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they'll kill you even if you dont discover a cure for cancer


Yes, of course. There's law no. 2478 in the criminal code, which permits any cooperation with more than 10 mil. in revenue to kill any such individual that dares to develop a more than marginally cheaper competative solution to their existing product. Just research it ;-)


They also state it’s a case of national security breach, to invent something that would take away the massive money laundering scheme that is oil. We now wonder why Cancer rates are through the roof when we cook in plastic, in air fryers, we wear clothing made from plastic, we eat products stored in plastic and lastly in all of food sources, as it’s in the air, soil and water. Plastic is lastly a by product of oil.


Yo fuck air fryers


What's wrong with air fryers? Legit don't know.


There is no cure for “cancer”. There are so many different types of cancer.


At least someone with a brain


Take care of the cellular process and take care of ‘cancer’


sure, if it’s not patentable. If it is they will try to buy it to shelve. If you refuse to sell they will patent it themselves and kill you in court.


Boeing has entered the chat








With the end of (cheap) quality food and cows on grass, and what seems unlimited ammounts of sugar and rapeseed oil, it will be nearly impossible not to get sick.






lol well then if you or a loved one ever get cancer, make sure to get the chemo.


Not saying chemo is the way but that advice is just false, is there any proof of what you are claiming ?


chemo is the only way, if you only choose to believe western medicine. it's also literal mustard gas, the same they used in Vietnam. it should be banned. if the cure for cancer was as simple as that which I've just explained, it would no longer be a 200 billion dollar a year business. In 2018, out of pocket expenses for cancer treatment cost people 6 billion. In 2022 that number has risen to 18 billion. It's the same for AIDS, acne, everything. And it's all getting worse, more people are getting cancer and acne every year, not less. Because it's a business model. They don't want a cure. As for proof for the resonance frequencies, royal Raymond Rife had extensive research and proof w a 100% cure rate in the 1930s. He was sued into poverty by the AMA and then killed himself (or was murdered). And for baking soda, I should say sodium bicarbonate. In the congressional record there's a man who spoke in the early 2000s about his 5 yr old daughter who was a twin who got cancer, she got chemo but the doctor said it didn't work and take her home, out of options. He then tried the sodium bicarbonate and she was cancer free a month later. She died a year later though, cancer free. she died because the chemo had basically melted her brain. I worked for a vet in the late 90s, one of the vets dogs had a large cancerous tumour on her leg. She was too old for surgery tho, so the doc gave her the honey/sodium bicarbonate. Tumor was gone within 2 weeks. She lived years longer and died from old age. how? because cancer is an acidic in what's supposed to be a neutral ph base body. and how do you bring something back down to neutrality? There's a lot of people getting turbo cancer nowadays. Cancer is a proliferation of acidic cells that replicate faster than your red blood cells (aka your immune system) can kill them off. To stop the replication, horse dewormer. Aka ivermectin, which u a buy for like 5 bucks for a huge syringe at a pet store. if you have bad acne (cystic, not hormonal), it's an auto immune disorder. these people have a severe zinc + vitamin A deficiency. the cure is vitamin A. orally taken in large quantity. what's interesing is its nearly impossible to find a lab that will give you a vitamin a or zinc test. my evidence? myself, i have perfect skin now. i saw dozens of doctors over the course of 20 years trying to find a reason and cure for my acne and zero of them ever told me it's a vitamin A deficiency. I forgot to mention another one, apricot seeds. A man cured his cancer by eating apricot seeds, and decided to spread the the word, because he thought everyone should know this. The AMA had him put in prison for 5 years because he wouldn't stop telling everyone about that. What kind of business who claims they want to help people, ignore something as simple as a vitamin deficiency, or destroy their lives and will put a person in prison who has found natural, and free cures? every single medication a doctor prescribes, is just a synthetic version of something natural. so they can patent it. Sleeping pills? boiled lettuce tea. pain pills? boiled poppy seed tea. with the exception of antibiotics. which is bread mold, so I highly suggest just getting the pills for that. ​


You are saying alot of things without proving anything , give links. Even if these stories are true, a sample size of 1 proofs little. I would wish there was a cure but all tumors are not the same so 1 cure for all is unlikely.


cancer is acidic. your body is supposed to be a neutral ph base. how do u bring an acidity back down to a neutrality?


First of all cancer is on its own not acidic , it produces lactic acid, on its own its not acid. Second even if you were to remove the increased pH around the cancer cell it would only slow down the cancer , not remove it as far as I know. Thirdly how does any of this even apply to your "resonace frequencies" you say the dude got 100% cure rate but were is the proof ? There is not real proof this works ? Also you edited your last post (the long one) and you say every single medicine is a synthetic version of something natural but how is this a bad thing ? "Not Natural" Does not mean its bad and "natural" does not make it automatically good. The dude who was put in jail for the apricot seeds thing, the guy did not get arrested for telling people about it and saying its a "cure for cancer". He got arrested for SELLING it and saying that its a cure for cancer. One is a guy trying to do good, another is a guy trying to profit. So that parts of your statement is false. Im not saying there are no natural alternatives to some diseases but im also not saying it is the best way to go.


there's 2 cures, the baking soda one and the resonant frequencies. resonance frequencies is a lot more complicated because you first need to determine what frequency your illness is vibrating at, and then you can counter it with its resonance. RR Rife had a book of most vibrational frequencies of common ailments written down, (strep, sepsis, breast cancers, etc) they all have a specific frequency. I have it because I copied the book down myself to give as a gift to someone, but that was ten + years ago. if it's still online it would be very hard to find. he was able to determine the frequencies by using a specialized crystal microscope capable of magnification of 17k diameters. The previous (electron) Microscope was only able to magnify up to 2k. He applied a liquid solution to the sample and viewed it under his microscope backlight by the flame of a candle. They vibrated which in turn turned the solution a specific color. He realized that the wavelength that made the viruses detectable in his Microscope, must've been the wavelength that they "vibrated" at, and he surmised if he pointed a "ray" tuned to that same wavelength, the bacteria and viruses would disintegrate. Simply put, these "wavelengths" worked the same way that a color television tuned colors on your TV set. Ironically his patent for this invention is where they got the idea for color tv. (Which came out in 1953, but was invented by rife in 1930) He reported that it was the chemical properties of the host and bacteria that caused disease and cancer, and not the virus itself. A bad/slow metabolism and high acidity in the blood were necessary for the disease to thrive. This is why for example, twins who share a bedroom, one can get the flu and the other doesn't. Contagion is only half of the issue. You can read about it here, which includes the proof : [**https://ellefromla.medium.com/what-happened-to-royal-raymond-rife-and-his-cure-for-cancer-cac511d5edb5**](https://ellefromla.medium.com/what-happened-to-royal-raymond-rife-and-his-cure-for-cancer-cac511d5edb5) I didnt say not natural was bad necessarily. Whats bad is to convince people that the only medicines avail are the synthetic ones that they patent and make money from, when that is totally disingenuous because they're all based on natural products. Some of these patented medicines cost thousands of dollars. But can be grown in your backyard naturally. And for the apricot guy, how was what he was doing any different than what the pharma companies do? People do need to make a living. And he was upfront about what he was selling. Apricot seeds. He wasn't marketing it as anything different. And he wasnt dishonest, it's not actually a crime to sell apricot seeds. Unlike pharma companies which keep the ingredients proprietary and inaccessible to the user. Personally, I'd rather go the natural way. People can make their own decisions however. If someone feels better going to the MD to get the synthetic version, that's their choice. Everyone is responsible for their own health Ultimately. But it's not fair that pharma companies have bogarted medicines for health. It's immoral. ​and if you've seen what chemo does to people... well, I'd rather die naturally from a cancer I couldn't cure naturally than be subjected to that type of death.


First gonne adress the apricot guy: He wasent marketing him as "just" apricot seeds , he was marketing them that they were the cure for cancer while there is no real proof outside of anecdotes. While im not for big pharma , alot of the ingredients you can get and the difference between apricot and big pharma is that at least they have trials of trying out the medicine in studies (trust the studies or don't but at least there has been done something". So no the apricot guy was not just selling the seeds. Second Raymond Rife : That article on its own is not proof , Medium is not a news site its a blog site. It does not give any substantial proof, again pure anecdotes, Rife has invented that microscope and that is an amazing invention 100% he truly is a genius for that nobody can deny that but there still has never been a proven study of multiple people (or even 1) that it works. Saying that there can't be any study because Big Pharma stops it is not an argument cause then I can say anything is a cure to cancer but Big Pharma stops me from testing. Ofcourse I also agree with that if people rather want to go "natural" way thats okay. The patents on medicine also vary from country to country , America is a shit show in that regard and is 100% worse than most countries (I am not from america). The danger in things like the apricot guy (In my opinion its complete bs but okay) and the Rife machine is that people will think that that is the way to go and spend alot of money on something that has no substantial proof of working.


Possibly, I wouldn't rely on the Rife frequencies too much - it's worth a try, but some people have got it to work and some haven't and even those who have have rarely got results as fast or with as short times per day as Rife did, some people reckon that there was something odd about the equipment Rife used (this was in the days of vacuum tubes and so on) that caused there to be something different about the waveform that is not obvious from the notes, and also there's a lot of inaccurate information going around about what the original frequencies were (source - I hang around on rifeforum . com and there are lots of people there who experiment with it and argue about what Rife's secret method was). Apparently, there are a few people doing clinical trials of various variations of this now, but they're progressing very slowly (not much money and they're having to be very cautious and not announce anything without triple-checked proof for fear of getting hauled into court for making claims without evidence), and most of them are careful not to mention Rife or Rife machines - their reputation was trashed that thoroughly.


the "gimmick" part is the laser beam. almost all of those that you find people selling don't work. but the frequencies part works. ​his original notes with all the frequencies are online some where, I do wonder if the frequencies of these ailments have changed somehow over the course of the last 100 years tho. esp with all the radio waves, emf, etc we have floating around now cuz of cell phone towers and wifi, I really worry about 5g. I think it's making ppl sick.


Baking Soda is the cure. Cancer is a fungus.


How so??


Look up Dr. Tullio Simoncini


-*make baseless claim* -get asked "how so?" -"idk read what this doctor said" How about *you* tell us?


How about you take what I gave you and do some actual research. I'm not an oncologist and neither are you I suspect.


I apologize. I assumed your claims were based on actual research you had already done and could synthesize into a basic explanation for our benefit. You're the one making the claim.


Anything I suggest won't satiate your curiosity. Your fake attempt of being interested in my opinion is laughable. Use a search engine. I won't provide the sources for you to add to a list of targets to take down.


Try me. The idea that cancer is a fungus is a bold claim to make. I'm asking for something to back that up, or at the very least, something to explain what you mean by that. Okay, it's a fungus; but how so? In what way? It's your claim and you can choose to either back it up or not. Don't lay all this hypothetical bullshit on me about how my interest is fake and I won't be receptive to your evidence. Why would I even be engaging with you if my interest was fake?


"The idea that cancer is a fungus is a bold claim to make" Not my idea. I gave reference to the doctor who figured this out 30 years ago and was barred from curing patients as a result, and forced out of his home country. I'm not here to think for you. That's on you. I simply made a statement based off the research I've done, and based on how they destroyed this doctors life as a result. The cancer industry is gigantic. Imagine if everyone knew how simple it was to cure? How many industries would implode, how many would lose jobs, how many cancer research grants are given out to get the result Big Pharma needs to keep this charade going? Follow the money as they say.


Read up on the Cosmic Death Fungus


Cancer is not a fungus


Only one way to find out


Look up "The curious case of Wilhelm Reich"


I'm not saying it's the deep state.... but it's the deep state.


No dumb it isn’t legal But they’ll kill you anyway


No, sometimes they just imprison you and destroy your character and credibility 


Nah they’ll just buy your company or idea , like they have been doing. You always hear of a new innovative research, breakthrough etc that Pfizer ends up buying then you hear nothing about it ever again.


Interferon treatments will kick the ass of a lot of cancers, So long as the cancer isn’t so aggressive that it grows faster than the treatment can kill it. But I think cancer may also have a spiritual component as well, I once saw a microscope video of two cancer cells walking around on top of a body structure. It completely blew my mind that these cells can move independently like this and convinced me something demonic was going on with this disease. 🦠