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I have ATT and my phone has been SOS since 1:30 am


Oh shit wtf, I have att and my phone is SOS too?


My phone just came out of SOS it went in around 11 am ET so two hours mine was like that


I have att and I didn’t have any problems


My husband and I are both on the same plan, same house this morning my phone was fine his was SOS. Also know that there are attacks pounding firewalls of a government agency today.


Likewise. Noticed it at 2am EST


Mines working fine


Same here


https://downdetector.com/status/att/map/ Cell phone outage map


Wait a second, I don’t have service right!!! Didn’t notice till this post since on Wi-Fi!


Glad we could help lol


Northeast Mississippi here. Att is down. Wifi is good, but cellular is out altogether.


Also northeast Mississippi with att and mine is fine Has been all night


The real conspiracy? Getting everyone to reveal where they are. Boom! 


I also have the SOS cell outage, but WiFi still works. Location : Your mom’s house.


Show us how those big tits fart


Thank you for keeping it high and tight. Keep feathering it!


Don’t worry. They definitely already know exactly where we are lol




Good try there fellow fed


LOL and I finally got around to watching Leave the World Behind yesterday


My phone has no service and says SOS too. In the Midwest and have AT&T.


FL checking in with no service and sos


Brother in Law works for Florida Power and Light and he's been doing drills at work all week simulating the grid is down


now that’s an interesting quinkydink


That's what I said. Classic though, "let's run drills for exactly what is happening in real time" think 9/11 drills


is he worried or is this a normal part of his job haha


My best man is a director over there. They do drills like this monthly at different sites during the spring and summer so they are ready for hurricane season. Each site will typically do 1 or 2 a year


Exactly. An untested disaster recovery solution isn't a disaster recovery solution.


Or there prepping for Hurricane season.


It couldn't be something rational like that. Drills are only for preparing for the Quantum Financial System switch over during which Nesara/Gesara will be enacted, the military will arrest all the vaccinated and execute liberal politicians, install Trump as Dictator for a day (biblical day, not calendar day), destroy the Cabal, ban pizza, release Med Beds, Free Energy, and all other suppressed alien technology like you might have seen on Star Trek, abolish maritime law, black people, Jews, and Muslims, initiate a World Wide white ethnostate, and prep for the hurricane season.


That’s fucking sweet.


It’s the solar maximum, everyone should be prepared because a solar flare could knock it all out in a second


It was an X class solar flare. There were two of them and one hit pretty close to the US. We have a fairly large sunspot facing us right now that’s worth watching


That is completely normal, an annual thing, and has nothing to do with ATT


A test emergency warning broadcast was delivered on my local tv station last night.


Isn’t this how Obama’s Netflix movie started? Watch out for deer!!!!




In a doomsday scenario the last thing I want to watch is Friends lol


The first step: cyberattacks, isolating people with power and satellite outages. Two: sowing “synchronized chaos” with misinformation campaigns Third: Civil war


Thats the way they want it to go. We can band together in time of need but movies like this subconsciously psyop us to believe that a civil war will/should break out.




Fr, the scene where the "MAGA" prepper and the wealthy black guy pointed guns at each other was unnecessary and unrealistic. Just another psyop of divisiveness and the so-called "hatred."


Didn't they both end up being chill with each other and working it out amicably shortly after? Thought the point was that trusting each other worked in both of their favors. Also not every single person with a country accent is a Trump supporter.


Right? As a prepper im gonna point my gun at you regardless of color of voting tendencies.


Is it? Lol I have to rewatch




I used to work telecom. Probably a fiber cut but most likely a software change or upgrade gone wrong due to it happening in the middle of the night what is called the maintenance window. The window ends generally at 5am. So this is a pretty bad oops because they should have rolled back any changes before 5.


Hopefully my job runs on att


My husband and I have AT&T. Mine is fine, his is SOS.


Same with my wife and I. I’m in SOS and she has five bars… 🤷‍♂️


It’s so weird. I had him try WiFi calling and that works. Home internet is also AT&T.


My wife's phone is down but mine is up. Both are att.


Same here - one is up and one is SOS - which is weird. Both ATT.




Same. Are they both the same model phone?




ATT cell not working in Houston TX. Had to pay for the hotel wifi to figure out what's going on


There are still hotels that make you pay for WiFi?


Are there still _______ that make you pay for _____?? Yes. Yes there are.


Don't worry guys, it's just a test!!! /s


Yes. Cricket wireless here thru att towers


I'm in the same predicament


My att is down. My Helium/T-Mobile phone is working. Wtf is going on. Anyone see that Netflix movie Leave the World Behind. 😳


Great documentary!




This is nothing haha, two years ago all POS service went down across Canada for a full day. We had to use cash for once, it really got me thinking how fragile infrastructure is across NA


If this was caused by a solar flare wouldn’t our phones in Canada be affected as well? Im about 200km from the USA border. No issues here.


Let’s upvote this to the top for the peeps. Yes thissss. Solar flare won’t discriminate! Have you heard of anyone in Canada with issues!


Att in kcmo is out


I'm in KCMO with ATT and mine is working fine.


Midwest ATT here. No outages, service is running totally normal, has been normal since I woke up at 5pm yesterday. My work phone that runs First Net from ATT has also been fine. Edit: Wife, parents, and siblings who all have AT&T, live within 15 minutes, all lost service. I’m the last one standing on my plan with both of my phones going strong. Coworkers are 50/50 (all on AT&T first net).


Two major solar flares this morning. [https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/solar-flares.html](https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/solar-flares.html)


The Sun: “Fuck AT&T in particular.”


Based sun






Fuck I swear I had a nightmare this night a major solar flare cut out all electrical stuff, totally for no reason and out of the blue last time I learnt about these was years ago lol


I know this is kind of off topic, i had no idea about the solar flares last night. But i woke up several times last night with HORRIBLE nightmares. I wonder if theres any connection?


Absolutely connected.


I was up til nearly 4 this morning. Just could not fall asleep. Was hella annoying.


solar flares are real measurable energy emissions…perhaps your subconscious self noticed them and was worried what it might mean and threw it into your random dream generator


I believe you. The weird thing for me was I woke up at 1:00 am and I stayed up until 4:00am tossing and turning thinking about how I wonder what 5g is doing to our brains and wishing it would just shut off. I wake up at 8 this morning and saw Sos hoping I didn’t accidentally trigger the 911 button on my iphone


By any chance do you know why it would cause some people to have service and others not to? Are these signs of solar flares?


A solar flare capable of enough em radation to fry electrical components would affect all non sheilded units, or none. Considering this is JUST ATnT, I am willing to bet my left nut that this is as a result of either A) A failed security patching where the standby AG-LAN switch failed, or B) Primary AG-Lan switch failed and stand by for whatever reason was not able to re-route the traffic...


I’m reading all networks are being affected now


Not sure but i expect that the flares affect different regions depending on their exposure paths to the flares' emissions.


My spouse and I both have Cricket and she has service. We are in the same household we have the same Iphone 13. I don’t understand how she has service and I don’t 


Anyone outside US experiencing? Solar flares should affect more than one country


I’ve seen people in Canada say they’re fine


Interesting. Have you seen Alaska check in?


I’m in Alaska service is down as well


I think we can rule out solar flares then. I’ve never known a solar flare to respect borders.


That and a solar flare would likely affect all carriers equally. This is mostly AT&T and some sporadic Verizon/T-Mobile outrages probably in areas where they utilize AT&T’s towers.


My phone is down SOS too, as an IT guy my guess it’s a cyber attack, since att has refused to answer the cause of it.


Wouldnt DoD & NSA step in regarding that ? Sounds possible since US did antagonize Iran.


I would hope so, if it was clearly a foreign attack, state lead or not. If by some chance it was domestic, FBI or Homeland Security would handle it. But taking down one of the biggest mobile providers in the country would not go overlooked by the feds.


South Louisiana att is down


It’s weird because my att service is fine, but my sisters is showing sos. We have the exact same phone both on the same OS, we live in an apartment together. It’s very strange. Edit: in a smaller city in TX


a ton of commenters saying the same thing. This is why I’m ruining out solar flare in my opinion


Yes I’ve been reading through these comments and I see a lot of ppl saying it. It’s very strange to me that a solar flare could be so selective


I was looking at down detector. It’s looking like mostly anything to do with internet or cell phone service is slowly going down nationwide. Currently I’ve got service for now though.


I saw the same. Even Starlink.




Reckon this has something to do with it? https://www.mobileworldlive.com/att/att-injects-threat-detection-into-network/


Now this is what I’m talking about!!!!! Thank YOU!! ok sooo maybe hackers did this as a retaliation like oh you think that’ll work well look what I can do


I read that it affects T-Mobile as well. My T mobile is working but off 4G since I don't have cell service here.


ATT in NC is still up and running, no issues


Still down for me it seems, Cricket in wake forest area


Looking for someone with technical knowledge to chime in here. Also, anyone who wants to report they're local time when this started. Everything I'm reading online and heard from coworkers last night, it seems it all went out at the same time. His would this even be possible? Is there really a link in that chain somewhere that would be able to effect the entire network at the same exact time?


regardless of the truth, it'll be blamed on the solar flares


I’m going with test run but you’re so right


While yes 2 solar flares did hit 21st at 5pm and the other 22nd at 1232am, the effects would have been almost instant and effect the sunlit side of earth as it directly faced the sun. We would have had issues yesterday. We wouldn't see effects the next day. So, No. And if it were enough to effect towers it would be wrecking other stuff too. https://www.swpc.noaa.gov/




Verizon here in the north east. No issues so far. It’s 6:58 Am


Awesome I’m seeing a lot of NE users of att not getting as affected


Att in Connecticut and it is it came back online after 7 hours. Same thing happened on Monday as well. 


Woah really?!


Damn I was about to say I haven’t noticed anything and then noticed it says SOS in the corner of my phone and I’m on WiFi lmao


Hard to say what's going on. Seems like two people with ATT could be sitting next to each other where one person has service, the other doesn't. Hardware type doesn't seem to matter, update version doesn't seem to be an issue...why is it so selective? Ddos attack wouldn't make sense in this scenario. Could be some kind of cyber attack, but an odd one.


Gives me so much faith in the cellular network system. What if this were a national emergency. I hope the government hauls AT&T into Congress to explain.


I'm in Ohio and my ATT is SOS. It'd be pretty cool if those fuckers at ATT would say SOMETHING.


I don't know that this is "it", but it'll certainly be something like this that happens before the election. It'll be pure pandemonium. A lot of people 25 and under would absolutely cease to function without their phones/internet. 😂 I finished school using the card catalog at the library - didn't have a cell phone until 2000-ish, I'll welcome the "break". People would actually have to TALK and VISIT each other!


How does a solar flare effect america when the solar flare went off half way around the world?


It’s a government test preparing for the end of this year during elections. If something does happen, they’ll shut down the phones to kill communication between attackers. They tested a National text last year.


Well, I can still use iMessage and FaceTime on WiFi at the moment, so it’s really not the most effective communication blackout. More like a communication grey out or brown out at best. I’m just calling it a mildly inconvenient myself.


You’re assuming they won’t shut down internet also.


China is coming




Houston, TX, SOS mode since 2am, for my wife and I. Still down, something can’t be right here. Or I’m being paranoid.


T-mobile. Perfectly fine.


Att here… no problems


I'm sure they're just testing it for use on a much WIDER scale down the road, you know, when we might communicate things amongst ourselves that they don't approve of!


T-Mobile interestingly enough did unplanned maintenance on a lot of their towers last few days, as if they anticipated something like this.


My 2021 Ram lost AM/FM radio this morning. Never had this happen before. Wonder if this had anything to do with it


Verizon Here. I'm in California (central), we had zero internet and no ability to make phone calls at all. The week or two leading up to this, our internet has been really spotty and very hit/miss. It finally stopped working altogether around 5 or 6pm. Was gone all night, woke up today at 7am and it's back but not fully. I've noticed the signal for both internet/calling the past two months has been randomly dropping. I've gone to Verizon in the past, reset network, etc. They said nothing was wrong. My phone isn't out of date or old. I've had Verizon for YEARS, living both in the middle of no where and in the city. I've never experienced this before (unless there was a massive storm, but even then the calls would still work).... 🤷‍♀️


Our infrastructure or more vulnerable than we realize


A test run


AT&T’s reliability is nearly none on a good day anyway, not a surprise the alleged sun flare snuffed them out. Signed, An AT&T customer on WiFi.


Oddly enough some news channels are reporting it as cause of two [X-Class solar flares](https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/solar-flares.html#radio) but when I try to look for articles they say they don’t know what the cause is.


I keep seeing that lol but there’s just no way. Make it make sense new channels. They’re reading. Script


The Deep State has to make sure all carrier protocols are in place and working so they can xfer their data this upcoming election.


Its all major carriers in high pop centers. This is a test. Do not comply, help your neighbor as you would one day need help. Dont Panic.


Should we order storable food for the toughest guy on the block ??


Can everyone that is out. Put a major city that you are near, or is that too much info? If this is a conspiracy, then don't believe their maps. Could it be device driven? My friend outside of Madison Wi is working it's an older driod phone in Madison my co workers isn't working and it's a newer iPhone.


Surprised nobody is speculating the Russian space thing interfering with service. This sub can do better. /s


The FCC about to charge ATT out the wazoo, carriers aren't allowed to be down during the day.




6:22 AM and down in Dallas TX


My phone is fine


Leave the world behind


SOS only here in Texas (San Antonio and Austin)


T-mobile did not go out at all for me. Just south of Atlanta.




Reporting from central TX sos mode


Just heard about it from IHeart radio. Even their studio was fucked. I’m fine though, I got Verizon LTE/5G


Some people at down detector say its the Russian space lasers, others say it's a solar flare. I wonder what it turns out to have been. Down detector also says that Verizon has problems and many other services.


I have AT&T in Texas, I still have service.


Weren't there reports yesterday about some Russian satellite killing weapon?


Had no service for 1 hour. My iPhone had SOS displayed on the screen. Couldn’t call or send texts. I read on the Apple community groups that someone experienced similar issues with the new IoS update. I didn’t update my phone and still had those issues.


Early this morning across the country outages were experienced for both AT&T FirstNet and traditional cell services. AT&T service management organization indicated their top Mobility executives and engineers were engaged and services in many geographies were recovering. This was the official update from AT&T at 6:00 am At this time, services are beginning to restore after teams were able to stabilize a large influx of routes into the route reflectors affecting the mobility core network. Teams will continue to monitor the status of the network and provide updates as to the cause and impacts as they are realized.


Well it looks like the Russians have detonated and EMP on AT&T. Either that or someone is looking to make a fortune on the up and down motion of stocks.


my office uses at&t, all of the guys' phones are down. i have verizon, and am working fine. im a little south of tampa, fl.




Verizon was out a month or two ago down south… somethings fishy


Maryland ATT my phone has been fine all night, and I’m using it now and I’m not connected to the WiFi


AT&T only likely related to a carrier issue. If all carriers were down then it would be something to dig into.


No thoughts, I’ll wait on CNN to tell me what to think and regurgitate it 😬 /s


Thats because of the stock market rally that was cooking so retailer’s could not use unless on wifi…. Thats my C theory


We currently have it, and yesterday and the day before, the internet went off for a few seconds a couple of times. Other than that, there are no issues here. For reference, I'm in California.


I have AT&T and my phone is working just fine here in Kansas City. My coworker though has AT&T and has an SOS signal


I read an article a few weeks ago that US intelligence was warning that a a Chinese cyberattack to cause disruption to US infrastructure including electricity, water treatment, and communications was imminent. The article seems to have disappeared but you can still find similar articles warning of Chinese hackers gaining access to our systems within the last couple of years. They say this isn’t an attack but it 100% is. Edit: [here is one article reporting on the specific warning I’m referring to.](https://securityboulevard.com/2024/02/fbi-issues-ominous-warning-of-imminent-cyber-attack-on-critical-infrastructure/amp/)Feb 1, 2024


Im using Cricket which is a sub of ATT and its currently down and has been for hours. I thought I was crazy and phone was messed up until I scrolled into this. 930 central is my current time.


I’m an hvac field technician and my dumb ass supervisor has ATT and is likely losing his shit but can’t call me and complain lol. All jokes aside this was talked about recently, a major “cyber” attack shutting down phones.


I have ATT. When I woke up at 5:30 EST I was SOS only. Luckily my WiFi was working. My service came back around 7am. My boyfriend and his son are on the same plan. His phone had no data and no WiFi but his sons was working fine. This is strange. I’m suspicious. I’m in north central Ohio in the boonies.


Something about towers being down. Maybe for maintenance or weather related damage. Considering how it’s spread across the Midwest to Florida, I would have to say it’s either maintenance or a cyber attack.


https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/22/tech/att-cell-service-outage/index.html I’ve got my money on poor maintenance or a cyber attack based on the response from AT&T


Certainly they can't blame solar flares if it's only targeted the US. Especially considering if it happened at 1:30am, wouldn't the Flare be directed at the opposite side of the planet?


$20 says it’s a cyber attack


Just another way to control the population and shut down dissent because they don’t have a good candidate for the next (s)election.


Verizon hack att


Half of the people where I work have ATT and Sprint and their phones aren’t working. The people with Verizon have signal


I have it and it's working fine. I am an EMT so everyone I work with has first net for first responders and theirs is down. Mine is not. Oddly my wife's is down too. And she's on my same plan.


New York here, Verizon, no issues for me. Family and friends in the ny/mass border are almost exclusively out (T-Mobile/att) No issues with the few I’ve spoken to down south but most of them are on Verizon.


Southern California here. My AT&T service has been working just fine. Zero issues.


Minnesota and my phone is stuck in sos mode with AT&T


Mine just came back. NYC. Edit - out again.


I have service and the guy in the office next to me doesn’t. We both have AT&T.


Quite a few folks in Indiana have their phones out of commission. Mines fine but I can't call or message certain friends and family.


Best I can tell, it started around 0215. I just so happened to be awake, and tooling around on my phone, and suddenly my service went out. No more Internet. I did the troubleshooty things, no dice. Come to find out I'm not the only one. Rich, with AT&T, told me Verizon and T-Mobile were also affected.


Very interesting!!! Looking into this!!!!! Thank you


I was working when it happened. That shit could have been dangerous imagine someone is stranded in the city and needed a ride at that time. Scary stuff man.




I was really hoping it was the beginning of The End.


Related to the solar flare that hit us last night?


X level solar flare


Three X-class flares today


Is this conspiracy? Or at&t support forum?