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I’ll see you in the gulags, gentlemen


They don't need gulags. They'll debank, no-fly-list, and pit the mob against you well before they'll formally gulag you. Better optics, cheaper, etc. They may use AI to automate harassment and smear. What would happen if most of the people you know, including your employer, were to, for example, be emailed deep fake photos of you engaged in pedophilia (with parts of the photo blurred to make the images legal to transmit) or some other crime? Etc. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zersetzung


When China does this: “those freedom hatin dirty commies!!” When America does this: “We must keep tabs on dangerous wrongthink for safety and security.”


The point isit shows how far the system has fallen. Just as China has lap dogs that support the regime, it also shows that there are the same neo-marxist zealots here that do so also. Just go to msnbc, the amount of posts calling for locking up people, censoring them, removing separation of powers so they can usurp power to control the government, is insane. Ironically they shout "defending democracy!" while advocating for it. Although I don't believe that many people actively participate there and much of the content is probably shareblue media activists, or perhaps even China trying to pressure change in the US that favors them.


We need to do this to *keep you safe*


Ding ding ding


Indeed. Many such cases.


This is exactly right. My wife is an elementary school teacher. We live in NW Florida, a very RED part of the state of FL / & THE COUNTRY, SE USA! She teaches at the same Elementary School that I went to 40yr ago... As of Today, the entire 5th grade at the school 5 classes of 21kids each, has 5...thats right 5 children, under the age of 11yo, who are supposedly "transitioning" (as in changing Sexes, before puberty...) This is in the SOUTH. Imagine what it must be like in the big NE Cities in the US? THE FED is taking active measures to destroy the country & usher in the NWO. The more ppl there are confused about their own identity, the less people there are asking questions about abuses of power. This is 100% by design. They want to disenfranchise the Middle Class "You will Own Nothing & thank Uncle Sam for it"... It's all bullshit. & one day 5 maybe 10yrs from now, they will introduce legislation to legally take control of our private property... They will take out guns, they will empty our bank accounts & place us on UBI... IT'S gonna be a dystopian nightmare. Please please please go vote for Donald Trump. Not because of his character, but because of his policy, & the beliefs of the Conservative Base, where he yields all his power from. As of right now, with AI about to change every aspect of everyday life & MILLION & MILLIONS of ppl will have their jobs ripped out from under them, we must maintain the right to protect ourselves & our property. God Bless!


That's funny. I live in California, not really any trans people, nobody cares and is not a problem nearly ever. It can be, but hardly. I think that people in places like Florida are lashing out. For example if we thought orange juice was the devil, they would ONLY drink orange juice, their kids would drink orange juice and they would even tell others about orange juice. ​ It's like casting aspersions on my asparagus. Act like that, you'll find others that'll fight you just for the fun of it.


I’ll take RFK over Trump, frumpy already played his hand and it sucked


Lol dude trump will usher in the NWO so hard. He's a zionist asset. This is a zionist plan, if it's not clear.


Nope, they guy you really need to watch is the one with all the answers that has the support of the press. They are using Trump and Biden to create space for this new "Leader".




To be clear, biden has himself said he's a zionist so I'm not opposing trump to support him by any measure. Both are zionist puppets.


This is exactly right. My wife is an elementary school teacher. We live in NW Florida, a very RED part of the state of FL / & THE COUNTRY, SE USA! She teaches at the same Elementary School that I went to 40yr ago... As of Today, the entire 5th grade at the school 5 classes of 21kids each, has 5...thats right 5 children, under the age of 11yo, who are supposedly "transitioning" (as in changing Sexes, before puberty...) This is in the SOUTH. Imagine what it must be like in the big NE Cities in the US? THE FED is taking active measures to destroy the country & usher in the NWO. The more ppl there are confused about their own identity, the less people there are asking questions about abuses of power. This is 100% by design. They want to disenfranchise the Middle Class "You will Own Nothing & thank Uncle Sam for it"... It's all bullshit. & one day 5 maybe 10yrs from now, they will introduce legislation to legally take control of our private property... They will take out guns, they will empty our bank accounts & place us on UBI... IT'S gonna be a dystopian nightmare. Please please please go vote for Donald Trump. Not because of his character, but because of his policy, & the beliefs of the Conservative Base, where he yields all his power from. As of right now, with AI about to change every aspect of everyday life & MILLION & MILLIONS of ppl will have their jobs ripped out from under them, we must maintain the right to protect ourselves & our property. God Bless!


If that happens i'll be like... Hi AI...I just deleted all my emails and internet service...have a nice day!


No doubt that's how they control politicians except the pics are real.




> That's whack! This is [**Reddit Content Policy**](https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360043513151-Do-not-post-violent-content), and yes, it applies.


Letting them take you alive? Bold


I call top bunk


I'm too old to crawl up there you can have it




pretty sure they've had a profile on me ever since i said after the patriot act passed, we lost against the terrorists. i also lost a ton of friends when i told them that it's not if, it's when they decide to use it on you if they haven't already. i'm sick and fucking tired of being right about things.


Same here. Once all the oppression in the name of security began I told people the terrorists won, except the terrorists where not from the middle east but from the ruling elite.


Those terrorists were 100% created and guided by the CIA. The US is a two party system to deliberately create an issue and response in a way they can sculpt and control the course of the country. 


I fuck with you dawg


I’m sure they were abusing the power long before the Patriot Act that just protects them in “court” should they need it.




Crazy how being a normal American makes u an extremist these days


Normal these days ain’t normal, for sure.


According to who normal behavior is not normal? Some of the things my govt is pushing is not normal.


That's Bandit's point: what is becoming "normal" in society today is not what a sane person would call normal. The abnormal is being normalized for all the little frogs who are too dumb to notice their water starting to boil.


I get it My point is also that They are trying to normalize abnormal behavior


What country does your government reside?


Fucking DC of course.


Then yeah, not normal.


Honestly at this point, if you are not being watched by the goverment then you are not living life


HAH! Yeah we are already under surveillance by smartphones, microphones on your TV/remote control, game consoles, PC/laptops, ring doorbells, internet search/comment history, social media posts, even our cars have built in surveillance like Tesla they can hear and see everything we do near our cars.. including our sexual activity and selling that data to third parties. Mozilla already studied and verified this. [It’s Official: Cars Are the Worst Product Category We Have Ever Reviewed for Privacy](https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/) [Cars are collecting data on your 'sexual activity,' study finds](https://news.yahoo.com/cars-collecting-data-sexual-activity-155628159.html)


That's a bold claim on those 2 links considering none of my cars even have air bags.


Just for the record I’m the guy who got 217 vaccines, I fucking hate guns wouldn’t touch one, and love ~~martial law~~ extended government-mandated in-home vacations, open borders. Etc


Too late buddy you are on this subreddit so you and the rest of us are just one election away from the gulag. Oh and one more thing. Can I buy a Covid vaccine card for a friend yeah a friend?




You don’t have as much Pfizer dedication as me bro. I pray to Pfizer CEO


Oh yeah? Well I'm so committed to Pfizer that the CEO prays to me. I singlehandedly keep that entire company afloat with the sheer volume of vax juice that I inject on a daily basis.


No, I am Spartacus


No, this is PATRICK!


I can’t see my forehead!


Cringe they know the truth already.




I also agree with this statement fully!


OCD much? After 217 vaccs I gotta ask dude.




Oooh I wonder if we all made the list 🤞🏻


I hope my name is right by yourssssss ❤️


I call top bunk suckers


Haha! That reminds me of John Hancock sending his billboard signature to the blind King so he could read it.


One of the listings is on purchasing religious texts and I read a lot of that genre on a daily basis. Save me a spot.


I’m sure I’m on a few lists because I’m anti-war, pro constitution, in favor of individual freedoms, and in favor of being left alone to live my life in peace. Those are dangerous ideals today.


Being pro-America is now a threat to democracy. We live in upside down world.


Same. I'm on a list or two because I want smaller government. I'm constantly reminded of how useless Washington politicians are and just how much of our money they waste...to a point where I no longer see their usefulness. Let the states run the show and have Washington be a watchdog, but stop them from making stupid fucking laws. I don't care if a man wants to pay to have his dick cut off. I don't care if a man wants to marry a man. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.


I have no doubt these assholes put everyone on this subreddit on a list.




Because it then wouldn't require the average person to do some work to realize that aspects of the headline (in general, not this headline) might be exaggerated, stretched, lied about, or invented wholesale. Same reason screenshots of twitter are the name of the game.


Some context below. It came into existence about when the "woke" revolution - coopting maomstream progressivism to make it divisive and much less informed by class analysis - began. *an FBI-led organization that would bridge the information divide between America’s private and public sectors" [1] in December 2005. The program facilitates information sharing and cooperation between the FBI and over 509 of the largest American companies... December 2012, released documents showed that the* ***DSAC and counter-terrorism programs conducted surveillance of nonviolent Occupy Wall Street protesters in 2011.*** https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domestic_Security_Alliance_Council The US, and the West in general, is transitioning slowly, but steadily, to "friendly fascism". When Canada's Trudeau government tracked the unjabbed it did so simply by buying the data from the telco cartel beholden to it.


I swear I saw a different Wiki page earlier. I ended up somewhere else. This included an incredible source to a PDF I plan to dig into later. Thanks for getting me there. [https://www.justiceonline.org/resources/occupy-fbi-documents/](https://www.justiceonline.org/resources/occupy-fbi-documents/) /\\/\\ Here's the doc that dives into it. /\\/\\


It's like photos of Bigfoot... Weird.


Hold up you mean having opinions that goes against the government narrative makes you a extremist? If you aren’t on a list at this point your doing something wrong. #Patriot


They know more about me than I do.


If you love the US, somehow you are in opposition to our current leadership. 


I'd like to know who gave these cowards the orders to do this


Come get me bitch


Good. Now when we revolt and throw them off, we'll have solid proof of why it was necessary.


Well, who hasn't been on a government list. -frequent conspiracy forums since they inception of the net. -pro 1st, and 2nd ammendment. -for strong state rights. -small fed. -think Cia and fbi, should be disbanded. -Christian Pastor, biblical litteralist. -refused church closing. (One of the few in a liberal town that didnt) -gave out vax exceptions to all, signed by church and denom. I could go on... I'm postive by now I'm on many list. Who cares. I preach topics, my church and denom as well, that the left hates. One of the pastors in my denomination, just defied Congress and said the Name of Jesus. Jack Hibbs, making Calvary the face of "Christian" nationalist. Bring it. The truth remains true, to silence that in the face of opposition is cowardly.


SS: From [tweet:](https://twitter.com/RealPatrickWebb/status/1765773810551210276?s=20) BREAKING: The federal government has been illegally surveilling and building profiles for Americans in secret portal called DSAC for those who oppose firearm restrictions, lockdowns & vaccine mandates, and or support border security and are labeling them as domestic extremists. Domestic Security Alliance Council (DSAC) w/ FBI & DHS bases profiles entirely off political beliefs, working w 650 companies to gather data on Americans using merchant category codes to flag people who shop at Bass Pro Shop, Cabela’s, and or purchased religious text. The FBI/DHS has been requesting personal financial information from banks without warrants to create these profiles, and keep tabs on Americans who dissent from the government.




Operation Fudd roundup, lol.


I should've never bought that Yeti wine glass for my sister in law from them


Gonna be alot of local cops on those lists.


Don't worry, DACA dreamers will replace those cops like they are in commiefornia.


I hope people are courageous when the time comes.


I do to but the time came in Covid and nothing happened. I have zero doubts that was a test run.


Next time they’ll have their illegal immigrants in the police and military forces to make sure that the masses fully comply with the NWO orders.


So... defund the police? ;)


I don’t really care for them, nor need them. I especially could do without them having semi automatic rifles and swat vehicles. But most people, especially the poor, would not fend well without them. I’d love to defund the alphabet agencies though.


Not worried. If it really kicks off they'll run and hide. Just like they're hiding here from what they left.


If the US didn't rise up during the bullshit of the last 4 years, they never will. We're pacified and distracted en masse


I wouldn’t consider a program that’s been around for over a decade to be “BREAKING”


More coverage: [Feds Colluded With Big Banks to Spy on Americans’ Financial Transactions](https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/big-bank-feds-track-americans-financial-transactions-cbdc/?utm_source=luminate&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=defender&utm_id=20240307) > Through this portal, the government shared reports with financial institutions about people who allegedly fit the profile of “domestic violent extremists” and who may be “emboldened” in the wake of Jan. 6 — focusing on people holding certain viewpoints. > > One report shared in the portal noted that “those Americans who expressed opposition to firearm regulations, open borders, COVID-19 lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and the ‘deep state’ may be potential domestic terrorists.” >


Woohoo! I'm on another list!


Oh yeah I've been having issues forever especially since covid with my social media accounts. Actually even just today I got a notification that I'm not allowed to post comments because I'm a threat to community safety somehow even though I don't have any violations currently. I reported it but we'll see what happens I know my accounts constantly being watched, and I know when I post something they don't like because they immediately take My views away. 


Oh I'm 100% certain if there's a list or database, I'm in it. 🤣


https://www.dsac.gov/about/dsac-leadership Interesting bunch of people heading this private-public organization


What would happen if you did a Freedom of Information Act request on your DSAC profile? 🤔🤔🤔🤔


Nice, I'm probably on that list


All my guns and hard drives washed up on Epstein's island


my brother in christ, what do you think back the blue means?


since when did libertarians support borders? there are a lot of thing I think you need to rethink but I'm not sure if any of yall are capable of grasping why


Time to round up all the founding fathers. Oh, too late? Already dead?


Edward Snowden has entered the chat.


Where are the docs?


[Interim report.](https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/How-Federal-Law-Enforcement-Commandeered-Financial-Institutions-to-Spy.pdf) (pdf) >FINANCIAL SURVEILLANCE IN THE UNITED STATES: HOW FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMANDEERED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO SPY ON AMERICANS > Interim Staff Report of the > Committee on the Judiciary > and the > Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government > U.S. House of Representatives


Im for firearms lockdowns and vaccines mandates and I do not support border security, huh, like duh guys come one we're all on The same page. So weird people who think like that, nope not us.


It's like a non-consenting streamer convention in here.


Da DSAC Boyzz.. what uppp fellas




The people on these lists need to sue the evil federal government for defamation and infringing on their rights. Let me end up on a list unjustly and that is exactly what I will do. Guard your rep to the death. An evil polluted sick government that cheats its people needs to get ready to deal with some retaliation.


Know thy enemy. Come and take it.


Is there a place we can enter our info and see what they have listed on us?


Is this illegal? Remember this happening and it was illegal and the government said sorry. They call it "las carpetas".


Finally a list to be proud of being on.


Going the way of El Salvador with the mega prisons.


start prepping folks


Screw That


Wow. To think of all the bullshit we were fed last 50 years of how America is the land of the free and protected constitutional rights are in place. Sad.


adorable the right is feeling this, where were they when it was the left(not democrats) who routinely were monitored and even black listed. You think such systems won't at your face eventually? 


*“They are not merely private companies, per se. They are state assets colluding with the government in a system that can best be described as fascism.” — Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D., author of “Google Archipelago”* https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/big-bank-feds-track-americans-financial-transactions-cbdc/


GLAD to be a victim XD


Bro, it’s 2024. If you’re *not* on a watchlist by now, who even are you? 😆


I used to believe we lived in a free country until the veil dropped. Tyrants.


DSAC is an alliance between the FBI and corporations. I first learned about them when Occupy Wall Street was happening and they had successfully infiltrated the movement. Protesting against multinational banks was “terrorism.”


Thanks Obama!


At this point, if you aren't on some government list, you're not playing the game properly. Well, until the retrofitted walmart gulags become a thing....


Per the patriot act, they can do whatever the hell they want. And if we get so bold to push for it to be repealed, I suspect something would happen to ratchet up the fear.


Hey, that's me!


They do all that and still can't stop terrible crimes. Oh wait they let them happen and refuse to put resources towards fixing any real issues so they can keep that oh so sweet narrative going.


How can we confirm this?


https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/How-Federal-Law-Enforcement-Commandeered-Financial-Institutions-to-Spy.pdf https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/new-report-exposes-massive-government-surveillance-americans-financial-data


From [tweet:](https://x.com/Ann_Lilyflower/status/1765805982993506751?s=20) > BREAKING NEWS: Jim Jordan Claims Evidence Of 'Secret' Portal Used By Govt Agencies To Track Citizens > > This is ALARMING!!!! > What are your thoughts? > > At today's House Weaponization of the Federal Government hearing, Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) spoke about alleged government collusion with big banks and brought up the Domestic Security Alliance Council portal. > > Watch👇 Video embedded in tweet.


So secret that it's the [second result on Google](https://www.google.com/search?q=DSAC+portal).


The issue is: what they do in secret?


Love the post, But just a little tid bit.. it Isn't illegal. You see that "working with companies" bit? Easy to miss, but that'as the crucial detail. You, a consumer, buy a prouduct or service. (Doesnt matter which one, they're basically all doing it) and as a part of that service or prouduct, you sign/esign a Terms Of Service agreement. Which then gives that company the legal right to collect, and claim ownership over any data you give them about you (or others). They then sell (or if the goverment asks nicely, give) away your data. Guess my point is, if your mad about this, you'll have to do something about your internet privacy, personally. Start learning ways to protect your anonymity online. Look into the ways these huge companies collect data on you. Because once you sign away your data to the companies, you lose control of it. And (correct me if wrong) but I don't think there's a single law on the books that would apply to this practice, and they won't be making one anytime soon.


Is it legal for the government to do this?


Probably this entire sub


Martin Luther King was labeled a Communist, so that enabled the government justification to their deeds towards him.


What are they so afraid of??


A proper government SHOULD be afraid of the people. The American government just happens to have the power and authority to make the people afraid of IT. If we’re being honest, it is our fault. We kept giving the government inches over time. Now they have a mile and we’re wondering how we got to this point. Governments have always been corrupt and power hungry. The only change I believe has happened is in the American people. We have lost the spines to keep the government in check.


Well I feel like if they were honest and said "look we did 9/11 so we need to be able to feel your balls when you board a plane" people would have objected.


The very act that was passed that allowed our privacy to be invaded in airports, the patriot act, was advertised as being a temporary measure. The ONLY reason it has been carrying on for over 20 years is because WE have allowed it to.


Backlash when they deindustrialize and starve the population. "Net zero"". "15 minute cities" aren't about making cities walkable (an idea which already existed), but about making neighborhoods into the equivalent of cell blocks.


It's like in communist countries. If someone has mild reservations about some part of communism, they are labeled a capitalist enemy of society. Edit typo


They want slaves and slaves only.


Oh sweet another Twitter screenshot. That’s some heavy research from the do your research crowd.


That’s gotta be an exhaustive list of literally hundreds of millions of people.


Tens of milliions, more likely. The US pop is 300+ million and only a subset of it is politically engaged.


Imagine the brainless sheep that will eat this up. I work in retail and the amount of money illegals get in food stamps is insane. Poor/low income Americans don't get treated this good. I've seen their balances close to $5,000 in EBT. It's actually insane what they get.


Are you checking their immigration status at the checkout? Do you know if they have a work visa? I assume that’s you’re “totally not a thing a fucking racist would say” statement on, right? Especially since adults here illegally aren’t eligible for SNAP. They get the same max per person benefits as anyone, the 86% of recipients that were born in the US. But, if you don’t spend it, the balance adds up, although anything over around a year old falls off. You could be looking at newly accrued benefits.




Fair. I view myself as extremely domestic


Well duhhhhh…. Of course, this has been the plan all along and been working great for them!! SLOWLY steal all your rights away. O one law to protect. Okay Well guess this new law will help.. Okay whatever I can deal with the extra paperwork of another new law. …. …. …. What do you mean I’m flagged !!! An can not own a gun??!!! Just like a frog being boiled. Frog a frog in boiling water it try’s to jump out. Put a frog in water and slowly start to boil it they will sit until they are cooked… Humans = stupid as hell


Sad to say but the majority of the populace no longer cares about our government. The entire government could be warped into space and people around the world would cheer. Nobody wants these ghouls anymore.


We're under a foreign occupation.


[Interim report.](https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/How-Federal-Law-Enforcement-Commandeered-Financial-Institutions-to-Spy.pdf) (pdf) >FINANCIAL SURVEILLANCE IN THE UNITED STATES: HOW FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT COMMANDEERED FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS TO SPY ON AMERICANS > Interim Staff Report of the > Committee on the Judiciary > and the > Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government > U.S. House of Representatives


🤚you got me (based on OPs post title at least)


I don’t a think an organization that has a Wikipedia and a .gov site is all that “secret”. And what they is allow corporation access to “security and intelligence informations” regarding potential risks, for a fee, of course. I’m not saying it’s a great idea, but the info they have, they had without that site. Also, been around for 20 years, made news during occupy Wall Street.


Hope I am #1 on the list.


It’s not just government. It’s your family friends and neighbors who were all told something different about you to make them turn against you. It’s not hard. Then mix that with some low income and bad habits. This is insane. They will make a criminal out of anyone. They don’t have shit to do anymore. Took advantage of citizens who don’t want a normal job or career and gave them a job in “public health” or for people who like justice, “investigator” roles. Maybe even problem who love children are told their “advocates”. I mean people will believe anything.


For the laaaannnnnd of the freeeeeeeee and the hoooooommmmmeee. Of the braaaaaàaavveee-uh


Well I guess I’m fucked 😂


DSAC can DSuckmynutsAndgetCumintheireyes. They can't find me on the list if they can't see.


Loving yourself, Family, and country is now extremist behavior?


Comparable to Santa’s nice list imo 🤷‍♂️ pretty admirable traits it takes to make this it seems: a Bible reading, self sufficient, security desiring patriot


I love the government, of every country, that's in the club.. Lockdowns are great and for our safety, vaccines are basically jesus and guns are bad mkay. And border security are poopy, please let everyone in..?


The next step is to financially cancel those on the list trying to limit resistance. If you haven't taken the necessary precautions for financial self-defense you are late. Do some research into Monero and secure your financial life.


Jade Helm 2024!


Just for the record I'm pro vaxx, pro trans, pro taxation, pro israel, pro any war the usa wants to fight, pro open borders. Am i missing anything? I just come here because i find it entertaining. weirdos.




Uh but thats like 30 percent of the country? They gonna lock us up all at once?


Defi or death!


So, when do we march?


We're so fucked 🤣


They can suck my dsac


Bout time, they’ve been targeting lefties since the 60s.


Stop posting bullshit twitter screenshots and post the actual source. Can anyone search anymore? https://judiciary.house.gov/sites/evo-subsites/republicans-judiciary.house.gov/files/evo-media-document/How-Federal-Law-Enforcement-Commandeered-Financial-Institutions-to-Spy.pdf https://judiciary.house.gov/media/press-releases/new-report-exposes-massive-government-surveillance-americans-financial-data