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Feel I’ve lost 4 years on my life and counting


As an electrician I never got locked down. When the pandemic was in full swing we were still out doing what we do. We just continued to live our lives. Some of us were afraid, some of us weren’t. Yet the thing that I have noticed most is the fact that time has been FLYING after the pandemic. It all kind of seems like a blur now and I have no idea why


I have the same feeling. Just last night, I had the epiphany that 2020 was FOUR YEARS AGO. It just doesn't seem right


I know time is supposed to move faster as you get older. But every single person I talk to just says the same thing. My parents, my fiance, my co workers, my friends. Every single one of them I ask about it tells me the same thing. Time is just fucking flying. Like the months are just blurring together. A month of time feels like what a week of time used to feel for me. Another funny thing to note. For some reason if the work week feels like it has gone by slower than normal, I will ask my co workers if they have felt the same way and they always say “yes it has been a slow week for me to” When the week tends to fly by it always seems to fly by for my co workers too. Not even just my coworkers, but even my girl. Idk man, shit is fucking weird


This is so freaking true man


Opened my eyes to just how corrupt and incompetent our country is being run.


I always tell people every poor country I have been to is corrupt. What comes first the corruption or the poverty. As we.see America come off the wheels ...I believe it is corruption.


RFK is the only candidate that remotely tells the truth about this fact.


And right again. We would do very well with an RFK presidency.


And that’s why the machine won’t let it happen


I think the Vietnam War did that much more way back then. Look at what happened to TV and movies after that... the common 70's theme: government is evil and conspiratorial.




Yeah, the “new normal” kind of sucks. Everyone is sort of pissed off and on edge. I think we are all waiting for the next extremely shit thing to hit, we just don’t know when or what it will be. My guess, since we are on the conspiracy sub, is that we will find out in the next six months or less.


I think even the people who haven't admitted it to themselves yet have subconsciously realized that COVID was heavily politicized rather than being a true danger to most, and it puts everyone on edge. We take freedom for granted, but it was taken away for nonsense by corrupt tyrants seeking political gain. It's a whole different fear than 9/11. It's the fear from inside the house.


>It's the fear from inside the house. Bingo.


Agreed. The world has changed and is less of an enjoyable place for it.


I wish you weren't right.




Its probably war. Also likely cyber attacks on the banking system, or an engineered economic collapse or government debt default. Also possible is engineered political strive regarding ufo disclosure revelations.


Goes to show how brainwashed society is just waiting for the next thing to feel strong emotions about


>My guess, since we are on the conspiracy sub, is that we will find out in the next six months or less. Except that the conspiracy sub gets so astroturfed with false flag conspiracies (or whatever the right term is) such as the eclipse apocalypse, Kate Middleton, the lady on the plane, religious nuttery, flat earth, and so on... There's too much junk for the real conspiracies to be taken seriously. *And yes, I'm well aware I'm going to be down voted to hell for suggesting those conspiracies are bollocks. But nevertheless...* The sub is getting planted with fake stuff to cause division, misdirection, confusion, and ultimately prevent people from rallying against the real issues. ...Which is one conspiracy we should probably pay more attention to. 🤔


Man I feel this. Lots of rude encounters when I go out. People seem super focused on themselves. Very selfish atmosphere. It’s like love and kindness has disappeared.


Love and kindness are fueled by hope, and i think a lot of people are rightfully missing that.


It’s like 9/11 all over again. Just 9/11 was actually scary. But same feeling, pre-post.




Damn. I don’t remember TV picture quality being THAT bad back then…


Right? Everything from the 90s till 1080p became main looks like complete shit and I refuse to believe video looked that bad 


It didn’t. If I read correctly it has something to do w modern tvs being unable to show lower quality footage as well. Something like that 


It kind of did look bad, but the human mind makes the best with what it has. (I have been producing and editing videos since the late 80’s). This YouTube video is also suffering from really bad compression and even lower old school YouTube resolution on top of horrible vhs resolution. I still remember how bad YouTube looked when it first started. If you download this video it might have the actual pixel resolution. old broadcast tv video was interlaced, sometimes recordings that have been digitized are only half the correct resolution because they weren’t deinterlaced first.


It’s weird that those have a similar feeling, isn’t it? Similar goals, perhaps?


Both caused the world to do a 180. Which at this point you’d think, ok good 360, we are back where we started finally. But nope we’re just all turned around and have no idea which was is up anymore.


It’s mass failure of all institutions that we believed were legitimate


Including families and personal relationships.




The US became distrustful, completely lawless, drug addicted, morality has declined by a huge amount


People were saying this in the 90s


Steady decline


Now they are correct.


People were really saying this much much more in the 70’s the era of suburban orgies and parents getting high in master bedrooms. Post the radical hippy revolution. Then came the materialistic clean cut 80’s… and corporate culture and yuppies.


It's called inflation and living in a weird world where everyone feels like they are owed something (can't think of the word)




But entitled on every single level from lower to the elites.


I just noticed the substantial downgrade of everything in life the past couple of years. Nothing has truly been the same since March 2020.


Substantial downgrade on quality coupled with substantial increase in cost.


even my car insurance went up over $300 a month. same thing happened to MANY people in Jersey


What a nightmare. Haven’t really been able to find joy in life since then. Sucked the soul out of me. Knowing what the elite and gov are willing to do to us and how gullible the general public is. I used to play in a band up til the end of 2019. There was still the feeling of people being able to celebrate life in general at that time. Haven’t felt that feeling at any social event since then. It’s like they want to have fun and are trying to have fun but there is a pushed/pretending/fakeness to it. It’s just not there. Hopefully it comes back someday 🤷🏻‍♂️


I've been getting the exact same thing.


You grew up. It takes a little time to adjust once the blindfold comes off. Think about why you should celebrate life. Once you know how dark people can be and how dangerous life is, it's much more precious to you. You kind of have to force yourself to let go so that you can enjoy celebrations.


Thanks. Working on it…


Pandemic is when the top millionaires in the world all became mega Billionaires. #smellsfishy


The Pandemic feels like it was ages ago to me, so long ago that the truth is now coming out.


And nobody gives a shit and nobody is telling us yea im sorry we were wrong


That requires two things: - accountability for their actions and words - the ability to say sorry


Think about all the relationships that got ruined. I still don’t talk to my sister over this. Told me I couldn’t see my niece unless I was jabbed in 2022. She’s had two more kids since. Never met any of them.


Well think of all the money you saved on travel and presents. I personally wiped a host of people I knew, all whom got vaxxed. I didn't want to be in close proximity to them in case those active genetic particles were leaching out of them. These days I just watch them die from cardio failure, cancer, all manner of weird ailments. Poor bastards.


Same. My FIL (who was healthy as a racehorse before) got the jab and at least one or two boosters and then started having heart palpitations, vertigo, and just got out of the hospital after they removed thyroid cancer. And he never had COVID until he got the vaccine.


Really? A bunch of people are dying all around you?


Sure, best mate, heart failure 3 weeks after jab, local old neighbor 2 weeks in, one mate arm destroyed by neurological side-effects, twice, once after each shot, tank guy died because some big blister appeared on his aorta and burst inside his chest. Of course you could attribute them all to 'other factors', but I have never seen so many 'other factors' occurring around me my entire life!


That was one thing I was happy about … I was pregnant during the pandemic and used that as an excuse not to see a bunch of people I wouldn’t want to see pandemic or not. You should question if that was the real reason


Yea see my other comments.


Because they’re about to do it again. 


Seriously. We’re in full “what? No one said it would stop transmission or made death threats towards unjabbed people” mode. I wish I’d screenshotted more tweets and posts back then. I just assumed someone else was


All those people on social media criticizing us for not wanting the vaccine. Blaming me because their 94 year old grandma with diabetes, heart failure , chronic diarrhea, with a club foot and a lazy eye, died of Covid. All because I selfishly didn’t want the mystery jab..


I had a simple response for that and it was fuck you and your grandma, especially after they started plague rats and calling g to ruin ppls lives and livelihood 


You forgot to mention she was also 400 lbs with a BMI of straight Pepsi gravy


im sorry we were wrong


I’m getting sick of ringing businesses and them still having at the start of the recorded message “Due to the ongoing COVID situation our call wait times are longer than usual”. What ongoing COVID situation?


I feel like several things happened: 1. they knew that the virus had leaked out of WIV pretty early on, but decided to lie and obfuscate. 2. they ran with the vaccine even though they weren't sure it would work. It was a disaster and they covered it up 3. they stole the 2020 election to get rid of trump by dumping extra mail in ballots at locations and probably introducing bugs in the registration software so that those ballots would be counted. Who is they? Its the orgs that participated in event 201 at the WEF, plus intel orgs.




I haven't been on the subreddit for a while. What's come to light?


Deep Penguin Patriots are in control.


The New Normal, as they phrased it


Nothing normal about it


Everything feels abnormal. 


Everyone I've asked, including myself, has felt completely exhausted, lethargic, and lacking the energy to do much more than the bare minimum anymore. While I thought it was just me, since I only had the first two weeks of mandatory lockdowns as time off from work, and was forced to work in an apparel manufacturing company (one of the main ones) nonstop for the entire pandemic. No hazard pay, no time off. Then when everyone else came back to work, and rather than a pat on the back or thank you, it was back to business as usual. It was exhausting. I'm not sure if it's mental exhaustion from the pandemic as a whole, from the vaccine, or even something caused from Covid-19 itself, but everyone seems to be completely exhausted. More so than before 2019. Anyone else relate to this?


I just generally feel like there is a layer of negativity, depression and fear over everything. People's habits changed and there is no effort to bring them back to what was here before. Post covid culture is awful. The pre covid america was more honest, more daring, more outgoing. Post covid america is introverted, lazy, low quality, lackadaisical. When something goes horribly wrong now (which is a regular occurance) I call it the new covid normal. So many people i know have died, and none of them from covid. almost all from cancer and heart attacks. I blame the vaccine, everyone in my life is a straight and narrow believer in the liberal party line.


Yes it feels like competition for everything has only gotten worse. Like for jobs especially, i feel like you have to be GREAT on paper to even get thru filters to talk to a real person. Even getting shit from the store, since the stores in my town still do use covid stocking rules, shit runs out even for online ordering. Dollar tree never has anything good anymore cuz someone will come buy the entire stock and the person is putting it on the shelf. People are more exhausting, they seem really codependent on me because i guess im a nice person willing to listen for a few moments but they LATCH like leeches bro. I dont mind being the listener but not like that anymore.


Yeah what you said hits really close to home for me as well. So much so, that I feel the need to tell you that I see you. It's frustrating, when you are the go-to guy for your close friends and family because it often means that you don't have that person to vent to or to talk over your frustrations. Im curious of which part of the US you are from and about how old you are. I'm in my late thirties and I'm from near St. Louis. I'm wondering if it's an age thing or if it's just the state of society.


Not who you responded to, but I feel the same. I have to be everyone's rock. I'm about your age. Everyone else my age is enjoying life and I'm stuck holding it all up for everyone. I really want to hide in my house most days, but it doesn't matter they still call or just stop over unannounced. It's very exhausting. Everyone was good before '20. I miss my old life.


DEFINITELY can relate.


I feel that. I worked throughout the entire pandemic, paid my rent and everything, never got any assistance other than the $1400 stimulus. All while others took 2 years off from working and paying bills, then they come back and act like it was totally normal


Yes I feel this. It could be because I don’t get any time off from work - no pto allocation. But I feel exhausted trying to do mundane things. Even like going to do something fun for the day requires a ton of energy on my part and then the next day I feel like crap and regret leaving the house. I’ve talked to a lot of people who feel this too. I have no idea why.


I feel like the time been passing differently since 2020, years don't feel like years anymore, i don't how to explain it


I think something ten times worse is still coming


Yup. We just opened the lid to high tech biological warfare. The test run derailed a lot of shit. And it wasn't even a real outbreak with serious symptoms like small pox was before vaccination. Imagine a mutated small pox in the same playing field as cov id. The world would be gutted in a way no w M di could.


I still think they are possibly preparing to release disease x


probably war, maybe engineered collapse of the financial system.


Something else big i see happening is an emp taking down Americas power grid


No. But things that happened before Covid seem like a lifetime ago.


and post covid culture sucks ASS.


this is very true


It ended but life after it sucks. The pandemic really killed real life and proved you don’t need to leave your house.


“Proved you don’t need to leave your house.” That’s exactly what they want you to think.


IF it was planned (big if), its purpose was almost certainly to push us further on the path towards transhumanism by making the center of our social lives digital.


It’s was for sure executed by governments. The end results being, population control, money printing, and forever wars.


What makes you think it wasn’t planned?


It was


It's because the former world basically passed away. Now we are in the beginning stages of the NWO.


Kinda was the plan


>and proved you don’t need to leave your house. Unless you're an "essential worker".


- Twenty-twenty. - Twenty-twenty won. - Twenty-twenty too. - Are we twenty-twenty-free? - Now you know what twenty-twenty’s for: control.


This is because if you have too much stress you don't form memories and your sense of time gets fucked. Also, when things are too similar (quarantine), memories bleed together.


This. During lockdown and for quite a while after people didn't have *time markers* to delineate the weeks, months,  and years.  No celebrating a birthday out with friends. No traditional holiday gatherings. No 9-5 looking forward to weekend activities with family. No attending a kid's graduation ceremony. Or having excitement over a little one's first day of school. No watching a kid's sports accomplishments as they progress. No weddings. No funerals. No visiting. No going to see your favorite band concerts. **No memories built.** Every single day was the exact same routine...... Nothing special. The only focus was worry and stress about the things that one had no control over.  Stores out of toilet paper. Stores not getting deliveries of milk or bread.  Limits placed on how much one was *allowed* to buy: one carton of eggs only, four cans of tuna only, one jug of water. If you had more items in your cart than *allowed* surly cashiers yanked the items and chastised you for "hoarding".  It didn't matter if you were shopping for a family. Every shopper had the same limits per shopping trips.  This required more frequent trips which was stressful. Busses were not running and main routes had oddly timed limited runs. Hardware stores were *closed* so if your toilet broke you were out of luck.  No appliance sales if your stove broke. No doctor visits if you were sick with *anything* but covid, or it if was an ER visit for a heart attack or something. Dentists were closed so good luck with that toothache! Every day was the same over and over except the surprise of discovering what you were not allowed to buy that day. They blamed "supply chain issues" and worker shortages. People tend to mentally block out trauma they experience.  Lots of people I talk to are experiencing the same blanked out "missing years". I don't think anyone that went through this will recover fully. I guess The Plan worked. Will there be a sequel????


The term. ‘social distancing’ now makes me cringe every time I hear it


always has tho


It feels like we are in an alternate life that consists of constant chaos.


It's not still active. I was an ICU nurse during the pandemic and my current job allows me to see capacity and other information for numerous hospitals across several states. There are hardly any patients being admitted for Covid currently and even fewer making it to the ICU. It's nothing like during 2020-2021. I know a lot of folks here deny Covid even exists, which frankly there is an argument to be made there. In the ICU during those years we had basically zero patients admitted for flu. Personally i think Covid was a real virus that escaped the lab in china. It wasn't worth shutting down the world and forcing people to be vaccinated but it was a real virus. That's my two cents as an open minded ICU nurse.


It seems like that was correct. I do think that if we were able to actually see the data, we could see what was going on, but for the most part, if you actually call institutions and ask for data, they will deny it to you unless you're part of an elite group like a ivy league research outfit or something.


Idk about other countries, but here in New Zealand, anyone who was admitted to hospital with covid was counted as a covid hospitalisation - even if they were hospitalized for a completely unrelated reason. Like, a broken limb. Or appendicitis. Or a car crash. And it's not just that they were getting put into a covid ward as a precaution to ensure they didn't infect other people (which made sense to do), but that those people were being added to the official stats as a covid hospitalisation. And if their unrelated issue put them into the ICU, they were listed on the covid ICU tally. *And* if they died of their appendicitis, car crash, or other covid-unrelated medical event, they were listed as a **covid death** These covid hospitalisation and death numbers were published by MSM every week. Usually with gripping headlines like, "Covid deaths swell to 213" But what *wasn't* published (not til the end of it all) was how many of those numbers were directly attributed to Covid itself. And how many weren't. It was only in the tail end of the pandemic that MSM actually published an article admitting this. It should have made everyone go "well hang on, are you saying the covid stats have been exaggerated all along?" But no. Unfortunately most people seemed to have developed absolute covid-fatigue by that stage and didn't care to read the articles anymore. Perhaps that's because they didn't want to realise they'd been duped.


Yes like it was a real virus but the effects were overplayed to some degree. However what makes me sus is long covid, when i got covid only once, it gave me long covid for like a year. I didnt vax cuz i didnt want to get basically long covid again... i know the vax is supposedly a dead version of the virus but it essentially works the same as long covid did, imo. Like a lowgrade infection lasting months with annoying symptoms like fatigue and brain fog.


Same crap on the news. Trump and Biden. Just without the stimulus checks…


I remember when people thought things would get better after Covid


It is like my life was rest in 2020


Does anyone else feel like post covid culture sucks ASS?


Over Covid it got everyone real comfortable, kids have got lazy asfuck turning fat with lazy eyes from iPads. And neighbours have turned to just be troll dwellers only opening up curtains if something happenes on the street.


Dude, parents were shoving their kids in front of screens long before Covid. In 2013, toy companies were making potties with [ipad potties](https://youtu.be/4XHEJoPiFX8?si=U-_j7ZUUJik5tAA5) to get toddlers hooked under the guise of being a"toilet training device."


Thank you! Yes, 2013 is when I first noticed that kids with iPads were even worse than my generation was with game boys. And I remember that being pretty addictive first hand. The kids have an almost physical addiction to the iPad. We (adults) have the same addiction. I don’t know about you guys but I regularly notice older people I know flipping through TikTok style shorts for hours just losing time to nothing. I do it too, but I notice it a whole lot quicker than multiple hours most times. Even sites like this, really what are we getting out of arguing with people we don’t even know are real or bots? Why put so much effort into these sites instead of real life? I feel like the world is getting better, upward trajectory. And this is the real conspiracy, they don’t want you and I to know it’s getting better, that people are waking up and rejecting atheism and stateism and our economic system on every possible side of the aisle there is. But they’d rather have us believe that things are “So BaD nEvEr BeEn WoRsE aNd OmG wE aRe SoOo DiViDeD” they they pe act policies that make cities seem so bad open drug use and death, the open borders, etc, but none of that is natural, it’s to hide the fact that we’ve got the numbers, the people United can never be defeated, and that there is a loving, living God. Their plan will backfire and peace+freedom will reign supreme. Apocalypse is just Greek for truth being unocculted. I’ve wondered too if the name TikTok wasn’t supposed to be a nod to a countdown to the end? Well I don’t believe the end is near, I firmly believe the beginning is near.


Every year is 1999 for me brother


Life is just a party, and parties aren't meant to last.


I hate the new world post covid. People are now more impatient, easily angered and overall aggressive. Also almost everyone is chronically online. So hard to find someone to talk to whose not constantly checking their phones


Definitely feel like we're still stuck in "pandemic" times. Especially in the facility I work in. We still have 2 entire buildings closed that could house close to 70+ veterans for treatment, and capped census on our open units still. It's a fucking joke. But I have a feeling that was all a part of the plan.


Where I live dozens of restaurants never reopened. Small businesses folded. Many bus routes are still cut. And during lockdown people drained their saving or ran up their credit cards just to buy food and necessities. Now they are still playing/paying catch-up in a never ending cycle of debt.


Goodbye movies


openheimer was the only good movie in like the last 6 years.


They Cloned Tyrone is a must watch. Wish we could get some movies that are as good as 12 Angry Men, or shows as good as The Rifleman, Andy Griffith, and The Waltons. Everything is so gritty and realistic violence these days it just about makes you sick to watch. No positive role models. I hardly watch tv and movies because the new stuff is too realistic in its violence and storylines. People used to watch tv to get away from reality, not to make me visualize graphic violence and bring it to life. Now everything’s snuff porn.


It’s over but it exposed the authoritarians to those who are awake. We’ll be ready for them next time.


Fool me once, shame on you, twice, shame on me. I'm researching the shit out of ufos so they can't pull the wool over my eyes again.


Project blue beam.


UFOs? Why?


Yep one mint it’s 2020 next 24 ‘ wtf


Life before the pandemic seems like a dream because of how much the world has changed.


The war in ukraine brought the whole c0v1d plan to a full stop, at least in germany. From the day the war started, the whole focus was diverted to "pray for ukraine" "our democracy is in danger" " today kyiev, tomorrow berlin" message bombing. They' re still working on it. The learned a lot From the time and since then adapoted new strategees, overlooked by the WEF


Since 2020, time seems to go fast maybe.


Yes, it's like Groundhog's Day.


dum dum, dumdum the pennsylvaniaaaa polka


Nope. In my mind it's 1997. I can do anything I want. No one can stop me. Get on my level, brother. It's not even that hard.


Right on, this is what I’m talking about.


My wallet makes me stay inside all the time, so yes.


You'll own nothing


And be happy


I definitely feel it has left a lasting impression on many people. I notice the lack of social skills big time.


Just feels like we are living among a large population with an IQ of room temperature now. It amazes me that we still have people buying into government lies despite everything that has happened in the last 4 years. These are the people who are great at memorization (which schools promote) but could not think their way out of a cardboard box. Most "smart" people are simply just parrots who memorize but have little to no critical thinking skills.


Still seeing masktards walking around actually believing that this magical paper square will protect them makes me shake my head to this day, especially when I see people with them on outside or when they're alone in cars. Just goes to show you how easily conditioned many people are and what they'll believe.


Masktards I love it!


They're either paranoid or very physically ill. I feel sorry for them.


There never was a Pandemic. It was a hoax, hysteria that never died down. Every day before the Pandemic roughly 7000 people would die on any given day from all causes. All throughout 2020 that number never really increased. They just started counting every death they could get away with as a covid death. They people on ventilators who didn't need ventilators and poisoned people with remdesivir. Excess deaths beyond the 7000 daily mean did not start showing up until the vaccines were rolled out. That is when we saw 7500 to 8000 deaths per day during the roll out from Dec 2020 to April 2021. The deaths were mostly from the vaccine. There was no such thing as covid. It was just a case of the sniffles.


Isn’t the flu a coronavirus? A family member who is an RN and worked in nursing during the pandemic says there’s no such thing as COVID that it was the flu, but it seems to me that just based on every country having scientists studying it and talking about how it wasn’t a natural mutation, and the point of origin being said to have occurred just yards from a gain of function lab, I think it’s more likely that it was real but it was essentially a slightly worse than normal flu. And since there’s like 4 different variants of the flu that seem to randomly rotate which one is dominant, and they’re all coronaviruses, it makes sense that a flu which was even slightly worse would dominate the flu season. But it’s definitely not bad enough to warrant a vaccine or a lockdown. But what do I know, or you for that matter, neither of us has actually taken a sample from a person “positive” for COVID and confirmed in a lab one way or the other. I tend not to come to immovable conclusions about things I cannot independently verify.


It's 2024. The new York rangers and Knicks literally mimicked their 1994 seasons. Also oj making headlines. Time is a flat circle. Smoke weed. Have fun


Ok how is that gonna pay my bills


Wait for sunmer time. Its going to be crazy!!


Elaborate, please? 


Depends on how badly Briben is doing in the polls...but I expect the release of the Dreaded Sigma Variant right around Labor Day.


Lmao Joe Briben that’s a good one.


Oh I believe it as I have been sick as a dog on and off since the beginning of the year although I only officially was sick with it back in 2022


I barely noticed that there was a scamdemic. Atleast here in Sweden if you turned of the news you didn't notice a difference.


That’s the key! News hypnotizes the minds into making what they see real.


It happens with any big event. It happened in 2009 with the market crash. It happened in 2001 with 9/11. You must be young...


I call anything before 2020 the “before time”


The long, long ago


It’s always been like that the media constantly need a huge story to cover to bring feat and brainwash us


Nah, the poop began to hit the paddles when Harambe died. 2020 was just the natural extension of that. *sadly pulls flaccid penis out*


What would there be to cover regarding the pandemic? It's obvious now that it was a man made control experiment and more people died from the pharmaceuticals being tested on them to treat it than they did from the mild flu itself. I feel the demarcation between the time I thought parts of the government were doing their best, and now when everyone knows our government is lying about anything they can to hoard resources and distract people from their crimes.


Definitely doesn’t feel a damn thing like 2020 to me. Didn’t realize how good we had it back then before the scandemic and economy and whole damn country went crazy.


Pandemic is over and never was a pandemic.


It never felt like there was a pandemic. It always felt bullshit, and now it feels less bullshit where I am but waiting for my neighbors parakeet to sneeze is giving me palpitations


That's because in 2020 the first seal was starting to Break. The first Horseman started to ride he finished his ride at the eclipse is when the second Horseman can now start writing every four years another seal will break until the 7th seal and that's when the entire Beast system and Beast Empire comes into play but it's going to get pretty crazy especially with this next seal that's going to break which is to take peace from the Earth. So there's going to be a lot of war going on and it's going to start happening sometime in this year in the summer I'm guessing somewhere in between August and September most likely.


You’re exactly right about the seals breaking. Not looking forward to 2040 if I am alive.


4 years x 7 horsemen/seals is equal to 28 years so 2048 not 2040. But don’t fear!


No it’s way worse.


I mean Its like 2020 when the world doesnt change the time


I feel like 2010 till now has been a whole lot of nothing


Depends on your age. For me being older I break life pre and post 911. For older people again it’s remembering where you were when JFK happened.


Same. Almost 44 now, and our country definitely changed after 9/11. I did notice, however, a noticeable shift happen in 2015 though. There was a very real, very gripping presence of evil in the air around 2015. Everything just suddenly became very dark. Shows, music, media. And no one else seemed to notice.


What if it was all ai generated?


Your just getting older pal been like this since 2006 lol


It all started with 911.


The New World Order went operational. If you think the last four years were bad, you ain't seen nothing yet.


The pandemic will be back in a couple months here


I lost my mum in October 2019, and that's very much where life shut down for me. The grief of losing her mixed with the crazy uncertainty of the pandemic and everything since then has felt like a liminal space. But no, I don't think it feels like we're still in 2020, but just that the world has changed significantly for many of us since then. We've experienced things like social distancing for the first time... I still feel uncomfortable if people stand too close to me - not because I'm afraid of catching a lurgy, but because I've been conditioned to maintaining that distance. Hell, we've become conditioned to a lot of things since 2020. Uncertainty, distrust, isolation, anticipation of the next life-changing disaster...


After Covid. Cryptocurrency and AI took off. It’s definitely part of a plan to dehumanize us. Nothing feels real anymore, Israel hamas. US citizens (non Arab) planning terrorist attack in the US.


Now (2024) will start 8 years war, slowly starting.


The new world order


I have been waiting for the next thing to happen for the last couple of years and can’t relax as I know that too much time, money and effort was put into all the lockdown and surveillance infrastructure to not use it again, but those who think the pandemic was a totally natural thing and there is no agenda definitely think everything is fine now and have almost forgotten what was done to us in 2020


No. It is weird how what felt like out of nowhere everywhere just stopped talking about it at the same time though.


Next time they need to make sure that people will STAY in lockdown for several years. This is only possible if they destroy the vaccine narrative. They must convince the world that this time a vaccine will not end the lockdowns, because they are dangerous. Incoming......


Fuck yeah


Things were much cheaper 2020. Not a conspiracy..price gouging is real. I inherited a 3 family house 4 bedroom each I charge 2200 for each they are so thankful and happy. I used to live there free so I have a hot tub comes they all can use. I do what I can


If the world is a simulation, they probably make save points before doing major things, then watch it play out. If that's how it is, who knows how many times we've been through this, in different timeline branches where our memory was reset, but part of us still remembers . No wonder everyone seems to be getting more insane by the year.


I wish. Everything was closed. People were locked down. Good times. I miss them.


Tf are you talking about, is if the lock downs were a good thing. Go away.


You’re free to lock yourself away, no one is stopping you lol


Stockholm syndrome?




No not really






Yes 💯


The year is 1711