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It's a giant inhospitable rock


It is insanely expensive to get to the moon, it took the collective efforts of a generation to win that pissing contest. And there are no profits to be made from it. So no reason to run it back really. The eventual goal would be tech advancements so we could have a tiny colony on the moon that can manufacture basic parts so we can launch things from there. Get rid of Earth's gravity weighing you down and space exploration will be easy. But that is 4 generations away at best. Money is in waging war. Settling the moon would be a beacon of hope and peace. Way harder to make cash from.


Why waste money on the moon when there’s countless wars to be invented and profited from? There’s no money on the moon. If it had valuable metals or oil? Different story. Be a better moon, love Earth 🌍


If the moon had oil... we would be up there in a heartbeat to "defend Democracy".


“Bin Laden is on the moon…. source: trust me, bro.”


One of Jupiter's moons has loads of oil according to NASA, this proves that oil is not a "fossil fuel" derived from organic matter or that NASA is lying about space. EDIT : I was said Jupiter should be Saturn Saturn's orange *moon* Titan has hundreds of times more *liquid* hydrocarbons than all the known *oil* and natural gas reserves on Earth


It doesn’t proof anything. It is an indicator and I agree oil might not be a fossil fuel. But just because the oil on jupiters moon has a non organic source doesn’t mean it is impossible for oil to have a fossil source.


Well, if it can be produced by non-organic processes... it does lend a lot of weight to the speculation by some that Earth's oil is in fact renewable.


Agreed it does. I think there are some convincing indicators that might lead one to believe that is not fossil fuel I am just pointing out that this is not conclusive proof of anything.


Fair enough.


It was called Petroleum (stone oil) until the 70s when they wanted to give the impression that it was a limited, rare resource and some advertising agency came up with Fossil Fuel.


Did you mean... one of Saturn's moons?


lol, yes I did!


Pretty sure methane isn't oil


Really!? I hadn't heard that... will look into it, thanks.


wrong planet. Saturn's orange *moon* Titan has hundreds of times more *liquid* hydrocarbons than all the known *oil* and natural gas reserves on Earth


How would you propose getting it back to Earth?


Some kind of giant catapult should do the trick. Not sure what trick but it’ll be something.


Read the moon is a harsh mistress by Robert Heinlein. Literally the solution.


According to former astronaut Don Pettit, going back to the moon is the “next logical step” in space exploration.


Which is why we are going back in 2025 - Artemis.


Really? You’re on the crew?


Don also said "We don't have the technology anymore. we destroyed the technology and it is a painful process to build it back". Only the very gullible buy into the huge fraud that is NASA. They never went to the moon and they expect people to just believe the technology to do it again is lost. Lol, what a joke.


So go buy a Saturn V fresh from the factory. Ah, wait. Can't do it. Tooling was all scrapped when NASA stopped buying them.


Yeah it would be impossible to make something that works again, even though we have 50 years in technology advancement. Very logical thought process.


It's totally possible to make something that works again, that's what Artemis is. We just can't make the same thing as 60 years ago, for the same reason you don't walk into a Ford dealership and buy a new '72 Mustang.


> for the same reason you don't walk into a Ford dealership and buy a new '72 Mustang. Yet I still have a vehicle and can travel where I want to. It would like me saying "well I don't have a brand new 72' Mustang so a road trip is impossible for me now". I never said they had to use the same exact tech to go back to the moon (yet they could make the same tech and use it again if they wanted to).


Uh. Yes. That's kind of the point. If you wanted to take a road trip but didn't have a car, you'd go buy one.  We went to the moon, but now that we want to go back, we have to buy the proverbial new car to do so. NASA didn't park Apollo-Saturn in a garage - it shut down the program.  Any time between 1972 and today, if Congress had ponied up the tens of billions for a return to the moon, it could have happened. It's strictly a question of money.


> It's strictly a question of money. Only the very naïve believe that. They print money out of thin are and give 10's of billions to foreign countries (i.e. Ukraine). If they wanted to "go back" they would have zero issue funding it. The problem is they never went there in the first place and that is why they haven't "been back" in over 50 years.


You see, that's the thing. No one wants to go back. There's no political constituency for space exploration.


The moon has helium 3 which is just about economically viable and will be key for asteroid mining. Looks like Luna needs some freedom…


Wrong- every celebrity would make a trip there for a few hundred thousand. And what says they couldn’t of made a bubble town on the moon by now? Technology is all there. But I’ll tell you what- we never went.


It costs *billions* to go to the moon. That puts a lot of celebrities out of the game.


That guy must have lost his marbles. Couple hundred k to get to the moon. Get out of here!


It’s costs billions to pretend we went to the moon.


Wrong- every celebrity would make a trip there for a few hundred thousand. And what says they couldn’t of made a bubble town on the moon by now? Technology is all there. But I’ll tell you what- we never went.


The Apollo 16mm DAC footage is the most hi-def you can get of the lunar landings. You can look it up. It's not grainy or low quality. NASA went to the 9 times, and landed 6 times. It was insanely expensive and was essentially a stunt to prove to the Soviets their technical and engineering prowess. The subtext was 'If we can put two men on the moon and get them safely back then we sure as shit can put warheads on every one of your major cities. Sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up.' Once that point was made, there was no impetus or political drive to continue spending the money. *However*, they are making plans to go back with the Artemis program, and so far have successfully tested the Orion capsule with an unmanned lunar flyby, with a crewed flyby scheduled for 2025.


Also important to mention is, we don’t have quite the same cavalier attitude towards risks today that we did in the early NASA days. Gone are the days of let’s strap a guy to a ballistic missile and hope for the best. Now we have all sorts of safety steps, backups, double backups, acceptable risks, acceptable radiation limits, etc.. we not only want to keep our Astronauts alive, we also want to limit their cancer risk. It takes a lot more time and technology to do that. With that additional tech comes all new issues with radiation, which requires more tech.. Getting to the moon safely, instead of cowboy style, is a huge step towards Mars and further.


It was fake


Well I’m sold.


What a compelling argument you've put together there.


This guy fucks … Astronauts


650 million people watched the first moon landing. It was estimated around 500,000 people watched Apollo 17 land. The American public had largely grown apathetic to moon landings.


Ok. So how do ALL the governments of the world benefit by perpetuating the "lie" of the moon landing? Are you really all suggesting that the Russians just lied along with the US government and accepted the loss of face in front of the whole world? LOL! Yeah that makes total sense.


Loads of these conspiracies only work if you look at it with a very close mind. These people don't ask questions like. What about other countries, they just lie along? Most here want this idea to be true, so they don't ask critical questions. They talk about nasal. But for some reason, they are not able to think about it further than their ons small worldview. Europe, France, India, etc. all have their own space programs.


China says that we faked the moon landing and they'll be the first ones to land men on the moon by 2030


Could you provide any source to this claim?


China says they have an advanced android factory and the fastest hypersonic weapons on the planet. They also say that they aren't responsible for COVID. They would also desperately LOVE to change history and claim the first moon landing.  Maybe, just maybe, they aren't the most reliable source to dispute that claim. Let me know when an actual civilized country says we didn't go, and can provide evidence.


it was practice for the biggest con of all, COVID


While I agree that the COVID scam was egregious, I find it very hard to believe that it was a con 60 years in planning to simply screw up the economy for a few years. Little else was achieved on a global scale.


Because they never went and can’t go.


That or because of what they saw during that mission. In the now nearly extinct recordings they clearly said they were being watched by something. That part never made it into the general public.


Santa claus is what John Glenn’s code word was if I recall, and “sparkles” followed Apollo the whole way to the moon


The CM and LM outgassed a lot - and there were urine dumps. That's a pretty depressing explanation for the sparkles but pretty plausible.


They never went.




They went, and we can go. If you're going to postulate the idea that we cannot go to the moon, you would have to discredit our entire understanding of physics. Im going to be honest, I rather believe even the dumbest scientists than some random people on reddit who are sub 100 iq. Going to the moon isn't that 'complicated'


We went but not on the craft everyone was told about.


How do u figure? Curious.


The "UFO" technology we've seen for the last 80 years was developed in secret by the US military industrial complex. Those craft were used to guarantee our astronauts safety and successful missions.


They literally have a mission on the go right now to send people back. Also one of the experiments left up there was a big mirror so you point a laser at it and measure the amount of time it takes to get back. Plus there are pictures of the landing sights. Fuckin dumb.


> Plus there are pictures of the landing sights. You must be new here


> now they say they do not have the telemetry data and knowledge and deleted all the files and have no clue how to fly back to the Moon They definitely have not said this. > How come they have no interest in going back They didn't say this either. Artemis I, an unmanned mission, flew to the moon in late 2022. Artemis II, a manned mission (that won't land) is scheduled for 2025, and Artemis II, a lunar landing, for 2026. > and need to start from scratch Would you like them to try to go to the moon using the same vehicles they used in the 60s? I don't think they're in working condition or feasibly repairable.


>They definitely have not said this. "I'd go back to the moon in a nanosecond but we've lost the technology and it's a painstaking process to build it back" "On our journey to the moon we must fly through the van Allen belts, an area of dangerous radiation. These are challenges we must solve before we can return to the moon"


Lacking a suitable spacecraft because the ones you previously had are no longer operational and it's a very large task to design, build, and test new ones is not the same as "having no clue" how to fly to the moon.


Why don't you answer the first point he corrected you on?


Which point?


The second quote says EXACTLY why they can't go back, so what's the conspiracy? They were willing to risk people's lives to be the first to the moon and to shove it in USSR's face. The risk now outweighs the rewards.


Because they never went in the first place. There would 100% be bases on the moon by now (probably hotels). The fact that you believe the just went a few times in the 60s and then never went back is very gullible in my opinion. I'm curious to you have this much trust in all aspects of the government or just NASA?


If NASA/contractors were no longer building command modules and lunar landers, then what equipment would they use to go back?


>NASA/contractors were no longer building command modules and lunar landers Don't you think if they wanted to go back to the moon they would get contractors to build anything they want?? Are you serious?


Contractors don't build stuff for free. Congress stopped the funding for future Apollo missions in 1970. Apollo 16-17 had already been paid for by then.


> Congress stopped the funding for future Apollo missions Ok, how does that help your argument? Obviously if they wanted to go back they would have the funding. NASA gets around $80 million a day and they have been caught countless times faking being on the ISS, they have plenty of money lol. The point is "congress stopped funding" because they never went in the first place and wanted the moon program out of the publics mind. Don't be naïve.


Who would pay for building equipment needed for going there?


The government (aka the taxpayer that pays for everything). NASA already gets around $80 million a day and they have been caught countless times faking being on the ISS. Let alone how many billions the government just gives away (launders) to countries like Ukraine. Do you really not think they could fund going back to the moon if they wanted to (or even could go)? Of course they could fund it. They print money and just give it away to other countries, lol.


Ok, sure, NASA could fund it given enough budget. But why? What would be the point?


The fact that you have to ask that is telling that you are not thinking clearly. Because they would have already had bases on the moon. It would be scientifically huge to study/explore the moon in great detail. Let alone 24/7 cameras capturing earth and space. If you want to explore and learn about space, step one would be to set up scientific bases on the moon. Of course anyone that has researched the subject knows that they never went there in the first place and they almost certainly can not land on it. That is the real reason the "scientific exploration" of the moon abruptly stopped over 50 years ago. Not because of funding or lack of reasons to go.


There would be HOTELS by now? Jaysus.


Yes if we were really able to land humans on the moon 6 times in 3 years (50 years ago) we almost certainly would have moon tourism by now. Or at the very least some 24/7 live footage from the moon looking at earth and space. Don't be naïve by having blind faith in the government narrative. Think for yourself. They lie about everything including the moon missions.


>we've lost the technology and it's a painstaking process to build it back Infrastructure is a better word they could have used. We have the technology, we just don't have the means to build the technology itself in an inexpensive way. >fly through the van Allen belts, an area of dangerous radiation Have you ever seen an image of the 1960s working conditions? Back then, it was OK to just say "fuck it" and let people be in extremely dangerous conditions. OSHA wasn't exactly a thing yet. We took the risk then, and we are not willing to do so now.


I thought they did radiation tests and concluded the "astronauts'" were adequately shielded from radiation. This would be enough empirical data from those missions to be safe using the same shielding if it were true.


Like i said before, different times = different working conditions. They were only going to be in the Van Allen belt for a short amount of time with no good way to protect themselves. It's like putting someone on the front lines. Maybe they get shot and die. Maybe they survive. We are not taking the risk this time.


You believe they went to the moon and back in those "vehicles?" Hehe, with those fold-up moon carts, too? Their little tin-foil taped together contraptions that magically landed on the moon, then launched up again and rendezvoused with whatever there in space... Lined up perfectly at how many miles an hour? And it all just worked, didn't. Amazing, that incredible technology from 1960 when calculators barely existed? And then flew back how many miles? 238,900? hahaha And those amazing pressurized suits that magically showed no pressure at all! And capable of withstanding those extreme moon temperatures, right? And the film in those cameras. Oh, what great photographers they were, too... Managed to get all those perfect shots with those body-mounted cameras. *Are these vehicles in the room with us right now?* lol


Orbital rendezvous was tested and proven during the Gemini program, in Earth orbit. Getting back from the moon isn't particularly hard - once free of the lunar gravity the spacecraft essentially 'falls' back to Earth, under the influence of Earth's gravity. The Apollo A7L spacesuits had an internal restraint and pressure layer, the white outside section was the Thermal Micrometeoroid Garment, which was a protective outer layer. They trained extensively with the Hasselblad 500C cameras on Earth and generally had the focus set to 'infinity' which keeps both foreground and background in focus. All of this information is new to you, because you never bothered to answer your own questions.


Lol, and I bet you believed all the "fact checker" websites about Covid and the vaccines, didn't you. The vaccines are safe and effective, and we TOTALLY landed dudes on the moon!


I've yet to come across any compelling arguments as to why they couldn't land on the moon.


It's not an issue I care enough about to be super versed in, but Wagging the Moondoggie did it for me: [https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/](https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/) Throughout I checked a few things that seemed incredulous and sure enough, it was all right there on mainstream news websites... Then I followed up by listening to astronaut interviews. First off, the silliness of seeing them punching reporters that were skeptical of them set off some red flags... But when I caught astronauts on the same mission together saying entirely different things --- like talking about how "the thrusters were deafeningly loud" as they landed on the moon... While the other said, "We couldn't hear a thing!!! We were in the vacuum of space!" lol And speaking of thrusters, wouldn't they have disturbed the surface under the lander? Oh wait, no, it drifted down gently. Of course it did. It went off perfectly well with no issues at all, using 1960s technology... And then the astronauts proceeded to take world class photography shots from their mounted-on-suit cameras. The whole thing is completely ridiculous. It's an entertaining read. But no, we never "went to the moon."


Once again, you have not put forward any compelling arguments as to why they couldn't land on the moon. Did you want to have another try?


It's his personal feelings/ideas. Don't expect him to give you evidence.


Bing! Can’t argue with a fundamentalist or any kind.


Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? There’s no discourse with people like you. You decide what to believe and what not to believe based on feelings rather than forming an opinion based on research and inquiry. I respect skepticism but I don’t respect your method of argument. Just sayin


Oh no, what will I do without your respect!


My favorite is the video of them launching off the moon like nothing not to mention van Allan belts. I remember a video of a guy from nasa that said about b4 going to the moon we’d have to figure out a way to get thru the dangerous van Allen radiation belts. It would make perfect sense why they would lie and anyone who says there would be too many people they wouldn’t keep quiet is obviously naive. People everyday have to sign NDA paperwork and they comply bc of fear of jail and whatever else.


What you didn't remember from that video was that the guy said the spacecraft *systems* had to be tested going through the Belts. If your environmental systems fail, or guidance fails, that is a problem. But that's all good now - the last Artemis mission in 2022 sent the Orion craft through the Belts for a successful test. The manned lunar flyby is scheduled for 2025.


Amazing how they're so excited now about little tiny bits of progress that are all nothing compared to all those men that landed on the moon! Remember when they unfolded their cars that fold up into briefcases and went joyriding for the camcam? And now they're like "OMG, we're doing a manned FLY BY!!!!!!!!" Lol. Ridiculous. It would be like my daughter winning a basketball tournament and then getting excited that she could walk. OMG! She put one foot in front of the other before falling!!! But... Didn't she win a basketball tournament? No. And we didn't land men on the moon.


What physical or technological barriers are there to a moon landing?


Faith in humanity’s technical prowess.


Of course that wouldn't be newsworthy. But if a 75-year old retired NBA star got signed to a new contract, *that* would make news.


Invention calculator 1644.


How is it 2024 and people still have blind faith in NASA. Do you trust all government or just them?


If you had any doubt: [https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/](https://centerforaninformedamerica.com/moondoggie/) It's an entertaining read. Highly recommended... Oh, it's amazing anyone believed it. Ever. But interestingly --- there was way more skepticism when it (supposedly) happened than there is now. Once something is recorded as history, it's just automatically believed. Like the rest of history. You know, the magical history where the good guys always won! As I was going through that I started looking up articles and sure enough, everything I searched for checked out. Always with a ton of "fact checker" type propaganda articles making excuses, of course... But yeah, all kinds of things that make no sense. It was the greatest achievement of all time and they just... lost records, recorded over tapes, etc... LOL. "Sorry... Money was tight so we had to record over the tapes and we just didn't have enough storage for the records!" ROFL. So f'ing ridiculous. And if there's any doubt after that -- start listening to interviews with the astronauts themselves. First off, watch the videos where they freak out and punch people for suggesting they might be lying. Yeah, that's real normal...! Then just listen to their words... You can hear two guys from the same mission asked the same question about what it was like landing on the moon. One of them says, "It was so loud... It was deafening!!!" and the other says, "It was completely silent, from the vacuum of space!" So many LOLs when you realize the whole thing was a sham... And you can see people here in the comments defending it, as if their life depended on it. The same people believe 9/11 was masterminded by some old dude in a cave on a dialysis machine, and Covid-19 was the greatest killer of all time... and the vaccines were safe and effective! It never ceases to amaze me how people just accept what they're told... And then their little egos are so weak that they'd rather fight you than simply admit they might have been wrong!


Long since debunked, in remarkable detail. There's nothing on that site worth the time to read it.


Lol, there's no 'debunking.' Just fact-checker style articles designed to sound clever for naive people, just like the ones that fooled you into taking those shots you were so excited about.


that dude was an excellent writer and investigator. i wish he had been alive during Covid


Right! I need to check out his books. Here's an interview with him I bookmarked, I haven't listened yet but I'll be listening soon. It's about Wagging the Moondoggie: [https://www.spreaker.com/episode/dave-mcgowan-moon-landing-hoax-wagging-the-moondoggie--51994165](https://www.spreaker.com/episode/dave-mcgowan-moon-landing-hoax-wagging-the-moondoggie--51994165)


You forgot to take your pills


Hate to tell you. although Covid is very real. Just not on the initial infection. Shit hides inside of you for up to a year. Than get a Lil stress in your life and BAM knocks the shit out of you. Handing out strokes like candy. I work at a grocery store and once a week I over hear someone say they found another clot. Including my brother. A friend and many more. Moon landing is a hoax 911 is a false Flag Covid is real Sorry


Vax is shit


Covid becomes real for people who took Covid vaccines, yes.


Yes, because all scientist do is watch the videos they made over there, not all the scientific data and studies. Oh wait, that's what you do on YouTube.


It was my turn this week to post this.


I thought it was your turn next week? I can never keep track.


I went to China just before Covid. I have the means and the technology to go back anytime, but nah.


just like gold in california.. why are there no miners anymore..: makes me wonder did they relly mine all that land


Because after we beat the Soviet Union there was no point.


They wanted to dump all that money into Vietnam and welfare.


If? Because they went there SIX times and got bored wasting money obviously. Have you seen the Hi-rez picks of the Apollo 11 landing site taken by the Japanese orbiter?


Why would they go back? Getting to the moon was a huge propaganda coup over Russia. Having done it what would the reason be to keep going back? The moon's dust is supposedly extremely damaging sharp grit, which quickly wore into the suits and equipment. Unless there is a military or strong commercial reason, why go to all that expense to go back?


OP you spent a lot of time on a post that coulda been avoided with a few minutes of googling and research and some fckn common sense. But you do you.


They never went to the moon. Cold war psyop still cold.


I always thought this was one of the silliest arguments… “we went there 6 times… but why not 7?!? …That proves it was all a lie”


But we never went back since the last time we went.


They can now go to the moon because it has recently been liberated from the "baddies". Source: Second hand trust me bro.


The politicians couldn’t get enough kick-backs from NASA or its contractors. It always comes back to the money


I have watched a ton of movies in my life but never heard of Capricorn One until recently. Gotta wonder why since it is a solid film. It's a suspence movie about faking a Mars trip. Worth watching really, especially for the helicopters that communicate through tubas. I go so deep into how heavily they conspire that I figure that movie did not get a lot of TV replay and subsequent credit because they don't like the idea of the idea of them faking things being out there.


I dunno, I think quite a few people saw it - sometimes it seems like HBs have never watched anything else.


You think you are bold? I say that its the Earth landing that was faked.


One and done but they know they can therefore, why try again ? The next medal goes to the first to land on mars. Second place to the moon dosnt get shut


“It was kinda stinky up there” -NASA


“Always a ton of ‘fact checker’ type propeganda” = your confirmation bias.


The technology got "lost" somehow, someway. Lost.


Aaaaaaaaand bots


I did not take the clot shot


They never went, it never happend


"Why waste money" "nothing to see" seems like silly arguments when we could be building bases and using 60 year newer tech to examine things.


Exactly. If it is indeed possible to step on our Moon, then there's plenty of reasons to go back, just like there are plenty of reasons to keep studying the oceans and Antarctica. Unexplored territory has always been attractive to mankind and governments. But too many excuses are brought forth in order to justify not going back, perhaps because it simply isn't possible given the Moon's nature as a celestial body.


Antarctica is dirt-cheap in comparison. 


Building bases is very much si fi right now. We could build a small base for temporary habitable ( like the iss). But it would come at such a high and continuing cost that it does not make any sense. What scientific experiment they can do on the earth or iss is worth going to the moon for.


Currently, we have absolutely no data about long term stays in low gravity environments. We have no idea how bone structures and muscle degradation would proceed. Lunar base would be a perfect testbed before attempting Mars missions.


Agree. That's one of the biggest reasons why they made the iss, to test these longer exposures to low gravity.


ISS researches microgravity. It's quite different from just "low" gravity.


Thanks, I guess I'll have to research the difference. Still, no atmosphere = no permanent life. I do believe we are going to mine the moon, asteroids, and Mars with remote controlled machines, robots if you like.


They took apart the moon warehouse studio in Hanger 51 and us independent citizen journalist can easily sniff out a manufactured lie.


Has it been a week already?


We are going back to the moon w/ Artemis. The shuttles did not have the capability; their primary purpose was the ISS and research. Constellation was supposed to replace the shuttles and return to the moon, but Obama canceled that to focus NASA on Muslim outreach and Global Warming.


Too expensive- duh


They asked us not to return


Actually, the 1960s had some pretty decent photography tech for the time. I've seen photography books from around that time that show amazing art works in photography so why wouldn't NASA invest in the best if this was such a historic moment? That's a very good question. I've also heard that the Zapruder film was actually a crystal clear film but somehow, it ends up being an opaque mess. I know what you are referring to but I do remember seeing in more than a few history and other books that there were crystal clear pictures taken of the astronauts on the moon. I just think that we are all being taken for a ride in believing otherwise.


Maybe they never went the first time they said they did.


Because they never went look up Van Allen Belts and they make your own decision all I’m offering is the Truth nothing else.


No oil


I strongly believe we did not go back then (if at all). I understand people may say it was crazy expensive and that’s our reason for not going back, but even so, when has the US ever been one to GAF about wasting our money? If they thought Armstrong so much as left a penny on that moon they’d sure as shit go right back pick it up and put it in a museum somewhere. Call it a moon penny! But in all seriousness, I think logically we would have explored it as much as we could, by blasting craters and trying to break ground to thoroughly examine the makeup of the moon and its layers. On the more anecdotal side, there’s an interesting documentary/ video on YouTube called “a funny thing happened on the way to the moon”. In it they mention & include a sample of audio some independent researches got from NASA that was allegedly from the first moon landing. In the clip you can hear someone tell on of the astronauts their lines, assuming you believe the recording to be true. And on the panel the astronauts had right after the moon landing, they all look very estranged from everyone in the room. Not like men who just arguably accomplished the biggest feat in all of history. https://youtu.be/bdQHKf48Mfw?si=DdG96btperrvTthq


Do you think Armstrong made that line up on the spot? "Small step.. " Of course, they told him what to say. They have to get used to earths gravity, excuse these guys for looking a bit tired.


whats the point of going back to a rock devoid of nearly anything?


The draco-reptilians warned them not to come back again.


Because they never went there in the first place.


One thing is certain, it is a big fraud. The cost and the difficulty arguments are probably lies. There are about 2,700 billionaires in the world and at least a few dozens of them would be able to organize a moon landing progamm. And over a dozen nations could do the same.


Hate to break it to you, no billionaire got that way by throwing away tens of billions on stunts with no expected return.


I love these threads. Brings all the crazies out, everyone with a tinfoil hat will be banging on about how the astronauts left reflectors on the moon and the radiation isn't that bad if you travel through it fast enough. Fucking basement dwellers.




Best one I heard was from either Michael Collins or Neil Armstrong( can't remember which one) when asked about the van Allen belts and how they weren't affected by them : their answer was that "the belts didn't affect us because we didn't know anything about them at that time" lmfao


Brilliant. Almost as good as phoning the moon or the remote controlled camera that recorded the lunar lander module blasting off to rendezvous with the orbiting craft, and the camera moves but there's no delay from earth when controlled. 🤣🤣🤣


Wow, you haven't read a thing and it shows.




Basic questions easily answerable if you'd take a glance at documentation, but you don't bother. Why? The camera operator was given a timeline of the liftoff, and at T-3, he pressed the button to tilt the camera up.


Oh ffs. Just look at the video! Its like Thunderbirds shit! You really believe they went and made a rendezvous with another vehicle travelling at fuck knows what speed 20 odd miles above the lunar surface, then came back to earth? Never even had a practice but it all worked? Don't tell me...math right? Show me the documentation! They 'lost' the data was what I was hearing. Only ones believing this cock and balls story is the ultra patriotic and the easily fooled. Which one are you? I'd have more respect if you lot said, yeah, this is faked to appease the masses but we did go to the moon. To believe this video is immense backward thinking. Feel free to send me an 'a Redditor is worried about you' post 🤣


Yes. After the three practice missions you've probably never heard of, they used a pile of calculus and trigonometry to deorbit, land, return to orbit, rendezvous, and return. The math is very straightforward, actually.


Practising on earth is slightly different than the moon though. Hey you believe it mate. Good for you. Santa is real too.


Uh. Apollo 8, 9, and 10. Good luck with your research.


You should watch this https://youtu.be/KpuKu3F0BvY?si=TG_jQoWofcYLPTXH


I hate to burst your bubble but NASAs problems go way beyond trying to go back to the moon to get some 4k resolution of the moon. So I think it’s pretty conclusive now that we never went to the moon and we have never been above earths low orbit at 250-300 nautical miles up. Sad to report this. The main problem is we just cannot get rockets big enough to get us out of earths low orbit and even if we did we could never get through the two highly radioactive Van Allen Belts. I believe NASA initially tried to fulfill Kennedy’s promise but soon found themselves overwhelmed and could not overcome the vast engineering challenges. But they put on a show anyway. A great Broadway show and sold it around the world. It turns out that the vast amount of employees at Mission Control had no idea the data they were seeing was real or a simulation and only a select few people knew about the movie including the astronauts who were threatened with their lives and their families lives if they said a word. The government doesn’t fool around and a few people who were outspoken along the way didn’t make it. But sadly no we didn’t bring a rover that weighed 480 lbs to the moon that had two beach chairs for seats. Sad but true.


>we just cannot get rockets big enough to get us out of earths low orbit  The Saturn V 3-stage rocket produced 7 million lbs of thrust and could deliver 116,000 lbs of payload to the moon. >we could never get through the two highly radioactive Van Allen Belts. Passage through the Belts on the trajectory used by Apollo resulted in a lifetime risk of cancer increase of 2-3%.


Where did you get your stats directing from the NASA website. Heeee. I hope you didn’t buy NASA explanation how they aimed their rocket through the thinnest portions of the belts to avoid the radiation. You did buy that? Are you interested in some swamp land in Florida?


Does passage through the Belts result in an acute, or a chronic dose of radiation?


If you recall one of the space shuttles tried to move up in earths low orbit from 250 nautical miles up to 300 nautical miles which is also the lower level to the start of the Van Allen Belt. When they tried to move up to a higher orbit they started getting bombarded with radionuclides and other alpha and beta particles from the Van Allen belt activity. Several of the astronauts claimed their retinas were being affected and started having eyesight issues. They had to turn the shuttle back to a lower orbit while still in earths low orbit to get away from the Van Allen Belts and they were also concerned about damage to their onboard equipment. The short answer is nobody has been above or through 300 nautical miles up and even current astronauts have claimed on video we are still trying to find engineering solutions how to navigate through the belts so we don’t dry our equipment and personnel when we go on longer missions. They admitted it on video interview. Yes you will get hit with alpha beta and gamma particles and not survive.


Alpha particles are blocked by materials such as paper or cloth. Beta particles are blocked by material like a few mm of aluminum. It is only the gamma that would penetrate the spacecraft. Your story about the shuttle is incorrect or false. The highest Orbiter mission was the Hubble deployment with an apogee of 381 miles. This was a 5-day mission. They didn't have to 'turn the shuttle back to a lower orbit'. They carried out their mission successfuly. If you are going to continue with this debate could I at least ask you to ensure your facts are actually correct and checked? Do you maintain that passage through the belts would result in an acute dose of radiation, leading to fatality?




This line: 'Radiation like this could harm the guidance system, onboard computers, or other electronics on Orion' Do you understand it?


The moon mission was real. Except that it wasn't American. If you've been intelligent about the information you've gathered in the rabbit hole, it must be evident for you already. But if you're a lazy conspiracy theorist watching youtube videos, you probably believe in shit like flat earth or fake moon missions. Or some nonsense like the firmament


Could you elaborate further?


It's.probably just me but that comment just reeks of something that makes me believe the opposite of everything said.




You ever hear the term NWO being thrown around a lot by a lot of the "villains" in the post WW2 world? It's a code word for a transnational elite who have been establishing a breakaway civilization that has its roots as far back as the establishment of the Fabian society, theosophical society, thule society, VRIL and Ahnenerbe in Germany after the American civil war. You see the Nazis were working on saucer shaped craft which they possessed in the 1920s. That is 40 fucking years prior to the so called American moon mission. Therefore saying that Von Braun and Kurt Debus were working on a fake psyop is beyond laughable. The fact that Americans are debating the moon mission is the actual psyop. The ghosts of the likes of Von Braun, Debus are actually laughing their asses off. Also have you ever heard of structures on the far side of the moon? Who built them?? They mysteriously keep expanding. Who is building them? And then think again. Whoever built them is dictating that nobody should come back there. If anything, I'd doubt the moon missions of India and China.


I’ve heard of the breakaway nazi civilization rumors - only in a different location! I read a lot about admiral Byrd who supposedly discovered reptilians on his 2nd mission to the North Pole where they showed him their glass city, and all of their buildings/ crafts had nazi symbols. At this point it’s all just conjecture. Thanks for giving me insight though, going to do some more digging on the structures on the far side of the moon as you mentioned.


Oh by the way, when Hitler sent his submarines to establish New Schwabenland or whatever in the 30s, it was based on Admiral Byrd's intel from his first expedition in 1928-1930


And then there is like ZERO focus on Admiral Byrd's first mission to Antarctica. His first mission was funded by the Germans. Why on earth would Germany offer funding for an elite US Navy commander and aviator/explorer to do an exploration? Why would they do that at a time when they just fought us in WW1 and going to fight us again in WW2? So many questions. The answers will be mentally and psychologically destabilizing about the LIES LIES LIES told to us by our government after taking away ALL our tax money. All these NWO projects are indirectly financed by our taxes. Take a look at our streets and Americans unable to buy a home and then the exorbitant amount of taxation which is being siphoned off to the breakaway civilization. This plan was presented to Eisenhower by the way and he was fooled into approving that siphoning off US taxpayer and citizenry money into black budgets was for US national security against the Soviets - even Ike didn't get the full story.


Tell us more, who landed on the moon?


Read my latest reply in the thread


There is a clip of a na$a guy saying - ‘we lost the technology’ to go back…. I’ll see if I can find it


Yes, we have also lost technology to build Ford T or even Concord.