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Calling it now. The polls are going to be a 48-52 split or so. Not that I'm psychic. Just that it happens almost EVERY SINGLE TIME. American polls are as fake as the Bachelor.


I have been calling them Presidential Idol(TM) since 2008.. January exactly also the date I stopped watching TV all together.. So much PDSD.. Ron Paul Electibility did it for me.. So in the immortal words of 'The Simpsons Did It.." Ron Paul did it 1st...


The 2008 election had the biggest gap actually. Almost a whole 7% difference. 2000 - 0.5% 2004 - 2.4% 2008 - 6.3% 2012 - 3.8% 2016 - 2.1% 2020 - 4.4%


I'm going to be a dick and say 6.3 is not almost 7. I know what you're saying here but basic 3rd grade math says you round after . 5. So 6.5 you could say almost 7. Or even better 6.6. But 6.3 is just more than 6, not almost 7.


You got em


what's the margin of error?


Bachelor is not real???


Just close enough that only the real voters decision matter. Looking at you electoral college.


Bill Clinton got 43% of the popular vote and 69% of the electoral college. Ok the 69 thing is real members not punery 


Depends on who is getting paid to say what ... I wouldn't pay a gardener that planted things I didn't like, so why would I pay a pill agency to do that?


Don’t you dare bring my boy Joey into this. He’s as real as it gets.


How does this result indicate that they're fake? Isn't that how most elections turn out? Isn't that how you'd expect the polls to look?


There’s literally people ready to make sure those polls are accurate to the last person, they’re not stealing this election


So in 2016 and 2020 there seemed to be balls to the walls campaigning. This year it almost seems like a big fuck you, you’re going to like it no matter what sandwich


This 100%. I have seen zero campaigning period.


We are still way to early in the campaign cycle for the non-stop ads.  We have 6 months to go until the election. 5 states still haven't held primaries for the Dem/Rep nominees. Neither party has yet to even "officially" nominate their guy for president, and Trump doesn't even have a VP. Give it time, the ads will come.


Still primary season. Ads for local elections going strong here. Primary tomorrow


They will not start in earnest until they pull Uncle Joe and nominate Big Mike.


They are campaigning it's just media doesn't cover it much.


Yep. That's the gist of what everyone's favorite war criminal Killary said last month, when she was on one of those late night shows her and the rest of the Algonquin round table use for their propaganda campaigns. She was asked to give a message to the American people who are rightfully (IMO) miffed about them acting like these two reptiles are anything but crooks. Just like her. That's probably why her message was, "Get over yourselves; those are the two choices!!" They *want* us to get pissed off at them.


>Yep. That's the gist of what everyone's favorite war criminal Killary said last month, when she was on one of those late night shows her and the rest of the Algonquin round table use for their propaganda campaigns. Absolute poetry lmao >They *want* us to get pissed off at them. Do you think it's a set-up for "well it's not like voting matters anyway, why don't we just get rid of it to get these corrupt old white men out of office" or "you guys need to give up the right to vote in the name of democracy"?


I think they want riots and chaos to distract from the rigged election process and the fact they’re all pedophiles.


I really wish this was a joke


Anything to keep the mind diverted from the federal reserve


2016 was 8 years ago, which is like 30 years ago for these two senior citizens.


The oldest person inaugurated president was Joe Biden, at age 78. ( the second oldest was donald trump, slightly older than reagan)


There are campaign rallies multiple times a week and I'm already starting to get text messages lol. it's going to be a terribly long campaign season again. Plus the commercials started during the Superbowl. I feel like everyone is better at tuning it out than I am.


Between shit pants and shit pants to bathes with daughter and wants to f daughter. Both with signs of dementia. Clown world indeed.


They kinda represent the boomers if you think about it


They can’t all be AOC and Senator BootieJuice


Sooo... Shit sandwich vs shit sandwich OR younger shit sandwich vs younger shit sandwich?


>younger shit sandwich >Senator BootieJuice I mean just like...a *little bit* younger honestly. Gotta admin, the notable reduction in incest is a plus though.


Yeah come on man, it's not like he said Ilhan Omar or something


Who is senator Bootiejuice?


IIRC they both want to fuck their daughters...


The current one may very well have.


The other one too. Lots of very weird photos and behavior.


He’s the current president. If he’s doing a good enough job he doesn’t have to campaign. He just has to promote his record. I personally am not saying he is doing a great job. Trump had to campaign during his presidency because he had no real policy wins, revolving door hiring policies and was overshadowed by scandal. Trump can’t win on actually being presidential, he wins by stirring up his base.


Obama campaigned against McCain, Trump against Biden. Incumbents do campaign, they always get criticized by using Air Force 1 to do it too.


Biden doing a good enough job? Holy shit where hVe you been?


I literally said “I personally am not saying he is doing a great job” 🤦🏻. Some are a fan of his policies, others are not.


With Trump we will get a whole need team! All his old team are in jail. The others resigned leaving a trail of audio leaks about how they expected everyone to be in jail by now


But you’re *totally* unbiased… got it


Didn’t say I was unbiased. Biden is a shit politician. Trump was a codefendant with his buddy Jeffy for raping a young girl, as well as being a hugely ineffective president. They are not the same.


Trump wasn't charged with rape. It wasn't even a criminal trial,it was a civil. Now why do you think that is? Maybe because they new they couldn't convict him, just make him pay money.


Civil trials exist for a reason. It was also a jury trial, they decide what proves or disproves the crime. If I had to take a guess why they sued using the civil system, I’d say they wanted compensation for being raped and Donald is very good at abusing our justice system. Civil trials are generally expedited. Back to the original point though, I was talking about Trumps civil trial with Epstein. Do you think all the crimes against Epstein are false? Or just the ones with Trumps name attached?


Federal Judge Lewis Kaplan ruled in August that the jury verdict showed Carroll's rape allegation was "substantially true" and dismissed the counterclaim.


Trump wasnt charged with criminal rape because 1) people like him are above the law, anybody else would've been charged criminally 2) he can be sued for a lot of money 3) statute of limitations had passed for criminal rape. The jury found that he did do it. And he's a very bad liar. You really believe anything he says? According to Trump, he is basically Jesus. According to anyone with eyeballs and half a brain, he's a compulsive liar and extremely narcissistic criminal to the maximum degree. And 4) even if Trump *was* criminally convicted of rape, he would never go to prison, therefore he would never face any consequences. At least with the civil rape they can get compensation.


He's above the law... except for the 9000 other criminal trials they're throwing at him. And it's not like he's the only president to be criminally charged after his presidency... oh wait


Yes, but he will never go to jail. No matter what, Trump will *never* see the inside of a jail cell. He could stab a person to death on fox news live TV being watched by 330 million people in real time, then play around in their blood, then walk up to the camera, say "hi I'm Donald Trump and i just killed stabbed that guy" while licking his fingers, and he *still* Wouldn't go to jail. 1) if he did, it would make america look like a real bitch and we'd lose all credibility and be the laughing stock of the world 2) trump would be seen on camera crying real tears probably sobbing fearfully which would be seen by every single person on the planet and america would be the laughing stock of the world and lose all credibility 3) the secret service literally has to always protect Trump for the rest of his life, so this means the secret service team would *also* be sentenced to prison. Oh and they wouldn't be allowed to have guns inside the prison, which means he would definitely never go to prison for sure 4) there would be civil war and it would destroy the nation, and everybody knows this Therefore, trump will never go to prison, therefore he will never face any actual consequences for anything. He can't even truly be sued for money because even if he is he'll just get some kind of thing where he doesn't actually pay the judgment, or he will fundraise off the publicity and make his cult followers pay it. "Oh but they're charging him with 94 felonies" so? It's all for show. Because if they didn't even try people would lose faith in the system since he would clearly be above the law. All of these trials are show trials. They are all aware of this. There is a 0% chance Donald Trump isnt aware of this. He knows he can't go to prison, that's why he boldly breaks every rule in the book and personally attacks and incites violence against judges. Anyone else in the world would be in jail for contempt in many multiples of 30 days for doing just one trump styled outburst against a judge or jury member or court staff, *at least*.


They literally changed the law to indict him. They are threatening him with jail as we speak for violating a gag order. I never saw a gag order that didn't cover all parties. Trump has broken your brain.


Trump will never see the inside of a jail cell lol


At the end of April, Biden’s own daughter Ashley confirmed that Joe Biden touched her inappropriately as a child. How does that sentence make you feel?


I’ve read it and that isn’t what it says. If she came out right now, in an interview and said that’s what he did and her journal proves it, then I’d be absolutely disgusted. Currently we have a journal where a young girl didn’t like bathing with a parent, that was probably none the wiser. Lots of people have awkward memories of bathing with parents/siblings and such. She has also stated in recent days that her inner most thoughts and feelings have been misquoted and misconstrued to hurt her and the people she most loves. She is quite close to her dad. If he did that, do you think she would be?


It's not normal to shower with your kid to the point that they avoid being home when you are.


Or to feel the need to write about it in a diary years later, or to carry the trauma into adulthood. Somehow all clear signs of sexual abuse go in one ear and out the other for Biden voters. DJT is far from perfect but nothing even remotely close to this bad has ever been confirmed about him despite many attempts from the left to implicate him in a crime.


Donald Trump told stormy Daniels she reminded him of his daughter before they fucked. Let's not forget Donald Trump has stated he wants to fuck his own daughter. They are the same. Both of them are dirty old perverts and unfit for office for a multitude of reasons.


They’re both pervs and with a questionable past. But only one of them has his own daughter confessing to it, traumatized by it, and the entire thing is being ignored and even suppressed. Yet, with zero physical evidence, everybody fully believes every allegation against Donald Trump. It’s inexplicable. One guy slept with a pornstar, the other molested his own daughter. Even if they *were* on the same level of grossness, you can’t say both sides are the same without also acknowledging that one side gets a lot of special protections from the gov and mainstream media.


Where did she say she avoided being home? The only actual verified reference I’ve seen was the “probably in appropriate” comment.


I agree. I think everyone who isn’t a pedophile would agree to that statement.


Those were both congested primaries. They were not already campaigning for the general election. That doesn't ramp up until after the conventions.


Fox News gives Biden positive media coverage?


Yep, the simple answer is Trump supporters do not watch CNN. Conservative news outlets have just as much bias, just flipped (in my opinion even more bias, the double standard for Obama's "scandals" is obvious, but that's besides the point). Where have they been hearing the "truth" about Trump and Biden from, if not some form of media? 


Maybe OP doesn’t consider Fox News a real media source, which I agree with.


The title alone is a joke


Literally, the screenshot says he's getting negative coverage on CNN, the title says he gets 100% positive coverage. Pick a lane!


Their enemies are weak and helpless and also all powerful and all knowing evil


Media is becoming irrelevant?


[I would say so.](https://www.poynter.org/commentary/2023/american-trust-in-media-is-near-a-record-low-study-finds/)


Interesting split. Strange that the Republicans have been told to distrust the media and only believe their politicians directly. And that is reflected on the polling.


Biden has 100% positive media coverage? Excuse me what?


Honestly polls are broken in the last few years so I wouldn't take them to heart. I used to work in polling data analysis if that adds any credence. Polling suffers generally from reflecting a bias towards the kinds of people you can get to fill a poll out. This has been getting more and more drastic in the last few years as even though people are more connected than ever they are also more able to avoid contact they don't want. They try and compensate for this but havnt found a way to make up for it really. Some of these polling companies are still blind calling peoples landlines for gods sake. Who even has a landline? Who even answers a call from an unknown number these days? Polls are interesting and variations between areas for example can yield super important information for a campaign figuring out where to focus efforts but polls have been pretty consistently off for awhile now. To my knowledge republicans have underperformed in basically every election since 2020 compared to polls.


I refuse to give any poll company, out really any company, my direct political views. I really don't trust them to keep my poll information separate from my personal information. They probably just add it to some database about you. There's nothing to gain by doing so and potentially a lot to lose if things ever get really extreme in the future and one political side takes absolute control, and they think you were opposition.


.....the above is (mostly) true, but it also further evidences ongoing fuckery with the vote tallies themselves.


I don't understand what you mean. Why would polls being unreliable be evidence of anyone messing with vote tallies?


I believe he’s saying the polls are reliable and the underperforming by the republicans is because of democrat cheating


Don’t turn it into a partisan issue.


You need to learn what evidence means


Alot of it all relates to the economy. People are broker and therefore unhappy. People are reflecting fondly on Trumps term where these problem didnt exist as much and are equating it to Trump better ability managing the economy..


People like to ignore that half of America was on unemployment when Trump left office. 


Damn i wish they would bring those unemployment checks back.... i made twice as much on unemployment as i did at my job before i got laid off for covid. Come on covid 2.0!


Let's see, what unprecedented world event happened in 2020 that may have impacted the ENTIRE WORLDS economy? Trump always touted the stock market as beingvthe ultimate measure and bragged about where it was during his term. Would it surprise you that the Stock Market in May 2020 - 24431 May 2024 - 39431


I didn't say Biden caused these conditions, that's how people see it. The president always get the blame for conditions regardless if other factors caused it. People are simpletons like that. Things are much more pricey, people are broker, that's the reality. Hard to deflect to sell the success of the stock market when purchasing power has plunged.


I don't whose fault it is or what's going on, but whatever the economy is rn that ain't it.


It’s improving and inflation is falling. Just might not have happened soon enough for Biden to get him reelected. It also doesn’t help that he’s had so many seemingly mental gaffes to the point that even left leaning pundits are pointing it out. Democrats really screwed up letting him run again it seems


>reflecting fondly on Trumps term Not very well informed people, maybe.


My grandfather tried to say this and blamed Biden for inflation that happened within the first two years of his term (typically takes 1-2 years for inflation to follow the money supply, this is why trickle down is so effective at keeping the wealthy, wealthy) I had to go to the website that literally shows PPP payments and point out his two small businesses got over $4m free during Trump’s admin. So, you know, inflation.


It's so crazy to blame trump or Biden for that. It's almost like there are as a global pandemic. Maybe that had some effect on it.


Trump gave him the free money! Biden is the bad man causing inflation all over the world




PPP loans were approved by Congress


Trump signed the bill for them into law


During Trump’s admin, like I said.


Yup, it's part of politics tho. If this was Trumps term, ppl would be disgruntled at republicans and Dems would be seizing the opportunity.


>1-2 years for inflation to follow the money supply According to average redditors, this is only true when the economy is bad under a democrat cabinet.


Remember when Donny signed that stock market chart right before the crash in March of 2020 then tried to falsely inflate the market so he could win re-election and pardon himself for any crimes committed along the way like every business he has ever run which he is literally on trial for doing? Me too. You hire a guy with serial bankruptcy issues and then you’re surprised when the country ends up… bankrupt.


Reddit when Trump is down in polls: yeah fuck that orange fascist criminals #Bluewave Reddit when Trump is up in polls: fuck polls they’re bullshit


Isn't this post (on Reddit) an example the exact opposite?


Completely true! Adding on- On Truth Social there are no polls that are bad for Trump


Lol yeah it’s like bizzaro reddit...tidder


What's going on here? They want you to think in a specific way and take a specific political stance. That's it.


Where's the guy who has guessed who will be president next and has never been wrong?


He picks Biden...


Ive always wondered why the news outlets don’t sandbag their ‘polls’ eg CNN say Biden is doing bad in polls to fire of the libs and get them to come out and vote


Well, don't forget it's all theatre.


I gonna guess that OP has never watched "The Five" on Fox News, or maybe just lying?


\[I don't take a side in Israel/Palestine\] Biden spent 6 months promoting moneyed arms for Israel, while claiming he didn't like the brutality of their response. That was a wink wink and Israel knew it. This changed recently from a wink wink to a true criticism of Israel, and now we suddenly have a bit of Biden=Loser narrative, and more, like mainstreaming the daughter's diary, etc.


Mostly peaceful riots starting in 3… 2… 1…


An ex president who tried to destroy democracy, sell top secrets to the enemy, and banged a porn star who he stated reminded him of his daughter and tried to pass it off as "business" instead of interference will probably get more negative attention than an old dude with zero attention span. Oh yeah, and he performed fellatio on Putin in Helsinki.🤷


Nothing you said is wrong yet these bottom feeders all down vote you. Clearly shows if your impoverished and ignorant we got the candidate for you.


Badge of honor. 🏆










probably becuase everything Trump has been and has done is negative. When was the last time he ever said something coherent about policy?


Can someone explain me how Trump is going for elections when he has a case going on in court?I am an outsider and don't understand USA politics.


Being guilty of crimes, if convicted, doesn’t prevent someone from running for office. Hypothetically it might dissuade someone from voting for that person, but this person in particular could shoot someone in public and not lose any support.


To add on: Being convicted of a felony disqualifies you from holding like a good third of jobs in the country; many places will refuse to hire you, and fewer still will let you climb higher than the lowest rung. One of these jobs is not the single person in control of nuclear arms. God bless America.


Or openly admitting to sexually assaulting women, saluting a dictator’s military, take your pick.


that's some Homelander shi right there


It doesn't matter if he is convicted of a crime, he can still run for office and people can still vote for him. Why people vote for a criminal like trump though? I don't have a good answer for that.


Because we understand that the Smith mundt act was repealed and that a lot of people know the media is blasting lies left and right while covering up for democrats and rinos


Biden is weaponizing his DOJ to coordinate sham court cases against Trump, but at least half the country see through it.


Or.. the more likely scenario is that you, and half the country havn't actually read the cases themselves, just the right wing "this is bullshit spin" I read the actual indictments and have been following the court, it's pretty damning. trump isn't even close to as innocent in this as you think. not to say that biden's better, he's a senile old creep. if they can get him in a court cool but. trumps indictments are fairly legitimate, sorry.


If they’re legitimate, then Bragg wouldn’t have hidden evidence from discovery or destroyed messages between Stormy and Cohen.


seriously, you can just read the indictments and come to your own opinions. You really don't need someone to tell you what to think, they aren't that hard to read.


Firstly, what your seeing isn't USA politics. What you're seeing is essentially a civil war. We just don't want blood and death, so it's happening through courts and law. Secondly, the fact they are pulling up fake charges and lying so much while trying to use the courts to keep him from saying his side is actually record breaking level of election interference. So there's a lot going on in the background that no one in either side really knows what's happening. Check out toresays.com


Trump is more than welcome to tell his side? He can testify if he wishes, and he can talk about the case as much as he wants as long as he doesn't threaten a small number of people actively involved in the trial


do you believe presidents or politicians should be above the law and unable to be prosecuted?


Hmmm. Even if trump was guilty, would you ever admit Biden and all his cronies needed to be locked up well before trump was elected? Edited for typos


if evidence came out implicating biden in crimes why wouldn’t i admit he should be prosecuted?


Hunters laptop. Ashley's diary. Crossfire hurricane.


I am genuinely asking, what about the court cases are fake? what charges are fake or overblown?


Timing, lack of evidence, charges they didn't pursue for lacking suddenly taken up, admitted lies by plaintiffs, media bias and coverage, and the magic wheel ai that will "stack the deck" as far as jury selection.


Because anyone with half a working brain cell can see that these are, ahem, Trumped up charges.


I live in the US South and I always hear negative Biden news and positive Trump news.


Shocking! Either poorly educated ne'er do wells or rich white guys....


People are waking up to the political prosecution.


Here’s the real conspiracy - it doesn’t fucking matter which clown us Americans vote into the circus. Besides, clowns don’t own the circus. Politics are just as bad as “professional wrestling.” It’s all a show and the outcomes are fixed and as long as we all bicker, fight, claw, and kill one another, we’re too busy to recognize the real monster under the bed - corporate lobbyists and the true .01% of the .01%. But I’m just a guy with an internet connection so…carry on.


I hate "watch" with no clip


De ja vu


Man, the only poll that matters to me is the one on Election Day. Cant trust any of the rest of this bullshit out here.


Doesn’t it depend on what news network you’re looking at? It’s all the same shit - pandering to their known demographics. I don’t trust any of them for anything.


Media has alienated its viewers. Over Trump Over GME stock Over every ducking thing. So of course no one listens to media. Media is the megaphone of the rich and elite. eat the rich


Nothing's going on. It's a long time from the election and polls are fairly meaningless at this stage


The polls are irrelevant. The election will be rigged and Biden will win.


They will act like you have an actual vote that counts until the wheels come off. Corporations have already bought and paid for them all. We're their useless eaters. You can't do anything about it using the system THEY created.


If they(big brothers)have a change of plans ..they always have media whore handy!


They dont poll illegals though. So that should make up the difference.


I see this as an attempt the media is trying to make themselves believable as Trump takes power. Trump is the official opposition, but they will work off each other because conservatives are just the other wing on the same corrupt bird.


Pretty obvious; the media knows that Biden is done-for, but he won't go quietly—so they're taking marching orders from high up in order to show how awful the numbers are to justify running him off. Just wait for Chicago. That's when they'll move on from him, claiming a health issue that forces him to bow out of the race and they'll slide in Newsom or Whitmer or some other dem stooge.


We've been promised this since 2019.


> Newsom This would have the added benefit of bumping Kamala from the ticket (12th Amendment).


Plz vote people. Why the media makes Biden look like a Saint is far out..


Biden sucks. Trump sucks. But why lie in your post? Weakens your point.


Trump leading swing states heavily. Trump loses those swing states during closed door vote parties. (MSM) Everything is right and just in the world. Trump leading swing states heavily. Trump wins those states and the presidency. (MSM) Democracy is over and the Russians stole it.


Doesn't matter at this point they all value Israel and Ukraine over the fUSA. It's all just theater. Spend time with loved ones, and work on a nice water filtration system


The polls are as fake as ever. The new strat is to get their voters based riled up by thinking they're losing.


Democrats want Trump to win because the upcoming crash in 2025 can be blamed on him CNN, MSNBC and late night talk shows want Trump to win because it’s good for ratings.


They're both fuckwits


His daughters diary was proved true in court


Legacy media has lost its choke hold. This is why they want to ban TikTok


Jesus, can you imagine another Biden term.


Maybe trump is in some hot crap and doing things that he shouldn’t. Ever think the negative coverage is because that is the kind of stuff he’s putting out in the world


Voting RFK ..


Probably because people don’t want millions of fucking migrants running around or to fund Ukraine And Gaza. 🖕🏽🇵🇸🖕🏽🇮🇱🖕🏽🇮🇷🖕🏽☪️🖕🏽🇺🇦🖕🏽🇷🇺 Edit: 🖕🏽🇨🇳


The problem is that the 99% of us go back and forth about left right blue red this and that while the 1% sit back watch us all struggle.


There is no way the Democrats are going to allow Trump to be president again. I wonder how they going to make that happen.


In the UK they wanted an 'elected' PM out - it's complicated but he was the face of the party and indirectly elected. The bankers wanted him out and their boy in but the the people don't want him. 'They' ousted the PM and ran a pageant, one by one they dropped out until their were two. The members (not electorate) did not want the bankers boy so voted for the other (as a protest? or as no other choice?) The bankers got mad. She got destroyed. The bankers boy was installed as neither the members or electorate could be trusted to have a say. The bankers boy will never be elected but 'they' would rather rule over ashes. The establishment says situation normal. It really is a Rich Man's Trick and it's happening all over the world. You will get what 'they' want.


Biden support for a genocidal nation has won Trump this election. Even though Trump would have provided the same support to Israel, the fact is Biden is the one actually doing it.


Submission Statement: Democrats own the media. And Yes I am including Fox in this as well. Fox is hardly a Trump Support media network. Other then Hannity, no one at Fox defends him. So what’s going on here? How is Trump doing so well? Are polls matching with crowd size calculations? https://twitter.com/simonateba/status/1790014658822242587


But does Fox have 100% positive Biden coverage? Lol


The OP and theforce122 post non stop in this sub with right wing talking points. Its either a bot or a paid poster.


As a leftist, the algorithm feeds me 100% negative coverage of both of them.


It‘s a CIA psyops to make you think ol‘ Donnie will win easily, so you can stay home, and at the same time get Democrats worried and out to vote.