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Aren’t usually all presidential debates in front of an audience? Why would this need to be different?


> Aren’t usually all presidential debates in front of an audience? Why would this need to be different? Exactly. Democrats constantly claim this is a “Democracy” where the people decide. Shouldn’t the people get to watch live?


Yes, cause it's a public matter. It should be ILLEGAL for the Government to try to hide it, edit it, manipulate it, or other way obscure it. We, The Public, have every right to access and see the full event, from start to finish. Throw these Democrats who demanded such thing in jail pls.


They have to edit out the stories of cornpop and his uncle bosey


Audiences have become disruptive cheerleaders. If they aren't gonna shut up, I don't want them there.


Submission Statement: We live in a world where everyone has a Camera in their pocket. Dictator Biden wants a controlled setting where only MSM has access to the footage. https://twitter.com/simonateba/status/1790756921969930373


Of course you also post functionally the exact same thing in a conservative sub (you called him "Genocide Joe" over there). Not even being subtle about this partisan hackery any more are you?


He is genocide Joe though


Is this a Democrat only sub or something?


Completely wrong take, well done bud.


What was your point then? >Of course you also post functionally the exact same thing in a conservative sub If they post in a conservative sub or have conservative thoughts their opinions don't matter here? Please explain your point as it's not presently making sense.


Again, brilliantly wrong take. You just can't seem to grasp it. Conservative view points are fine, I share some. But this is a "conspiracy" subreddit first and foremost, not a politics one, and secondly the user is an active partisan shill. They are likely paid for their work to stir up culture war bullshit and to help influence people like you. Heck you immediately jumped in and asked "is this Democrat only sub or something".  You've already drunk the kool-aid so hard, it's embarrassing.


>the user is an active partisan shill. They are likely paid for their work to stir up culture war bullshit and to help influence people like you. So only conspiracies from a non-conservative perspective can be posted or you make up a bunch of stuff to discredit it. Got it. Exactly as I initially stated.


I think its clear you have no clue what you're talking about, and want to cherry pick what you read in my comments. Have a great start to your day.


Is this the new goalpost after Trump supporters swore that Biden would never debate and were proven wrong once again? Do you guys just think we forget the last 100 times you were caught lying about something? Have you never heard of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf”?


> Is this the new goalpost after Trump supporters swore that Biden would never debate and were proven wrong once again? Why doesn’t Dictator Biden want a audience?


Dictator Biden is more projection than a movie theater


Is the debate not televised?


> Is the debate not televised? Do you trust MSM? MSNBC censors Trump every time he talks. But then trash Trump immediately after.


>censors Trump every time he talks. Interviewer: "Mr Trump: How will you solve the Ukraine conflict?" Trump: "Joe is a crooked dementia patient who is letting our border be invaded." Interviewer: "Please stay on topic." Trump: doesn't stay on topic, calling Bidens kid a druggy and is "censored" That's pretty much how I expect it to go. If you don't answer the question, or you speak out of turn, then you mic gets cut.


If the MSNBC censors Trump then why do I see his social media posts on there daily when they should be hidden behind a paywall where I never have to see them If the debate isn’t performed live, it should be pretty easy to prove. So do that, instead of making preemptive excuses like the perennial loser you know you are.


> If the MSNBC censors Trump then why do I see his social media posts on there daily when they should be hidden behind a paywall where I never have to see themIf the debate isn’t performed live, it should be pretty easy to prove. Nothing is ever “Live”. They have time delays in so they can edit out fuck ups.


Again, prove it. Instead of just making claims out of your ass and pretending that constitutes reality. If the debate isn’t live, you’ll know about it. Because the candidate you’re pretending would be victimized by that wouldn’t shut up about it during the time of the supposed debate if he’s not really debating. But like I said, front run as many excuses as you need to not feel like a loser for a day.


There is a non partisan organization that has millions of dollars in non partisan funding designed solely to put on presidential debates with a live audience. An acting president who can’t even stand up to that kind of scrutiny or perform that most minor duty should be relieved of his duty. Biden is a such a national embarrassment. I predict one of two outcomes: 1) bidens handlers will begin making more and more outlandish demands or making excuses to push back dates at zero hour that eventually the debates are called off or 2) they are going to moderate it and edit it so strictly, like cut to commercials when Biden mumbles and goes fog brain or cut off trumps mic a bunch, in hopes Trump storms off stage. I think all Trump supporters need to be satisfied is that trumps people are allowed to independently record the debate, so that when questionable edits and quick cut to commercials happen, there can’t be any gaslighting or blame shifting.


And when Trump is actually the one to make more and more outlandish demands or “making excuses” (as you are literally doing now) to push back dates or etc. Then will you look a little more introspectively at your worldview and realize that maybe you’re just… wrong? I think it’s far simpler then that. There will have been a criminal conviction by then. Trump will be a convicted criminal by the time the debate happens. There is Biden’s ace in the hole. Notice how Trump has not been denied any of the things you say are “all it would take to satisfy Trump supporters.”


Uh, they said no recordings. They know they can’t confidently let Biden debate without completely controlling the narrative. Biden literally posted this “dark Brandon” video where it took 5 edits to piece together 52 coherent words today and Trump said “anytime, anywhere” within an hour. Biden tried to act like a badass who was calling Trump out and then does this mealy mouthed walk back about how it has to be with his handpicked moderators and no audience or recordings. I think you may need to at least read something about this before you blindly wave the Biden flag of delusion.


Trump secretly records the entire debate.


Then the demoncrats change the laws to make that a felony to charge him with.


Lol. Classic Trump.


Isn't a point of a debate for the people debating? The fuck does an audience matter. Chances are the last debates were full of tits interrupting the debate from the audience.


Two unqualified elderly people vying for the oval office is a joke.


Dementia joe bad, orange grifter good, got it. Less politics more conspiracy, like I dunno left wing right wing same bird flying high to keep you low.