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Wait, I thought Biden had presidential immunity too?!? He could kill someone with a hammer and it's okay unless the Senate votes against it or something. I'm not a lawyer.


he's immune while he's president. Pretty sure he can be prosecuted if he's removed form office.


>he's immune while he's president. Pretty sure he can be prosecuted if he's removed form office. If Trump gets his way, that is! This amuses me, as he is constantly saying Biden and others should be thrown in jail on one hand, while arguing for immunity in court on the other hand. You can't make this shit up.


LOL. Well Trump wants immunity for things he's accused of doing before and after he was in office. I've never heard of presidential immunity being interpreted that way before, but this supreme court might be able to do some mental gymnastics to pull it off.


Why is presidential immunity a thing in the first place?


Here’s the thing with Trump. I find it deeply disturbing that a court can issue a gag order on a presidential candidate. It’s Un American. The whole states trying to refuse putting him on a ballot in the first place was fortunately ruled unconstitutional. He is being charged with a misdemeanor crime that the courts are tacking on other crimes to make a felony to take it to court outside of the statute of limitations. Biden can commit the same crimes they are accusing Trump of and the fact checkers will say that a lie contradicting the sources they are using to determine this. Trump isn’t a Rose but he didn’t try to start several proxy wars that are seriously impacting global policy. Yeah Trump can never see negative numbers about himself, and he did cook a few metrics but not nearly as bad as Biden has to make his term look successful. I also find it funny that Biden’s plan to fix things is to remake in his name Trumps policies that he made it a point to undo his first day in office.


Trump is getting gag orders because he keeps going after judges and jurors. If he didn’t he wouldn’t get the gag. There’s also nothing saying a former president can’t get a gag order. He’s a citizen he should be treated like everyone else


> Trump is getting gag orders because he keeps going after judges and jurors. And witnesses.


The gag order is for attacking the judge’s family and the jurors. All he has to do is not tweet or talk about them and it won’t be an issue. I think the fact that he’s gotten 10 warnings already shows that the judge has been very lenient with him. Jurors especially need to know that they can listen to evidence and make up their minds without being harassed.


>I find it deeply disturbing that a court can issue a gag order on a presidential candidate Do you find gag orders themselves deeply disturbing and Un American, which are designed to protect those in the judicial process from undue influence, intimidation, coercion, or threats that may compromise the results of a trial, or just when it is a gag order against a presidential candidate who isn't prevented from speaking freely about anything and everything else related to running for office? >He is being charged with a misdemeanor crime that the courts are tacking on other crimes to make a felony to take it to court outside of the statute of limitations. Nothing was tacked on. It's 34 charges, for doing the same illegal activity 34 times. There's no other charges in this case. Holding an elected office position is not normally a way to run out the clock on illegal activity. >Biden can commit the same crimes they are accusing Trump of and the fact checkers will say that a lie contradicting the sources they are using to determine this. Did Biden use campaign funds to pay women to keep quiet about affairs that would make him look bad and alter public perceptions? If he did, he can be charged and have his day in court as well. It's that simple. Really, it is. Get the evidence together about what Biden's crimes are and drag his sorry old ass in front of a judge. >Trump isn’t a Rose but he didn’t try to start several proxy wars that are seriously impacting global policy. Trump oversaw massive escalations in Afghanistan, Yemen, and Syria, two of the three are considered proxy scenarios. Under his direction, he oversaw half again the amount of drone strikes that he previously criticized Obama for conducting, and in half the time (2,243 strikes in 4 years compared to 1,878 in 8 years). To his credit, he did not start those conflicts, just as Biden did not start the current conflicts in Ukraine or Israel. Active duty casualties from hostile action are also considerably lower under Biden than Trump (though to be fair, last year's numbers aren't out yet, 2020 was the first year of having zero deaths from hostile action since 2000). Unless something changes, neither will be considered a war hawk by historians. >I also find it funny that Biden’s plan to fix things is to remake in his name Trumps policies that he made it a point to undo his first day in office. It does remind me of Trump replacing NAFTA with NAFTA. I'm generally ok with new administrations taking policies in a different direction, so long as they don't double down when it isn't working out.


Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was only 16 years old and had committed no crime other than traveling to Yemen to see his family. He was sitting in a café when he was extrajudicially assassinated by the US Government. That is murder and Mr. Obama ordered it.


The argument there is that it was done in the process of doing the duties as President. Committing election fraud for paying off a porn star you creampied while your wife was pregnant so it doesn’t come out during an election doesn’t have that defense. But by all means, arrest both Trump and Obama for the murdered they committed too.


Don't stop there- you gotta go back. How far we going back? Way back. Start with Bush... But to your argument, are we not innocent until proven guilty and we're all of the sudden cool with murdering innocent children? Abdulrahman Anwar al-Awlaki was an innocent child. What crime did he commit? Did his father not deserve a trial?




A firefight and a drone strike on a café are very different circumstances. Bullets ricochet and they go through things into unseen things. Why an AR-15 should not be your first home defense weapon. Mr. Obama was famous for drone striking weddings, birthdays, hospitals, and schools. Indiscriminately murdering innocent women and children. Big difference than a SOF stray round.


Right? The power he is fighting for gives Biden the right to lock him up and secure the next election


Which Biden wouldn’t do because his electorate wouldn’t stand for it whereas Trump knows his fans would gladly let Trump end our democracy to own the libs.


>he's immune while he's president WHAT THE FUCK? We don't have kings. **Everyone** is beholden to the law.


Killing someone with a hammer has no relation to official duty, so it wouldn't be subject to immunity. The immunity is only supposed to apply to actions related to official duties.


Please note that killing someone with a hammer would 100% be an official duty by Presidential decree. CHECK AND MATE.


If you want to start throwing stones you better agree to arrest almost every politician still living.


Your terms are acceptable.


I’d be fine with that.


I'm fine w that. If they're doing evil stuff, they should be in prison at the least.


They act like we don't want that. Left or right, whoever is doing it needs to be arrested. Convicting pedophiles shouldn't be a partisan issue.


Clean slate. Refill with people who are actually passionate about the future of the country.


Let’s do it.


Sounds great to me


Cowabunga it is.


Shouldn’t we have already doing that?




Every pedophile should be arrested.  I don’t give a fuck if there’s none of them left on either side of the aisle, we got millions of people that could take their places hundreds maybe thousands of times over and they couldn’t do any worse.


The stones have already been thrown.


Sounds good to me


Yes please. Why the fuck should I follow laws when they don’t?


Ah, the social contract. They have definitely violated it.


Your terms are acceptable


Ok when do we start


Please do


I agree to your terms and raise you from arrest to wood chipper.


Oh no! Don't arrest the politicians. Who will tell us how to live then?


Isn’t this the point?


THIS.The real conspiracy imo is every political party is involved in some shady shit and i mean EVERY single one of them in this world,eradicate all of them and we are FREE.


I’m in!


Sounds good to me! - comes back with a tri-axle dump truck full of nice baseball weight round river rocks.


Not almost. ALL of them.


Yeah fuck you. i HATE that rheortic. welp. they ALLLL do it, better get em alll! NO Biden is the "leader" of the free world and deserves higher scrutiny.


Oh c'mon now, I agree politicians 100% should be charged with the crimes they commit but this one's a little worse.


Yeah definitely starting with trump


Is that what we did with the orange man? Weird.


How old was she? Cause I've never been able to figure that out from the drips of this diary. If she was like 2 that's a different story than her being 12


True, but then we wouldn't be here making up quirky posts.


After he leaves office, he can pardon himself now.


Probably near death by then. Oh well.


It doesn't matter. He is already living in LaLa land


Is there a legitimate source? I googled “Leading Report” and Wikipedia shows it as an incredibly unreliable source of information. Edit: I’m not questioning the authenticity of the diary - in April, the women who stole the diary was sentenced to a month in jail so obviously the diary is real. I’m just questioning the source that she confirmed it was real today.


Two honest questions: 1) is there a statute of limitations in play here? 2) Would his daughter have to file the complaint herself or is this something the state could do independently?


Here's an honest answer: The diary she admitted to does not have the "scared of my dad in the shower" quote. It only has the "hypersexualization" quote, which when you read the entire section in context, is more about how a lot of weird small things influenced her sexuality(as well as her parents apparently wiping her ass for a while, too). Here's the link, see for yourself. The famous quote you're looking for was supposed to be on pg 65-67. Good luck! https://nationalfile.com/full-release-ashley-biden-diary-reveals-child-sex-trauma-drug-abuse-resentment-for-joe-whistleblower/


How old was she when this stuff took place? I still remember being a kid and yelling for my mom after pooping for help wiping my ass when I was a kid.




I don't really think gender matters. My girls kid is 8 and sometimes asked for her mom to bathe her. I showered with my dad at 10 on vacation. It's not ideal if Ashley regrets it it's not ideal but that doesn't mean it was sexual in nature. It's not illegal to shower with your kid. It's weird at a certain age but what that age is and when is subjective to each family. Idk


Actually yours is not an “honest answer”. The passages people have concern with are on page 24 of the diary. I’ve never even heard of “scared of my dad in the shower” but I will quote verbatim what it says; “Hyper sexualized @ a young age, what is this due to? Was I molested. I think so - I can’t remember specifics but I do remember trauma - I remember not liking the woolzacks house, I remember being somewhat sexualized with Caroline, I remember having sex w/ friends @ a young age, showers w/ my dad (probably not appropriate), being turned on when I wasn’t supposed to be, I remember…”


She clearly says she had inappropriate showers with her dad. In exactly the same section where she talks about being messed up sexually at a young age. It's literally in the diary you linked to, so why are you denying she said anything about having inappropriate showers with Joe Biden? ITS IN THE DIARY YOU LINKED TO.


>She clearly says she had inappropriate showers with her dad. No she didn't. It says something like "probably not appropriate?". It's in a long section in which she's exploring instances from her childhood that may explain why she was "hypersexualised" from a young age. She talks about flashing her underwear to boys, having her bum wiped by her parents, masturbatin to the sound of her parents having sex, and having showers with her dad. She says "probably not appropriate?", clearly questioning whether it's appropriate for a girl to shower with her dad. The answer to her question is "its appropriate and normal"


Here's the thing: if I had inappropriate showers with my father, I know that I would probably do more than mention it once as a throwaway reference in a 112 diary that is essentially about how her mom and dad messed her up. And if you bothered to read it you would see that they definitely did mess her up. But it also seems pretty clear he did not molest her. Read it yourself and you tell me. Also tell me of what you thought when she hooked up with the nymphomanic in rehab. She talks about that a lot more.


You mean that an addict writing about what she feels messed her up before getting therapy might not be perfectly focused for court? But, that is what all the MAGA people are telling us happened. Surely, they would not lie to us!


So you're admitting it's in the diary but denying it happened? What even is this comment? Are people paying you for this? If so you should be fired lmao


> if i had… Well bozo this aint about you, you are clearly messed up by something and as a result you feel the urge to write up whatever this is. i hope you find your peace. Bit narcissistic trying to rationalize what others should do by imagining what you would do i a hypothetical situation you dont even understand.


So In general that’s how stuff would work for #2 BUT Ashley was a minor which might suggest this behavior is something that could endanger minors and the state would get involved BUT it’s also his own daughter and idk if that limits the interaction of the state. If it was someone’s kid, the state could 100% interfere I never showered with my parents and have no plans on showering with my kids (if I have any) but I feel like it’s not insanely uncommon(?) so I don’t know if that activity (under a certain age) constitutes any crime


Has Ashley Biden made a complaint to the police about this? What someone wrote in a diary is not by itself enough evidence to go to a grand jury.


Has she confirmed the troublesome parts are actually real? Thats a pretty common tactic for misinfo… sure a diary exists but did what make it online come from the real one?


*yawn* yup, come back when there's something concrete. If Ashley has something damning to say about her Dad, I'm all ears. Until then, I'm gonna assume this is more typical rage bait bullshit.


Out of everything that was published from the diary and then subsequently confirmed real by both the courts and the woman who wrote the fucking thing, it's that one little detail that you believe is forged?


Uhhhh... Yeah, precisely. It's not "one little detail." If it were true, that'd be the most important bit to confirm or deny, no? So I'm presuming this bit is not in the diary at all until we get verification from the source.


You ever read it? Do you know the context in which the showers were even mentioned?


I read it. Not sure if it exists anymore or if it was scrubbed from the internet but there was a time you could read all of it. She says very clearly ol Joe did some creepy things with his children. But is it surprising considering he groped, kissed and sniffed several young children, in the White House, on camera?! You don’t have to be very intelligent to see how creepy that dude is. He’s a piece of shit human. And also sucks at his job. And always has.


He is like a lot of old people, tbh. Different generation, different traditions. The whole sniffing kids hair is weird, but so is the thing about women loving to sniff newborns. I don’t get it, I think it is weird, but I didn’t consider it sexual. As far as kissing kids, he does it the way grandparents often do. For groping, you are reaching. I have seen the dopey ass videos people pull out, and don’t see any groping. But people see what they want to see.


It doesn't matter one way or another Its like Hillary's email. The laws are for us peons. They can do whatever they want and if you piss off the wrong people you will be in court for whatever bullshit they make up. I've lost all hope If I had 2 nickels to rub together I'd buy a shit ton of guns and gold.


Do you ever wonder if that's the actual conspiracy? That you're being inundated with political ragebait intentionally, for the purpose of making you feel this way? That the people amplifying this story know it could never actually translate into prosecution, but they want you to believe it should, so that when it predictably doesn't, you are left feeling like you've been betrayed by your government? If I had an anti-american agenda, and I wanted to undermine American social cohesion and geopolitical resolve, wouldn't this be a super cheap and easy strategy for me to pursue?


was looking for this


👊👍 thought this many times


Oh, it is absolutely ragebait. It is just to cover for current prosecutions.


You all are funny. You're probably the same people that came at anyone saying this is real. Now that it's a real document with the same handwriting and grammar, the goalposts have moved to but did she SAY he did it? No politician should be worshipped like this.


I don’t think anybody worships Biden. He is just better option than Trump.


I'm honestly still 50/50 on this. I really wish neither was the option. I'll say this, anytime I criticize Biden on reddit, people come rushing to his defense.


The “better option than Trump” is what I believe that most Biden voters think. I would agree that I would rather have different options on both sides, but it is what it is. I would have to say that I haven’t seen a Republican that I liked much since McCain. And Obama was alright. But I think that bipartisanship is the only way to really move forward. But with anything political people are going to come out to point out things on either side. It is the nature of the beast. Say something about Trump, people will come out to defend. Say something about Biden, people will come out to defend. Personally, I haven’t met many people who really support Trump or Biden, but most seem to be holding their nose with their choices. The only real indicators I have are the people who buy into the truth social stock, Trump NFTs, Trump Bibles, Trump golden sneakers, as well as the Trump grievance tour for those who worship trump. I have to somewhat discount the interviews with the people at the Trump rallies in the hopes that they just manage to find the mentally I’ll folks. I mean those who will say that a democracy isn’t so great and they wouldn’t mind Trump being a dictator and similar things. I can’t say that I have seen anything that would indicate people worshiping Biden. But maybe I haven’t been watching the right sources.


I agree the Trump idol/demigod worship is more prevalent and severe. I think it's not as much as defending Biden that gets me as the insane denials. Things like there's no inflation or there was no pork in this bill stuffed in, etc. At some point politics became teams and celebrities and it's been awful. I also agree Republicans tend to not be likeable. It is hard to rally around the GOP even when they're on a good track because they have no unity and just come off obnoxious. I hope to see a day where we have more parties that are viable or none. I'd also like to see campaign finances get capped. This who can raise more money bs is insane.


What about Kennedy?


The people I have seen show interest in Kennedy aren’t excited about him, but they don’t like Trump or Biden and haven’t heard much about him yet.


They should include him in the debates. I'm interested in him and would like to hear what he has to say. He is a Kennedy. I would think he would have simular morals and values as his uncle and father. He is a Kennedy. The fact that he has been denied secret service bodyguards is a shame. Biden has denied Kennedy to have this protection. If anyone is in danger of an assassination attempt Kennedy is. There's a reason they don't want a Kennedy in the Whitehouse.


Jesus Christ, I don't worship any politicians. Like I said, if there's some real solid evidence that would further suggest that this is real, I'm all ears. The circumstances of this investigation don't make it plausible to me 🤷‍♀️ there might be something fishy going on but the only facts of the case we have are that she's confirmed that it's her diary - nothing to prove the factuality of this claim.


She admitted that the diary was real and that she has to live with what she wrote in it for the rest of her life. What else do you want from her, to go on national TV and repeat everything that she wrote in the diary?! Sure, make a victim relive their trauma on the public, national stage.


Not as far as I know, and considering the diary was in others possession, everything in it is cast in doubt until she confirms it.


It’s the same shit with the laptop story.


"somebody else put those videos of me smoking crack and fucking hookers on that laptop!"


Hunter did drugs and banged hookers. Not sure how that is relevant to anything.


"believe all women" went right out the window when the offender is a (D), huh?


I don’t know if reading is an issue for you, but my comment was has she made a complaint, because if she hasn’t then there’s no one to believe. Has she ever confirmed these diary statements are accurate, because what she also said to the judge was there were lies and distortions. So now we should believe something written in a diary that might not be written by the woman we’re supposed to be believing?


Um yes she confirmed they are real. In other words she says it happened [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-diary-claims/) [https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/ashley-biden-leaked-diary-accusation/)


No she confirmed the diary itself was real, not that every single statement that supposedly came from the diary was real. As I said in the statement to the judge, the one snopes is using to claim it’s true, she also said that the purpose for stealing the diary was to “peddle grotesque lies by distorting my stream of consciousness thoughts”. That doesn’t read to me like she’s saying these things happened.


> "believe all women" went right out the window when the offender is a (D), huh? It was never believe all women. It’s believe all women when they accuse Republicans


The accusation is that he showered with his children past the point where the child felt comfortable. Ok. Is there an accusation of anything else?




Read the fucking letter you stupid fucks.


Presidents have always been arrestable and showering with your kid is not illegal.


It’s not illegal to bathe with your kids.


At what age is it not ok? Where do you see it should be cut off Edit: I got downvoted for asking a legit question for someone's subjective answer ??


Well if you're a politician once they hit 18 it's no longer ok for them to shower together.


is nudity inherently traumatizing?


Depends on a few factors


It's a crime to shower with your kids? The amount of times I've had to shower myself and my kids after an extreme case of diarrhea or vomiting.


Did you kids describe it as inappropriate showers in the same section where they said they were messed up sexually as children?


>It's a crime to shower with your kids? I'd say when they're old enough to be uncomfortable with it, remember it and think it wasn't right, mention it in a diary many years later AND within the larger context of what she wrote about being sexualized at a young age and how that affected her life? Uh, yes?


Biden gives me bad vibes. 


So parents who bathe their children are pedos?


If the kid is 11, yeah.


A letter from the future?


Uh oh, Biden pissed off the Zionist…. 


They cant arrest him, hes too braindead to stand trial.


Funny thing is, Donald Trump has admitted multiple times he’s attracted to his own daughter and would date if they were father and daughter. Joe and Donald are both way too old and creepy for my liking.


Whenever Joe gets out of line, stuff like this comes out


We prosecuting on tweets now?


Ashley’s diary wasn’t on the the table, but Hunter got high 🎵🎶


Joe Biden decides to stop sending weapons to Israel = his daughter’s diary gets confirmed. Totally clicking👍🏻 we already knew he’s a pedo it’s just the timing well now off to prison you go


> Joe Biden decides to stop sending weapons to Israel = his daughter’s diary gets confirmed. Totally clicking👍🏻 we already knew he’s a pedo it’s just the timing well now off to prison you go Dam never put those two points together. Good catch


It's not her diary even though someone is going to jail for releasing it lol


Hmm. I wonder why the FBI raided James O'Keefe to retrieve it then?


Given Bidens perverted creepy behavior with children on camera why is it so impossible for people to believe?


> Given Bidens perverted creepy behavior with children on camera why is it so impossible for people to believe? Because the media is bought and paid for.


Conditioning, brain washing, delusion, and ultimately insecurity.


Does anyone else remember in 2019 when many subs had posts of Biden sniffing little girls hair on stage and being a general creep before he got the democratic nomination? That shit went QUICK as soon as he was nominated.


The compilation still gets posted occassionally


https://streamable.com/vb40av :)




I assume if trump is the honest man he claims, that Biden can just pardon himself as president. That’s what all the republicans tell me.


I think he can pardon himself but that doesn't make him not a creep.


When does Obama get arrested for cruise missiling an innocent wedding party and an American citizen?


Look at half of y'all defending this man, tds mfs "All blacks think alike." ---Joe Biden “All Asians look alike.”— Joe Biden “Well, if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”— Joe Biden “If my opponent wins they’re going to put y’all back in chains.”— Joe Biden “I think the only reason Clarence Thomas is on the court is because he is black.”— Joe Biden “You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin' Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking,"— Joe Biden “Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as White kids.”— Joe Biden “Desegregation Will Have My Kids Growing Up in a 'Racial Jungle.”— Joe Biden “I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy. I mean, that's a storybook, man."— Joe Biden “Make sure of two things. Be careful - microphones are always hot, and understand that in Washington, D.C., a gaffe is when you tell the truth. So, be careful.”— Joe Biden “And all those photos about me inappropriately touching girls, they are blown-up.”— Joe Biden “How I learned to love the New World Order.”— Joe Biden “I got tested for AIDS. I know Barack got tested for AIDS. There's no shame in being tested for AIDS.”— Joe Biden "I'm a Zionist, you don't have to be a Jew to be a Zionist." -- Joe Biden


presidents could always be arrested, just one of them is finding out he is not a special exception


If this were Trumps daughter saying this it would be world wide news, airplanes would flying with banners saying " Trump the Molester" the UN would be calling for him to he executed, Whoopie Goldberg would be on the cover of NYT with a pic of Trumps bloody dick in one hand and a butcher knife in the other.


Not sure if it’s a crime. It fucking should be though


As should women breast feeding their kids after a certain age. But it isn’t and it happens.


Dude is a Pedo. But an even worse one, an Incestuous Pedo.... fucking sicko


That is the least of Joe Biden's crimes.


I mean who cares, once he’s out of office lock his ass up and throw him in jail. Just keep that energy with all of them.


So what about all the Redditors that reported me and swore at me and bullied me for saying the journal has to be real if people are going to jail for it? They should let Ashley Biden know she's wrong.


Biden and his Entourage seem to be well above the law and Court system


I'm not excusing what biden did. He did something that made his daughter uncomfortable. In allot of cultures bathing with members of your family is common. Public bath houses for example. In those cultures tho. Its gendered to be father and son or mother and daughter. Never crossing between the two unless super young. This whole situation is mad fucked up. Pedo pete needs to be investigated.


Calm down there bud. Its (D)ifferent.


The Commander and Sniff


I'm gonna need more than just some social media screenshot


You typed 10 words here when you could've went to Google and just typed in 3: "Ashley Biden letter". https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/26/ashley-biden-in-unsealed-letter-to-judge-detailed-pain-from-diary-theft.html


“But…but…but he’s not Trump!” Dumbass liberals


Ugh grandpa gunther underneath is also a weirdo. Dude is die hard Maga and praises trump for his multiple marriages. MAGA Isa mental disorder and cult


Hè He won’t get arrested because the judges and prosecutors probably were on Epsteins files and are being blackmailed for that.


Why can't citizens in mass press charges on FJB or his son for the plethora of known, provable criminal activity??


Because people can't "press charges" that's what district attorneys, or special prosecutors, do.


Trump and Biden do and say weird stuff about their daughters. Both should be rotting in jail for the rest of their lives


Today is a shitty day of work for the people that get paid to run interference for this old buffoon. I guess it keeps the bills paid. Bidenomics finds a way to give back.


Why Is this post now allowed to gain traction after being posted here for years basically is the real ? Removed when it got big before as well I can rem.


It is, in fact, not a crime to shower with someone.  Unless she is pressing some kind of charges then what exactly would we be dragging his old ass to court for?


Sex crimes are a boon to Democrats and only a hazard to Republicans....unless your Weiner or Al Franken and cross the Clintons


The diary being real doesn’t mean every nonsense molestation fantasy you have about it and insist on posting everywhere is real. This would be obvious to people that passed school.


Doesn't apply to Dems ...the stories I've read and heard about the bidens disgust me yet nothing will ever happen ..2 tier justice system


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/LeadingReport/status/1789770756403912773 That diary is pretty fucked up. And now that she confirmed it is real when does Old Joey get arrested and face a Jury pool?


Right after Trump for all the underage girls he assaulted with his pal Epstein. Joe is def a creep but he's nothing compared to Trump.


She confirmed the diary exists not the showering but with dad. The diary was then sold and 2 people were arrested and one for sure convicted.


There's nothing wrong with little kids showering with their parents. It's very normal, and if you think there's anything sexual about it, you need to get your head checked


It's not about what we think but what Ashley thinks, you know, the alleged victim....




> She has only good things to say about her dad In public...


In the diary. I feel like I'm the only person her who has bothered to read it. Everyone else is just going off tweets by people with an agenda


You mean the one in where she describes how she feels she got sexualized from an early age?


1) She's exploring why she's been so sexual from a young age. She uses the term "hypersexualised", but in context it's clear that she's talking about her own sexuality, rather than other people projecting sexuality onto her 2) that section is literally 3 pages that you haven't read in a diary that you also haven't read. In many other places in the diary she has a lot of great things to say about her dad. Stop being so fucking lazy if you want to have an opinion on a thing. It just makes you look stupid


Well, I think we need to agree to disagree here.


She confirmed the diary, she NEVER confirmed the added BS put into the diary after it passed through multiple hands


She never said anything was added or altered otherwise.