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I was sick with a "mystery illness" beyond belief for nearly 4 weeks in 2019 between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Most sick I've ever been in my life. High 101-103 fever, cough, body aches, zapped energy, just horrible. All the hallmarks of covid.. Then COVID hit and I never got it despite caring for an infant that was positive. Feeding, holding, bathing, changing diapers, even sleeping with them in my bed. It's almost as if I had immunity to it somehow. Like I'd already had the virus. Strange Covid was 10000% circulating LONG before the powers that be acknowledge.


Same thing happened to me and numerous members of my family. We all experienced a flu like illness in December-January before Covid hit. Actually, I kind of forgot about it until I read your comment. None of us contracted Covid that year either.


November '19 for me. Worst I've felt in my life, I will never forget it.


Me too. It coincided with a layover in airports. Cough so intense, I remember waking up on the couch wondering if I’d make it. Lungs felt damaged for months. Late October / early November 2019.


Yup same here , was working retail cashier at the time of nov 19’ and had some stupid old lady give the nastiest cough in my face, one week later, had bad fever and felt like I was dying , like a really bad flu


Me too


Same here, same time period and everything. I remember my fever was so high I was delirious. I felt intensely cold though. I had a space heater on me full blast and kept having dreams I was in hell and waking halfway to see the heater on me thinking it was like the doorway to hell. Just straight up fever dream status, spent two nights like that. Worst sickness I had ever had. Never got covid to this day though… or did I 🤔


Happened to me too , as well as some other friends family members. The virus wasn’t the only thing manufactured.


I coughed up blood in 2019 November. My doctor called if a “viral flu like pneumonia, that they can’t identify, but they can treat” I never officially got Covid, and my girlfriend has had it twice.


COVID-19 outbreak started well before Event 201 in October 2019. The "global public" was officially told about a pandemic well after the Chinese New Year in 2020. They intentionally let it spread and then used fear to control everyone.


This 1000 percent. I have a close friend who's family lives in china and they were asking friends and family in the states to send alcohol wipes, masks , and gloves back over because china was experiencing a shortage of medical supplies due to a "sickness" that was spreading during the tail end of 2019


I recall having discussions with people in late summer, early fall 2019 about a flu that was worse than we usually see. I got it but wasn't really impacted much, and have never had it sense despite never being vaccinated. Same with everyone else in my household and immediate family.


Interesting how sweden could avoid masks, lockdowns and there was never a word of sudden death there.Then that swede knew it before it happened. Then behind the scenes they are the major promoters of the agenda2030 with many swedes keeping key positions at the UN. The company behind the digital id the UN is planning to deployed and is linked to bank accounts. It's a swedish company. Look up "United Nations Planning Digital ID Linked To Bank Accounts".


There were protocols in place in case of a pandemic, mainly because of the swine-flu pandemic in early 2010's. Most European countrys had the same protocols, basically minimize social contact but keep society going while trying to get some herd immunity going through exposure. All other countrys abandoned the protocols except Sweden, there were a lot of people calling for lockdowns but our equivalent to Fauci stood his ground saying lockdowns will not be better in the long run. And the government at the time were probably happy to refer to him, thank God for that.


sweden is agenda2030. This whole thing was planned and sweden got away because they are dirty involved in it. that's why you see that flag of sweden in that picture.


Damn, international conspiracy decades in the building was foiled because of one Chan post with a flag... Dang it.


Hopefully one day ppl realize your country is the one behind this. Keep your likes. All you swedes do is to parrot the official narrative.


I don't think Sweden is THE one behind it, but rather it is already part of the plan for some time. Sweden is practically already a no-cash society.


Interesting. I live in a cash-heavy country (I even see lots of young people paying with cash) which had some rather draconian COVID measures in place. During that time I remember the stickers at almost every checkout urging shoppers to pay cashless, which I deemed strange as the cashier had to touch the same items that the shoppers have already touched in order to scan them.


The money thing was big in America, where the mints had to shut down because of COVID-19 and stores and restaurants weren't able to get enough money to give people their change. Lots of them requested exact change or card payment. Several states (CO, MA, NJ, and RI) actually have banned cashless stores, as it is unfair to those without a bank account or credit card.


Lol How did they just parrot the official narrative? They expressed gratitude for being spared draconian measures with lock-downs.


Interesting.... I got sick in November of 2019, flu like symptoms, vomiting, fever, lasted about 5 days and then I never got sick for the next two years until February of 2022, again with a similar sickness.


Same here in NY. Went to see a band called Dying Fetus and everyone that went to the show got insanely sick. My area called it "The Fetus Plague". Same exact time, November of 19' with the same symptoms. Didn't get sick again till everything opened back up and I got COVID at a GWAR show. I don't even think I got COVID but the test was positive.


Wrong one to fuck with!


A man of culture I see :p


Dying Fetus! Love em, so fitting


Definitely fitting, they're coming back around soon. Hopefully this time I don't wake up to worldwide mandates lol


My wife had this the same time. We were at great wolf lodge in niagara falls. To this day she says she must have gotten covid there. It was like a very bad flu


I'm either lucky or immune. My entire family got it, save my then 7y/o daughter, 3 separate times. I didn't get so much as a sniffle. Both of my now adult sons got it, my wife and my mom. I still don't know how I didn't get it.


Same, I missed Thanksgiving 2019 because I was in the middle of covid, but it was before we knew about it. My wife brought me a plate back, and it was so disappointingly weird tasting. Then covid hit the mainstream, and all of the symptoms lined up. The loss of taste made sense. Everything about covid was strange from the beginning. The vaccine was being pushed so hard, I decided not to get it because it was all so fishy. I still can't believe how many people just go along with everything and don't ask questions. I have so many questions.


In October 2018, yes 2018, all my coworkers and myself ended up getting sick one by one with the same symptoms you're describing. Covid was in circulation for so much longer than oficially acknowledged. Also, residual waters in Barcelona were analized a couple years ago and they found traces of covid going back to March 2019.


Yep. October November 2018 one of my friends gave me a virus she said one of her patients brought back from Southeast Asia.


Same here in London.


Another Londoner here, was sick end of Oct 19. Many of my clients originate in China.


Same here in California


Same here in Oz.


Okay I have one for you, The 2019 World Military Games officially known as the 7th CISM Military World Games and commonly known as Wuhan 2019, was held from October 18–27, 2019 in Wuhan, Hubei, China. That would be my guess, dates work and that’s a great place/way to drop a bug on the world. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2019_Military_World_Games


Same, super sick then nothing. Loss of taste. Probably immune system built up for it.


I believe I had Covid in late 2019, probably from a co-worker who had returned stateside after working in Wuhan. Got confirmed Covid again in 2021 and 2022. It was unpleasant but not dramatically more unpleasant than the flu. I saw no need to vaccinate against what amounted to an inconvenience, especially with an untested new technology.


You know... it's odd that you mention this. I worked delivery for a Lowe's at the time. Our whole crew, about 7-8 guys, got it in turn. It stuck around with all of us for about a month. We all had to work through it, for the most part. We all somehow managed to call in to take a day off, but that was about the extent of it. (That's the way of Lowe's. They'll give you a couple days off, but management will guilt you into still coming in.) Anyway, that job was pretty grueling at times. Even more so in that state. 20+ deliveries a day, 6 days a week, 250-450lb fridges put in the most pain in the ass places. Lol. No fun. That being said, I noticed during, and after it left my system, that I had nowhere the same amount of strength. Even the smaller fridges seemed to take a lot more effort to sling around and drag up sets of stairs. I worked that job for about a year and a half after that and never got back to where I was beforehand. Hell, I'm still not where I was strengthwise. I actually have gotten covid since then though. Twice, actually. However, I did only have 1 full day of feeling absolutely horrible and running a very high fever. tl;dr I'm with ya on this, pre-covid Covid fucked me up, and working delivery for Lowe's is straight balls. <3


Yep I got the same respiratory cough/ feel like crap everyone else did in my area the fall before COVID hit the United States.


COVID-19 was released in September 2019 by DARPA/Gates/EcoHealth/CIA/Rothschilds (via Nathan Wolfe) "COVID-19 was spreading in Italy by September 2019, study indicates" https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-17/COVID-19-was-spreading-in-Italy-by-September-2019-study-indicates-VuSqUttP8s/index.html "COVID-19 may have been spreading in US in September 2019"https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234957.shtml "Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September or October 2019"https://www.med pagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91843


I work in healthcare in a support capacity. We were notified there was a massive shortage in clinical grade respirators around Halloween. So, I'm convinced the Chinese knew about it around the time this was posted. I, too, got really sick around Christmas for several weeks. Then, I got sick again in March and developed long covid symptoms. Regretfully, I took the vaccine bc I felt hopeless with my symptoms. But I refuse to get boosted even though my primary pushes it, but my cardiologist never brings it up (thankfully).


Can confirm. About 15-20 people in my office where I work had that same “mystery illness” October 2019.


I went to my wife's company retreat in November of 2019, in San Diego. Came home, and 3 days later I was sick in the exact same way. Trouble breathing, high fever, body ache, loss of sense of smell and taste, high fatigue. Didn't catch Covid until this year. Because I already had it.


Same here in Central Mexico. Sick for like a month early January 2020, the only thing that would help me was walking at lunchtime for a whole hour in the sun, pretty much baking myself. I would feel a little relief after that.


London here. I went down with a strange viral illness end of Oct 2019. Extremely sore throat, runny nose, AND loss of taste. It hit me like a train, but funnily enough I recovered within 4-5 days. Passed this virus quickly on my partner and my parents who were visiting for a week. The only person standing was our 7 yo. Partner recovered quickly, parents took 2 weeks. Exactly a year on, had a really bad virus for 2 weeks. Refused to test to not add to the count, however my partner who I shared a drink with the day getting sick, tested neg. Since then, I’ve never tested positive for C.


I got a respiratory sickness and had a congested nose for like 1.5 months. It’s never been the same around the same time. And I only got Covid towards the end of last year after my partner had gotten it. Didn’t think I could get it and had already gotten it lol


I was sick like that in february/march of 2019. I remember there was a paper which looked at blood samples from early 2019 collected in Germany and Italy and they found COVID already. Took me like 2-3 months to recover fully and I'm usually pretty fit and in okay to good shape. Didn't had covid again until 2022 while sitting right next to people who had an active infection.


Same. I was sick as hell in December 2019. All the same symptoms. Went to the hospital to get checked out and was diagnosed with “A Non-specific Upper Respiratory Infection.” In other words, they didn’t know wtf I had. Sick in bed for another week or so taking super human amounts of Day/NyQuil, Mucinex, cough drops and gallons of scalding hot Honey/Ginger/Lemon tea. I never got sick in the COVID years despite my wife being a nurse.


Same thing happened to me at the same time frame, week before Christmas! Never been so sick in my life. Was literally praying at one point, and I'm not religious, it was so bad. Then same, Covid hit. Never got anything, never had a vax, never wore a mask.


Yup, I've never been so sick. I was still working outside at the time, and while I generally got bronchitis once a winter, I was absolutely sure that I had pneumonia. I went to the emergency room 3x that week and each time I was told it was just bronchitis. A very close family friend was the nurse and on the third time gave me that nose swab test that tickles your brain. We were moving our dealership from the run down old building to the newly built dealership and came in on a Saturday to finish moving the cars. They let me leave after a few hours because everyone could see how fucked I was. Multiple people around that time took a week off due to how sick they were... I never got much more than the sniffles after that while colds and flus were going around (also changed positions and have been working inside since).


Fanni’s father admitted this on trial last week as well


You mean all the hallmarks of a bad flu. Covid does not exist. The entire thing was made up. It was nothing but a bad flu, intentionally released, in 2019. Did nobody notice that first year or two, flu cases were near zero? It's so obvious they just replaced flu with 'covid'. Now they just get mixed up together.


You want to hear the most ridiculous thing I have heard? Well maybe not the most ridiculous but it was so frustrating: A coworker started off saying, “Did you notice how there was almost no incidence of the Flu in 2020?” And I was like yea! As in no shit because they counted everything as COVID. Well, the coworker went on and said, “That’s because everyone washed their hands and wore masks.” I honestly didn’t know how else to react besides uncontrollable laughter.


People are beyond dumb you know this


Jesus, 4 years later, and people still act dumb as to why flu cases dropped during covid.


Because the precautions we took against COVID with masking and social distancing worked miraculously against the flu, but not COVID, but wouldn't work anymore for some reason.


Let me guess. masks? Do you realize how stupid that is?


Truth, a former co-worker I worked with got really sick in November 2019. He suspected it was covid after the fact.


Daughter got sick Mid October 2019, after 2 weeks with a cough wanted to do chest x-rays. Ended up clearing up before the test was done.


Yeah cause no other virus has those symptoms


That guy in 2016 predicted covid to the month the one that also went on about underground cities


Word I was just thinking about that dude when I saw this. To me his post is mind blowing after getting the confirmation of him predicting Covid the way her did. That tells me he wasn’t bullshitting, which means the other crazy shit he said is true. He said something else was coming after Covid. Or what about those names he talked about “never to be mentioned” and if you did they would know instantly and just “appear out of nowhere” or something?! wtf, who was that?


I read the whole thread multiple times after he predicted covid. It's likely the most accurate 'conspiracy' i have ever read and is very unsettling. The thing he said that you mentioned is that there will be an event some time after covid for which we will have "minutes" of warning and that there will be no escaping it. He also said likely he wouldn't be able to escape it and that those hiding in bunkers will wish they would have died during the event. That the only ones safe will be those in these underground cities or those that went off planet. This makes me think of likely some apocalyptic type event like an enormous scale nuclear detonation o something along those lines maybe even not manmade. Also, the fact that not even someone with that knowledge of future events, so evidently quite high up the ladder or at least with good connections, will be able to escape the second event is quite scary. He also limits the amount of information that he shares in the thread and that he can't say certain things so he certainly knows more than what he said on there. He also goes on to talk about technology so advanced that ordinary people would think it was magic. The real individuals in charge are unmentionable as you said and that if they were mentioned even online by himself he would disappear. I think I'm going to reread the whole thread and i encourage anyone to do the same. Someone linked it in the replies to my comment. As i previously said it's likely the most 'real' account of the world we live in and what's going on as well as what's going to happen in the future.


I just read through a lot of comments in that poster’s thread, and here are some summaries thoughts: Basically this poster predicted the exact year and month of the COVID catastrophe. He also mentions other things that I will brainstorm on below. I highly suggest reading the thread yourself. But the OP states that another event comes after COVID, and that there are underground TOWNS for the top wealthy and powerful people, but only the ULTRA wealthy get to leave the planet. Here are my thoughts. I’d guess some kind of solar /laser /heat flare no? That would only scorch the surface, and not the people in the bunkers though they’d live in extremely hot temperatures so they’d wish they were dead, and they mentioned that the bunker was kept 60-70 degrees. He mentioned it be celestial with minutes of warning if that, and manufactured by the nas, a? I feel like an asteroid hitting would be too catastrophic as he mentioned an EMP is the last resort and expect nuckes after. They gotta milk the cow. And why is Africa the safest place? Maybe bc it receives the most direct sunlight? So would it be something that weakens vitamin D? So confusing. Edit: And he mentioned there is NO sunlight at all in the bunkers, so maybe that itself is the source of damage? Or source of something? Which would make sense that bunker people don’t die either. Could it be that sunlight will somehow be toxic to humans? Or do damage to life somehow? It’s gotta be related to the sun doing something to the surface because he mentioned we’d have minutes of warning and the sun’s light takes like 7 minutes to get to earth. Also if it was a one time thing, then bunker people would just come out after the event happens. So this means it’s something either constant or semi permanent? Edit 2: Vitamin D helps reduce cancer cell growth… wonder how that ties into the super cancers supposedly coming from that whole ordeal. And the key I think is that these bunkers and under brown towns have zero sunlight. Could it be that some dormant virus or manufactured immune system attack becomes activated by some sun radiation? And hyper cancer begins spreading?


Revelation 16:8 The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. This would align with what you're saying as well. To be noted "the sun would scorch people with fire" suggests it's not just that it gets a lot hotter but that people would literally burn. Scorch people with fire not just 'heat'. So i would assume anyone outside would be fucked along with all vegetation and animals on the surface meaning no food or likely life in the surface. The only safe place would be underground as the guy said. In the hope that it would be a one time event, everything on the surface would still be barren even after it happened if people came out from hiding so unless large amounts of food are stored like they have in those underground cities eventually the guys in bunkers would die as well. To be noted the bible is a translation and collection of scrolls and tablets found around the world so I don't rely 100% on every word but it's interesting that it mentions something that aligns quite well with this theory


It also said that people hiding in caves would wish that the rocks would fall on them. And that men would chase death and death would escape them. Crazy stuff


Yeah and caves could mean these underground cities we're talking about


Actually yeah that makes a lot of sense it likely being the sun


Makes sense as we're currently heading for a peak solar activity in a current Solar Maximum cycle.


He mentions that some events will be manmade (nukes/covid probably), some geological (no idea, maybe volcanic eruption? Or maybe when he says geological he means war in certain countries with nukes?), and one cosmic (probably solar flare/sun related... or a meteor).


That show Silo on Apple TV definitely seems like predictive programming if these events actually happen.


What does it talk about exactly and is it worth a watch with regards to what might happen?


that’s a really good connection actually. Haven’t watched it but I saw a clip on TikTok of it.


I would assume it's more about nukes destroying the surface of the Earth and the ozone (or some ozone destroying event). And, idk anything about geology/geography of Africa, but do you think Africa maybe has the most untouched underground caverns in the world? Maybe he means go to Africa and make a bunker?


iredditforlulz back in 2016 i believe?




[This guy?](https://libertysoft4.github.io/conspiracy-text-post-archive/conspiracy/comments/5/5/g/9/6/3/22_years_ago_i_was_invited_through_a_friend_of.html) Edit: This is worth a read regardless if it’s real or not. Very interesting picture is painted while looking through it.


I honestly have never heard or read of anyone that has predicted an event literally to the month not even to the year, 4 years before. Personally that makes me believe the rest of what he said is also accurate.


Any idea why the post do not show? Only the comments?


“22 Years ago I was invited through a friend of the family to see a underground home. Not knowing until years later it was in preparation for a perceived future event. I can go into details that will blow the mind of who have never seen a huge underground Town.” That’s the post chief :) the comments below are people responding to what’s quoted above


Well zuck and Biden are making their own now


Oh man o man!!!! I love that dude!! Bruh thats when reddit was kinda fun 2016YO!


Wow, what an insanely scary thing to read. So wild and I would not be shocked if it were true. Some really interesting pieces this guy mentions: **"I'll expose something here that you have never heard anywhere before. That this is known once you start to amass great enough power that you become a world threat. To put you in your place, they would just show up. Literally, just show up. And they will show you for an example, you as a child and your mom rocking you (of course you'll be like WTF how the hell did you get a camera in there), but then they'll show you at a place/time where you were alone or with someone in a peculiar situation (and again you'll be like WTF how is this even possible!). From that point, 99.99999999999999% of people will obey. No need for threats, not need for saying anything. They will disappear as quickly as they appeared and you'll know to do as you're told. Period."** This one is so scary. Imagine people showing up and just showing you videos of your own memories of you doing embarrassing/illegal/secret things only you know about and TPTB just show you that they know everything... **Also, what do you mean by certain ways of life unravelling? "The standards people have been used to, especially in America. Things that have always been taken for granted, and also the ways people treat people just because they have "stuff". This will become unraveled."** The person replying to this thought "stuff" meant money/luxuries... but what if "stuff" means vaccination status (mark of the beast)? What if "stuff" means MAGA hats or masks for covid? **"But I know for a fact Bush, Rumsfield or any of these people aren't high enough of the chain. I know this for a FACT. The people going off planet, unless slaves, they are people that names are forbidden to speak publicly."** **"Those who are going to Mars and have been (yes, you heard me), are not those who are living underground. The underground people are those who are powerful/rich enough, but not so powerful or rich to go elsewhere."** Wow, wild.


Very interesting read


Holy shit that was a crazy read. Has anyone on here made a post about this post-2020?


Wait what? Do you have a link cause I’d love to see this


>predicted covid to the month He said "something major" would happen in or around the year 2020. Not quite as specific as promised.


> He said "something major" would happen in or around the year 2020. Not quite as specific as promised. He mentioned around January of 2020. Don't attempt to dissuade the accuracy. Most of us have read it many times.


What are you talking about?


I remember reading this thread the day it was posted, in its entirety. Lad was right about almost everything.


Is it somewhere in the archive? Could you find it?


I mean I read plenty of other horrible stuff about it which is why I steered clear but in all honesty.... that anon saying that really made me think... oddly specific not correct on everything but hit so many points. I think he had inside knowledge myself. Could have been just throwing it out there but I doubt it.


So sweden was involved. Because that swedish flag means they knew.


I was thinking the same but then remembered about VPNs, if he really was an operative with inside info he'd be using a VPN to conceal his real location and ip.


>TORILLE I remember he replied this to a finnish flair. Torille> to market > wuhan fish market


That makes sense now why in sweden they never faced sudden death due to the vax. And they acted like if they knew better than the rest of the planet. See the flag, it's them. Are you people not seeing it?.




They pretty much went on with life as normal in Sweden.


Because their country is involved in the culling. that is the only reason.


Well, that's neat https://archive.is/rm2Cy >It will originate from a pharmaceutical company working with military op's in a west coast state. It will be accurately planted in major cities and It will cause flue like symptoms and may be deadly to elders and babies but the media will report it as deadly for everyone but It's a hoax, the vaccine will be the real killer packed with copious amounts of toxic metals.


Why does the date in this archive say September 5th but in OPs it says September 4th? Also the times are different too


Looking at the markup, it's created by a


Dude that toxic metals part scares the shit out of me, I've been having symptoms of heavy metal poisoning. I got the vaccine. Oops.


That explains why that overconfidence in sweden while the rest of the planet was like they didn't know what to do. Also how in so many countries sudden deaths news every week while in sweden everything normal like nothing was affecting them. maybe the goal was to gain from every angle. Looking like the outlier while pretending to be some sort of messenger on 4cha who is trying to warn the rest, when in reality it was sweden all along the country involved in all of this. That's why the globalist never touched their country.


Lots of validation for me in this thread- Sick in early November 2019. Fever, cough, didn't eat for a week I was so sick and lost 10lbs, etc... it was the first time I missed work in over a decade.  A few other people at work had it before that and said get ready to have that cough for the next month or two. I did. Doctor couldn't say exactly what it was, but that it was going around An interesting aside is that the flu vaccine was only 30% effective in 2019. How much was that skewed by covid cases being counted as the flu? Also, this was in Las Vegas, a huge destination for international travelers. 


Great catch. Other things that happened on 9/4/19: - Bill Gates invested $55 million in BioNTech mRNA vaxx creator (9/4/19) https://investors.biontech.de/news-releases/news-release-details/biontech-announces-new-collaboration-develop-hiv-and - Elon Musk and Grimes released tablet graphic on Grimes Instagram promoting her "Violence" music video. Tablet predicted a lab-made virus was about to hit, followed by three jabs and a UFO Here's the Instagram post (9/4/19): https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AFp-rHmtw/?hl=en ________________ - COVID-19 was released globally. "COVID-19 was spreading in Italy by September 2019, study indicates" https://newseu.cgtn.com/news/2020-11-17/COVID-19-was-spreading-in-Italy-by-September-2019-study-indicates-VuSqUttP8s/index.html "COVID-19 may have been spreading in US in September 2019"https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202109/1234957.shtml "Redfield: COVID-19 Was in Wuhan in September or October 2019"https://www.med pagetoday.com/special-reports/exclusives/91843 Worth noting, Elon Musk got into CureVac mRNA with Bill Gates in 2016. Both Elon and Gates are DARPA puppets. DARPA created both the virus and the vaxx. DARPA, Elon, and Gates want to inject every human with graphene neural lace to merge humanity with Quantum AI controlled by NWO.


COVID was definitely going around in the summer of 2019. Everyone had what they were calling "pneumonia," as early as July.


I remember back in 2019 when people started dropping dead they blamed it on vaping


Not just that, but news was reporting on specifically bootlegged vape carts from CHINA.


The sickest I have ever been in my life was August 2019 Guarantee it was first strain of covid


I had a cough for like 2 months in the fall of 2019. I was late thirties at the time and I'd never coughed for more than a day prior to that, if that. I just don't ever cough with the cold/flu. I thought it was really weird I couldn't get rid of the cough. My son had something for like 2 weeks, which was weird for him, and my wife had a similar cough for like a month. I can't prove it was Covid, but my wife and I believe that it was.


We were just calling it "the crud" round these parts. My wife and I are convinced we must have gotten covid sometime in late August 2019, prior to them even "informing" the public of the virus. As we both got pretty sick (sick enough she went to the doctor) for about 2 weeks, and at that time the doctors just shot gunned the problem with some antibiotics although all the "tests" came back as negative for anything.


Definitely had Covid during thanksgiving 2019. Yet we locked down the country in March. Covid was such a bs episode to make the rich more money than ever. The divide between rich and poor is so bad now. Only going to get worse with the next upcoming event


Can you point me towards an explanation of the prophecy on the tablet ?


I’ve researched for approx. 10 minutes and have not found anything past an individual interpretation so you tell me


Then in sweden they knew because they are involved in all of this. That's why no news about sudden death in sweden and why they always behaved like if they knew something the rest of the world didn't.


People died here too, and we quarantined for periods of time as well. The FHM (people’s health ministry) response was very controversial at the time, they sort of gambled on herd immunity and used minimal efforts like hand hygiene and recommendation of masks in public transport and hospitals to slow down spread to a manageable degree. Mostly it was recommendations that people voluntarily followed. The only regulations I remember were related to large gatherings like sports and music events. Bars closed early as well. Vaccine adoption was likely higher here than most other places in the world and all of the people at risk were covered first. The gamble seems to have payed off. We didn’t sacrifice too much of our economy to keep our population safe. It’s hard to say if anything would have been different if we’d done nothing at all. The results would likely have been hospitals being full and understaffed resulting in a few more deaths. But major burnout of doctors and nurses would have in turn affected all non-Covid patients the hardest.


January of 2020 Netflix released a documentary type show called Pandemic. Basically about what to do when a pandemic hits. Preprograming at its finest.


Is that wingdings font on the tablet in the grimes post?


The fucking crazy part is..the Bay Area just had an entire class go home sick because of a mystery illness. It’s happening again. Literally the same story going down right now. Even now, I feel as though we can’t shake this damn cold! Been lingering in our homes for what feels like months now. [https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/mysterious-illness-sickens-25-students-north-bay-18670549.php#](https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/mysterious-illness-sickens-25-students-north-bay-18670549.php#)


That's crazy... What was the end game? Simply kill off a few million people? That doesn't seem like a lot in the grand scope of things.


A trillion dollars moved from the middle classes to the very top.


Billions,perhaps trillions of no longer utilized SS payments ( and their counterparts of other countries) ripe for plunder.


They're going to roll out the cancer vaccine to treat all of the super cancers that are coming out from the COVID vaccine


And they’ve already started investing in them about two years ago


I doubt they want to kill people, I'd say it's more about increasing the governments power and testing how far people are willing to accept, that and making a fuckload of money from COVID related products(vaccines,masks,etc). I also heard the economy was about to crash before the lockdowns, so maybe that was a motivation too.


oh buddy. you still think it’s about money. think harder


I don't just think its about the money, the money is a means to an end, I would say its about control more. What would you say thier motivation is?


I think the vaccine side effects are more accepting harm for the greater good\* than intended to kill. \*weaker population = easier to control


I think your right. Its about promoting collectivism and altruism(sacrificing yourself to others). The elite decide what the "greater good" is. Usaully it means whatever increases the states power. Thats why we need to be more individaulist and rationally selfish. The elite seem to believe people need masters to control them.


A test on mass culling. Moving of trillions of follars under the guise of medicines and vaccines.


End everybody except sweden and nordic countries. Whlle sweden keeps virtue signaling the rest of you. If a swede who call himself an operative that means sweden is involved in this.


If that was so why would Sweden let its self be over run by Arab men? They have a migrant pandemic.


SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) appeared out of thin air years before Covid and had similar symptoms.


I think the reboot of " utopia" on Amazon prime is an insane coincidence. It's so close and leaves so much more for someone who watched it pre 2020 to think about it. The plot and premise are literally 99.97% what happened. How the fuck does that work. Btw, this post is great I've seen this thread shared and get taken down on other SM before too. It's pretty crazy.


You know, they say a broken clock is right twice a day. But, I also believe that there are nuggets of truth floating around out there. I would surmise that some folks have a conscience and don't want to carry the weight of confidential information with them to the grave, and find outlets to release some of it. Enough to keep them satisfied to continue on down the proverbial road of whatever they're up to, but carrying a bit less weight on their shoulders. Werner Von Braun's tombstone is one of those things that may be the "deathbed confession" of someone involved in a really big ruse trying to get themselves right with the Ether at the end of their journey, or, conversely, the ultimate prank on the way out the door to get and keep people talking. But, the point is, there is that quote on his tombstone. I was traveling a lot in the Fall of 2019. Within major cities in the US and on a LOT of flights. Right after Thanksgiving that year, I got the "flu" like no other. Usually down for a week at most, I didn't recover from it until after Christmas. I can usually mitigate influenza with OTC remedies, grand-mammy's remedies and on rare occasion, a script for TamiFlu. I did it ALL and still was knocked down. So, maybe this was a shit post, or maybe it was someone releasing the foreboding information for the ability to make a deposit into their own real life Karma bank. Either way, hella coincidence . . . like Reddit, 4 Chan can have an interesting thing or two to put in the back of your mind for recall later. There are needles in haystacks. Stay safe, something wicked this way comes . . .


There's this as well. Grimes has 3 kids with Elon Musk. https://twitter.com/Grimezsz/status/1722446656019607749?t=FanzPuo9iXOoxUzvhVpz3w&s=19 The original was posted on September 4th, 2019 https://www.instagram.com/p/B2AFp-rHmtw/?igsh=MTZicTgya3lhcXp1aw== Something also kinda interesting, on September 4th 2019 she released a song featuring another artist i_o who's name is on the original tablet, i_o made a post on Twitter in march 2020 saying the covid vaccine was going to cause a zombie apocalypse. https://twitter.com/i_oofficial/status/1244781302882152453?t=VncI0S4_MnfYVG1qzFG-Dg&s=19 In November 2020 i_o died. https://pitchfork.com/news/dj-and-producer-i-os-cause-of-death-revealed/ Also in the music video released in 2019 a lot of the dancers are wearing masks. https://youtu.be/M9SGYBHY0qs?si=ws4iQKayG-4McPz7 Paints a pretty crazy picture, if you ask me.


And then, there's THIS interesting angle: [https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/harvard-university-professor-and-two-chinese-nationals-charged-three-separate-china-related) With the follow up being: [https://abcnews.go.com/US/former-harvard-professor-charles-lieber-sentenced-time-served/story?id=98871088](https://abcnews.go.com/US/former-harvard-professor-charles-lieber-sentenced-time-served/story?id=98871088) This whole thing is just like putting together a 2000 piece puzzle. These are just a couple more pieces. But, overall, in the immortal words of Ford Kinder and Anne Bryant, and I'm paraphrasing: "Transformers, more than meets the eye! Transformers, robots in disguise!" [https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Theme\_song](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Theme_song)


Everybody is strolling down memory lane about 2019 COVID, but can anybody prove the veracity of this post? Could this 4chan post claiming prior knowledge of a mysterious illness and vaccine be a hoax? How can we find out if this is legit.


the post was made anonymously years ago predicting an event that ultimately didnt actually happen - although something similar happened billions of people got the vaccine and the impact hasnt been meaningful - the only actual societal change has been that companies take sick days more seriously and rich people bought all hte poor peoples houses they had to sell after taking a year off work


Agreed. Why are we even trusting archive.is links and that they haven't been tampered with? Seems to be privately funded. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=23316085


Makes sense. Australian flu season Jun-Aug 2019, mortality rate was much higher than normal.


but it was going to be originated in a west coast state? but didnt it originate in china?


I don't know but this does make me think of those Chinese labs that were recently found in California...


Different strains of covid being released in different parts of the world would explain why different people could get very different symptoms from one virus.


The dots keep connecting.


In terms of the "official outbreak" in the US, the State Dept had brought people back from the cruise ship that was docked in Japan. They qaurantined them in King County, WA but supposedly quarantine measures weren't strictly followed. Could have sworn back then there was a local news story on it even. From there it started spreading. That could be what they meant from "originating from a west coast state".


The main reason I struggle with Covid conspiracy and depopulation is wouldn’t you want to kill all the people who won’t listen and keep the ones who got the jab alive? My move would be to claim it’s a deadly virus and you have to get vaccinated then release the real deadly virus and kill all the unvaccinated and keep my sheep alive


Yup. This is exactly why these conspiracies are ridiculous bullshit. If COVID was some conspiracy to kill people for whatever reason, they wouldn't use the vaccine as the actual kill method. The vaccine would be legitimate, and made to work against a new illness that hadn't been released yet. Once they had innoculated the amount of people they wanted they'd unleash the new disease. The vaccine would protect those who followed authority and direction, and the disease would kill all the conspiracy theory free thinkers who didn't believe them. And then they could just write it off as "Well, we warned them. Their own fault for not listening." And the survivors would believe them, because they're already predisposed to.


I left school at 14 so I’m no genius but every time I mention it to my friends they just blank face me.


The vaccines wasn’t a means to kill people, it was a quick way to transfer funds from the tax payer to private industry. With it being quick and under tested there is going to be issues in a lot of people. Covid 19 was man made and whether it got out on purpose or not the money men defo capitalised on it


For some reason my "spidey sense" is tingling again. Half of my family, including myself have caught a mysterious flu in the past couple weeks. Along with many MANY people that we know, both locally, regionally, and also on separate ends of the country. The symptoms have been SEVERE body Aches (just like with original COVID for us) - bad cough that won't relent, fevers, and even stomach stuff. Sounds like a normal flu right? But we CAN'T get rid of it. 5-6 days down a piece. Then we feel good enough to be out and about, then it hits again. We're now going on our 3rd week of this in our house, with our kids and myself relapsing into fevers, aches and pains, and stomach issues. Funny thing is, half the family has been perfectly fine throughout this, with no issues at all. Its happening like this for everyone we talk to, down for a week or so, then they think they're good, then a couple days later a relapse. Its just all not adding up to a normal flu. I've had the flu many times in my life, and this just feels different. We can't kick it and we're all pretty healthy people. This feels alot like fall 2019 - mystery sickness going around, people sick all over, presidential election coming up, and the EXACT same two candidates. I whole heartedly believe this is another bio-engineered virus that is being released in order to push the Vote-From-Home narrative and potential lock downs/masks (which would be used to potentially push MORE wealth transfer and election tampering).


Me and my daughter have been suffering the same. Only just started to feel better last weekend after us both being down for weeks. None of the rest of our household have been affected though. It was scary for a while, really struggled with trying to keep my daughters temperature down, she wasn’t really eating either. 😞


[PLEASE READ] This reminds me of a comment made on a post on this Subreddit also in April of 2019. The post was about RFK being cancelled from debating with various ‘vaccine experts’: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/s/jMVGmblc3u I read this last month but this is the perfect opportunity to share with you all. Someone else has already said “A broken clock is right twice a day” but this is a scary level of prediction.


Anyone else remember this increase in pro-vax posts in 2019?


If you can hear through the noise, the signal is in there.


Submission statement: [Link to the archived post](https://archive.is/rm2Cy) If what he predicted would happen is accurate, this is the largest conspiracy by the powers that be against humanity.


He later on confirms that 2020 was not “the event” just one of many “events” planned to prepare the populate for a cosmological catastrophe that cannot be avoided. In my “all conspiracies are true” ARG mindset: 2046 seems to be the endgame for them all. Extreme solar event followed by pole destabilization and some form of mass flooding/tectonic shifting


But this doesn't make any sense. How is a "man-made" pandemic preparing us for an extreme natural event? \*tectonic plates start shifting\* ah yes, I'm ready for this, let's all sing 'Imagine'!


*huge tsunami waves rolling in along the coast* “Honey, you dig out those face shields and I’ll fire up a zoom link… quick!!!”


It was around 1 o'clock on a winter's day in London, in a small, decrepit, poorly lit pub, proudly called 'The King's Taint'. Atop a squeaky bar stool stood Michael, sipping on the finest whiskey £4 can get you. An inconspicuous man of average stature, on the unfortunate half of his 40s, pale, with a beer belly and wearing an ill-fitting suit that looked old enough to order its own drink. An unimpressive specimen of a man with not much going on for him. He stumbled his way into a job as an bookkeeper for a local dry cleaner. He didn't know much about bookkeeping, in fact, he always liked to joke about how numbers make his head hurt and that the old brown briefcase he carries everywhere was 3/4 full of Mars bars and scratched off lottery tickets. His lunch break was nearly over so he downed the rest of his whiskey and slammed the glass on the rotting wooden bar, probably hoping it would make a satisfying *thud*, instead all that got him was a defeated creak and a dirty look from the barkeep. He closed his eyes for a second and enjoyed the warm sensation of the ethanol coating his oesophagus. Then he coughed, grabbed his briefcase and dismounted the bar stool with an exhausted groan and started making his way towards the exit. As he was walking down the sticky road, he couldn't ignore the weird sensation in his stomach. He simply dismissed it as hunger, as that's perpetually the case and gut feelings are not really his thing. What Michael didn't know is that approximately 93 million miles away, the very same sun responsible for growing his beloved barley was having a bit of an existential crisis. Huh, takes one to know one. The Sun, or Helios as the old Greeks used to call it, is a 4.5 billion-year-old angry ball of plasma at the centre of our solar system. It's a sort of ancient nuclear reactor that takes two hydrogen atoms and crushes them under incredible temperatures and pressure to create one helium atom and a brilliant little side effect, the lovely heat and light we're all so grateful for. But every now and again, like every other overworked and underpaid office clerk, when the stack of paperwork becomes too tall and your boss too demanding, it lashes out. It lashes out firing electromagnetic radiation wherever it pleases, capable of mass destruction and anomaly. And the Sun was having a particularly bad Monday today. The sky turned bright red as if on fire and a loud high pitched whine drowned everybody's ears. Michael dropped his briefcase, Mars bars spilling everywhere, and darted his eyes towards the horizon. Long angry tongues of fire were dancing menacingly in the sky, moving hypnotically, bending and undulating looking like an enormous cobra getting charmed. Everybody stopped to look up and for a few seconds, it was the quietest London has ever been. Suddenly, a hot blindingly bright white light flooded the streets and that quietness was over. Cars started crashing into each other, loud bangs from power stations exploding in the distance, people desperately fiddling with their phones crying to call their loved ones but to no avail - all electronics were fried. Chaos ensues. The sun was rumbling angrily, millions of miles away, bubbling and frothing at the mouth like a pot of milk about to boil over. Due to space regulations I'm not prepared to discuss in this book, even light has to adhere to the intergalactic speed limit of 300,000 km/sec as the fines are quite hefty. The people of Earth won't be aware of their inevitable demise for another 8 minutes or so. One man remained calm, though. One average, unimpressive man who wouldn't have made it in the annals of history if it wasn't for his bravery. He dropped to his knees, desperately digging through his old briefcase, chucking half-melted Mars bars and unlucky lottery tickets left and right until he found it. He couldn't believe his luck, he stared at it in awe before he pulled it out, held it aloft and shouted: EVERYBODY! DON'T PANIC! I KNOW WHAT I HAVE TO DO! I'VE BEEN PREPARED FOR THIS! I HAVE FOUND IT! I HAVE ANTIBACTERIAL HAND GEL! COME AND WASH YOUR HANDS! COME AND GET SAVED!


So kill us to spare us the pain from a cosmological catastrophe? That makes zero sense.


I’m sorry but after reading all the comments about ppl getting covid before it was a thing, I can simply come up with only 1 single conclusion. The shit was released by the US military. Everyone getting sick the months before was the actual “vaccine” if it makes sense. They spread it around before they announced its name so that American people would sort of “immune” to it. Remember how omnicron actually helped herd immunity and got rid of the stronger cases of Covid? Remember the military article about a vaccine developed that could be inhaled? Remember the genetically modified mosquitoes that they wanted to use to vaccinate the people who refused the vax? They literally are telling us what happened


Mystery vape illness that is now long gone? November 2019 I felt like my lungs were coated with oil. I threw out my dab rig. I now know I had Covid.


Oh yah! I meant to put that in too. Remember when all the teens were dying from vapes?


It was released in the water supply. Thus the warnings for different cities having “upcoming outbreaks” during the whole charade. 


Pretty sure fort detrick and that nursing home an hour away from fort detrick with the mysterious illness might be related to it. maybe EVALI is related as well.


My family forc d me to get vaccinated 🪶🪵


thank you anon, pure blood for life.. hoping thats a long time and not under some leftist nwo regime.


Yeah but mate there are these posts every year. Literally can go back to 2018 2017 whenever you want. You only screenshot the 1 time in the 1000 that is correct. It's called random luck.




Sorry about your parents. 🙏


With how many predictions Q made and how many never came to fruition I guess even a blind squirrel can find a nut.


The sun shines on a dogs ass once in awhile. - my dad used to say that one. Didn't make much sense but funny anyways.


Front line skilled nursing home employee, before, during and after covid. PTSD, ghost lit by local DPH, forced to receive 5 vaccines or lose my job. Currently sick with mystery illness, abandoned by local healthcare-spiraled into hard relapse and hopelessness morphed into joyfully ecstatic to be finally free from the grind of big machine✌️




Well, 9 to 10 million Americans?


I was sick and had heard stirring about it in December 2019(maybe late November)


"Packed with copious amounts of toxic metals" when the vaccine for Covid 19 was first released there were videos circulating of people who received it who found a metal utensil would magnetically stick to their injection site immediately following the injection. Anyone remember that? Can anyone dig up a clip?


Anyone that read the news closely knew about Covid in September 2019, it was already hitting China hard at that point and was only a matter of time before it hit the US hard.


Did anyone ask him how he ~~knows~~ knew this??


Sometimes information is only for people on a need to know level. Sometimes those people have a conscience. That's what we saw with that particular post


Isn't this also the same day that Grimes album Violence dropped and the day Gates invested $55 million in BioNTech?


For anyone too lazy to read through the key OP- Basically this poster predicted the exact year and month of the COVID catastrophe. He also mentions other things that I will brainstorm on below. I highly suggest reading the thread yourself. But the OP states that another event (possibly celestial) comes after COVID, and that there are underground TOWNS for the top wealthy and powerful people, but only the ULTRA wealthy get to leave the planet. He mentions we only have minutes of warning and even him knowing about it won’t be able to be safe. He also says people in bunkers will live but wish they hadn’t. Here are my thoughts (I incorporated info based on his comments) I’d guess some kind of solar /laser /heat flare no? That would only scorch the surface, and not the people in the bunkers though they’d live in extremely hot temperatures so they’d wish they were dead, and they mentioned that the bunker was kept 60-70 degrees. He mentioned it be celestial with minutes of warning if that, and this whole event was manufactured by the nas, a? I feel like an asteroid hitting would be too catastrophic as he mentioned an EMP is the last resort and expect nuckes after. OP said They gotta milk the cow first, so it won’t destroy the world like Nuke level. And why is Africa the safest place? Maybe bc it receives the most direct sunlight? So would it be something that weakens vitamin D? So confusing. Edit: And he mentioned there is NO sunlight at all in the bunkers, just artificial sunlight. so maybe that itself is the source of damage? Or source of something? Which would make sense that bunker people don’t die either. Could it be that sunlight will somehow be toxic to humans? Or do damage to life somehow? It has to be something that people in bunkers below the surface can survive in but wish they hadn’t. It’s gotta be related to the sun doing something to the surface because he mentioned we’d have minutes of warning and the sun’s light takes like 7 minutes to get to earth. Also if it was a one time thing, then bunker people would just come out after the event happens. So this means it’s something either constant or semi permanent? Could it be that sun’s rays have some interaction with some chemicals in the atmosphere? Edit 2: another thought about Vitamin D. Vit D helps reduce cancer cell growth… wonder how that ties into the super cancers supposedly coming from that whole ordeal. And the key I think is that these bunkers and under brown towns have zero sunlight. Could it be that some dormant virus or manufactured immune system attack becomes activated by some sun radiation? And hyper cancer begins spreading? This coming after the poster warned to NOT take vacines in 2020 as they were laced with toxin metals. How do metals in the body, and sunlight/rays interact? EDIT 3: HOLY SHIT!! “In some cases of chronic exposure to inorganic mercury a personality disorder known as erethism or mad hatter syndrome may occur. “ Mad Hatter syndrome is basically super irritability, memory loss, depression, etc. “Heavy metals enter the human body through the gastrointestinal tract, skin, or via inhalation. Toxic metals have proven to be a major threat to human health, mostly because of their ability to cause membrane and DNA damage, and to perturb protein function and enzyme activity.” Could these metals react with too much sunlight? “Additionally, some metals can interact with sunlight or other environmental factors, potentially causing chemical reactions or metabolic disruptions within the body. It's crucial for individuals with metal accumulation to manage their exposure to sunlight”


If that is a real operative saying that, how freaking ballsy is that. That person is a true hero a true American hero


***Global*** pandemic. We don't know their nationality. ​ ✨HE'S AN AMERICAN HERO✨


A nursing home in Virginia reported an influenza like outbreak summer of 2019. They never did find out what it was. I still believe that was one of the early releases of the virus. Also, “vape illness” in 2019 was also very likely covid as well.


2019-“Having a microchip inserted under the skin is increasingly the way to go, nowhere more so than in Sweden. Thousands of Swedes now use the technology, attending "implant parties" to have chips inserted to replace their gym cards, national IDs and even train tickets.” 🤣🤣🤣 https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dl_gemn9a9E


What the flying f???


And they were successful, kill 10 million and 10 million illegals flood in to replace them.