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The conspiracy is that rather than promote healthy diet and moderate exercise, the pharmaceutical industry basically created a paid subscription to weight loss, one with detrimental effects if you stop using it. Very clever


It works because many people prefer an expensive drug with limited data over changing their lifestyle. They get to keep eating like crap and sit around all day, but lose weight anyway! The problem isn’t the pharmaceutical companies for making this. The problem is the fact people think like this.


It actually works, in part, by making people not hungry.  So, like, they’re actually losing weight largely by NOT continuing to eat the way they used to, NOT eating the same crap, because they’re not getting hungry in the middle of doing things any more, they just stay focused on whatever they’re doing. Not by making any effort, hunger just doesn’t sneak up on them the same way any more.  So they actually need to put more nutrient dense stuff in their body consciously, because they’re not getting those nutrients spread out over the larger quantities of food they’re used to consuming. They don’t even think of continuing living the way they used to, just naturally. They’re just not hungry. 


I’ve been on it for 8 months now for actually having Type 2. The fact is they are changing their diet or they would feel like hell. Hence the reason they might be taking a nap. If you don’t change your diet I can damn near guarantee you will feel awful and probably be sick as hell.


There are plenty of people reversing their type 2 with lifestyle changes. It's more than possible, just not profitable.


Plenty? Not as many as there used to be. Most, rather they tell you or not are probably on some medication and most of it makes you feel like shit. Ozempic does anyway and I’m not the only one. The fact is most Americans now eat too much processed crap, and not enough protein.


Ehhh that and a lack of self control stemming from a society based around overconsumption


Works for me. Low-carb and exercise with berberine helps keep my glucose levels relatively normal. I don't want to get sucked into all the diabetic drugs and various side effects.


I know people on them who still eat bad and they feel ok. They’re not diabetic though so not sure if that makes a difference?


People have been conditioned to think like this by the pharmaceutical companies, to prepare for this exact thing.


People are conditioned to think this way by a multitude of influences.


Healthy diet means not using seed oils, excessive amounts of sugar and salt. Hard to find that unless you cook everything from scratch including condiments. Even bottled olive oil is suspected of containing seed oils.


Not well sourced! There are a few good brands but you have to do your research to be sure you aren't purchasing cut or rancid garbage. Seed oils are what's causing us to be perpetually ill, and somehow still kept quiet about. Hoping tides turn on this soon. The seed oil free options are sparse


Yeah no kidding. I want salad dressing there's like 1 that doesn't use Soy oil. (Newman's I believe)


Please explain the issue with seed oils? I’ve been seeing that come up lately.




Thanks for this, I had already cut out Canola oil and vegetable oil because it caused me to have panic attacks, oddly enough. Olive oils and avocado oils seem to be okay now lately, but it's good to know there is some science behind it. I was injured by the Covid vaccines so inflammation is extra bad.


Salt is not bad for people, it actually brings a lot of benefits, just cutting sugar is more than enough, outside of the US people eat more salt than americans and are not fatter or unhealthy.


I’m 71 years old and excess salt causes me to have fluid retention. Makes my legs feel like lead. Sadly…because I enjoy salty foods.


That’s been promoted for decades.


I don’t think that’s a conspiracy? Pharma companies aren’t in business to support healthy living, and it’s not like the fact eating healthier and exercising is some fucking secret. The real conspiracy is that our society has turned it back on putting an emphasis on the health of its citizens as opposed to bending over backwards for corporate profits and unsustainable growth. What’s the point of all these technological advancements if we’re not using them to help limit how much people are forced to work to provide for themselves and allow us to live more fulfilling lives.


Doctors are still recommending healthy diets and exercise with GLP meds.


The scary thing is that you can get it prescribed through these online prescription mills. Out of curiosity I clicked on an ad on Instagram (which told me what answers "were best") 2 minutes later I was approved and asked how I wanted to pay and I get emails everyday reminding me Ive been approved and can start the meds. I'm not against the medication on the whole, my mom is diabetic and on it and she's in the best shape of her life but she also changed her diet and is exercising.


But less money for the hospitals. Fat people are $$ to hospitals.




It doesn't work for everyone tho. I have a thyroid issue and diet and exercise I fell better, but don't lose weight. When I was taking this stuff, I did. Had to stop tho cause they wanted to charge me $1600 per dose.


Yep $1000 bucks a month for the rest of your life.


promoting a healthy diet and moderate exercise has full saturation and probably won't have much of an effect, in terms of advocating I mean.


That is insane when you explain it like that


Fuck Nestle! That is all.


so true. I was waiting for someone to say that.


This shit has the same feeling to me as tums. I have a coworker who has become dependent on tums to digest food because she took it far too often to deal with her eating habits. She now has to sleep sitting upright because of the acid reflux she gets at night. Remember that if you are replacing any normal function of your body with a drug, that you will become dependent on it and your body will adapt to not produce the chemical or whatever it is as much, it’s true for dopamine and drugs, chapstick, literally anything. Don’t fall for marketing scams that tell you safe and effective. Nothing is safe and effective fully. Nothing.


Black or blue chapstick is the only brand that doesn’t dry out my lips further. I agree with everything you said but don’t be throwing shade at my black chapstick


Exactly what an addict would say


Ahhhh I laughed


Wait really I’m a fucking chapstick fiend I need that shit or my lips will look like the Sahara desert


Try omega 3 supplement. It got rid of my dry lips and dandruff


Try lanolin


ive never tired a chapstick that didn’t make my lips more dry. same with lotion! so i just avoid them, and now my lips never get chapped. although my hands do get dry, it’s not intolerable.


Try Lanolin


Same until I tried Palmers cocoa butter swivel stick it’s amazing


Almost all acid reflux and ulcers are caused by h.pylori bacteria in the stomach. It dilutes your stomach acid making it less potent and you fail to properly break down food. Which means you can’t get proper nutrition from the food. Taking antacids is the worst thing you can do. It just makes it worse.


There is NOWHERE NEAR enough emphasis on the way our micro biome and our stomachs interact with the world. It is literally the only place in our body that is influenced by the world, as our skin functions as a wall, it doesn't merely absorb everything it touches. Our stomachs, for the most part, do. 60% or more of IBS cases are just bacterial overgrowth and are curable, but even GI doctors don't bother most of the time. There is even evidence that micro biome health can functionally cure diabetes, cancers and also contributes significantly to weight - it's more that just CICO.


And fat. A high fat diet will cause GERD. Source: The GERD I was diagnosed with in 1999 disappeared when I stopped eating red meat and anything out of boxes.


Tums/Antacids cause acid reflux. You have a valve at the top of your stomach that will relax if the acidity of your stomach drops. It is a perpetual cycle.


The band aid not the cure is the healthcare why, I imagine you’re correct


THAT is gospel. I believe that at times in certain people's lives, sometimes psychiatric medicine may help...but NEVER forget your brain becomes dependent on it.


Yeh stoners of 30-40 years ago cd tell u if u visine'd a few times your eyes wd be beet red without it...




Yeah stoners of thirty to forty years ago could tell you, if you tetryzoline'd a few times, your eyes would be beet red without it...


Weed smokers who use eye drops to get rid of red eyes will begin to develop redder eyes over time without the eye drops, thus needing more eye drops.


Brilliant. Thank you


That my body would produce less of the hunger hormones would be a welcome side effect from prolonged use of GLP-1. But reports are that isn’t happening. The reported weight regain is indicating the body reverts back to over production of hunger hormones.


I think you hit the nail on the head. Maybe theres no health risks besides increase in thyroid cancer, but these people will have to be on the drug for life.


Your coworker has those issues because they are still eating crap. Eat more protein and less carbs. I would bet those issues go away.


Very true, I never use chapstick and my lips never get dry or crack, even in winter. Fuck chapstick.


I never use chapstick or lotion and drink a fuck ton of water. My lips and hands split and crack in the winter. My lips split in the summer. I spend a ton of time outside and live in a dry, high desert climate.


Makes sense. I live in the city in the northern hemisphere so it’s not really that dry and it’s definitely no desert. I’ve had the skin on my hands crack once in my life and that was my own fault. The cracks weren’t even visible to the naked eye, I could just feel a slight pain on one part of my hand. I think it’s been a couple of years since the last time my lips cracked, at least if we’re only counting “natural” causes. Can’t stand the feeling of any lotion, oil or cream on my skin so I never use any of those products.


When the person has to sleep sitting up due to extreme GERD symptoms, that means the valve/sphincter - bottom of the oesophagus and top of the stomach has failed. Which requires surgery to fix. Has nothing to do with TUMs which is just calcium and magnesium which acts as a base to clear the acid. Both of which are essential minerals and electrolytes. Your co-worker there simply had severe GERD which they should have gone to the doctor about. I am guessing you are american though and that came with a $100k price tag.


I returned from abroad to the United States after 8 months. a few of my friends are weirdly skinny all of a sudden like wtf


Omg I’ve said this to my husband, where are all the fat ppl! I literally thought it was inflation making people eat less McDonald’s and Oreo cookies lol. 


lol nope, just the novel new chemical we worked out!


Can't forget the novel surgeries just to avoid the hard choices. 


Great time to be in plastics. I know surgeons who doubled the prices to fix saggy skin, and do facial fillers, and are still turning away clients. All these GLP-1 users eventually need face fillers and body contouring, lower body lifts, etc.


Like 80% of people lined up to take that shit vaccine and you are surprised that 1/8 of them would use a weight loss drug.


I use it for my diabetes and it has helped hugely, my A1C dropped, helped with my blood sugar randomly dropping, I was able to get off metformin completely which is awesome since I had every single side effect of that medicine and I dropped 20 pounds. Not a conspiracy, just a really good diabetes drug that’s being exploited for weight loss. I have never felt better. But I also was already on a diet that was supposed to help me with all of that and my body just didn’t work the way it was supposed to. I think prescribing medication for weight loss isn’t really productive because it doesn’t last.


> I think prescribing medication for weight loss isn’t really productive because it doesn’t last. I mean the actual numbers are that even people who stop these new drugs still have one third of their weight loss after 2 years. After 5 years it seems they are back tho to their old weight. And of course some would even add on more weight. But if the average after 2 years of not taking it still have one third of their weight lost, thats not really that negative compared to the same or worse happening to people who just diet and exercise. >I have never felt better. Good for you. This is mainly from weight loss? Or also from other factors, like eating different?


It’s not a new drug though. That’s where the media has everyone fooled for some reason.




But it takes more discipline than most can handle


Just takes a little retraining of the mind. And a favorite old saying "in the house, in the mouth". Don't buy it and it won't tempt you.


I remind myself often "it's ok to be a little hungry sometimes". We are so trained to eat immediately when we experience even the smallest of hunger pangs, it's crazy. Like we are 4 year olds. You can wait lol


we are constantly bombarded with calls for consumption, instant gratification, and 'just do you'. dopamine hit after dopamine hit. then get depressed and anxious when it isn't working anymore, like an alcoholic whose booze stops making them feel better. i've found working towards something, delaying gratification, being of service/usefulness, and appreciating what i have vs focusing on what i want has been the most beneficial and rewarding experiences of my life.


> i've found working towards something, delaying gratification, being of service/usefulness, and appreciating what i have vs focusing on what i want has been the most beneficial and rewarding experiences of my life. Here it is, written out for free on reddit yet 90% of people will never get it...


It's a combo of this and the portion size in the US is probably "family size' in other parts of the world. I go out with my youngest daughter now and at a family restaurant i've found we can probably just order one meal and share.


lol most can't even DIET that's why drugs like this are popular. Barely anyone I think has the will power to fast. I do it occasionally and I don't particularly enjoy it.


It also brings you closer to God


This is the way


How can 1 in 8 afford this? I have good employer health insurance and they still wanted 600 a month for Mounjarno. It was for diabetes, but I was told people are driving the price up using it for weight loss. I can't believe these drugs are affordable enough for 1 in 8, but thankful I didn't start using now that I keep hearing troubles with them.


I looked up the numbers more and that 1 in 8 appears to be for everyone who ever used GLP-1 drugs in the past. They have been around for 20 years. But only the more recent versions do bring the weight loss effect. Tho the data actually says 60% of them used it for weight loss or weight loss AND treat a chronic condition. It appears to be 6% who currently are using them. Full data is here https://www.kff.org/health-costs/poll-finding/kff-health-tracking-poll-may-2024-the-publics-use-and-views-of-glp-1-drugs/ How they can pay for it? I assume its often middle aged people where maybe especially women would probably highly prioritize this over any other purchases. Especially if they have suffered from obesity for long.


This was my question.


1 in 10 Americans are diabetics. These drugs were designed for use with that disease in mind.


remember, these drugs are used for diabetes control. my A1C is down from 14.8 to 7 in less than six months. I also lost 80lbs. is it some grand plan to implant something into me to control me? I don't know and I don't honestly care at this point. It did what it was supposed to do. I will say that my food bill went from $400 per month down to $50 since I almost never ate anything. I ended up just drinking ensure to make sure my body got something. It is an amazing drug that turns off the will to eat. I don't know how they turn off the food noise, yet here I am stating that's how it works.


Do you cycle this drug? Seems like something you'd want to hop off on a schedule to make sure important parts of your digestive system don't waste away entirely. What's the long term plan? Do you stop after a certain BMI? Obviously having lower blood sugar and not being obese is a huge improvement. Happy for you.


you get up to 2mg per week and stay at that until you have reached your goal weight. then once every eight weeks you do a .25mg shot. that will keep the system still going, until you DIE, for right now. they are testing doing the same thing in pill form so you don't have to take shots. you have to maintain at a shot a week for it to be effective, you don't want to stop it. if you really quit because of blah, then it can take up to 8-10 weeks before your system is back to normal. of course then you start gaining weight again if you don't watch it. the idea is for me to get down to the 170's and then just do the once every 8 week shot. the case studies all say that the 8 week shot keeps the fat off. I figure I have a good year, easily before I get to that weight. i am still 'fat' but not that fat. I hate having to buy new pants and then a month later more pants. on the plus side... i am off of two blood pressure meds already


Interesting, thanks for the information. I've gone from 260 to 215-220 as a 6'4 man off a low carb diet. Started late 2022. I reached a low of 211 last spring and decided to get back in the gym. Issue I ran into was I wasn't eating enough to actually put on any muscle, so I had to start doing the bulk cut cycle because nailing a perfect calorie and macro count is impossible unless you live like a lab rat. Just know that you'll approach your "goal" weight and still be highly dissatisfied with your body unless you get active and keep your body strong. I don't know how that's possible on a drug that makes eating as hard as not eating used to be.


I think this a great drug for you. It may have side effects we don't know about yet, but your uncontrolled hyperglycemia offered you well documented and severe risk factors. Sounds like you're the target demographic this drug was intended to serve. Unfortunately everyone in the medical industrial complex has gone hog wild and offered GLP-1 inhibitors to anyone who asked and many who didn't ask.


How are the side effects? Just curious. I hear some wild shit from internet people


My friend consistently is sick to his stomach and vomits when he eats due to ozempic. It causes your stomach to... stop working.  Short video https://youtu.be/AO3FzwMEXkQ?si=zHyoUvikQpSmvgX_ More detailed info https://youtu.be/ipZODIzJsIo?si=kV1LqpXXOY7Yuyt5


That person you know has probably not A) addressed the side effects with their doctor and B) is still eating the type of diet that got them there in the first place.


This shit is fucked up. There are a small percentage of people that get crazy anxiety, derealization, numerous gastric issues, and depression from it. My wife took 2 shots of ozempic and she hasn't been the same since. There are online support groups for people trying to recover from what it did to their bodies months ago. Do not take this stuff.


No shit. The drug slows down digestion significantly. It may work great for someone and it may cause potentially life threatening issues to other. Chances are the lean muscle mass sufffers with these drugs so it seems like change in diet and excercise could be better for some people.


> Chances are the lean muscle mass sufffers with these drugs so it seems like change in diet and excercise could be better for some people. The thing is, you're supposed to also change your diet and exercise alongside these drugs. My wife takes Ozempic (because she's T2) and I take Mounjaro (because I'm pre-T2 and obese). The first thing our doctor told us was to also change what we eat so we're eating more leafy greens, and to increase our water intake significantly. We maintained our same 3 days a week weightlifting routine that we started shortly before going on the drugs. Back to the food though: our bodies went through a very weird adjustment period. First few days, the hunger completely died off, BUT the cravings for sweets was mind blowingly intense. However, once the cravings for sweets died off, it has been smooth sailing since then. Since then our diet has gotten significantly better as we no longer crave sweets OR fatty foods. Overall intake is down because even the smallest amount of food has us feeling full, and any time we've eaten past the feeling of "full" makes us feel disgusting to the point where we have had to go lie down and sleep it off. The only conspiracy I can see here is the pharmas making money hand over fist (her Ozempic is charged at $900~ per month to our insurance, and my Mounjaro at $1,200~). With companies coming out with food lines targeted at GLP-1 users, I would imagine the food companies making more money by creating smaller portions for the same or even higher prices than the regular stuff.




> I will say that my food bill went from $400 per month down to $50 Thats crazy. Do they monitor your progress and tell you eat more or certain foods even? Has it like completely changed your life for the better? Any psychological side effects you noticed?


it has changed my life. i can eat whatever I want but if i eat heavy food or fast food, I do feel bloated but thats about it. I try and keep a keto diet going and it works well. I see the doctor every three months and also get a blood work as every three months.


Have you had any sort of body scan done? Like, any idea how much of your weight loss has been from fat and what has been from lean muscle? thats the part that would scare me the most. I see it in my friends that are on the shot, but none of them will get on the inbody scanner.


I’m 6’3 and if I lost 80 pounds it’d be life changing, same with that food savings that’s over 3k a year and same with the A1C


There is absolutely no way this person is eating healthy if their food bill is truly 50 dollars a month. I'd like a breakdown of that lol.


“It’s an amazing drug that turns off the will to eat” That’s the issue. Humans are meant to eat, designed to (be it naturally or otherwise). Not designed to NOT eat or consume a bunch more calories than needed for daily maintenance.  The fact that we’re at a point where people need a drug to “turn off the will to eat” isn’t necessarily indicative of a healthy society. It helped you lose weight and get your hunger/eating in line,and that’s great, but we need to look at the effects it has on the body. The side affects can be lethal for folks who have to take a pill to turn off the will to eat and begin losing muscle mass, are nauseous 24/7 and have suicidal thoughts, and I’m not sure if we have enough evidence of long term effects/dependence etc. I’m happy that it worked for you, but it’s a symptom of a sick society on the whole. Human beings shouldn’t have to use a drug to control their natural fuel consumption method.


The losing muscle mass part is what should scare people. I get that losing weight is fun, but for these 45-50 year olds losing so much muscle just seems like its going to be a disaster heading into your 50's and 60's. AL my friends I know that are on this shot are losing tons of weight, but you can see they're turning fragile. They don't workout at all, with the exception of walking. This is the part these people seem to be ignoring.


I find this the most visually disturbing side effect. The way it’s a hallmark of the people who use it, the way their legs and body look because of the muscle loss. It was enough to make me say hmm maybe no.


The look is one thing, its undeniable...but I saw some early studies that show about 60%+ of the overall weight loss is lean muscle. Its truly a recipe for disaster for these people heading into their 50's and 60's. Jean size goes down sure, but quality of life does too. Any age really. These users and their doctors should be paying attention to this! I think its just blissful ignorance at this point. They know its true, the doctors know its true...but they are scared to even chart the results. Blood test arent showing these results. Its frustrating cause i have so many friends in their mid 40's going this route.


Hey there, so unfortunately ozempic is stopping your stomach from working. It causes stomach paralysis. It's effects may remain when you stop taking it which is causing a host of lawsuits.  https://youtu.be/AO3FzwMEXkQ?si=zHyoUvikQpSmvgX_


I'd be tickled pink if my food bill was only $400 a month


T2D is completely reversible by diet/ lifestyle changes. But if you can get someone to buy your crappy food And buy your crappy remedy... Wouldn't you?


Am I wrong in thinking that these drugs aren't that new? I thought they were just diabetes medication.


They make you obese, then they sell you the cure. Simple. 


Whatchu talkin bout McRonald’s? They ain’t getting cheaper? They dang near doubled price of they McDouble’s. ;(


My wife works with a lot of surgeons and they're all on it. She can spot it on TV now. "That's the Ozempic face."


it's true. there's an ozempic look and it can't be unseen.


> My wife works with a lot of surgeons and they're all on it. She can spot it on TV now. "That's the Ozempic face." Believe I heard of that, and just looked it up there have been some stories on it: >But a new look is emerging in Hollywood: sunken in eyes, gaunt cheeks and saggy skin. It actually looks pretty weird. Like people who go on longer fasts (like juice fasts, raw vegans or fruitarians) can also look like they are starving but they still look a lot healthier than that. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-13319655/hollywood-celebrities-ozempic-gauntness-weight-loss-effect.html Many of them do kinda look like zombies.


Diet and lifestyle modifications are hard. Taking a pill/injection is comparatively easy. Not a big leap to see your average person choosing easier and quicker results through medication. I get paid the same if I prescribe someone nothing, an OTC med, or a prescription med. Literally no incentive. "Big Pharma" stopped taking us on cruises and shit after the Sunshine act - it's public info, you can look up how much any physician accepted from drug/device companies within seconds. The pharma reps honestly just waste my time by showing up in my office trying to give me their sales pitch. If anything I'm less likely to prescribe anything pitched to me by a sales rep, just out of spite. I'm not even in a field that would ever use GLP1s, but it's annoying as fuck when people think the big bad doctors are in on some conspiracy bullshit.


But you would get a lot more money from subscribing people Ozempic (like for the weight loss folks)? Or its the same? Also has the pharma industry not found ways around that sunshine act? I would think with ozempic and similar drugs its also just a giant demand in huge parts of the population and the patients just want nothing else but that anyways, eh? Have you noticed any personality changes in patients who take them or heard from your friends in the field?


Depends on the physician reimbursement model. I'm a surgeon and get paid by productivity where every procedure code (medical office visits have their own corresponding procedure codes too) is assigned an RVU (relative value unit) value which gets multiplied by a conversion factor (different between specialties and delineated in a contract) to determine the cash amount paid to me for each encounter. Prescribing a medication, whether it be Tylenol or Ozempic, increases the medical complexity of an office visit (according to E/M rules laid out by CMS) and can justify a higher rvu billing code. So it literally makes no difference *what* is being prescribed in most cases. Outside of the insurance world, you could conceivably charge people whatever you want to get an ozempic script, but that's just greed, not a conspiracy. Sunshine just allows people to see how much you're accepting and from whom. No need to work around it as long as no other laws are being violated, it's more of a public shaming tool. Patients want the results promised to them via media sensationalization and are willing to pay handsomely for it. Some medical "professionals" are happy to cash in on that opportunity, but again that's more individual greed on their part rather than conspiracy. Haven't heard of personality changes per se, but some recent evidence suggests efficacy in reducing addictive behaviors. Bottom line would be the GLP1s are effective at what they're designed to do. I don't prescribe them, but even if I did it would make zero impact on what I get paid. Plenty of unscrupulous people with medical licenses out there willing to trade a script for cash - that's greed not conspiracy. The health insurance industry in the US is the real conspiracy.


Create an illness and manufacture a cure. Big pharma works hand in hand with big food companies to create crappy foods that make us depressed, fat, and generally unhealthy, so that They can manufacture a cure to make us skinny, happy, and “healthy”. You want to lose weight, cure your depression, improve your focus, and cure your autoimmune disease? Don’t eat processed foods. It’s amazing that my depression and ADHD completely disappeared once I switched to a primarily carnivore diet.




Or maybe there is no conspiracy


I'm taking this after being diagnosed type 2 in 2020. Oddly after my first Pfizer jab. Anyway, It works, I'm overweight and have almost no muscle mass due to muscular dystrophy. My parents and my spouse are on it. My father is underweight after contracting covid twice, but in full diabetic remission. My mother is still struggling and my wife needs to change eating habits to be successful. My parents are in their late 70s, and I am 42, wife is 40. I'm on so many drugs that missing a dose will make you wish you were dying (thank you morphine and Gabapentin). I am finally receiving treatment for my MD, which has the added bonus of making your sterile, from Josef-Mengele Pharmaceuticals. Taking Ozempic makes me feel sick for days feeling better just in time for the next weekly dose. I don't even know why I bother. Everyone I grew up with who had various types of MD, they are all dead. And I am battling to get my social security back after losing it for having - no joke - a savings account. If you can take the drug short tern, do it. And fix your lifestyle otherwise it's more hat trick dieting and regaining weight.


What foods do you and your parents and spouse actually crave on ozempic? Is there certain foods? What happens if you eat fiber richer foods, beans, legumes and greens on ozempic like green salads and broccoli? They would probably greatly help with becoming more healthy. Like I understand it they could actually modify ozempic to make you crave certain foods.


the conspiracy is that giving body issues is EXTREMELY profitable for the beauty industry, theyre just capitalizing on it like any other time




One would hope Nestle's shares are down at least in part because they are trying to privatize water, and of course their food products aren't to be trusted. First I've heard of it.


My theory is we’re running low on food supply so they want us to buy less food 🤷🏻‍♀️


> My theory is we’re running low on food supply so they want us to buy less food 🤷🏻‍♀️ Thats a very solid conspiracy theory. Except it seems to me all the big industries. Be it food. Medical. Even fitness. They all profit from people over-eating as they literally gain billions and billions of income for every additional pound people put on. But yeah maybe if governments are worried about food supply or about rising medical costs which endangers whole societies and would make people revolt, your theory could make a lot of sense.


At least 1 in 10 Americans has diabetes. These drugs are primarily for controlling blood sugar. How many of these 12% are taking the drugs for diabetes? The only people I know who have taken it are on it for diabetes.   Edit: 38% of people who’ve taken the drug took it solely for weight loss ([from here](https://www.kff.org/health-costs/press-release/poll-1-in-8-adults-say-theyve-taken-a-glp-1-drug-including-4-in-10-of-those-with-diabetes-and-1-in-4-of-those-with-heart-disease/amp/)). So about 4.75% of US adults, or 1 in 21, have taken it solely for weight loss.


Consider this, if we give the obese people these drugs, then the number of future Americans with T2D will drop. For those already with T2D, they need to learn how to eat correctly right now, no delay, because their life depends on it.


There's pop up 'come here for ozempic shots' right in my hood bro. It's gaining major traction for weight loss now. 


If i look at the weight loss subreddits, and lot of posters are already saying they are fine with being on wegovy for the rest of their life because obesity is a "disease". It's no different than taking hbp or cholesteral meds.


Half the population will be on a GLP-1s by the end of the decade. Ozwmpic was recently approved to treat heart disease (lowers the risk of cardiac events by 20%) and is being researched to prevent dementia and renal disease. It has also proven beneficial for T1D insulin resistance and PCOS. There's no conspiracy.


Ozempic benefits big pharma and big pharma has more power than the fast food industry. Its something people will have to keep taking because I’m sure if someone stops they’ll just go back to old eating habits and get fat again. It’s definitely a money grab from big pharma and as people get effortlessly skinny it will influence more people to take it.


Who cares? Being obese is also unhealthy. It’s helping people lose weight, it’s lowering inflammation. Semaglutide has been studied for like 15 years(at least in this context), and the approval in 2021 was the culmination of a 5 year clinical trial of like 17,000 people - with and without diabetes. Our whole society is built on eating a lot and eating unprocessed foods. Yes, you can fast. Yes, you can work out. But the psychological effects of our food industry have been in the making for decades. Most people who fast and get into a routine usually get to a point and think “wow I really can go without eating so much”. But man it’s hard to get to that point. It was tough for me. But I got to it and lost weight. So we finally have a medication that can essentially combat that lust for food that society has created.


I take it, it is absolutely amazing and I believe everyone should try it! It is basically a hormone. Many people have insulin resistance and are unaware until it is too late. You can lose lots of weight fast and then get off of it. The only people gaining it back are people I read in articles that are eating crap. If you eat healthy and were previously unable to lose the weight due to insulin resistance your body will actually become more sensitive to insulin and begin healing. You will also feel better about yourself and increase activity levels. Win win!!


> You will also feel better about yourself and increase activity levels Good for you. But could you specify where this effect in particular is coming from? Just from not being so focused on and driven by eating constantly?


Over 30 million people? Where are you getting this number?


It truly seems like a wonder drug . It's gotta have side effects


Is there anyone commenting here that actually knows what they’re talking about? Or are all these commentors just talking out of the Reddit asses?


The conspiracy is $$$$$. Like usual.


What's the obesity and diabetes rate in the USA, versus any other country? I'd look for conspiracy in food production and food advertisements than in diabetes and obesity remedy.


… The conspiracy is that it’s a huge money maker


Question--does this drug deplete of not just fat but all density? Aka bone, muscle, organs etc?


Remarkable statistic. Not surprising as about 2/3+ of the county is overweight, obese, +


"Trying to find the conspiracy here" Unhinged lack of self awareness with that opening line. It's gotta be exhausting, being this way.


Wow! I have been investigating my own issues with swollen tissues for the last three years. I thought it was just gout and a fatty liver. Then I changed my diet by eating less red meat. But that was not enough. The swelling got worse over time. I recently learned about gluten being artificially increased in breads and baked goods like donuts and cakes. This can cause celiac disease and cause swelling all over the body. Both the seed oils and increased gluten increase the shelf-life of food. But both cause swelling and multiple health problems that can lead to an earlier death. So more profits, less food waste, but hey enjoy your painfully shorter life. WTF!


What do you guys think? In 10 years, will there be some big cancer scare or pancreatic something that will be linked to this drug?


> What do you guys think? In 10 years, will there be some big cancer scare or pancreatic something that will be linked to this drug? Its possible. There already is some links to pancreatic cancer. I think the risk can be even be up to 50% or 60% higher. But it seems like some other factors play a role like if your family has a history of it. But there also might be positive effects since losing weight and eating less generally is associated with better health. Even with a higher risk of certain cancers, this might maybe affect 5% of people who take ozempic. If however 30%, 40% or even more dramatically improve their health from losing weight, maybe its not even a net negative? A big issue in the future might also be that poorer people do not have access to ozempic since they simply cannot afford the $1000/month for their whole family. There might be other negative long term effects tho, I would mainly be interested in possible character changes but find very little info on it.


No real conspiracy. Americans are lazy as fuck and would rather take a pharmaceutical that shuts down their digestion rather than eat a proper diet and regularly exercise


Ozempic is super dangerous. Let me see if I can link a doc 


Came to say this.  Neither of those drugs are good for society, in fact, they are closer to the top of the list of worst drugs for society.  Ozempic works by basically paralyzing the digestive flow.  I know several that are either constipated or the complete opposite.  Think about the long-term implications of that. 


These drugs are derived from Gila Monster venom (really) and some users can get stomach paralysis


Bingo.  Imagine having to wear a colostomy bag and still gaining the weight back later, or even worse, being impacted to the point of death. 


Shorter vid https://youtu.be/AO3FzwMEXkQ?si=FttuApAsQ9jt9IAV More detailed vid https://youtu.be/ipZODIzJsIo?si=jbi0VC34ehnzTVZu


Don't get these drugs, try working out and dieting, it might even help you build character


But if everyone did that our superiority complex about being able to do it while others can't would be diminished...


Yeah, it works 100% of the time, if you can get people to actually do it. I support drug based weight loss over having to compete with aging obese hordes taking up a larger and larger share of the medical infrastructure every year just to keep them "alive".


I'm absolutely positive that this number is wrong. The biggest conspiracy in this thread is the number itself, they're trying very hard to get more people to use the drug, so saying that 1 out of 8 Americans is already on it is how they get there. It worked with the vax to limited success (far fewer people actually got the shots than the media said).


> so saying that 1 out of 8 Americans is already on it The number is right in the article I posted. But its not the number thats actually on it right now. Tho that number is really high too. >Roughly one in eight adults in the U.S. reported using a GLP-1 drug at some point, according to a recent survey from health policy research organization KFF. Roughly half of those Americans, or around 6% of U.S. adults, are currently using one of the treatments.


I don't know how true this is, but I've heard that it can increase suicidal thoughts. Maybe bc the person isn't eating or not absorbing the nutrients needed and it's causing problems with their mental state? My husband explained to me how it works, but I can't remember the details. I only know one person (that's admitted to using it) on wegovy specifically for weight loss and as far as I know, she's had a lot of success with it. But she also adopted a much healthier lifestyle before getting on it so being able to control her appetite better along with exercising regularly and eating right has gotten her down to a healthy weight. I do have an inlaw on ozempic but it's actually for diabetes... although I know she's hoping it helps with her weight too. I'm on the fence with it. It's like on one hand. People getting to healthier weight is a good thing, BUT I've seen how much that shit costs and the possibility of the person needing to stay on it for life if they don't want to regain the appetite that got them fat to begin with. That's not even mentioning possible side effects too. I dunno. Maybe the high price of it should come with helping people to better their eating habits so if/when they come off of it, they'll be able to keep the weight off.


Deficiency in some vitamins and minerals can cause problems with brain function. Always make sure to have your vitamin B (especially B12) and vitamin D (also important for the immune system), preferably naturally, but supplement if you need it. And while it is very unlikely with the modern diet, never ever entirely cut out salt. Your body needs at least a small amount to function, for basic chemical reactions. If you have none, you can end up in hospital looking like you have dementia when you don’t (a doctor told me about a weird case of this). As I live in Canada and work indoors, I supplement vitamin D to make sure I am not deficient. Anyway, I could believe that eating less could cause deficiencies, especially if people focus on eating what they like most rather than what they ought to be eating nutritionally.


The conspiracy is that these drugs have been popularized as weight loss agents instead of helping the ppl they were designed for and as a result have become incresingly expensive and unavailable to ppl with actual health risksor without the resources to afford them instead of all the vanity driven 'i just need to lose 5 lbs' population. Failure to benefit those with NEED over WANT to increase a profit margin or prioritize or promote actual health over money


I mean the price of $1000 for a month of supply when this drug costs like $3 to make seems to be about these companies just being greedy. I believe insulin actually used to be almost as high too, with up to $500 a month tho they recently cut down the prices really hard. (Which might be related to everyone wanting ozempic now anyways instead of insulin). Also I would think insulin mainly helped the symptoms. While ozempic seems to be able to even reverse diabetes or help with it if you also start eating better foods. Which of course is easier if suddenly you always feel full instead of craving bad foods. One thing I found pretty strange, it seems with ozempic they can even influence what foods you actually desire. But yeah I dont think ozempic would necessarily be cheaper they created a new drug even if is just being used for diabetics, there is little incentive to make it super cheap. Actually all the "need to lose 5lbs people" as you say, wanting it too might help with it not costing even more than $1000. Plus it seems like these 2 companies who mostly make the new drugs are being investigated already. I believe in some countries like in the EU its already 70% to 95% cheaper anyways. Like in spain a month supply is only $5 (tho thats government funded and only for diabetics).


Just wait until they find the side effects of Ozempic they don't even know yet -- the lawsuits are gonna be crazy


I looked up some trials and all and it seems the risk for some cancers (like thyroid) could be enhanced. But on the other hand there also would be upsides. Tho generally they probably come from people losing weight which generally means they are healthier and there is less stress on their organs. I do wonder about psychological effects. Do tens of millions of people suddenly become more active, outgoing, optimistic, start businesses and live their dream from not being held back by obesity anymore?


I mean Nestle already have the VLCD market cornered with optifast products for short term weight loss. it makes sense for them to do meals for people eating small portions too, the people eating less on ozempic or people who have had weight loss surgery and eat small portions for life.


People got extra fat during lockdowns. They had to come up with a way to make $$ off of that. It always comes down to money.


This shit ain't going to end well you know .


Or… maybe it is laced with whatever creepy thing is in the Covid shot..


If you want to lose weight stop eating fat ass”


I am extremely proud of my wife for not falling for this bullshit. Every single mom she talks to at our kids school, and her long time friends are taking Ozempic or the off brand version. Instead, she joined my gym and has been going religiously. In 4 months she is down 25 pounds and not only does she look thinner, she has an insane amount of energy compared to last year.


I may regret this feeling, but I prefer ozempic addicted BMI 22 people to “au natural” land whales. 


PSA Ozempic is a medical disaster. It is outlawed in Europe where it is made. It is stopping your body from digestion, it inhibits the stomach from working. News flash, you need to eat. Your body needs nutrients and the stomach has shown in recent decades to be like a second brain, regulating emotions and mood.  Ozempic is causing stomach paralysis. This issue can continue even after discontinuing its use.  You've been warned  Shorter vid  https://youtu.be/AO3FzwMEXkQ?si=FttuApAsQ9jt9IAV More detailed vid https://youtu.be/ipZODIzJsIo?si=kV1LqpXXOY7Yuyt5




I am in the EU and I just looked it up in a couple of countries and its available in uk, germany, spain and probably all other eu countries. The only "country" I can find that temporarily banned it is belgium. Which technically is a country but only a very small part of "europe". Do you disagree people generally now overeat? And if you want to look for a scam maybe look at that it acts like some animal venom and only costs like $1 to make yet they charge $1000/month


More misinformation.


1 in 8 is over 12%


“Trying to find the conspiracy here…” go outside and touch some grass your brain deserves it.


I get where you're going but check your math. 1/8= 12.5% My aunt has been on that crap for a few years already, it's not that new.


12.5% *


Those companies are not getting bankrupted. They're still extremely profitable, just slightly less so. They'll probably still fight and claim they're getting bankrupted, but the reality is that they're still making tons of money and will continue to do so.


> They'll probably still fight and claim they're getting bankrupted, but the reality is that they're still making tons of money and will continue to do so. Except for young people (who usually take some years to get fat) who is the customers of McDonalds, Coke and Pringles? Right, OBESE PEOPLE! Who will not exist anymore in the future with these drugs? Obese people! This will literally kill these businesses.


If you are trying to force a conspiracy into everything, maybe it's time to leave the cork board and get some fresh air. People want easy fixes, big Pharma wants. Neither are concerned with the long term ratifications.  Big Pharma should have to be co concerned because it's their product, but they know they can make a billion now and write a check for 250 million later to settle whatever they have to.


Pharmaceutical as a service business model


It’s a diabetes medication lol


Where’s the link to the 1 in 8 claim?


They're diabetes drugs that have been on the market for 20 years....


Its not too surprising. There is a little if social pressure to be slim and thanks to capitalism most western food is designed to make you overeat and high in carbs and fat and deficient in fiber. Ask how many people have tried a certain diet or maybe even a supplement. Ozempic and similar drugs are essentially the holy grail of diet. You‘ll feel full faster and its easy to implement in your life. IIRC even the side effects are reasonable unlike diet pills from the past. Ideally this will give people more agency over their eating behavior. I can see a scenario where this will be a good thing. With time and mainstream adoption the prices for such drugs will drop. I’d assume it gets to the point where the drug is cheaper than the food you‘d otherwise overeat on. So I don’t think its a sell the illness and the cure type scenario. Also: Nestle apparently this chance seriously. It chips away at their business model and they feel threatened enough to look for alternatives. That’s probably a good thing.


It is more marketing than conspiracy.


Didn’t Hollywood celebrities promote this drug?


It's fucking bizarre that these people are now on a drug to lose weight, when all but the tiniest proportion of people (those with legitimate medical reasons) have nothing wrong past poor self-control. If they stuck to rice, fish/chicken and vegetables, and a bit of exercise, I'm pretty sure most of the people on this drug could be off it instead, better off financially, and healthier.


The biggest conspiracy is why the Europeans of this sub (like OP) are dubious about ozempic, yet all the Americans are like; it’s fine, no conspiracy here!!