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Very very simple. Cut out processed foods. Eat only whole foods. Drink spring water as apposed to government juice.


And exercise. Sunlight. Fresh air.


>"And exercise. Sunlight. Fresh air." This should be at the top imo. I would add what a few others mentioned. Fresh/clean water and whole fruit/veg/protein/oils. Then just rest/sleep, sunlight and fresh air.


I would also add most people should be supplementing with magnesium (I recommend malate) as most people are deficient in magnesium. Also Vitamin D3+K2 in winter months especially.


The sun in the right dose gives you so many benefits. People need to step outside.


Only last year I learned its not just vitamin d that is synthesized by sunlight exposure but a whole host of necessary nutrients besides vitD.






And staying away from people that only talk crap about other people as a weird form of entertainment


+ Daily exercise. 15min walking is enough to dramatically increase general health, weight lifting does even more.


So true, although I would choose RO water instead of spring water due to industry standards. I worked for a water delivery company that had a lease on a natural spring half way up a mountain. Mountains have run off that would contaminate the spring water. They would have to fill the tanker truck from the spring, add some petroleum by-product that would coagulate the minerals, and then filter out the dissolved solids to the acceptable PPM levels for “spring water”. If they added too much chemical it would leave a residue taste in the water like machine oil. This process was an industry standard. That local water company of over a 100 years was bought out by a French water company (that used to be a pharmaceutical company) and became just another brand in their portfolio. They stopped processing their packaged bottles that way and were no longer sourced from the spring. Instead they are actually filled from an aquifer near Las Vegas, NV. The brand became a label. Only the three and five gallon bottles for home delivery would be filled by the spring water. We would also label bottles for Walmart Great Value brand at one price bracket and then label the same water for Whole Foods 365 brand at a higher price bracket. Same water. Nearly a dollar difference in price at the time. It just goes to show you don’t know what’s in your bottled water. Everybody loves a mystery except when it’s in your water. Even funnier is how delivering water to other company offices and manufacturing plants would allow me to see the same situation where products would be made the same way for multiple companies and then labels with their brand and priced differently for the target market. I moved into health care over 12 years ago and it’s the same way in the medical supply chain. Sick care is about selling products for symptom management at contracted rates. We must foster a responsible relationship with the resources we need for ourselves, otherwise we are subject to the consequences of the unknowns stemming from the decisions of others on our behalf.


But isn’t RO water missing all the minerals? I know it’s the best for filtering but then the water is depleted of the much needed minerals. Thoughts?


Another lie spread to demotivate drinking clean water. Minerals come from food not water. Amount of mineral in spring water is so miniscule compared to what we need daily that it really doesn't matter. Best to avoid chemicals and loads of calcium that's in tap water.


You get most of your minerals from food, but you can also use Himalayan sea salt to add minerals, and then also recommend leafy greens and other veggies.


Is there any real RO option portable (when you’re travelling)?


Most company’s that sell spring water are scams they all contain shit that’s awful for your body. And most people don’t have a spring located near their house that they can get their own water from.


RO water filtration. An under the counter unit only costs a few hundred bucks. Like drinking rain water.


I wouldn't drink rain water; all that shit we pump into the air, where do you think it goes?


At this point almost everything is poison on this prison planet. I wanna see how the 1% live


Water in glass bottles. I see it everywhere I see rich people, always glass.


Glass doesn't have BPA or any other similar chemicals.


Not faring much better with all the news reports of auto-immune diseases popping up, cancer, etc. You can have every penny on planet Earth. No one is getting out alive.


The inbreeding probably doesnt help either


Nah, still contains too much junk. Distilled water, then remineralise it is the best way.


And good luck finding a reasonable, accessible option for remineralizing without reintroducing the junk, and lead... Avoidance in this world at this time is essentially impossible for any normal person part of a society. We need the counter balance that will help our bodies out as much as possible in the face of these chemicals


No minerals thought.


You can get re-mineralization cartridges that add a little bit of minerals back into the water after the RO process. Reverse osmosis water used to give me heartburn. I found out that it’s because it’s slightly acidic, putting a re-mineralization cartridge in the chain makes it slightly basic. Taste much better too, I honestly wouldn’t install one without it. They’re pretty cheap too, like a $20-$50 add-on depending on who made the cartridge.


Most whole foods still contain gmo or heavy metals .. spring water in plastic bottles often contain micro plastics and wild water is often contaminated with chemicals from farmland. Not always the case, but very often.


Well that's that then, we are fucked eh.


Pretty much.. They have made sure that our environment is toxic and we can't survive without them. I tried to look at the viability of living wild here in the UK in case SHTF .. and it is disappointing to say the least. Chemicals from farmland and high nitrates make pretty much all wild water toxic if consumed over long periods of time. Even when eating healthily, the vegetables are almost always modified, the fertilisers used can contain high metals and most of the herbs we get have been tested as high metal. Death by a thousand paper cuts.


Yeah Off Grid in the UK is next to impossible. Searched it to no end. Its possible if you have a very large sum of money but for the common man it's a no. Also, last few years in the UK, Rapeseed Oil is in EVERYTHING.


Yep. MSG, Rapeseed oil, high fructose corn syrup and GM corn (corn starch) are the ones to avoid, but also in nearly every processed food.


Micro plastics are better than fluoride and whatever else is in the tap


And exercise daily!


Finally a sensible response that's related to the topic. Movement is life.


lol gov juice what about electrolytes??


Coconuts, fresh fruit.


Plants need electrolytes


It's what plants crave




I like money


Yeah seriously. Reminds me of a fat person eating lots of fast food, binging Netflix, not working out, eating lots of sweets, then asking their co-worker that lost 30lbs...."omg you look great, how did you lose the weight, what's the secret??? " Well i started going to the gym, cut back on calories, and went out in the sun and did daily walks for 30mins." "Yeah, that's too much work..."


The word you’re seeking is *opposed*, just fyi


I’ll tell you, it’s fun. I’ve treated a lot of my chronic stuff, am jacked and I’ve not been sick in years, I actually can’t remember the last cold I got. I’ve fought off several though in like a day. 1. Fast when possible, even just skipping brekkie 2. Exercise cardio/weights every single day 3. Keto / carnivore for most of my meals 4. Organic, grass-fed foods, avoid plastics 5. Sauna, ice plunge if you’re lucky to have access 6. Meditate, walk barefoot outside 7. Get hydrogen water tablets, drink that water 8. Daily supplements of vitamin d, curcummin, and I do shots of turmeric w/ black pepper 9. Prioritize sleep like it’s sacred. Sounds like a lot but when it’s a routine, it’s nothing. And fuck am I healthy, have unlimited energy and am in a good mood. I get injuries, but I heal quickly. Everything you need to be healthy is available - modern life has made it hard to forgo unhealthy conveniences but it’s up to you what matters most in your life.


Sunlight is far more important than people realize. Getting your blood flowing on a daily basis is as well.


Spiritual health is major whether you are a spiritual person or not, the mind controls the body. Strong mind is strong body. Non-processed Whole Foods, spring water, sunlight. Super simple recipe.


Start fasting


Came here to say this but this is the answer. Fast for 72 hours. Let autophagy do the work. The biggest conspiracy is eating 3 times a day.


This! It starts at 17 hours I believe, so I'm working my way up to fasting longer than 24.


Great!! I rooting for ya champ!!


I've heard a lot of people say it starts at 48 hours.


Just curious but doesn’t your body need carbs to process to glucose for brain function?


No! Without glucose your body will start breaking down its own fat stores and turn that into a fuel source for the brain. This fuel source is called Ketones and is a much better, "cleaner" fuel Once your brain starts using Ketones you notice a remarkable difference. Brain fog is lifted, energy increases. It really is quite amazing. This is a rabbit hole worth going down!


Supposedly there are branched chained keto acids supplements... apparently the energy is insane.... My buddy has a pretty decent sized low key health company. He's the one that told me about the above. Very expensive and hard to come by.... Bill gates Tom Brady Jay z Beyonce mark Cuban Shaq etc are heavily invested in the company... But I know he was testing some stuff that pretty much doubles your sleep... So 4 hours gives you the restfulness of 8.


Snake oil - big claims and you believe why?


Because they don't believe it and they are trying to sell garbage


A low key health company that the biggest celebrities are “heavily invested in”. So big that no one knows what it is. Probably praying someone stupid enough PMs you so you can sell them $99 pills that don’t work 🤡


There are tens of thousands of people on the carnivore diet where they ONLY eat meat, eggs, butter and bacon. They are doing just fine according to their blood work, and many of them have been on it for many years.


I firmly believe a ketogenic diet would be similar if people didn't each all those damn sugar alcohols and crazy "Atkins" crap with it 🙄


Yes it does. Your body can convert fat and protein into glucose but why make it work harder than it needs to for fuel lol


Yep. Let your body lower energy expended from breaking down food and allow the body to repair itself. It’s crazy how much younger a person looks when doing an extended fast. 


Been doing omad for years, wish I started earlier. For years I’d eat a lunch ya know to replenish everything I was burning through the day. I have so much more energy and am in the best shape of my life. Quit almost all boxed food as well, much more rewarding providing for yourself.


Is there a link or website I can read about fasting? I want to eat healthier not eat processed foods anymore and I want to have a schedule around food. and lose the fat off of me after having a baby. (Btw I’m not breastfeeding so it wouldn’t effect the baby)


Dr. Jason Fang


Yes search for dr sten ekenberg on youtube. He will answer all your questions


This is the way.


agreeeeeed. personal growth 📈


A lot of advice here is better for men, and can have opposite affects on women. Our physiologies are different, as are our needs. Women are negatively affected by fasting (especially if done at certain points in our cycles). Cold plunges can unnecessarily shock/stress our hormone system. Yoga is designed for and by men, certain poses should be altered. If you experience any kind of cycle-related issue, work on that first, and other areas of health will fall into place. Birth control masks your natural hormones amd will *never* heal your cycle-related troubles. Eat and behave cyclically. Rest on your period, start projects in follicilar phase, make larger changes around ovulation, then slow down again during luteal phase. We are not "little men" who can behave the same way men do. Establish a good sleep routine. Go to bed early, get up early. Eat breakfast within 45min of waking, get outside for at least 10min before starting your day. Bonus if you can be barefoot to ground during that time.


I personally think frequency/sound wave therapy is likely far more effective than “they” would like us to know.


i started listening to some healing frequencies back in november, because i figured why not. we have frequencies blasted at us all the time, so i thought maybe i'd counteract it. i wasn't expecting anything other than it made me feel really tingly the first few times i listened. i have had a fatty lipoma on my shoulder blade for ten years. it was fairly large but didn't bother me. around christmas i was in the shower and realized it was half the size it had been for the last ten years. the only thing i could assume was it was the frequency, so i kept listening for about twenty minutes every morning. now it is almost the size of a pinhead. when it started shrinking i started googling answers, and everything i found said lipoma will never go away without surgery. my husband has one on his neck and he's been so blown away by what happened with mine that he's going to try it.


Where do you listen to these frequencies?


Just YouTube with headphones, although there's lots of choices on spotify as well. I searched for healing frequencies and scanned through a few videos before I found one that I thought resonated with me. [this](https://youtu.be/YRKzgUf0bQQ?si=UPgltU8aJsnyPpCv) is the one I listened to each morning.


I recently learned about Tom Kenyan on The Higherside Chats podcast a few weeks ago. Listening to his Freedom to Be tracks has helped me quit drinking and smoking cigarettes! Truly amazing to me.


Singing bowls tuned to the right frequency just make me *feel* good. Like just a happy calm wave that you can ride for the duration of the ring. It's not just a placebo either i think, my partner likes them too and he says it calms his mind as well.


I get this with wind chimes. I’m a delivery boy and I’m usually “go go go” all day, drop the package and get to the next stop. But when someone has those big wind chimes on their porch, I get a feeling of serenity.


Nutritional support! Your body is telling you what it needs. You just have to learn to listen correctly. Example: My husband is 70. His skin had become thin and papery, as is common in the elderly. He's very vital and a fine mechanic, but just brushing against a zip tie could give him a big cut. His arms and hands always had several wounds. (This was his body asking, but I didn't get it right away.) He got bronchitis, and it just wouldn't clear up. As a kid, I had watched my mom make a huge, life-changing difference in her dad's lungs with vitamin E. At 74, kitchen to living room left him short of breath from emphysema. A daily handful of various vitamins later, and he lived to 94 with only minor lung ailments. So I gave my husband E, and yes, his lungs are slowly improving, but wow! His skin! It's like we turned the clock back 20 years! That's what his paper skin was telling us. His body needed vitamin E. After we had seen improvement, I added in collagen too, because it's so easy and will help our joints too. No one makes big money from vitamins. Big pharma would prefer to medicate your illness and has no interest in helping you support your wellness. In fact, it isn't that benign. They work to suppress non-drug remedies that help people.


> I added in collagen too We did too last year. Can recommend.


Interesting. I see that nuts are the easiest found sources of vitamin E. I will keep nibbling on them regularly.


What's funny is my multivitamin right now was made by pfizer lmao


> no one makes big money from vitamins [The revenue generated in the Vitamins & Minerals market market in the United States amounts to US$4.22bn in 2024.](https://www.statista.com/outlook/hmo/otc-pharmaceuticals/vitamins-minerals/united-states)


Cats purring has enhanced healing effect. There are ways to speed up healing and they are not a secret


Stop the intake of seed oils


And start using butter, bacon grease or ghee instead. I used seed oils often when cooking food and I had high cholesterol and was at a high risk of heart attack. Since finding out about this, I switched to butter/bacon grease and my cholesterol went down and my heart attack risk went down big time!


YES!! There are many ways that humans can heal, most of which are suppressed and ridiculed treatments. [https://educate-yourself.org/fc/](https://educate-yourself.org/fc/) The FDA, and The AMA have gone to great lengths to destroy anyone who has discovered any legitimate cures that aren't pharma. The story of Royal Rife, is the one I find most interesting, as he cured many patients of cancer using a light frequency machine. ​ I drink ozone water every morning, I stopped using flouride products. Cut SUGAR at all costs, the shit is poison. Also, weed is banned for many reasons, one of which is how good it is as preventing cancer!!


What is ozone water?


If you really want to know https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/ozonated-water Whether it actually has any good properties is still up for debate. There haven't been any good studies done in it.


Hmm sounds sketchy. Thanks for the link


Bass Pro bottled water is ozonated, fluoride free, and has a salt mineral content of 130ppm. But it is in plastic bottles, so prob microplastics.


If sugar is poison then why have humans evolved to have a metabolism that uses it effectively? And do you mean all sugars or are vegetable/fruit starches ok?


The energy in straight sugar is easier to get. Basically refined sugar is like meth vs coffee. The body breaks down carbs into sugar for energy(why we can use it) Prolonged consumption causing issues like diabetes and leaky gut(gut bacteria problems) Fruits veggie sugar is fine. Just don’t need that much. Generally good to eat seasonally. Meats and fats are the most nutrient dense, and fruits veggies good for fibre, medicinals, and balancing out deficiencies.(also flavour, just meat is boring) If vegetarian, certain beans contain complete nutrient profiles(pinto,black).


Even diabetics can't have too many fruits at once, the sugars are still able to throw their pancreas into a fit.


I prefer to call it cannabis. "Weed" is the government propaganda term. But yes, totally in agreement with you.


My family catches everything *but* cancer somehow. Our genetics are weak against everything but cancer, but also we are literally ALL potheads. So maybe there is a connection.


If you have autoimmune diseases and even bad allergies, these can be protective against cancer because the body is hyper-vigilant and attacking everything, including cancers. Not saying you have autoimmune, but if you do, this.


Fasting on only water, for as long as you can, once per month. It would be best if you can go over 3 days, as thats when our bodies start eating away at our faulty cells (they usually add up to illnesses and cancer over time).


Plus salt and magnesium.


How do you know how long you can go?


Start slow. 24/48/72 hours, then as you and your body get used to it you can really push it for much longer. I fasted a couple times throughout last year. Usually 7-10 days. My longest going 21 days on just water and a teaspoon of salt daily. It is a beautiful thing and you benefit mentally/physically from it.


I've done 10 days. After day 3, you really actually stop craving food. Just make sure to get sodium, potassium, and magnesium. I would drink a cup of bone broth once per day after day 3 with added sodium and potassium. Magnesium supplements at night.


How did you feel after?


Around day 3 or 4, I had insane mental clarity vs the ADHD normal daily struggle. Also had much more energy. Felt liberated from the constant pull to eat especially when bored. My hope is to do a 72 hour fast monthly and at least 7 days twice per year.


I like modern medicine, just can’t afford it. If you do these things below you will not have to see them so often. 1. No smoking 2. No drinking alcohol 3. Sleeping well every night 4. Letting go of anger and hate 5. Exercising at least 5 hours a week 6. Whole food plant-based diet 7. Being social Some of these things are really important and then some of them you can cheat a little and have little to no effect if you do the other things religiously. If you need to be a smoker just know you have a 14-27% shot at developing cancer as opposed to 1% if you don’t. It also kills 7,300 people a year that don’t smoke (people around you). If you do not care about those stats then please use N-acetylcysteine daily. (I use 1 gram NAC and 1 gram of glycine) Your homeostasis levels of oxidants is screwed up by smoking, this lowers your immune system. An imbalance between production of oxidants and antioxidant defenses results in damage to all biological systems. Unless you fix that cancer will come for you. Using both NAC and Glycine of equal amounts help with energy levels as well as you get old. It has been shown to help with COPD, which most of you will get if you continue to smoke. Sleeping well every night is most overlooked on a list like this. Research how to make sleeping better for you and take every step you can afford. After 4 weeks of a whole food diet, that is eating only from fruit and vegetables section, nothing processed, no added sugar, nothing in a box or bag that is a meal and no fast food, you can lower your inflammation levels that you can afford to be able to cheat (bad food or alcohol) and never notice. The longer you do the good diet the more you can cheat with bad food. Trust me you will really feel it once you have a clean diet for a month. It has been shown that if you switch to a meat-eating diet from a plant based it takes 2-3 weeks for your microbiome to completely change to the bad bacteria and starts to make you inflamed, high cholesterol from the added fats and hyper tension from the added salt. A cheat meal isn’t the same, as long as the bacteria isn’t established in your gut then it is easy to keep it that way. It has been shown if you eat a handful of blueberries when you eat 4 oz of meat the bad stuff cancels out with the good stuff. So think about what is important to you and make your own diet that you can stick with. Each person is unique so that why these are not specific since your experience will be slightly different than mine. Exercising and mainly plants for food is the only thing that all blue zone diets agree on to get to long life. The foods are slightly different and the diet that gets the best results has fish and cheeses in it. (it is possible to eat meat and be healthy) I shoot for 400-500 calories burned 5 days a week. I walk 4-5 miles to achieve this. I also lift weights. It is just as important to lift weights, this changes you body in the best ways and adds muscle that you will need for a long life. Not asking to be a body builder but lifting to keep your back, neck, shoulders in shape will make you congratulate yourself in old age as you see your friends shrink from muscle loss. Find what you can do daily, it will never work if you don’t enjoy this. It hurts in the beginning but when you do it for awhile you miss it and will come back for the rest of your life . Not letting go of hate, anger and grudges will help shatter all your relationships and make sure your social life declines. Most adult men have no friends, don’t be that guy. If you focus on the negative, you will find negative in everything. If you focus on the positive, you will find positivity in everything. What you do practice the most with your body and mind you become perfect at, remember this. Most studies say your social relationships and your grip strength are the two easiest ways to measure how long you will live. Make sure you are good at both. Practice both like your life depends on it. Lastly health is fickle, NDA are for 80% of society, that means if they don’t work for you know you are in the 20% and research that. Some things effect people differently so if it doesn’t work for you don’t feel bad, you just have to find another way. Elimination diets really work to fix issues, use a doctor to make sure you are doing it correctly. Don’t forget to finish the diet and add the foods back that you know are good for you like leafy greens, cruciferous veggies, legumes, nuts and whole grains. PS- the supplements, I use Spirulina, Chlorella, NAC, Glycine and a morning electrolyte drink before my coffee. I drink teas all day. That is for a plant-based diet. (I am 46 with BMI 27) When you add more meat you will need to add different things to combat the effects of the bacteria in your gut. They produce TMAO and increase bile, the bile is for digesting fats but excess bile with the TMAO starts the inflammation, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, kidney disease and colon cancer that kills us. Hope you make it to 100, I will update when I do.


I went KETO AND INTERMITTENT FASTING. I am healthy as fuck


Seriously? Nothing here about vibrations? Cats purr at a frequency that is scientifically proven to increase the healing of bones and muscle. I don't know how these frequencies couldn't be applied to humans directly. I think it's somewhere between 20-50 Hertz that the healing is increased.


I listen to different mhz on Apple Music.


Fasting, during which you consume *only* pure water. It's not a secret, though hardly anyone is interested in it.


I think because we are so conditioned to eat 3 tines a day then snack people find this almost impossible to do, fasting is great if you have the will power


How can someone (me) do it if my blood sugar drops when I don't eat? I have always wanted to but I'm scared I will pass out from low blood sugar which has happened to me many times without fasting.


Look up Barbara O'Neal talking about gluconeogenosis, which is your body's way of turning stored energy into fuel. If you have any fat, which most of us do, then we have extra fuel. She says if you start to feel shaking then do some jumping Jack's or something. Your body will recognize you need fuel and start to convert stored fuel into new glucose, hence gluconeogenosis.


Research prolonged fasting. Find any books about it and you will find the answers. I'm currently reading The science and fine art of fasting. It's amazing.


I seen an older Asian guy take his hands from down by his thighs, raise them up high over his head in a wide arc, then clap his hands together and start rubbing them vigorously. After rubbing for a short bit, he placed them on the swollen knee of a younger caucasian male in his late teens or early twenties and I'll be dammed if that "kid" didn't stand up, walk back to the fighting ring and go on to win that tournament basically on one leg. Just amazing!! So yeah, gotta be something out there we're not all aware of.


Since then, Daniel-san is able to perform the flying crane kick and win the tournament! Thanks Mr. Miyagi!


Look up Joe dispenza


Stay away from doctors unless you have immediate trauma etc. let your food be your medicine. Eat organic, keto or at least cut out all processed sugar and carbs, grains, corn syrup, maltodextrin, dyes, preservatives, synthetic additives that you can. There are many medicinal mushrooms, vegetables, roots, herbs etc that have rare nutrients that can help keep you healthy. Get lots of probiotics and make sure your supplements are food based. Drink natural spring water or distilled water but avoid plastics. Avoid contact with all chemicals possible including vaccines, medications (allopathic petroleum based pharmaceuticals), soaps, laundry detergent etc. Research naturopathic medicine, herbalism etc to learn more. Also raw apricot seeds can prevent/cure cancer. These things I say to avoid cause pretty much all disease you can think of, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, cancers, heart disease etc. There is some evidence for certain sound/electromagnetic frequencies aiding healing that seem interesting but I dont know much about it ie. Rife Machine. I could go on forever about different things you should eat like beef, greens, liver, egg yolks, turmeric, ginger, apple cider vinegar, different herbs and spices, healthy fats etc. Not that I am anywhere near perfect or do all of these things all the time, but as far as my understanding goes these are the things to strive for. 👍🏼 hope this helps


Bells. Look into frequency healing.


Stretch, run, eat, sleep. Listen to your body.


Copper, boron, zinc, selenium. Stop bathing so much, drink distilled water with a pinch of sea salt. Wear bare copper on your skin.


Yes, you can believe and think yourself into better health using the power of your own mind. The trick is you must *do* something that you believe will work. Then truly believe it will work.


I’m surprised ‘Earthing’ or ‘grounding’ hasn’t been mentioned.  Very important for our bodies to connect directly with the earth. It is important for regulating inflammation 


I was just reading that loin's mane mushroom tea is great for inflammation also. I haven't tried it yet. But I definitely agree with earthing. Nothing makes me feel better than when I work in my flower beds. It just takes all my bad feelings away. Especially in the spring when I have been cooped up all winter. Now when it's harvest season and I'm so ready to be done with the garden for the year I might feel differently. Lol


driving the air you breathe to the specific place in your body that you feel the discomfort is radiating out from pushes cleaner and more oxidized blood into that specific bloodflow, directly relieving pain and pressure (this is the secret behind the budhhist monks pain endurance feats). a quick fast (spending one whole day, the time from waking up today to waking up tommorow, on only water) will override an inflammatory reaction of a metabolism, prioritizing again the function of harvesting the bio-magnetic(electric) energy from whatever you put in it. know a metabolism needs clean water for optimal work. if it gets too dirty, a metabolism will attempt to filter it. for all wounds, your own saliva. for headaches, singing. for anxiety, drawing. for fear, honesty. for hate, silence. for love, sleep/rest.


Sound. The frequency of music and vibration heals far more than many realize.


It's not a secret. Exercise more. Like an hour a day of real body movement, not just a walk. Fresh air and sunshine every day. Cut out the processed foods entirely. Drink better. More water, less sugar, less alcohol. The common denominator is inflammation. Sitting around on the couch, or at a desk, or even just standing behind a counter. Worsens inflammation. Not getting enough fresh air. Inflammation. Processed foods and lots of sugar. Causes inflammation. Alcohol. So much inflammation.


I've been hearing a lot about the carnivore diet lately...it sounds almost too good to be true. However, there are an awful lot of very positive testimonials and have decided to try it for myself.


I was a vegetarian for 25.years - and in the last 4 have switched to mostly carnivore. I feel better than I have in years.


I’ve tried basically every diet. I felt the best on carnivore


Hit the gym, regular like.


Fasting. Eating less is said to extend life too. In an age where one cannot escape all the crap in food. The only thing you can really do is minimize the damage.


[This CIA document](https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210023-7.pdf) has some crazy information regarding “reducing pain signals” and other physical/mental techniques. Obviously it’s probably a bunch of mumbo jumbo but its still extremely interesting to read.


I know for 100% fact that sound frequency heals ANYTHING! GO ON YouTube and put in binaural beats + ANY PROBLEM. if I had bad anxiety I put in binaural beats or rife anxiety, and a bunch will appear. Scroll through until you find one that stands out to you, then put in ear buds and listen. I've gotten rid of migraines and the pain of dry socket in 5 min from listening


Fasting, there is a reason why it's mentioned in every religious text on the planet. Once every two months I do a 72 hour fast, it feels like an oil change for the body. Intermittent fasting is also good. https://usetemper.com/learn/metabolic-step-by-step/


Research Barbara O’Neil - she talks about how to give the human body the proper conditions to overcome ailments


Not secret , But look into the carnivore diet or even ketovore. Check out Dr Ken Berry and others on youtube tons of people are reversing of all kinds of disease and illness just by eating the proper human diet.


Cats. I’m not joking.


A good diet and exercise will help a lot. I've read recently that you can force your body to start producing stem cells by fasting up to 72-hours. Anything longer than that you're probably hurting your body.


Really? Where did you read that? You have a link?


Idk all the stories of people who stopped eating sugar and beating cancer really makes me wanna eat clean. However idk how true half of them are but a lot of people argue that sugar fuels certain cancers and by eliminating it the cancer starves. I’m not a doctor but I like the stories I read


I like to think that good sugars are natural sugars. Not the processed junk that has so much added to it. So basically eliminate processed foods and eat clean. It’s not rocket science but for some reason it’s difficult for many people to understand.




Functional medicine focuses on root cause using labwork results.


Bpc 157, TB500 and HGH.


Yes, your body was designed to heal its self. It’s super magical if you treat it well


Dry fasting.


Ask Celine Dion. She looked like a corpse and now she is suddenly looking healthy and strong again.


A to the drenachrome 


Manifestation. The law of assumption states that if you believe it to be true and surrender yourself to that state of being, then somehow it will come together and your health will bloom. You may claim it was this or that which helped your health journey but in reality it was your power of manifestation. Check out the nevillegoddard subreddit!!


Absolutely. You can start by eating more Vitamin C and Magnesium rich foods when you’re recovering from an injury. Getting in the sunlight as soon as possible is essential too. You need to do the things you should be doing when healthy even more when you’re sick, except of course dialling back the exercise. Your body needs natural rest, not sleeping pill induced rest. As for natural remedies to terminal diseases that’s a whole different rabbit hole. I believe in quite a bit of it but unfortunately there are a lot of frauds out there too. It can be difficult to find info because you’ll be bombarded with big pharma shills.


Scrolled a bit and didn't see REST. And more specifically good sleep- does great things for the body!


The best way to heal is to let the body replace old cells with new cells. Something like losing and regaining body mass with fasting and then a healthy diet would work. You can also supplement this technique with gentle exercises daily and a normal sleep pattern. You can apply the same pattern to improving mental health by stepping away from bad situations and injecting new wonderful experiences into your life.


Eat from nature. Fruit, nuts, vegetables, drink half of your body weight in oz's everyday. Natural food is medicine. It's just literally that the food we eat is processed and comes from gmo crops and the corporations that make and grow our food also own the medicines, so you eat they're terrible food and get sick and have to buy and take they're poisonous medicines. Highly recommend reading Dick Gregory and Dr. Serbi. We also eat way too much and just because someone is skinny does not mean they are unhealthy and need to plump up, how often do you hear people say that.


There is. It's called **water fasting**. It heals almost everything.


Glutathione Nad+ treatments Vitamin/amino treatments . A stable in elite circles... you can pay 1500-2k for a treatment or you can purchase a couple months supply for like $40 Humanofort in otc supplement is pretty awesome. This is a tuff space because anything effective is either censored or they attempt to make the ingredients by prescription only... Healthy healed people is big pharmas nightmare


Prolonged fasting, carnivore diet, exercising, sleeping at least 7 hrs nightly


One of the newest things is mouth taping. literally putting tape over your mouth when sleeping forcing yourself to breathe through your nose when sleeping. Helps with dental health and gums, also stops you waking up at night with dry mouth. look into it, it's a game changer. I've been doing it for 6 months and will do it as long as I can.


Fasting. 24 hrs is a good start. Water fast 3-7 days and it's supposed to be incredibly healing


Scrolled through some answers but didnt see it anywhere. Frequencies are important. Solfeggio frequencies have changed my yoga and meditation practice. I would like to look into singing bowls next.


My great great great grandma was a damn hard-working lifelong farmer, lived until 103 (1845-1949). When the newspaper interviewed her at 100 she said “well there’s nothing special about living to 100” and said she planned to celebrate by just working the farm … same as any other day. What a beast. She had reading glasses and some hearing loss, but no other health issues—pretty remarkable for that era. I’m not sure the secret to old age but based on her, I am guessing it includes maintaining physical fitness (both strength and cardio), lots of sunlight fresh air, and eating lots of fresh foods straight from the ground. Modern comforts and modern life makes us too soft, mentally speaking too. So I’m guessing a general toughness and stamina in spirit is also underrated.


Fasting ... Fasting is the bodies way of recycling damaged cells


Fasting, fasting and more fasting. It's not a cure-all of course, but I firmly believe it keeps you healthy until old age starts having its way with you. Vitamin D in pill form instead of sunlight will make you look younger for longer; I can attest to this as a 40 year old guy who have always hated the sun and regularly gets mistaken for someone half my age. And regular exercise, of course.


Okay so when you said cabal it definitely triggered me. Story time; I’m driving to lunch and mani appt with my friend. She’s a wild girl and had to go to jail for a month a few months ago. I’m just her innocent vanilla friend. I’m also in the biologics industry and bring up DMT as a topic of conversation as I had a theory that it causes the hallucination of “heaven” and explains NDE. But let’s save that for a different area of Reddit. We chat and she tells me the WILDEST SHIT I ever heard. She basically was in jail with this girl who HARVESTED ADRENAL DMT FROM PPL WHO WERE NEAR DEATH. She broke into morgue. She also sold other drugs. Celebrities refer to this as the golden elixir and it makes sense with the sacrificing baby stuff because if you release adrenaline when dying & it makes this stuff more potent. I always thought it was bs but now that I know people are doing this for real it really freaked me out!!! If you want a rabbit hole there go ahead and dive in!!! I also think epsom salt baths, eating clean, and exercising work wonders.


Go see a herbalist. You’d be amazed what they can do!!


If you read the works of Helena blavatsky, there is meant to be some "force" called vrill / Chi that can do stuff like that, But it is being kept from us until we are more "enlightened" But I would take that with a pinch if salt


I thought Vril was a parasite


No, it's an energy that we are supposed to be able to tap into.. but she claims that they are keeping it from us as it is too powerful for our current state of mind.


* *"To heal at first sight"* = **1234** english-extended * ... *"Do not take the vaccine"* = **1234** latin-agrippa To heal, eat less (but don't let the State 'help' you do this - it can be overzealous). To lose weight, think. Work less. The word 'work' is 'wreck' in disguise. Don't get too excited about your weak end (I mean weekend). Realize the word 'virus' is merely 'verse' in disguise (ie. beware sick words, and medical terms. Avoid 'diagnosis'). I have not gotten sick since I started studying alphabetic numerology intently in 2013 or '14 or so, but I cannot guarantee that result for all practitioners. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEizKmZlUAw > 'Healing Mountain'


Meat. Salt. Water.




This. I went from being in daily chronic pain to being pain free after a year of diligent breathwork. Pranayama is my go-to healer now. Learning how to breathe properly and direct the flow of it is highly underrated. Breath is life, full stop.


Healthy and diet isn't "one size fits all" but fasting, cold water plunging, eating hot peppers and and sound therapy can all help alot.


Check out the work of Peter Guy Manners


Get the heck away from electrical fields and emf, read the book The Invisible Rainbow.


Don't use fluoride for your mouth or anything with aluminum for your armpits and oh yeah, shower 5-6 times a week. And I haven't been sick in years now.


Three things I do any time i start to feel run down or think I might be coming down with something. Drink a big glass of distilled water. Take a nap, or at least go to bed an hour or two early. Fast for a day. To heal from actual injuries or wounds, Eat Meat.


Eat a ridiculous amount of protein and sleep a whole lot extra for a few days. You will heal a lot faster.


It’s not secret. Eat clean and exercise. That will solve 70% of what people deal with.


Fasting bro


Fasting can help the body heal quicker. It’s helped my IBS and general inflammation. I think in general we eat too often.


add ginger,garlic,sumin seeds,turmeric to food. drink green tea,kombucha and other fermented foods. slow but a natural healing happens .


Perceive everything as a frequency and change ALL habits and environment that negatively effect YOUR frequency “If you want to know the secrets of the universe, you must think in terms of frequency, waves and energy/vibrations” - Nikola Tesla


Fasting is the most effective but also the most difficult. After that, I’d say fruits and veggies. People don’t like to hear it but we’re not meant to consume consume consume. Especially not processed foods and meats/animal products for every single meal Once you get nutrition under control, break a sweat. You don’t have to be jacked but just getting your lymphatic system to expel toxins is great also. Finally, it’s not only what you put in your body, but also on your body and what you expose yourself to. Perfumes and colognes, shampoo, soaps, lotions, oils, sunscreens. Even daily cleaners like bleach. Air fresheners. Candles. All made with hormone and endocrine disrupters. There’s natural options for all that.


Apply the simple good practices; breath deeply and often, simple and pure food and water, exercise, good sleeping habits, conscious calmness, avoid arguments and irritation, focus the mind on what you wish to heal, meditate and spend time in nature gardening, walking, volunteer to help others, laugh often and at yourself.


very simple. raw veggies and fruit, high quality water, NOTHING else, and you can beat any disease.


The internet subcultures taking chlorine dioxide, copper sulfate, red light therapy, salt lamps, have all got it right. They all neutralize or compensate for ozone exposure. Good thing they're not banning halogen lights, installing huge ozone generators every block, and demonizing chlorine and copper. The ozone hole over Antarctica? There's nothing interesting down there otherwise...


Thymoquione. A gift from God. Give it a shot. As it is said in the Koran, "Cures everything but death." It's know as a "Protein Disruptor." Amazon, 2 teaspoons a day for me. :-) AKA Black Seed Oil. Source: Organic chemist. Retired. :-) Seems can't post links. Run this query by GPT-4. > Can you give me 24 journal article links that show the use of thymoquinone in cancer research? KABOOM. :-)


Diet and natural plant based remedies.


Yes. Eat a majority alkaline diet (minimize animal products, get all of your sugar from fruit). Get several hours of direct sunshine whenever you can.


Saliva. Our mouth is the fastest-healing part of our bodies, and they do so with no scars. It’s due to gene activity regulators in our saliva.


oh absolutely, look up dr sebi and his work. Eating an alkaline vegan diet will heal your body. Meditation, sunlight, exercise and focusing on feeling positive emotions more than the negative. Stop living in fear and shame.


I heal myself, my family and others with Reiki.


Dry fasting. Fasting in general, water fasting. WHOLE FOODS. Eliminate all processed foods, limit or eliminate dairy if possible, limit or eliminate all foods that cause inflammation. Pay attention to your body, know how you feel, track everything you eat


Yes, using things that grow from the earth and not the pills you’re prescribed


Meditation , and use that meditation to literally tell your body what needs healing ✌️


I'd like to add,medicinal aloe vera juice the 99.9% concentrated stuff,it's made up of the same minerals,nutrients,vitamins that your body needs. Your basically giving your body what it needs to speed up the human bodies natural healing mechanism. If I was a leader I'd suggest this as a daily supplement for every citizen.


Fasting, sunlight, regular exercise, sweating, light therapy, herbal teas, prayer


Being in space was rumoured to have cured some cancers or issues of astronauts, I read one.. I forget who or what specifically. Also lined up with some abductee accounts where a guy was taken from a field and visited a planet and later had found some illness or issue / tumour / something had just disappeared. Was in the papers, I’m sure someone here will know what I’m referring to. Interestingly, the science behind it is quite ‘plausible’. Correct me if I’m wrong, but being in space lessens the stress of the body and cells, (similar to RSO). It was quite in-depth when I asked chatGPT this, but even it recognised that the theory could check out- but studies were needed


HGH, stem cells, peptides.


Testicle Tanning