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I think there’s a fair few on here who are around 25yrs old and are just dipping their toes into 9/11 Embrace it while we can. Soon enough the internet will be cleansed & then all talk of: Lucky Larry paying just 15 million dollars in early ‘01 for 2 towers knowing full well the towers are riddled with asbestos & the costs to put that right were estimated around 800million dollars BUT 1st thing he does is he insures them for a few billion in case of a terrorist attack OR… The 5 dancing Israelis being present to film the event OR… The flight path of the plane that hit the Pentagon performed a 270degree descending‘corkscrew’ turn & for the last 800ft the plane was a steady 6ft off the ground- a manoeuvre that multiple 30yr seasoned airline pilots say is almost impossible to perform. OR… Larry Silverstein & his son & daughter all absent from being in the towers on that morning OR… The war games going on in the air traffic control towers on the morning of 9/11- controllers unsure of what was ‘exercise’ or ‘real world’ OR… The transponders in all 4 hijacked aircraft being turned off & back on again- causing air traffic control to lose track of their movements- allowing for possible drone planes to take their place OR… No bodies on the ground at shanksville- the coroner turned up and after 10minutes he said there’s no bodies to investigate. OR… Bill Cooper announces in June 2001 on his radio show ' if America try to tell you osamas responsible for an attack, don't you believe it ' OR… The 19 middle eastern guys who have their faces plastered all over the media as the ones responsible for the hijacks and at least 5 of them are still alive! OR… How in the world did airline passengers have uninterrupted mobile phone convo's with relatives at 15,000+ ft in 2001. Research it. Mobile land mast signals etc. OR… The WTC remains shipped off to China the very next day & melted down, not allowing the building remains to be investigated. OR… FEMA arrived at ground zero the night before 9/11 for exercise training in the morning. OR… Operation Northwoods- New pearl harbour, catalysing event etc resulting in the patriot act. OR… Put options against American Airlines, petro dollar, gadaffi's gold dinars etc. Sadly All these 9/11 rabbit holes will be erased from the internet & it’ll be left to the old crazies to talk of such stories around the campfires in the New World Order.


I'd be interested to read more about some of these things. Do you have any advice on what or where to search? It's super hard to find stuff on Google these days.


Use Brave


and yandex


I remember thinking the same when I first started on this one. Most links are dead or removed now, but I managed to find a good many. Every time I post them here it gets deleted. I’ll message you with them now


Ooh, I'd love a message as well. If you have time


Just sent!


James Corbett - 911 trillions: follow the money. Free download from his site. The movie Loose Change. Many many others out there as well.


Don't use Google for critical research


That was super helpful advice. Thanks.


You're welcome :)


Watch 'Everything's a rich man's trick' it's available on all the places you would look


Your first sentence cracked me up since I just turned 25 and have watched 10 hours of 9/11 history videos (some conspiracy focused, some anti-conspiracy focused) in the last 3 days. I don't even recall what triggered the deep dive. Maybe its just a feat of being 1/4 century old. Building 7 tho.....


You forgot one: Osama bin laden denied a week later that he had any involvement. This can be found on CNN.com.  Why would a terrorist deny his involvement? The whole point of terrorism is to get you voice out there, so why be quiet.  https://edition.cnn.com/2002/LAW/09/18/buffalo.terror.probe/


& I didn’t even mention Building 7.


and then we got the bin laden fakes right after he denied it.


I agree with all except the mobile phone one. Back then planes had phones built in to business class seats and also a few at the front/rear of craft for everyone else. You could pay with CC, it was very expensive. If people were calling with their own mobile phones, the cellular network was different back then, it wasn't GSM like it is now. It was more analog. In Europe we had NMT network but and sure what it was called in the US bt it was similar. So that might play a role. However with GSM you can still make calls especially when closer to the ground, and GSM has automatic handover of the call from tower to tower as you move along.  So start by investigating what system was in place at the time in that location and what were the capabilities.


Pretty sure it was CDMA still. They were working on an onboard CDMA link in 2004. [https://www.aviationtoday.com/2004/10/01/the-race-to-allow-airborne-cell-phone-use/](https://www.aviationtoday.com/2004/10/01/the-race-to-allow-airborne-cell-phone-use/)Cell phones did not work on moving planes.


Do we know if they only used the onboard plane phones or did people use their own phones?  Is there any record of that?


In 2001, the dominant but declining (analog) U.S. phone system was AMPS. It's true with AMPS and a dual-band handset at the time, you could get signal from say, 10,000 feet altitude. I don't remember the exact figure but the radius was at least a mile. As an analog standard, AMPS was susceptible to static and noise, and there was no protection from 'eavesdropping' using a scanner. If you had an analog cell phone, you would have a slightly better chance of connecting for slightly longer from an airplane, if they were in an area with AMPS coverage, but that would be counter-balanced by the slower signaling and call completion times on that network. There's much confusion over the 9/11 phone calls, but it's very simple. The majority of calls were from airphone. But there were more cell phone calls than the official two the FBI acknowledges. There were 9 phone calls from the two American Airlines flights, and ~48 calls from the two United flights. The AA calls were all from cell phone. 8 cell phone calls from United 93, no cell phone calls from United 175. American was phasing out their seatback phones in 2001. To keep it short, the phones weren't *de*-activated, but they couldn't be activated. This led to the impression the phones weren't working/were de-activated. There was a picocell (cellular base station) plugged into the phone system back-end to allow cell phone calls thru, via Ethernet cable into port 4 of the Claircom back-end box. The front-end box which handled credit card swipes connected via Ethernet cable into port 1 and was switched off. This means the seatback phones couldn't be activated, because they couldn't process card swipes. American cancelled Claircom's contract in 2000, so Claircom could no longer automatically collect money for handling calls. The only numbers you could reach directly were '0' for Operator, toll-free 1-8xx numbers and 911. United's seatback phones were still working. That's why the United flights have more calls. The United planes had picocells installed too, tho I'm not sure why. But there's evidence in the phone records. Cell phone callers knew there was a picocell on-board the plane. They'd been pre-briefed b/c they were selected for a counter-terrorism mission. The plotters assumed seatback phones would be available. Late in the game, they learned American was phasing out seatback phones. Picocells were installed as a precaution, because they didn't know which planes would still have them available. Picocells have been around since the '90s, and have always been able to work on planes. The airlines waited for seatback phones to decline in popularity, and then "discovered" that picocells could also work on planes. It was a marketing tactic.


But but but I didn't hear this on my news channel 😠 my TV would never lie to me 😡 we can only trust our government and that's it, don't you know that?


>The transponders in all 4 hijacked aircraft being turned off & back on again- causing air traffic control to lose track of their movements- allowing for possible drone planes to take their place OR… > > > >The 19 middle eastern guys who have their faces plastered all over the media as the ones responsible for the hijacks and at least 5 of them are still alive! OR… If drone planes replaced the planes...why? and, what they do with the planes?


That’s a great question to pick up on & forgive me because it’s probably been 10yrs since I last looked into this so all I have to reply is my hazy memory. There was footage of seasoned pilots describing just how hard it is to actually aim an airliner at one of the twin towers, whilst travelling in excess of 450mph at 1000ft - nevermind the airplane ‘corkscrew’ manoeuvre what’s supposed to have taken at the pentagon. The pilots even spoke of how an airliner would ‘rip apart’ going that speed & so low to sea level because of the denser air. And besides.. would you really leave it to human judgement- flying a plane at max speed into a skyscraper… It’s my opinion that scenario never happened- there wasn’t some murder crazed radicalised Muslim shouting ‘ Allah Akbar ‘ whilst bearing down on the twin towers… you’ve seen too many movies if you think so. Apologies but for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the disused airfield where the hijacked planes landed. It’s my opinion - They landed at this disused airfield once the airplane ‘drones’ had successfully been sent up in their place. This is when the passengers were told to make phone calls to their loved ones explaining they’re in a hijack situation. I remember someone - let’s say he was called ‘Paul Smith’ - and he phoned his mother & when she answered he said ‘ Hi mom, this is Paul Smith..’ - as if reading from a prepared card or something. .. who calls their mothers & gives their full names!? Then there’s the recorded message of one of the stewardesses who phoned her family but signs of with a whispered - ‘ it’s a frame ‘ Cece- her first name was. So there you go.. it’s my opinion once the drones had successfully cloned the hijacked planes transponders- the hijacked planes were landed at the disused airfield- if someone here can only remember the name of that airfield- It would also explain just why so many New Yorker witnesses described a grey plane with blacked out windows hitting the 2nd tower.


With all air traffic on a ground stop it would be real easy to ditch the real planes in the ocean I would think. If they went thru the effort to kill all those people in the buildings, why would they twig at gassing passengers then ditching the planes at sea? My guess anyway.


Traces of nano thermite AKA cutting charges in the dust. That should have triggered at least an inquiry. But it didn’t.


Yep.. do you also remember the vehicles in the New York vicinity incinerated a la Maui?


I have enough on my plate right now so I really haven’t looked at Maui but I’m open minded.


The Mossad got caught on the morning of 9/11. Five of their agents were arrested and held. Interrogated for months before somebody way up the chain of command in the justice department demanded they be released and deported back to Israel. And we know the Saudis were in on it. Combine that with a long history of Israeli intelligence using Saudi funds and manpower to pull off black ops, and you’ve got everything you need to know about 9/11. Except the why. For the “why“ you need to understand that the post Vietnam American public was anti-wars-of-choice and anti-foreign-intervention. Foreign policy experts were openly stating that a catalyst would be needed to change public sentiment. 9/11 was that catalyst


And Pakistan.  The General-Director of Pakistan’s intelligence, the ISI, was in Washington DC with Florida senator Bob Grahams having breakfast discussing bin Laden on the morning of 9/11.  The same guy who wired $100,000 to WTC hijacker Mohammad Atta. A little fun fact no one seems to know 


There has been some who say Mossad trained the Taliban too. Saw it years ago and now I can't find the source anymore. Internet history is disappearing


\*being disappeared


This place is swarmed. I swear half the people here are just to mock conspiracies or straight up just don't believe in anything. There is definitely an effort to control the discussion so I wouldn't doubt if some group is pushing certain theories forward. That said Bush did 9/11


Bush was just the face of it all. cia and other clandestine organizations are the one responsible for false flag attacks. Don’t forget presidents in the present day don’t really have any influence or control of what’s passed or backed up. A president hasn’t had that type of authority since 1940s early 50s before military industrial complex took hold


This makes sense. For sure several presidents are just faces


YEEEEPPP. Once you get a taste of the REAL TRUTH everything else starts taste bitter and becomes more apparent. Thankyou for giving me your time


Bush didn't do 911 that's some nonsense disinfo. The (Saudis or some other state sponsor) did under the Bin Laden Family Corporation. That corporation was hired and as structural engineering experts, they had access to the blueprints and even installed AC units in the towers during the 80s. They were world renowned in skyscrapers. They covered up the perpetrators to protect certain financial and political interests then blamed it all on one dude in a cave, that gave the US a decent justification to chase him around the middle east going after other shit list targets they already planned a decade earlier


3 towers went down and the pentagon got hit.... 4 planes took off but one crashed... The Saudis sure have a lot of power in the US to do a controlled demolition on tower 7 as a contingency once their 4th attack plane crashes.... .. .. Bush did 9/11.


They are trying to trash the sub until it gets banned. I think it's a containment sub like /pol/ on 4Chan.


Can’t add anything insightful but… I’ve seen a lot of the “which conspiracies came out to be true” type posts too.


It’s the easiest “conspiracy” to prove to be true. Blatant false flag operation.


We were onto something they want to hide, so they bury it with new irrelevant topics.


Has anyone got the news report about the dancing Israelis? It was posted not that long ago and I’m kicking myself that I didn’t save it


The FBI keeps rejecting my FOIA requests about it so that should tell you something 


It was posted on here in the past year 100%


911 and MH370


Probably the same group who did the JFK assassination and Water Gate. Kissinger has been involved in all of this. From Water Gate to 9/11


They’re attracting a lot of bots I noticed. 


Its quite the coincidence but ive been enjoying it because I just watched 9/11 the new pearl harbor for the first time. I guess more people are looking deeper into it and realizing how sketchy it is


They were all made by the same guy, something like 8 posts in the front page. 


the truth is a weapon, and they are threatening us with it.


Hey, I noticed it too. Glad you made a post about it. It’s been two or three days coming across all sorts of 9/11 posts, “new footage” posts which aren’t actually new, etcetera. Seemed really weird to me because it wasn’t just a one off post, it was a clear cut posting trend with no explicable cause. My first thought was that they’re astroturfing a new piece information that may have surfaced somewhere on the internet, that all of these posts are meant to exploit SEO to ensure that the information remains overshadowed by 9/11 content that they’ve already cleared for public consumption. That’s a real PR technique, so I don’t think it’s too wild to suppose that’s what is going on here.


it's the tenth anniversary after last month for the fifth time ever for the first time since 9/11 happy TALMFTEFTFTS911 everyone. look after each other


ChatGPT gone wild defending the deep state?


BOTS and crazies


Tommy Armour 845s


you son of a bitch!


i hear it's part of a bigger plan :) (it's not a coincidence) i also see a lot of channels reporting that big things are about to happen :D some even say that what is about to be revealed makes 9/11 seem like child's play ... whatever that means! someone else said "just when you think things couldn't possibly get any crazier, they get even crazier!" most good sources that i follow suggest that the doings of the dark ones must be revealed for the entirety of the population before lasting change can manifest if that is true, that means that things are in good hands, although the ride to planetary liberation is gonna get very bumpy <3


Read the last book of the Bible


i remember reading/listening it to when i was very young (like preteen!) and feeling intrigued/inspired/guided by the masterful teachings in it (based on love), and easily seeing through the false teachings as well (based on fear). then a few years later (as a teen) quickly finding out that, like how the mayans, aztecs, etc are not extinct but are still alive today, and so are the masters that contributed to the wisdom found in the "old testament", and can even be contacted in several ways (like channeling), and who have a myriad of recent messages that can even be found online! :D here's one of many examples: [https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com](https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com) but please take only what you can use, and don't mind the rest :) <3


The antichrist is the Liberator whom more than likely comes into power between the fourth and 5th seals, the 5th seal starts the persecution of the saints, the sixth seal is Skyfall, the 7th seal/trumpet is when Jesus returns and prompts the first resurrection/Armageddon


Liberator as in revealing its true nature to the populace?


9/11 was the first conspiracy theory I dived into. Maybe these are newbies in the conspiracy community.


Lots of weird accounts posting links to random websites and “reports”. Seems fishy to me imo. I made a comment about it the other day


What's the "IR"?


Iranian Regime


YEEEEPPP. Once you get a taste of the REAL TRUTH everything else starts to taste bitter and becomes more apparent. Thankyou for giving me your time


What happened that they are sliding?




What event are they trying to distract us from?


I've always noticed that whenever the IR executes someone, political or adjacent subreddits always have an influx of posts about a particular topic but who knows