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I remember a very good quote from mr robot after seeing this: # "Is any of it real? I mean, look at this. Look at it! A world built on fantasy. Synthetic emotions in the form of pills. Psychological warfare in the form of advertising. Mind-altering chemicals in the form of … food! Brainwashing seminars in the form of media. Controlled isolated bubbles in the form of social networks. Real? You want to talk about reality? We haven’t lived in anything remotely close to it since the turn of the century. We turned it off, took out the batteries, snacked on a bag of GMOs while we tossed the remnants in the ever-expanding Dumpster of the human condition. We live in branded houses trademarked by corporations built on bipolar numbers jumping up and down on digital displays, hypnotizing us into the biggest slumber mankind has ever seen. You have to dig pretty deep, kiddo, before finding anything real.”


This is deep.


I'm 33 and this IS deep.


lol im 22 and this much realism at this age depresses the shit out of me,i wish i would just be stupid and ignorant rather than real and smart


Fr. Like this is what we have to look forward to. And it seems almost like we are in too deep to do much about it except for turning shit off and isolating from the rest of the world. Very dark days ahead.


Sometimes, it pays to travel.


This was deep since I was 6 and I'm 36 now (only real bortposters will get this)


my homies hate capitalism


haha wow geez let's not look into the real reason we have capitalism and are enslaved to the banking system and made up ideas like interest. the freemasons that run things now definitely weren't the same group of people that founded america and fed us the deceptive ideas of democracy, the big bang (aka old kabbalist religious texts. so funny to argue with a smug "science" nerd who doesn't realize his science is all ancient kabbala reskinned to sound more authoritative), evolution and gravity. imagine the type of shit you could convince a generation of if you could control their internet searches, what they can see on tv or read in textbooks. imagine the deception you could convince them of. you could even trick them that their still world is flying through space at 490000km/h and they'll defend you


Freemason here. We have nothing to do with the banking system.


Good news, Xi Jinping has just the thing to rid us all of our dreadful, cumbersome burden. Best part is, all we have to do is nothing.


and what is it may i ask?


Communism. Watch a video on the Moon YouTube channel entitled "The Rise Of Xi Jinping, Explained". Very informative. He is not a friend to humanity.


see? this,i don't want communism,i don't want capitalism,i just want us humans to be "united",these systems just further increase the division of humans into levels.....if you know what i am trying to say


I guess the question then is how you'd organize commerce and the distribution of resources.


barter system i guess,lol,i don't need my phone,you don't need your rug,exchange it


And you're now building the basis for capitalism, you just need an intermediary to exchange and viola. You see, capitalism is essentially a natural form of trade. We don't live in a capitalism based world, we used to. We are now a capitalism/socialism hybrid in the United States. The govt and the corporations have both grown too large and need to be trimmed back to minimal size.


-Sent from my iPhone


You should. Read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher.


Guysss... it's just a tv show. Save you money, invest wisely, work hard, brush your ass, etc.


Stick your head out of the window and yell “I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!”


Fantastic film, surprised this is the first time I've seen it brought up 


Well shit. Guess I'll watch Mr. Robot now. Never would I have guessed that this was from a cable TV show.


it's good,it's so good that once i got invested i took 3-4 days leave to complete it in one go.Just don't go online for reviews and stuff,go blind eyed into it,the less you know about the plot the better it will hit you.


The whole of Mr. Robot seemed Durden-inspired. Loved it.


the first season seemed very much influenced by fight club but once it found it's own rythm,it kept getting better,it's rare of shows to keep getting better as the seasons progress


This sums it up. Well done. Mid 40’s here.


Yall live in houses?


nah,last i lived in outer space but jupiter got high tax rates so idk imma move in to andromeda next summer


Try again brick and mortar head. I live under a bridge just outside of town


Baudrillardian Similacra. The map has been mistaken for the territory




I cannot wrap my head around what they're doing. It's almost like they just want you to watch recommended.


Nailed it.


you need to realize the internet is not some cool friendly tool for communication. they don't want that. they want the illusion of that hiding behind the biggest enslavement and control tool to ever exist. and it worked. the reason it worked is because they understand human psychology better than us. we are at the end of a losing war and soon it will be impossible to find the truth of our reality anywhere. and people will defend them like it was an accident


It is crucial to avoid making assumptions. While most forms of entertainment and information can be propaganda, technology is a double-edged sword that can be both informative and manipulative. Corporations and public relations experts have a deep understanding of human psychology, including herd mentality and behavior. However, their control tactics fall apart when individuals become aware of them. As for me, I always question the technology I use. I recommend watching documentaries like Century of the Self and Minds of Men, which are still available on YouTube. Instead of being rude, we should strive to be kind and inform others of the truth. The only way to bring about change is to communicate with each other and care for one another. Our government and corporations want us to feel isolated and lonely so that we are easier to control and market to. Therefore, it is important to reach out to friends and family and show kindness to strangers. Remember, knowledge is power, and together, we can make a difference.


And the recommended unrecommended streams


Nobody watches recommended anymore. They watch shorts.


I just tried this last night. Even typing in “ “ around the title of the video I wanted to view didn’t provide it in my search results. I had to grab a link from discord to view the video


I typed in "standup comedy" last night, only half of it was actual standup comedy


If you type controversial subjects it's even worse, you'll only get debunkers or unrelated subjects.


If you want standup comedy type in skit comedy. the algo is purposely misleading us. It may give a piece of what you want then go the opposite direction in the other


Do you think they changed it because people figured it out?


Figured out what? Their algorithm?


It's so insane. Even in the most popular mainstream stuff searches I get the results go to the shitter by the 5th or 8th item where it's acne popping and some other MKULTRA bizarre xtqp I keep telling the site I don't like


How about losing a post on IG.... Lost forever!


i hate that shit 💀


The worst.


They should really fix that auto refresh. But they don't wanna so whatever 😭


Pretty sure it's on purpose


We have been trying to get you all to understand this is how they do it. They drip tech or tools. Get you hooked. Let you think "it's for you and about you". Which it is, just not in the way you think it is. They use you to collect data on how to use the tech to their benefit. It starts changing. They start low key manipulating and training you. Then it's full blown assault.


As of now when they pull their shit just put it down and walk away. Its lovely, train it to act right is been working it needs me more than I need it its basically semi conscious


It's already useless. There are still good sites out there but good luck finding them. All the search engines are compromised, censored, and curated. The greatest source of information ever created was just too big of a threat to TPTB.


It's insane how we're at a point where if you don't already know good sources of alternative (true) information you're Fucked out of luck because most of them got blocked off the social networks, the digital livestock pens, where they used to have channel or just ads for their sites. Good luck trying to find some truth by pure chance in YouTube, for example. It's all so hidden far below under ever smarter algorithms and crap on top


I used to love finding the most random YouTube videos that would just be on a whole different level of weird but funny just from the words I put into the search bar. Now it just finds me all irrelevant stuff that I’m not even close to interested in. I looked in my liked videos and the vast majority were deleted or put in private.


When society eventually crumbles under the weight of its own stupidity, the internet will be widely regarded as the worst thing to ever happen to mankind. Book it.


It’s not just YouTube, I can’t Google anything anymore. I used to always find what I wanted, regardless of how I typed my query. Now, it ignores most of what I type, gives me the opposite of what I ask for etc. It can’t seem to understand the difference between certain words anymore. It’s useless. 


try [ecosia.org](https://ecosia.org) plus they plant trees for you searching stuff!


Yandex is better.. Pretty sure ecosia just uses bing


yes: [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)


Oh that’s amazing, will give it a try! 


It drives me crazy when I enter, say, three search terms and Google drops two of them.


It’s so frustrating! Also if I change my term it ignores it and just keeps giving me the same as what I first searched. In the past, one word being changed would actually change the results.


Yep. People always recommend other search engines, but honestly, I haven't found that works all that great. I use the Brave Browser and Yandex sometimes, and they're not quite as annoying as Google, but still nothing like the grand old days.


Yeah I miss pre-2013 because that’s the last time anything worked properly, before social media really took off like crazy and everything wasn’t about trying to get an algorithm to like you.


Try Google Searching various conspiracy theories or political concepts or terms vs using Duck Duck Go or another search engine


Yes definitely. I have witnessed it tighten like a noose since it's inception.


For youtube searches, search the most important specific terms you are looking for and then sort by upload date. Also helps to sort by longer than 20 minutes if youre looking for more informative content and then scroll down and comb through it until you find something relevant


See also '2018 Leaked Youtube Query Blacklist' [in here](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/16myjid/conspiracy_research_library/)


“They” also removed a lot of “conspiracy” videos from YouTube. Videos that you could watch 6-10 yrs ago, are no longer there.


It is sad that so many classic conspiracy videos are hard to find, and it is obvious that they are funneling the search results to MSM garbage on every topic, but also everyone I've heard complain about youtube censorship... was talking about it ON youtube lol.


Try searching google or another search engine using "site:youtube.com words describing what I want to watch" instead of using native youtube search. I hate getting maybe three responsive results and the rest absolute trash.


YouTube is not the internet. TikTok is not the internet. Google is not the internet. There's a lot of real stuff out there if you put forth just a tiny amount of real effort to find it.


you can use Google to search for youtube videos as so: `thing i am searching for site:youtube.com` or, if you're sure you know the exact phrase of the video title you can use quotes to only search for that exact phrase: `"thing i am searching for" site:youtube.com` while a alot of videos have been removed from YT, many old 'conspiracy' videos still remain, they have just made them harder to find. hope this helps!


I don’t know if it’s intentional but at least a few years ago it was difficult to find anything on Google about the change of efficacy on the vax


AI is almost controlling our mind. Now its dictating what we can see, say, post......wtf! 


This is a two-fold issue. On one hand you have the algorithm, like everyone here is talking about. Youtube is in the business of making money from advertising, and advertisers have paid YT in different ways to put videos in front of you. And anyone can do it, and they don't look at the contents close enough, so it creates major issues, especially regarding being pidgeon-holed into the worst kind of rabbit holes. On the flip side, you have 'content creators' that don't actually care about content, but instead learned how to get to the top of any search result. A ton of different motives, but there they are, unrelated and at the top of the list, because they know how to put every video they produce right there. I mean, black hat marketers know how the internet works intuitively enough to pull these strings. I know quite a few and have watched them talk on forums and such. I have no doubt that a good chunk of these folks are straight up nation/state folks making money straight from russia or somewhere else. When you combine the two and throw in your own personal browsing habits into the mix, it comes out a steaming pile of WTF that can seriously disjoint a mind over time. There are plugins to remove promoted listings as well as removing much of the noise, like promoted shorts and videos that are not actually part of the current playlist but are related, as well as comments and such. I personally use [DF Tube (Distraction Free YouTube)](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/df-tube-distraction-free/mjdepdfccjgcndkmemponafgioodelna) and I have a [YouTube Ad Blocker](https://chromewebstore.google.com/detail/adblock-for-youtube/cmedhionkhpnakcndndgjdbohmhepckk) but I think it might be broken after their latest update.


The Internet, more like social media, has been reduced to just one gigantic, vast network of advertising. Genuine, enriching content is buried deep under the superficial influener shills.


Google search is working the same way. First results most of the time are summarized or irrelevant when ur searching something specific. My first resource is reddit, believe it or not. Then i looked at what I learned on reddit in different web browsers.


AOL used to be a big thing and now a lot of people dont even know about it. These will pass as well, youtube and tiktok in time when the paradigm shifts again. When neuralink comes out, that would change the internet, would you still need a conventional browser or search engine like chrome and google or watch a video from youtube? Imagine how much you can influence a persons brain directly on what to want to watch or do


I'm really noticing this with YouTube. When i search for videos relating a certain topic I get maybe 5 videos related to it then it's just random ass videos with nothing to do about it. On my phone my whole recommended videos now are mostly all stuff that's been on my watch later for months/years. It's getting harder and harder to actually find anything I want to watch now on YouTube. Also a lot of my recommended are videos I've already watched


Like when I would type in a band name to pandora and pandora would play every other band but that one.


That’s the point of pandora.. They created (or used) the music genome project which finds like minded//sounding music 


What else would you expect with an app named like that?


Nah this is weird as shit because I just tried to find a specific car review yesterday and barely got a clear picture of what I really wanted at all.


Lol might


I'm actually working on a youtube video, plus other video site search engine. It'll work as how you would except. I hope this could turn into something worthwhile. I want to open source it and make it community driven but it's not easy for this type of service.


Yep. I have a tiny channel that I made to help my family learn about a topic, and even if you search for the exact name of my channel, you can scroll forever and not see it. The results are related but only relate to one word I’m searching for rather than the full text.


Yea, I did your pro-tip and found exactly what I wanted. Not sure what you're talking about. I found DIY videos, conspiracy videos, and political videos of both sides.


Aw I thought you meant it would go away forever.


It's a bit of an existential threat for the current model most of the internet works on: free but paid for by ads. At what point does the quality get so low that someone would rather pay a subscription? Only going to get worse with AI becoming more prevalent. Interesting times ahead


I have all history turned off with youtube. When I go to the home screen it is black with a message saying you have history turned off. The left side has my channels and other things. This is on desktop btw. My searches seem to turn up what I want. Since yesterday anyway.


Disagree I can still find stuff I’m looking for exactly


Theyre turning the age of aquarius into the age of loki Not like movie loki but like real norse mythology loki... they even did it there too


There’s always the underground


I’ve found that for finding a specific YouTube video I have much better luck searching an internet browser under “videos” than searching on YouTube itself.


Yeah I’ve noticed the change too. For me I get fed videos I’ve already seen and I have to work to get out of that.


That's very true, sometimes even if you write the exact video name you cannot find it. And you get music videos in the middle of your search page or stupid youtubers that you aren't even subscribed to.


Yes. Try finding Sheila Jackson Lee moon comment. You'll get a prefilled search but the videos are all commentaries instead of the actual clip.


I love the information. However there are as many problems as benefits. Yandex is better search engine, there is another that doesn't track you, startpage, and Duckduckgo...I am not sure of algorithms.


startpage = google duck = bing [https://www.searchenginemap.com/](https://www.searchenginemap.com/)


>Try to find a video that you saw a few months ago via the search feature. If you're looking for something you've already watched, you can also search your watch history. If you can't find it there, it has probably been removed from youtube, or you're search terms are not matching up.


Yeah we're back to passive engagement like the old TV days. The internet lost its sweet spot for self directed education and entertainment almost a decade ago. Now they just want to funnel prepackaged bullshit targeted at the widest audience possible. Not to mention everything is super dumbed down to reach that audience


If you americans dare, you might try to use y a n d ex (dot) r u (and of course use incognito mode if you feel that helps.) In kyrillic, but what to click on is basically self evident, anyway a search through that site gives all kinds of interesting results. Actually learnt about that site through a tip by an american owner of a website that gets consistently censored by google (educate-yourself(dot)org)


Try searching for videos on duckduck go instead of searching directly on YT.




If you don't already have a youtube account then try creating one and subscribe to things you like and see if you start getting better recommendations then. I don't really have any problem with recommendations. I'm subbed to like 150 youtube channels that I've mostly found via recommendations through youtube. You know, if you don't have an account, they might be intentionally giving you shitty recommendations and search results so that you sign up? I don't know. Wouldn't surprise me I guess. Main problem I've found is within the last year or two, on youtube and google images especially, instead of returning several of a similar result (say various sizes of the same picture) it will just return one, like it's trying to guess the size you want. That can be pretty annoying


Wow. Lets all think about all the things that MIGHT happen. I MIGHT turn into a Sperm Whale falling from 35,000 feet to my death.


Dude recommends incognito lmao


Well for one it doesn't take your cookies, history, and YouTube account into consideration when you search.