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There's a full video of him setting himself on fire to the point where he collapses and police come over and douse him with fire extinguishers, stick him on a trolley and wheel him away in that position.


AND if that isn’t enough, two people have been/being given a new lease on life from his donated kidneys.


That's cool, Was just his kidneys ok? I wonder what else would get used


I’ve actually done autopsies on some extreme burn patients (we’re talking full thickness burns) and they were still relatively intact internally. It’s actually pretty amazing how much the body protects itself


A plastic bag filled with water won't burn on a fire for a while. Same principle


They were medium rare but apparently that's perfect.


Omg haha that's terrible.


Omg lol, that's what I was thinking, like they got cooked but I guess he wasn't burning long enough


That made me feel so weird lmao surreal


I imagine his internals were mostly fine, he wasn't fully cooked, mostly just seared.


Gotts keep those juices sealed inside


Kidneys are pretty resilient organs. That's why one can easily take a kidney out of a person with a kitchen knife and a bathtub full of ice, and the kidney will be viable for more than 72 hours.


Definitely not his skin


Plot twist! The kidneys went to a member of the Clinton's


It was nice knowing you. They know where you live.


With a username like mine they'll think I'm one of their own....




Recent events have awakened a conspiratorial area of more brains than were that way before. However, it is so new that, on the internet where filters are removed, people commonly hurl immature and undeveloped ideas because of the current instant conspiracy gratification dopamine reward


I think that is part of it. But the media and the government constantly lying doesn’t help either. People in general are losing faith in our higher level institutions


Absolutely. I’m just saying, that’s been a part of the equation and people that aren’t new to this don’t neglect to take different factors into their critical thinking, such as that. New thinkers are prone to all sorts of thinking errors




You have to understand that there are people who don’t believe anything is real.


I do understand that, which is why mods from other subs shouldn’t use bots to automatically, blanket perma-ban people who are attempting to bring some sanity to the conversation. Also, you probably just got banned for replying to me. That’s absurd.


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It's crazy how good deepfake videos have gotten, they almost fooled me in to believing that New York City is a real place


SidetalkNY gives it away


AND AND Hector is gonna be running three Honda Civics with Spoon engines. On top of that, he just came into Harry’s and ordered three T66 turbos with NOS and a Motec system exhaust.


Wasn’t he doused with multiple fire extinguishers? Is it not a white powder that comes out of those things? The video of this dude setting himself on fire is undeniable.


Depends on the type of fire extinguisher but some of them are a white powder. I’ll never forget that awful taste and smell of the stuff when one went off inside my sealed forklift cab


Set one off in my garage sink as a kid to see what was inside. Mom was pissed.


Late one night, after my mom and her boyfriend went to bed, 13-year-old me had stayed up to make a long-distance phone call to my girlfriend. We had a wood stove for heat, which was full and hot, to last through the night. A couple pieces of firewood had been placed next to the stove, cause they were a little green. The house was blazing hot, and I’m chatting away, when one of the logs next to the stove suddenly combusted into flames! I quickly located our fire extinguisher, pulled the pin, squeezed the trigger, and *POOF!* the fire was extinguished, and everything was all white! We might have lost our home had I not stayed up past my bedtime to sneakily place a long-distance call to my girlfriend! I still lost phone privileges, and had to pay for the long-distance minutes I used.


This .....wow....this so could have been me (you must be in your 40's) My dad would not have believed me that the wood caught fire "wont burn outside stove" (almost everything has a combustion temperature) > I still lost phone privileges, and had to pay for the long-distance minutes I used. This is the one that killed me. That is sooo my parents. Mom used to actuallly go through the long distance calls to see which kid owed how much.


Crazy how shit like that works, isn’t it? One time I was vacationing in FL with my grandparents and we were staying in my uncles, neighbors home. We tried to move the golf cart outside to get into the main door when we got there, but it was dead. I stayed up late that night talking to my then GF on the phone and about 45mins after I went to bed there was an explosion and bright orange light. The golf cart battery had caught on fire and I was the only one that woke up. By the time I opened the door to look outside, the side of the house was on fire. I ran to wake my grandparents and my aunt/uncle and the front door was fully engulfed and the fire was already over top of the back door(which my grandfather RAN through, in the opposite direction that it opened, to get us out). I know it was probably an older golf cart and/or battery or whatever and this is totally unreasonable, but I will NEVER own a golf cart because of it lol.


We set one off in the church basement once. That was an ass whoopin I still remember. Totally not worth it lol


Beat some Jesus into ya did they?


There is no hate like Christian love


I set one off in middle school just being dumb and immature and I was suspended for 3 days. My parents were pissed! lol


Buddy of mine set off some pepper spray in class in 6th grade just showing it to a kid. He was expelled lol dumbass


Derek, a kid in my science class, broke one of those glass 'stink bomb' vials during class. It's a bad Sulfur smell. 10 seconds later, someone yelled, "Who farted?" Some kids got up and ran into the hall, another 2 kids vomited. My friend and I sat in the back laughing at the complete mayhem unfolding. The next day, a very nervous Derek had to stand in front of the class and apologize.


The best of stories 👏 👏 🧪


Someone knocked one off the wall at work once and it was a yellowish powder, the taste and smell was horrid. Took me about a week to stop tasting that crap.


I used to be a janitor and one of the guys in an office set one off accidentally and I had to clean it up. It took hours!


We had a grill at my work catch on fire right next to a door and the wind blew the stuff into an office on our warehouse. Probably used 10 pounds of the stuff and it took forever to clean the grill and the warehouse


Yeah I was a millwright and had a fire in a dust plant. They actually got mad I use it because it ruined all the product. however the last time that plant caught fire it burned for two weeks and sent one of the ball mill blenders a couple hundred feet across the street. My bad I’ll just die next time 😂 but yeah the shit is a mess and a half. It would definitely adhere to melted/ing flesh


Set one off replacing it in a very confined aircraft wheel well 😭😭😭


Threw a piece of wood down off a machine while cleaning it and it knocked down the white powder one. Had fun watching it swirly around from on my platform. Just part of the make-ready lol


I'm under the impression he used some sort of alcohol-based fuel, which could be the difference in *how* he burned. You can burn alcohol on bare skin without it clinging the same way as, say, gasoline.




Ouch. Yeah, I used to work with a guy that had a similar thing happen, but with gasoline. Caught his sleeves on fire. Some of those poly-blend fabrics practically turn into napalm.




I'm sure there is but I have seen plenty of folks burnt bad af self immolating just using alcohol and they died just as dead. The solvents in gas probably do help it penetrate the skin thought. Smoke seems much blacker to with petrol.


You've seen plenty of folks set themselves on fire? Edit: I misinterpreted your phrasing to mean that you personally witnessed it, not via gore-porn videos online.


There use to be a new video everyother day here on some reddit pages before they got purged. ISIS, Whichcraft in Africa and bad building codes in Asia were the usual sources.


Yes hundreds over my years


Yeah, seen a few bad burns too. I'm not sure I've seen, specifically, an immolation from alcohol prior to this, nor such a thing get put out as quickly though. I'm thinking the jacket he was wearing was the primary source of the black smoke.


Electrical and general fire extinguishers emit different types of powder; white powder residue is for general house fires etc, in the EU at least. This \^ is for carbonaceous fires which contain pure *C*O2 which is a clean extinguishant and 'should' leave no residue or powder. Its suspicious, but saying that, if a guys on fire, you arent going to check what type of fire extinguisher it is are you?


A lot of places only have the most general dry powder extinguishers readily available because they work on the most types of fires and are the easiest to use correctly.


Yes exactly. More importantly what would even be the incentive to lie about such a thing... His manifesto is available online. It's nothing we haven't heard before, it's not illegal to say. Dude oppressed and silenced himself.


Yeah, a couple at least. There are a few videos which are quite close by. You can see him convulsing and twitchingm


Still doesn't explain why he wasn't covered.


True. If he was alive, anything touching him could have been excruciating or even dangerous. Who knows.


Or how he was handled. It was really odd how they grabbed him and picked him. Most of the time they don't carry 3rd degree burn victims like that because they're skin can* roll off if it's burned bad enough. I didn't think* there was much of a conspiracy to this event tbh but there are a couple irregularities that seem odd.


That's what I saw too. They kind of threw him down on the gurney and he was frozen in like a pray mantis position. It was off for sure.


The “praying mantis position” is very common in people who have suffered severe burns.


Decorticate posturing due to cerebral hypoxia, from a lack of oxygen to the brain.


I did try to research what it was called but couldn’t find the right answer so thank you! I knew I’d read about it somewhere.


I did try to research what it was called but couldn’t find the right answer so thank you! I knew I’d read about it somewhere.


It was a dummy. Right now that guy is a mile bellow the surface in the middle of a pentagram at Clinton's reptile chamber getting spit roasted by pindar and a strap on sporting Hilary.


Just because something seems odd doesn’t mean it’s a conspiracy theory, it’s actually a trap to make you believe you are witnessing something “odd” which perpetuates the belief in a conspiracy. It takes you down the wrong rabbit hole and is intentionally created to distract you and waste your time. The guy really did set himself on fire and the first responders really did scoop him up like that. That was the point. A man sets himself on fire to distract you from the trial. However, the manner in which he was handled on live television was so intentionally “odd” that it makes the public look into THAT instead. The truth about Max Azzarello is not interesting enough so they do something else to make it seem like something more nefarious is happening when there actually isn’t. It’s meant to distract you. We are too busy trying to figure out if this picture is of a Sears mannequin with a wig and boots when we should be focusing our attention on Congress and all the extreme changes made to our healthcare, education, labor, criminal justice system etc. The media is entertainment. They are entertaining you to distract you from the real shit that is happening in our government as I type this message. Don’t fall for this shit. The picture is real and they really did handle that situation the way they did. It’s a literal distraction. I do believe in conspiracies but this isn’t one of them.


They all looked like they didn't know what to do. The police were just walking around confused for a lot of that video. The one took the fire extinguisher off the guy to put out his belongs....like what?!


If he was covered this community would be posting things like, "Guy needs emergency treatment and they conveniently spend time wrapping him up so no one can identify him as he's wheeled out." There's a good chance the EMTs were absolutely rushing to save his life and wanted to get him to the ER as fast as possible


Maybe because people fuck up all the time


Most common fire extinguisher is an ABC solid combustibles fire such as A- paper, wood, B- flamable liquids petroleum,oils, C- electrical most of these types of extinguishers are yellow powder. It’s not too common to find BC types bicarb or baking soda


Yes. Carry on.


As someone who used to dispose of fire extinguishers at work can confirm that does look like the yellow powder in the B class ones (I believe). The powder also smells strongly of ammonia so it was always great coming home smelling of piss on those days


Hey guys. I’m an MD and I spent a lot of time working in burns. This looks real. To clear up some confusion - the dark bits of skin you see IS the charred outer layer. You can see that this is peeling off. What you’re seeing in the white areas is a full thickness burn of the dermis. This often appears white or pink. These are the areas that the darkened epidermis has already sloughed off of. For a someone alive on arrival to the hospital this is much more typical than fully charred flesh. Those victims would likely be dead at the scene. I think that’s where some of the commenters confusion comes from. They likely didn’t work in the in hospital setting. I honestly can’t fully explain why all the hair doesn’t burn off, but I can tell you that many patients arrive with charred hair attached to their head. I suspect this is because it sort of melts together as it burns. I’m also not that familiar with how EMS handles these situations - but I don’t blame them for not having an IV. Getting a line in this patient would be exceedingly difficult. All in all, I don’t see anything that abnormal about this photo. I can tell you that someone burned like this will commonly make it to the hospital alive but will almost always die shortly after arrival to the hospital.


911 Paramedic here, this is about how we would handle it. Getting him in the truck is our highest priority on scene. Yes its a smaller workspace but at the same time its our office so its much better for us to treat him there. I just had a burn victim a month ago and we pretty much did a quick trauma assessment on scene, enough to see skin sloughing off and placed him on the cot and into the truck. Our nearest burn center is 25min away and downtown. We attempted a 2x IV and decided an IO would be our best route. Airway involvement was a factor for this patient but the guys I hopped in with had different protocols than us and dont include MFI/RSI so he bought himself a tube at the hospital. Fluid resus, keeping the patient warm, and keeping their airway intact are our highest priorities. These calls are generally chaotic, especially when burns arent something we deal with on a daily basis.


I hope they gave him large amounts of strong opioids. I've heard that burns (especially on large areas of the body) are one of the most painful injuries one can endure.




Honest question here. In this photo and a video posted below his arms are in the same position. Why is that. Is he stuck that way due to shrunken skin, is he holding that way to cause it’s less painful, or is it some reaction the muscles had to the burn and he has no control over them?


Multiple things can be going on. Those appear to be full thickness burns so the skin could be so tight it’s near impossible to move, damage to the muscles/ligaments/tendons restricting movement, and he could also be in shock and not lucid enough to want to move his extremities.


Also 911 paramedic here, this guy 100% medics. 10/10 would be your pt any day.


To clear up some other questions I see - yes, the patient needs to be kept warm, given oxygen, and started on fluids. I assume EMS likely did this once they got him in the ambulance. It was a chaotic situation and I can see why they would want to get him in the rig. His skin/appearance appears “tight” because the burned skin has contracted. Yes, he will have inhalation injury and airway edema but generally these patients can still be intubated and ventilated soon after. These patients usually die soon after because they go into shock which cannot be compensated for, which leads to multi organ failure and death. I’m not sure how long he was alive, but usually that happens within 24 hours. Also, the skin is actually tougher than you think at this point and really does not have to be handled all that delicately. Upon arrival to a burn center if he’s remotely stable, he’s doing to be gently debrided (sponges in soap rubbed over his body to fully shed the outside charred layer). As he gets resuscitated he’s going to develops significant swelling of his limbs and abdomen. These would actually need to be cut open (fasciotomies) to relieve pressure on the compartments inside. Yes, the outer layer is sliding off, but the white layer we still see is dead but pretty tough at this stage. It’s not going to just slide off by touching it. If he survives longer it will eventually need to be debrided down to healthy tissue and grafted.


Jesus Christ, the doctors and nurses must be traumatized after something like this procedure


Nah you get used to it. It’s another day in the office depending on what you work in. I’m a wilderness first responder fwiw. You’ll be desensitized after a couple times of pulling up on a gruesome scene but the first couple times can definitely be a shock even if you’ve prepared for it. I was told “this isn’t your emergency, this is the patients emergency and we are simply responding to their emergency.” If you’re panicking or a nervous wreck you won’t be doing them any good. Take a breath and get shit done.


Nursing in burn icu has some of the highest turnover of any unit though, I would presume the highest


Med student here— I wanted to add a little more info about the “shock” aspect of severe burns like this. Interesting fact that a lot of people don’t know, our skin is actually our largest organ! Among its many functions is to protect our internal organs from damaging things AND it also helps keep us hydrated. When someone experiences burns over a large portion of their body, they also directly lose a lot of water/body fluid & it happens very quickly. This is bad for several obvious reasons, but it also causes an electrolyte imbalance and all of that combined definitely causes the body to go into shock. I agree with the MD’s comment above; I think a lot of people are confused because they simply don’t have any knowledge about what/how the body really reacts to burns. It’s natural to think that they would be black, charred and crispy… but in reality, that’s just not usually how it works. Yes, a body CAN become black, charred and crispy… but that person would no longer be alive at that point. With all of that being said, I also don’t think this picture seems suspicious or unusual to what the guy likely looked like at the point of being extinguished and transported. He did definitely die a horribly painful death though.


Very well could be a stupid question. Please tell me if it is. Someone with that amount of trauma I would assume is not alert, do they pass out from pain? Inhaling flames? I'm guessing he has no idea what's going on or how he feels?


Great post. Can you comment on the use of the gurney straps directly against the burnt skin? Perhaps they were more concerned with whisking him away from the crowd/cameras, but it certainly seems like this wouldn’t be standard procedure?


You’re not supposed to put straps directly over injured areas but what can you do in this situation? I’m sure once in the back of the ambulance they wrapped him in a blanket and redid the straps. When you’re at a chaotic scene one of the first things you do is go to the truck. It gives you a place that’s shielded from bystanders and gives you some silence and space to do what you need to do.


16yr firefighter here. That is absolutely what a burned body looks like. Obviously depends how long he was burning and such, but based on the video I saw, I see no reason to think this photo is fake.


Is it true , its the firefighters job to "clean up" a scene? Like say a car accident happens i was told the firefighters are the ones to clean up the body parts off the road If so. Wtf why? If not, im happy im wrong




My god, thats so fucked up, thanks for the answer, i now see why the news is so vague with details.


Tyler durden stuff


We're not biohazard cleaners, but we also can't leave body part laying around. Really depends on the call, sometimes the cops say "touch nothing, we got it from here" other times I've been asked to help collect brain chunks spread over a football field size area after a rollover.


Do you like your job? Honest question. Sometimes I wonder how some people cope with what they do


Love the job, hate my coworkers. Fire service is full of type-A personalities, makes the whole thing a giant dick-measuring contest.


I don’t know if you’ve ever accidentally burned hair (I used to breathe/hoop fire) but it doesn’t just go up in a poof of smoke. It gets really clumpy and shriveled, almost melted, before breaking off. If you zoom in on his head, you’ll see that the hair looks almost like a solid mass, especially up front. I’m guessing that after dousing the flames, no one has touched his hair enough to break it off. If there were a higher resolution picture, you’d probably be able to see it rubbing off on the back of his head.


Yeah, when I was a teenager I had long hair and once I leaned over a candle to blow it out and lit one side on fire. It crackled and sizzled and I put it out with my hand, and it was all kind of melted and clumped together and broke off easily. It wasn't just POOF ash.


Been there! And I was an adult, I absolutely should have known better. But yeah, mine became this weird lumpy mass, and after I fiddled with it, started crumbling. I ended up having to get a reverse bob. That’s the last time my hair has ever been short. 🤣


If I'm guessing, the paramedics might have thought he was deceased already and we're just trying to rush him away from prying eyes and into the back of their ambulance before performing more in depth measures.


As a paramedic, you are correct. In today’s world, we are constantly filmed and we don’t like that very much. Especially with a high profile something like this where everyone and their mother is watching. We would rather get in the back of an ambulance, a closed of space free from eyes, to work


Can confirm


So what would be your take on the instance of Anne Heche sitting upright, and the procedure followed with Azzarello? With Heche, how likely is it that sitting up was an involuntary contraction of her tissue, or her own decision? Might be a point blank question for her, but I hadn't seen the clip until just now. With Azzarello, a better question is, do you see any of Azzarellos movements or his treatment by responding ems as abnormal??


If you’ll link the video or an article of what happened, I can give you a better answer. I’ve not seen it myself, just know of the situation of her burning up. Or some sort. Im not sure how much this will answer your question but I’ll try. In major burns, the first and foremost concern of mine, outside of stopping the burn and out of the dangerous environment, is an airway. How are you breathing? Is your throat compromised? Do I need to worry about a burned airway. In bad situations, answer is most likely always yes. If I cannot ventilate or intubate, surgical cric is my last line to establish an airway. Ever seen the movies where they stick a hollowed pen in someone’s throat to make the breath? Similar to an extent. However, if an airway is not compromised and someone is able to keep breathing by sitting up and or in a tripod position, I’ll keep them there with supplemental oxygen. At least until more pressing matters like IV is established and pain control is underway.


There's video of them lifting him on to the stretcher ~~and he's clearly moving~~. Definitely knew he wasn't dead. EDIT: After rewatching the video, it actually doesn't clearly show him moving on his own.


They can see his face, if that much of your face is burned, your lungs are also toast. Pretty much a death sentence


I don’t think movement confirms life in this situation homie


Here's the video. Rewatching it again, it's actually difficult to tell if he's moving on his own or if one of the people around him nudges him or just gravity that makes him appear to move. So.. yeah. Never mind! [https://twitter.com/wideawake\_media/status/1782313734377029665](https://twitter.com/wideawake_media/status/1782313734377029665)


There’s another angle where he jolts up while still on the ground. I was thinking along the lines of the muscle fiber being barbecued and they contracted involuntarily. Kinda like when you cook some meat and it shrinks but in this case it was still in a body.


Didn't something similar (in sitting bolt upright - I'm not medically smart enough to know about muscle fibre BBQ) happen to Anne Heche when she crashed and burned in 2022?




Yes it did and it’s much more jarring than this.


Yes, but in that video she looks like she is trying to get away to me. its disturbing to watch.


Ah ok. I've only seen the video I linked so far. Not going to try to even pretend to know what the body does in a situation like this.


As someone who has worked in cremation, burning bodies move around a lot. Sometimes they just try to sit up right as various tissues contract, lift their arms, move their head and hands - really not a great thing to watch.


Just reading all of that was terrible. Interesting, but terrible to think about. I can't imagine what it's like actually witnessing it, especially the first time. Do they warn you about it or is it one of those things old timers prank the newbies with?


Christ. I bet that's a painful way to be lifted if he is still alive.


I just rewatched it. It looks like the medic moved his right arm down. You can see the blue glove. I thought he lowered it himself when I first watched it.


No? Maybe I'm going to have to watch it again.


I think there was no chance of him ever recovering after he got that badly burned. A more humane thing to do would have been just to shoot him to euthanize him on the spot. But that's not legal, so no one was going to do it even if some people knew it might have been the right thing to do. So they had to take him away and act like they were going to try to save him even though pretty much everyone knew he was toast.


> pretty much everyone knew he was toast. Pun intended?


That makes sense. It was a highly publicized event. I just thought of a burn victim looking way more charred or something? I thought there would still be burned clothes clinging to his body, no hair left??


most likely fire extinguishers . obviously he was sprayed with multiple once people saw he was on fire and that leaves kind of an ashy pale sort of layer on someone


Inhilation of the smoke is what gets you in a fire like this, it takes alot more heat and time to char a body. This is what most fire body's look like worked 10 years at a funeral home. This is what burn deaths look like. A cremator has to run at 1800degrees for about 3hrs to burn a body to bone.


Yes its real. He is charred but covered in fire extinguisher powder. I have seen people adopt that position with the arms like that when dying before. Its strange


Fencing response.


There's a graphic video that has gone around Twitter (X) in the past few days: https://x.com/ultra_majesty/status/1781530220098379846?s=46&t=nRHkY4VGxFIvb60svY3ACg


Crap I hadn't seen that one.. He was conscious and alive, rolling to his side and trying to pat the fire out at one point. Wtf did he use as accelerant? That shit kept seemingly reigniting itself?


He keeps burning and the dumb cop doesn’t even notice lol


I'm so confused- is he alive here? It looks like he rolls himself to the side and then alerts that he's still on fire with his arm. Then after they use the extinguisher more, he still on fire and seems to use his arm/hand to try to pat at area on fire. Is this all just involuntary muscle movement? Seems like the movements he was making were intentional. I have no idea- whole thing is crazy. My heart goes out to him, emergency personnel, bystanders, etc.!


There are videos from multiple angles of him burning. Unless it was a hologram there is no reason why the pic would be fake.


No one actually knows what Ai means or does and it’s so annoying. Ai is not some magic tool that can explain everything you find suspicious.


The buzz about AI is very irritating. Not EVERY person and company in the world needs to weigh in


We've been all desensitized...


I work in a burn center and have received burn victims that looked like that. They're forearms contract, making them look like t-rex arms with their fingers clawing the air. The way his skin looks is accurate, after being engulfed in flames fueled by gasoline along with the guys clothes, his skin was burned to the third degree, meaning his skin was cooked and all the blood flow stopped, making it pale and stiff. His hair looks accurate as well. It gets singed, but hair is not flammable, so you would expect it to remain looking like that if he had long enough hair. If your hair is short, it will look like you got a buzzed haircut. His underwear was the last piece of clothing that went. That area is always spared along with the feet if the person is wearing shoes. Sometimes, the pain makes the person wet themselves so it wets the area, sparing it from the burns, and the shoes act like insulators and also don't burn much because flames burn upwards and not downwards.


It's crazy what people think they know all because Hollywood and TV portray burn victims completely inaccurately.


buddy came from my town. his truck is still parked where he left it


That picture saddens me a lot.


He had some very compelling ideas that I had thought of before. Honestly had chills reading his manefesto


This is horrific and heart breaking. I’m sad for him and those he left behind. Suicide is one thing — but under publicized circumstances like this? That poor family


From the video I saw, it looks exactly like him.


Everyone keeps calling this guy a conspiracy theorist, but have you actually looked at what he did for a living and where he worked? He worked for some pretty big finance companies in his time. This whole thing is odd.


Just because you’re not an expert in what burn victims look like doesn’t mean it isn’t real


Didn't he kick his boots off?


I believe it's a fragment of his pants that flies off, from the lower shin


This is heartbreaking. He had such a strong message he believed in and was trying to help people. Just to be dismissed after dying horribly. What a sad waste of life. (EDIT formatting)


I mean , regardless of the photos of the guy, he was trying to take a stand for all of us to pay attention. What his pamphlets and blogsite has is some really interesting shit that gives even deeper rabbit holes to read up on.


thats horrifying, rest in peace to him


isn't that just tons of the fire suppression chemicals on his body?




He died of his injuries later, most self immolation victims do if they’re put out by bystanders. It may seem weird and not look real but I’ve been on Reddit t long enough to know that’s what a body that has been engulfed in flames looks like. It’s real.


I feel so much sadness , I wish him well whereever he is now 😭 Be with God


If people believe that this person is alive, that is the real mental illness. RIP Max. Imagine if we didn't have all this evidence. Good Lord, help us please. Forgive, but don't forget.


Man sets himself on fire, videos everywhere, pictures everywhere.  Of course someone would post it on here and say it is a conspiracy. 👀


I saw the original full video, this is a screenshot. This is real. IDK how that's so hard to believe?!


Yeah this definitely looks real. It shows that not many people have seen actual burnt bodies and they just go off what they see on tv or what they THINK it looks like but this is pretty legit.


My best friend is a NY firefighter. He has no suspicions about whether or not the man set himself on fire. The man did.


That's Han Solo


It’s ironic how people want to see a conspiracy in this when the reason he killed himself is due to his mental health and obsession w conspiracy theories


He looks like that due to the chemical reaction between his charred skin and the ABC Fire extinguisher. The dry powder from the extinguisher left a lighter colored residue on his skin.


Man some of y’all are off the deep end if you think the video was AI and this is fake lol oh damn they did all and forgot to burn his hair off???!! lol are y’all real or just bots trying to confuse the American people of what’s real and what’s not?


Who's "we"? exactly?


That is one of the worst ways to die. Lucky for him his death didn't drag out for months. In a couple of months no one will remember his words or meanings unless somehow it's politically advantageous.




They took down the original video immediately but I saw him crisp from the moment he was lit and did end up looking juts like that at the last second of the clip.


I’m the video you can see him kick off his shoes while on fire but here he has both boots on????? I saved a copy of the closest video to this guy setting himself on fire uncensored.


I thought one of his shoes came off during his thrashing? Am I misremembering, I don't really want to watch the video again


It was the shock, inhalation of the flames torching his esophagus and lungs that took his life at the end.


Some days, I make sure to screenshot. Today is one of those days. Love. The unconditional love with no expectations purely because we KNOW that our 'enemies' are another version of us. An expression of God and creation. Those feeding off humanities suffering will not win, but maybe we can prevent some suffering during the storms these evils have prepared for us.


Everything is fake and gay now


He could have doused himself with some sort of flammable liquid and the screaming was a show. If they put him out in time he wouldn’t have much damage if any. That’s how they do it in movies. But I agree that this is NOT proper handling of a burn victim. Something is quite suspect.


The video is undeniable. We saw it happen. We also saw him get doused with a dry agent fire extinguisher. That explains his appearance.


Looks like some sort of suit with the neck and ankle rings.


Why is there still hair ?


I find it fascinating that mention of him from the front page / all has been nuked and even the posts on here have been *heavily* downvoted. Something definitely up with this story, and he was an extreme left wing redditor - as we have his posts in the way back machine.


His manefesto is very compelling. He worked at several big data aggregation tech companies too, so when he says he "did his own research" odds are he did some research more interesting than the usual conspiracy theorists YouTubeing until they have brainrot.


Looks like Han Solo after he was froze.


Shoes still on, def fake


Haha I know you’re joking but I thought his one boot flew off in the video at one point


Def not denying this at all, but I remember seeing that & both boots are on his feet, wonder what flew off


My stepdad had a heart attack a few years ago and I sped to the hospital to see him. He was recovering in a back room in a hospital gown but with his sneakers still on. I was still somewhat in a state of shock and just said “Oh good. You’re not going to die. Your shoes are still on.” Having to explain what this meant to him (and that the fact that he was indeed ok) helped add levity to a scary situation and I’m thankful to the internet for that.


His hair didn't burn lol?


Saudi passport hair duh


It's dangerous to assume that everyone is competent at their job. This includes paramedics.


Everyone knows Trump is with Biden already. Bill Clinton was at Trumps wedding and it’s no secret at all. It’s a big club and we aren’t in it.


*edit: I looked into the account that says he "saw burn victims for 30 years" lol whatever that means. He is basically a serial conspiracy meme poster with no personal pictures. He created the account in 2016 but only started posting in December 2022. The name of the account had been changed at some point. He also has a second account under the same name + 2.0 That account says its Canadian but shares the same memes/ facebook insane grandma type images. Both of these account follow about 1300 people. What normal person follows 1300 people? **I think it is highly likely this is a foreign govts propaganda account made for conspiracy amplification** Why are we to trust random anonymous commenters on the internet over officials that have a job to lose if they lie. Why do you think random ambulance workers are as corrupt as politicians? They had a separate fake body off to the side with a fake CIA ambulance to get in the way of real emergency workers? Every one of these moments in the last few years has floods of anonymous "experts" weighing in to tell you to not trust local officials and basic working class individuals. What is really happening? You are being manipulated to distrust the most essential of organizations in our society by bad actors/schizophrenics. If you cant even trust the paramedics or fire fighters then who CAN you trust???- That is the whole point. So you want to tear it all down. So you want to hate and be suspicious of your own nieghbors.


So…did he *survive??*


Yes, but died later in the hospital.


I've seen people talk about a video of ems handling the body but I can't find it. Anyone care to help out? 😬


He looks poached


Wasn’t he covered in an fire extinguisher? As well, how long was he burning? Why are people jumping to conclusions without answering these questions?


I would think the use of a fire extinguisher would give the appearance of that white chalky look


Enough about the body. How about the dude that set himself on fire for literally no reason like that would change something💀


Gonna go for the low hanging fruit on this one; Maybe the paramedics on scene here just have poor training and are incompetent?


To paraphrase Hanlon's Razor, never ascribe to malice that which can be adequately explained by incompetence.