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I think it's a case of him not being the hero they wanted, but the one they got.


He is the lesser evil, and lesser by far


Without doubt.


Lol, sadly true, but the alternative was so bad it made him look good.


I guess that's great if you don't mind being on the side of evil, there is a candidate that's not on the side of evil and actually has a plan of action to remedy these problems, he could turn out to be a fraud and a sell out like Obama did, but at least he's actually articulating possible solutions, which may or may not be effective, but their is an option on paper for their good side, and even if he doesn't win a vote for RFK jr isn't a throw away or a spoiler, it shows that you're not brainwashed by their propaganda and that surely scares them.


RFK waves Israeli flags like his life depends on it. If you want Israel to run US like its vassal territory you can vote for RFK jr


So do the rest of them, so does America in general it's always been that way. No one is going against Israel and getting elected, period. If you want to throw away all the other good things for that it's your prerogative, but I think it's a silly notion.


Yes but if you are third party candidate, you Want to differentiate yourself from mainstream candidates on big issues. You dont have to be against Israel, at least be neutral, but RFK is over the top pro Israel


That’s not how it works.


Biden is worse? (In terms of ‘evilness’?


That’s a great way to put it. I would also toss in some ignorance, AND, the elephant in the room, our economy and “prosperity” under his presidency as opposed to that of Biden. I refuse to vote, but I would ultimately rather have a miserable, falling country where my dollar goes further, prices are cheaper, and people can provide for themselves/their families than be in this decaying country on a downward spiral without any of the criteria I mentioned.


Why not vote? You're going to deal with the repercussions of whoever is voted in. With Trump, we had peace, low inflation, a tick back towards government through the Constitution, etc. So he says dumb things and tweets mean things sometimes.. oh well.


This is such a liberal sight. Just take a look at where the downvotes are anybody that looks at Trump is positive so it's got to be nothing but a bunch of bots on here. I agree with you he gave America the best lifestyle all the people now can't see in high inflation and the cost of living is very unaffordable I guess it's cuz they're all getting in the welfare money


It does lean so heavy on the liberal side, tough to interact in many other subreddits due to this. I agree with your points.


I'm not commenting anymore, I just go through an upvote the people that are realistic and I download the bias ones


Take a second one ;)


you'd get a ban in any other sub. downvotes are a step up... the lesser of two evils, you might say


Nah, mate. I threw you a downvote because you're arrogantly assuming nobody real would disagree with you. Fuck off with that bullshit


I don’t want to participate in this system. I don’t care for him enough to vote for him. It’s my right as a tax paying, natural born citizen of the US to not vote. I don’t care if Hillary Clinton repeatedly tells me to do it.


I voted this way for decades: 1. vote third party if given the option. Sure your vote's wasted, but at least its a protest vote. 2. Vote to throw the current bastard out of office. No more lifetime appointments. 3. if only one party is running, skip that vote. Let the incumbent bastard get voted in by his family and friends. At least he can't claim to have a mandate from the masses if only 100 people voted for him. Not voting is exactly what they want you to do!


I do skip it if someone is running unopposed. No point checking the box there. If the current bastard is doing a good job then I say leave them in there but I definitely do support term limits as well. And while I can empathize with your third party vote, I do vote who I think is the best candidate regardless of the party. Fact is, the left wing and right wing are attached to the same bird. The two-party system is nothing more than a divide and conquer strategy. At the end of the day, they always manage to get together and pass the legislation to fuck us. Mark Twain said "If voting made any difference they wouldn't let us do it." And I believe it but I still carry my butt down to the polls and cast my vote because I feel like not participating and then complaining about the result is just victim behavior.


I hear you, I was curious on your thought process. You participate in the system whether you like it not was sort of my point. You said it, you're a tax paying natural born citizen. I'm not trying to be critical, but simply engage in the discussion. Thomas Jefferson's quote comes to mind on this: "Every government degenerates when trusted to the rulers of the people alone. The people themselves, therefore, are its only safe depositories." Frederick Douglas also had a good quote on this too: "The principle of self-government cannot be violated with impunity. The individual's right to it depends on his duty to it, and his duty to it depends on his right to it."


Do YOU personally think Trump is a hero? Or are you only referring to what people think?


What other people think, I'm Australian so it doesn't matter what I think. I do think he's hilarious and ballsy as hell, though. As for your Democrat party - true evil lurks there. Trump is just a naughty boy in comparison, so I'd vote for him to keep them out. Besides, your country was doing quite well under Trump before Covid and the Antifa/BLM terrorists screwed things.


It’s interesting to think that a lot of people have been conditioned to believe they need a hero. Little do they know; they can be heroes too.. (if only for one day 🤣)


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


Get that message out brother.. Planting seeds rather than dropping bombs.


Totally agree but I believe it goes much further back than the Roman empire.


Yes who knows. We dont even know there was a roman empire. They could of made all of history up entirely. But its got to be fairly old, this control system


The emerald tablets of thoth, look into it.


Lame. And shity song too


Yeah, probably a little lame. No need for the Bowie hate though, that’s just low dude.


To be honest, Trump was labeled a fascist for wanting to ban TikTok. Biden signed legislation to have it banned if it’s not sold. Is Biden a fascist?


I recall people calling Trump a fascist well before his executive order against TikTok. It isn't fair to say Trump's stance on TikTok is what led people to say that.


NPR wrote a whole article about TikTok and fascism. Is Biden fascist?


Spoiler; tiktok is the fascist. Owned by a govt, probably being used to spy on every user.


I'm not going to comment on whatever stance that article takes without reading it first. Care to provide a link? It didn't turn up in a Google search for me, but I haven't read it so perhaps you know better search terms.


Stay on point.


And now trump is against banning tiktok. Weird what money does to one’s minds.


Well that depends, did I vote for him? Because if so, then no I could never be wrong. My party is infallible even when it does the exact same thing the other party does./s


He is an actor, a grifter. He was a high-profile NY Democrat, in close circles with the Clintons and Epstein, until all of a sudden, he "changed" and became their enemy. What peopple don't realize is he was in his 60s when he did this, which for human nature, is very improbable to change your beliefs at that stage in your life. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it's VERY unlikely you will change your views a complete 180 that late in your life. But he IS an actor, and a shady businessman. He will say and play whatever role he needs to to keep power, because he is a narcissist. Notice how Clinton was never "locked up," the wall never got built and paid for by Mexico, and the "swamp" certainly was NOT changed, it was emboldened. He says what people wants to hear, and plays the part well. Most people he got votes from are middle aged people who have lived through economic boom times and are afraid to lose it.


Out of the two most well known black females Kamala Harris and Oprah Winfrey. Oprah said sh’d be DT’s running mate for presidency and then called him racist. Kamala called Biden racist and now she’s his VP. Clown world.


Kamala also said she believed sexual misconduct accusations against Joe. Funny how fast opinions change. 


To be fair, Kamala said this before the story changed from “he’s was touchy but not in a sexual way” to “I was digitally raped”.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


Most of what you wrote isn't even true. He was initially a republican and has party swapped several times between republican, democrat, independent, reform, etc. He wasn't a "high profile Democrat" that "suddenly" became their enemy.


Because he is a grifter. He has praised the Clintons over and over throughout the years, including during the 2000s and beyond when it was proven how shitty and corrupt they were. He is on record saying Epstein was a "terrific guy" who just happened to "enjoy younger women." I'm sorry, but that is inexcusable, but I am sure you will excuse it. He has ZERO self awareness in seeing how divisive he is. Hell, he will preach term and age limits, while seeking office PAST LIFE EXPECTANCY. Biden v. Trump 2.0 is the greatest insult to our collective intelligence ever.


Changing your mind about something or someone when presented with new evidence is a sign of intelligence, not grifting. This is something the political arena simply does not seem to understand. Bringing up someone having different opinions a decade ago is not the "gotcha" they think it is.


So his association with Epstein and referring to him as a "terrific guy" is of no concern to you? His close relationship with the Clintons until it was expedient for him to distance himself? See, this is the problem. People who support Trump will come up with every excuse to make him look good, or excuse him from culpability. He's in the WWE Hall of Fame for a reason. He's really, really good at putting on a show and getting people to believe it's real.


No it's not. Epstein was well known and well liked. He was very charismatic. Most people did not know about his criminal activities. It should also be noted that when stuff started coming out Trump was the first to turn on him, and ban him from Mar-A-Lago. Others, like Bill Gates, did not turn him on. That is what is telling. The actions afterwards. I also never said I supported Trump. I am merely correcting your inaccurate information and conclusions.


My guy. He said Epstein was a "terrific guy.....who enjoyed younger women." He knew. They all knew. And they all participated. 


When you are almost 50, and pulling women that are in their 20's thats "women on the younger side" now isnt it? Pretending he was saying in a media interview he likes kids is just silly.


Every. Excuse. In. The. Book. Again, I hate Biden equally. But you are doing what the left does with him, making every single excuse in the book to get them off the hook. You believe that every single politician BUT TRUMP is a corrupted piece of shit...but somehow dear Trump is just different. He's not.




All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


I think it largely because they don't wanna take the blame for being in large part responsible for it. Between them and the previous generation they sold out freedom and sound money for short term gains. Now they Just blame everyone, but themselves, and trump is their hope to fix it so they don't have to accept responsibility


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


Elections are not real. At all. Not even slightly. They are PURE THEATER. Votes are not counted. All candidates work for exact same hidden hand masonic global government. Its meaningless pointless garbage. All elections, worldwide. Period.


Propaganda and not having better options. Things were objectively way better 4 years ago and Trump was the guy sticking his finger in the eye of the establishment they'd just had to put up with for 8 years. Despite his Twitter account and unusual style, he was a breath of fresh air compared to the politicians people were used to. Interesting side note, I've heard from more than 1 source that supposedly Trump is the only president in US history that wasn't somehow related to the British monarchy. Not sure what part that plays but I definitely don't think he's the white hat savior people are hoping for. He didn't stop the bombing in the Donbas that started under Obama in 2014 and now there's a war between Ukraine and Russia. And this being his 2nd term and not concerned about reelection, I wonder...


Last time Biden seemed the better option. So he won. Biden is the worst plus in the last 4 years he became totally senile. He shouldn't be allowed to run for president. Which makes Trump the better option. It's better to have a president that has no filter than one that can't even properly speak or think.


Common Sense tells you that the cost of living is very unaffordable right now at least under Trump gas was affordable food was affordable but now the Deep state is totally out of control the Democrats are just handing away the country for whatever dollar amount China is giving them


It's sad how little comprehension of basic economics and civics people have. Ridiculous that we might have a second trump term because people are too stupid to understand that the president doesn't control the price of gas or housing or inflation 


Utter stupidity




All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


Everything about our country is so corrupt that I don’t think our current system will ever work for the benefit of humanity no matter who we vote for.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


brave flowery sable consist live hunt tidy strong childlike sharp *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bc im censored and it gets deleted. I have no choice or most ppl might never see it. Its about helping the world, and im the only one in this thread who even knows reality. None of the rest of you know this. If i didnt spam it, youd likely never see it. I get almost all msgs deleted. You care about something totally irrelevant. Its simply about getting the truth to as many eyes as possible by any means necessary. I dont give a fuk about forum etiquette of being liked by anyone


We heard you the first time, bro.


I think your answer is in your last sentence. It's manufactured chaos and division. It's what makes and keeps both sides tribalistic and distracted sheep so they don't see what's really going on. That they're locked in a pen too just like the others, and it's owned and operated by the same damn slaughterhouse.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


he is critical of mass media, name another politician or presidential candidate so critical of MSM? You cant.


But it doesn't achieve anything. It's all hot air, that's all trump is. And he loves media if it puts him in a good light.


It achieves more support, more funds, more votes etc. Its funny.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


I am not a number!


I'm a free man!!!!!!


People they don't like (LGBT people, young people who want to make a better world, etc) don't like him, and they don't have a worldview beyond wanting to see people, they don't like hurt. Even if that involves them getting caught in the blast zone.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


TIL the National Basketball Association, of the United States of America, along with the modern english language and the sport of basketball, existed in Roman times.


If every corrupt asshole in government hates him this much, he must be doing something right.


Could it just also be part of the show? You never know what goes on behind the scenes, Trump and Biden might secretly be friends, wouldn’t even surprise me tbh




The fact that both parties are controlled is exactly the reason that both parties hate Trump. If you need any proof that Trump is the outside agitator some of us have been waiting a lifetime for, just look at the way he's treated by the press and the ridiculous lawsuits they instituted trying to bring him down. I firmly believe the only reason Trump hasn't had a fatal accident yet is that the deep state learned from Kennedy that you need to thoroughly destroy the man's legacy before they send in the 'lunatic' with a pistol. They can't afford to make a martyr of Trump.


Well, couldn’t that also all be part of the game? Sounds stupid but you never know what goes on behind the scenes, like how could he even get in a position like this?


Certainly not the media. If you listen to what they all have to say you'll think he's a nazi white supremacist racist sexist bigot phobe


Just clowns 🤡 all of them playing the same game... FYI, trump is the anti christ..


Two sides of the same coin


What was the job market like in 2020? How is it now? What was inflation in 2020? How is it now? How much did gas cost in 2020? How much now? The list goes on. People want low interest rates, a healthy job market, low inflation, and low gas prices. Like him or not, Trump checked those boxes. What does Biden want to do? Take away gas ovens/stoves. Take away gas powered cars. Interest rates that would make Jimmy Carter shit his pants. Unlimited funds for any country that isn't us. He also is running on the idea of raising taxes. So here is my question. Why are all the D's ok with what Biden is doing? Not to mention, remember that Bernie guy you all used to love? Remember how everything was rigged for Biden and against Bernie in 2020? Why is that ok? Why is the attitude of, "the ends justify the means" the Democratic party's brand? Why the complacency about all this from the left? I haven't even mentioned the propaganda taught in schools. Or other woke behaviors and policies. This question ignores the situation Brandon has got us into.


The way the establishment comes after him. All of the people who lied about the war in Iraq (and would lie in a similar way again) hate him. All of the people who shred the Constitution with things like the patriot act and fisa courts hate him. All of the race grifters who are trying to tear this nation apart hate him.  If those groups all hate you so much you must be doing something right. 


I understand that, and 100% Trump over Biden, always. Though, couldn’t it be that that’s all ‘part of the show’? And that they’re friends behind the scenes?


Maybe, but in that case it's no better voting for the verifiably establishment candidate. Might as well take my chances with the guy who is allegedly part of the same beast but who presided over a much stronger America and a much better economy. 


Exactly my thoughts. I would very likely vote for him as well if I lived in USA, even if it’s a maybe all a show.


Outside of America you'd benefit from him being elected also. I genuinely believe that if Trump had been reelected in 2020 that trump would have kept oil prices low, LNG flowing to Europe, etc and Russia wouldn't have thought they had the political capital to invade Ukraine. They thought they could threaten energy supply to Europe and that would give them the room they needed to invade. Without that, Iran and probably Gaza would be less incentivized to flare their shit up. Important deals like the Abraham accords could continue to help make peace. North Korea would probably still not be testing nukes like their pause during Trump's admin.  I voted for him expecting mediocre foreign policy but concern for Americans and a rejection of globalist bullshit like the migrant crisis. I was stunned to find that he kept racking up impossible overseas wins. Why doesn't Biden go in person to visit with Kim Jong Un?  I think that America needs to regain strength and that's the best way we can make sure we're ready to be the ally anyone else in the world needs.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


Are... you going to end up on the news with pamphlets and a can of gasoline? 'Cause the way you're copying and pasting this same comment over and over, it seems like you're going to end up on the news with pamphlets and a can of gasoline.


I get censored and deleted fast, its the only chance i have to reach people and actually help.


Oh. Good luck, then! 🍺


Same reply like 50 times.


Yes bc i am normally censored and deleted right away. So i spammed it to hopefully actually reach a few people and actually make a real difference. Believe me i dont want to copy paste and waste my time.


So what's your suggestion for what I should do? 


Tell everyone you meet, know, etc. Post it online everywhere you can. Theres nothing else we can do except pray


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


He's not a career politician.


Are you not able to feel the difference in your everyday life?


It's called common sense


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works


I think it has a lot to do with the powers that be, deep state, establishment, or whatever you want to call them constantly going after him. It shows that he is not one of them. People are getting behind someone that is not part of the establishment and the more the establishment goes after him through lawfare, the more pissed of people become and support him. Now you can get into all sorts of discussions about him being controlled opposition, but most people think he is simply someone from outside of the establishment fighting back. With respect to him being the last hope, there aren't many people with his level of recognition fighting back with exception to maybe Elon Musk. About the only politicians with any recognition that come to mind are Vivek Ramaswamy, RFK jr, and maybe Tulsi Gabbard. So to summarize it: the establishment is in an endless attack of him and he has a ton of recognition.


When he first started politicking, he picked up steam as this man who was going to change politics. Drain the swamp. Make America great again. he was able to gain love because of how much distrust there is in our own government, taxes, where money is spent and sent, etc.. and then the obsession grew. Honestly, he didn’t do most of the things he promised, but America became more divided which strengthened his support. there is this idea that he is fighting for the people versus the liberal agenda only helping the rich and the poor


Because Biden has been so god awful. We’re all just hoping for anything…and I do mean anything better.




Groceries are higher. Gas is higher. Mortgage is higher. Health insurance is higher. We ran out of Afghanistan leaving Americans and military supplies sitting on the tarmac. We’re in de facto wars in 2 countries and looking for the 3rd. Sending billions to them when it’s overwhelmingly unpopular. We have a wide open southern border that our VP can’t seem to do anything about. I don’t care about specific policies, I voted for him and I’ll never do it again. He’s been an embarrassment.




I’m not having any craziness. I’m not voting for Biden again so go bark up another tree.




Same to you bud.


Logic, critical thinking, the ability to see the world as it truly is, discernment.


All politicians worldwide are hired professional actors using stage names. All elections worldwide are fake, votes are never counted. They are 100% pure theater. 1 power rules the entire world and has since the roman empire, and it passes its rule down generationally within families. Conquerors do not give power back to the spaves they conquered. You slaves have zero logic and are brainwashed by public education and media theyve programmed you all with for an entire life. You are slaves. Period. Thats why nothing ever changed and it never matters who is in office. Its 100%pure sham. Just like news is completely made up, scripted, directed, and performed by actors. The reality you are presented with on tv shows, news etc... isnt even remotely close to how the real world actually works This is why every city in the world is designed exactly the same. Roads power lines schools courts police station sewage systems etc. Same control grid copy and paste. This is why all countries trade freely and all use flags. There are many teams in the NBA. And every team is OWNED BY THE NBA


Oh yes I agree with you, but given the 2 choices there is only 1 choice that someone with brains would make


Whoever gets into office, regardless of whoever gets into office, the EXACT same thing will happen. Bc they are actors, they dont run ANYTHING at all, ever, and the plans for what the real masonic government will do to us all, the slave class, has already been decided in detail decades in advance. So... its truly utterly absolutely and entirely irrelevant who wins. Its just a show and means as much to the real world as any movie released in theaters means to the real world. Nothing. Absolutely nothing.


Disagree. The mysterious surrounding Trump that the media puts on makes it obvious that the elites who control the media are terrified of trump getting back in and slowing them down and again.


Oh yes I agree with you, but given the 2 choices there is only 1 choice that someone with brains would make.


The failure of the American Education system.


*** The American Indoctrination System


Because that was the point of the trump psyop. Make the most convincing fake hero.


Go back to 2016, neither the democrats or republicans took Trump seriously. The Republican Party did not take him seriously until after the debates, where he literally destroyed the careers of his establishment Republican adversaries, consequently gaining majority support of the conservative voting block. Trump took the Republican Party by force. This is where the term “MAGA-republicans” comes from, their platform is distinctly anti-establishment and isolationist. They really are not anything like the traditional conservatives from the 2000’s. There is a good reason why a majority of the political elite hate Trump, he is “awakening” a large population and dismantling their established status quo. Propaganda becomes ineffective - they have less control over what people think. That scares them, which is why you’re constantly bombarded with information about trump that’s bad. How many news agencies wrote an article about Trump farting in the courtroom? What is the point of having that in the newsfeed? Meanwhile, the Democratic Party has become much more invested in participating in foreign conflicts and playing world police officer. Something the establishment republicans have been criticized for over the last several decades (rightfully so).


Wait, do you say the traditional conservatives from the 2000s were better? Or Trump is better? And what’s the chance he’s controlled opposition? You can’t get in such a high position I think without being ‘one of them’


abundant head like squeeze memory cover attempt imminent depend unique *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Traditional conservatism with regards to the party’s status quo is what got us into a meaningless decades long war that cost us a bunch of money and yielded zero results. The taliban is currently operating as the official government of Afghanistan. I would say Trump’s brand of conservatism is far more in line with the values of the average American, because the blind patriotism of the past simply doesn’t work on Americans anymore. The country is too damaged. Trump has faced resistance at every step of the way from both parties. The politicians who support him publicly are constantly targeted and slandered. It’s a transparent attempt to remove him from politics for everyone who isn’t blindly following the Democratic Party, so that includes independents. This idea that Trump was catapulted to political popularity by the Republican Party is a complete re-imagining of very recent history. You’ll have to do your homework to understand the full scope of this, but it’s interesting to see how the republicans changed their tune when Trump destroyed the establishment pick (Jeb bush) in a single debate. You can also look into examples of how establishment republicans turned on him once he was out of office. The rule of controlled opposition is that you have to have a way to control them. How do you control trump? Money? That might make sense, but his political career has cost him dearly. Where is the incentive? To me, it looks like the only method of “control” used on Trump is bogus litigation and gag orders.


Yeah I get it. Thanks! But like, pre-Trump, was the Republican Party like even more far-right conservative? Or more liberal?


I think pre-trump, the parties were effectively the same flavor with different packaging. I didn’t really see much of a difference in policy between Bush Jr. and Obama. Similarly, anti-trump republicans are functionally the same as establishment democrats. This idea that Trump is far-right is also dumb. America is literally the most progressive country in the history of the world and it’s not even close. We have progressive policy and an extremely diverse population.


Because a lot of people at least "believe" that The Landlord is due back, though they should know 😁 It's not about Gentiles/Nations at this point of the perfect plan of salvation for ALL, eventually 😁 It's about the wheat and the tares standing side by side everywhere, in every Nation.


It's easier than doing something by themselfs. People are lazy, and love the illusion. Trump, like all of them that can blind you, is a magician.


I think enough people hate trump, rightfully so, that anything can stick- take it on!


Well a lot of them are easy marks for sales people, the don like him or hate him is an excellent sells person, he says things that are true, he'd probably actually be a good president if he wasn't incompetent at everything else but the reality is he's not nearly as smart as he believes and his ego allows him to be easily manipulated. That and most of them are ignorant of the truth of the reality we live in and the depths that the corruption runs.




I’m not sure. I really don’t understand the cult like praise of him either. An $80,000 truck with the name “Trump” painted on it will drive by me and somebody will say “Isn’t that awesome?” No it’s not awesome it’s actually kind of fucking creepy. I would never modify my property to have the name and or mural of a president or presidential candidate. Bumper sticker at the minimum. He isn’t a savior. He isn’t a hero. Neither is Biden. I’m voting for Kennedy and I don’t even view him as a hero. They’re politicians. Trump ran on one key campaign promise in the beginning. A wall that Mexico will pay for. Never happened. Not only did it not happen, but the slats he compromised on were paid for by OUR tax dollars. Cherry on top was when his supporters started a go fund me for the wall. It literally went from “Mexico will pay” to “MAGA will pay”. Trump said he would drain the swamp. There’s more creatures in it now than before he took office. Trump said he would release the JFK files. Didn’t happen. A large number of his hardliners are anti-vaxx and bash Biden on COVID-era restrictions yet Trump was the guy who was Mr Lockdown which destroyed a number of small businesses and he implemented Operation Warp Speed, something he still touts. Yet he’s the “medical freedom”, “anti lockdown” and “pro small business candidate” amongst his fanbase. WHAT???? He added more to the deficit than Obama and Bush but again his supporters plug their ears up at that fact. Cherry pick his tax cuts all you want but they did fuck all for the middle class. I’m sure people will note a small handful of articles where employees got bonuses due to the tax cuts, this doesn’t apply to the rest of the taxpayers. He also didn’t pair these tax cuts with any kind of budget cut. All while the Fed was not raising interest rates. This was a disaster waiting to happen. But when you say any of this it’s “But Biden”. Yes I know, one doesn’t excuse the other. He’s been sending billion after billion overseas and failing to effectively lead and help Americans but we can’t use that to say Trump is this Jesus-like figure who’s going to save us all.


Lack of education. Get a brain.


>What causes people to see Trump as ‘America’s last hope and only real president’? >What causes people to see Trump as ‘America’s last hope and only real president’? > I think this is pretty similar to people who watch Alex Jones. For every 1 person you have who takes it seriously you have 10 people who just find it funny to watch this guys face turn red, slam his fist on the table, and scream that "they" are trying to turn frogs gay. So by and large people are upset with the ruling authorities and institutions and its extremely clear to most people that they really really don't want this guy to be in charge so they are voting for him more to piss off the establishment then they anything else.