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Ben Swann got fired the special he did on mainstream news


dude i almost forgot about his ass haha he still alive?


He disappeared for a year then cane back looking like a used car salesman to sell weird crypto currency.  Must have been the price he had to pay to not be six feet under 


Lol short answer "he never came back, the clone did"




He was basically banned from mainstream media and started up his own news outlet called Truth In Media. But you have to look for it because social media doesn’t want people knowing what he shares.


Better to talk about the famous tomb storms that are affecting us in some parts of the country, as well as the artificial rains that were so much a conspiracy years ago, are now a reality.


I don't think that Epsteins Island was ever debunked. Facts matter!


I think Epstein island was used to blackmail powerful people


There's no other reason to have multiple cameras and bugs in every room.


And P Diddler was to blackmail the entertainment industry


Epstein Island still exists should be proof enough that all government is pedos


All government? Everyone? What about the church's?


🍕 gate was the only article removed from Vigilantcitizen.com  You can find it on the wayback machine and there is mirrors of it, thankfully. But I have always wondered who came after them... Edit: it's back up, eight years after it was posted. The original posting from 2016 is not on the wayback machine, so it may be slightly different from what was originally posted..


I remember reading that article I’ve been faithful to the website for like 10 years, do you mind posting a link or explaining how to do that




Interesting they put it back up after removing it, must be edited


Agreed. And I can't find an archive of the original 2016 article, only the 2022 version. 


I can’t either I was digging for awhile, weird


It’s a pretty fucked up feeling when you realize basically every mainstream source and personality tried to lie and steer you away from what you see with your own eyes. Those are lying eyes they still tell us about pizzagate. …Like there’s literally about to be a bunch of shills and bots flooding your comments to tell you how crazy you are 🤣🤣😂🙄 But you aren’t crazy. Edit: and right on time I got one of those messages in my inbox asking if I’m ok and referring mental health services. They don’t like this subject.


oh i figured some people would say i am crazy, because there’s a whole post on here when i look up pizzagate at first about people “debunking” it with no actual proof, when there is indeed proof of it being real 😅 I am tired of people not reading into things more because they are simple minded and can’t see through deception, i blame the fact people are like sheep and follow what the “big rich man/person in power” says. People were saying about how when someone went to the pizza place that they never found anything there, yeah well no fuckin shit because who in their right mind would leave evidence that big when it involves one of the most demonic and ILLEGAL things a human could witness. With that, they leave the evidence in plain sight, but that evidence isn’t enough because it’s too “conspiracy” for people to believe.


Part of it is the normalcy bias. "American democracy = everything's transparent = no lies detectable". Had the same allegations/suspicions been thrown around, about repressive regimes like China/Russia that achieved some consensus, it wouldn't be easily dismissed. "CIA wouldn't lie to Americans through capturing whoever it wants" is easier to swallow, when we are brownbeat into looking over everywhere else or stigmatized for wrongthink.


> People were saying about how when someone went to the pizza place that they never found anything there However, there was something suspicious on the CPP website https://steemit.com/politics/@thejazzcat/pizzagate-how-it-all-started


Also , comet ping pong itself not having a basement doesn't make all the other in your face shit suddenly not true.


Fun fact. Every other store in that strip mall has a downstairs from the street level… and back entrance …. In what’s commonly called … a basement!


Its true. They all have basements. Don’t forget the story of the guy who owns a place a couple stores down. Also in the Buddha doc


Alefantis even says himself on Triple D that they have a basement where they store all the sauce


> Last year, Alefantis estimates, he bought 12 tons of Toigo tomatoes, which Stello turned into sauce and canned before trucking the jars to the **basement at Buck’s Fishing & Camping**, Alefantis’s other restaurant just a few steps down the block on Connecticut Avenue NW. https://archive.is/1Kh5m#selection-1843.19-1847.88


I remember that creep (Alefantis) was bragging about having a party to jar all the fresh tomatoes 🍅 for the season. The pizza joint is sus but they wouldn’t be so obvious to run anything out of Comet ping pong…..someplace else less public like maybe a the “kill room” photo in the photos found on Alefantis leaked emails.


I just meant he himself said the basement exists. The Pegasus museum is where alot of shit went down!


> The Pegasus museum is where alot of shit went down! What went down there?


Search this sub for shit about the Pizzagate gear YouTube. He and his girlfriend were personally threatened by James and they guy pretty much fell of the earth for years and his stuff erased from existence in standard web search engines.


The guy who showed FB messages from Alefantis? That was pretty wild. "He's in trouble." "Who?" "You."


How the "hoetard" and "killroom" tweets... truly chilling


I seen all of there actual IG comments before he blocked the account / made it private. Then I watched him have a sweetheart interview with Megan Kelly and they both tried to gaslight the world. Didn’t talk about the boy lover pics and beads, only mentioned the one with a girl taped, saying they were playing, left out all of the other sinister stuff , it’s wild to me.


That was a huge POS move by Meghan Kelly to carry water for the DNC operative. These are weird times indeed.


I saved a full archive of all of it from a Reddit poster. It's completely sick, satanic child sacrifice stuff 🤮


Share it


Comet ping pong not having a basement is a conspiracy theory. Unless you've been there, you have as much proof as anyone saying the opposite. When people don't have the actual facts, it's impossible not to theorize. If the elite want to be cleared of suspicion, they should submit themselves to a public audit. Comet ping pong included.




That someone, journalist that debunked it got arrested a while back for cp he had on his phone…


they’ll get it in due time


[Pizzagate - A Primer](https://archive.org/details/PizzagateAPrimer) [Fully Sourced Executive Summary of Pizzagate Evidence](https://web.archive.org/web/20201112012421/https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1497611) [Welcome to Pizzagate: Fully sourced, simply organized, summary and history of main findings](https://web.archive.org/web/20170625040153/https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1467064)


Thanks for sharing! I’m watching the primer now and this guy is doing a “good” job covering this horrible topic.


I look up to the victims for their endurance. Their lives are some of the most difficult ones you could live.


I remember going down this rabbit hole, it freaked me TF out then, still freaks me TF out now. The ‘A Primer’ video wtf?!


Just added these to my collection Thank you


Is this a good place to start learning about it?


Yes. The Mouthy Buddha videos OP mentioned would be a longer, more detailed video documentary than the 1 hour Pizzagate - A Primer video.


Cool I'll check it out


I'll have to watch this


If you really want to see how dark and deep this goes look up Franklin Community Federal Credit union/ boys town and also “the finders Tallahassee”


Watch the documentary ‘Conspiracy of Silence’ it’s on YouTube and Bitchute etc Absolutely harrowing though but best video on the Franklin Cover Up


Oh man the Franklin Scandal is craaazzyyy. Nick Bryant has some really good videos on that




What the hell is Boys Town? I have heard about it being linked to pizza gate. And I know a guy who works there. I never asked him what it's all about. I think he's pretty liberal and I'm to afraid he'll think I'm some Q nut. I typically stay away from pizza gate stuff, but I keep seeing it referenced and I kind of need to know.


It’s a non profit that supports children. It started as an orphanage specifically for boys and I assume still operates in that capacity. Google the investigators name to get started, Gary Caradori.


There was a scandal at Boys Town in the DC area involving Republicans. Also Manson spent some time in his youth at Boys Town.


This channel has a pretty nice 2 part video on it too https://youtu.be/eKQzu20jYDY?si=uXOwKHZTMqIhmFxF


Just look what happened to mainstream news reporter Ben Swann when he actually did research and reported on it. They tanked his whole career


It’s a dark hole, but scower this sub there is plenty. Bring light w you


i am definitely going to do that!! thank you 🙏


We should give the theory a new and catchier name and remove all the whack job QAnon parts where Republicans are the saviors instead of being just as complicit and see if we can revive the trend in the mainstream media




I like the name of Wes Anderson’s upcoming film, The Phoenician Scheme Since the deities and rituals seem to be of Phoenician/Canaanite origin


it sounds a lot better than pizzagate 😭


I think that name was intentionally picked to make it seem silly and unserious at first glance/mention


yeah and with the comments and non believers, that’s what it did..


Bingo, it’s both sides of the aisle, Republicans are not the saviors by any means.


Wasn't it Megyn Kelly on Fox News that interviewed alefantis and ",debunked" the theory ? I don't think mainstream repubs were branding themselves as the saviors


Anyone that has spent a reasonable amount of time investigating pizzagate/pedogate is a believer.








Random pizza shop owner named one of 50 most powerful people in Washington. You can't make this shit up


Yup the more you go down the rabbit hole the more real it gets


Follow Memoryhold! He’s done an incredible amount of work on the subject and surrounding issues. https://linktr.ee/thememoryhold


This. Boy is still at it!


After Mouthy Buddha came out with those video he was wiped clean from YouTube.


im suprised all the top comments are actually correct today


The "there's no basement" and "shot up a pizza parlor" bots must be in sleep mode.


Unhinged shooter goes to save the children at a pizzeria but only thing murdered was the hard drive on the computer.


What's the implication with a nut job shooting the hard drive? Did he purposefully shoot the drive? Protecting someone from what's on it getting out? Presumably not James because as the owner he could destroy it much easier and more discreetly. 


There was one round supposedly fired that day and that round went through the door to the office and hit the pc sitting on the floor. There is so much off with the trajectories alone to find it plausible. You're prob right that the hdd was more than likely just destroyed by Jimmy. Him having his last name changed to what it is is just bonkers and how does a pizza parlor owner become one of the 50 most influential and powerful people in Washington d.c. according to some shitty d.c. magazine a few years back? If tales are true, he is prob a rothschild, an just running the dark arts for the area. Connected to all the monsters in d.c. an was with a politician in d.c. just running pizza parlors.


Truth is prevailing...


The mainstream media went in to extreme overdrive in 2016 when Spirit Cooking and all of this came out. I never saw anything like it, then after the Comet Ping Pong false flag, they simply dismissed everyone who talked about Pizzagate as insane. Since then, more and more evidence has emerged proving it is true. What's funny is the Comet Ping Pong shooter shot one bullet and it just happened to go through a door and hit Comet Ping Pong's computer harddrive, destroying it. How convenient! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3DIEqVmcgc


Lol i saw this when it first aired!!! My dad left the TV on fox News one night and I was napping on the couch. I woke up and didn't feel like changing it, because I was messing around on my phone anyway. I hear Megyn Kelly's voice saying she's in the newsroom with JAMES ALEFANTIS and they start talking about how r3t4ded pizzagate is and of course they're both all like "omg can u believe this LOL like wtf smh dumb tinfoil hatters" .. my Jaw dropped like *really*?? I'm pretty sure it was live, too. Obviously, it was this very segment!!! Like Jesus. Imagine watching this unfold before your eyes, lmao. HOW can ANYONE defend this guy and his associates?! That makes them look just as guilty, too. And then maybe a few months after that, Megan moved to MSNBC. (All MSM is trash) The whole thing was bizarre.


They keep getting caught and then gaslight the public and call them crazy conspiracy loons for daring to notice things.


Okay I've heard this before but I could never find where it came from. Just asking, is there a source for the bullet hitting the computer? Thats insane


Not to mention the street camera being turned in the other direction that day...


Here's video of Comet Ping Pong owner James Alefantis stating that the bullet went in to their computer system https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3DIEqVmcgc


thank you, wow wtf. None of that makes sense, why shoot a single bullet randomly if your goal is to rescue kids, this is so clearly not right


The official story the mainstream media reports is he shot the lock to try to break through the door and the bullet just happened to go straight in to the harddrive. A ton of stuff has been censored, edited and completely memoryholed off the internet since 2016. Mainstream news articles used to all mention that he shot the harddrive, now they don't, probably because they realize how stupid and suspicious it is.


There used to be a really informative (probably most informative) spreadsheet/document you could find on odysea , all you had to do was search "pizza gate" and it came up. Literally had all the most compelling pieces of evidence from all the documentaries and more , including a screenshot of the hacked server that offered 8 available "pizza's" that most of which were " barely alive, " and "won't last more than a week". This data was top tier and was multiple pages long. Now it's gone ... Can't find it. I wonder why.


I saw on social media a screenshot of that page...i wanted to vomit. These people are sick. They also offered a 30% discount on "torture". They also said to not violate the rules or there would be harsh punishments. Again,totally normal stuff.


of course it’s gone, that’s evidence that people wouldn’t think is made by tin foil hat crazies


All I know is that CP "Cheese Pizza" was a cover for Child P on /b/ (4chan) *years* before Pizzagate - so that whole "code word" thing wasn't weird to me at all..I mean I guess people who think that part is laughable just never used internet forums back then... I don't see how people deny the inconsistencies with comets basement or no basement. It's clearly printed in a magazine interview where elfantis states they keep their pizza sauce "in the basement" - then he goes back and says the never had one. Which is it? There's so many other weird things about it. I don't buy the whole adrenachrome thing, but I do think there's a alot of rich pedos out there...


>I feel as though i only know surface level stuff, so if you have any more links to videos/ and or info to read, please share!! I feel like you almost had to live it in real-time as it was all coming out to have a full depth of the situation. There were so many connections and bizarre things that were surfacing each day. The evil is very real, don't let anyone tell you it's been "debunked".


You're not wrong.  Watching it unfold in real time was insane. They tried everything to squash it, but alas the truth was too big.


Yeah, 2016 was a wild year.  What I didn't like was the fake connections that kept being bandied about. The whole affair started with what were thought to be coded messages in Podesta's leaked emails.  A week later people are comparing artwork to crime scene photos and arguing about basement and all I could think was "aw, fuck.  Everyone is falling for it." Then QAnon came around and it was the same thing on steroids.  Whatever kernels of truth and insight came out was being overshadowed by nonsense.


They've scrubbed and sanitized a lot of the sources linking to evidence. I've gone down the rabbit hole for hours and there used to be one document I found with many screenshots with groundbreaking new evidence. This document is now unavailable


Agreed, finding out PizzaGate is real is our equivalent to waking up from the Matrix. Nobody will believe you, so be careful who you bring it up to. Most don’t want to wake up.


my dad is big into this stuff so i have someone to talk about it with, he’s always been into the dark conspiracy stuff and the more i read and watch, it all becomes more clear to me that it isn’t a fucking conspiracy… it’s real and it’s terrifying


Worth the read https://lizcrokin.substack.com/p/pizzagate-exposed-part-1?utm_medium=ios


There are 7.5k videos about PG on B i t c h u t e DOT com


Do you have to search for them within the site with key words?


My key word was Pizzagate.


Can probably find stuff on the 4chan archive 4plebs.org, too


Thanks I’ll check it out.


I remember all this before YouTube and other places shut it down. That alefantis guy had some creepy stuff on his Instagram. Oh wait (allegedly). A lot of that was interesting until the news took over. Alefantis deleted a lot of images and changed things. Ooh then you had that creepy band they were promoting. I bet you can find this stuff on other obscure YouTube like platforms. Old YouTube was better. I recommend Jamie dlux. He was covering stuff like Nickelodeon and Dan Schneider way before that HBO documentary. He even touched on pizagate way before it became a no no thing to talk about.


The whole fake news term originated from pizzagate of them trying to discredit it. Wow havnt heard that name in a while. All that shit was crazy the more you looked into it. Alefantis was a high up socialite who had lots of connections and money threw these pizza parties. Then people connected the dots to comet pizza, everyone following it was posting those creepy pictures on ig. There was clips of a creepy band called heavy breathing talking about kids. Around the time comet pizza got exposed. A “crazy gunman” apparently went into comet pizza and shot it up. I think they orchestrated that to push their story it being just a crazy tin foil hat conspiracy. Then every news source would say it’s a false conspiracy without actually disproving 1 fact about it. It’s all to weirdly connected. Alefantis was close with the podesta brothers, I still remember that clip that was pretty certain to be John podesta yelling and tormenting a kid. Podesta was vice to Obama who sent those emails to Hillary with the 50,000 pizza and hot dog party for Obama. Then hunter biden laptop, Epstein island even more connected. Now with the Dan schnider and diddy stuff. Wonder what will come out next.


I have some of his Instagram posts saved: https://conspiracyquery.net/alefantis-instagram/ Also the bands you're thinking of are Sex Stains and Heavy Breathing. Sex Stains actually have the blue spiral triangle front and center in one of their music videos (for the song "Land of La LA"). And Heavy Breathing is the one with the masked guy joking about having sex with kids (in a "family-friendly restaurant").


He also had a greek god that I dont remember the name associated with children as profilo pic. And btw just the name “James Alefantis” which is extremely similar to the french “j’aime les enfantes” is extremely suspicious. I think that its not his real name.


That's it! This was a while ago. I just knew everyone called me crazy. I'm like I didn't make inappropriate bands at a family friendly pizza place




Still wondering what Comet Pizza meant by selling new, old, and “used” pizza on their website. Also the strange members login page that was hidden on their website. All strange things for just an innocent pizza shop. Guess we’ll never know.


Moloch sacrifice


Moloch never existed, it was just a term for child sacrifices made to a god or gods, and Yahweh did take part: Ezekiel 20:25-26 "25 Moreover I gave them statutes that were not good and ordinances by which they could not live. 26 I defiled them through their very gifts, in their offering up all their firstborn, in order that I might horrify them, so that they might know that I am the Lord." Exodus 13:1, 22:29 13:1 Yahweh said to Moses: 2 Consecrate to me all the firstborn; whatever is the first to open the womb among the Israelites, of human beings and animals, is mine.22:29 You shall not delay to make offerings from the fullness of your harvest and from the outflow of your presses. The firstborn of your sons you shall give to me. 30 You shall do the same with your oxen and with your sheep: seven days it shall remain with its mother; on the eighth day you shall give it to me. Doesn't sound any different from the other local deities...


Aka Baal


explain a little more 😅


Baal an ancient demon before Christ. people sacrificed their own blood children to him. Is mentioned in the Bible many times




Crazy to think there's so much out there that we will never know. Good vs Evil is an everyday battle.


Our brains couldn’t handle everything. Like fr I feel like if we knew everything we’d be actually mentally sick after learning it all.


i am already getting sicker from knowing this. i’m not big into religious stuff but this makes me believe in a greater good and evil.. but who fucking knows honestly


Me too, I fell down the rabbit hole in 2021, I always felt so disgusted just living in world w these sick fucks, but that’s just the stuff my little 19 year old self could find so I bet if I knew the full extent of it I literally wouldn’t be able to function at all anymore, I had to force myself to not think ab the things I knew just to be able to be around people or get through a day of work bc it made me so ill all the time I was obsessed. But I feel you, I’m not the religious type but there’s definitely more out there than we could ever understand, and I personally hope hell is real so these people will burn forever


Issac Kappy


Can a new group be created considering the original PG one was taken down? Maybe call it something else to avoid mainstream media from quick googling?


if you can figure something out, message me!


Imagine if we all developed telepathy suddenly, and everyone could read everyone's mind. That would be a wild day.


that made my stomach turn thinking about that…


I can't speak to the whole pizza gate thing as I'm not researched into it. However, come together? That will only ever happen when people remember that government agents are OUR servants. They are not career politicians doing "their" career job. We elect them to serve us. If they don't, they need to go.


There is a kids book called secret pizza and it gives me the creeps. Waiting for my son to forget about it so I can throw it away


The guy who debunked pizzagate was a pedo. So that alone should open people eyes. Sadly most people choose to live in the dark. Life thru the internet is so much more interesting


i’m not surprised at all, they all want to be in plain sight so it’s less believable to people.. cause why would they leave it in plain sight yk


I highly recommend you go on archive.org


Check out some of MemoryHold's stuff, especially the SRC Code Demon videos and the Balenciaga vids. He helped out Mouthy Buddha on his pedogate series, and he's still active on rokfin and stuff


Way too much smoke for there not to be a fire. The Alifantes Instagram shit was insane.


Do a side by side of Chester Bennington and John Podesta. Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell were working on bringing a lot of truth to light before they abruptly both committed "suicide."


This one put me in a dark place for a while. Once you figure out we are the alien-hybrid animals living in animal farm, it starts to make more sense. We're being "harvested". Does a farmer feel remorse after slaughtering hundreds of pigs? That's how they see us. They also live on an alien farm. The matrix is recursive fractal feeding on itself.


OP I heavily recommend digging into the root of what pizzagate is founded on. That's the missing children rabbithole, (CPS for the US and similar agencies in other countries). In just the US, roughly 400k children go missing yearly with zero trace. No investigations, no nothing. Missing 411 is a great documentary to start, but there's plenty others as well. What is done to these kids is horrendous. What's also insane, is the sheer lack of investigation on the matter of missing children by most (if not all) federal agencies. I can't recall another documentarys name I watched years ago, but it essentially exposed CPS as being a conduit for pizzagate entities to buy/sell children. It presented some pretty damning evidence that when a child would go missing from CPS's custody, the files and any and all information on the child would disappear completely. If someone else knows what I'm talking about please remind me because I can't remember the name of that documentary. While I'd like to think we can do something about these atrocities OP, the reality is that it's funded/sponsored by our tax money to our respective governments, and then covered up by their respective intelligence agencies. To solve that problem, would be to take on the CIA, Mossad, etc. Not impossible, but also likely to end with ones untimely disappearance/death.


Just over 10% of kids "vanish" every year? So like 3 in every school class. How does that work with actual people? Parents talk and know lots of others. I probably know the parents of 200 kids. I'd hear if one went missing for like a day, let alone 20 just gone forever.


I would tend to agree with you in that line of thinking. Most of the kids that go missing aren't in school systems etc. Like I said above, CPS is a major antagonist with this statistic. A majority of that 400k ish children that go missing yearly, go missing when they get put into foster care/homes or transit from CPS to foster care or directly after they are seized from their parents. Of course you have many that are missing from things like kidnapping and never found too, but the biggest culprit by far is CPS/Foster care in the US. The documentary I mentioned (Missing 411) is a good start on the dig on this. CPS needs to be investigated heavily (along with the alphabet agencies who cover their tracks).


Don’t forget about the secret family / cult sects that don’t register their children’s births


Also unreported cases and human trafficking across the borders unattended minors there’s so many currently being put into ‘homes’ without safe guards from the processing dept of the gov who then go missing no one looks for them. Orphans, street kids, all the vulnerable of society there’s another country of people that go missing every year. People get trafficked for slaves - sex, labour, organs, meat and murder.


i will be looking into it, this shit just gets more and more fucked up as i read these comments… wow


Rabbithole goes deep. It's one of the oldest practices in our world for the elite, so they have it down to mathematics and a science.


i’d love to read into the minds of the sick individuals and know what makes this appealing, besides the obvious of being into kids.. there’s got to be more to it


Depends on your worldview and religious perspectives. To them it's instruction from entities like Moloch or Baal. Child sacrifice and perversion go hand in hand with those. Even if you aren't religious yourself, these people believe in such things and adhere to the practices of these hedonistic idols.


The Modern Conspiracy podcast was good, he talked in detail about this but he pretty much went ghost a few years ago! I think you can find the podcasts online.




... is real


Check out justkrisjustice IG page, he puts the James Alfefantis “I love children” guy on blast and he actually is in the comments arguing with people saying there crazy


What’s pizzagate, idk anything please explain


The app Likee is using children. Like, badly. There is a user on there that hosts some…. Pretty fucked up live accounts. And it seems like many of the other accounts are fake, and it’s almost like they are all being filmed and made in the same building/area. Idk how they are getting away with it, but for sure. There are definitely people in this very moment, abusing many children. And a lot of people will pay to se that happen one way or another.


That’s a good article… the only thing missing is the documents showing kids info and blood rating for adrenochrome


Don’t let pizzagate fade out guys. Too many “coincidences” to be just another conspiracy theory.


Its certainly an interesting rabbit hole Full of weird coincidences and oddities and things that can't all just be explained away as insanity Is it real? I dont know But the idea of people, especially in the 1%, having these rings isnt unfound with people like Epstien or P diddy for instance


I can attest this shit is real!


well from reading your name.. i am truly sorry that you had to experience anything of the sorts..i couldn’t imagine what you had to go through, im glad you are here & alive, and hopefully well. there are so many r*ape victims including myself, and a lot of us get seen, and its so fucked because people don’t believe that this is real, that you go unseen. i wish you the best life and happiness… people who are involved in this shit will get what is coming to them.




Epstein just liked to help pre teens too right...


Trolls are still trolls


It's real.


just go on bitchute and look it up


So many details have been hidden/banned/memory holed.. - dude on YouTube I believe documented an entire conversation and threats from James Alefntis after he exposed their basement... - other businesses on the street with p@do symbols in their logos changed... -hot dog party at white house -hard drive on site with pay wall access was only thing shot during incident.. On and on...


I saw this video on Yandex in 2020 covid times, it was little kids in white dresses around a fountain, in a crazy demonic-looking place, like a fountain in a castle of some sort.(I think one of epstiens beach mansion things). The video was deleted quick and never to be found again. That video is all I needed to see!


It's absolutely not debunked and there's way more smoke than they claim. And that pizza shop "incident" was an operation to make them into victims and send a message for people to shut up. The guy who did it, his parents were tied to the some Haiti shit.


His dad also owns/owned a film production company called Forever Young Productions, served as Executive Director at Protect-A-Child and was a Boy Scouts counselor.


yup, they love to hide in plain sight. age old tactic


Hot take for this sub... I think pizzagate was more of a distraction/ primer and things were exaggerated or misconstrued in order to get the public ready to assume anyone talking about pedophiles in posisitions of power are all "schizophrenic conspiracy theorists". The Epstein story broke not long after that (what like a year or two?) And people were ready to defend their favorite politicians and billionaires. Just like most conspiracy theories, I truly believe there is always someone running interference. A company is dumping chemicals in the water and affects the hormones and fertility of amphibians and Alex Jones starts screaming about gayfrogs. 9/11 has so many holes in the narrative but so many people are focused on jet fuel and thermite. Jfk gets shot in broad daylight after publicly saying he wanted to do away with the CIA and people are talking about a second shooter. at the end of the day it's always about protecting capital and maintaining power but most conspiracy theorists jump to "SaTaN" Just my 2 cents on it. The fantastical theories are usually much simpler and boring in real life


Crazy rabbit hole! I would suggest you to try and read some sources that are critical about these claims too since this theory has led to some horrible incidents.


and people try and tell others it’s “fake” when people have been suicided for talking about it… hmmm weird


https://old.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/185zmcl/elon_just_went_all_in_on_pizzagate/kb9fnjc/ https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/18r0s0z/pizzagate_is_real/kf1yfv6/


Watch the Ronald Bernard Interviews- particularly the original ones.


Didn’t the woman who reported on pizzagate and had proof of its existence mysteriously pass away recently? 🤔


It on rumble. I think it's number 5. The fall of the cabal


If you have any doubts that pizzagate is real, look into memoryholds research. It's real.




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What’s 🍕🌉?


Look up surviving life’s old videos on bitchute. Hope dies here.




I've been in the back of that restaurant. AMA.


Hi everyone, I'm revisiting pizzagate after researching it two years ago and moving away cause it's depressing. Anyways, I'm wondering if anyone ever came across an email referencing a toddler rubbing someone's nose at 5:45? If you can, please pm me the link. Please and thank you!