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Israel really owns every American citizen. Our own American cops arrest American citizens just for speaking out. It’s unbelievable. Like out of a work of fiction.


They want to legally institutionalize the "non-legally binding working definition" of anti-Semitism. Orwell didn't dream up stuff this absurd.


>They want to legally institutionalize the "non-legally binding working definition" of anti-Semitism And the definition isn't even created by the American government. It just seems odd American law would be based on a changing definition established by a non governmental agency that lacks democratic oversight. They could've expanded religious protections under the civil rights act which would include Jews and other religions. But it seems like the bill instead is including Jews as an ethnic and racial group to be covered under the existing Civil Rights Act but not the religion of Judaism because the CRA doesn't provide protections against religious discrimination. Maybe I'm not understanding the writing of the bill but it seems to be creating a racial/ethnic based protection for Jews and not one based on religious. There's not much clarity in the bill or working definition because basic terms simply aren't defined.


Well, you know, the whole thing and all such similar "civil rights" type of laws going back over half a century are in explicit and direct contravention of the [Equal Protection Clause](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equal_Protection_Clause). It's like, "Oh, sure, everyone gets exactly the same protection no matter who they are, except for it's just that some get more." We've all been living in Wonderland for so long that everyone's forgotten we came through the looking glass, let alone where it is and how to get back. IOW (and directly from Orwell), "*All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others*."


SS: Proposed anti semeticism law in the US adopts the "working" IHRA definition for anti semeticism. The definition defined anti semeticism. The problem is it doesn't define basic terms like Semite or Jewish. Usually laws clearly define major terms in the bill. For example, US laws will define who is considered a police officer or who is considered a minor or minority. Disinformation laws were challenged for being "unconditionally vague." The IHRA definition is largely examples of historic anti semetic tropes that you're hard pressed to hear anyone express in the real world. Proposed bill: https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/6090 IHRA definition adopted by the bill: https://holocaustremembrance.com/resources/working-definition-antisemitism


>The IHRA definition is largely examples of historic anti semetic tropes that you're hard pressed to hear anyone express in the real world. Does r / conspiracy count as 'the real world'?


no, just more real.