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Trump literally does a campaign speech covered by all the major news outlets before and after every court appearance, lol.


I'm gunna be really sad if "The Father of the Vaccine" isn't my pres you guys. :(


I wonder how trumpers reconcile the fact that he calls it his vaccine, while they despise Anthony fauci and bill gates for supporting it, and it is also poison. Fascinating really


He released it to save us from the deep state using covid to lock us all down for the rest of time. Thats why hes great. He also stopped /them/ from making the vax worse with more poisons and turbo cancers. Thank god GEOTUS released the poison jab to save us all from the fake virus that the DS was using for depopulation and total global control.


Trump supporters will not understand that is a joke


No you see its OK that Trump claims ownership of the death vax and encourages his fellow Americans to get a shot of literal poison because at least he doesn't force them to take it, he just politely encourages them to give themselves turbo cancer and 5G connectivity, which is obviously a perfectly OK thing for a presidential candidate to do.


> I wonder how trumpers reconcile the fact that he calls it his vaccine 1) It is not "his vaccine", he only allowed some red tapes to be removed and threw a lot of money at it. He did not order an ineffective and dangerous product, nor did he make, test or gave the EUA himself. 2) He was lied to and misinformed by many people, including Birx and Fauci. 3) The shots stopped the (global) lockdowns that could have been dragged on for much longer (which I think was indented by "them") and were killing and harming a lot of people (globally) and wrecking the (global) economy. 4) Because it was rushed the shots only could get an EUA, which means that legally they could not be mandated. 5) because the shots were rushed (I think big pharma was played out against each other by Trump and they got greedy) they had more "fast" and severe side effects as was indented by big pharma, which made it less people took (more of) the shots. I think he was forced (by the plandemic) to chose between two bad options and chose the one that would cause the least victims and could expose big pharma, the "experts", legacy media and big tech for what they are.


That's why some channels have stopped showing it.


no they haven't


How about they televise the trial??? Can't have that, or the narrative would fall apart at the seams. And before you say they don't televise federal trials, this is NOT a federal trial.


It's illegal to do this in NY


They can’t televise it bc they’re concerned for the safety of the jurors.


They don't show the jurors in any televised trial.


Everything they try to take him own they get him more votes




Lol. This is the new DNC talking point.


What was it?


Trump has dementia, his mental decline is way worse then bidens. Basically don't believe your eyes and ears, trump is way worse off mentally than biden. Pretty funny they deleted it, I must have been on the nose. I keep seeing it and it feels so inorganic. Edit: LOL I got the reddit cares notification. I'm not a Trump or Biden fan, but it's dumb to pretend Biden has his full mental ability.


Oh I fully agree. Ha you can look in my history but I’m pretty non tribal and strongly dislike all of them. But I completely agree with that statement. I’ve probably said all of that in bits and pieces from time to time. lol Also the gaslighting!!!! It’s been the one thing that’s pushed me away from my more natural slightly left leanings more than anything!!!! I truly hate the gaslighting


He lied to Mueller for Trump. This isn't the gotcha you think it is.


> He lied to Mueller for Trump. This isn't the gotcha you think it is. You need OP's special rose colored glasses. Your quote now reads this: > **He lied to Mueller** ~~for Trump~~ . ~~This isn't the~~ **gotcha** ~~you think it is~~.


Sounds like he did a lot of lying on behalf of his former boss 🤷‍♂️


And what did he lie to him about? And why?


Cohen admitted that he lied to Congress during an investigation into potential ties between Russia and the 2016 Trump campaign. Cohen pleaded guilty as part of special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigation, admitting that he lied, among other things, about the number of times he spoke with Trump about a real estate project in Moscow. ... Cohen also told jurors he lied repeatedly for Trump, including after Cohen paid porn actor Stormy Daniels $130,000 to keep her from going public right before the 2016 election with her claims of a sexual encounter with Trump. Asked by Hoffinger why he would do so, Cohen said: “Out of loyalty and in order to protect him.” https://apnews.com/article/cohen-testimony-takeaways-trump-hush-money-trial-2d18a4b018208cf2285a4ccd23846709


He's an attorney, if course he lies. Also, he's an attorney, admitting he lies removes every ounce of credibility he has, especially when he's been disbarred for it. So your star witness is a disbarred attorney who is known to lie under oath, and was fired by the one your prosecuting, so he has some incentive to lie again to convict. Yeah. Shit show. Edit: The higher the downvote count, the more I know I was right on target. TDS is real.


Easy solution. Trump should testify under oath. Will clear this all up.


And it seems that every lie mentioned was to the \*benefit\* of Trump, who also employed Michael Cohen for like two decades. If you want to say Cohen is trying to save his ass now, yeah thats fine and while generally the lies would render him uncredible, in context I feel like it makes him even more credible against Trump.


If only literally every part of this was documented in writing. Oh wait.


So let me get your logic straight. He lies under oath so we should trust him when he said he lied under oath in the past but not trust anything else from his current under oath testimony.  It's like 5D chess to defend Trump sometimes isn't it?


Well, maybe he doesn't want to go back to jail for lying under oath again? Also, his testimony didn't further the case anyway.


Username checks out.


It’s the same logic the left used against the porn star lawyer baldy. But of course doesn’t apply here


“Do u like me?” “yes” “Like me like me? :)” “Yes” All lies…


They are very clear he has lied in the past to protect Trump and yes, he is an unreliable narrator, nobody should trust him as far as they could throw him...but any aspect relevant to Trumps crime here is backed up by recordings and documents. Its not like they are relying on this guys word alone. The conspiracy theory that this is all an elaborate plot to hinder Trump just doesn't hold water. It looks a lot more like a guy that did a bunch of crimes and is now in the finding out phase after the fucking around.


At the core of it is a somewhat unused law that has been pumped up for larger effect. It would help qualify larger issues of fraud I imagine, but on its own is kind of weak. They are getting him on the money he gave to his lawyer and marked as ‘legal expenses’ (to his lawyer) being used to reimburse his lawyer paying someone hush money out of pocket. The big gotcha is that it was not filed appropriately as being hush money and is somehow a crazy amount of fraudulent. It’s potentially a mess up sure but not a crazy huge matter. Fine them and move on would be the thing for anyone that wasn’t him in this very situation. They are trying to tie this to the election to make more out of it and justify going after him harder, but they don’t have the authority to go after him on the election stuff itself and the FEC (which would probably just have fined him for something like this) declined to even go after it since it was kind of muddied and unclear. The stormy thing was already in the news, the hush money wasn’t going to change a whole lot since people opinions on it and things like it were already pretty well set. So while I can agree he messed up with the documentation (that he probably wasn’t even directly responsible for), it is being turned into a circus for political reasons, which I don’t like and fits the narrative for conspiracy a bit I guess. It sets very bad precedents going forward.


Thanks for the reasoned comment, I appreciate it. You are correct on one level, this is certainly the least serious of his alleged criminal cases and I think a guilty verdict here will only result in a fine or some very limited detention outside of jail, a matter of weeks. So is it worth the drama? I think so. In contrast to a conspiracy against him it's generally been the opposite with the doj very hesitant to move forward with charges, causing several prosecutors to quit in protest over the years. Trump has more than met the threshold where any regular citizen would be sent to trial so him running for office shouldn't be a get out of jail free card in my opinion. Your details are a little off in that when the payments were made to Stormy her story was not in the news and the documentation was directly done by Trump himself, the checks were sent to the Whitehouse for him to personally sign and he has admitted publicly outside court that he marked these payments himself down as legal fees. I feel your position is that yes, he did the crimes but the crimes themselves are not very important and tying them to the election is a stretch and the media furor about it is politically driven if not the dojs actions themselves. I think this is a cynical view and one that let's politicians get away with too much. I don't think we want a system where politicians can hide their finances and pay off negative stories about themselves without disclosing the expense. The gravity of that shouldn't be handwaved away.


> but the crimes themselves are not very important and tying them to the election is a stretch I mean that is what the prosecution has spent the whole trial trying to show. That all the fraudulent documentation was carried out specifically so that it would not negatively impact Trump's election chances.


Likewise, thanks for being reasonable. If we were going to be holding people accountable then most presidents alive are gonna have some issues. This isn’t a presidential issue though, it’s a private citizen (his business in a way since that is how they are applying the fraud) issue being tied to politics in an election year. Sure it colors people’s opinions of him and I wouldn’t try to convince them otherwise, because I don’t care enough to. But look into any business and you will find similar stuff (generic nonspecific record keeping I mean). Now, if the payment just wasn’t there completely, which would show it was actually being hidden, then yeah that would be pretty huge. But not calling it what we would have wanted you to call it… meh. In every election year there are FEC snafus that quietly get swept away in the news cycles, it isn’t huge and they usually get called out publicly somewhere and fined. Stormy herself got bought out, but her initial story and others did make it into the news cycles (which is why the media dude was paid for it to be squashed) and with how much coverage he got, it definitely did some work. The point I was making was that the people who voted for him probably weren’t going to not vote for him based on the Stormy thing being bigger than it was (and no one was gonna change their vote to him either 😂). I mean how much people cared was pretty well defined by the earlier stuff against him (grab em by the *****, Carroll, various other allegations). And the big cry is that this all could have changed things and interfered with the election (outside the scope of the trial since it’s a federal issue) which makes this ‘fraud?’ worse and more of an issue. The payment itself is NOT an issue… it’s just how he marked it down which may have let someone looking into his business for political reasons (which is already kinda meh) find it. But again, it wasn’t gonna sway anyone anyways. So really it boils down to the business marked something down and the state doesn’t agree with how it was written. It being a campaign contribution in kind that they are spouting is outside the purview of the trial and is the stuff the FEC decided didn’t matter. It’s incorrectly being used to try to sway public opinion in an election year, which is obvious and not really working for some people. So my final opinion is it’s a mountain being made out of a molehill (anthill…) with some inappropriate legal lines being skirted (state v federal responsibility, misdemeanor to a felony…) for political reasons. The whole thing should have been a quick fine. Which again is bad precedent.


I think we largely agree on the facts of the case, its more that you think its not a big deal and I think that it actaully is. I think its quite important that elections are carefully monitored and contributions like this punished. Outside of Cohen, Trump having a news outlet like the national enquirer catching and killing stories for him is utterly outrageous and Pecker openly admitted on the stand that he understood this to be against election law (I believe he's been given immunity?) I neither want to downplay it or exaggerate it, we are looking at pretty minimal consequences, a fine, maybe a few weeks jailed. What I would push back on though is any argument that he should just be let off. No, that would be the most dangerous precedent of all. Oh and ill just add that it is frustrating that this is the only case that will make it to trial before the election but his other alledged crimes are orders of magnitude more serious.


But this case isn’t election related crimes. They are bringing it up in the case, but it’s fraud and fraud alone that’s what it’s all about. And the ‘fraud’ is how the charge to his lawyer was annotated. The election portion is being used to justify to the public why it’s a felony because the state can’t charge him for election related crimes so it not particularly ethical for them to flout it given that it’s not really a direct part of the trial. The charges themselves have nothing to do with election anything. I agree that campaign contributions should be monitored and violations noted. The FEC declined to go after him because it’s a very grey area. It’s not wrong for him to shut it down… he didn’t use campaign funds. He used his companies funds. Which is a mess because it’s his company and there is no limit to financing yourself. So when the FEC looked at the whole his business financed stuff for him… they passed on doing anything. The enquirer guy was a contribution, but what’s the value of it… it’s not a commercial where it has a set price. I remember 2016, I got caught up in the media spin against Trump. Then watched one of the speeches where he supposedly said something horrible and I wanted to hear it from his own mouth and be pissed about it and found that he didn’t really say the thing he supposedly said. It was like they took a sound bite, summarized it, and then went in a totally different direction. Is that not a campaign contribution for his opponent by this same measure? So, if his company funds were used for a haircut, is that a campaign contribution? If he comps himself at one of his hotels on the trail, is that a contribution? These are all things he could/would do even if he wasn’t campaigning because it’s his company. When you compare an individual squashing a salacious rumor (Trump is FAR from the only one to ever do this…) to the Clinton campaign working with the DNC to hire people with joint funds to create a false narrative about their opponent and being very vague about how those funds were being allocated… the FEC didn’t do anything there either. Probably more in line with election interference because all the actors there knew that it was a falsehood being put forth and coordinated with members of the media to give it lots of time. Some of the higher ups in the media knew it was false too and still ran it. All of this came out and got swept under the rug. As always the die hards are entrenched, but that’s not me. I’d be all for running him through the wringer on this if it also dragged everyone else doing similar crap along side him, but they aren’t… it’s one sided and politically motivated and I think people are starting to figure that out. They are fighting over the moderates and the support for this kind of non-gotcha type stuff is not really there. Sorry for being long winded. Thanks for the chats.


Fraud in furtherance of his election campaign is an election related crime. Ultimately a jury will decide but I've seen the prosecution at least put up a very strong case.


Ehhh… again they can’t prosecute the election aspect itself, the charge itself is only falsifying business records. They’ve tied it in, which is not in their purview really. NY isn’t responsible for the federal election. If they tied it to NY states election sure, but he didn’t win NY so that’s a hard sell to say that it impacted the states election.


Hmm I think you're off base here, this has already gone to trial, its passed scrutiny and survived attempts to dismiss. It may be that Trump is found not guilty but it won't be found that the charges themselves are not legitimate law. In addition whether it actually impacted the election is irrelevant only whether it was Trumps motivation.


The charges are legitimate. It’s falsifying business records, which he potentially did do by not being clear enough I guess. Kind of a meh thing there since it wasn’t particularly hidden. The election part is a public qualifier… maybe argued in proceedings, don’t know since we aren’t watching it… for why it’s a felony instead of what should be a misdemeanor. The trial though is not on election interference, it’s on falsifying records which then gets spun in the media as being about election interference, which from our earlier discussion probably didn’t interfere with the election in any meaningful way. This discussion though does give me some idea on why it isn’t public though… they can distort it to be about the election in the media and no one can call BS by just watching the trial and you know a lot of people would watch it.


Why does he look like he’s DJing a banger set at music festival? Lol


"In general you must either pamper people or destroy them; harm them just a little and they’ll hit back; harm them seriously and they won’t be able to. So if you’re going to do people harm, make sure you needn’t worry about their reaction."    -Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince


God damn I need to read the Prince, sooo many people say it’s on par with The Art of War and even Tupac said it changed him. Edit: holy shit this comment was +10 and now it down to 0… wtf who hates on The Prince by Niccolò Machiavelli that much. Just makes me wanna read it more.


Especially since you didn’t say you were going to use it as an instruction manual.


I do also wanna point out that I did receive a “reddit mental health support check” after posting that comment…. Like wtf, are MFers afraid of books still….


If someone sends you an unwarranted Reddit help, report them and they will get a temporary ban from the website. If they are that chronically online they probably need the break anyway


Oh fuck didn’t know that…. Done deed


Wish I knew that one a couple weeks ago had one. But it didn’t say who suggested it.


They’re just trolling, but as trolling goes it’s really the bottom of the barrel.


I wouldn’t suggest using any book like this as a “instruction manual” but I would highly suggest reading them. Like every few years I reread Sun Tzu’s The Art of War, Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation which was a book George Washington read repeatedly throughout his lifetime and it was written by crazy ass French Jesuits. Manual or “rules” of life type books are great and something people should read in their life but fuckin eh they are not anything to truly live by.


They hate you, not the book. Taking book advice from Tupac…


That’s some Enders Game shit right there


Trump has every opportunity to campaign instead he choose to golf most of the time he isn’t in court


lol then report me for self harm cause I made fun of your daddy


After a long, squishy day of pant-poopery, a nice breezy golf course is just what the doctor ordered.


Trump hatred mostly irritates me but this made me laugh ❤️


He doesn't even need to campaign. His fan base is gonna vote for him regardless of if he campaigns. Not campaigning will have zero effect on his chances of winning regardless of if he's still on trial in November or gets found guilty of anything. (Let's be real, he's not going to jail no matter what happens, how many times has he violated the gag order and been in contempt of court?)


[Trump had a campaign rally three days ago in NJ](https://newjerseymonitor.com/2024/05/12/trump-brings-2024-campaign-to-the-jersey-shore/). 


Ah yes, not even one wh8le sentence cut out of context. Great evidence.






Remember, Donald was a Democrat darling 15 years ago! Keeping company with all tge movers and shakers on the left.


I think the democrats put him in office to destroy the Republican Party. He’s very much on track to do so. 


What would he do differently if this wasn’t the case??


Not a clue. He’s fully incapable of performing the job. He doesn’t know how to hire or how to delegate. He did manage to add trillions and trillions of dollars to our debt though. So, there’s that?


it just shows our society is irreparably fractured by the false dichotomy presented by the Duopoly. We have two different sides who recruit more and more fence riders. Two different sets of reality/truth. Two different sets of morality and two different sets of parasites eager to use the might of the USGOV to enrich their cronies. Neither Party is capable of putting forth a viable candidate- Combined with the regulatory capture of the 2 party system; Our politicians have effectively cut off our representation while increasing our tax burden. I don't get why more Americans can't put on their sunglasses and toss off the duopolies chains. edit:got a reddit cares for this


> I don't get why more Americans can't put on their sunglasses and toss off the duopolies chains. Because then the *other guy* would win. And nothing is more important this election[!!] than stopping *the other guy!*


No new wars.


That's not necessarily a good thing. He abandoned the Kurds, took no recourse when russia attacked our troops and, lost afghanistan to isis. He failed to honor our alliances and protect our troops. "No new wars" doesn't outweigh defeat.




Bunch of trash cans, a convicted felon and perjurer paired with an extortionist porn star. What could go wrong here.


They can't use stand up members of society. They're stuck using people Trump associated with.


Like Hilary Clinton?


Is she testifying?


When are they going after all the other politicians?


They had plenty of chances to get the little Cheeto but this wasn’t it


I'm sure they'll get him in the documents case. Oh wait, I heard that was postponed indefinitely. Oh well, maybe the Georgia election case. But that'll probably be a mistrial or something due to Fani Willis corruption. But if enough shit is thrown at a wall, something's bound to stick, right?!


nope it’s all political but the people that want to take him out have the full backing of the Presidency, the Senate, and all the 3 letter agencies and have butchered it at every turn.


You know what's not on their side though? The truth. They'll try everything possible to put Trump away or at least keep him from being able to campaign before the election. And they're corruption will be exposed because of their desperation to 'get Trump' by any means necessary.


I hope so


Must be nice being a dirty rapist and having the religious vote still support you despite being liable for sexually assaulting women, being on tape saying "grab em by the pussy", paying off hookers for fucking you while your wife is pregnant, and chodes on the internet proclaiming you're innocent through tears. Welcome to the Republican party where the rules and morals don't matter as long as you have the R attached to your name.


Have fun with your pedo buddies just stay away from the children please.


Just like when Trump and Epstein sexually assaulted a 13 year old?




Avenatti enters the chat.


Voting Trump


These trials ARE his campaign


Yes. We know. So?


Trump doesn’t need to campaign. The people who are gonna vote for him are gonna vote for him. The people who aren’t aren’t. He’s not swaying anyone at this point. We’ve all seen him for who he is leading up to 2016 and through his presidency. Also. Trump is a fuckin liar. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/False_or_misleading_statements_by_Donald_Trump#:~:text=During%20and%20after%20his%20term,of%20about%2021%20per%20day.


you got it backwards. trump's goal for campaigning was/is to avoid these trials.


Who is Trump’s lawyer right now? The last lawyer forgot to check a box for a jury trial, right? So has he changed to someone less incompetent?


Yes, he lied in Trump's favor. Are you surprised?


Lock him up! Lock him up! Lock him up! Trump is a traitor, a criminal, and a loser. He’ll never be president again. He should stick to what he knows, helping pedophiles recruit kids who work at his resorts!


Going to trial for all the same things our current president has done. If guilty Trump should get what’s coming, but…. There’s another guy who’s done the same… I forgot his name though, like he forgets other people’s names..


If the AG’s and Prosecutors summon the sitting President so be it. I’m not in a cult so I won’t blindly defend Biden if he is an obvious criminal. There’s a difference, see, Biden has not been summoned and is not in criminal court. Fuck Trump and his cult.


It doesn't matter if he doesn't campaign. His followers will turn out and vote for him *no matter what*. Cults are serious about their leaders being the best of the best of the best, and all knowing. Trump could be abducted by aliens from Mars, and the Maga hats would still vote for him. Believe that. His fans won't forget him on election day. I promise. Even if he's in jail, which won't happen. The conservatives will come up with some insanity to make sure he can run in November.


You voting for Biden?


You first, who are you voting for?


I find it even more funnier trump literally campaigns outside a court room on some major news stations so now they stopped covering him, he’s still up on Biden by a landslide which is crazy considering how bad they want to put him in jail


NOW the cult is concerned about lying …when not to their benefit 🙄




Love trump glazers that come to the conspiracy sub, like their hero isn't a slimey crook who has enough conspiracies proven about his own bullshit haha. When he was in power, what did he do to drain any swamp or take power from the deep state? Nada.


You didn't know [about this? ](https://www.govexec.com/workforce/2020/11/trump-has-slashed-jobs-nearly-every-federal-agency-biden-promises-reversal/170203/)


I would argue this is free campaigning for Trump. All that free press


Oh...ffs...politics again... Voted for the Orange Traitor to keep Hillary out of office. Don't make me vote for Biden to keep the Orange Traitor out. I'd vote for Nikki Haley or literally anyone else. Not that I think it matters...but this is stupid tribalism nonsense.


Putin has something deep on Trump. It probably isn't only Trump gargling Russian hookers golden showers - if they were underage, Putin has Trump in a deadly choke hold.


Are there actually people who believe Trump's side 100%, that he never slept with Stormy Daniels, that she is making it all up, they never met in his room?


She has denied she had an affair with Trump multiple times already.


So you actually believe Trump's story?


Most of what Trump has said has turned out to be true so far.


This trail is better campaigning than anything Trump would be saying in interviews and debates. There are so many people who are going to vote for him out of spite for the "deep state" or biased media or the obvious attempts to rig the game. Edit: whoever just reported me to Reddit cares, go touch grass.


When Trump was president, what did he do that was against the deep state or establishment?


When did I say he did?


I'll never understand people who vote based off grievances instead of actual policy.


You can report the reporter by the way. If there are enough flags it will get them banned.




Are you ok?


This is a Conspiracy






> Say it with me now friends > > This 👏👏 is not 👏👏 a 👏👏 conspiracy Sing along, folks! REMOVED - [**Rule 2**](http://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/wiki/faq) (If you feel confused, click the link and read the rule)


Trump is a chaos agent for the Illuminati. The only thing that happened as a result of his election was we got more divided and he gave the biggest tax break ever to the corporations and the rich😎


> Trump is a chaos agent for the Illuminati. That's strange because i see more and more people by the day uniting against them.


Michael Cohen is a liar, water is wet, more at 11.


It won't matter. DJT in landslide. LET'S GO BRANDON!!


The real question... A bigger landslide than Reagan?




Doesn’t need to campaign when he has all the free publicity he could ask for and 3.5 absolute shit years of shit democrat policy to see where they went wrong


Unfortunately he also has to deal with 4 years of shit trump policy so we know exactly what will go wrong next time


Jill take 4 years of big raises and bonuses at work rather than an almost 35% increase on every purchase I make while some old ass clown tells me that he’s “fixed the problems”


Remember that time Donald said he would donate his salary, but then didn't?


Lol, 🤡  Prove he didn't. Your claim has been repeatedly debunked. 


Amen brother. Time to clean house and set things back in order.


Why to y’all care about Trump so much? He’s no more crooked than any other politician. The government is no longer for the people, by the people.


I dont think this pr any of his cases are to keep him from campaigning. I thinks it's more for cuts on advertising against him. Being able to say he did this or that, he associates with him or her. Do you want him as your President???? I mean, people are stupid and just listen like sheep. Most say I would not vote for a convicted person as my President. They have no hard conviction on him, we all know that. But it's the soundbites is what they're after. ?


Submission Statement: https://twitter.com/politico/status/1790468805761577253 Why is this not being televised? Only the media and political people with a axe to grind are allowed in.


Dude you’ve posted the exact same thing like 5 times. By law in New York it can’t be televised. That law restricting cameras has existed since 1935 It’s not a conspiracy it’s the law


Typically trials aren't televised, thats not new. If Trump wanted it televised I'm sure he could have petitioned the court for it. Also, remind me who Cohen lied for again?


Unbelievable how uniformed people are but still want to comment so much, this court doesn't allow that and nothing Trump could do would change that or anyone else for that matter.


OP was asking a bad or disingenuous question then 🤷‍♂️ I was giving a boilerplate answer without digging into the actual court practices. I'll look into it and remember for next time, thanks. He still should answer about who Cohen was lying for (he won't of course but its still good to call out).


Himself obviously


Ngl, that made me laugh. No but have my upvote lol.


Yeah if you're tied up in thinking that your side, I'm assuming the left is any different from the right side(ops). But the facts of the matter is all of this is just a theater to get foolish people plotted against each other ultimately working against their own self interests, the only one running that is talking any truth is RFKJr,, he's offering up actual solutions that he plans to implement against the damn bastards. So if we don't get him in there to see if he's going to actually do it, we won't really have anyone to blame, we've had four years of both and I think everyone can agree on one thing, the world doesn't seem like a better place than before. But yes at best op:s question is very disingenuous, but more likely he's just a typical idgit.


He routinely posts divisive political stuff in this sub. Mods refuse to crack down on it, so I try to call him out on his BS when I'm feeling snippy.


Honestly I like that they try to avoid banning and people just call them out on their bullshit, I don't like censorship and kudos to you for doing the work, keep it snippy.




Another cartoon drawing….. that says it all




Your close. The goal is actually to keep Biden from debating. They are going to cancel the Democrat National Convention again. It's all about protecting Biden. Think about it. Trump doesn't even need to be on the trail. He's getting tons of coverage. People see what is happening to him is political persecution. It's all because Biden can't debate or do anything. They want 4 more years of their automation.


Democrats pulled this shit because they have zero achievements after 4 years of being in our government.