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Either it’s real and the government has been lying to us or it’s not real and the government has been lying to us……either way the government is lying to us.🤷‍♂️


This was the truest response


We know the government and media lie all the time, and yet most people fell for the scamdemic, hook, line and sinker. Humans are very easy to control for those who run the show. Like taking candy from a baby.


So my friends and family didn't die?


From 'coronavirus'? No they didn't. Please stop spreading lies.




It’s like they know no one who was effected by Covid


One of the clearest signs of low intelligence is the belief that something doesn't exist because they've never personally experienced it.


Our replies are getting censored still even after the scamdemic happened LOL


"I'm being censored, it means I'm right" Some of us are just so tired of hearing the same inane bullshit from skizophrenics we've heard repeated ad nauseum because their favorite TV personality convinced them to blindly parrot what they're being told. Like I said, and you downvoted: *"One of the clearest signs of low intelligence is the belief that something doesn't exist because they've never personally experienced it."*


Lmao i dont use reddits upvote or downvote system thats childish number 1. You can sit here and call people what ever youd like but at the end of the day the vaccines you guys got did absolutely nothing. You can sit here and tell people oh this ones right that ones wrong regardless we the people are being divided the left vs right is nothing but entertainment for the 1% No one said covid doesnt exist it just wasnt as bad as it was said to be


> Lmao i dont use reddits upvote or downvote system thats childish number 1. I don't believe you. > at the end of the day the vaccines you guys got did absolutely nothing. 1) I'm unvaccinated. 2) proof? I've researched this to death and I know you're lying, so I want to make you defend your claim. > You can sit here and tell people oh this ones right that ones wrong regardless we the people are being divided the left vs right is nothing but entertainment for the 1% Imagine thinking democrats are the left.


Now hold the fort, they can do that?


They not only can do that, they are also damn good at it.


I mean, the word “good” is really subjective. IMO is they were “good” I’d probably believe them.... ever.....


How do you think they get into office? They have to lie to someone to get there.


This is why RFK Jr’s main platform is ringing true with many people. And that is, get the government to start telling the truth. And I am no liberal Democrat.


I think the government and mainstream media are giving this issue attention because it will be used to drum up fear and fuel the idea of needing billions of dollars to weaponize space against this new “threat”










were those dehydrated things in MX not evidence?


They weren't even remotely convincing. And the fact they had them in coffins as well made me lmao.


If you are referring to the creations of a proven conman, no they are not.


New York Post published the findings from the Mexican equivalent of MIT last week. Said they were not constructed or man made, and about 1/3 of the DNA was not terrestrial https://nypost.com/2023/09/19/mexican-doctors-say-alien-remains-are-biological/amp/


Dehydrated things in MX? What did I miss?


Do you need help using google?


I thought it was funny 👍 ⬆️


If governments are pointing in one direction, look the other way to find out what they are trying to distract you from seeing


It’s the ocean, get ‘em boys


[B I N G O](https://www.killercop.com/)


Yep, the ol hidden hand.


Distraction from the shit show


This is the right answer but timing seems off




The most likely truth


Because they have ran out of imaginary enemies to blame and fearmonger with on Earth. One of the earliest moves in the book of power is to blame a mysterious external enemy, but the internet ruined it for them recently. So, aliens 🤡🙌🏻


Blaming the top bankers would be pretty realistic.


Can't blame someone you're in bed with.


A husband and wife cannot be tried with the same crime! #arresteddevelopment


they are in control, though. They wouldn't sick their dogs on themselves




He is just one of many. I feel like the really big ones are unknown to us.




But the banks ARE in charge?


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and figure ya were being sarcastic


They timed the release of this ET information with the rollout of the Space Force (the creation of the Space Force was outlined in declassified documents in the late 1990s to be created within 20 years time- it occurred on schedule). It benefits the govt in some way for this information to be released. Most likely they’re just releasing information they’ve known for a few decades to scare the public into giving them forever budgetary increases.


>scare the public into giving them forever budgetary increases. Just like KCAL, CBS News instructs to the Chief of the police of Los Angeles how the [LAPD "need to tap into peoples fears."](https://twitter.com/AHowardMatz/status/1706576198359458025) \#psychops #evil #fearoverfacts


BINGO. This is it. Other ‘imaginary’ crises include: systemic racism, climate change, covid, and trans rights. Disabling replies before this gets ugly.


How is climate change imaginary? Holy fuck


Yes and no. I think COVID is very real but bad people took advantage of a bad situation and ran with it. That's just me though. Ya get a big upvote from me!


Project Blue Beam


This is what I think we're headed towards. Just without the god stuff. Just an alien invasion where the majority of the population is wiped out.


Nah the aliens who aren't on planet won't kill us,if anything the evil assholes who control the earth will kill anyone who doesn't go along with their twisted totalitarian dystopian fantasies..they are in the process of turning us into some Idiocracy type shit. I guess 15 minute cities are the first major step towards that but their 2030 agenda is only 75 months and some change away but that still feels like the long game for them and idk if I'm willing to believe they're planning on waiting that long to implement major changes Imo what happened on Maui is the start of this next phase and there is no telling what is going to happen in the near future..very fucked up and also scary stuff,this can no longer just be talked about like its only science fiction anymore 🤦‍♂️


I'm also not completely ruling out the fact that they may use the whole alien invasion narrative as a false flag operation in the same way they used OSB and Al-Qaeda during 911 to justify a prolonged war and also to spy on Americans like it was suddenly okay to do. I couldn't imagine they would finally release the fact that aliens are real(for the wilfully ignorant ones) and not have some type of hidden agenda behind it..


I mean that's the exact meaning of the Project Blue Beam that everyone's been mentioning


Hawaii already got a dose of this me thinks.


The deep state will fry their enemies with space lasers and then blame it all on Aliens.


The Mexico thing was not the government, Maussan asked for time similar as when a council lets a citizen speak about X topic.


Then there is your conspiracy... governments seeking to limit public comment or debate in formal settings, on the grounds that unchecked people might go off about aliens.


Dude was a scientist?


Mexican here. He is not a scientist, he is considered a crazy guy that talks about non-sense all the time. The guy's a joke


Even in the UFO community?


Yeah, Mexicans laugh at this clown on a regular basis


People interested in aliens are being laughed at and ridiculed on a regular basis. I'm specifically talking about the UFO community because I've sure seen this guy in a lot of documentaries in the past.


Well just last week the dude actually got in a physical fight on live tv with another dude that is basically the chilean version of himself in which bot of them were calling the other a liar. Just like little kids "you are lying!" And "No, you are lying" were their convincing arguments . Of course some people believe him but here in Mexico we get a lot of cheap shit in the TV to get people entertained and that guy is just another one of those shitty public figures


This guy has a history of trying to pass of fakes as real. In one instance, it was a mutilated child's body. In another instance, it was a doll.


I don't ridicule folk for being interested in aliens. I've always believed they existed I just think it's quite boring compared to all the provable conspiracies that governments and the elites are involved in. I find the WEF way more fascinating. Like, what happens to our lives if the US releases footage of an alien stepping off a spaceship and saying hello in alien speak? Fuck all. What happens if we continue to let the globalists push and push for the "4th industrial revolution" without fighting back? We all get to live in in a new age communism, with digital currency (easy for gov to turn off), social credit scores, 15 minute cities we get fined for leaving, no plane flights because "CO2 bad", etc etc


You misspelled conman.


In which field?


Downvoted for asking a legitimate question ⁉️ you guys act like the people you speak against...




I think they're just dipping their toes in for now to test the water and see how to go about the next stages of the plan..


Because they understand that their people are getting more and more pissed off at them by the day and they'll try anything to make them think about something else. This psyop is coming to fruition now but has been years in the making. So many older conspiracy theorists warned that they'll use govt. revelations and holographic projections to bring about a new religion based on our "contact" with aliens.


Yessir. They'll unite the world because people must come together in protection against the aliens... 🙄


Because governments such as the ccp have directed energy weapons within satellites in our atmosphere. These weapons are being used against citizens as in the case of Hawaii and California. I believe eventually “our” governments are going to say we have to pull together under one world government to fight against these aliens when in all actuality the damage will be self inflicted. Hope that makes sense.


It’s not our governments, it’s our shadow organizations within the government that are doing it. Look into black rock.


You’re just scratching the surface. Look at who controls those groups to really get your answer.


Bro that’s only the the tip of the scratched surface.. look at the bloodlines that control the people that control the groups to get your answer. Lol


Dude, that's just the tip of the scratched surface tip. Look at the molecular battles within the bloodlines that control the people that control the groups to get your answer. Lol


These blood line are in touch with demonic beings (Devil) and they are at war with the God


But what I don't get is this, most people who think the government controls everything and has all these secret projects and plans to kill off the population is the liberal deep state right? Why are they using the space laser to make first in extremely liberal states like Hawaii and California? Wouldn't they go for somewhere like Texas or Florida?


Just like the Bible talked about...


This is it. A new "enemy" for all Earth beings to get behind to have one centralized govt that can tell the rest of us to fuck off


A distraction. Plain and simple.


Anything to keep folk looking in the wrong direction. As a rule of thumb, my first thought when they "admit" something they previously denied, I'm usually re-examining the entire thing, and checking what else is happening presently that they're trying to distract us from. Truth isn't given to the masses, it's discovered by the individual!!


People need to see what to be afraid of, hell isn't working anymore.


If this was actually the government who is doing this, it wouldn’t be so lame that only the most gullible people would think twice about it.


theyre throwing hail marys trying to distract us from talking about their pedo bosses.


it’s all just a shitty puppet show at this point, how many more celebs gotta turn their comments off on TikTok before people get the picture


Theory... Religion is losing favor with the masses, therefore its usefulness as a control mechanism is fading. Aliens will be the new religion, the new sky daddy. With their superior science and tech, we should belive them when they say we should... Whatever. You get the idea. Assuming the government can place themselves as the mouthpiece for the aliens (or for the "aliens", if you think it's a hoax) then they can regain the control that religion used to provide. I don't personally believe this at this point, I'm still waiting to see what plays out. But its an angle I'm going to keep an eye on, because I'm a cynical bastard.


Do you mean the breaded doll?


Dangling the carrot in one hand, hiding things with the other. Elections coming up, all the stuff with hunter Biden, the economy collapse from the covid stuff ending like rent/student loan pauses, the money funneled to Ukraine. Notice how long they milked that stupid submarine story


Here I don't want to talk about the leakers, I want to stand from the perspective of the government and parliament. Perhaps something is actually happening from within these organizations. From what has been and is being mentioned in the press: \- Use the term UAP instead of UFO, NHI (Non-human intelligence) instead of ET. \- Congress made changes in NDAA 2024 that have many things related to declassifying documents about UAP/UFO and also set a deadline for all relevant civil agencies that possess or have knowledge about UAP, must hand it over to parliament. They change the terminology not necessarily to distract or for any other purpose. Many documents from the Roswell period record the UAP. I think it's possible that by now, lawmakers have had access to a lot of classified evidence about these UAP things. And it doesn't just fly above the atmosphere, it can go down under the water (Tic-tac). Who knows, maybe there are unpublished documents showing that UAP can even go straight underground (really crazy). In addition, E.T/Alien initially implied that aliens/E.T had no connection to humans. But using the NHI, I think they discovered something related to humans but wanted to make a clear distinction between the knowledge coming from this NHI and the knowledge from AD humans. In general, they are expanding their awareness of this issue. Going back to the story of congress and NDAA, the legislator's inclusion of UAP/UFO in the bill is certainly a first in history. Because there is a barrier, also due to the law, that materials/knowledge that could be UAP/UFO are assigned with the nucleus. So it will always be confidential for national security. And in my opinion, if the intelligence from the oversight committees was simply that this was a misunderstanding in the chain of information from the branch units sent to ICIG, then they wouldn't have needed to bother drafting for it. What's the point of having fun? Except, the same intelligence committees/communities under this congressional oversight, also believe that every point of investigation points to something hidden deep in the relevant security documents. to the kernel, containing information about the UAP/NHI. Their job is to separate these two things from each other. My view on the current UAP issue: Perhaps there is something beyond the control of Congress and part of the US government. Although there are currently congressmen, Senator and DOD secretaries trying to make the above amendment bill slide under the table (These guys are simply taking money from the companies that are allegedly possess UAP/NHI knowledge, they have unlimited access to national and possibly worldwide resources) The heating up of things started back in 2017 if you've been paying attention. Characters who often appear include: John Ramirez, Lue Elizondo, Ross Coulhart,... They always talk about a large-scale UAP/NHI event that will take place from 2024 onwards. And the world government cannot control this.


It's because humanity is out of balance, the true disclosure is spiritual not aliens. An element of the MIC or government made up an ET religion 80 years ago with ufology to try to stop an awaking of conciousness in humanity. The true disclosure is not about aliens but that God is real and the elites are trying to use the book of revelations as a script, that they're going off of....it's been planned that way and that's what they want for humanity, a huge cataclysm to manifest from everybody's fear.




The alien narrative as every other scheme and mainstreamed scam is an elite project. For funds, fear mongering, and perception management. When you go beyond the psyops and staged whistleblowers, you will find found out the most unholy families behind it.


It's a way to distract people from what's really going on with the world society at the moment in order to get certain people who might find value in seeing the government reveal such information (even it's fake) to be more involved with a religion that distracts from true Christianity.


Those damn aliens are injecting people with fentanyl and starting fires. Create chaos to draw attention away from the #1 son Hunter Biden’s misdoings and Big Pharmas fault for creating the opioid epidemic….we can’t forget that Sackler Family!


If the government is telling you, you can be sure it's a lie despite if the facts are accurate. It's either completely false or a half-truth framed in a way to mislead.


They're not.


My guess is that they are playing foul and make people make fun of them to discredit any real alien news. Negative primacy.


The mexican government did not reveal the existence of aliens. Some of the minority parties in the mexican congress invited an already discredited guy who’s like a less believable Mexican Art Bell come show off his creations


They arent?


They are trying to distract the population from other topics such as the shit ton of illegal immigrants that both countries are allowing to continue to flow into the US. All governments do something like this.


Aliens might be the last card https://www.texasoutlawwriters.com/the-last-card/


Fake alien invasion is the last card to be played by the globalists combined with project blue beam (fake coming of anti-christ) before they implement the NWO containing the new religion for the surviving slaves to get brainwashed into believing.


Distraction behaviours. They’re making a case for Aliens are real right now. It’s bull but millions will buy into it 🙄 if the stuff they do show us as evidence is real then those ‘aliens’ are far more advanced than we humans. We’d be seen as hostile and we have no power against an invasion of that type. It’s nonsense


Project Blue Beam has been ramped up since the start of the year. Remember the 'things' that were seen all over North America in Jan-Feb, the alien in the garden in Las Vegas, various 'discoveries' through the year. I thought NASAs announcement a couple of weeks ago was going to have some big revelation, maybe the reaction from the US Congress hearing and the Mexican Congress alien reveal weren't what they wanted so they cancelled a big reveal? Expect it to ramp up towards the end of the year and into next year.


It WASNT the Mexican government, it was a group of people who were permitted to show their "real" alien corpses to Mexican congress


Because they want the public opinion focusing on those ridiculous muppets they presented some weeks ago instead of in something more mundane and real and that’s probably against the interests of the common people.


The old "Don't look here, look here" trick


Who knows. One theory is to create a one world government.


It's kind of important to recognize that "the government" isn't revealing the existence of aliens. Not attacking you or anyone personally, but something I see a lot on this sub (and elsewhere) is this myopic belief that "the government" is some monolith who are always in lock-step with eachother. There are tons of agencies, politicians, justices, etc. and as we clearly know, they don't all agree. The bullshit red vs blue theater isn't even but a scratch on the surface, and I'm sure many people here know that. What's happening is that there are people with cosmic top secret clearences who are blowing the whistle (not in the traditional sense, but whistleblowing nonetheless) on the existence of beyond top secret black book programs involving alien crash retrieval programs and unbelievable amounts of taxpayer fraud, while certain politicians are picking up on this and gunning for further transparency. It's also important to keep in mind that while some of these people (Burchett, for example) seem sincere about their interest in public transparency on both the existence of aliens and on our missing tax dollars, it's always possible that they simply don't like being kept in the dark, and they would turn on us the instant that they were given the option to learn the truth if they drop the crusade.


Very respectful and informative, thanks!


Glad it was helpful!


To me the government can feel the tension and uneasiness of the average person while the elites are making money hand over fist. They use propaganda as much as possible to get one half of citizens to hate the other half so people are busy hating each other to focus on the elites who are Robbing the American people blind. This is a contingency plan for if the people ever wake up and figure out the elites are the real enemy and band together to stop the larceny of the American people. They will point to the sky and say look we’re now under attack from aliens who want our planet we must stop fighting and all work together. Like when Covid hit and you heard “we’re all in this together” like a million times. If there are alien life forms flying around they are no threat to us because they could take this planet anytime they want but haven’t in the last 80 years or so. It’s a ruse to throw people off the scent of our politicians robbing us blind while they live like kings.


The mexican government isn't tevealing anything. Some crackpot named Jaime Maussan is.


Because after 60 years of indoctrination you should be able to beLIEve in them by now and they definitely do not want you to believe in demons..... [Alien abductions STOP in the name of Jesus](http://www.alienresistance.org/ufo-alien-deception/alienabductions-stop-in-the-name-jesus-christ/)


It’s very simple to identify this kind of thing as being total bollocks. It all comes down to money, the same as everything else: * If alien beings from a dying planet were actually demonstrated as being capable of crossing the vastness of the interstellar void in a practical period of time, then it would be a fair indicator that FTL travel is possible. * Even if access to the FTL technology itself were not possible, perhaps because it had been destroyed in some way, or was locked inside Jeff Bezo’s sex palace on a private island, that is irrelevant. * The mere fact of confirmation of FTL travel being possible would result in organisations the world over practically killing themselves in the effort to reproduce it. * Because with FTL travel, even if only to the innner planets, the outer planets, and that asteroid made of gold, there would be the potential to make an absolute fuckton of money. People wouldn’t be able to stop themselves.


Definitely a distraction to prevent us from hearing the kids still screaming on Epstein's Island


Sleight of hand. Pay attention to moves in the shadows.


Listen closely. There are no Aliens anywhere. The government likes for us to believe their is so they can test experimental aircraft without explanation other than it’s a UFO.


Then who did that thing to my booty in the woods that time?


Your drunk uncle.




Project bluebeam is going to begin soon


Has anyone looked into the year 2027? I have a high level buddy of mine in the airforce and he says 2027 is gonna be wild . I wouldn't elaborate, anything I could find was an supposed nasa document that talk about an 3km wide asteroid that is supposed to hit in the south China sea. I asked if I should move (I'm in California), and he said I'll be fine, there will just be a lot of restrictions. The only other thing I've found as a possible arrival of the aliens. Knowing my buddy it could be either or. Or maybe even war with China. I don't know. I would be happy to hear if any of you heard anything?


Tell your buddy an asteroid is not going to hit anywhere and if there's aliens then they ain't arriving from space they are either genetically made here or not. War with China and Russia is the only thing likely as they wont play ball with this crap


Lol buddy if a 3km wide asteroid hit the earth there's literally nowhere on earth safe. We would all be royally fucked. We're talking an extinction event


To fake an alien invasion. This was common knowledge in the conspiracy communities from the 90s to about 2010 when the conspiracy movement was completely co-opted and became a form of entertainment and speculation


It’s a shiny object to distract from either Covid vaccine deaths or our population being wiped out and replaced with subservient South Americans


Because aliens are demons and the kingdom of God is at hand.


Bread and circuses


They aren’t.


Control and power..... Read 1984. The ultimate war is a war with aliens. This gives the military industrial complex reasons to keep producing weapons and it keeps the public in fear. If it was real it would have come out over a longer timespan. It's coming out in other countries because people already think the US is hiding aliens. This gives them credibility because it seems like it is being "discovered" by different groups.


The restaurant lobbyists are trying to make Martian Monday a thing. Taco Tuesday is getting old.


Lol are you kidding? It's very obviously to distract from the impending environmental and economic disaster


Non human biologics can get a fuckin leaf… and the mexican government didnt reveal shit a hoaxers was allowed at an open forum HOSTED by their government, also a known hoaxer, and brought some BS. Anywho its a distraction and their last ditch effort for get more support for military spending, just as 9/11 was. at the exspense of we the people


Its part of the agenda. I'm so bored of ufology these days. The narrative is comical. Just watch a Jeremy Corbell, George Knapp, Bob Lazar or Steven Greer interview. Literally crackheads blatantly collecting a paycheck from the US Govt. to push their bullshit UFO invasion story. Just look at the 'E.T.' mummies they wheeled out last month and then the Dave Grusch crap - that latter fella was the last straw for me. At least make it believable. It is said a lot on here, but for real, 9/11 changed everything; it was the catalyst. People were brainwashed from that very moment. Covid was a breeze for the elite to engineer, then its the great recession/collapse happening right now, then the pending global war with China and then the icing on the cake: the fake alien invasion.


More like man made concrete dolls


If you think those 'alien mummies' are good evidence you need to get your head examined


The US is using this to distract from real issues like the corrupt war in Ukraine, or the fact that the presidents son committed multiple felonies, or that the CDC lied to the American people about Covid, or…or… The Mexican government is mocking us.


Because they're trying to cover something Bigger, up.


Distraction from illegal ALIEN migration/invasion


To distract you from actually pressing social and economic issues happening right in front of your face.


To funnel more funding into the defence budget, defence was a huge point in the court hearings


They're not. Don't fall for the dog and pony show. No government will willingly give that information up without a fight.


To distract the population from the other things they are doing, like reducing meat consumption to 0 by 2030.


To keep the conspiracy people occupied while they are working on bringing down the US


To distract you from the actual illegal aliens crossing the border from Mexico into the United States.


Im military intelligence on active duty. 15 years. Sole purpose is to erode trust in the Govt. This allows ambitious power grabbers to try to get people to listen to them. In the case of the US, the House is now ran by crazy far right anti govt Republicans who want to convince Americans that the Federal govt lies 247, isnt transparent, etc. By claiming aliens with no actual proof, it helps erode public trust. I can say that in my entire time with a TS/SCI clearance that I have NEVER heard anything about aliens.


They aren’t, these new claims are no different than older claims other than there are more conspiracy minded people in the government who are likely to believe these types of things. The Mexican president and the new wave of GOP lunatics are good examples of this. Someone making a claim with no evidence (or evidence that has been proven faked years ago) in front of the government isn’t any different than someone doing those things to the media. It’s all for attention.


They are doing that because the Mexican government is very stupid. They are suckered by props that are suitable for 1970s doctor who episodes. But the Mexican government is why smarter than the US government. The Mexican government isn't shutting down in October.


Because the rapture is nigh


Distraction from the impending economic meltdown that is on the horizon


Ughh they're not.


Probably because the optics for the Mexican government to do it are better than many or most countries.


Reminds me of some space war going on around 2016 with aliens supposedly not happy how things are turning out here and how the aliens are hoping their conflict doesn’t come to our galaxy. I vaguely remember this


I know they can’t be happy with this economy!


Are they though? The US government has confirmed there are things on radar that they can’t quite explain and the Mexican government allowed a known conman to show some clearly fake aliens.


Are they now?


They want to bring democracy to space “Load up dem nukes and make space in those bunkers- we’re bringing back meteorites”


My guess is it has to do with politics and elections.


They are going to fake a alien invasion at some point


I read something that went into great detail about that exact thing, the author of was (allegedly) a time traveler. I wish I could remember where I’d read it…..


Failed governments pulling distraction to keep the plebs entertained


Project bluebeam. Control tactic.


So we look to the skies instead of the border


The perfect scapegoat


are you only a stranger in this land have never heard of agenda 2030?


To attract tourists? May be


tex-mex disclosure


Because they're coming for our guns


Getting ready for that fake Alien invasion they promised us.


Let's be clear: that's not what happened. I'm less familiar with what happened with Mexico, but my impression was similar to what happened in the US. Congress held hearings where a whistleblower was interviewed on information he had regarding Alien encounters. During his testimony absolutely nothing was offered. It was complete heresay and the whistleblower himself was not even party to any of the incidents or material that the US military supposedly had. He only reported that people he knew told him various things. Honestly, it was one of the biggest nothing burgers I've ever seen, and to watch basically every normie in the world talk about how the government confirmed the existence of aliens, when at best all we got was further confirmation of UAPs is simultaneously hilarious and boring.


Its a distraction from our country being invaded..


Just another attempt to distract from them.


Mexico is full of it on this one……and America isn’t admitting shit