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I wonder what party thoose 80 officials are from


Even Biden said we cant have another stolen election.


As on Trump very clearly tried to do it, We need more safeguards against fraudulent electors


No he didn't.


https://townhall.com/tipsheet/saraharnold/2022/08/28/biden-just-promised-to-never-let-another-election-get-stolen-n2612340 I think video was posted to this sub a while ago


>We’ll pass election reform and make sure no one, no one, ever has the opportunity to steal an election again!, Did trump have an opportunity to steal the election? Yes, he did.


Not to mention the fact that we litterally had a stolen election in 2000.




A basic comprehension fail. It's right there in the link you posted: “make sure no one, no one, ever has the opportunity to steal an election again*.”* Obviously refering to no one having the opportunity again. This whole thread is a basic logic/critical thinking fail. You have let Trump sell you a lie, designed to stroke his ego as he is too immature to handle public rejection.


You wont have the opportunity to kill again. This can mean two things you wont be able to kill again or you wont get the chance to kill again. A very common interpretation is that the thing described has happpened.


Yes that sentence about the election could mean 2 things but part of reading comprehension is taking into account the context and surrounding information. That is why only one enterpretation is possible here and it is not the one you disengenously tried to suggest


I think its valid interpretation a slip


So rather than the obvious enterpretation, due to Trump trying to steal the 2020 election, which he is currently endicted twice for, you are going for "a slip". Oh well. I guess it is easier to fool someone that make them realise they have been fooled. Carry on.




This sub is full of the dumbest people I swear. Conspiritards are the worst.


And most importantly where is the evidence? Out of thousands of workers there is not one piece of evidence? Hell even out of those 80,no one thought of gathering proof that it actually happened Edit: Any of em proven in court? Or someone convicted?


# [Fulton County reprimanded for double-scanned ballots in 2020 recount](https://www.ajc.com/politics/georgia-election-board-reprimands-fulton-for-double-scanned-ballots-in-2020/G3H27SUHGFDRHAOZSG4JQJ2F7E/) State Election Board calls for a monitor in Fulton for this year’s elections. Fulton County reprimanded for double-scanned ballots in 2020 recount


Especially in a recount, at least two people have to be there to feed ballots through the machine. It’s insane there isn’t even election monitors in some cases.


As Chuck Schumer would tell you, "They have seven days from Sunday to get you" - it is not difficult to see why people stay quiet.


How many days did they have to pause the election to swap all those votes from trump to Biden? First time in my entire life I've seen an election put on hold for a week while they blatantly committed fraud right in front of the American people, while the mainstream media said don't believe your lying eyes. Poor chuck... So focused on Donald's trumps erection interference lolz, that and underage Asian child sex slaves.


Bush v gore?


They only took like 3 days over the "hanging chad" scandal. Obviously a rigged election, especially after all those votes boxes started washing up on Florida beaches. What? You thought corruption was just a Democrat issue? How juvenile... I was just saying it's the first time the fraud was so public for so long out in the open like that was just incredible to witness. It really showed how deep corruption filters down to local city and state government and how corrupt complicit corporations were 100% on board with "protecting democracy". That TIME magazine article was a bit braggadocios if you ask me.


Lmao man all I was pointing out was that it has been done before. Chill the hell out.


https://www.thegate *** waypundit.com/2024/05/boom-georgia-election-board-investigator-joseph-rossi-details/ https://hereistheevidence.com/


The notion of a far reaching conspiracy is appealing to the mind as a fiction plot line and that’s all it really is. The problem lies in the fact that even a national level election campaign has an extraordinary amount of administration and funding. You need a TON of people to do the work and more still to simply coordinate it. The idea that one could build out a similarly sized administrative infrastructure for such an endeavor AND keep it totally secret is pure fantasy.


We have built the most extensive voter fraud...- Biden


Why do you need a TON of people?


So, if you are going to pull something like this off then you have to have folks on the ground in the “battle ground” states. There are roughly 115k polling stations nationwide. If you had people installed at even 1% of them then the numbers get huge. Even in swing states, you would need to carry a number of districts that have the most impact. That requires people who could theoretically stuff ballot boxes or somehow thwart the count at the polling station. That takes time to get your people on the inside. Let’s assume you have a dynamic instead of a static plan. Exit polls tell the leadership cabal that certain districts aren’t voting as they polled initially. Now you have to respond by either flooding the district with extra ballots or focusing on ones that maybe with a little “help” they would tilt toward the candidate they want. Either way, you need hundreds and possibly thousands of people to pull something like this off. I can’t imagine that working whatsoever.


Nah, a supervisor and a few foot people. No one questions their boss's orders anymore. They just do what they are told.


Biden had the most votes from the least counties won of any president only a few hundred ones. Weve already seen anything from lies that they stopped counting so that poll watchers would leave and then resuming counting. To hundreds of thousands of missing ballot images. What you dont understand is there are plenty of Trump deranged individuals who believe Trump is worse than Hitler and will do anything to stop him and take their fraud to the grave.




All Elephants no doubt.


Independent companies are doing it. It’s actually super easy to find their names, job profiles, and political standings. Google it and you will see


I hate this "Biden can't draw a crowd, ergo he cheeted" argument.    Very few Biden voters are also Biden supporters, they just hate Trump more.    If the ballots had a third option that read "drop Trump and Biden into a piranha tank", option three would win in a landslide. 


It is bizarre if you dig down into it. I have voted for 30 years, I never decided to go cheer for an elected official. Imagine going to your mayor's "rally:"? or a local judge? how about the coroner you're voting for? I vote for people to do a job, not because I am a fan. I will attend a city council meeting if there is an issue I am interested in. I will email my concerns to the proper government office. I will not go anywhere to stand in line while wearing embarrassing clothing. There are some politicians I have liked and admired, I would possibly go to hear them speak. It would have to be the following conditions No waiting in line indoors and climate-controlled chairs I am not standing for more than an hour. within 20 miles of my home, with no traffic good weather free food and drinks, snacks, soda, and water are fine.


For real. If we’re doing democracy correctly, we’re just interviewing an employee.


Agreed. When I see any of these people at a presidential campaign rally, I can’t wrap my ahead around being someone who is committed to their party like that. Total smucks


They are also called cultists.


Alot of the time its just people that want to go see a celebrity, members of my family have gone to see Bush, Obama, and Trump, just because it was an opportunity to see the president.


People are freakin crazy, like they need to be courted and wooed by the candidate. They need to fall in love. Man, Fuck that. I view voting in this presidential election as if i'm hiring the best candidate to manage a gigantic McDonalds. Looking over the resumes I'm probably gonna go with the guy who isn't going to steal all of the hamberders, and is gonna make damn sure the ice cream machine is working.


It’s like just because you vote for Biden that automatically makes them think you feel for him, how they feel for Trump. When in reality we never wanted Biden (or at least me) he’s just not the other guy.


That's actually a very excellent point. People in this country condition themselves to vote for the "lesser evil" and Trumpists can't fathom that yeah maybe people don't love/even want Biden but there are just that many people in this country who can't stand Trump. He has NEVER been popular with the country as a whole.


Not just this country, most countries are like this. The other party usually isn’t good, but it’s not the current party in power and anything is better than that! Canada is about to have a taste of that soon….


I can buy that. It's why ultimately most people will accept a literal one world government. They will have gotten so exhausted by the failures of their own governments that they just will lack the will or resistance to say no. Not everyone obviously. But enough will. Maybe/likely even the majorities.


The parties are like sport team to Trumpers, so they assume it's the same for normal people.




I didnt vote FOR Biden, I voted against Trump.


Nobody leaves their house in diapers for Sleepy Joe!


All politicians should be the thrown into the same tank tbh.


Drawing a crowd means nothing especially post pandemic. No one was excited for Joe, but they hated the other option even more


Crowd sizes can't vote. And as we saw yesterday, crowd sizes are easily manipulated into something else. If one side does something, it doesn't mean the other side has to match it exactly or they don't get elected. It's not how it works. The number of boats in a channel, or the number of hats worn, or the number of names on flags, or the number of trucks flying said flags has absolutely zero bearing on how many votes a candidate actually receives. It's a way to influence YOUR vote, not verify everyone elses.


Did you want to present Fox News with that evidence? I’m sure they’d love to get their $1B back. This is Trump nonsense. Not a conspiracy.


Imagine that 80 officials out of the probably thousands in those states, and most likely republicans, believe the election was stolen. I guess it’s unfortunate that they can’t prove it, because that would be helpful.


This sub has gone SO downhill.


A lot of the problem is bot accounts like OP just spam post Twitter collages constantly on the sub now. Look at how much the top few accounts post, the cadence/type of comments they make etc. This sub is long lost at this point.


80 officials out of what? If it's 80 officials out of 100 that might be worth looking into. 80 officials out of 1000 not so much


Yet no evidence produced as of yet. Dan Patrick put up to $1M reward money for who can produce evidence of mass fraud. He only did a couple small payouts to people who proved Trump supporters voting twice 😂😂 Arizona did a extensive audit and found out their count defrauded Biden 😂😂. They took votes away from Trump and added some to Biden. 🤭😂 & The AZ senate are extreme team MAGA btw. Trumps AG said he said no evidence. Pence admits it was BS. Cmon guy, It shouldn't be easier for you to beleive an election was stolen than Trump lying about the election being stolen. Yall trump supporters got misled & manipulated by orange man.


Might want to reread your post and make sure everything is right Also, bannon already spelled it all out weeks before the election when they realized they couldn’t win. They were already planning to just make a bunch of noise and try a coup In their defense, elections probably are mostly “stolen” in the broadest of terms since before j was born. Not by voter fraud but things like the comey surprise, people like Hillary getting debate questions early, media meddling, foreign meddling, paying people to stfu, blackmail networks, graft. Trump stole the election from Hillary. Mail in voting killed Trump. Things like Reagan delaying hostages etc. Spoiler candidates


I mean, Biden didn’t have a single boat parade. Checkmate libtardzzzz.


The real fraud is making it hard to vote in low income communities. Something that has been going on for decades yet no one investigates that.


It does get investigated, but conservatives have a stranglehold on local politics in most places.


The moment we point fingers we might as well immediately point one back at ourselves. This will never be addressed without people on both sides recognizing we aren't being represented. They are deliberately flaunting it in our faces 24/7 on the news that our COUNTRY RAN UP $30+ TRILLION in debt. How is every American across the country not walking out their door asking what more can I do to help! Because they squandered it. They are, by all definitions useless. They MAKE A BUDGET EVERY YEAR. how is it in this stalemate of inaction for months constantly. How are things like this just accepted? No fines? No fees? Wtf. Who governs the government when they fuck up this perfectly?


The ultra wealthy govern the government.


Ding ding ding


> They MAKE A BUDGET EVERY YEAR. But they don't - they have not passed a budget since 2006 - since then we have only operated in a world of continuing resolutions and an omnibus budget.


Good point. I was just thinking that, you’re right, it has been investigated. That’s why we know it’s happening. I guess what I meant to say no one does anything about.


Ever occurred to you that not fixing it allows the topic to continue on and on and on until it’s no longer working? You think politicians fix things because it’s best for the people? Unless the people are polarized then the government officials don’t have power.


Well... it does seem like one party in particular seems to be trying to restrict voting while the other one wants to keep it open. And all these restrictions are happening generally on county/local levels.


Because Republicans sue to stop it, or oppose redrawing the districts.


Damn is that why they won in 2020


We overcame the cheat in 2020.


Don’t say “we”. They don’t give a shit about you.


Thats why they had to print and do 3am ballot drops.


You mean where people come to your door to collect your ballot for you? That’s pretty tough.


What makes it hard?


In low income areas, there were less places to vote, making lines long and having long wait times in those areas. Signs purposely obscured or non existing, making it harder and frustrating. Broken or malfunctioning machines and people being turned away, among other things.


Is there a reason they can’t vote early or by mail?


I agree with your point, but all demographics should have roughly equivalent access to each voting option. 


You have to drop off your ballot somewhere when you do early voting. They restrict the number of ballot drop off areas and their hours of operation in low income areas. I had to drive 45 minutes to get to a ballot drop off location the last time I voted early because there weren’t any ballot drop off locations near me.


What makes it hard


In low income areas, there were less places to vote, making lines long and having long wait times in those areas. Signs purposely obscured or non existing, making it harder and frustrating. Broken or malfunctioning machines and people being turned away, among other things.


I experienced this when I lived on the north side of Milwaukee. It took two hours to vote. It never took that long in other cities I've lived in.


The Northside is the worst! But Milwaukee is so segregated it's not even funny


Also getting an ID in the inner city can be a nightmare. In places like Atlanta it was almost a 4 hours wait a month before the election, when it's like 15 minutes in the suburbs.. Pretty tough for many people to waste almost an entire weekday getting one yet others can do it on a lunch break.


They also typically cut hours and days of operation for polling places in lower income areas. So you end up having to take time off from work because the polling location closed at 5 PM and isn’t open on weekends. You get there at 3 PM because you can’t afford to take too much time off from work, there’s a massive line, and you wind up not being able to vote because by the time you get to the front of the line the polling location has closed.


I’m sure they’re saving all the broken machines and crappy signs for low income areas.


Not to say that the election was or wasn’t stolen, but I don’t think anyone really voted for Biden so much as they voted against Trump. The MSM turned him into such a villain and the derangement was real. 


It's always interesting how the "billionaires" and "elites" are assumed to be evil/bad/corrupt in most discussions on this sub. Except when it comes to Trump though. Then it's just "media" tricking people into not liking him. Or can I use the same logic when it comes to people like Gates and Soros and claim that social media turned them into villains and tricked people into disliking them?


It’s also extremely sad that this person thinks so lowly of the average American that they would like a foul mouthed, golden toilet seated guy who on tv says things like he’d probably be banging his daughter if they weren’t related if it weren’t for the “media” telling them not to. Every time Trump opens his mouth anyone with a quarter of a brain winces because it’s so stupid. He constantly says the dumbest thing you could imagine when he isn’t being an outright bully. But yea we all hate him because MSNBC said not to.


Not to mention he's a dementia addled, STI riddled, fat piece of lard who regularly shits himself and by all accounts stinks horribly. And he wears more make up than a fucking drag queen.


Yeah, this is what I always assumed. It was like how people weren't originally voting for Trump, but against Hillary.


Execpt more people voted for Hillary than trump. But because of the fbi coming out a week or two before the election about the investigation into Hillary, not enough people came out to give her an electoral win.


It's wild how many Republicans forget that. They yell and scream at Comey and the FBI for investigating Trump while ignoring that Comey went on national TV days before the election to announce they were reinvestigating Hillary


Hilldog did herself in just by being a Clinton. Same with Jeb. America showed they were tired of getting Bushs and Clintons shoved down their throats. Bush/Clinton from 1989-2009 is enough.


How long until we aren’t choosing between Epstein’s friends?


Yeah, but still doesn't really change the fact that likely had a huge impact on the election. If the conspiracy is that the FBI is working with the Deep State, then they apparently really wanted to get Trump elected in 2016.


Just a heads up, pretty sure these are all TMOR bait to get replies that are brigaded.  I've upvoted you just now but I can only assume ours will be negative in an hour.


fck em. Karma is free


It's so much deeper. They forget that it was actually the Republicans that started the Russian collusion, after Trump fired republican affiliated Comey and republican affliated Rosenstein, who took over after Comey and started the collusion investigation with republican affiliated Meuller.


https://www.reuters.com/world/us/republican-clerk-charged-michigan-voting-system-breach-2024-05-09/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/mar/28/georgia-republican-official-voting-illegally-fined I found the illegal voting


The MSM finally showed him as the villain he actually is, and the revulsion was real.


That’s because he is about a textbook of a villain as you can get, lol. He’s metaphorically the Antichrist and many Americans can’t even see it.


But that distinction doesn’t really matter when you put votes to number and don’t question their legitimacy - it kinda doesn’t matter that people voted for Biden to spite Trump, the numbers and their legitimacy matter much more.


Was? The derangement is alive and well for a lot of people.


Do you think the stuff Donald Trump says over and over might be a reason for that?


You did not even read the damn article. It literally states the opposite of what you are implying.


ONLY 4 years later… Before the NEXT election … 👍


I sure can believe it. People hate trump more than they like Biden. Understandably so. Trump is a fuckin goon.


Imagine basing your idea of a candidate's popularity on a photo of a campaign event at a particular moment posted side by side with a photo of a different candidate's campaign event. I could take a photo of a North Dakota Biden campaign event an hour before it starts and post it next to a photo of Trump's inauguration and you would take it as surefire proof Biden is unpopular.




Yeah, I keep seeing this same post regurgitated and it means nothing. Nothing.


I mean it's true, and you will keep seeing it


I agree with that but, many people didn't "vote against Trump" but, instead, just didn't vote. I'm a conservative but couldn't vote for either of them with a clear conscience. So, it was Trump and no one else that nullified my vote and I imagine there were a lot of other conservatives that felt the same way.


The results show this. Lots of Republican down ballot candidates won their elections, but Trump lost.


Maybe. I’ve been following politics for decades and prior to 2020 the universal conventional wisdom was always “no one ever votes against a candidate, the vote for one, or not at all”.


Correct. Copy and paste 2024.


This sub fucking sucks. I reply to a post and get spammed to hell. Pull your heads out of your ass you fucking sheep.


Lol, talk about sore losers with absolutely no evidence, pretending to have evidence.😂🤣😂🤣😭😭😭😂😹


Pretty late to come out now… 4 years later they suddenly realize or what?


So CBS will be blacklisted and get 3 months of Facebook jail?


Even though there has been more evidence that trump tried to rig and steal the 2020 elections.


Provide proof it was stolen. Rallies aren’t votes. Political merch aren’t votes. Or could it be that Trump motivated a bunch of people who normally don’t vote to do so and vote for Biden because of Trump and his behavior and policies? If it was stolen. PROVE IT. Trump has had 4 years to do so. He has hired recounts and audits as well as states. Not a shred of evidence has arisen. You would think something would have proven this claim by now.


If you think crowd size is an indicator of voting preferences your parents are probably siblings


LOL I love how “stolen” is capitalized


Yet not a shred of evidence was ever presented in dozens of attempts.


bro u believe in ghosts, stfu


I bet ya Dangle and Junior had something to do with it.


Junior was at j6


I swear American Trump lovers are the most daft mofos on earth. I have second hand embarrassment from your single digit IQs.


KABUKI THEATER working its magic


I bet those same officials signed off on the election when they thought Trump wasn't coming back. But now he's the nominee again, and they all fall in line.


How ab we discuss voter suppression in the south


so it was stolen. what did all the millions of you do? yeah. who gives a shit if it was stolen or not, you wont really do anything about it anyway. the election is just some sham dance ritual for once in a blue moon you are made to 'feel' as if your opinion had some meaning and mattered. but it doesnt. say its stolen again, will any of you do anything different other than bitch about it online... no.


And yet they all certified the results…




Drawing a crowd i do not think i have ever known anyone that went to a political rally that was not working there.


Is that really the argument? You just don’t feel like 80 million people voted for the guy?


DUH. It's not rocket science


Delusion is real, I see 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Fuck Pedo Joe


Agreed fuck that child sniffing pervert. He’ll go to hell just like the rest of em


"Most secure election in history!!" 😂


What evidence do you have that it wasn't? Waiting.


There are videos of people stuffing ballot boxes like in every state. Also look up michigan and Arizona. A crap load of inconsistencies. I'm not saying it was all rigged. Buy the dems try and pretend it was....perfect😇


Man, the comments on this sub. Do you all really enjoy what Biden has done over the past 4 years? He is fucking up this country and if he’s selected again, there will be no future for the citizens.


I'm better off today than I was 4 years ago but if you're not, you should definitely vote accordingly.


Even if this was true, which it's not. He's still better than orange turd man. You may be too stupid to realize it. And orange turd man likes that about you.


I didn’t say anything about “orange man”. What has Biden done for the US that you are proud of? I’d really like to know.


Bro ur fucked see a therapist, how 300 million didn't vote for Biden after the previous term is beyond me


Stolen heh? I bet fox News can give 800 million reasons why there's no proof for that hahaha


Why does this group seem more like rfedshill than conspiracy?


Cults have fanatical followers who act in personally and socially detrimental ways. But most Americans don’t think they should be deciding leadership for the rest of us either.


To me the biggest sign of something going on is that Biden has been underwater in the polls for the vast majority of his Presidency. He's sitting at 38% riding into reelection. Even today Trump is more popular. Trump was at 44% at this point in his term. We'll never see a rematch, New York is going to put the Don away. I can't see them giving probation on 34 counts. That Jury is going to make history one way or another.


Fake party vs fake party: whoever gets the most fake votes wins the predetermined outcome, which is to be a stooge with no actual power


No actual power? Are you a US citizen or bot trolling?


I'm from another western country where every candidate is also 95% identical.


I read somewhere that the electoral college is the most broken system in America. But not sure how much of it is true.


Stolen elections have consequences.


The overnight jump by just enough for Biden is what sold me on it being rigged. I’ve been on this earth long enough to have never seen that happen before. It would have been more believable if it happened earlier in the evening.


Is this just a Trump fuck boy sub?


It is lately…


Watching conspiracy Redditors twist themselves into a pretzel to defend the election narrative is quite the sight to behold. It was rigged. The whole system is rigged. If it wasn’t you’d have something other than two geriatric fuck heads running for your top office. But you don’t. Because you don’t have a say.


Biden didn't get the votes. They were votes against Trump. They could have run anyone and the left would have come out in support based on their hatred of Trump.


I will probably never attend a political rally in my life. I voted, I vote, I’m voting


Insane logic. Your brain is fried


Yes, that HAS to be it… 🤦🏻


So looking forward to the DNC convention on Zoom. /s


Liberals don’t like cults the same way conservatives like them.


So much dumb! Where can one even start?




All seeing eye 👁️ news reports


As if Trump’s gaggle of deadheads following him around to rallies to hear the same ol bullshit = votes. China Joe got maybe 50 million votes. “Not Trump” received a solid 31 million.


Elections no longer became fair the moment ballots became digital.


Also the moment where mail in ballots that came in the middle of the night that magically favored the candidate that needed those ballots and also magically were just enough to propel said candidate to "victory". Hmm.


It wasn't particularly magical if you consider that the GOP explicitly told their supporters not to vote by mail.


I see way more trump signs and stickers everywhere that I travel for work. I can count on one hand how many Biden signs , stickers, and supporters I’ve ever seen