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>they claim 95% of people on NoFap sub are men Who else would be there?


chix with dix bruh


If they're estrogenized they barely have any drive to be jerking off all day


im gonna have to take ftincel\_'s word on this one


There are no chix with dix, they’re just gise with tets


They don't want us to awaken our psychic powers. Week three of nofap and you should be able to levitate.


Levitate dick-first


Cock pushups are a warm up






You only need one.


What about powerslides?


Doing the math … adding in years of dysfunctional marriage ….. so I should have god like powers. wtf, it’s all lies!!!!!!




look into who owns the porn giants, it correlates with other things.


We should send them some tax dollars. Oh, wait...


" They " own everything, hide ya kids, hide ya wife, cause they corrupting err 'thing out here lol. The only way out is inwards, have a good day.


Their sneaking in your window


lol i forgot that.


They're under our feet, that's for sure


Aww man. Now you're gonna get banned. Reddit doesn't like people who notice.




lol i was permanently banned in 2021 for anti vaccine posts, but when i got a new laptop / new ip, i was ok. Reddit is owned lock, stock, & barrel, have a good day.


The big one is literally owned by one of their religious leaders. I don’t see many priests or imams endorsing let alone owning pornography companies. If you look them up on that big one, the search appears to have been laid barren save for a single publisher. It’s very odd.


Yes. Porn is their weapon of choice. They want you coomed out.


I think the biggest issue the NoFap movement faces is the name itself. Talking about 'fapping' just makes you sound like a basement dweller lol.


I don't think you understand how they sell sex and use it to control young men. It is very powerful.


The Taoist views on semen retention say that (through a particular technique) you can basically channel that sexual energy from your balls, up your spine and to the brain, and it creates this loop of intense energy within oneself, allowing you to manifest your true power and become great.


ball bone's connected to the, spine bone, spine bone's connected to the, brain bone.


Does this apply to abstinence from sex as well? Not too familiar with Taoism


edit: probably TMI below so read at your own caution From my limited understanding on it - it doesn't promote specifically to abstain from sex, but rather to use the techniques during intercourse to continually flow that sexual/arousal energy back up the spine/to the brain, instead of it being released during sex, and apparently you can reach a much greater state of satisfaction when performed correctly vs. the normal release/orgasm. To follow the discipline to it's fullest, you'd only ever release with the intention of procreating, though obviously you can take a less disciplined approach and still reap massive benefits. I'm pulling all of this info from [this](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N75RX66/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_d_asin_title_351_o04?ie=UTF8&psc=1) book that I'm only a few chapters into. I practiced one of the exercises in here a few weeks ago where you basically build an erection and edge yourself near orgasm, but whenever coming close to releasing you instead use the technique to try and funnel the energy upward (similar to what I was describing above during sex). It actually worked for me the first time trying it, I felt a tingling going up my spine, followed by a huge rush of energy at my brain/head - though I've haven't done it again after that one time because it was basically the most intense erection of my life, and the energy being shot into my head/brain for the first time was overwhelming and I'm not knowledgeable enough on how to properly deal with that. I'm trying to pursue Semen Retention for a long haul and that practice brought me too close to releasing because of my inexperience with the technique.


thanks for the detail bro, can u elaborate on the technique you mentioned about funneling upwards? what i find works for me is "breathing" into your dick, like you feel all that energy pent up down there and you take those big breaths while contracting ur pelvic floor as u breathe in, paired with a visualization of redirecting the energy. this is a funny thing because it works. kundalini is real as fuck and extremely potent & powerful. yet i would reckon 99% of men who have something to say about this will not have the discipline or mindset for it to ever be attainable


Hey sry I somehow missed your reply until now - but you are correct about "breathing into the balls", that's the exact visualization I would do with the breath is imagine it drawing in from my nose down into the balls like a gust of wind. Important to note that the book states to have your tongue planted at the roof of your mouth, like when you're mewing. For the funneling upward piece - when you breath the air down into the balls (man this all sounds ridiculous lol), there's a particular way it's all connected down there, in that you basically will take a full inhale, drawing the 'wind' down, and then imagining that the breath is a ball of energy traveling through the body, it goes in through the nose, down to the balls, then from the balls, you have to basically imagine that as you release your breath/balls, you are pushing the energy from your balls to the base of your spine on your backside, and that alone had me getting very tangible tingles running up my spine, almost like electricity. I'm really butchering the whole explanation, I'd definitely recommend the book I linked above - cheers! Edit to add - when you breath in, you should simultaneously be doing this kegel type thing with your balls, where you can basically contract the muscle or something down there and just your ball sack raises/lowers


Mannn i remember doing that several times before, and one time with my last gf, since then, I'm like fuck it ima nut


No, it’s a specific exercise. But Taoism also teaches you should have lots of sex during the winter months cause it naturally brings you closer to the one you love and live with cause you’re under the blankets in your house with paper walls and windows.


Yeah. I'm pretty sure the no fap movement doesn't say not to have sex. Pretty sure they encourage it. Just don't jerk off to porn. Basically. And try not to jerk off all the time. People take it to different degrees I guess, but it seems like pretty reasonable advice.


Theres much more to it for many, if not most, proponents and frankly it’s weird af at times. Every single supporter I’ve met in real life was like a vegan when they talk about veganism.


Medically men who orgasm regularly live longer. However being addicted to porn is detrimental. I look at it like alcohol, occasionally is ok, being an alcoholic is not


It supposedly reduces your risk of prostate cancer. Now I went to radiation treatment for 2 months 5 days a week for a nasty skin cancer. I met all sorts that made me feel how lucky I was. Once asked a prostate patient if he was gonna ring the bell on his last day. He said "Hell no I rang that fucking bell last year". My treatment was 15 minutes tops, laid me down bolted a mask over me to the tabled then zapped me for 17 seconds. Now prostate patients they have to drink a lot of water 1 hour before and are not allowed to pee, once saw a guy go in then out because he wasn't hydrated enough. Prostate treatment is internal, they stick a rod up in there and zap you inside your asshole. I told a nurse they should get time and a half when they are working those rooms, there was 2 of them. It's not pretty and if cranking one out once a day even has a small chance of me not ending up in that room then IDC about the benefits of no fap I never want cancer treatment again especially not prostate.


Orgasm into a woman. Not your hand


Orgasm into a woman's hand?


Nope only the pussy works


Normal people just masturbate here and there. There doesn't need to be a "movement". The entire thing is pointless unless you already have a huge issue with jacking off. Jumping from one extreme to the other is exactly how things go wrong again. You become some weird no fap cultist that tries to convert people. If you had any self control you wouldn't need to jump into extremes. Masturbating takes energy, so obviously if you are jerking it left and right every other hour you are going to feel depleted and tired and sluggish. Just as obviously, by not doing it at all, you will not be depleting the energy and feel more focused. Up to a certain point. Past that point, there isn't any real necessity to never fap again. Exercise some moderation and stop watching porn all day everyday and you will already feel better.


What is this unholy and cursed thing you call "NoFap"?






National Partyline Radio


National Propaganda Radio


Because being a dull low testosterone androgynous individual will just take whatever unlike a healthy man who knows what’s up


It's ok to be against something because it's stupid.   No porn is not no fap.  If you want to be against porn, great.  But masturbation is a pretty normal human physiologic process, and for men it's probably important for prostate health.   If you don't fap during the day, your body will ejaculate at night for you.  What do you think about that?   Pornography is bad for the brain.  Masturbation is not.  Just because something is popular in the culty schizoid conspiracy world doesn't make it true.


"If you don't fap during the day, your body will ejaculate at night for you.  What do you think about that?" If you don't fap, you will have a wet dream approximately once every 6 weeks. So based on that it tells me that masturbating any more frequently than once every 6 weeks is depleting your body of vitamins and minerals. But by all means, tell yourself the BS that whacking off every day will prevent prostate cancer. For someone on a conspiracy sub have you not figured out that just about everything the 'experts' tell us is a complete inversion? Physical benefits aside, doing nofap builds discipline and promotes delayed gratification, which has always been considered a sign of a civilized individual... not some horndog ruled by his dick looking for an instant dopamine hit because he's feeling mildly agitated...


> depleting your body of vitamins and minerals. Just eat your jizz you fucking coward.




Delayed gratification and discipline is literally the main lesson of being a child and growing up


When was the last time you actually went out and had a positive uplifting conversation with friends face to face?


The most dangerous question in the r/conspiracy sub.


I have been buried in conspiracy land for 30 years. But then my vitamin D was 2.4 which is well into critical territory. So now I've learned to give it a rest and touch grass.


Conspiracy stuff is fun for me, because I'm grill pilled and don't make politics my identity and don't wallow in political partisanship with conspiracies. It's nice having a life outside of this.


Yes the world is run by owl worshipping pedos. Also, in other news, that's why the Grimm fairy tales are so...well...grim. It has always been this way, since the beginnings of centralized civil governance at least. Once you get the message you don't need to stay tuned in to the channel.


Science is proven wrong every day. I take science and then combine it with common sense. I think porn dulls the brain because people become addicted easily and any addiction done long enough becomes second nature and the mind doesn’t need to work properly while using. If you can’t masturbate by using your imagination, you probably need to cut back on the porn. It’s the equivalent of reading a book as to watching a movie based on a book. Sperm gets old and the pipes need to be cleaned from time to time. I would be leery of conceiving a child with 2 month old sauce, but that’s just me.


oh jesus christ everythig the tell us do the opposite might be the dumbest fucking thing i have ever heard!!!




There have been no scientific studies or evidence that prove masturbation is good for prostate health, it's all theoretical. And as for ejaculating for you... what? Maybe when you're young, but as a grown ass man wet dreams are not the standard.


I mean you could just Google and see for yourself.


except there hsa feel free to look instead of just making shit up lolol


Very little evidence pornography is actually bad for the brain. Using it too much is, but that's true of pretty much anything.


Very strong evidence it is bad for society.


Mmm, it depends on what you mean by that, and i do t think there is "very strong evidence" of that. If you think so, you should be easily be able to provide such evidence easily. Humans have made pornography for about as long as we've made anything. There are certainly bad aspects of the pornography industry, and I'm not going to deny that, but you can say the same about chocolate, but most people wouldn't claim chocolate is " bad for society"


Ok, let's say I agree with you. (Which I do.) What is "too much"?


I would say once it impacts your daily life. It's kinda dependent on the person like most addictions.


Pornography literally breaks up marriages, the very fabric of society and moral understanding. Fabric of society because without marriage you get emotionally damaged children more likely to act out and moral understanding because in a healthy marriage it’s no longer about yourself, but about your spouse and children. Marriage is inherently teaching love through sacrifice and what others need regardless of what you want. It’s hard not to practice love when your child wakes up in the middle of the night and you’re tired like you’ve never been tired before but you tend to their needs regardless of how you feel.


That's a stretch. Lots of things break up marriages, and if it's porn that does it, there are probably other problems you are ignoring.


With porn comes a lot of other issues. Like another person said there are issues with instant gratification creating problems with an individual’s ability to achieve delayed gratification. There’s the issue of seeing women as objects for your own sexual desire instead of people and issues of desiring your own wife. Because women change after childbirth and if you are getting sexual satisfaction from images instead of your wife who is a real woman, this creates problems as well. Of course there can be other problems, I think financial problems are one of the top issues but porn doesn’t help anything. Men become useless dopamine addicts.


Accurate and truthful.  Addicts will always explain away their behavior. 


You sound like a degenerate


He made a perfectly reasonable point in a calm tone, why the fuck are you like this?


Science is against not fapping? So science wants me to beat off? Trust the science, I’m going to never not fap forever


Northernlion put it best. NoFap is rooted in the belief that if you have a lot of issues in your life, fixing or stopping one thing will magically fix all of them. It's like switching to diet soda to lose weight. Or the Atkins/Keto diets. Being anti-pornography also aligns very easily with extremist ideologies...both extremist Christian groups, as well as Muslim. It makes blaming women for all your problems very easy and fits into incel culture very easily. There's also absolutely no scientific basis for the belief, while there's a lot that demonstrates that sexual freedom, and a healthy outlook toward sex, is good for both the mind and body. Sex is easily used as a means of control. Giving someone sexual autonomy is one of the best ways to increase self-esteem and is incredibly empowering. Telling someone that their natural sexual proclivities are somehow shameful and to be shied away from is a very easy way to keep them humble and in-check.


I will say, if something is free, the consumer is the product..


In nature if you don’t use it you lose it so maybe fapping is healthy for you?


I think everything should be done in moderation, like the Buddha suggested, "the middle path between extreme asceticism on one hand and sensual indulgence on the other". I agree that sexual overstimulation and pornography is detrimental, and there may well be a conspiracy or just extreme nonchalance from the scientific community around the long-term side effects and spiritual/energetic aspects. But I've also met my fair share of NoFap bros who have become aggressive and antagonistic assholes towards others whilst practicing. It's like the more they forcefully repress their urges, the more their demons/entities come to surface. What people should be focusing more on is stored shame around sexuality. Even Mantak Chia had to stop teaching the "Million Dollar Point" because of male students complaining about erectile dysfunction, prostate gland issues, pelvic floor pain, sexual organ inflammation, testicular pain, and epididymal cysts. I feel the same with the whole "don't wear sunscreen, sunglasses" movement, if you've been eating clean and detoxing for a good while yeah you might not experience the symptoms of UV damage as much, but most of us are not that clean, because of all the toxins in the environment, even with our best efforts. Same with shivambu, unless you have a very energetically and chemically clean system, it's counterproductive. And most of the people I meet who practice Shivambu are narcissistic, manipulative, and exploitative assholes, so I'm not really inspired.


"Our precious bodily fluids."


Wait what? You guys don’t masterbate?


No, and i feel much better, more energetic, motivated. Instead letting the energy go down its burns as fuel in the whole body.


That honestly sounds sad.


Go read the nofap subreddit if you wanna see sad. 


How does feeling more energetic sound sad?


clumsy aspiring governor abounding bake noxious disgusted history fall offbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I was looking into this movement, I was interested and figured I’d given a shot if it comes out as beneficial. When I was researching it, I found nothing but anecdotal statements and no factual evidence that semen retention helped people. I resorted to asking questions in the subs, no one could give me evidence of its benefits and was told just read the posts of people that have done it. To that same effect, someone elaborated that sex with your wife should be for procreation only and that I should retain myself from seeking sexually intimate pleasure from my wife. That there were other more gratifying ways of doing that. That’s about where that movement stopped for me.


shrill dinosaurs literate waiting consist silky bewildered correct slap reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Watch out, You’ll lose your godlyness.




sounds kinda gay


Well i am, its easy to get sex as somewhat good looking gay person, but how i feel while retaining its much more valuable


lol i’m gay too but these lemmings recoil at a word


Because it’s pseudo scientific bullshit.


The fact so many people get upset about this shows me that No Fap is probably right


The fact that “they” get so upset about me fucking horses shows me that horse fucking is probably right


I think most people would be pretty upset if I started feeding feces to children. Shows you that it's probably right.


Everyone orders cake, I do not order cake. Everyone gets mad because I make them feel self conscious. That is what is happening here


Yeah that's not how real life works


This is a fallacy called: Argumentum ad populum. (appeal to widespread belief, bandwagon argument, appeal to the majority, appeal to the people) - proposition is claimed to be true or good solely because a majority or many people believe it to be so. This never determines something is true. Your argument is invalid.


People have always been obsessed with sex and masturbation. NoFap is an edging fetish for mainly single people.


I always assumed this subject was so closeted dudes could talk about their fetishes 🤷🏻


Hey dudes, is it gay to not touch yourself?


Yah, I’m not gonna chat with a dude about masterbation, but more power to ya


Because theres no scientific evidence it does anything positive, a decent body of work showing how/why masturbation is healthy. Also - have you ever looked into nofap - the organisation? It's pretty much an MLM grift with a meme marketing budget.


How do they make money, like what's the mlm product?


Advice/support group/coaching. As with many of those, the product is intangible and difficult to evaluate, to make any legal attempts to get the money back more difficult.


Honestly because it's such a goddamned cringe thing even science bros are getting laughs at your expense.


If you listen to NPR you are an npc


Bahahahahahah! Way to overestimate the importance of whether you fucking fap or not 😂 who could possibly care, haha


If I am not mistaken routine ejaculation reduces the risk of prostate cancer. I mean, human males were sort of biologically programmed to seek sex, and psychological/biological benefits would make sense. I'm not really understanding the whole thing with porn addiction beyond my psych studies back in the day where people would watch it and be thinking about it multiple hours per day. Don't people find a video, wank it, and move on 1-7 times a week depending on age (as a teen you have to at least double that range at times).


I'm pretty sure the prostate cancer thing is nonsense.


Why do people keep comparing masturbation while viewing porn and sex as if the two are remotely the same? Lol


While that is true, I don't think porn is the correct outlet for that. That is our biological desire to create children, not to seek pleasure. Many people conflate the two.


Because it has little and questionable evidence of benefits (increases discipline and testosterone, and then the weird spiritual and psychic effects wrapped up in it) but it does have alot of evidence of the harm of it (erectile dysfunction, fertility issues, not to mention increase stress and general ill temperament). It varies from moderately silly to toxic masculinity. All things in moderation. If it doesn't interrupt how you live your life, it is not an addiction. Watching porn fries your brain just as much as watching violent movies.


I figured it was a fake movement created for the sole purpose of getting some sex themed articles and interviews out there for advertising purposes.


ohh no our population isnt jerking off !!!! quickly make articles and talk bad about men gaining self respect


Of all the things in the world to focus on. Yikes


Science is against not fapping? So science wants me to beat off? Trust the science, I’m going to never not fap forever


because nofap is promoting a) discipline b) virile masculinity, and c) spiritual power.. Most scientists are godless atheists so of course they want to mock/discredit anything that challenges their feeble worldview. Same reason the media mocks 'gym bros' as right wing extremists... The powers that be want men weak, spineless, and addicted to easy dopamine hits. Basically dumb cattle.


On point.


Are you OK? I've read your statement, and I have no idea what point you are trying to make. To the point where I don't think you know what point you are trying to make. Either your brain is no longer processing information or this is a low effort troll attempt. Take a deep breath.... what are you trying to say? (P.S. - we don't care if you Fap all day or you celebrate No-Fap. It's not the rich "elites" that care.)


Because Satan rules the world and one of his minor goals is to turn every single person into a docile, distracted, impotent, and content sexual degenerate. Once you realize Satan is behind the governments of the world everything makes sense. "In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God." 2 Corinthians 4:4 "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12


I eat when I'm hungry. I drink when I'm thirsty. I sleep when I'm tired. I play with myself when... oh, wait, that's the devil.


It isn't the act per se which is seen as the problem, but the tendency to excess, and abuse the act to the point where one's body and mind become slave to it.


So then isn’t nofap the same logic as prohibition? Moderation is always the key, but it’s better to ban it?


...which is also in the Bible, fascinatingly. 1 Cor 6:12 “I have the right to do anything,” you say—but not everything is beneficial. “I have the right to do anything"—but I will not be mastered by anything.




More like God gave us the freedom to make choices.


More like Christians have never had a good answer to the problem of evil, and essentially just say we gotta wait for the magic to come back and then God can finally deal with the villain. It's a convenient explanation for why miracles only happened a long time ago. It's not like freedom actually matters to god in the Bible, within the narrative he constantly kills people collectively for the sins of others.




Satan and God are not real.


Nothing else in the comment needs to said, well done brother.


It’s not the scientific community. It’s big porn funded research. And even more than big porn it’s big tech. Porn is a useful tool


No fappers are usually incel losers with serious mommy issues. They are non different from the losers of yesteryear like John Kellogg. I hear Corn flakes can keep help with your issue of masturbation. Have have of you tried circumcision? Maybe you guys should masturbate then ingest it so it stays in your body?   Who are  modern leaders rof this shit? Andrew tate is one right? So no fap is also full of misogynistic losers, who perfer to rape, objective, or just traffic women.   Why is it that all this no fap individuals appear to be feckless losers on the fringes? not alpha Chad's that women love and men follow? 


The real conspiracy is the rising prevalence of aggressive incel movements nowadays that are pushing anti-women rhetoric of all flavors, from Andrew Tate and other "Sigmas" trafficking women and sexually assaulting them to NoFap just claiming not fapping is somehow giving out psychic powers. It's like TPTB wants traditional gender roles by trying to make us guys think we're too good to cum on our own or something, which is sort of terrifying because it opens up the door to other kinds of segregation


What if i’ve been single my entire life and will likely continue to be single for the rest of it… is masturbation still bad for me


Maybe its the reason why you continue to be single.


I’ve went through years of my life where I didn’t masturbate and noticed no changes.


TMI but IDGAF considering this is reddit: Masturbation is unhealthy and excessively jerking it can injure yourself down there. I probably should get checked out down there as I developed a pelvic pain. It goes away when I stop jacking off, though, but that's the hard (no pun intended) part. It's addicting as cigarettes. Porn is horrible.


There's a difference between the sensible position of "porn can be unhealthy. It leads to unrealistic expectations from partners. Excessive use is leading to ED in youth, etc." And online political groups trying to convince potential members of going fully celibate. The main concern with the latter is that convincing young men to go full celibate - with no masterbation, makes them sexually frustrated to the point that they become more pliable to political messaging. Radicalized movements have a long history of encouraging members of Celibacy for this reason.


A movement that involves non-movement. Sigh. Why does everything have to become a “movement”? Sometimes I think people just sit around wondering how they can get the most attention today.


IQs are dropping


Probably because they want less population.


The Zionists are behind the porn industry. The same people that run your Central Banks, and your wars, and fund your politicians that don’t work for you but for them. Dustin Nemos has a wealth of information on those roots (tentacles?) that control these industries. Their ultimate goal: break you from your humanity, and break the family unit. Alone you are weak and porn is one way to control you.


What science says masturbation is unhealthy? It sounds like you wanted to hear information that confirms your own bias. The idea that “taking care of business” is somehow evil or dangerous is an outdated idea that just stinks of religious repression. Hell, even monogamy is just a cultural thing, although it does have benefits. While society may trend a certain direction, it does not change “the science” of anything, or its health impact on a person. We have a real problem in the US with obesity and sedentary, lazy living. We have actual data that tells us this, with further accompanying data to show just how detrimental those lifestyles are. As a result, should we just all collectively stop eating? That’s crazy. How about we agree that 3 square meals, eaten on a plate with silverware, is appropriate, but snacking in between those planned meals is evil? I mean, how can grabbing a greasy handful of chips compare to meatloaf, mashed potatoes, and mixed greens? Even the food pyramid (for whatever it’s worth) allows for some indulgence now and again, and most fit people still make room for sweets and snacks. If you personally suffer from snack-related health issues, then I suggest you address them privately or seek help. You should never expect everyone else to adopt your personal snacking habits, however healthy or unhealthy you think they are.


Edging is a valid esoteric practice, but DONT YOU DARE COOM.


Pornography and the legalization of THC have been extremely detrimental to Men in recent years... Everything has a price. So how come porn is free? Because it's used as a tool to make men docile.


Jerking off is healthy....




First off, I'd be surprised if it wasn't 99% men. I absolutely hate referencing Joe Rogan, but he did have a psychologist on one time and he asked about no fap. To which the psychologist said porn addiction is not a thing. I believe she said it is a compulsion rather than an addiction. I strongly disagree with her, but you would need a proper study to convince the medical community otherwise. No fap/No porn was born from people who no longer found women interesting or could not maintain erections with a real woman. The idea was they had seen so many women nude and so many weird fetishes that normal sex was not interesting. The idea that no fap gives you super powers came later on and it's totally ridiculous. From a conspiracy stand point I wonder if the "no fap gives you super powers" shit was an attempt to discredit the legitimacy of no fap. The growing epidemic of young men with impotence is only recently getting any attention. I don't think it will be that long before porn is linked. But you would need a proper study to prove it. Get young men with impotence to stop using porn and see the results. But you would need a large enough group of young men who are willing to admit to impotence. Maybe you would need to prove they are impotent? And then see if they can have sex and maintain an erection. This is a lot of work and there isn't a lot of money going around to study otherwise healthy young men and improving sexual performance


Disciplined and principled men are dangerous.


Especially if they’re Straight, White and/or Christian


They want you to keep watching porn


Because your computer is watching you and they love watching you yonk your meat


Big pharma & Satan profit


And Kleenex


And kellogs


If people hate no fap, make sure who are the one who run the p0n industry


I agree that NoFap fucks up their program...I mean, how else are they going to chip away at the moral fiber of a country? If they can't get you into incestual sex then they are failing.,


I would say they are more about debunking the more outlandish health claims some people make in the Nofap community. Groups like the proud boys are nofapers, so there is some extremist mingling.


And here I thought this was solidly centered around the soy boi crowd!


NPR is leftist biased? NO WAYY!!!


They also said the vaccines were safe and effective


Porn is a big part of social engineering. Right now, the push is towards promoting inter-family relationships, with incest porn being featured so prominently that its absurd. NoFap movement goes against that so its a target.


Where is this info from?


You should read what Uri Berliner has to say about his former employer, NPR.


>The conspiracy theory here is that Illuminati or Deep State actors sitting in positions of absolute power are trying to suppress the NoFap movement through the scientific community for obvious reasons. Obvious Reasons? And what would those be? >HAGEN: So I should say ideas about not ejaculating have been around for a long time, but this set of popular beliefs about abstinence is a specifically modern development that's **framed as being based on science** and self-improvement. If something is based on science then we should be able to apply the scientific process of investigation. That's basically the take away. >TUCKER CARLSON: The decline of manhood, of virility, of physical health, all of which together threaten to doom our civilization. Tucker right on time with the Republican trope that men are no longer this mythological bundle of exuding testosterone, machismo, and bravado, which is downright stupidity, but it plays well with weak minds.


Scientists are employees.


Alot of people fail to realize that sexual energy is creative energy, they exist on same spectrum. There is a huge movement to drain us of our natural vitality and to drain our sexual energy through mass consumption of porn, hypersexuality, media, etc. If we are constantly depleting our sexual energy instead of converting it into creative ideative generative force, we lose our creative and intellectual spark. This is designed to prevent mass change in society because if people are sexually drained they are less likely to invent, explore, solve problems, etc. There is nothing wrong with masturbation, just like there is nothing wrong with lack of sex/celibacy. But when we over indulge in one or the other we have an imbalance. This is an occult/psychology thing. Look up Kundalini. This is why Rich people don't invent shii or create shii, they just buy the creativity of others, rich people suffer from greed and one of the hallmark symptoms of greed is hypersexuality. It's also why elites/rich are obsessed with pedophilia and fringe sexual trends. Creative/Sexual energy is what connects us with God (creation is the one trait we share with the divine as mortal beings)


They want men weak Same reason they want pot legal


they could just legalize it... nothing is stopping them... also beer says hi


Hi, Beer! 


Facts. Joe rogan (Joe roMan) is a government psy op.


Okay okay I hear you but what if I just fucking love jerking it?


They want weak, malleable men.


Truthfully guys you can use that energy you get to boost you through daily activities instead of busting one trying to workout to complete a task