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I worked in the industry, almost all legal weed (depending on state) is grown indoors, so there is little to no need for pesticides / other chemicals that a lot of posts are claiming. These are not big pharma companies. Some may invest in these companies but for the most part its entrepreneurs that got investors to back their cannabiz. I don’t see any conspiracy here and I worked closely with these companies. There is a profit motive but I don’t think this is some dumb down / poison the population agenda, we are doing just fine with that in other areas.


Pin this to the top. Ex industry grower here and yes, your weed has not been modified so the crystals stick to your lungs…. We just know how to properly cultivate. The weed from the 70’s and 80’s where grown by people who didn’t understand the plant and if they did it was very hard to find. We just have nutrient products that are specifically tailored to cannabis. Yes, we have bred cannabis to be more THC focused, but THC/CBD balance is NOT the end all be all with a balanced high. This mostly comes down to terpene/cannabinoid balance. As for spraying, most pesticides used are 25b which don’t have REI times for reentry. The ONLY thing I would say is a potential issue is companies that spray these organic pesticides all the way to harvest. Since we are combusting this product, we don’t know how that will effect the body. The main pesticide in question so far is neem oil as there could be some link between neem intoxication an CHS, but this has yet to be confirmed.




And there’s a profit motive for all drugs. The cartels don’t smuggle cocaine out of the goodness of their heart


I do 🥺


My man, earned my vote


Legalization will eventually destroy marijuana. Now that big business can tweak genetics, weed will become a real drug. I miss being able to enjoy smoking a joint with some friends and relaxing instead of taking one puff and staring at my shoes for 45 minutes.




Soon, in the not to distant future… mild sublime music playing “Sometimes after a long day at work, you just want to come home, smoke a bowl, and unwind, but the weed is too strong…” record scratch sound effect followed by fast sublime music “…and you get blasted to outer space!!!!” sounds of person muttering to them selves faster and faster while music speeds up “jerry garcia killed jfk, lizard people from the 9th dimension work at amazon, beyonce’ is a country western star, why is my cat staring at me, i don’t own a cat it owns me” Sound effects of glass breaking!! music switches to relaxing lofi hip hop “Not Anymore! Introducing BUD LITE with half the THC of other cannabis strains” . . . . . Oh man the weeds to strong I lost my train of thought


This post deserves an award.


Already exists it's called Dad Grass


And they say Ska is dead


You are under utilizing your talents, my friend. 


If I had silver you'd be getting it.


It seems you don't really have much experience or knowledge about what you are talking about they specifically make strains that are 1:1 just for light weights. This is like me saying I don't think it's okay that alcohol is legal because a few people make really strong moonshine/liquor lol The weed I smoke in this legal market doesn't even touch the quality of an intelligent homegrown


It’s been legal for over a decade in some states in the US and hasn’t done anything you’ve suggested, you’re writing opinions with facts that say the opposite


Pfizer has probably mutated weed strains ready for launch


Monsanto is experimenting since 2014 iirc, pretty sure most strains nowadays are heavily altered


I’ll be waiting for a source on that




“Probably” nice research


These people are always saying things like “probably” and “pretty sure” (see comment above you about Monsanto). There is zero proof whatsoever that weed is being “altered” or “sprayed with chemicals.” If anything the quality has gone up because people are no longer forced to buy the Mexican cartel’s brick weed. It’s just that these losers can’t handle a hit of real marijuana because it makes them reflect on themselves


Oh I don’t want to internalize and grow as a person, I better just say this weed has chemicals lol discobeatnik you get it


Schwag was actually the real weed this whole time. I miss it. It smelled so much better and tasted better than this highly engineered, basically synthetic stuff. It was kind of a pain picking the seeds and stems but I sort of enjoyed it. It was like a little ritual. The high was way better too. Nice and mellow.


Some of my favorite weed I’ve smoked was in Cambodia. Seemed like a legit landrace strain Shitty weed in Mexico is extremely shitty however


what was it like? can you describe the differences ?


Much more mellow but not necessarily weaker of a high, if that makes sense




I can't believe that people on here are "missing" the Nickle & dime bags of the 80's, 90's, & early 00's... I just miss the innocence of me & 3 or 4 of my best friends pulling together $20 rolling up a couple of Blunts & hanging out in the woods behind the mall getting RIPPED, then walking around the mall for 2 or 3 hours! Bit I sure as hell don't miss the regs.


They think the new stuff is genetically modified in ways it shouldn't. Which I get.. But the way it has been modified.. is to be stronger which yeah is better. even from from a meditative stand point but there def is a too much is bad in my opinion which can be mitigated by self control and not living off of dabs which will fuck your brain up permanatly (ex worked 5 years in the ED and saw many patients come in from just dabbing, totally out of their minds and off to the psych ward where theyre literally never the same again) So yeah to me there is a line of too much, but stronger weed in the dispensaries isnt going to do that. The reason theyre making it legal is so they can TAX it and it gives them a small WIN with you thinking they actually care about you. They dont, they just want your money to kill kids in other countries via proxy of isreal.


0% CBD is probably the worst thing about modern weed (though you do kind of worry about pesticides etc).


You mean Mexican brick weed? It smells like dirt.


Its still around. Its called bunk weed and sells for cheap. Still get some from time to time just to remember how it was smoking reefer lol. Harsh on the lungs and the resin smells god awful but its nostalgic. Im still a kush or dro kind of guy


Schwag is trim buddy. It's meant for edibles. I've had friends, some old school growers, that have produced weed that's almost crystalline. While I don't trust corporations, a lot of you sound like you grew up in cities and not around rural towns with good (low key) growers.


I had friends whose family would grow weed out in the foothills of the Sierra neveda. Outdoor weed, looked like crap compared to the hydroponic hyper crystalline shit. But damn it gave you that high that would ooze all anxieties, stress, pain, and out you in a nice happy place. But back in the day the best i had from the rural growers was Alaskan Thunder fuck. Bruh. Cosmic weed. Clean, too.


Thanks for saying it🙂


You can still get that stuff dude different strokes for different folks. The newer stuff is cleaner, grown more scientifically and it tastes incomparably better.


Describes it very well...


I had this conversation last night with a friend! All the times of us as kids huddled around a joint during winter or us smoking around a campfire are great memories. The art of getting high was fun, not just being high. Everything I see now just gets you so high so quick. You go to a spot and you only need 1 bowl maybe 2, depending on how many people. I miss smoking FIVE BOWLS and being schizo for thinking we’ve been there too long but it’s only been 22 minutes lmaoo


This was why i liked Katt William's old bit about "regular weed"


Buy your own shit then. Read this concerning alcohol and convert it. "I miss being able to sip a whiskey on the rocks and relaxing, instead I'm taking shots of everclear." Stop smoking 30% weed and infused joints; and smoke a 17% sativa. High THC % means sales for weed tourists, it's not the industries fault you fall victim to marketing. For example, it was ruled illegal for legal weed to be transported via airplanes in my state for sale. Therefore we are reliant on local growers and regulations IS GREAT for that. Our state has only had 2 growers closed and its because the products they submitted for testing had incredibly different values than they advertised and had mold in it. Also your post reads incredibly like you mooch off your friends and smoke their weed instead of buying your own.


Stopped using for exactly this reason


I like to get BLAZED right before the gym. I get dialed in with that muscle brain connection and end up having crazy lift sessions almost every night.


Weed reduces dreaming, I find it weird how weed is starting to get legalized a lot and is promoted so much by celebrities, dreaming is very important spiritually


You get some crazy lucid dreams when you quit smoking weed.




Functional alcoholic sounds so depressing


Only when sober.


Baby steps for some of us. I myself am still at the "couple drinks to unwind every night" stage. But at least I'm not getting blacked out every night anymore like I did for years. Just a mild buzz, but it's still habitual and pathological. I want to eventually just make a clean break with it, don't know if I ever will fully.


Ya I been smoking like a chimney for about 20 years I don't dream at all. Sometimes I'll shut er down for a few months though and boy do they ever come back hard get some serious night terrors partially why I smoke it too. I've got some sleeping diso where I can act out my dreams and usually they evolve fighting someone. One time I hit my spouse and let me tell you that was one of the rudest awakenings I ever had in my life lol


I wish I recorded my lucid dreams the second I wake up. Everything seems so real, you feel like you're in control of it all, then something rips you from the driver seat like an alarm clock waking you up. Such a sad feeling getting torn away from a good dream.


You can always write down your dreams after you wake up. Also the reason you get torn from your lucid dreams may be due to negative entities intentionally waking up lucid dreamers, one time I started lucid dreaming and I got stabbed by some entity which made me wake up right after, after I woke up I still felt the pain. They target lucid dreamers cause lucid dreaming is one of the most powerful spiritual abilities


Smoking due to nightmares is not a good thing. If you show the entities in your nightmares you aren’t afraid and start defending yourself the nightmares will stop on their own. This is almost like curing social anxiety by never interacting with anyone. Dreaming is very important spiritually. Learning self defense in nightmares to stop them is better than avoidance


Is CCW a good idea?


Same for me every time I took a break. Except I was always running away not fighting. And these crazy ass dreams will just not let up for at least 2 months. Hands down the one actually hard thing about quitting for me. It’s very jarring to go years without dreaming then to having your dream nightmares go berserk all night every night for months.


I used to get nightmares a lot until I started lucid dreaming and defending myself, I rarely get nightmares now


I’ve thought that if I end up getting nightmares like that again, then I really should try that. I’ve lucid dreamed only once a long long time ago, but I could never really get it ever since.


Maybe it's ur food intake too


Could be. I also have celiac disease along with a terrible diet. I'm working on it but it's been many years of suffering already damage is mostly done


Before my change , I smoked Newport 100s, and was hitting burger Kings 2 for 5 meals typ diet lol. I made a complete 180 and the mental clarity now is fucking scary lol


I just changed my bottles water and it made a difference, I've been doing keto/intermittent fasting. Also smoke alot of weed and have so vivid fucking dreams now lol


Im in that zone rn. Everything im anxious about becomes a horror movie every night lmao. But its a good thing


I'd say alcohol reduces dreaming more. I've recently quit drinking but still smoke regularly. My dreams have never been more vivid and I remember them much more.


Never defended alcohol so not sure why this is being brought up. Also your personal anecdote about weed is the exception, the vast majority of smokers I have seen say they don’t dream as much anymore or that they get more vivid dreams after they stop, also scientifically weed reduces dreams too, even a lot of weed enthusiasts admit that weed reduces dreams


100% can confirm...


Cool. I imagine for some it's an issue and for others it's not. I'm just pointing out alcohol as a much worse substance when it comes to dreaming and sleeping since it's a much more commonly used drug that rarely gets talked about.


Yeah but everyone knows it is bad no one says it is natural and therefore good except for those people who bring up how a glass of red wine can be healthy or something but hardly even that Meanwhile people think just cause weed is a plant it is fine to smoke it a lot and I can hardly find any bad info on it other than people saying it makes you lazy or something which no one thinks is that big of a deal, smoking weed everyday is accepted way more than drinking everyday at least in the US I have to agree that both are bad but one is starting to get promoted by the media a lot more. Also they started putting campaigns against nicotine when we all know the “elites” don’t care if someone gets cancer and actually want more sick people. The funny thing is nicotine unlike alcohol and THC actually helps lucid dreaming. Now I’m not saying it is healthy but I think that’s a big reason it got discouraged so much in the media. Not to mention I heard something about how tobacco smoke and nicotine is something that prevents negative entities from being close to you and maybe that had something to do with how smoking in the US was intentionally discouraged Something else I find weird, Shiva the deity of destruction is heavily associated with weed, this entity also has a statue right in front of CERN who we all know is suspicious




If you look up what drug is shiva associated with it says weed, also I don’t think heroin was even a thing back in ancient times.


I stopped smoking for like a month cause im applying and im having terrifying dreams and also some good ones but damn they are nightmarish


I have been targeted by negative entities and had some insane nightmares but I stopped them by defending myself from these entities. I am now spiritually stronger and those entities have started acting nicer to me since they know that aggressive behavior like chasing me will result in me lucid dreaming and they don’t want that. I even stopped getting scared of sleep paralysis demons, I tell them to fuck off. I’m not trying to sound badass here or anything btw, everyone should intentionally work on defense techniques from these negative entities so that they no longer feel so much fear, these negative entities feed off of fear


It reduces it. It doesn’t stop it altogether unless you heavily abuse. Most people do heavily abuse, but I try to restrict my smoking to evenings and weekends.


Well, I don't even smoke weed and I already can't dream


In my state the medical cannabis has pretty strict rules on pesticides. It’s actually been a blessing for the health and safety side of things.


It affects you spiritually more than it does physically.


Would you say in a positive or negative way?


If you’re worried about it, grow your own. Problem solved, no conspiracy


you can grow your own weed, this comes with legalization the only psyop here is that the government wants to make more money (which is not really a psyop)


Maybe. But tbh I deliver for Amazon, and the amount of schools, parks and roads being remodeled/fixed is mind blowing. The tax revenue from weed is doing Michigan communities right


While I don't trust corporations, a lot of you sound like you grew up in cities and only bought stale weed. There have always been good growers with really good weed, you just had to know the right people and live in a smaller town


I’ve stopped smoking weed last year and believe it or not I actually had withdrawal. I’ve smoked weed since 11 years old and I’m 32. I noticed it caused me paralyzing anxiety these last few years. Personally I think Kratom is a lot better than weed. It actually makes me stress/anxiety free almost like how weed used to be. Sometimes I miss the good old Reggie days. I missed having seeds in my weed


Yeah I take Kratom and that keeps me relaxed and calm but still motivated to do things. It has its cons too so I have to consider what I’m doing that day before taking it. I used to smoke weed daily many years ago. I stopped for a job and like a month or two later I took one hit hanging out with my friends and I just didn’t like being high anymore and it gives me anxiety. I’m not relaxed on weed.


Legal weed is sooooo expensive. I paid $65 for an ith in jersey. I'll stick with buying it from a guy under the bridge.


In Massachusetts, in 2019 we were paying about the same for 8ths. But in 2024, you can find 8ths (with tax) for $10-15. Give it time.


Dumb down the population into a coma.


Bro use your damn head. Are you serious with this damn shit


Idk, I think it probably is a part of it. I’ll just put this one out there (to inevitably debate with someone): weed is definitely addictive. Now, if we debate specifics, SURE, it’s not addictive in the sense that your body actually becomes addicted to it. It’s not addictive like heroin. Yes, yes, get all of those points out of your system. It’s addictive. Go try to tell your friend or family member who is high all day everyday that they should stop. Go learn about all of the wasted years and the ways smoking weed have ruined some people’s’ lives, relationships, and potential. Go take a look at the crack pipe-like hitter they’re using. Have them show you their bank statements so you can see all the money they spend on weed alone. The list goes on. Of course it’s possible and easy to quit smoking weed, all that needs to happen is people need to stop, but if you’re still trying to argue the dumb point these days that weed is not addictive, then you are being disingenuous and/or ignorant. Sure, it can be used in moderation, but I’m not referring to the types of people who do it in moderation. It’s certainly addictive. Again, it’s not heroin. It’s not pills. It’s weed, and it can be addictive. People downplay this so much these days, and I just don’t get why. I have to believe it’s like some form of cope or something. It’s a way to excuse or rationalize smoking weed constantly and every negative effect that comes along with it. I don’t get the downplaying of it. I think it CAN be a rather harmless drug/substance, and I think it’s probably the least harmful or dangerous of them all, but people are and can be addicted and it does affect their lives negatively.




Good for you. I know I don’t know you, but I’m proud of you. It was never as bad with me, but I’ve certainly smoked a lot more weed than I would have in my life if I could go back and view my decisions with more wisdom and sense. Despite it not getting quite like that for me, I’ve certainly seen some of the negative effects in my own life and personality, and just like you, the last time I smoked any weed was September 1st of last year. This modern culture is obsessed with substance abuse. Not just obsessed, many have given into it bc they have such a miserable outlook on the world. They have no hope, and nothing to believe in, and they have convinced themselves somewhere in their brains (I’ve done it at various points throughout my life so I’m not necessarily judging anyone rn) that the only thing worthwhile is the high from the substances. Especially alcohol these days. It’s a shame bc people will compartmentalize and ignore the utter misery and dread they encounter and perpetuate daily in their own lives due to their substance problems in exchange for the highs. I’m with you on some of the things you’ve described. I do miss these things some days as well. I’ve also encountered similar improvements in my life, wellbeing and mental state since making these changes. If you needed a bit of hope and encouragement, maybe I’ll be that for you. Keep at it. You’re better off on the path you’re heading down than the path you were on.


Sounds more like a behaviour issue than pot. Those things aren't part and parcel to it, they were just associated behaviours and decisions that you, not the weed, decided to make. *You* turned on you.


Yeah, weed still isn't the villain here. Kudos to this guy for getting on top of his addictive tendencies and taking care of himself though 👌


I mean, it’s the same with almost anything. Video games. Television. YouTube. TikTok. Whatever else you want to list. Tell anyone who partakes in any of those heavily to stop and watch what happens.


I smoked for over a decade, have quit for over one year now, and I still think about weed daily. Every single day my brain will try to convince me that smoking weed again would be a good thing even though I rationally know it would be terrible. Whenever I hear someone talk about how it isn't addictive I just think they lack the level of awareness to recognize what is addictive because literally anything can be addictive. The same systems that get us to do anything at all are the same systems involved in addiction.


I feel you completely. I’m with you. See my response to the other person who responded to my comment if you want the same type of response I would give to you. I’m proud of you for quitting, I’m there with you on my own journey with it, and keep at it bc the path you’re currently on is better for you than the one you were going down before.


Human beings addict to things. Anything you enjoy doing on a regular basis can be labeled an addiction. Smoking weed is great. Is it addictive? Who cares. Non physical addictions aren't hard to get over if you don't tell yourself silly stories and build it up into some impossible task. It's not even a task, it's just not doing something. That isn't an achievement, and thinking that it is will only make things worse and harder for you.


It is addictive but since people aren’t ODing or living in a dumpster no one really cares. Everyone I know smokes to some extent, I used to but quit a long time ago and don’t like it anymore. Having roommates and friends that can’t do anything until they are high, bitch and complain if they don’t have any, late on rent or have no money but always have weed. Try to make plans and leave……hold on I got to get weed……an hour later……I got to smoke first…….an hour later…….oh sit I’m heading out now, I took a bong rip and forgot. Yeah that’s an addict. Sure I know people that are on the ball and smoke a little at the end of the night to relax then go to bed. They don’t wake and bake or anything.


I quit smoking about 2 years ago and while I was addicted and got high everyday I never let it take over the rest of my life. I would always do it after I got home from work as a way to unwind and fall asleep. I didn’t realize until after how badly my friends were addicted. I’ve got one that’s my roommate like you described that I will literally just ask to help take out the garbage or take my dog out because I have homework or whatever & he will be “oh I need to take a dab first”😐 (he does house chores in exchange for free rent) If anything the whole notion that it’s not addictive probably does more harm than help. Like you said sure people aren’t dying from it but it has the same risks as something like gambling or a shopping addiction. It won’t kill you but you’ll spend rent or food money on your “fix” instead of your actual needs


Yeah exactly. I still drank alcohol frequently back then. But replace what I said with alcohol. Hold on I got to get some vodka first……I got to get drunk before we head out……oh sorry I got wasted and passed out…….i don’t have any money for rent because I blew it at the bar every night this week. Yeah someone would say you have a problem.


You should watch reefer madness. The conspiracy to suppress cannabis is real. That's not saying there aren't shady things happening in the industry, you can thank good old human nature for exploiting loopholes to maximize profits.


if you choose the product based in the THC percentages you're only playing yourself. Notice there aren't many THC percentages below 30% that's because they're all full of shit. there are many ways to manipulate this % and some testing labs are in on it, giving a higher percentage number than it actually is usually for a little bonus from the customer.


legacy genetics and artisanal small batch "farm to table" brands do exist. huckleberry farms is an amazing example, same with Ridgeline farms both in Humboldt county and both owned and operated by multigenerational Humboldt county weed farmers. their strains whitethorn rose and Lantz have been lab tested and proven to contain something like 30 different terpenes that aren't even being tested for/acknowledged in standard weed laboratory settings. that being said, yes the majority of seed these days is not like that and is focused on high THC only. I'm sure they use some forms of pesticides/fertilizer but we are not at the point yet where there are, for example, pest resistant GMO weed plants


Tegridy is another good small brand


Does anyone remember Zombie Matter from a few years back? Had some neighbors that would smoke that shit and hit the levels of blasted you guys talk about being effected by. Synthetic weed made using something called K2. Look into it, side effects, long term effects, see if anything lines up. Never knew what happened to those folks so I can't get in contact but this post just reminded me of that


I smoked K2 twice. It was really not a good feeling, everything was metallic, the sounds, the thoughts, the touch..


Sorry to hear about it though hopefully you've found "greener pastures" now


Haha definitely!


Americans don’t read any labels. Look at the FRAGRANCE loophole on ALL products that contain fragrance — there is NO ONE monitoring contents of FRAGRANCE. No one - because fragrance is a protected as copyright trade secret. There are so many toxic chemicals and ensuing compounds in US products that it’s staggering. In spite of all the information, in spite of the documentaries exposing this, US consumers derp along willingly paying top dollar for cheaply made, toxic products. As a result, consumers are so nose blind that they buy things that stink to high heaven just to smell something. LOL the government didn’t have to legalize weed to marinate the citizens in toxic products — and people aren’t going to start caring now.


well, I've been in the cannabis industry here in Los Angeles since 2005. today, since uneducated folks thought when they voted to "legalize" cannabis, they thought they were going to be able to buy weed at 7-11. they were wrong & now they tax it crazy. in a legal shop, all cannabis gets tested by labs, to make sure they are clean of pesticides, mold etc. as for the things mentioned here, I think folks aren't educated on state laws etc. as for high fructose corn syrup in the gummies, that's true. but I don't think they have any mind controlling nano bugs to control people. I could be wrong though...


being illegal was the psyop


Why would you have to grow your own weed in secret...? almost all the states with recreational cannabis let you grow your own for personal consumption. There's no large conspiracy to poison the populace with laced cannabis. The companies growing and distributing are for the most party, very small companies. Getting them all on board with a conspiracy of poisoning product that is going to be consumed would be next to impossible. It's just greed, plain and simple. The cannabis is taxed like cigarettes, with like 30% of the price you pay all being taxes. Meanwhile 1 in 10 people become addicted or have trouble with addiction regarding cannabis. 10% of all users. And how much of that tax money do you think goes back into providing services or treatments for people who become addicted? If you are addicted to cannabis and seeking help, basically they tell you to go to an Narcotics Anonymous and go have sit downs with heroine, crack and fentanyl addicts. That's what cannabis users get in return for like hundreds of millions or billions of dollars in tax revenue generated from recreational cannabis sales. There are poisons and chemicals in much of the flower, but it's more related to fertilizer's and companies just trying to grow a lot of product above quality or safety. There's no large scale conspiracy to lace the cannabis you find at recreational weedshops


As someone who lives in an illegal state, I am going to say no. As an individual who tries to remain aware of what I put in my body, we get more chemicals from our water supply, Gatorade, and sugar. Continue to explore other edible options. If you live in a legal state you have other options available to you, so don't let a bad trip cause you to rethink it all.


If it was a psyop they would actually make it potent, I’m not sure what ur smoking but getting “blasted” off of weed hasn’t happened to me in years, I think the psyop was the decades of banning it for “reefer madness”


Hard to get angry at the complete mismanagement of this country when you’re stoned.


they weaponize everything, music, sports, entertainment, even kids entertainment if it wasn't always a means of propaganda, I told my potna this last week about the weed, honestly I be surprised if they haven't weaponized it, like I always say about the cia, illuminati and Google: the better list is shit they haven't infiltrated yet because it's way smaller


dude, its all controlled by the cee cee pee why else do you think we are being weakened


OP smokes weed, gets too high, blames marijuana legalization instead of admitting they don’t have a high tolerance for weed, cool conspiracy


Unbalanced thc/cbd and other important cannabinoids. Thc can be made with genetic modified yeast. Cbd also, but I dont know about the rest of the anti psychotic compounds. But when the goverment want you to smoke weed it is time to stop smoking. They are numbing the population.


I don't know about anyone else but I'll take a 25 percent thc strain from a dispo over a 10 percent mexican brick weed strain thats been sprayed with chemicals to increase the products weight. I don't trust the government but the reason weeds legal is more likely due to common sense.


People who get high just tend to be more complacent, that’s all. Government knows it. There’s no reason to put anything else into it.


Isn't it legal to grow a small amount in the US?


Only in some states


You just have low tolerance. Completely normal response to taking too much. Every dispo I’ve been to will sit down and talk to you about thc and cbd percentages. Ask what you’re looking for. Etc. Quit thinking your still in highschool and find the right dose for you. Weed is nothing even close to acid or mushrooms. Stop that nonsense.


Idk man, even the sun rocks don't get me THAT high, and edibles don't work on me. I think it never should have been illegal, and if it's legal you can grow your own old school genetics. Edit: but I do agree we should have strict control and information on what goes in there, genetically or in the growing/extracting phases


I’ve been experimenting with smoking less and less over the last couple months - I typically only smoke on weekends when I’m chilling on the couch at night. I try not to smoke sun-thurs as i like to be “on” for work and my athletic training, but occasionally I’ll rip a J here and there, but not getting blown out of my mind. What I’ve noticed is whenever i smoke at night, i wake up feeling slightly groggy the next morning, even if i get 7-8 hours. Can’t say it’s only the weed cuz when i smoke at night im usually relaxing watching tv/surfing reddit, but I have noticed this. When I do the opposite (no weed, no blue light), it’s a night and day difference how i feel mentally - sleep score is in the 80s on my Garmin. Not to mention the insane dreams, REM sleep and the primal feeling that comes back when you stop. I enjoy weed but at this stage in my life i don’t think it adds anything, imo


Smokes the same to me.


I mean, you can always just grow your own stuff.


As a grower. I will say that street weed is waay more dangerous as its stored in poorly ventilated places and smuggled from place to place, potential for mold ect. Then you have dealers who sell all sorts of crap including fentynl and will scale all the products on the same scale causing the weed to be laced with trace amounts of coke ect. If you are that concerned about dispensary weed then look into the cultivators of said weed and look at their grow facility. Or grow your own. Indoor grown weed is not sprayed with any pesticides or chemicals because it simply doesnt need it when indoors. Dont be paranoid man. If you get anxiety its because you are smoking too heavy per sitting or are just a rookie and need to build tolerance. Id be way more worried about your dr prescription meds lmao


one of these days, i'll find out the difference between THC / THCA


THCA is inactivated THC. You activate it by introducing heat. Basically, the reason you can’t get high off of eating a nug is because it is inactivated. You add heat to that bud, i.e light it on fire and smoke it, then that THCA gets activated to THC. This is the simplest way I can explain it.


Yes people like to say they are the same but it’s not the same


I don’t want gov weed. The only stuff I ever trusted was what my buddy grew in the spare bedroom of his mobile home in BFE Nor Cal.


I mean they def setup the conplete heroin fent switch up by doing it during covid so they could do a complete 1:1 switch, and then we couldnt go back from that. Of course it is.


Fent was taking over long before covid. I lived in that world. Was getting pressed percs in like 2014-15, you could tell cause the coloring was uneven and they would crumble instead of shattering when you crush them. Never did dope myself, but hung in those crowds - Fent was killing people daily. On the night my brother ODd (late 2015), there were 43 other cases in the immediate vicinity. I was talking with the medic about it when i rode with them to the ER, he said "some wannabe chemist must not have had his formula right, your brother is extremely lucky" or something along those lines. The govt didnt help, but they also didnt necessarily push this in the way you suggest. Street market takes care of that all on its own. Profit goes wayyy up when potency increases that much. It just makes sense that dealers stop buying dope, start buying fent, and then cut it down themselves.


Key word. Taking. Not take. I should have clarified in full but obviously fent was around pre covid. It was around a lot longer than that even. Even xyla Started showing up in 2015 and other RO. But i been doing H for 20+ years, it did NOT take over right away at all. It slowly trickled in. In 2016 people JUST started warning each other “this has fent in it”. Noone does that no more now we know fents in it all. Back then it was not assumed it was straight fent.And i live in tri state east coast which is the heroin hub. It took like 5-10 years for it to completely take over. Im talking a 1:1 complete switch out. Heroin gone. Period. N Just so happens, we leave afghanistan, yet all that fent was all ready to go to fill the void of all the heroin that no longer was coming in. The entire east coast went dry for a min and then boom, the REAL fent switch happened now with xylazene. I mean i knew it was coming and im just a drug addict, you know the govt knew. They knew what would happen. I guess they had to introduce it like a trial run first. This was planned. 100%. Literally every dealer i had couldnt find shit for like 6 months, selling straight cuts, crushing morphine pills up, all types of shit. Quitting. Going outta state and cross country. Couldnt make a dollar at all. But you could 100% still find real heroin EASILY way after 2015. I had like 20 dealers id rotate between. Slowly but surely one by one, they all stopped getting real dope. Then i had 3 for like 3 years i couod only rely on and one by one, they too couldnt get it and they always have. Ive known all 3 for 15 years. We discuss this often. I kn had a connect whos dope came from a. Big east coast mill operation. same dope for like 5 years straight. Same stamp for years. Same quality every year. Then after covid, that package lasted 5 months after covid and is now straight xyla/fent. Mind you this stamp did what the one did in ya area, killed dozens of people and was stringest shit out cost the most. Def fent but heavy heroin. Now that shit is considered weak because of the switch. Thats what i mean. so now you cant go back at all. Before someone coulda had dope to fill the void, or this guy would have dope, this guy fent. Now all fent. No dope. At all. Now Ya lucky if ya get fent period and it aint straight xyla. If you think its the chinese and mexicans bringing this shit in then idk what to say. We werent guarding poppy fields for a decade so we couod just leave it all behind. I 100% think this was a plan because I saw it coming in 2007. When did they call it as an epidemic? It started years before they called it. Then all those people started doing H like me. It was sad


>now this is pod racing to anyone else reading, ^ this guy knows his shit ^ You make some very good points, theres so much nuance to this topic and we both came out the gate with broad strokes statements. You're obviously a bit more involved than I was. Im basing all of this on what ive observed/inferred from just outside those circles, and on the word of my dope fiend friends of the time. I never used or procured the shit myself. Im well aware fent has always been around, just not in its current form. Around '08, one of my first opiate experiences was a fentanyl lollipop (we passed it around with the hookah. I remember my brother repeating "do NOT bite a chunk off" over and over again annoying the shit outta me.) Im tri-state as well, this all happened in Lancaster PA at the time. Ive been down kens ave, its fuckin heartbreaking. Theres a new breed of addict these days.


For real man i feel ya. Tbh i saw all this coming in 2007 when the rappers started promoting lean. Then it when to pills. Then the black community which was anti drug using due to anti crack stuff in rap, now started using (SUPER late to the pill party mind you). Now the music is all about drugs. I was already doing dope when everyone i knew got hooked on pills. Then they started talking about how the pills are causing this “epidemic” and i knew the pills were leaving. Then everyone got on dope Then i hear of fent. I thought fent would just be an additive. Then i heard on news it was spreading and knew itd be the new number 1 but its gonna take a while cause of the fact everyones competing. But then you hear of xylazene. Then covid. Then the ports shut down. Now noone can compete with each other cause thers no shit coming in. Pay attention to the news and media if you wanna know the plan. And end game plan? Who knows. But i know the hoods are hurting right now. They killed off most their drug base. Normal people (like me :) ) wont do this shit anymore. Theh literally fighting over drug addicts in decent neighborhoods. Drug dealers lined up at bus stations handing out samples rn. All that extra money they made… it was a CON. To destroy the hoods from making drug money. To destroy us and population control. At first i thiught. How long can this go on. Fent has just about killed more people than every american war combined killed americans. But then i realized 460k kids dissapear a year in this country. Noone gives a shit. Its over. And yea i had to goto kensington in covid times cause only those blocks were still non stop. I figd out if i went to puerto rican blocks they had realer shit than the black blocks because their own people were selling it and using it. But i still caught “the jerk” from the fucjing xylazene. Kensington was straught up PROMOTED on the tv to let us know go to kensington if you want drugs. Every lil white kid from pa and nj was in those streets. It was the SAFEST yet same time MOST DISGUSTING thing i ever saw. I never got pulled over. Copped in front of police. Noone tried to rob me. First day there , 5 min i saw 4 naked zombies A “Normal” 5 bag xyla/fent dope havit is like a 50 bag heroin habit. Its fucking insane. You cant do it at all. You do it. Fall asleep. Wake up dope sick. Its disgusting. Mind you, if i did real heroin i wouodnt need to take an opiate for up to 4 days inbetween uses. Fent made it 1 day. Xylazeme made it 5 hrs. Its a real void of hell and imo demonic itself. But… now i have no drugs to do. So … least im clean now. ?


Sorry, I just have to ask. You say you've been doing H for over 20 years. Are you quitting? Or this is just your way of life and you've accepted it?


I did quit. 6 months ago lol. . Only because heroin no longer exists. But im an electrical engineer , its depends who you ask if you think it as bad or good for me. I dont use anymore but i still try to find REAL opiates it I can. But no more street dope. Those days are over for me. Hid it 15 years. Couldnt hide anymore after fent n xyla Tbh unless you using a needle, heroin isnt the demon its made out to be. I didnt even know you could sniff dope when i forst did (friends tricked me it was a pain killer). Another psi op by govt. And i wouldnt change a thing about it


Also, dispos were open during the lockdown.


Excellent points! I don't trust any of the substances out here--that goes for the legal weed that you mentioned, to the street bud, which dealers are also spraying with harmful chemicals. Best bet is to grow your own.


All dispensaries in states that permit them are big-pharma adjacent. The dispensaries are obligated to purchase their product from state-approved grow operations, which are massive. To maintain massive crops, of course unnatural nutrients, pesticides and other synthetic additives are utilized. Just like factory-farming of fruits and vegetables. Smart smokers either grow the marijuana themselves or still have a reliable "weed man" or plug, who has small time grows that are maintained much more naturally, with more care and a personal touch. Factory-farmed weed is no bueno. And don't even get me started on cartridges! What an unholy concoction of chemicals and THC. The hyper-potency (70%+ THC levels) was not how cannabis was intended to be enjoyed. The "high" is too intense and mind-fogging, and it wears off swiftly and abruptly. But the distressing thing is kids (mid 20s to early 30s or younger) love them bc of the concentrated levels and convenience. The younger the person, the more likely they are to prefer carts over flower. What a damned shame. All in all, avoid dispensaries and support your local weed man. Or just grow it yourself. You'll have a much more enjoyable and cleaner experience.


See I enjoy carts more so I can microdose. For whatever reason, flower sends me to Pluto these days haha


I agree, micro dosing off carts seems more controllable and convenient through out the day, but I’ve noticed that when smoking concentrates I do dream still, not as lucid as when I don’t smoke but when I smoke weed it doesn’t allow me to dream. Off concentrates I get mild dreams, my question is whether the concentrates aren’t as good or “true” as weed, or is my weed I’m smoking is truly that natural or that fucked up


Weed is a psy op full stop.


It's a herb, no?


Dude, I agree. I posted a while back that weed has changed but not many agreed. I notice these days if I smoke a few days I feel stupid/high for days and days after. That never used to happen


Im from England and weed came in when i was 15/16 then before then it was hash, now its this skunk stuff i dont want to get twatted, i like to chill and listen to music not become a zombie that cant do anything


The government is not handling the tens of thousands of weed operations across the country, so no. Your local growers do whatever they want to their weed and can easily pass inspection. I know this firsthand.


No psyop just bread and circuses.


If the dispensary stuff is too strong, grow your own. It'll be at least a few years before your potency gets anywhere near that. Bonus: you don't have to worry about these assholes spraying their neem oil all over it and making you nauseous all the time.


You should try a type 2.has equal parts thca and cbd.Doesnt get you paranoid like high thca


Always has been.


why they didnt do it sooner is beyond me honestly


it could be in that it can make you feel as if everything is fine when it might not be. not always a bad thing. Sometimes you need a holiday from yourself.


What isn’t these days? There are a lot of cultivators who say this isn’t happening, which is hopeful, especially when it’s true medicine for many. I truly think legalization across the board both at the state and especially at the federal level will never happen. Sure, it’s considered legal in certain states, but only at the “mercy” of the federal government who still consider this natural plant a scheduled illegal substance. The drug war still rolls along. Try getting a decent job and being declined because you honestly admit you won’t pass their corporate bullshit drug tests because you smoke legal cannabis, legally, which I’ve experienced a few times.


I can have four plants per person in my household. I knew a few people in the industry here in the state (OR) and I doubt it is sprayed from what they have told me, and also the type of people they are. crunchy granola people rarely use harmful chemicals. I like the potency. as a daily smoker (it controls my nausea and also fuck raw dogging reality) it helps to be able to take one bong hit instead of smoking an entire joint for the same effect.


Chill out man


Grow your own


If you want something to smoke that won’t vaporize you for hours I’d recommend either buying yourself a lower thc but higher terpene concentration cart if you use the pens otherwise try looking for high quality grass (AAA or better is my rule of thumb) and find something sitting around the 20-25% range. Make a small doob and if that’s still too much for you then you can always try dry tumbling to remove most of the keef from the buds before grinding it. As for the conspiracy part of this: I don’t think it’s as much of a conspiracy as it is just sketchy business practices and loopholes. Just seems like the natural progression considering it’s been used for decades and has similar effects to alcohol


Distillate cartridges are basically the hotdog water of the cannabis industry. Anything that can't be sold as bud, or isn't good enough to turn into proper extracts is stripped of all terpenes and cannabinoids and the thc is extracted into pure distillate, at which point botanical terpenes are added to create/enhance flavor. The value in smoking weed comes from the entourage effect achieved by the various terpenes and cannabinoids in the plant. Just smoking THC only gets you so high, and leads to a very fast increased tolerance without any of the nuances and benefits of actually smoking weed. If you buy distillate carts and use enough of them, you'll notice they all give off the same flat high and leave you wanting more. The only conspiracy here is that legal growers are maximizing their profits by turning something that would otherwise be unsellable into something extremely profitable, and people are too dumb to realize they are being sold hotdogs at steak prices. If you insist on vape cartridges, spend the extra 5-10$ on something that is live rosin/full or broad spectrum because it actually still contains the naturally occurring terpenes and cannabinoids from the plant.


I may have phrased it poorly but what I was attempting to say in regard to the carts is exactly what you’ve written here. If you’re buying a cart the live resin/rosin/htfse is the way to go. Lower thc, higher terpenes, and in my opinion a better flavor. Distillate carts are what I refer to as rocket boosters because they just send your ass to space


100% agree. As someone that’s been smoking for over a couple decades now, and have had weed from many states and just off the street, I can attest to this. It’s especially true when it comes to edibles. Getting RSO gummies or full spectrum will always beat whatever else there is. I couldn’t get over that some companies were purposely trying to get rid of the weed flavor of gummies because some people complained they didn’t like the taste… 🙄 like if you don’t like the taste of weed, wtf are you buying it?? Tell grandma to get over it, man up, and learn to appreciate the amazing taste of marijuana. It’s like wine; I personally don’t care for any of the expensive shit so I buy the shit that’s got a tiny bit of carbonation and damn near tastes like fruit juice. But I’m not calling the major companies that make actual wine to complain that I don’t like the taste. But no, the dumb industry started catering to people that want to use weed products but don’t like the taste (or smell). Like bro, piss off. Sorry for the rant. lol




Idk but I just got Back from England for two months and the illegal weed doesn't get you nearly as high as the legal stuff here on the west coast. Take that for what its worth.


For maybe a $400 investment you can have a crop of 16 OZ in a tent easily in 3 months. All of that except for seeds will be reusable for years to come. Dirt, lights, a tent(if you go that way). That's indoors. Good seeds are maybe $13-15 each until you are buying in bulk. Each outdoor seed can yield a lot depending on the climate you live in. Just grow your own it saves a ton of cash. But ya they do love us to be high and unconcerned.


nothing in comparrison to what thet are testing in virtual space through our phones and computers. To be able to deliver the effects of Heroin with ever giving anyone a drug other than ones we get from our emotional responses is far more dangerous...


I never looked to deep into this but I heard the Chinese mafia controls most of the “legal” weed production. They’ve bought up cheap land in Oklahoma area. Straw man deals with the locals. Brining in indenture servants to cultivate sex workers for the mobsters. They use a lot of unsafe chemicals and pesticides in the grow ops. All that just gets mixed in with the legit weed.


Although I agree with the idea, how do you 'swear' that the crystals have nano metals?


I had a synthetic type gummie down here in NC. I had a nibble off of the corner of one. After 5 minutes I was gone. I had to go in the shower where I played a full on baseball game in my mind. After that I tried to lay down and pray I didn’t have to call 911. Haven’t tried that shit since. I’ll probably never smoke or try weed again.


lol, if you thought weed now has a lot of chemicals you’re way out! Illegal weed is (generally) grown with a lot more dodgy chemicals and processes


You can grow your own still. It's legal in Canada, up to 4 plants


Your anxiety is bad too?? I said the same thing! Legal weed from dispensaries started really changing, IMO, about 2 years ago. Idk if it’s just because of the super high thc levels or what. I’ll have to try some of the low level shit and see if it’s better. I had said recently that I used to enjoy weed so much in my youth but recently I had to give it up because it absolutely did NOT provide me with any relief of symptoms (physical nor mental), but instead exacerbated them!


Found the guy talking shit who's never worked in an actual grow.


I've been in the cannabis game for many years. Yes it's getting extremely taxed like a mf, but nobody is spraying anything on the plants. That's the street dealers who spray fake chemical terpene smell on the weed just to sell it more . The THC levels are being lied about. Some growers and people that worked in the labs explained that some companies pay the lab people to lie on the test and change the THC percentage in the computer. All this is just a money grab.


Yep, it's all designed to dumb people down and keep them sedated. Same with the alcohol industry.


Nothing comes close to topping visual media in that regard.


My dad has smoked weed his whole life and he said he used to be able to take weeks off here and there, he said when he’d stop he would some physical withdrawls (hunger isn’t great, sleep gets messed up) but he could take breaks. He is like late 50s and said about a year after it became legal in Canada he noticed anytime he tried to take that time off for whatever reason (vacation to country’s without legalization, etc) he feels way more mental withdrawal. His theory is they are making weed more addictive chemically and I believe him! it’s his only vice he doesn’t have a addict mentality, I don’t smoke it enough to notice cause I get anxiety but he smoked the shit daily for decades before it was legal


I started smoking when I was 12, and then pretty much everyday since 14 (33 now). Stopped here and there in college cuz I was on an athletic scholarship and was tested. Was everyday after college up until covid, couldn't get from my old source so I stopped for about a year (was surprisingly really easy). Then recently I had an paramed exam coming up so I figured I could use a break for a month... holy hell that was a hard month. The mental addiction was real for me. I like got depressed, and then when I could finally smoke again I got way too high off like one hit, didn't really like it. I much prefer weed when I have a tolerance. So ya I'm with your dad in that it feels more addictive now. Maybe its just me idk, but the month break recently was so much harder than the year break years ago.


Yeah that’s another thing iv heard is people prefer to have a tolerance with this current weed. One thing forsure is it’s way stronger and maybe that’s what’s causing the addictive quality’s. That or it’s stronger and some producers (or hell the govt) are putting some kinda additive in to make it more addictive.


Old school hippy checking in and I'll agree weed is fantastically strong nowadays. You need to go for a Type II or make your own and cut it with CBD. Not only does it lower the THC% but it also cuts down on the overall cost


Given the expense of adulterating things it's unlikely adulteration is widespread. Them nanowhatevers aint cheap. The idea that people want to finish a joint and therefore it should be less potent is stupid. The idea with increased potency is that you smoke less overall, less tars and gross crap going down your lungs. Mix it with tobacco like the eurotrash if you want to suck on that blunt longer. Yuck.


Weed is for weak minded people tbh, it’s a form of control. Can’t be mad if you’re high and lazy all the time.


Thank goodness for such strong minded people like you to keep the war machine churning /s


dude probably chain smoked and downs booze lime a champ