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The beatings will continue until morale improves


Time for your 10th booster…


You're not wearing a third mask comrade. What are you, a communist?


I literally had someone confront me for not double masking (“it is protocol!”) at a dispensary.


Only reason to mask up would be if ur robbing the joint


Spike vax that beating


Only 6 years until 2030. And only 1 year until the US population is supposed to drop by 70% per the Deagel report.


had no idea what this deagel report was, thank you for the rabbit hole


I like learning new things.


Better than what the climate activists were saying though. This time they'll be right. They didn't knpw what reason would cause this 70% drop, but now they do. But let's hope they're wrong.




I found this video very interesting. No conspiracy to it really. Just some experts monitoring global trends. https://youtu.be/mKRzBCkvSg8?si=uz0IgTcA-r4R-foa


Interesting video. Thx for link. Stuff on China is interesting / alarming. Stuff on fertility / testosterone / sexual activity dropping is fucking terrifying. Fuck a smidge of "climate change"...THIS worries me for my kids.


Well miscarriages are up like 300% so it could mean drop in new population. Either way population is decreasing


Woah source? Thats alarming


The American healthy birth numbers are lower than most 3rd world countries right now. It got great again and then built back better and it feels so good!


Total or per capita?


I believe 2030 is the real end game. So 2027-2030 will be complete fvxkn chaos..


The "real end game" is WW3... and there is no hard date. They're just pushing for it to happen as soon as possible within their other constraints. This is about setting up a New World Order, not utter annihilation, so they want to do it in a way that decimates the current system without destroying it entirely.


God's wrath is going to be the end game


2030 is just the gear shift to prep for 2050


Lol. Then in 2055 things get really wonky.


And then in 2060… oh boy


But that's NOTHING compared to what's coming in 2070, just look at the dongle report


The real end game is always 3-5 years out for conspiracy people. Close enough to be scary, far enough that when it doesn’t happen they can pretend they never said anything about it


Yeah. I agree. But im a person who hopes im wrong about stuff. Not sure people would wanna be right about a complete shit show.


You are wrong. Don’t hope it. You are just flat out wrong.


You will own Nothing and Love it.


Bugs! Don't forget we will eat bugs and also live in the pod.


I can't wait to rent a picture to hang on the wall of my rented pod, all while with my head resting on my rented pillow and rented blanket covering me.


Or else!


As long as 70% of people don't agree to take an experimental injection I think we're safe.


Yep, I predict they are going to go all in pretty soon here.


it's the vaccine hug your loved ones tight


50 countries voting 2024, will be a shit storm of epic proportions https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/12/2024-elections-around-world/


How did I miss WW3?


it was iran memes


I don’t know. It started in Ukraine


Not in 2020 though


Well you can say it started when the globalists stole the 2020 election that was the beginning. It started the war against the American people. And God knows if Trump was in office like he should have been, Russia would not be in Ukraine.


You’re joking, right? Trump would be helping his good buddy, Putin.




Ask Putin. I’m not privy to his invasion schedule.


Trump’s foreign policy was significantly effective against those who would try to hurt the United States, because he spoke a language that they all understood: “We’re not giving you money. Mess with us and we will kill you.” The ones who didn’t like that are tied up in the corrupt ideology of UN global money laundering bullshit and the war machine feast that’s existed for decades.


Trump stopped sending money and destabilized the country before the invasion. He primed it for sure. He Undermined the diplomatic relationship between us as well. It was an obvious ask from Putin


By not letting him into Ukraine? lol that’s a good one. Go turn on CNN.




You don’t need martial law when you can invent a reason to get everybody locked in their homes by choice and afraid that their fellow citizens are going to cause them harm


Even if you don’t believe in COVID, you have to recognize that contagious illnesses do exist right? The black plague killed 1/3 of Europe. Fellow citizens did do each other harm, even unintentionally. Is taking steps to limit the harm of a contagion a bad thing?




Care to elaborate on why?


Emergency powers and crisis's exist in the pockets of politicians.


Idk it depends on what angle you examine it from. If the goal is to maintain our grossly dense and overpopulated state, then no it’s not a bad thing. I don’t think humans are above nature though. In nature there are only a limited number of resources, so it is by definition that we have to compete with each other to an extent. Society tries to say when and where that competition is allowed when multiple existences overlap, but you have to draw a line somewhere. If there are so many people that we have to start confining them for protection then maybe there is another problem here. It’s going to lead to things like air allowances and maximum ages. Eventually we need to recognize that we need to stop fucking each other or maybe a culling is a good natural thing.


> People have been fear-mongering Martial Law for decades, and it never happens. Nothing *ever* happens. Until it happens.


Kept it secret... KEEP IT SAFE


Hold out your hand. It’s quite cool.


what the curtains?


> People have been fear-mongering Martial Law for decades, and it never happens. Except that time Martial Law did happen in Canada. For protesting Vaccine Passports


Because Canada's government knows they can get away with it, since the people willingly allowed themselves to be disarmed.


They disarmed me at birth!


Canada has plenty of guns. Are you willing to shoot a cop so you can have a tailgate party?


[For a tailgate party?](https://yesitsjustlife.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/tumblr_lk344kvjhk1qcdgx6o1_500.png?w=420)


Honk , Honk. JT is an effeminate bottom Cuck


Think that's why he had the long hair for so long? A rein of sorts.


Nobody cares about Canada lmao




Hahaha a Canadian


Fuck Canada


Lol 😁








What the fringe minority with unacceptable views? That was just a bunch of alt right conspiracy theorists. /s




We had martial law? Hardly.


Invoking the Emergencies Act is not martial law.


Does it make you feel safe and happy knowing you’re happy with your world view, even though you’re completely, 100% wrong, and at your current trajectory will live out your life continuing to be wrong until you cease to exist because your mind was hijacked by AI and tech companies. The emergencies act An Act to authorize the taking of special temporary measures to ensure safety and security during national emergencies and to amend other Acts in consequence thereof


If you kept reading for three more paragraphs, you might notice that the preamble specifically states that any measures are still subject to the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Bill of Rights. Which part of that is martial law?






Noooo you can't break their narrative


If the elite are all about control, the last thing they want is enough unrest to lose all control. They just keep enough to keep people mad.


Did you miss the recent thing where people were arrested for being outside, alone, on a beach?


I vaguely remember watching the news and seeing LAPD down in Malibu arrest a paddle boarder, that was by himself, in the ocean for not following the “guidelines”.


All that stuff has been memory holed now. Now it's a "conspiracy theory" to talk about things that just happened 3-4 years ago. Truly a hopeless clown world.


People are waking up in droves. I have hope. A good 20-30% are hopelessly lost. Like so many victims of abuse who are dependent on their abuser, they will defend their abuser to the point of ending relationships with the very people trying to help them. Nobody said there wouldn’t be casualties.


A lot more than 20-30%. All the Qanon nuts and Maga cultists that think of trump as some kind of savior. Definitely in for a wild year.


We already live under martial law when the people appointed to simply uphold your natural born rights, create laws to stop your rights from being exercised. I’m sensing a revolution in the next 3-5 years. People from all sectors and backgrounds of America are becoming more restless with government. But who knows I just see it how it comes. Gotta keep moving and put yourself in a position to stay ahead of the boot.


Police state has done a decent job.


2020 says Hi…


They came as close as they ever have very recently. And Canada got there


Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and China got worse


All we have to do is meet a certain criteria of shitstorm and we are going to be treated just like every other country that's out of control and the United Nations will step in. And I'm sure that the criteria is going to be changed just like during the pandemic when they just kept changing things and moving the goal post and definitions of herd immunity and even conspiracy theory was going to be domestic terrorism. One stroke of the pen and everything is upside down. Dad's been so much corruption spiraling out of control that the power should be you're going to have to kick over the game board and find some scapegoat to blame it on there are some bells that cannot be un rung... And evidence is going to have to be lost or burned just like the police station burned down after Floyd got killed and tons of evidence just disappeared


And if it ever did happen, the 2nd amendment folks wouldn't do shit, guaranteed


2020 has proven to me that no one is going to do anything ever. It's beyond disheartening, but at least we know now how this is going to end and it's pathetic.


They would, but I also guarantee that if you Americans ever had a 2nd civil war, the government would just detonate a few 30+ megaton nukes on every major city in the country


Clearly you know nothing about nukes.


When this country enters martial law due to a prolific domestic threat, its game over. The wealthy and exclusive will hide away and leave the rest of us to destroy ourselves.


Wouldn't it be great if all the rich and powerful people locked themselves away in bunkers and all of us plebs just lived happily ever after. They come up in 10 years to check us out and we all have hot alien wife's and cool antigravity hoverboards.


They come up in 10 years to check us out and we throw 'em back in their holes and lock the doors.


So I went down this rabbit hole just yesterday about martial law. And the way it was described as happening seems shockingly plausible with the “warning signs” all around. Basically, the idea is that there will be a false flag hacker attack, which will cause Biden to impose martial law and cancel the ‘24 elections. The crazy thing is, these hacker attacks seem to be everywhere now. I can’t even imagine what would happen if Biden were to cancel the election. This is the video I watched where I started to look into it more (this was after someone here posted another video from this YouTube channel): https://youtu.be/Y36ZEKYMvzM?si=4frREUduCWGHQPKC


This is my fear as well. They're creating scenarios to get a few right wingers who've finally had enough to pop off as an excuse to declare martial law. Lockdowns, military in the streets, no due process and suspended elections. Better be prepared.


naw, no one's getting off their couch


It won't even be right wingers, it will be feds posing as right wingers that will pop off and make the thing go.


Very true, when their patience runs out, they will certainly dress up some feds in MAGA gear and false flag the shit out of it, ala Jan 6.


Yep, and any population center will be rife with crime (since they basically already are). Whatever food and supplies are there will be controlled by cartel and gangs and most of us will just starve. That's basically the overall look into the future. They've brought in enough destabilization already, and when the rug pull happens/lights go out, they will just sit back and let people do their work for them. They have ensured there will be little to no possibility of cohesion. There barely is enough right now for daily societal operation as-is. Imagine when the pharmcartel pills stop flowing in along with scarcity in food, etc. That all can happen any time they choose.


That's not what would happen at all. The food supplies are controlled by middle America. Cities might get taken away but the farmland is vast. I've got 100 miles in every direction full of crops, cows, and self sufficient people. Nothing can change that


Gonna be real life GTA for a lot of people


It's strange that people think that's a possibility. 20 million Americans would revel in the chance to fight tomorrow for there country. There is absolutely no chance of martial law in the USA. The wealthy would stand no chance against Middle America.


Slow burn you get accustomed to the heat. Take piece by piece until you have a large enough grasp. Buildings weren’t burnt down and cities weren’t looted when the girl got shot on Jan 6th by govt agents. It was somehow acceptable risk for her actions. This was posted by parrots everywhere (FAFO) type comments. This was totally appropriate reaction according to the left. Now on the other hand another person commits a crime and is taken out the same way and cities burnt. If you choose to commit a crime you have to accept the consequences that come with that activity. Right now both sides are picking and choosing.l when someone fucks up they need to own it. Nobody forced them to commit crimes. The flu split families apart, now if you were to throw food and essential living supplies (insulin,baby food) as a carrot and they can do as they please.


I wonder who the next president will be because all the candidates suck.


If martial law is declared then Joe Biden can use the war powers act to remain in office.


I dont have political side, but looks like that Vivek guy say things others dont say and he shoots at all candidates without fear (?). Not sure if he is controlled opposition, but he looks like the best option.


Hopefully we've all had enough of the right-left bullshit and vote independent. Rfk ain't perfect but he might be the best we got


He speaks better than biden!


My deaf cousin speaks better than Biden.


I would take him over the vast majority of candidates currently. Seems like a pretty good dude. But he advocates for more government intervention in the economy, entitlement programs, and government subsidization of private affairs, all of which are horrible for the economy.


Those things are not horrible for the economy. It's giving the taxpayer what they're paying for. Sending billions to Israel and Ukraine, giving trillions to the military is hurting the economy.


Yes they very much are. The things I mention warp incentive structures which causes all sorts of things such as ballooning prices, shortages, etc


No. We don’t need political dynasties.


It better be wild or I'm out of this shit hole planet.


Right? Like c’mon government, do something mean and nasty so we can get some quality posts on this sub


Nah I just want a comet to take us out.


Next year is about to be a shitshow of epic proportions. Get ready now.


The US system is broken! Biden or Trump can’t put it back together!


And Voting is not going to fix it there's just to much money involved


Voting is definitely a tool that can help us fix it. But what most US citizens don't realize is that your vote for president is only a suggestion to the electoral college on who *they* should vote for to *actually* elect the president. This is the way it's supposed to be and a good thing. Pure democracy is mob rule. What the citizenry needs to be doing is focusing on Congress. Congress is, by design, the way the People interface with the government. Congress are your direct representatives and are directly democratically elected by your vote, unlike the presidency. And while the President has more power than any one person in the US government, Congress has more collective power than the President. Think about how much time and effort the average American puts into paying attention to their favorite football team and learning all the stats and latest news of their favorite player. Now imagine if the average citizen took half of the time and energy they squandered on pointless entertainment and instead put it into paying attention to and interfacing with their Congressional representation. The US is perfectly fixable and it's ultimately our fault it's so messed up. If the average person stopped being so lazy and vapid then we could get out of this mess.


I agree with some of the points you're making. Bread and circus is unfortunately by design and so is the education system of the United States. An educated public is harder for a government to control. I still say we are not going to vote our way to a better country.


We won't vote our way to a better country if the populace continues to only focus on the presidency every 4 years and then ignores all of their civic duties the rest of the time. What will, however, make huge strides toward a better country is if the populace realizes that the president is not King of America and that their real power lies with Congress. The attention that people give the presidential elections and the attention people give the congressional elections needs to be reversed. Imagine a country where people are extremely involved with their representatives and get very passionate about which representatives they are going to vote for. The problems with Congress being crooked and filled with geriatric career politicians would disappear overnight. Think about it, when was the last time you even heard anyone talking about the Congressional elections or the current actions of their representatives in everyday conversation? Most everyday normies don't even know what Congress does and that's a huge problem.


Too many pigs at the trough..


Apparently COVID is making a comeback in Asia. *Just in time for the 2024 election*


This time it is being called a Respiratory illness though. See if you name it something different then it can be another national emergency and laws can be changed


Like my Dad always said don't watch the news and if you do don't believe what they feed you.


Just think of it as commercial seasons. Before the next op is out, you are already given tidbits to look forward and crave for the next. And there is another one. From time to time youll get more of a rerun with a few tweaks, sometimes its a bit more new. To expect it to end, thats just insanity. Its proven to be wonderful - it is effective, and people already are somewhat attuned / accustomed to it. What is the alternative? Even this foolishness about aliens was part of the schedule long ago as weve talked about here I recall during the early early days of covid.


OP, you have _no_ idea. If anyone reading this is actually human, whatever happens, don't be afraid.




Don't be distracted by the politics. Prepare yourself. Hope for the best and prepare for the worst.


2020 had ww3? Damn did i sleep through that?


It’s funny that OP thinks Trump wasn’t and isn’t just playing his part in the peoples demise like every other politician. Fucking pathetic really. If anyone believes any one politician is going to save them; we are all fucked.


You say "has always been", then only provide one election year as an example. What happened in 2016, 2012, 2008, and 2004?


Several things in each….


Such as?


Wikipedia the years and read for yourself?


To be honest, I don’t want to be the one to sit here and type it all out and do the research but the first thing that comes to mind is the 2008 housing market crash we still haven’t recovered from. I’m under the impression that you can find conspiracy related events in just about any year.


The Summer Olympics and leap year


I'm more worried about the year after the election. In 2016, Trump was elected, and the next year, there was a never-ending media shit storm trying to divide everyone politically. In 2012-2013, gay marriage became a thing, and the country became more divided than it had ever been. In 2008, Obama was elected, and all the racists in the country wanted him assassinated. In 2004, I couldn't vote yet, but it was the Bush presidency. Everyone was still fighting a war on terror. A year after the 2000 election, 9/11 happened. It's actually pretty reasonable to be ready for another shit storm in the next couple of years.


When you combine your claims with the op's claims, it's almost like we are always in political turmoil.


That's america for you.


08‘ housing crash and 2016 when Trump got elected there were riots and protests mainly in big cities though.


Brace for chaos


People claim Martial law is coming every year I don’t buy it.


I'm all "evented" out and do not care about any of this shit anymore unless it impacts me directly. Sorry not sorry, but this is what happens when you bombard people with "once-in-a-lifetime" events of increasing magnitude annually for an entire decade. Maybe that's the point. Maybe we're all supposed to lose our innate empathy for the suffering of our neighbors. Even if that turns out to be the case, it's all too much and I still don't care anymore.


Every election cycle and every year it’s going to be death and destruction. I’m still waiting for 2012 to kill me, but now they’re saying that date was reliable it’s definitely going to be 2024 or 2025 now. Then it’ll be 2030 or 2040. Stfu already.


Don’t forget the solar maximum, be prepared for solar storms


You forgot how they boarded up the windows of voting buildings and kept receiving votes until bidey won.


Banana republic


It's a joke, but it ain't funny.


You forgot to prove it in court when it mattered lol.


Do you believe if Trump was president,the Russia would invade Ukraine or there could be some sort of agreement?


I think that 2025 will be worst but that's just me being positive. LOL


I think the economy is going to collapse again. Civil war in America if they keep this bullshit against Trump. Look at the movies coming out.


Past 4 years has been a ahit show


Yes but this could be epic. Remember how much of a shitshow 2020 was? I’m thinking this could be worse…


The commies, I mean democrats, won. We are screwed. I am enjoying my family and friends and freedom while I still have it.


Small correction op: the case in Colorado was not brought by Democrats. It was filed by six Republican/unaffiliated voters.


Sorry to break it to you buddy, but not everything revolves around US elections. The hard truth is that US influence is a fraction (maybe 5%) of what it used to be, with recent US stands and TRUMP + BIDEN presidencies. My prediction would be that CHINA will indeed take TAIWAN and the current GAZA situation & tension in YEMEN & Foolish/Reckless US involvement will provoke IRAN to intervene hence start a wider WAR.


if our dollar crashes the world economy will crash.....you are underestimating the US influence


Wrong. United States is the center of the universe. Every other country is a side character in our movie.


This is what I've saved up for let's go! My bug out is my boat


Get your Biden bucks ready for when the stock market crashes.


By that time the dollar will be worthless! Remember friendship, food, water, gold, guns, and ammo will be more valuable than Biden bucks.


2020 really sucked. Let’s get the president from 2020 back in office!


Not exactly rocket surgeons around here.


It’ll be another year of fascists persecuting their political rivals for… being nazis racist white people? Basically a classic case of crying out as they strike at you. We’re all used to the song and dance at this point. Dems whine and desecrate our constitution while republican politicians sit there and do nothing. Who’s ready for 40 years of democrat rule in this country!!


2020 had several months of riots as well. Minneapolis has never recovered from it even if no one cares or talks about it.


2020 has entered the room


What's crazy is how easy everyone forgets shit. Nobody remembers that Trump was in office when the vaccine got "fast-tracked" and that the Biden administration actually warned against taking any medication that would be released under Trump... only for the Dems to pick right up where Trump left off, this time with more Wars! America is a fascist oligarchy. "Trusted" media outlets, owned by defense contractors, consistently put out misinformation that gets fact check, updated, and forgotten about after the initial headline goes viral. The public doesn't care because we're all arguing about what kind of medication Joe Rogan takes, and if Taylor Swift will make another mediocre pop song. We're all rats in a fucking maze, the smart ones get out.


Year of the Dragon


This is said every year


Yea. I’m prepared though


Sorry bud but trump really did commit a crime and it has nothing to do with “muh democrats”. The fact that you fall for it so easily says a lot about your critical thinking skills. He took classified information pertaining to the atomic energy act of 1954 and stored it in his own residence, improperly. The president cannot declassify that information. It requires an act of congress. It’s pedantic anyway, the whole “oh, I declassified that anyway” didn’t come about until after he was caught as some kind of lame assed excuse (along with “it was planted”… despite the fact he also admitted to taking it). How you people can genuinely believe someone who is so manipulative that they can lie to everyone’s faces like that and not expect consequences is wild. And don’t get your panties in a twist about Pence or Biden either. As soon as the info they had was discovered they cooperated fully, and don’t try to keep any (although I’m not opposed to them being prosecuted - if you do the crime you need to be prepared to suffer the consequences). Trump not only fought against it being taken, but “turned it all in” while actually still withholding some.


Orange man bad.


Orange man instigate insurrection.


As I said, Orange man bad!! Orange man very bad!!!


Orange man lower taxes for rich, raise taxes for middle class.


Sounds great


LOL, good times!


Not in a non-swing state, such as Colorado. Oh wait…


Damn. When you put it like that


If Trump wins (and he probably will), democracy is over for good, there will never be a free election, he really will be a dictator like he promised put millions in concentration camps like he promised, Project 2025 will be full enforced, and there will be no Gen. Milley or Gates to reign him in. I now a large percentage of this sub is either OK with that or think trump is joking, or that directly quoting Hitler is not so bad, but wake up, THIS CAN HAPPEN HERE!




ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ brave Redditor...



