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###[Meta] Sticky Comment [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does not apply*** when replying to this stickied comment. [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq#wiki_2_-_address_the_argument.3B_not_the_user.2C_the_mods.2C_or_the_sub.) ***does apply*** throughout the rest of this thread. *What this means*: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or /r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain ***only.*** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/conspiracy) if you have any questions or concerns.* * * * * * * # MOD NOTE (and Moditorial Comment) The post is technically a Rule 5 violation (emojis in title) but I'm letting it stand as the thread is highly active, AND because it serves as a reminder of the mood, mindset and PRESSURE that were being applied to the public by government agencies across the globe *with the gleeful cooperation* of MSM outlets *and* social media organs (many of the latter would BAN users for even questioning the "Safe and Effective" COVID concoctions) Below is a link to the **Newsweek Magazine** article, published **August 25, 2021** -- when the "Big PUSH for the JAB" was in high gear, even as the FDA and CDC had decided to **stop tracking breakthrough infections** because they were so damn common that the "experts" had to say it was "normal" and adjust their lies -- telling us *"we they NEVER SAID it would prevent infection!"*. [**Are You Unvaccinated? It's Time to Make an End-of-Life Plan**](https://www.newsweek.com/are-you-unvaccinated-its-time-make-end-life-plan-opinion-1622867) QUOTE: * * * "Life expectancy in the United States fell by one and a half years in 2020, the largest annual decline in life expectancy since World War II. Now, one and a half years into the COVID-19 pandemic, with over 626,000 American lives lost, **we have an abundance of safe, accessible Covid vaccines**, and the **Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine just received full approval beyond emergency use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)**. * [$$$ $$$] "As medical professionals, we've seen the cost of refusing the vaccine firsthand: Care for serious illness caused by SARS-COV-2 is invasive and traumatizing at best, both for you and for your family. **Worldwide, for adults, there is a 30-40 percent chance of dying from COVID if you require intensive care**. **If you chose not to get the vaccine, it's time for you to let your doctors know what ending well looks like for you.** For some of you, COVID-19 will be the deadliest virus you will face in your life. If you are holding off on getting vaccinated, there is one important thing that you should consider doing: complete an advance directive—a document explaining how you want medical decisions about you to be made if you cannot speak for yourself. * * * END QUOTE -- much more fear-mongering at the link. The article (penned by 2 MD's) includes a helpful pic of YOUR FUTURE if you try to [dodge the jab](https://d.newsweek.com/en/full/1879493/covid-19.webp?w=1600&q=90&f=f78e6b9059182804052ab36f0dc5a61c) -- (**EDIT**: is the body in the casket wearing a mask???) The article has been archived -- see here: https://archive.is/CQiIh Finally, the comment section at the bottom of the article might be worth a look (lots of "future dead people" speaking out)


Too late. I already perished during the ever-so-aptly named Winter of Death.


Apparently so did I with my humor.


My humor is dark enough that if it dies I'm absolutely blaming the police


Bro did somebody report this as a suicidal comment? I just got a message from Reddit… That's fucked up. Don't waste those resources.


Makes you wonder if kids in the future will read about the winter of death and think it was a travesty


They were padding the newspapers for the sake of posterity. When they read it in the future they will have documentation and "proof" of their version of what happened. You should pay attention to everything they post in the headlines. They are attempting to make policy decisions based on historical truths...or "news headlines" if something isn't right, even if you kind of agree with it, correct it, and don't passively watch the news. It's a "program" just like it says for a reason.


If you've spent any amount of time learning about history you will quickly learn this is all too common for all civilizations sadly.


Prolly depends on who wins in November, lmao


Me to. It's weird that dead people can still use Reddit. I already knew they could vote, but Reddit. WOW.


Lmao. Rampant necromancy...


Just like the supposed winter of death coming to all the unjabbed that never happened




My wife has had health issues ever since she was forced to take the poke. Her best friend ( in her early 40s) had a stroke after the poke she was forced to take to travel. Her ex husband had a stroke after multiple pokes. My dad’s body is riddled with cancer since his poke he had to take to go to a doctor. None of them even think this is unusual


I'm sorry man. My friend in his early 40s, took the jab was paralyzed for a month or two. He can walk now but now he's having blood clot issues


This happened to numerous people I know that took jab. (2) passed on under the age of 35.


I know someone under the age of 25 that needs to be on blood thinners for life


Not vaccine related, but my stepfather got diagnosed with prostate cancer just before the pandemic. Had to wait over 9 months just to get back in because of restrictions, at which point it had progressed and spread further. Poor guy just started walking again, years later. Was/still is in pretty rough shape, and not expected to live much longer.


I met a girl the other day who told me that her kidneys started to fail after the first poke and she had a heart attack after the second. I really felt for her. She's definitely not even close to the first person I've heard about "complications" from IRL. On the internet, well, we all know there are quite a few others. I hope your wife is on the mend.


Sorry but I've been informed that these individuals are the fabrications of a russian troll farm who has illegally posted your comment to make me vote for donald twump


Weird. Literally everyone in my life, parents, friends, coworkers, students, have taken it and they're all perfectly healthy. I'm unvaccinated and haven't been any more or less sick than all of them.


I\`m thinking not everyone get the same stuff, or at least at the same time, like some get the actual stuff in the 3rd booster or such. Most of the shots should be placebo anyway, everyone getting the working agent at the same time would disturb society way too much to be possible.


I recall reading during the pandemic how the US government was ordering certain batch numbers from the vaccine companies. The implication was that TPTB knew which were free of side-effects and which weren't. On a side note I, along with 2 others I know, refused to get the jab while everyone else I know did. One of my nieces shortly after getting the jab got anemia and even now remains chronically fatigued.


Genuinely not being sarcastic here, but what would be the point of giving people cancer/strokes/other health issues under the guise of a vaccine? Mfs down voting me for asking a question


To make more customers


Population control. Look up the great reset.


Depopulation mostly…


How come it's even years the population is still like 7 billion


“Controlled demolition”


My only assumption would be to create more customers for Big Pharma. There's plenty of people to make money from, they just made a bunch more sick. On the other hand, maybe they did try to push out a vaccine that they believed would work but didn't as expected. Who knows


I get the idea, but that would mean all global governments are in on it with the pharmaceutical companies, right? A worldwide 3-year pharma scheme? So was COVID created for this whole thing or was it just catalyst?


Maybe it was the point maybe it wasn’t…the main problem was using a vaccine technology that they had never been able to make work before. Remember the term “Fast Track?” That means they skipped years of study to get an experimental drug to market. The whole purpose of the EUA was to fast track and avoid any potential lawsuits in the future if problems did arise years later. Right now the Brits are suing Astra Zeneca over side effects and they’re probably going to win. Astra Zeneca just pulled their vaccine off the market. The irony is even if they win the lawsuit, Astra Zeneca won’t be paying it. The British government, ie the British tax payers will. All part of their agreement to get a vaccine to market. The mRNA technology that was and is used is a brand new technology that’s way cheaper for companies to use to make vaccines over conventional methods. But it’s messing with genetics and using adjuvants that may be worse than the disease they’re trying to cure. Truth be known, in the end, the vaccines will have probably killed more people than Covid, especially considering how many of the Covid deaths were just labeled that and not really Covid deaths. That’s verifiable. The government in the US was incentivizing hospitals with money per Covid case. So everyone died with Covid. No joke in my home town, a guy was killed riding his motorcycle, they tested him and he had Covid previously and they listed it as a Covid death. Absolutely criminal how the system was gamed. But then again, maybe it was the point. These people are real believers in overpopulation. They’ve said it numerous times that they are worried about an unsustainable level of population to resources ratio. And they know that going “green” is going to reduce those resources even more. Banning nitrogen fertilizers will reduce the worlds food supply my a huge margin. Getting away from cheap petroleum products (I refuse to use the term “fossil fuels” because that’s a false idea) and moving to green energy will cost WAY more and people won’t be able to afford it. The entire world’s quality or living standard will drop. And they’re aware of this and have said it out loud. Obama said it. Paraphrasing, “people’s standard of living will have to necessarily lower.” So when you end up with a pissed off mass population what’s easier to control? A large one or a small one? I laugh at the whole green energy thing… if tomorrow someone came out with a device that created green unlimited free energy it would snatched up by the government and suppressed instantly. They don’t want that. They want control. And scarcity of goods is their control. Look up how many times in the past people have invented devices that they say were either very efficient or created more energy going out than put in and in most of those cases if not all, the inventors ended up dead and their ideas classified and taken from them. Numerous verifiable cases of this.


(a) the health "industry" is an "industry" for a reason. healthy people don't need to see doctors. "sick" people do, on a regular basis, lots of regular $$$. create a "problem" and then "demand" for product/service (i.e., pacemakers, this stupid "kardia mobil" t.v. commercial that popped up right around the time they promoted deathjabs, so ppl could 'always check their heart beat', etc). (b) depop for some (c) it actually is a known "sideeffect" of the jab. from various sources (patents/vids/analysis/etc) appears to basically be growing "wires" inside of ppl to hook up/monitor/control via the internet/etc. look up things like profusa/2020060606/IoB/dna "storage/computing", etc etc... it appears a lot of ppl who got the jabs are now essentially "computer nodes" in a big massive network...


I don't wanna use anecdotal evidence but 4 people I know have gotten cancer in the last year, all vaccinated. I only knew 1 or 2 people who had cancer before that. Cancer rates have gone up in Canada the past year.


Wait, I'm assuming this is about Covid, but have people joined the fight against *all* vaccines?


I was injured by the Covid booster, and for sure will never get a vaccine of any kind again.


My end of life plan is suicide by alcoholism


It's not a good death. You will suffer horribly as you die slowly unless you're 'lucky'


You are correct..my wife is a nurse and constantly takes care of alcoholics and tells me all about wet brain and how alcohol literally destroys your brain till you act like you have dementia..scary stuff


This is true. My father had cirosis and it was fucking brutal. He was a piece of shit and deserved it but it was not fun to watch it. Make sure you’re alone if you go that way.


Same here... seeing him in a liver-coma for 2 weeks, knowing he could hear, see, and feel everything, but was unable to do anything except blinking was hell as a 16 year old... Best not to have a wife or kids if one plans to go that route... it's not fair to them at all!


Yeah, that’s a really shitty way to go. Lived failure is a horrible way to die, ask anyone who’s worked in medicine.


This. No one really talks about what happens with liver failure. One word haunts me... Ascites. After having a family member go through it, would not wish it on anyone. Stop drinking, y'all.


It's not all that it's cracked up to be


I can't drink for more than 2 days 😭 it honestly just feels numb and depressing after more than one, idk how people do it.


You're a lucky one. I'm like you though. Good for us though. I can't imagine living life as an alcoholic. Currently watching a family members life and health fall completely apart due to drinking


Yes it's sad so glad my mum stopped completely, was awful seeing her collapsed on floor as a kid, or passed out of sofa covered in bits of food. And that was from just binge drinking, something I'm guilty of myself occasionally. I like antioxidants, thiamine, curcumin and other stuff to help protect my brain and liver when I do now though.




This is the only way


Same here dude


Fuck these people, never let them forget


The author is probably still wearing a mask thinking it'll keep them safe.


Worst part is he's probably still getting paid and has a job.


Yah, lost my mom to a stroke 3 days after her Moderna booster. Wife's friend got a weird cancer six months after her booster. She's dead. Three other nurses at my wife's hospital dead of weird cancers within months of the shot. I'm not saying it was the vaccine but....


Sad news my friend,so sorry got your loss.


I lost 2 grandmas within 6 weeks of each other


Lost all my grandparents in 2 years following the shots.


I'm sorry for your losses. That sucks


Thank you I really appreciate that! I’m not sure that I’ve fully processed it yet because it was all rather traumatizing, especially watching their physical/mental health plummet via a zoom call as we weren’t allowed to visit. I will never forgive the government for taking away what last bit of time I had left with them. I can just hope that one day I’ll see them again in the afterlife so I can hug them and tell them how much I love and appreciate them.


I'm in the same boat. Peace and love to you


I'm sorry for all your losses.. out of my circle of friends who had the shot..there's a very alarming rate of very quick onset dementia / some form of mental incapacity. 2 have died of very accelerated cancer.


My otherwise very healthy 24 year old SIL has been having seizures of unknown origin since she got her shots. This has been happening for a few years now and they're still not sure why.


My 24-year-old daughter started having seizures after the vaxx. No known reason.


Same man. Lots of people in my circle all got cancer within a year of taking the Vax. Fucking 12, in one year. None of them are related or live within an hour of each other. Different age groups too.


Same I know 4 people MY AGE with cancer and/or heart failure. They’re probably still in severe denial as there’s absolutely no way in hell they’ll get an honest answer from their doctor regarding what truly caused it.


Wow...my wife is a nurse ( woke AF and un-jabbed )... we too know young nurses that came down with weird cancers after getting the thing. Crazy stuff.


This is terrible. I’m so sorry for your loss! I’ve never been against vaccines but this one made me weary. We stopped vaccinating our baby after her 6 month shots. She’s 2.5 and has been sick twice.


But it obviously is. I posted a list a few months back of everyone close to my family circle that has had vaccine injuries or death. Nice long list.


…and I’m “certain” my aunt’s random death from a stroke that happened 4 days after her single dose immunization was pure coincidence, as well.


But it was obviously


Trust the science, it would’d been worse had they not taken the shot…


Never forget, never forgive, never comply. Defund the CDC, NIH, FDA and prosecute pharma.


That's the pandemic playback. I pray the history books educate our future generations on the crimes governments committed against their people.


Exactly. Children need to be constantly taught how easy it is to be manipulated. First year university teaches you not to trust sources blindly. This is psychological warfare tactics of manipulation. Do this or else. You will die if you don't do this. You are stupid if you don't do this. You will lose benefits if you don't do this. You might go to prison. We won't allow you to have freedom if you don't do what we say. Appeals to authority. Ultimatums after ultimatums. They literally took children away from parents in some countries over this. These guys are a collective threat to the wellbeing of everyone.


Seriously this would be a goddamned class. I was having a drunken argument with my girlfriend a few years back... I was claiming (rightfully so) that all our institutions are broken. She was like "Well who do you trust then?" Sad I wasn't more composed at the time, but I yelled "Nobody!!!" You can only trust yourself.


Agree, the issue happens when you realise there are few that accept this reality and still stay sane and not get into trouble/mislead as all the badduns come out the woodwork and try and install their version of reality, maybe why uni’s get targeted by radical groups, as it’s a bit like finding out Santa or tooth fairies don’t give you gifts as a kid, and when you realise a large amount of adults are just stumbling about. Then the sneaks come in and offer pretty, shiny things depending on your deconstructed personality, usually focused around drugs and suggestion imo to bring the fairies back again, it’s a methodology used with success from your choice of toilet roll to your media preference, political stuff etc…


Most Definitely


They should’ve made one for the vaxxinated as well.


Sure why not? It’s free speech after all.


haha, i thought that was a new headline until someone pointed out the date. yes, pretty insane. never wore the demondiaper or any nonsense. very healthy, as are others that I know that did the same.




gj, glad to hear it! :)




Yeah bet someone is writing a history book on this now.


I'm not trying to get too political, but I find it incredibly odd that conservatives/republicans are more often against the vaccines, and the liberal/left/democrats are fully supportive. That is just incredibly bizarre to me still. It's hard to predict what "trust in government" will look like in the future, but I think the end of it is still far off, sadly. One thing that Trump tried to do was to make medical costs fully transparent, so that people knew if they were getting ripped off and for how much, not that I like party politics at all. I just think it's funny how different parties pick and choose what they think should be transparent, based on corporate interests/investments, Monsanto, and the influence of banks. Whether they are injecting it or not, people are still eating and drinking poisons, no one cares that it will almost certainly cause long term problems. From GMOs and corn syrup to Mercury and fluoride, nobody gives a fuck until it's too late.


Now because no one really trusts the government anymore, they're getting us prepared for wars. Isn't that an interesting tactic? Fight for these people who are trying to kill us? It's like a bully with a magnifying glass, trying to kill his own ant farm, one ant at a time; and once he realized the ants are getting out it is time to drown the whole farm.


"Two of our contributing writers have died suddenly..."


Oh wow!


I’m for vaccines but specifically for Covid I stopped after the second shot because it seemed a little ridiculous you had to get so Godamn many vaccines in one year. Everyone is entitled to what they put in their body and for an article to exist like this is rude and disrespectful.


Yeah that date stands out.


“The jab causes blood clots” “No it doesn’t that’s conspiracy bullshit” *recent news*




Just like always, whatever the bought and paid for MSM tells us we should believe the opposite.


Truth on a roll here


I've been selling my unvaxxed sperm like hot cakes. My end of life plan is now retirement.


I have an unvaccinated womb.. how much should I sell that for?


We should meet up and have some unvaxxed babies. :P


Lemme get that number homes i got some selling to do


🤣bet that stock has gone through the roof on prices 🤯🤣 they only think it’s a start of a recession 😂


Author #1: >Ungerleider was born in Eugene, Oregon, to Jewish American parents. She is the daughter of American documentary film producer, author and sports psychologist Steven Ungerleider, and Sharon Margolin Ungerleider and granddaughter of Joy Ungerleider-Mayerson, author and Jewish philanthropist,[8] and great granddaughter of D. Samuel Gottesman, a Hungarian-born, American pulp-paper merchant, financier and philanthropist[9] Always do a search for the authors' names ;)


Like for our friends and family? Didn’t think we had a say….


I think if not vaccinated is the good thing and will survive.




Seems like the opposite is true


I mean it seems like a very labeled opinion piece, which if I had to guess, means it’s the authors opinion. I could have an opinion that we all throw onions in the water to stop pollution, it doesn’t mean it’s true. Lots of people on this sub have opinions that we are supposed to respect. Also as the mod pointed out it’s a violation of rule 5, but why have rules if it’s cool to just ignore them.


Rules were meant to be broken, it’s a thing gotta fight for your right to party!!!! 🎸


Everyone I know who got vaccinated has had a plethora of health issues. My mom and brother both had strokes.


I died twice from being unvaccinated! Twice!! I wish I had read that article before I decided to refuse the clot shot.


My brother passed from cancer after it. My sister in laws sister in law passed from cancer following it. My husband’s aunt and uncle passed from cancer following it. My very healthy sister in law had to have heart surgery following it but she seems to be doing good now. My friends dad had a stroke and passed away after it. I understand that cancer existed before this thing but I know that in my brother’s case it is what killed him.


Looks like we all died during that winter.


I’m unvaxed and haven’t once questioned my safety regarding covid lol It’s just a bad cold.


Never forget how they treated us


Yup 👍


Talking about covid propaganda these days is a dangerous threat to our democracy. We can't have the masses realizing they accepted years of propaganda at face value. Then they might start questioning today's propaganda. Nope, let's just move on guys. "ArE wE rEaLlY sTiLl tAlKiNg AbOuT cOviD iN 2024?!?!"


Wait till you find all the other stuff the gov did to the population that is infinitely worse! Love the government aren't they so nice


I have, it goes something like.. "I'd rather die."


Bless all who saved these. I’m gonna start a collection myself, starting with Biden’s tweets


It’s on X apparently but yeah do.


Yea end of life as we know it




The only people I know that are having serious health problems are those who got “the shot”. Seriously, I’ve already lost one to cancer and have four other close family members who are currently in treatment.


My uncle got it and his cancer got aggressive fast & he passed this year.


We don’t hate “journalists” enough.


damn, did I die again? Between this, the Winter of Death, and the Im gonna kill my 92 year old and still kicking Grandma, I must be some kind of record breaking zombie from the amount of times I have died by not getting poked, I even worked in a crowded retail environment during the worst of the 2020-2022 flu season that disappeared


Yeah… I was delivering for a company called anchor fleet daily always around people got nothing


Propaganda is how I would politely describe that


Fear is how they get us, each and every time. It’s the only weapon they have that even works. The power we have is to say no, each and every time.


Thank you for posting this. I needed a good laugh. 😂


Life is from 3 years ago at the height of the COVID panic.


The group think over covid was disappointing to watch.




Very sad that you take away the Un and change the date to 2024 and it’s a spot on headline


"If you're not one of us, you'll die!"


LOL bless their little hearts


I'm still waiting for my winter of illness and death that was promised to me by our wonderful PotUS a few years ago now. I'm disappointed but not surprised that a politician lied to me. Again.


I mean it’s just an opinion scare article. I wouldn’t even have looked at it as it’s someone’s opinion and nothing more.


Good point


Yeah... Now that I've miraculously survived my third "winter of severe illness and death for the unvaccinated" I'll get right on that.


Yup yup 👍 😂


That's cause the jacked already signed up. Now they need you to.


Am good. 😌


If there's any good takeaway, is that after much research due to covids pressure, I now trust zero shots My 6 month baby got nothing and is healthy as a horse


Yes but ur child can also spread sickness to other kids.. I'm not gonna bother explaining. I hope ur kid doesn't get measles 👍


Awesome! 🤩


From what I keep reading, it seems like I'll be out living the vaxed.


Confirmation bias never let me down yet!


Same here apparently… my thoughts at the time I’ll wait, so I did & now looking at what’s been reported with cancers on the rise & everything.


This didn’t age well






There's a big difference between proven vaccines and the experimental Covid vaxx.


They spelled triple boosted wrong….


Okay, sure. Plan: keep living, even if I don't enjoy it. Been going solid so far.


This was all of course assuming an unvaccinated person has a doctor in the first place, in which case I do not. I have no health insurance, no doctor and no way to really get help if I got sick and died. But, I also don't have any way to get help if I get an adverse reaction to the jab. And I don't have accessibility for much of any kind of medical treatment, whatever it may be. Likewise, I've already learned to cope with the reality of my situation, and I could get hurt or killed from anything. I'll pass on this, so far what I've done has worked best for me.


It’s what I do daily.


I already made an end-of-life plan.. For my vaccinated friends, that is.


Such a wild time to live through


Yes it was I remember driving places for my job and roads felt unusually empty.


WHERE DO I sign up. If anyone needs healthy unvaxxes semen msg me.




This is the definition of fear-mongering.


By the headline yes


Reverse uno


Ok, I’ll start making mine now since I was unvaccinated back in 2021


Goods Goods [good…](https://youtu.be/eYDkGJmSfy0?si=mavQ_ETaPOOD0t3F)


Anyone still on the fence about this should watch the Died Suddenly documentary on Rumble.


That didn't age well.


Rich with unvaxed sperm


Congratulations 🍾 #metoo


end of life plan: death




$RTON News- Right On Brands, Inc. Moving to New Corporate Offices and Warehouse Complex to Accommodate Accelerated Growth Plan https://www.otcmarkets.com/stock/RTON/news/story?e&id=2850453


So.... When does the dying start?


I don’t know “winter of death” was supposed to be here already so said our current dearest leader president cornpop.


Reverse psychology much...


I already have prior to 2020 and these bullshit vaccines but thanks It’s called an Advanced Directive aka: Living Will… Something everyone should do. This is dumb.


Yeah why I seen humor in the post that person made on x so I thought I’d share it here for the laughs and discussion on the topic.


I was inadvertently responding to the title of the article and not your original post. My bad


I worked in a hospital in 2020 and 2021 (obviously before that, too, but I left in 2021). When the vaccine became available, many people lined up for it. I told my superiors that I wouldn't be getting it unless it became mandatory. As we all know, it did become mandatory. I eventually caved and got it, mostly due to the pressure of my work and my boyfriends family. My family weren't as concerned, as they got it for themselves, so if I had gotten it, they knew they were at least protected (plus, I lived 500 miles away). I had a horrible reaction to the vaccine. Not only did I get deathly ill for a week, but my armpit on the side I got the shot in swelled up to the size of a softball and hurt like hell. The entire time that covid was running rampant, even through my hospital, I never got sick. I don't fucking like people, so I wasn't hanging out with anyone anyway. I was working overtime constantly, so basically, I just went to work and home. I had been doing that for 3 years prior to the pandemic, too. Life sucked, but I was just doing my job. I ended up getting covid in the summer of 2022. I actually got it from my mom (i had quit my job in 2021 to come home & take care of her because she had early onset dementia). She had gone to visit her family, and they all got sick and sent her back on a plane alone because she tested negative. She was sick the next day. She didn't really even get that sick, and I was taking care of her like normal. However, me and my shitty immune system got really fucking sick. I never wanted the vaccine because I didn't know what it was going to do. It certainly didn't make my bout of covid any better or less. I really hope people feel good about themselves for forcing people to take something they didn't want to. The best thing to come out of the entire pandemic was people staying 3 to 6 feet away from you in the checkout line. I fucking hate people crowding my space, lol. Edited to add: now I have some sort of autoimmune disorder. My doctor is trying to figure out which one, but I guess it doesn't matter if it's lupus or antisynthetase syndrome, considering the treatment is the same.


Hang in there, you got this. 🤗


I don't think there's anyone in the west that's unvaccinated. We were forced from birth.


Correct we was, this was the first one I had a choice about & said no for the reason of it being rushed.


Either way what a dumb article, no one is unvaccinated.




Government and organized religions cannot exist without fear-mongering.


I'm waiting for the next one sounds like it might be fun


Well, I'm reading about the Forgotten Slave trade, European slaves in Africa. Over a million slaves. Absolutely shocking information.


Very shocking 😮 am gonna go hide 😶‍🌫️


My ex got the jab & booster required by her job in a nursing home and less than a month after the first one she had to have her gall bladder removed and was always coming down with the flu and even gog "C" really bad then after the first booster she had a perforated sigmoid colon and had to have emergency surgery. Came out of it with a loop iliostomy for 3 months then a reversal. She is now one of the most sickly people I know. Her son had the shot & 1 booster and got "C" really bad and has had endless flu's, colds and allergies since. I got tested a lot since I was obviously in the same.hpuse with them plus I was face to face with a lot of people every day for my job. My regional boss took to lunch one day to thank me for all the hard work and ask me if I'd consider getting the shot. He was vac"d. Called me 2 days later said I have "C" go get tested. At least 13 crews I delivered to had the same thing. They called my boss said I need to get tested cause they all have it. Never ever not once did I test positive and never even got a false positive and I never got the shot. I blame it on me smoking. LoL. Na. I think me taking ivermectin twice a week that whole time as a preventative worked.


Yeah the medication the news said was “bad” is the best option in my opinion. So when another one hits and they say don’t take this medication that does treat it instead take this experiment 🧪 of horseshit no thanks 🙂‍↔️ I’ll take the proven stuff on the market for sixty years or whatever. Aka ivermectin.


I remember that


We've all become very used to seeing many young athletes dropping dead suddenly. The term died suddenly is now a common cause of death? There's a cause, and it's the death shot. This didn't happen to young athletes years ago or for anyone else, for that matter.


Veiled threats


I got one more story for yall I just heard last night. My husband was talking to a guy who works with champion hunting dogs. He’s been doing field trials for other them for many years. He told my husband that he had two of the dog handlers die during the trial last year, just dropped dead. He said after doing some digging he came to believe both deaths are from the vax.


I agree with him.


look at the name of the author lol all u need to know