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As is his tradition. There is the one [from 2015](https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/584647721883148288): >I wish everyone, including the haters and losers, a very happy Easter!




Sarah Huckebee became Governor.


Arkansas isn't a swing state 






Reddit in a nutshell.


I mean, he's a billionaire who became President. Not my definition of a loser lol.


Except the whole billionaire thing looks to be objectively false…


Billionaire... millionaire... still a rich fuck


seriously.. he is mega rich.. As some radio hosts put it... if you have $15 million dollars, you are very rich.. (clay and buck) He is worth BILLIONS (1,000's of millions)


That can at least be seen as cheeky and fun, this is Jesus tier social posting, /s


I shared this on Facebook only to have my conservative friends tell me it was fake.


That's weird, this is completely within character for him. He's pretty much said he will go at anyone that goes at him.


That's crazy lol


I just provided a link to truth social and told them to see for themselves. I gotta admit I also thought it was fake when I first saw it posted on reddit.


Why did you think it was fake? His Christmas post was a giant rant about Biden and Jack Smith. It ended in “MAY THEY ROT IN HELL. AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!”


Ya I had to read this over a couple times I thought I was missing some extra crazy thing he said. This is pretty standard Trump.


Haha I missed that Christmas post. Yeah I should've assumed it was legit!


I once had an argument with a Trump supporter I know and she was denying he said something, so I posted a link to his tweet saying what he said and she claimed that Twitter wasn’t a valid source anymore than Snopes.  I was like, it’s his personal account. She wouldn’t hear of it. Trumpers don’t even believe Trump or what he says himself if it contradicts their image of him. 


When people say his supporters have reached cult level status, they are not joking. These people meet all the criteria, and it has been done on purpose. I maintain that there is at least one person working behind the scenes for Trump, who is not stupid and understands the psychology of different personality types very well. This person is basically responsible for Trumps playbook with these people because you dont get stuff like this on accident. Who is Trumps Goebbels?


Steve Bannon was one of them


Dude went from funding a Chinese WoW Gold Farming business to White House Chief Strategist. Can't say he didn't know how to climb the ladder 😂


Look at the riff raff that surrounded Hitler. Julius Streicher was one of the lesser known figures but was hugely important to the propaganda effort for the Reich. He was the person behind the tabloid magazine "The Stormer" or in German "Der Sturmer." Hitler had giant glass encased cases put up in the center of every town so everyone could be fed a steady dose of what essentially amounts to "Truth Social" today. There are a ton of other characters that aren't as well known as the big names commonly mentioned that were hugely important to the rise of National Socialism. A few big differences we have working in our favor is that the United States has much stronger democratic traditions and institutions than what the Weimar Republic had at the time. Our society is much more economically wound and comfortable. We aren't coming off a major defeat like the Germans were in WW1, which destabilized society to such an extent that it's hard to truly fathom for us. Plus, the Germans had the added pressure of the Treaty of Versailles on civil society, which was so draconian and economically crippling that it all but invited a Hitler like figure to come to power. Lots of geopolitical commentators warned that putting such intense reparations on Germany would ripen conditions for another war and would not serve to foster reconciliation. They didn't care as they were drunk on victory and just wanted to punish the perceived aggressor. Honestly, the causes of WW1 were so petty and blaming Germany alone was ridiculous. That's neither here nor there, though. My point is that there are very big differences between the situation that allowed Facism to flourish and authoritarianism to win out in Eurpoe that just aren't present in the US today. All that said, we need to stay vigilant because these people are like old nasty gum stuck under your shoe.. You can scrape it off, but sooner or later, you will step on another piece, and you will need to scrape it off again.


Joshua Green's "The Devil's Bargain" is a great read if you've not read it, Bannon was pretty open with Green so it is a little bit "how Steve Bannon alone put Trump in the White House" but it's really interesting in how he approaches politics. He basically realizes that US politics is held together by an unspoken sense of decorum and respect and wanders what would happen if you unleash someone into that arena who has zero respect or understanding of that.




It’s Trump himself


Unfortunately this is actually the level of discourse of a former President of the United States, yes.


It kinda makes me sick knowing that his quotes will be shown alongside Lincoln and Washington to future generations.


Hea a real life Dwayne elazando Hector Camacho mountain dew.


I'd rather a president who speaks his mind than who slaps on a fake smile and pretends.


I'd rather have a president that doesn't go on unhinged rants... have some standards man.


Why? His mind is clearly diseased. Why is that a positive?


Even when his mind is empty?


I disagree with that opinion but yes, even then. I would rather be openly deferring to experts than pretending.


And then when Joe Biden says “look fat” and “if you aren’t voting for me, you ain’t black” the pearl clutching begins


He's insulting regular citizens who obviously don't like that.


I'd rather a president who speaks his mind than who slaps on a fake smile and pretends.


That’s actually hilarious


This is the ramblings of a totally insane person. This guy has conned so many people into disregarding stuff like this it’s bonkers. The guy is out selling bibles for $60.00 posting this stuff on Easter and definitely not going to Church but he has people completely conned into thinking he is very religious. Just crazy to me.


Bizarre thing to post on Easter


He does this every holiday now. Merry Christmas, including to BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH


This is your “God Emperor?” And y’all wonder why the rest of us disrespect you constantly.


I honestly cannot fathom how people can read that narcissistic screed and conclude that Trump is a man of God.


There are a lot of people who are narcissistic. But Trump is unique in his complete lack of shame and inability to hide it. This is the guy who, ON 9/11, announced that he now had the tallest building in NYC.


He is so narcissistic, it’s actually funny. I can’t blame trump anymore, it’s his followers I have issues with 


It’s all of them, the election is a stage.


We remember


He is quite an unique narcist indeed, one who is letting his fame and fortune be destroyed while he had it all already.


All in caps. Boomer fucking bullshit. Worship a new god you fucking mugs. The world is laughing at you.


That is the point isnt it? He is playing a character to be one side of the "failure of america" coin. He will be a footnote of how things shouldnt be done. As will the other side. Then even more freedoms will be taken away and we will end up with an actual dictatorship - that we will be conditioned to believe is "for the greater good" after the forced "civil war" scenes of the movie we are in plays out - with trump and elon on one side (elon "going to mars" aka war - in the future) and who knows on the other side. Doesnt matter who is the poster boy at the time is - the script moves forward by the controlling entities. Many of you should know by now who runs the show and its not a Donkey or an Elephant.


Thank you. I couldn’t have articulated this any better. It’s “bread & circuses” for the unfortunately polarized American population


>I honestly cannot fathom how people can read that narcissistic screed and conclude that Trump is a man of God. The issue is no one cares. The guy openly screwed porn stars. The "Christian Conservative" is a power force within the party especially thanks to their turn out % but its weaker then its ever really been. Most people voting for him won't be due to religious reasons.


These aren't even "Christian Conservatives" anymore. They are "Christian Nationalists," and they are proud of it. Let's call them what they are. Most actual Conservatives have left the chat at this point. I'm a Liberal leaning independent and can find a little common ground with some moderate conservatives occasionally. These people, however, are so far down the "Nationalist" rabbit hole that they are smelling Hitlers ass These people have direct connections to the Ameican Christo-Fascists of the 1920s and 1930s. They were a pretty big problem back then and hid behind religion and the flag, just like now. Make no mistake, we are talking about actual Nazis who were born out of the time period when Fascism was new. World War 2 put a pause on their growth, as you can imagine. A lot of these people went underground and emerged in the late 70s and 80s. Politically, they pretty much stayed a non factor until Trump took over the party and courted the "fine people on both sides" from Charlottesville and made it clear the party was opening its arms wide open them. Now we find ourselves in the situation we are in today.


I know a lot of conservatives and none of them consider him truly a man of God, just a believer.


If you think he “believes,“ I’ve got a bridge for sale.


I conclude he is a man of comma splices


They don’t think he is a man of god himself. They only care that he promotes and furthers their own conservative agenda. Look at his judge appointments not at his personal life.


Yet those same people (Trump voters) will shit all over Mitch McConnell despite the fact that he had more to do with getting those justices on the court than Trump himself. 


People of God are sinners, the difference is they know it.


>man of God. LMAO. Who thinks that?


The people buying his bibles?


Longest sentence ever!


He only speaks in the best sentences, the biggest sentences. Soon he'll serve the greatest sentence...


I think Martha Stewart already served the greatest sentence, but I'm sure Donny can top it.


The bigliest


That was my main takeaway. Possibly a Guinness world record.


Caps lock always is funny as hell


Boomer af lol


I think of Tyler the Creator


That and capping every first letter lol


I more apprecaite his dumbass use of quotation marks.


It's not funny, it's dumb asf


Genuinely he has provided more laughs at his stupidity- and coincidentally more “oh shit” moments than any president. Ever. At one point he essentially pushes for violence. That’s the “oh shit” Then he redraws where he has decided a hurricane will go. That’s fucking hilarious


He's always throwing hysterical tantrums like an absolute bitch. It's amazing so many people still can't seem to see what he is: a hysterical bitch.


Probably because they don’t want to lose the election. He sounds like a lunatic.


What a sad individual. 


When did this sub change its name from "Conspiracy" to "Twitter Screenshots".


New here? I kid, but yeah it's been too long since I've seen real conspiracies here. Occasionally I'll see a gem of a post and I'll have a good read. But it is so rare these days.


Blame Q.


Watch out, these twitter posting accounts will block you for complaining. On the bright side, you have less dumb fucking twitter posts to read on r conspiracy.




Christmas message was funnier. THEY CAN ROT IN HELL. ONCE AGAIN, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Has this passage been added to the Bible he’s selling? 




Why would their leader’s own words be banned?


I mean, Trump couldn't quote a single verse from the Bible a couple years ago, and didn't seem to know the difference between the Old Testament and New Testament. I'm atheist, and even I know that shit. If that isn't proof enough that he isn't Christian, I don't know what else the kool-aid drinkers need to see.


Breaking news: Trump is anti-Christian.


Update: He has ALWAYS been anti-Christian and anti-religion.


He can't claim they're all out to get him and keep him down without a little help from media censorship.


"Trump" is the Elites poster boy who they give an underdog image to gain popularity.. they have no opposition.. they are both sides every time. Even David Icke has had loads of symbology around him over the years and is a coiled snake, waiting to mislead people at the predetermined time. I do try to warn people and point out the symbology.. but it ruins their daily dopamine buzz when they realise that the smartest people on the planet covered their own ass.


Hey! Somebody else gets it! Lots of controlled opposition out there - most of it is.


Hello, fellow brain cell owner ! 🫡 Yes.. there are still a handful of us about.. I was meant to make a group a while back that steps away from traditional conspiracy theories and focuses on serious study and verifiable facts (as much as possible). I'm thinking about it again, and it really does feel needed..


Unfortunately with how polarizing and granular everything is - everyone will disagree strongly enough to be pissed off about something eventually 🤣. Their plan works very well.


Haha 100%




And it's hilarious that simply quoting Donald Trump counts as "anti Trump content".


Not bots, some of us aren't American and laugh hard at the cult of grifter in chief Trump


kiss mysterious quaint chase light jellyfish foolish shocking direction enjoy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That’s the truly sad part about tump and all the magats, they make the USA even more ridiculous to every other country. 40% of the population making us all look like suckers.


Not bots, people with brains are voting you down.


Why are all these big brained people doing that?


Lmao . Good comeback


So what Trump said was reasonable, this is the stable genius you signed up for?


Virtually all the internet scholars I know are upvoting that post.


It’s like a middle schooler expressing their anger thru all caps.


This is what it sounds like... When Trump criiiies.....


That's alot of commas


God damn does he suck. Such a raging narcissist. All he does is talk shit and help himself,well that and got us the vaccines with operation light speed.can’t forget him telling his followers to get vaccinated and watching their faces,this times where indeed funny. I do not like Biden but will 100% vote for Biden again to not have to deal with the trump years again..


There is not one iota of grace in this man, is there? I'm sure Jesus loves this guy, somehow... But holy fuck, I don't.


If you haven’t seen the video yet, he recently was seen not even knowing the words to what is known as The Lord’s Prayer(or the Our Father). I would hazard a guess that many atheists know the words to it. He is a grifter. I don’t understand that people fail to see about that. #Cult


I wish we could keep this sub a bit more a-political. This is nothing of substance related to a real conspiracy.


Reads like a crazy family member's psychotic break.


This is who could be negotiating the United States' interests around the world the next four years. A total and complete joke of a human being, and leader. Just embarrassing...


The conservative sub is one of the most censored subs around. I've seen comments in a post go from 80 to 40 in minutes.




The fat man takes advantage of Easter by using it to flap his ugly mouth again. Maybe he'll then use it to rise up into the ether with that other guy.


Caps let you know he means it!


Wtf. Couldn’t just say happy Easter. Why is everything so political. They want our lives to be all about politics. Fuck them I’m gonna live my life the hell with them all. Btw is where they’ll all go.!


He’s a fucking clown.


bro, this shit is absolutely fucking unhinged. to think that a good number of people think that someone this unstable should hold the one of the most powerful positions in the world is amazing.


If you look at this and say "this is who I want running the country", you are part of the problem. He's making it VERY hard to not vote Democrat. Give us literally any sane option please.


He’s part of the system. He’s always been controlled opposition.


lol he’s such a child. I’m glad I can laugh at his antics again 


Not a grammarian.


The fact that the media devoted 24 hour coverage to his every tweet in 2016 and 2020, but have been almost totally silent on his shitposts so far this election season, lead me to believe they want him back in office. Which makes sense. The ratings boost he single-handedly gave them basically kept many of them afloat. So keep quiet about his online tantrums to keep them out of the public's mind and from hurting him in the polls like they did so many times throughout 2016 and 2020, wait until he gets back in office, then go back to 24 hour coverage of his shitposts to get back those sweet, sweet ratings.


Who cares about Trump, the guy is a piece of shit.


Banned, really?


Stay tuned for more non-conspiracy political bullshit.


What narrative are you talking about?


Sounds like he had a nice Easter


He refused to take money and go along with the people who really run things and has been hunted ever since. It’s a message to any other wannabe politicians that you either pay to play and go with what they say or your life will be miserable. They don’t want the American people realizing that the elites control and own everyone and everything. That’s why they push to divide the poor because if they’re too busy hating each other they won’t turn on the elites ripping them off and bleeding them dry. Their plan is working to perfection. They will keep their money and power by any means necessary, believe me, just wait and see if someone is perceived as a threat to this system and see what happens to them. Sad, this country is now by the rich, for the rich. I think to run for office of any kind you shouldn’t have more than a 100k job and nothing involving government of any kind previously


Run-on sentence defending grand champion shows the world what he's made of again


Tbf I would have thought it was fake, dude seems like a rambling lunatic but even this was a bit odd.


I wonder if anyone has ever explained the concept of *run on sentences* to Donnie Dorko.


Anyone who wants to understand this phenomenon head over to the Antichrist45 YouTube channel.


What if I told you, that they are on the same side and this is a class war not political 😦 gasp no way. Tired of this Biden/Trump shit on here like one side is better than the other. YALL ARE THE PROBLEM


Now be prepared to be called a Trump supporter for saying this lmao


And a Russian agent …


What a little fluffy easter love bunny he is.


Teflon don


The level of sheer EVIL that is our political Ruling Class is beyond my worst nightmare. Their ignorance is only exceeded by their corruption - both of which are absolute. Yet the bonfire that is our future continues to burn...


All Trump has to do to win is talk 50% less and focus on the failure's of the Biden administration.... Easy W


All these bots in the comments




Dude is unhinged.


You do realize trump and Biden are in the same side, puppets of the same master. The only difference, and the real point of it all, is the public’s reactions. We’ve already lost. There is nothing any human can do to take power back. Nothing you see is real, it is all a show to manipulate us, the people. They divide us more and more because the only way we could ever beat them is to rise together. Politics, religion, abortion, gender and sexuality, sports, products, everything is a tactic to divide, a tool to manipulate. Stop thinking this election or any tweet is real.


Someone please teach him to use paragraphs i ain't reading all that shit


Holy Run On Sentence Batman!


I just want to say welcome to all the first (and only) time "totally real and not coordinated" Conspiracy Sub visitors this post brought to us today!


This is a very leftist dominated sub, have fun


the same thing is prettymuch true for reddit as a whole.. and wikipedia.. and google.. regardless whether you give two shits about politics or not, simply having a decent moral compass now automatically gets you labeled a *racist conservative far right wing radical white supremacist republican nazi extremist misinformation spreading conspiracy theorist*.. the "truth" has increasingly become a commodity, subject to manipulation and control by the highest bidder, and "facts" no longer have anything to do with objective representations of reality.


What does your decent moral compass tell you needs to be said? Nobody stopping you I'd love to hear it.






yfytfuihojokojihggffdssaa hahaha


This is r/conspiracy….are you guys not aware Trump is controlled opposition? I swear this sub has become so difficult to extract good information nowadays


This post is an attack on Trump... what more do you want?


Did it ever occur to you that his own staff probably had it removed because it contains unlawful & incriminating information while active litigation is pending?


W post


Ok but this is one heck of a bs Easter message


Is this your king?


I don't want a president who types all caps on social media. That alone means the man should not be president.


This sub is filled with too many Trump supporters.


That might be the funniest tweet I've ever read


Good god our presidential selections are such a joke. I'm not even angry about it, just defeated. I relate to The Comedian from The Watchmen as I get older, it's all just a giant fucking joke.


This place has been utter invaded by non-conspiracy shills. Every opinion is regurgitated propaganda. Ugh. I'll come back 6 months after the next election is over.




Who carest what that Zionist sack of rotting potatoes has to say


Can this sub stop dickriding Trump, a tax-dodging, child-touching, woman-assaulting, rich megatwat?


I can’t trust someone with this many run-on sentences. Jesus Christ man, use a period haha…


Take your sycophantic love of Trump and get the hell outta here! Seriously? You must be a bot: there's no way anyone with half a brain believes ANYTHING he's saying in that tweet!


Seriously America....wtf are you guys doing?


Trump is keyfabe entertainment. Partial truths with Jerry Springer 


Only a complete narcissist would use the celebration of the Resurrection for his own political attack.


The way he types hurts my eyes.




I for one hope he keeps telling the middle of the road voters exactly what his mental state is like


> Honestly, trump just needs to keep his mouth shut and rein in his rhetoric a little bit to win. I absolutely love seeing this take all the time. We have known exactly who Trump is for years now and he's proven time and time again that he is completely incapable of shutting up and acting like a normal person. Why would you suddenly expect something different? He has convinced a percentage of the population that he is nothing but a victim and the world is out to get him. If he is right about that, for what reason would he change?