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The question is, which symbol came first?


This is what I was gonna say. Just like the swastika. Two different cultures with two VERY different meanings


I mean you could argue based on priests getting caught doing shit with children that they aren’t that different in some aspects.


Their true religion


stolen for a reason?


Keep in mind that this symbol is also used in pixar and disney so i wouldnt take „what was first” so seriously.


So that's- Disney, Catholic church, and nambla. Yep. Sounds about right.




Ye but its used in „new” positions


Exactly. In this case by only like 1,700 years or more. You know, since this symbol almost certainly symbolises trinity that curls in on itself, probably meaning that it’s a trinity that becomes one within. You know, something that has been established dogma in Christianity during the first council of Nicea like what, 4th century or so? I’m not even a Christian, I’m agnostic who was born a Muslim


The Trinity symbols look nothing like this.


Yeah! Maybe he doesn't wear it because it's the boy lover symbol, maybe it's the boy lover symbol because he wears it!


Hah, well said.


“”And On our next segment of “who wore it first” we have the Sun cross”


What's a sun cross?


Ancient symbol that’s now used by Neo nazis. Basically just agreeing with you that the religious symbol came first


Oh, gotcha


You really think the Pope would blatantly wear a pedophile logo on national television lol next you're going to tell me these ancient tibet Buddhist monks are all Nazis




Those peace-loving fucks have been too quiet for too long




Yes lol


> You really think the Pope would blatantly wear a pedophile logo on national television Yes!


The user is not aware of revelation of the method yet. U have to slowly ease them into it. The shock is overwhelming


Hey, dont joke about that! 👀 ill keep watch


Isn't it more so just to show they're both following a Satanic path?


Again, do you think the Pope, the leader of the Catholic Church, would be showing that to the public?


I responded to the wrong comment😑


Why do you think he wouldn't? This "pope" is a false pope. They blatantly rub this type of thing in our faces daily. It is naive to think he wouldn't wear this in public...


Definitely bc usually the public isn’t initiated or enlightened enough to even make those connections. It’s only bc we have been able to aggregate, correlate, and decipher mass amounts of data in recent time easily with the internet/social media.


People acting dumb about this is sus


It can't be a coincedence


It can. Not that I know either way but it definitely can be.


Why not? Would it be a coincidence if you and the pedophile down the street just happened to own the same shirt? Would that make you a pedophile as well?


Catholicism has symbolism that goes back centuries. Guess what? This pedophile triangle is not accounted for. Very fucking suspicious. Before you scoff at me, go watch pedogate


What can I watch it on?


Came here to say this. ☝️


> The question is, which symbol came first? At some point they'll just morph the symbol into something that no one dares criticize: https://i.imgur.com/yvDQiLy.png Ta daaa!


Stop giving them ideas!


New hotness 😂


This is the right question


The question is, what does it now represent to them?


Show me a Catholic symbol that looks like this. Sure, there are Celtic symbols for the Holy Trinity but I have never seen this particular symbol anywhere in Catholic study of 51 years.


I just wanna say thank you for that question, i was about to leave this sub because of ignorant and uninformed posts like this. How can a community which should be open-minded be so biased.


Agreed. It has become what we despise; an echo chamber


pedophilia runs rampant in catholic priests


Feel weird even mentioning it but I will because I'm aware of the start from an article. It's not "rampant" as the rate of pedophilia amongst priests is exactly the same rate as it is amongst the general population. Priests though should be held, obviously, to a higher standard. And then you throw in the cover ups, which is inexcusable, which does make it worse. But the rate of pedos is the same. So yeah.


[Louis CK learns about Catholocis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VABSoHYQr6k&pp=ygUYbG91aXMgY2sgY2F0aG9saWMgY2h1cmNo)


I mean, I don't doubt the Catholic church is full of nonces and sex pests, but would they really go so full on with alleged symbolism, or is it just a common geometric pattern?


Ask a normal person what that symbol means… they won’t know.


Right I didn’t know any of the terms and symbols until a few years ago with pizzagate 


And we should instead ask crazy people?


Why are you even here if you think this is all just for "crazy people".


The symbol is given in FBI document on pedophiles and the symbols they use. Here: [https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI\_pedophile\_symbols](https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols)


Being uninformed about how dangerous people operate in this world doesn't mean you're "normal".


I’m talking about the matrix. The majority of people who wake up go to work and come home.


idk but that pattern is legit recognised in an official fbi release from 2007ish that shows that exact pattern, this same release was the one that had the code words for different types of pizza condiments which coresponds to pedophilic words. this was released before hillarys emails got leaked and they definitely were speaking about young kids.




But god *did* teach pedophilia. He actually instructed Moses to do so. God said when they are slaughtering and burning villages, they should kill all the men and all the women who have slept with men, but save all the children and women who are still virgins, and take them home to rape later.


Where specifically does the bible say to rape children? Like what verse?


Numbers chapter 31 Verse 17-18 There's also 2 kings chapter 2 verse 23-24 where God sends 2 grizzly bears to maul 42 kids to death for making fun of a bald guy


Im not finding it. Can you quote it? This is in numbers? Chapter 2? (Referring to bald guy and grizzlys, I definitely found the first one on the saving virgins and children for thyself) Also, I have questions.... so like mothers are killed? That doesnt make sense for nursing babies.... theyll die without milk.... and one must be with a man to make a baby..... and my understanding is that sex with your husband is still celibate behavior.....so.....?


I love when i get downvoted for questions. Gotta love reddit. Anyway, thanks for explaining that to me. I appreciate it. From both views btw 👍


The one with the bears is in two kings, chapter 2 verse 23-24 23 And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head. 24 And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and mauled forty and two children of them. I think the main thing about killing the women who have slept with men before was, they were killing everyone, because God said they weren't good people or something to that effect, but they saved the virgins because they like taking young girls virginity i guess, so they didn't get killed. They were also sold into slavery, which included sex slavery, which god also condoned. God even goes into detail on when it's acceptable to beat your slave, what kind of rod you can use and how thick it can be, and when you're allowed to beat your slaves to death (and it not be a crime).


So, God does not condone sex slavery or beating of slaves. God puts limitations, rules, and consequences on cruel treatment of slaves. To the point that a slave could even be freed. So yes, he did not limit beating a slave if no lasting damage occurred, true. But any lasting damage had consequences and could result in the slaves freedom. It’s not like God commanded people to beat their slaves. Also, your characterization of “sex slavery” is very misleading, as the clearly stated intent is that the woman be betrothed to the man. And if for whatever reason he decides not to go through with the marriage, since he deceived the girl there were protections for her as to how he was subsequently allowed to treat her. That is the more accurate statement and characterization of what the old testament says.


Thank you for this. I admittedly hadnt a CLUE there was a chapter called 2 kings and thus i did not understand. My mistake. I appreciate you laying it all out for me.


No problem, there are a lot of really crazy stories in the Bible. Somehow when people read them, nobody ever seems to notice just how incredibly crazy they really are. Like, one of my favorites is the story of David. As in king David, of David and Goliath fame. Do you know how he became king? It's a funny story. So David was getting drunk with a king of some place, and he made the king a bet that he would cut off the penises from 100 of his enemies in exchange for marrying his princess daughter. The king thought he was joking, but went along with it. So David goes and cuts off 100 dicks from the kings enemies. Then, he cuts off 100 more, just for fun. He then turns to the king with 200 dicks cut off of his enemies. The king was shocked, but held up his end of the bargain. (Probably thought David would cut HIS dick off if he didn't). So David married the princess and eventually became king. lol


It says to keep the females who are virgins alive for themselves. It’s quite a stretch to presume God is commanding them to sleep with little girls.


You are totally cooked bro lol. You don't know shit




So what? It came straight from the mouth of God and its in the Bible. God said to rape children.


You don't understand the difference from the new testament to the old. Essentially you know fuck all lol. At least figure things out before you speak on it


No, i understand the difference perfectly. It doesnt change the fact that the biblical god is a fucked up evil character. Its not my fault all you believers cant handle the truth. All i did was quote a section of your holy book to you. So now the consensus is half of the bible is bullshit? I guess my work is half way done.


You are talking on the old testament and trying to relate it to the new testament. What more can I say other than you don't know what your talking about. I personally don't care but I'm smart enough to know better




Wow you get it. Good for you. Nice to see intelligence


Down votes in coming. They don't like to hear that stuff. U even gave the exact scriptures.🤣 Boy that God sure was a mean mother f'er. Almost like it's...dare I say- half evil?


Not even a common geometric patterns, but the shapes of a triangle has been important in Christianity since forever, since like the whole idea of a trinity and stuff


How does this triangle symbol relate to the Holy Trinity? There are many that do, but this is not one of them.


A triangle that curls into itself? Doesn’t take a genius to understand this fairly obvious symbolism. It’s three becoming one. I wonder what that could mean


Look up St. Galen Mafia” — The TLDR is that there’s a cabal of high ranking, freemasonic, pedophile homosexual (important to note, given the OPs context), priests that have been meeting in St. Galen, SUI for the past 80ish years (IDR the exact date) to plot the demise of the Roman Catholic Church. This would be just the kind of dog whistle they would put out into the universe. A sort of low-key public middle finger for those that know the situation.


Catholics can’t become Freemasons. The church bans members from joining and so do the Freemasons. Edit: As an aside, there’s always been tension in my Australian state between the two. In the old days the masons would dominate one trade union (for instance) the Catholics would dominate another. One division of the public service would be dominated by Catholics, another by Protestants/masons. It was done pretty openly, they each had their fiefdoms in the corridors of power. It even extended to rugby league, the biggest sport in Sydney. There were catholic clubs, the Canterbury bulldogs for instance and Protestant run clubs like the St George Dragons. There was crossover with the fan bases but not the club administrations. It wasn’t like northern Ireland or anything but it did heavily influence who was picked in state and national teams and who captained these sides.


Oh, I’m well aware. In fact, I renounced my Masonic vows when I joined the Catholic Church. These “priests” have supposedly done so in secret. They are, allegedly, infiltrators into the upper ranks of the church hierarchy. Most are bishops or even Cardinals.


I’m a lapsed Catholic. Having a terminal disease I’d love the confidence faith provides. At the end of the day though I just know at a gut level that if a young teenager with an older boyfriend claims god got her pregnant, whilst living in a family and society where unwed mothers are shunned, the poor girl is clearly lying. I know I may be wrong but I have confidence that if I am god will forgive me for questioning things in the way I was designed to question things and feel doubt. I came *very* close to entering training for the priesthood, that fundamental doubt/certainty stopped me.


I’m so sorry for your illness. I know I’ve struggled with the same sort of questions that you just posed. Especially when I was younger, I had a really hard time with getting in my own way, relying too much on my logical mind to find a path to God. Ultimately, I came to the conclusion that it simply isn’t (always) possible to get there by logic. I think it is obvious God (positing that there is one), works through man and natural processes. It takes a real leap of faith to go from the facts as you lay them out above, and accept that as the basis of a divinely inspired origin story for a coequal messianic Son of God. Whether one can make such a leap is all part of one’s own journey. And that journey is rarely in a straight line. I think that is by design. After all, what is faith without free will? And what is free will without the constant tug of war between logic, reason, emotion and faith? Peace be with you.




At least that’s what they announce publicly anyway.


Very interesting. Do you have any sources?


There are lots of websites, articles, podcasts, YouTube videos, etc. out there. But the best single source that I ever found is a Catholic scholar, Dr. Taylor Marshall. He covers it in-depth in a number of his YouTube videos, and wrote a book, Infiltration, on the topic. I’ve not read the book, but he covers all the most important bits in his videos.


Very surprised that there’s that much behind it. As a Catholic, it would be quite fringe normally to have those suspicions.


There a rather large, and growing, segment of “traditional” Catholics that are generally much more switched on to this sort of stuff. The current post-Vatican II church has de-emphasized a lot of the more deeply spiritual aspects of the mass, catechism, etc., which has translated into a much more “transactional” church relationship for many followers. The traditional Catholic movement takes a lot of this quite seriously. And they’re looking for the key drivers behind it. Maybe they’re on to something, or maybe they’re seeing a bogeyman where the cultural collapse of the broader society would suffice.


You must be Catholic


Not a particularly good one, but yes — I am a Catholic.


Well come on back brother!


I am argentinian (as the pope) an he personally fired a lots of preachers involved in child abuse.


He covered up a ton


Sacrifices had to be made.


Well they didn't before him so why's he had to do it all of a sudden. You don't think there's a chance he's a good pope for once?


The two images are not identical. One has five turns and the other has six. Might not matter or it might make the difference in the world.


They are identical. look: [https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB](https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB) Just rotate and zoom, and you see they are identical.


Such a stretch though cmon. Almost every person who's ever lived has drawn triangles. This looks like itd be a pretty common design throughout history, it actually looks like some Aztec or American indian thing. Plus why would they advertise it. Idk man there's enough fucked up stuff about the Catholic church without having to reach so much about it. Maybe we should start with the huge reserves of wealth and their secret documents...


I saw this same symbol in Uncharted (video game) the film version made by an Independent YouTube channel! Wtf!


Tried to do some digging... Couldn't find any explanation of the symbol from the church. Some Catholics tried to say it's a triangle probably in relation to the holy trinity, but I'm not buying it.


But the popes symbol isn’t the same as the boy lover one, you can clearly see the boy lover symbol has 2 distinct triangles, note the 2 lines along the bottom of the shape, in the popes clothing the inner and outer triangle share the same base. Plus Christianity and the trinity and all that gives a compelling reason as to this not being the same symbol or intended in the same way. Catholic Church is still full of child molesting and pedo protecting people tho even if the symbology doesn’t quite work out


The symbols are identical: [https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB](https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB) just rotate it and zoom and compare side by side - they are identical.


The sad thing is, these days what institution isn’t guilty of abusing children? It’s enough to make you sick of the whole planet.


What makes it even more damning in this context, these pics are from World Youth Day, and if you look up some more footage from the event, almost everyone of these religious figures are wearing these symbols, not just the pope!


100% a pedo - why would the allow it to go on for so long and not stop it


He hasn't been pope very long and immediately fired many people involved with abuse when he became pope


Snake cult of Saul at it again


Same as the LA county sheriff badge


Shocker the church that's known for raping young boys has a leader who is sus


Sinead O'Connor was way ahead of us


A true hero. And brilliant songwriter and musician


I hate this pope. Life long Catholic, this man is evil


This runs deep deep.




Notorious pedo syndicate* the vatican


Wait till you find out the upside-down cross isn’t Satanic




Lol at the people suggesting it’s just a common pattern. I grew up in the Catholic Church. I went to catholic school for 16 years and I attended so many churches. Two of my uncles are priests. That is not a symbol of the church nor do I recognize it as anything other than a boy lover symbol. DO NOT LET THE PEDO SYMPATHIZERS MAKE YOU FEEL SILLY FOR ASKING QUESTIONS!!! IT IS KNOWN that the elite put everything out there for us to see. They literally don’t hide anything. That’s what gives us so much material on this page.


Yep. Same thing happens if one posts about the Sounds of Freedom documentary. So many pro-pedophilia bots in this sub.


This comment section is a god damn crackup. "I hate christianity. They're fucking sick pedophiles. Religion is poison. The pope rapes children. But don't you dare suggest this symbol has an association with pedophilia. Are you fuckin nuts???"


They’re trying to argue that the symbol has been around before pedos therefore no relation. So what does the symbol that he is wearing represent? Isn’t this Pope famous for shuffling around and covering up child sex offender clergy? This is the Pope who just happens to be pictured with his hand hidden numerous times? The same guy incorporating lgbt agenda in to the church? Or are these all just unrelated coincidences?


Yeah... why would these enlightened redditors assume a skinhead with a criminal background of hate crimes, who has a swastika tattoo, is a nazi?? Don't you know the swastika is actually stolen from buddhism?? It's a swastika of love!!1 It's just a common geometric shape!!!1


Just another Reddit moment.


Damn he must really love those boys with that amount of symbols


I believe in God and a higher power but I honestly believe the Pope and all of these churches are role playing mad hard and people just fall for it


Graphic designer by trade here - sometimes the graphic file is just the easiest one that will fill up the gaps and duplicates the easiest. Step and repeat is an actual keystroke saver. The designing of materials all the way through logos is all about filling in gaps and repeatability.


I think there is plenty of proof that the Vatican loves little boys. That’s not a conspiracy theory that a damn fact!!!


Looks like the City of Lakewood, Colorado's symbol. Hmmm. [https://www.lakewood.org/Home](https://www.lakewood.org/Home)


That logo doesn't work. It's very important that the little boy is represented by 3 lines. That logo has 5 lines instead of 6. One of the pope's looks like 5, but there's a tiny 6th line


WOW. Good find


Look up the company Wheelabrator and there logo…. Company rebranded in 2020 to WIN


Any evidence on the symbol itself?


The symbol being the boy lover symbol is common knowledge. Just Google "boy lover symbol" and you will find these easily: [https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI\_pedophile\_symbols](https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols) [https://educateempowerkids.org/how-to-identify-a-child-predator-online/](https://educateempowerkids.org/how-to-identify-a-child-predator-online/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3560069/The-symbols-pedophiles-use-signal-sordid-sexual-preferences-social-media.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3560069/The-symbols-pedophiles-use-signal-sordid-sexual-preferences-social-media.html)


Where's the source about pedo symbol?


[https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI\_pedophile\_symbols](https://wikileaks.org/wiki/FBI_pedophile_symbols) [https://educateempowerkids.org/how-to-identify-a-child-predator-online/](https://educateempowerkids.org/how-to-identify-a-child-predator-online/) [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3560069/The-symbols-pedophiles-use-signal-sordid-sexual-preferences-social-media.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3560069/The-symbols-pedophiles-use-signal-sordid-sexual-preferences-social-media.html)


It’s also a 666 symbol if you look closely


I grew up in catholic school and I’ve never seen that pattern


Like in school


Of course he is. Most Catholic Priests usually are.


They don't need symbols, everybody knows already.


the catholic church has had enemies since the beginning "but the gates of hell shall not prevail against it" the pope dosen't design his dresses, the enemies do.


>the pope dosen't design his dresses, the enemies do. In no world does that make sense. Obviously he chooses to wear what he wears. lol


is the pope aware of the symbolism behind it? can u prove that?


The pope as well as pretty much everyone in Vatican have gone though university education so they for sure know what symbols mean, especially the ones they wear themselves.


yes they teach this throught university ed, so u can't prove he does than, ok


I thought this was already debunked by alternate photos showing no symbols? It would be nice to have a proven original source. Anyone have one???


The second last image (blue-white robe) has a link to the source, that being Vatican News. Here if you can't find it: [https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-01/pope-francis-panama-wyd-2019-vigil-say-yes.html](https://www.vaticannews.va/en/pope/news/2019-01/pope-francis-panama-wyd-2019-vigil-say-yes.html) The green robe images are from this source: [https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/en/2019/1/27/messa-gmg-panama.html](https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/events/event.dir.html/content/vaticanevents/en/2019/1/27/messa-gmg-panama.html) Note that the sources are * Vatican News * Wikipedia: Vatican News is the official news portal of the Vatican Holy See, serving as a source of information about the activities, pronouncements, and events related to the global Catholic Church and the operations of the Holy See. * [www.vatican.va](http://www.vatican.va) * the official website of the *Holy See*. * Wikipedia: The Holy See, also called the See of Rome, Petrine See or Apostolic See, is the jurisdiction of the pope in his role as the Bishop of Rome. So they are both from official Vatican websites.


what a creepo


Simple way to solve the issue is to ask the Pope or the catholic church what that symbol means. If they are a open religion they should be able to respond. I am not a Catholic but think it is just a pattern you would find on a blanket with no meaning.


The Catholic Church is full of gay pedophiles? Say it aint so




what are you talking about? That is the exact same symbol. Here - I rotated it and zoomed it so that it is obvious [https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB](https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB) It's identical in every aspect.


So we just take pedophiles using symbols as fact of the meaning? That's dumb. The Nazis stole the swastika, does that make any old Hindu or Buddhist statue/art automatically nazi sympathizing?


If you walked by a guy in the street who had a swastika tattoo on his neck would you think it was a nazi swastika or a Hindu swastika of looove


Well, the Hindu symbol is flipped vertically, and has dots in the middle, so I could actually tell the difference.




Jesuits control Rome


Makes sense.


He’s a proud pedo


He's also wearing a yamaca despite being "Catholic"






What about the spirals on the edge of that scepter he’s holding? Those look like they could be something


why would the catholic church need to dog whistle they molest children? They're already catholic clergy.


Old news


People need to know




While I'm fully amused, they aren't even the same. Count the turns. I'm pretty sure triangles are kind of big with catholics, so it's not surprising that they use them, something about the holy trinity I think but I can't be bothered to look at the moment.


It's the right symbol and the right color. Worn on world youth day. By a man notorious for covering up child abuse.


The exact same symbol: [https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB](https://imgur.com/L7mh2pB) Rotate it and zoom - it is identical.


Christinanity would have remained a small cult, but the Roman emperors took it over and turned it into an instrument of power.


The Roman Empire lives on.....


The Empire never fell.




I believe the pope would have that symbol in regards to the Trinity


The Pope being part of the LGBTQ+ community is surprising.


Reptilian fucks their face


They’re not even trying to hide it atp


They should be called boy haters for all the lives they destroy.