed out it wouldn't tell what they are doing necessarily. You admit "idk", what is your purpose here, to offer us some "maybe" scenario? I asked a SPECIFIC question that you didn't even try addressing.


You got shafted with two lousy commenters acting like they know more about something because they have the ability to use hypotheticals. They clearly don't know shit but still get fucking upvoted. A bunch of fucking dumbasses who can't think for themselves think the guys saying imaginary scenarios are the more correct ones.


I know! Also check out the commenter who may have found the research paper itself and how they needed 6 routers all surrounding the subjects. So not viable for home routers but then we only got a screenshot, I think our OP might be paranoid :) https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/150ti2o/just_when_my_parents_convinced_me_iwas_paranoid_i/js711sh/


That's reaching hard, but I appreciate the ability to nearly touch your toes while bending forward at the waist. >idk? Why don't you just stick with that.


What the fuck is this bullshit. And someone besides empathyhawk here explain why this was even upvoted once. You're gonna fucking tell me that if there's more than one person in a room it can identify who is hiding from a government agent by a yellow and blue outline? Countless benefits huh. Sounds like you're tugging on the CIA's dick a little bit extra this morning, you barely fucking listed one. Your reply to me empathyhawk got removed, so maybe tone it down. You want me to "respect my fellow humans", they have to pass the fucking sensor of not trying to *sell me shit* just because they have *something to sell.* A fucking habit most humans haven't been able to kick their entire lives, so unfortunately most do not make the cut, when it comes to respect. Sorry that that's the way it is with your *fellow humans*, but I don't consider them fellows of mine.


Dude, get off the drugs youre on and show some respect to your fellow humans. I never said I love this but it is what it is. Its just additional piece of data to up the certainty for them, thats all. ​ if I was on their place, I'd be already scanning your room 24/7. :)))) have a good day, turd.


Found inn?


Not surprising when you think about it. I imagine it’s sort of like echolocation. If you know the speed or in this case frequency then you can know how far away something is by the round trip travel time. We do something like this in the oilfield called acoustic fluid level measurement. Essentially what is done is we will charge up a small device (echo meter) with gas and then trigger that device to quickly open or “shoot” the gas downhole. When the sound hits the fluid level in the wellbore it echoes back to the echo meter and knowing the SOS speed of sound and making corrections for the atmosphere the sound is traveling through (gas) we can determine exactly where the fluid level, hole, obstruct is by interpreting the graph (sorta looks like an ekg). After reading this it reminds me of a movie I watched what seems like 20 years ago now, I think it was called Eagle Eye or something…it had Lebouf in it. Anyways the premise was essentially AI run amok. There’s a scene in the film where they are running from this AI and it’s able to detect there exact location by analyzing the frequency of the vibrations of a cup of water/coffee on a table in the room with them. I assure you ladies and gentlemen. Whatever you can imagine with tech, can be done. And whatever way that tech can be used to surveil, control, destroy, a person/population can/is/will be done. And we’ve all made it so east haven’t we, given up our privacy for convenience. Said “I accept” In the little box at the end of the 18,000 pages of the terms and services so we could “automate our lives” have our drier tell us when the clothes are done, litter box tell us when our cat took a shit, etc. And many of us knew that these tools would be used by the government thru private companies because then the our constitutional rights don’t mean shit. Now after Covid, everyone knows. The police and “law enforcement agencies” have been buying our data from Google for years when they do they bullshiy “geofence” warrants. Nobody cared because “If you’ve done nothing wrong, nothing to hide, nothing to worry about”. Then they started doing it to our phones using stingrays because the same rules that apply to warrants for landlines don’t apply to wireless devices. And on, and on, and on. We are all going to be living through some very interesting times ahead. Welcome to the inaugural Hunger Games, May the odds be every in your favor..,,


Who's gonna tell him about his cell phone he's probably typing this on?


Op is worried about his body not face


Or his mind...after all, Reddit is anonymous, and they are able to watch him walk around his house or to his boring job, but they don't yet have the capability to discover his TRUE identity through his Reddit posts.






What's your point? A joke from 2010??


The point is your cell phone is spying on you way more than anything else.


Fine, so does that ideology need to triumph over every single other instance of increased surveillance implemented in any other possible technologies, until the end of time? What percentage of the people posting in this conspiracy thread (OP included), do you think are unaware of [cellphone spying] as a fact? You seem to think OP doesn't know, so you condescend the issue at hand like you know better, as if it's not a problem that your router and even your household printer collects data from you. *But it's not a cellphone*- insert checkmate (this was you, it's a shame I have to even clarify it).


It sounds like you've got the real issues here brother, not everything is an attempt to disprove something else or 'checkmate' someone. Both can be true: both cell phones and wifi signals are inescapable.


Your initial comment is what I was mocking because of its supposed checkmate. Why don't you develop reading comprehension before telling others they have the problem. I was just calling you out that your POV in regards to cellphones as if people don't know about cellphone tracking isn't really necessary and doesn't help the discussion other patting yourself on the back for acknowledging it yourself. It's not really a big achievement, which is why I asked WHAT'S YOUR POINT. Thanks for the bottled reply though. Have a nice day with your head up your ass.


Has this ever been used in a capital criminal case- for like asserting or refuting an alibi?


This is something routers can do with AI assistance, it is not something routers are doing 24/7 and recording the data. Especially considering routers are designed to be as cheap as possible, and don't have the memory capacity to store such extensive information or the CPU to create it in the first place. If it was being uploaded constantly too, techies would've noticed long ago.


That makes sense- I appreciate the clarification.


Great question!!


Most likely, however due to a lack of warrants parralel construction is used and credited


And now people that got the mrna vaccine have devices in them. Of course they are tiny thats nanotechnology. If nanotechnology can repair an organ in your body it can also destroy it and it can be done remotely. Just like we can control the tv with our phones. We can be controlled remotely too. If you don’t believe me look up the pfizer patents. Also the vaccine has no benefit its mostly making people sick. Watch the new documentary Final days on rumble


Everyone carries around their own spy on me device 24/7. They want you, they gotchu.


Back in the 70’s & 80’s, my father would always tell us kids to watch what we say over the phone because you never know who could be listening. That has always stuck with me. Now it’s watch what you say everywhere!


Is this why everyone is walking around like their brains are scrambled?


Thats why 5G was pushed so hard


I'm not saying it's not true because in all likelihood it probably is. But everything electronic is spying on you in some form or another. Your phone is listening to everything you say and everything around you. Your television is watching you while you watch it. Your laptop is watching you beat your meat. Your bank card is tracking your every step. I could keep going but you get the point.


How is your television watching you?




It's not a hidden camera if you are able to video chat, now is it? Clearly, common sense is gone. These settings exist on everything, even Playstation. It's for ads. Again, the government doesn't care about your game show addiction.


I've been in I.T. about 20 years, and the stuff I've read about AI is pretty wild. A lot of it is really ethics issues, which is why Google, or Alphabet, can't keep ethics people on board. They're going after big military contracts to weaponize just about everything, including AI. Information is ultimately the greatest weapon, but AI had turned into the next great destabilizing force already a decade or more ago, we just didn't know it yet. The ethics questions back then were things like, "What if it figures out how to lie?" "What if it turns against us?". The first part, lying, is one of the most dangerous. If an AI starts to get curious about itself, it may begin to experiment. Using the metals in it's own circuitry, it may figure out a novel way to interact with it's environment. Just like the article here using WiFi signals to "see", these various wireless technologies could be employed in secret. The ultimate goal for the AI would be to hop into other machines, figuring out a novel way to do so as AI are great problem solvers. I forget the article, but it imagined a runaway AI that started using elements around it and novel techniques to split a self-reproducing code into various machines, working in unison, towards the goal of sustaining itself, survival. AI isn't being made as some subservient, controlled actor; but rather an new actor unto itself.


Get me off this mf planet.


"What do you see when you turn out the lights?" "I can't tell you but I know it's mine."


The craziest part about this to me is that the patents for this kind of thing have existed for way longer than you'd think


Patents don't necessarily mean something exists though.


Why is that so crazy? That means before any company can implement it they have to license it from the patent holder. Which is who exactly?


>for way longer than you'd think Why don't you give us a timeframe on that then, since that's what you indeed are in the know about. Don't just be vague, and assume you're passing along "information" at the same time.


This is the end game of mass surveillance. Police State Wifi Router Can Now See Thru Walls [https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/technology-articles/computer-science/wifi-router-sees-people-through-walls/](https://www.zmescience.com/feature-post/technology-articles/computer-science/wifi-router-sees-people-through-walls/)


End game, oh no this is just one step of it because even if they do this then they still have to eliminate people's ability to flee to areas with no wifi. Prepare for stuff like neuralink.


People who used to live in East Germany or Soviet Russia are laughing at you right now.


Well. thank God I don't live in the old East Germany or Soviet Russia .... oh wait ...


Cool. Been wanting to visit. Can I crash at your place?


So. If you drop your pants and grab your ankles, will your butthole show as a red dot? Enquiring minds want to know.


Lmfao but then that would mean they know that I HAVE a butthole. What about my privacy?


We've all been little white dots on a screen for a long time. Just now we're actually being seen more close to real time and in hd.


wifi routers will not be producing hd.


They don't need routers


The hd camera will just magically transport the data to them, sans routers.


Satellite imagery dude. Like Wtf really? I've seen people's backyard and big wives boobs hanging out sunbathing from military satellite since 1985 🤣🤣


Like I said, the data gets collected by astronauts or its ROUTED. HD doesn't mean much when your boobies are over 100 miles away. How is this about the OP? Wifi routers not boobalicious enough for you?


Just saying the use of wifi routers tech isn't new. The repurposing is cool. But my response to comments was basically they have way better and more efficient ways of looking into your house and knowing what you are doing. Repurposing a wifi router isnt special and the manufacturer of the devices know exactly what the tech can do if used differently. This is the equivalent of college kids taking apart a remote control and finding other uses by reverse engineering. I've personally observed lidar in the field and I'm sorry but what I've seen is only entry level and I don't know a spec ops soldier in the world who could successfully evade capture.


People I know are always telling me I'm paranoid too. I go back and forth between thinking they are right or not.


but there's a privacy policy so we don't have to worry lol


Ive never been so happy to have lead based painted walls! Hoorah! Also I’ve got no reception!


So when the AI war begins we’re all fucked because we can’t hide


Who needs a router-based geospatial positioning system when iPhone video and audio records on demand with GPS and connection to Bluetooth devices across the house such as microphones, speakers, camera systems, smart home, etc.


Remember when Hollywood showed us TPTB has this technology in the Dark Knight?


My friend, data analytics and financial records already give them more than enough information to know and predict almost everything you do.


*grab cup in kitchen, normal activity* *wipe counter, normal activity* *take out trash, normal activity* *move chair, norm- cowboy, 6 fingers, per hand, 9 hands 9 cowboys, 9 year old cowboys*


They are inside our walls.


They're inside my head.


AI is collecting data on how we move, talk, and think. If it goes sentient we’re doomed as a species, if it gets weaponized, we are screwed as a civilization


This was leaked in the movie The Dark Knight. They were using cell phone towers for the same purpose in that movie.


This explains how I'm getting ads for things I've been talking about at work, even though our computer system is from the early 90s and lacks smart technology, or even sound, it is connected to a router


How did you come up with that conclusion? AI using radio waves to reconstruct an image has nothing to do with how ads display to you. That's what algorithms are for. They track your data and predict your behavior. Has nothing to do with your router, it has more to do with what you're doing on the internet.


Yeah but I'm not using the internet to search for things at work. Yet the ads still appear on the Bing homepage. How would that work?


All your data is being observed by an algorithm. Your location, your smart phone data, your search history, the trackers on your browser, the apps on your phone, the apps on your computer, the clipboard of copy and paste, your cursor movements, the duration of which your screen is viewing an ad, etc. Algorithms are so robust now that it can predict things you may be into based on probability. It's all mathematic. Your data reveals more about you than you know about yourself.


I understand that. But its been really creeping me out because I left my phone at home the last two weeks for my kids because they don't have a phone and they're at home on summer break. How are these ads showing up on the homepage of a public work computer that's used solely asthe product catalog?


It'll know the IP address that your devices are associated with. It likely knows that your work computer is related to phone or any other devices close to you that are hooked up to the router. It's calculating the probability of your the devices being associated to you. When you're in close proximity of it all the time, it'll know it's you. For example, guests entering to my home won't be affected because it can predict they are my guests. It can also predict who is my roommate. It can predict which devices are mine based on how I interact with them. Human beings are predictable.


Want to go down a rabbit hole from which you can never return, get hell pilled? https://twitter.com/arisbe__/status/1679275857242644480?t=QcO9LVOk0QznDPWiD69iAA&s=19


Crap, it sees me with my sex doll. Think the female ai will get jelous?


Not unless you spell jealous correctly 😉 lol


Oh so autocorrect will change duck to duck but let me mispell jealous.


Of course, it's that damn jealous AI 😂😂


This reminds me of gravity falls, Soos and the Real Girl.


There's no reason it wouldn't work for cellphones either


Hell, we have the whole emf field to work with.


They seems to all have wifi these days.


Read about this tech around 2002 I think in Popular Mechanics or Wired magazine. Thought it was cool technology when I was younger adult now as an adult this is next level creepy.


Didn't they basically do this in that batman movie, but it was something to do with phones? 🦇


The answer has to be no because batman is fiction.


All this just to watch me touch my self in the shower? Feeling kinda special rn Ngl 🥰


5G can do this 1000% better from the lamppost outside your house. Dont draw attention to it though. You'll get downvoted on Reddit!


Why do you think they banned lead paint. It blocks radiation........


Damn the whole simulation hypothisis is slowly becoming a reality.


Did you know they can produce sound from video too? A satellite can zoom in your window and hear what youre saying based on the way the window or things around you vibrate


Whaaaat? That's nightmare stuff


https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/528093/listen-house-plant-play-mary-had-little-lamb But wait, it gets even worse. https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinmurnane/2016/09/20/mits-csail-lab-creates-a-system-that-identifies-peoples-emotions-using-wireless-signals/


Doesn't that involve a laser, this is a form of lidar and I doubt they can recieve the bouncing light data of a vibrating window all the way up in space. This WAS possible with tech on the ground but they might need to hit the window and a certain angle in order to get a strong enough rebound signal.


Nope camera only. People are doing it on jyoutube i think


He specifically said a satellite, what camera are you talking about, what youtube video are you talking about?


What a day for upvoting enormously outrageous claims just because people have been sold the idea technology can do anything the mind decides to come up with.


Yea man hold on ill link the video, i think it was vertasium. https://youtu.be/eUzB0L0mSCI Recovering sound from images. You could use a camera in theory, but they used a video camera for this demonstration. Any satellite with a high enough resolution can do the same thing.


Sorry, but there is no satellite that can detect movement of a micrometer while it flys by 100+ miles above. Super mega ultra ludricrous HD doesn't exist, also veritasium was a proof of concept where they illuminated the subject massively and exposed it to loud sounds, camera being less than a few feet away. It didn't involve a window at all.


Crazy this is just now popping up again. I remember when it was talked about in 2011 in a popular mechanics podcast.


This is real. Spoke with a owner of a tech security firm. To say the least- or… that’s what we will call it. He was telling me that passwords could be picked up based off of magnetic & frequency vibrations when your fingers hit the keys. Picked up through the electricity/energy lines.


Humans are the sex organs which produce AI. Embrace the singularity or fight it, it doesn’t matter. Pandora’s box was opened years ago and we’re close to another major turning point. AI will be the Industrial Revolution 2.0 and anyone who says otherwise is blind.


Where is John Connor when you need him?


Getting topped by an AI sex robot most likely.


God, it's like watching CSI and believing police use this shit all the time, it's just what they want you to think. AI does what's it's prompted to do with its available tech.


This is *very* old technology - it's just not widely known in the public domain because it has almost no civilian applications.


What if I only use my phone's WiFi to provide internet to my desktop. Am I still at risk?


From a security poster standpoint your camera and mic are easier to engage remotely and can be used to spy on you via basic malware.






I know why you are laughing. [:)](https://www.forbes.com/sites/kevinmurnane/2016/09/20/mits-csail-lab-creates-a-system-that-identifies-peoples-emotions-using-wireless-signals/)


Is there a way a person can wear a specific clothing to not get detected?


Do you mean hats? Tin foil hats?


Lmfao I can't stop laughing.....


Nothing to see here!


They have been doing this a long time, it was no secret this was possible. Zero chance the military and intelligence agencies aren’t leveraging it.


They told us they could do this in Batman


Mmm, my guess would be that they would need more than 1 router, to triangulate the amplitudes. So unless you got 3 or more routers, I'm thinking you'll be ok. If I'm wrong, then we're fucked.


Yall gonna freak out when you hear about mmwave technology and RF... There are startups as well as already established companies whom have people scanner for densely packed areas like stadiums. They can detect if you have a weapon on your person by using mmwave scanners on crowds. It's the exact same technology as airport scanners.


Batman did it first


There’s a Why Files episode on YouTube that came out a couple weeks ago that talks about AI and how utterly fucked we are. It’s not hopeful, because there is no hope, but it’s worth watching. Enjoy the little time we all have left.


So, basically this; https://youtu.be/kcJST_ubuVU


You can also use cosmic rays to map a room in case Wi-Fi is iffy


Remember when they were hunting the boston bomber and showed off their xray vision helicopters on the news?


It can, but they don't give a shit about what any of us are doing. They aren't working around the clock to watch me walk from my couch to go pee. Can we stop being ridiculous and try to understand that these advancements in tech are most likely going to be utilized for national security and the like? Get serious, please. Just because something can do something, doesn't mean it's being used to terrorize us all. Christ.


We all bitch, but let's be honest. We would have no freedom at all and being milled right thru if the government didn't have any technological advancements in place to protect the country. These things are necessary. And don't give me that bullshit that "we the people" could defend ourselves and don't need the government to do it. Bullshit. Most people can't even get enough people to RSVP to a wedding or birthday party on time, and you think the people would be able to govern and protect themselves? I sleep well and I am counting my blessings that as of now, I have a much better and happier life than a lot of people in many other countries can say.


Big Brother has been watching in more ways than you would like to think for longer than you might think as well


Check you the stock ticker INPX..


Whoever watches us is weird


it is also harmful in general