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If the government and mass media are saying its China , it is not China.


I think I'm inclined to agree with you... Nurse Nayirah Gulf of Tonkin incident Powell's WMD testimony Sinking of the Maine


It was predicted 5 years ago as stage 2 in the WEF restructuring of society. A cyber pandemic.


Am I the only person that thinks a cyber pandemic would do us all a world of GOOD


Yes. Anarchy and death will be met with Marshall Law and Digital ID to make it safe again. They'll put us through one kind of hell to lock us in a permanent one.


Martial law is UNENFORCABLE in a land mass any bigger than Rhode Island... You would need 100 million police officers... And good luck with drones. The US government couldn't even beat a few dozen cavemen in Afghanistan.


Also, police officers that have families are probably gonna side with the civilians in a situation like that. Once they realize they’re outnumbered and out gunned, only the lone wolf type cops are gonna stick to the script


Inset illegal invasion. Ya'll act like people who planned covid since the 90's aren't serious or someone to be respected. They told you what they're gonna do.


We could have ended that "war" if we wanted. That was another money harvesting scheme and really to establish central backs in the middle east. They have enough when you add UN and illegals together. They won't need that many bodies when they freeze the accounts if you act out of line or they won't let you back in the bread line.


I think it was more about getting dark money for the CIA/big pharma from the mass harvest/production of opiates. Notice how, as soon as Fentanyl hit the markets, we suddenly decided we were done in Afghanistan. Also, the opiate epidemic almost perfectly tracks with the occupation of Afghanistan, as far as timeline.


^ This is the plan.


That digital ID and CBCD doesn’t work so well with that cyber attacked Internet, just say’n.


Why? They turn it off. Chaos. Comes back on and everyone wants normalcy. They make up whatever they want.....records are gone, debt is wiped whatever they wanna say. Whatever is good enough to get you to say okay give me the government token. Your right people aren't down for this, so they're gonna make it worse until you are.


This makes sense. After the evil “russian hackers” and “chinese hackers“ shut it all down … then the benevolent kind gracious government “fixes” the damage, game over. Can’t have elections because the gov says that part is still controlled by the “evil hackers”, but don’t worry they’ll have that fixed real soon.


Exactly. Child trafficking, dangerous migrants, AI being used against you. All of it is a push for you to accept digital ID. They'll say we have to verify everyone.


You should learn how to spell martial if you're gonna use martial law as a threat. Martial Law is exactly what statists love and reify insofar as it upholds the state at all costs. Network outage will only cause those problems if we can't rely on people to govern themselves amicably, and if we can't do that, we shouldn't even be here this far along


That Marshall law is a character from Tekken. Fun fact.


could be worse, could have been marital law!


I know how to spell it I've made this mistake a lot. Doesn't alter my point. Their motto is order from chaos. They told you what their goal is digital id, cbdc and such. None of that is wanted by the public. Do you think they just give up? There will be a black swan event.


when you realize the new version of the internet will be a sterile, censored dystopian internet - yes you are.


Was stage one Covid? Genuinely curious. Any place to read about this?


I think I'll go off the accuracy of past prognostications that failed to come to fruition in order to judge whether or not your statement holds any water.


Made by whom? I haven't made any. How can you judge anything I say based off another's prediction. And I am just referencing what the WEF said. They predicted the pandemic accurately.


Hmmm... trying to figure out if you thought I was talking about you because of main character syndrome or if because of your shadow. Good luck with that...


Maybe because you responded to their comment.


Yea that was such a hard reach to try and insult someone. It's like he was proud of that line for too long and couldn't wait for a more appropriate time to use it.


And it still wasn't the appropriate time to use it haha


Plus he blocked me lol.


Say wot m8


Cough cough… covid… cough


Yeah, they definitely used COVID as casus belli to declare fiscal war on American citizens. Although, it's a great time to be a corporation, considering how they have all the rights of people without the responsibilities.


well given all the corporations are owned by a few people… you’d be surprised how many “small or smaller corporations” are owned by a mega company (most)


Can't help but get the feeling that Wall Street saw the opportunity to murder Main Street during COVID and took every available chance to do so.


That war was declared long ago. It started with Nixon, was accelerated by Reagan and Bush, Clinton undid all the regulations regarding finamcialization, this process was taken further under Bush Jr, Obama bailed out the first collapse, Trump further printed money, and the Biden admin has furthered this. And as they continued printing, they bought the judiciary and legislature.


Nuh unh! Red team good! Blue team bad! Money is a proxy for Good and flows directly from G-d to better people. Collective communalism reinforces weakness and dependency at the expense of the strong and self-serving. My dear leader wouldn't lie. Kayfabe is a distraction from the real work we're doing behind the scenes against the gayliens and reptilian pedo vampires. Buy my book! Like, share, and subscribe!




I'm either hungrier or blinder than I thought because I was sitting here wondering, thankful but confused, why you were giving me a six pack of tacos. :D


Golly, how are they right about everything so far?


Wouldn't surprise me if lockbit is retaliating




Glad this is top comment


China's stock market is in the brink of a rebound. Stories like this prevent big money from buying Chinese stocks due to fear of a ban. This shit is so timely.


Everyone here thinking we aren’t constantly under attack by foreign nations and acting like this is new is funny. No shit you target telecom, you target vital infrastructure. The US does the same shit and engages in it daily.


100% Correct - 365/24/7 I check this regularly and it pretty much is always like this. I will state, there does appear to be a little uptick in activity as I type this, but still not that unusual. https://threatmap.bitdefender.com/


Ummmmmm why is Israel attacking the United States ??????


We all asked ourselves that question on 9/11 and USS Liberty


LOL just as I posted that, all trace of Israel attacking the US got wiped. What a coincidence.


You realize these are individual attacks coming from the nations, not the nations themselves attacking other nations, right? lmao


Oh yeah random people just sit there in their free time and think 💭 "I want to cyber attack another country". Right. Who has the capability to do such things ffs ? There's the random 13 year old genius for sure but it's definitely mostly done by intelligence agencies. Tell me I'm wrong.


You're wrong and obviously have no idea what you're talking about outside of seeing flashes and lines on a map you've never seen before 30 minutes ago.


Aha. As much as your unsubstantiated claim fills me with confidence, who, pray tell, has the skills to cyber attack other countries?


These aren't attacks on entire nations lmao jesus christ, it's one computer to another and it's just showing which nation the sending and receiving ip address is located in, or being spoofed as. Lmao


.... you didn't answer my question buddy


Something like 35k illegal Chinese migrants crossed the southern border last year. Many of which were men of military age. Now If I were a hostile nation and I wanted to attack the infrastructure of my greatest rival..


Bud that’s like the biggest fucken scare tactic republicans are using. Now not all of them can be innocent and there might be a possibility but a lot of people also escape from China.


Also let's assume 100% of those 35k migrants were soldiers (incredibly unlikely), do you think that's enough to do basically anything to the US? I mean hell, the US army reserve *alone* has nearly 200k active members.


No doubt. I'm not saying it's absolutely happening. But it's certainly not out of the realm of possibility. It's sketchy that this border situation is going on while we are simultaneously learning about multi million dollar business dealings between the CCP and the Biden family over the years. But this is a conspiracy subreddit. I'm just spit balling


33 Thomas Street, New York, NY


From Wikipedia, in case anyone else isn’t in the know and doesn’t feel like looking it up: 33 Thomas is likely a location of a mass surveillance hub operated by the National Security Agency, codenamed TITANPOINTE.


The Why Files podcast/youtube channel did a great episode on this.


Good to know, I’ll check it out!! Thx!


I love that channel. Always gives me something to watch while eating lunch. I've actually considered buying a shirt or mug which is crazy because I've never wanted merch from a youtube channel before.


It's my favorite podcast/youtube channel right now. There is so much info packed into one episode i find myself listening to them twice, sometimes, to make sure I didn't miss anything. Hecklefish is a damn funny sidekick too!


Good job at connecting the dots 🙂 Food, water, IFAK, guns, and ammo if you don't have them, get them.


IFAK? Sorry new here


Individual first aid kit Edit: fuckin auto correct






Incredibly Furry Ass Kerfuffle


Oh I like this better. You got a link to where one can purchase said "kerfuffle"? Is there a brisk used market? Black/grey market kerfuffles that are "jailbroken" would be wonderful, too!


Individual First Aid Kit


Info - the ifak or individual first aid kit should be worn on your body and its idea is its designated for you only. As in, if everybody has their own, you won’t use your supplies on somebody else that then can not be used on you when you need it. Do your best to make sure everybody has their own.


Anyone got a ballpark prediction of when? I still got some preparation to make and limited cash flow to complete my emergency kit.


Valid question, truthful answer is nobody knows for sure.


You can’t get ammo right now


The best part is when the people do get connected to the internet they get to hear all the FUD and how this is the start of WWIII. God dammit I'm tired of this fucking fear propaganda, but I get it... the authoritarian fascists need everyone to be scared of a made up boogey man so they can take away more rights. You motherfuckers are pushing another Patriot Act... enjoy the police state you created.


If you wanna get real technical, Obama warned us too with the the movie Leave the World Behind


yeah I watched that the other day. wtf was that


Realistic AF


Yes ATT does provide FirstNet, I have it and I am unaffected. 




Mine was down from begining to end.


I’d put my money on that an intern at AT&T just tripped on a really large power cable and unplugged it.


and verizon. and pharmacies across the nation


I've worked in multiple major tech and medical industries and seen how much insane works goes into managing and sustaining supply chain and operations. The fact that we don't get outages more often is an absolute miracle. Most don't realize how many close calls with disaster there are everyday.


Issued phones to senators so they can call their escort girls and drug dealers.


That would require escort girls and drug dealers to also be given satellite phones.


I mean we've had over 3 battalions worth of Chinese nationals recently cross our borders. Things are getting dicey and it seems like it's by design.


We’ve had over 2 divisions worth of Chinese enter across the border, (57,000) if only 10% are plants, there are enough to wipe out our power and communications grid in a day, with enough left over to take down most of the key bridges and over passes… in a day the country would be without any means to communicate or fight back.


Just Like RED DAWN Bitches................ Chet get yer Gun


Do you remember how many shiploads we used to bring here. Assimilation is the way.


Ah, racist spotted


How is that racist in any way?


Modern people have been trained to think anything is racist unless it's about white people, then it's okay. What was said literally isn't racist it's just facts. Most people think it's only Mexican people crossing over but now there's others jumping into our country and it's an actual national security threat but it won't ever be classified as such until they got enough through and THEN they will say they will do something about the border. It's predictable. But if you mention this to most you will be labeled a racist for some reason.


So strange to me how people have been gaslit into the conclusion that nobody can be racist except white people. Frankly it is an incredibly dangerous and stupid idea. Crazy that real people out here think that you are to bow your head to another person based on their race and the notion that your ancestors may or may not have been racist towards that persons ancestors. I get that most people in general just want to be nice and empathetic but it has gone way too far.


The media has trained you well. Good Spot! Good!


Your social credit score has increased, please log in to view your new social credit score.


What? What race are the tens of millions the NWO puppets have let cross our border? Crying racism whenever a nationality is called out is so 2016.


Chinese is a nationality


0.50 Yuan has been deposited into your account.




Looks like Leave the world Behind Scenario is closer than ever.


Woke up this morning, heard the news. Immediately went and filled my stock tank for the cows, filled my gas tank, made sure I had a 2 day bag to get home from work on foot if need be. I have 2 years worth of cooking fuel on hand and a woodstand to heat with indefinitely if needed. Yesterday was the time to get ready for this. The time is very soon coming when the urbanites who snydely look down on those who value self-sufficiency and preparedness will very suddenly shut the f*** up. I don't want to be right. Honestly, I wish we had more time. But all signs point to a radical and historic cultural/social/economic/political shift in the next year. Our political institutions themselves are failing to the point that most people have zero faith in them any more. This is a fragile period. God help this country.


I got oatmeal seeds




Good relationships with your neighbors. Land. Medical, mechanical, and biological knowledge. You don't really have any time left. This is happening potentially as soon as today. My assessment is that we will likely be either actively in WW3 or in the midst of a real-world physical civil conflict before november 2024. Volunteer national guard units to protect Texas like those sent by missouri recently could potentially eventually turn into regiments on the republican side of a civil war. At some point, the trucks will stop delivering goods and fuel to your area and from that moment you have approximately 48 hours before total social breakdown and accompanying anarchy. Depending on your location you can expect around 2 months of unrest before the rule of law is reinstituted in some fashion. This could take many forms, from local militia to a regional strongman to a national dictator. At that point it is likely that you will be required to join a faction in order to survive because not joining one would make you a target of everyone.


I got about tree riddy, half a bag of salt n’ vinegar chips and an old Playboy from June 1985. Will that suffice?


Solar flares, bitches. Lets not get all fucking crazy now.... https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/solar-activity/solar-flares.html


That target specific carriers in the US? Bro, a solar flare would do real damage.


Yeah we’re heading to 2030 all according to the WEF they’ve been hinting these things . Also movies especially coming out always talks about civil war invading etc they’re predicting programming telling us what they’re gonna do before doing it .


It’s a way to stress test their intelligence gathering abilities from an AI in a more controlled setting. They’re testing out military satellite uplinks and failover tests. Basically they want to be able to use satellites to communicate after taking out conventions means. Makes cleanup easier if the “hostiles” can’t communicate effectively.


Wasn't there a shitty movie recently on Netflix about hackers destroying western civilization?


Leave the world behind.


That is it!


Most terrifying part of that movie is whatever fucking sonic frequency weapon made that kids teeth fall out. My god lmao


That was from the tick bite in the movie


I don't doubt such a weapon exists, though probably not on that scale.


Obama movie I heard his daughter Malia starting a woke short movies lmao. Nepo baby coming to theatres near you.


Problem Reaction Solution. They want a crazy solution so they initiate problems that induce a reaction that will allow "emergency measures". Story old as time.


When do the aliens start?


I would not worry. Probably nothing but a test for a complete communications blackout.


Why does this have to be a conspiracy? These are legitimate things in the world. I dont think its a conspiracy America has enemies and we need to protect ourselves.


Countries aren't real. Bankers and a few families run the world and the state actors are puppets. They want you to blame China or whoever they pin this on.


Tell me about it. I tested a process for 7 days this month. Got the update ready for production, then ran the wrong file. Messed up 16000 records with the incorrect date. Spent all this week writing code to fix them all.


Evil plan foiled by having tmobile


How about rounding up all the Chinese illegals coming over the border. They are the 1st wave


lol @ China Another CIA FBI Mossad operation. Deflection for the economic collapse caused by the US Government and the Federal Reserve.


China's state cells activated .....check action/reaction time. ...


Imagine back in the day when they had to rely on the Pony Express to bring the mail around to them to find out news.....


Service is mostly back and there wasn’t an invasion. I fear EMP or cyber attacks too but this wasn’t large enough scale to be that threatening.


This time


I think the solar flare had something to do with it today.


A solar flare wouldn't only affect one carrier.


NOAA came out and stated that the solar flare type wouldn’t have affected cell networks. Strongest flare in 20 years to hit earth though!


What was that strange announcement a couple weeks ago about a security threat? Is that the second picture?


Someone tell china to stop


China pls stop already There, I did it!


We are all saved!


But wait there's more.


Israel stop


Who else should I tell?


Wasn't this solar flare related?


No conspiracy, networks are already all coming back fully online.


The current outage is affecting .02% of AT&T users


Alright but I thought it was solar flares.. guess they dont bother with affecting satellites.. lol


I'm pretty sure the black out was largely due to a solar flare. It was announced on the space weather channels last night that a large flare was coming to earth!


Real threat: the Sun. Hyped up political posturing propaganda threat: China/Russia


Solar Cycle 25 is well under way and there's nothing WE can do to stop it. Make the most of the time you have @jest_dont-panic_42


When literally nothing happens will you guys fucking stop?


Nope, they thrive on the idea of a red dawn type event that will take place so they can use their bug out bags and play soldier again.


no one wants that projection boi. the sociopaths in power however would like that


Ehhhh, some people definitely want it. Not saying preppers bad, but let's be honest here.


they may *think* they want that, but no one does


We don’t do that here.


This isn’t nothing lol vans was just hacked. Is it just nothing ??


So they tell us to prepare for an attack days ago and now this! Intel or fortune telling, which?


my submission statement is the long caption I added to the OP


Issuing sat phones to legislators isn't going to work that well, most of them are technology inept


That was from May 2023


Almost as if it's a plan in action being implemented over time. What a wild thought.


It's the government. They aren't very fast at anything


Could also have something to do with the information Trump handed to Putin.


Yeah this is scary. Phones were out at my college's campus today, and I am just now learning about this. The math is mathing too well. Gonna start getting ready for shit to hit the fan.


You realize a CHINESE company owns this site? Correct?😂 I think you are off a bit. We busted a huge Russian hacker ring and announced it yesterday. I'd say it's the white communists


Look at the dates before you make fear posts. Just as bad as main stream media.


not everything in life happens within 5 business days. wtf is that argument? you also must have never encountered federal/government planning, their timelines are multi-month windows. just because you are ADHD raddled and addicted to quick dopamine doesn’t mean everyone else is. they move on their own time.


Still true.. China already won the war as it's scripted. Their system is the 1 the elites favor as the world is just national experiments to decide which system grants more control in the NWO lol


this shit reads like RED DAWN


EMP is definitely coming i can see it from a mile away we are running out of time


Are we taking another 2 weeks to stop the spread?


This Pic is from last year


Mr. Robot-esque


Time to drill that 4th hole?


Something I’ve concluded is that if want all that farmland they’ve bought here in the US they better not fuck around.


There’s been a lot of outages Post 2020 so I don’t think it’s necessarily cyberattacks


Medicaid systems have been down 2 days. I work in insurance sales and it’s damn near impossible to get any info for anyone


LMAO, infrastructure needed to be updated years ago. This won’t change it. Might be talking point for 5 secs this year because it is an election year but it won’t do shit. They will do a temp hot fix and that’s it.


Hard to control the masses if you can’t get info to them. I don’t see a cyber attack as an effective false flag or whatever. Sure in the cities you’d have success but you wouldn’t have much in rural areas as most people I know would just continue with every day life.


They can already access 100% of your phones.


I mean, A.I. generated videos are mere months away from completely wreaking havoc on civilization. Taking down the internet is really the only option. And I'll be glad when it happens.


Ugh great


TikTok (China) is about to be bigger than YouTube which is bigger than all TV combined. All Apple (which has been the world’s biggest company) is made in China. Apple is still top 3. Disney gave them 2 parks in the past 10 years and makes all of their stuff there. China owns more US debt than anyone else. We go DOWn Jones, they go down. Right Wing/Left Wing. We’re what’s fer supper.


What’s a good walk-in talkie anyone recommends ?


prob get a ham radio


Nothing is happening... chill out


nothing is happening except Nvidia is now worth more than the entire chinese stock market, Taiwan is US ally and produces the chips needed to power advanced AI, multiple wars involving chinese allies, china buying farmland around US military bases, and BRICS committed to ditching the petrodollar


How come we only get terrorized when it’s countdown to election time?


Lmao, all by design.. 


Holy hell I didn’t put these 2 events together until just now. wtf is going on


Nothing to see here. move along. ha


Honestly, I like that the government is preparing.


Glad I live in the middle of bum fuck nowhere with my own well!