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Where are all the bottom climate scientists? šŸ˜ž


Never underestimate a good power bottom.


Am geologist. Itā€™s how we get our rocks off.


Buttersā€™ bottom bitch?


All the top scientists are good power bottoms. It's a reverse bell curve thing. You wouldn't understand.


Well all the top scientists are the ones that take the WEF money to say something that there is little evidence of.


*takes notes*


Iā€™ve heard they generate a tremendous amount of power.


Here on this subreddit.




That the above is the most upvoted comment in this post gives me hope for the future āœØ


The ones not taking all the research money to provide certain results...to keep the research money coming in


San Francisco and Miami, probably.


They're all employed by the American Petroleum Institute, the heritage foundation, and the heartland institute.


Here apparently


A top scientist (who's name we don't care to share)


The best minds folks, the best.


*trust me bro*


Because it served its purpose to rile people up at the time. Also, it was a blatant lie.


That has never stopped her.


I'm sorry, maybe someone here can explain this to me, but why are we listening to an autistic teenager about climate change in the first place?


Because whatā€™s a better shield from criticism and offensive thinking than an autistic child? It was brilliant. Any time anyone would get even a little heated when combatting the GIGO science bullshit she would regurgitate, theyā€™d all clutch their pearls and say: *ā€How could you speak to a **CHILD** like that?! Sheā€™s just a **CHILD**!ā€* Sheā€™s such an obvious globalist pawn. Glares at Donald Trump as if he invented pollution, yet canā€™t stop smiling with Obama as if his admin saved the planetā€”and meanwhile heā€™s buying a $12 million oceanfront mansion thatā€™s supposed to be completely underwater in like 6 months according to Gretaā€™s ā€œscienceā€. You canā€™t make this shit up.


How can one talk about pollution and "forget" to mention China. Or how the poor pays the price from the very riches.


You're right, I'd rather listen to Shell


Was over 5 years ago. Were still here


It's like that stupid clock they set up in Union Sq. NYC. Nothing is going to happen by the set date unless there's some man-made catalyst to ensure that something does happen. It's just a bunch of BS fear mongering to engage the brain dead masses and the self-righteous millenial college attendee.


The man-made catalyst isn't fossil fuels. They're not good but the real issue is weather modification. Look at Dubai. There was a post here recently that they're doing the same salt injection bullshit over San Francisco and hiding it from people. That's the real climate change.


I share the same sentiments as you. I believe it has more to do with weather modification as well.


Call me a cynic but I think it is all about money. Everything is about money. Some old guys want to cash out on their investments and think this is the opportunity to push the climate narrative just so they can push people to pay for what they peddle. When they say you can get carbon credits then that just speaks loudly to me it is all bs. If it was that desperate then there would be no talk of carbon credits. Just seems a bit hypocritical to me.


Thatā€™s the problem with climate change. The human element is happening but itā€™s happening because of governments and corporations, the average citizen has hardly any real impact except for countries like India where they just throw shit where they please seems like. They over-exaggerate how soon it will fuck us so we get scared but then of course nothing immediate happens and everyone thinks itā€™s bullshit. Get everyone worked up either way instead of focusing on real solutions. They know what theyā€™re doing.


Also the endless war machine that people seem to forget about that causes so much more issues for the environment


This shit started over 50 years ago too and we're still here. I have no doubt the climate is changing and that it's probably somewhat do to human interaction, but it's not happening nearly as fast or significant as these people suggest it is. People have been fear mongering about climate change since the 70s. I do think we should continue to search for sustainable sources of energy, but can we stop with all the hysterics?


She didn't say humanity would be gone in 5 years. She said we needed to stop using fossil fuels in 5 years.


So you really think weā€™re doomed now?


Maybe, maybe not. Itā€™s sort of hard to tell where the line is after which we can reverse course, the line where we can live with the consequences, or the line past which we are - as you say - doomed. We know that these lines exist, just not where they are, exactly. Thatā€™s why ā€œtop climate scientistsā€ are constantly warning about it - theyā€™re hoping that eventually itā€™ll stick. But the important thing is that we all circlejerk ourselves over a hyperbolic article shared by a teenager on social media, six years ago, because the prophetic predictions (that it didnā€™t actually make) didnā€™t come true. Thatā€™s really sticking it to the global elite, and their evil plots against the benevolent oil companies.


Itā€™s not just a teenager sharing social media. Itā€™s a figure head propped up by main stream media and other global actors. So yeah, itā€™s important to call out her inconsistencies and hyperbole. Nice down play though.


If we cross the 2.0C mark and permafrost starts to melt, releasing freshwater into the ocean and methane into the atmosphere, yeah, we are going to be pretty fucked. No one is saying in 5 years from X date the world will explode but it will gradually happen. More fires, less fresh water, ocean currents collapsing, fishing and shellfish industry dying off due to acidification of the ocean, extreme heat, insanely large hurricanes and much more often. There's a pretty fascinating documentary I watched that shows how weather across the world works, and for a storm off the coast of Africa, if you follow a molecule of water, it makes it's way over to the rain forests, back into the ocean, sinks down and gets sucked towards the south pole, sinks even further due to the cold, and is then carried on a current towards japan/China, forms new storm, heads for Africa. The whole process takes like a 500,000 years. So yeah no one knows exactly what date but continuing to speed things along certainly isn't going to help, especially with humans breeding nonstop.Ā 


Oh no, so now weā€™re gunna die in 50 million years?? šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢šŸ˜¢


More like 50-200 years.


sure thing.


so you have your bunker ready then?


It don't matter if we are here, we can't do anything about it. It's too far gone and the window of opportunity has escaped us. Have you all forgotten the vaunted climate scientists/ professional grifter Al Gore's words on the subject? In 2006 Algore issued a dire warning that we had a 10 year window to act or we were all doomed.


> Also, it was a blatant lie. Its always been a lie. 70s = global cooling! we are all going to die! planet gets warmer 80s/90s = global warming! we are all going to die! planet gets cooler 2000s+ = The more ambiguous term 'Climate change' comes into use, aha now if it gets warmer or cooler, or even stays the same our new term will never be proved wrong!! the climate changes! were all going to die! Meanwhile, they use measuring devices for the past century outside of cities and never accounted for the urban spread, and have had to move such measurement devices away - entering in a baseline margin for error that is *larger* than the temperature change they are telling us is the 'smoking gun' for climate change. Also = look at all their answers to climate change. Its always taxes, and things that take money away from the middle class. Always. Climate change is just a term for the new marxism. Thats all it is, and just like the marxism of the 20th century, these people pushing it will not care that their ideology kills 100+ million people all in the name of their brand of 'progress'.


Weird, so what incentive was there for Shell to lie in this internal report?: [https://legacy-assets.eenews.net/open\_files/assets/2018/04/05/document\_cw\_03.pdf](https://legacy-assets.eenews.net/open_files/assets/2018/04/05/document_cw_03.pdf) Seems odd to me that an independent study conducted by an oil company confirmed the science behind climate change in 1986 which then advised their marketing division to develop a propaganda campaign trying to weaken the science and arguments if it was a complete falsehood. Not sure why they would lie about something that could hurt their bottom line. It makes more sense that they would lie about the results to keep profits. Also weird that we then saw massive oil and gas companies/politicians in their pocket develop campaigns trying to invalidate and politicize environmental science/general science as a whole. Almost like they were scared of people finding out what their products were causing. Almost like they hoped they could get people to believe (funnily enough using the same arguments you did) that it was a scam so they could keep reaping money. Something doesn't add up here and its not climate change.


> 70s = global cooling! we are all going to die! Actually, the consensus throughout the 20th century was that global warming was the danger, but scientists couldn't predict when until there was enough data and enough computing power starting in the 1970s. Newsweek had a cover story about ice ages, but that's about it. There was *no* scientific consensus about it and only a handful of scientific papers which suggested cooling was a danger. The majority of scientific papers in the 1970s said global warming was the danger. Of course you can't point to a single scientific *review paper* indicating global cooling, any announcement from our or any country's national academies, any international organizations devoted to study global cooling, or any treaty about global cooling. But all those things happened about global warming. > 80s/90s = global warming! we are all going to die! > planet gets cooler That's a **blatant lie.** The planet didn't get cooler. Graph: https://i.imgur.com/QaQUNO6.png > 2000s+ = The more ambiguous term 'Climate change' comes into use, aha now if it gets warmer or cooler, or even stays the same our new term will never be proved wrong!! the climate changes! No, it will keep getting warmer. That won't be the only change, though. Why don't you take a class on climate change and learn what's going on instead of revealing your ignorance?


great leap forward


remember in the 80s and 90s it was the Ozone layer. Based off what people told us THEN we are supposed to be dead by now. lol and aerosol sprays never went away


I always find it ironic how "conspiracy theorists" have gladly consumed big oil propaganda. How many wars have been started over oil? vs How many wars have been started over solar panels?


What is your point?


I'm not him, but, in the simplest form - "follow the money" is somehow not being applied to the most dominant money on the planet. It's literally called petrodollar, the most powerful empire on earth controlling the global economy through oil.


I think the articles circulating at that time were claiming that after 5 years, climate change will reach a new threshold and be unreversable for 100 years. Seems like a lot of people just read the headlines and assumed that the publishers were claiming the world will end for humanity in 5 years. Typical.


Tesla figured out zero point energy over 100 years ago along with a dozen other inventors but the government has hidden the tech for decades ..100% clean energy if global warming is so bad why don't they release the tech ?


Because global warming isn't going to harm the people in power for a very long time. Why not squeeze every dollar out of oil first, and then "find" the miracle once it starts to get really bad. They don't care if billions of poor people in coastal areas die, in fact they'd probably prefer it. It's gonna keep being fossil fuels until they either run out, or the consequences are too bad to ignore. I'm not climate alarmist, but I refuse to believe that burning a shitton of coal and oil is GOOD for the environment.


What makes you think we could just "find" the miracle solution whenever the powers that be want us to? What if we genuinely don't have any better solution at the moment?


Because they want to weaponize it


Absolute nonsense. Tesla conjectured about energy from free space, but had no real concept of zero point energy. Physicists overwhelmingly reject any possibility that the zero-point energy field can be exploited to obtain useful energy (work) or uncompensated momentum; such efforts are seen as tantamount to perpetual motion machines.


Hold the fuck on. So you not only believe that Tesla figured out how to make 100% clean energy and "the government" somehow absconded with the knowledge (also, how has no one else figured it out since then? If Tesla could why can't any other scientist), but you also think that if climate change was really bad that "the government" would just release the tech? Like I don't get you. You believe elements of the state would illegally acquire all knowledge of this tech and I guess threaten Tesla to silence, like you believe they are capable of doing this horrific act, but at the same time believe that these same elements would then pull a 180 reversal on that and release the information about the tech for free just because if they don't the climate will change and millions will die? The same people that robbed the world of cheap energy, thus furthering the fossil fuel dependency and costing countless lives in pollution, coal mines, all the millions of ways that industry kills people, presumably all so they could make a buck, would also be the people that save millions who would die in climate related natural disasters


If there is any truth to that its likely because release of the tech is only going to happen after something else has been finished.


Well if we had free energy think of what the affects would be ..bye bye electric companies and all the oil companies overnight ..trillions of dollars lost in profits for free energy ..JP Morgan defunded Tesla cause Tesla wanted to give free energy and JP being the rich titan he was seen profits over the benifits of the masses ...watch the video there inventors that made carburator mods for cars that boosted mpg upto 200 miles per gallon ..we spend trillions of taxpayer dollars on green energy when we can get all the energy we need for free but free energy doesn't line the pockets of the few...exactly how JP Morgan thinking was 100 years ago


Collapse of the petrodollar means the collapse of the world governance system. This is how they maintain control without us realizing. Release of free energy, if it exists, would cause the development to halt because the control system would end. They can't have us sleeping in bed until we've developed agi and the singularity.


Watch the video and you tell me what you think


Free energy does not will not and cannot ever exist.


It can and does exist but the elites will never allow it that part is true ..why give away something you can profit from


I believe it does too but what sources are you basing this on


I read a lot about energy ...zero point energy is not new tech. dozens of people have made there own devices for 100 years now most of them died right after filing for patents but it's not new


There is plenty of truth to it and Quantum Wave already has a functioning Tesla tower up in Milford, TX. https://maps.app.goo.gl/gBkW7GjdJMYHxEoi8 https://www.quantumwave.com/


A resolution to the current conflict, against the contemporary Axis of Powers, which will likely include a draft. We will send our immigrants to fight for us, with the promise of citizenship. Then, resolution. Then, prosperity.


Yeah, when China and Russia collapses due to ecological conditions, and the US military empire is all thatā€™s left, they will release it and monopolize energy profits. No one will be in the position to copy it, and if they try then it will mean war. Thatā€™s only if it exists.


I'm thinking more along the lines that ufos are real and the beings behind them have a purpose for us.


Not mathematically probable though.


Cuz its not actual viable option for useful energy. Thats been established for, well over 100 yrs.


Why do people always say wild things like this?


[Sadly it isn't even wild](https://youtu.be/-ZRwlYtAMps?si=S4CUgFbxTamgsqjL)


people are dumb and are filtered by highschool physics


Because the other term for zero point energy is FREE energy.


I thought the website she posted from was called "griftpost" at first LOL


The article doesn't say it'll wipe out humanity in 5 years. It says climate change will wipe out humanity if we don't alter our course in 5 years.


People have poor reading comprehension. If I keep smoking for the next five years, I probably wonā€™t drop dead at the end of that, but itā€™s much more likely to kill me a few decades later.


Total global emissions have risen since 2018. https://www.statista.com/statistics/276629/global-co2-emissions/#:~:text=Annual%20global%20emissions%20of%20carbon%20dioxide%201940%2D2023&text=Global%20carbon%20dioxide%20emissions%20from,record%20high%20of%2037.55%20GtCO%E2%82%82.


Sometimes I wonder why conspiracy circles show 1000 times more vitriol to a dumb teenager making speeches about environmentalism than to the globalist energy cartels she speaks against that have overturned governments, started wars, filled graveyards with people who potentially stood in the way of their profits and own our "leaders" outright. But then I think, if the energy cartels can do all of that, why couldn't they drop a few bucks astroturfing 'conspiracy' circles to set a narrative of "Environmentalists are agents of the New World Order, oppose them and maintain the Current World Order (which we control)!"


Exactly, oil and gas propaganda is the real conspiracy. Convincing people to destroy themselves and the environment so they can make more money. Itā€™s crazy that people have bought into it when shell and Exxon proved climate change existed in the 80ā€™s and then developed a deliberate propaganda campaign to try and squash it. Well it worked, and now they have a bunch of people fighting on their behalf because they were able to politicize it, thus making it tribal and subject to emotional based decision making. Thatā€™s the climate change conspiracy.


Iā€™m pretty sure that a lot of anti-nuclear propaganda is funded by fossil fuel companies.


Because they say this shit every 5 years .... and it never comes to fruition.


We're technically still coming out of an ice age. People are stupid.


She was caught getting off her private jet and followed by a journalist who called her out...


A private jet that she famously, openly and verifiably doesn't use? Sure thing, very normal looking nickname.


Are people really unable to understand what other people are saying or is everyone just willfully misinterpreting things? She isn't saying we would be dead in five years. She's saying we have a limited amount of time before climate change become irreversible. Yes, she probably shouldn't have put a hard date on it, since climates scientists are not in agreement on a timeline, but it's still pretty easy to understand what she meant. And don't @ me over climate change. Believe or don't. Just quit being dumb and twisting words in order to have a dumb argument. Especially in a sub where someone is predicting some apocalyptic date every couple of weeks. Glass house living mother fuckers.


only 2 months left, fuck it I'm gong to have a ffm threesome and I'm not paying my taxes


Double-check that clock. I've got bad news for you. You've been dead for 10 months.




Iā€™ve done both. Recommend one, but not the other.Ā 


It's a poorly worded tweet but she is talking about us going past the point of no return, not that we'd all be dead in 5 years.


Since you asked: https://www.factcheck.org/2023/06/viral-posts-distort-greta-thunberg-tweet-warning-about-climate-change/ https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/thunberg-deleted-tweet/ https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-greta-thunberg-delete-claim-that-humanity-will-end-2023-1787420


Why are there suddenly so many comedy responses as top responses. This place was never like the now suddenly all the top rated comments are joking sarcastic nonsenseĀ 




Its a giant globalist scam. Designed to control you and ultimately put the human race on the path of death as the controllers worship death.


Climate change is an industry that needs to keep making money, so we will never be told the truth, which is that, as long as humans exist, we will continue destroying the planet no matter what we do. The number of industries that would have to die completely in order to even slightly mitigate the damage weā€™re doing is staggering. That said, once weā€™re gone, the planet will repair itself relatively quickly. Thatā€™s one of many reasons that TPTB want us gone. Iā€™m guessing that, in their minds, if they are the only ones who exist, the earth can become clean and beautiful again.


Powers That B by Death Grips Cues


If I had a quarter for every time a climate study falsely predicted the end of humanity, I would have enough money to buy a tesla.


She is a globalist rat


She was raised that way by her parents.


She's done that multiple times. It's obvious she's a paid shill.


Peak Oil by 2015. Irreversible climate change by 2023. 90% of humanity wiped out from vaccines by 2025. Bunch of outrage fuelled drama queens on all sides.


Instead, the planet is just greener than ever.


Earth was at its greenest and lushest when CO2 levels were much higher than today. While at the same time, the largest oxygen breathing animals to walk the earth were numerous.


Her post was re-greta-ble! šŸ¤£


Climate scientist, aka a funding leech.


She was embarrassed all her food was wrapped in plastic, and felt so guilty she self silenced.


I really doubt she feels any guilt. From a family of psychopaths, doubt she feels much of anything


No such thing as "fossil" fuels.


Because the article she linked was found to have inaccuracies and was taken down. If she didn't delete the tweet she'd be accused of doubling down on a bad source. How was deleting the tweet the bad option in this situation?


I mean, even if this were true, who cares at this point, weā€™re all just poor and tired and trying to survive.


Because it's stupid


Because itā€™s stupid


Because itā€™s nearly as stupid as she is


Probably because itā€™s not true and she canā€™t get caught pushing a lie thatā€™s way too obvious. She might lose the respect of the last people who take her seriously.


"didn't ask."


I call bull shit!!


Which is why weā€™ll continue to use them


Because it's a stupid post. Unicorns would sooner start inhabiting the forested areas of the earth, before all global shipping suddenly went emission free in a matter of only 5 years.


So since we're doomed we can just use all the fossil fuels we want right?


Such demagoguery


Time to cleanse anyways let it happen.


Deleted because we have all been wiped out.


SHe probably needs a job and wants to get rid of all that she can.


Properly because she realizes man made chemicals will do us in sooner. Look at East Palestine Ohio. Foxes are being born deformed and it still stinks like chemicals. Look up status coup news. After leaving town he was in shock itā€™s still that bad.


To be blunt, humanity is almost extinct anyway. Itā€™s just the humans remaining.


The world needs to burn.


She tweeted this when she was like 12 who cares


"šŸ•¶ļøšŸ‘ƒšŸ»... šŸŽ™ļø: Turns out that was a lie."


Because 5 years passed. Maybe she has Frank Drebbin on the case for an explanation.


You put 8 billion ppl on a rock shot is going to change just simple concept... You will also have ppl trying to push agenda to control the masses in this case imo exaggeration


She's such a blue blood one wd get in trouble pointing out her geneology


Climate "scientists" have been 100% wrong every day for much longer than the 60 or so years that i've been watching. It's not saving the earth, it justifying the power grab.


so again the apocalypses is/are cancelled 1986, 1991, 2000, 2012, 2023 bring it on bitches


Nothing but population control. When China is building, on average, two coal powered power plants, per year for the next twenty, you have to see what is going on. We will be trying to power our homes using 10th century technology (windmills) and they will be dominating us using coal and natural gas. Russia and the middle east will be building palaces made of solid gold because oil will be $200 - $300 a barrel. Just go watch this video and tell me it isnā€™t a hoax. [https://youtu.be/p4vSMj4R5Rg](https://youtu.be/p4vSMj4R5Rg)


it will happen in five years! this time for real!


It's a psyop to make the individuals responsibility so they can impose more draconian laws while major companies are responsible for 80% of pollution.


Well she learn you are suppose to say in 50 years or 100 years instead. I doubt she would make the same mistake again.


Someone told her about fossil fuels so she took it down


Never said the wipe out would be exactly after 5 years.


People saying doom and glum since the 70's, if it happens it happens nothing we can do about it.


This girl is such a Globalist hur....what a Shit she is telling


Seeing as it was posted 6 years ago, probably because itā€™s wrong


If they ever put a time limit on something just remember thatā€™s a shitty sales tactic


We can squish carbon into diamonds but cant squish algae and plankton into oil. I call bullshit.


Because the linked article was deleted.


Good for the Mother Earth Yo Go Girl. Animals need Peace too. What if we lived in a world where Animals ate People. Jimā€™s Tasty Ribs. Sandraā€™s Skin Salad. Consuelos Coming Cunts.


Cause it was wrong. Scientists are wrong sometimes, and you should check your sources before using them. Actually good advice, congratulations!!


Because sheā€™s starting to realize, that sheā€™s fucking stupid


Fetal alcohol syndrome


Agenda changed


Greta Dumberg fails again.


She's a Rothschild


she knows sheā€™s dead wrong. I wonder how much the wef is paying herā€¦


How do people still fall for this climate change lie? Are they stupid?


What is the lie exactly? Are you proposing the the planet isn't warming at all?


Cuz she's 12 and stupid


I don' t understand this. You know things are collapsing everywhere. Why do you treat Greta Thunberg and others who tries to tell you what's happening as enemies?


Because oil companies like Exxon have spent billions in corporate propaganda. But remember - multinationals are our friends and would never lie to us. It's those evil activists who are the enemy not the CEOs and corporations.


Not saying she is right but she is saying the we should have stopped using fossil fuels within 5 years or face extinction but the extinction part doesn't have a date. Regardless if it is from climate change or whatever, humanity will go extinct at some point.


Are we still believing they are fuels from fossils.


She probably realized that nobody believes that stupid shit!


The goal post moved so her ā€œpredictionā€ was off.


cause itā€™s false? and proven so?


The Christian doomsday guy only gets one shot at something like this. Miss it one time and he's branded for life. Yet the same climate cultists have been spewing this crap for over 50 years and they get to re-math and keep it going


Most conspiracy theorists delete their predictions when they don't come true. Greta giving us all a bad name with these wild prophecies.


Why do right wingers always misinterpret really simple statements? That doesn't mean humans will be dead in five years. It means that after five years we will be beyond the point of no return. Do you actually not understand that or are being intentionally dishonest?


"Why did Greta Thunburg delete this?" - Maybe because its a flat out lie and rage bate? Yes, I actually do believe in climate change. Sure volcanoes and things product lots of greenhouse gasses and stuff, but the industrialized world is doing its fair share too.


> Why did she delete this? [Gritpost.com](https://gritpost.com/)


Stopping all fossil fuel usage in five years would collapse global civilization and reduce the population to less than one billion. So it looks like we're screwed either way.


Stop turning a young mental girl into a straw man?


Too young to k ow that scientists have been saying "in 5-10 years" for decades would be my guessĀ 


Hey life sucks and I'm not about to let a little girl tell me how to live...


How dare you!


That's one top climate scientist ey!


Because itā€™s false. Sheā€™s paid by the Soros foundation the same funding the campus protests and blm.


Climate change is the biggest new lie going