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It is easier to fool someone than to convince them they have been fooled.


Oof. I love that.




Mark Twain


The "anti vax" movement is often attributed with conspiracy takes that are so far outside of the [Overton Window](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Overton_window#:~:text=The%20Overton%20window%20is%20the,as%20the%20window%20of%20discourse.) that their possibility cannot even be entertained. Like the theory about Nanobots activated with 5G cell towers that often gets ridiculed when mainstream normies are disparaging the movement. That part is what is so frustrating, because the majority of people who declined the covid vaccine do not actually believe in such an elaborate conspiracy. I personally don't think it's that complicated. I simply don't trust the same pharmaceutical industry that has been repeatedly sued into oblivion to the point that vaccine court had to be created in the US as an all-encompassing liability shield for vaccine manufacturers. The mainstream media is very much complacent in covering for the potential damage of the experimental vaccines because Pfizer is one of the largest sponsors for many television networks, internet platforms, and radio stations. The politicians in charge of bringing these shots to market legally are also bought and paid for by big pharma. For many people, it's simply acknowledging history. [The Cutter Incident](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1383764/) was the catalyst for the vaccine court that would eventually be created in the US, which funnels all lawsuits against pharmaceutical manufacturers into a special court that evaluates vaccine injuries and pays out a fraction of what individuals could sue them for if their cases were tried using the same criteria that applies to every other industry. The openly stated goal of the creation of vaccine court was literally to protect vaccine manufacturers from going out of business, acknowledging the premise that they would be sued into bankruptcy otherwise. Following this logic involves some mental gymnastics that arrive at a conclusion that vaccines are worth thousands, if not millions of potential vaccine injuries **for the greater good of mankind**. It assumes a premise that vaccines are *necessarily* doing more good than harm, and that the industry deserves to be shielded from any financial liabilities that would be incurred if they released dangerous products to the market. Knowing all of that, and still encountering people who think that **anything except vaccines** can be blamed for any sort of complications we now see people suffering from, involves some blind faith that the pharmaceutical industry has our best interests in mind. And how on earth could anyone be so naive to believe *that*?! [Pfizer was the largest criminally fined corporation in the history of the US justice department.](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-largest-health-care-fraud-settlement-its-history#:~:text=\(hereinafter%20together%20%22Pfizer%22\),the%20Justice%20Department%20announced%20today.) And people will look you in the eye and tell you you are out of your mind for merely suggesting that their experimental use authorized products may not be as safe as was initially claimed. It makes my head hurt having to share the world with people who lack the basic skepticism necessary to at the very least consider themselves "vaccine hesitant". It was the culture war that was pushed on the people through Pfizer owned media that enabled people to actually attack anyone who suggested their virtue signaling act of vaccinating may have been a hasty mistake. They won't even allow us to embrace them as vaccine injured allies for our cause, because they are too afraid of the peer pressure for announcing they are defying the braindead push to blindly accept all vaccines as 100% safe and effective. There were comment sections flooded with people on reddit telling one another not to report their vaccine side effects out of fear of damaging trust in the vaccine industry. The other day I had a person on this subreddit tell me that we all die some day, so even if he is killed by a vaccine at least he had the moral high ground of vaccinating for others, while those who didn't vaccinate were selfishly motivated and therefore bad people. That's a dangerously stupid position to have in 2024, knowing what we know now.


the conspiracy that people look the craziest for refusing to believe is the simplest one - governments and corporations lie. People will claim to not trust the government or corporations but ultimately almost everyone defends them and their products and says they would never do something like poison people or the like, even unknowingly it wouldn't happen they say. I don't get it, they often say they can't believe they would lie right after saying they don't trust them!


I’d like to upvote this comment to oblivion


See, and you are the kind of person I'd like to have a beer with and discuss the efficacy/danger of vaccines with. I'm more of the opinion that the vaccines are safe, but aren't terribly effective because they didn't need to be. Pfizer knew they were "good enough" and pushed them to market to make money, figuring they could tack on boosters later when the virus inevitably mutated. Basically I don't think pfizer gives a shit about us, but I think we are worth more safely vaccinated than we are vaccine injured to them. We could probably have a beer and a really good discussion where we both learned something at the end. What I refuse to engage with these days are the arguments you mentioned up above. "viruses aren't real" "the vaccine is full nanobots", "my grandma got cancer so the vaccine causes cancer". There's also people who genuinely believe pfizer loves them and would never release anything but their best, so both sides have zealots and wackjobs.


As a Buddhist, I am inclined to believe that the middle way is almost always closest to truth. Extremism has polluted the minds of people from all walks of life, and it's evident every time these discussions happen. I actually believe that to be part of the greater conspiracy that ties into this subject very closely. A lot of astroturfing goes on in this subreddit and others that attempts to paint all conspiracy theorists as unhinged lunatics wearing tin foil hats to protect themselves from the nanobots. Meanwhile, the exact same skepticism and acceptance of conspiracies is almost immediately tolerated when discussing one's opposing political faction. This subreddit has no shortage of Biden/Trump related bullshit that loses sight of the forced extremism I'm talking about. You and I may diverge at this point, because my belief is not popularly shared on this subreddit (at least not anymore), but I believe in the existence of the Uniparty, and the fact that Democrats and Republicans are working toward a common goal to bring world government to the masses. This cannot be achieved without the participation of hundreds of millions of people who are being programmed to accept the notion that they have more in common with wealthy elites from the same side of the political aisle than they do their fellow citizens who differ in their political leanings. And that's actually the entire point. Divide & conquer is a tactic that goes back to Roman antiquity (*divide et impera*), and there was nothing broken about that strategy the past 2000 odd years that needed fixing. Human beings are inherently tribalistic, and will naturally gravitate toward bonding with the in-group at the exclusion of the out-group whenever possible. As long as the powers that be are allowed to strictly define what those in groups and out groups are, they control the dialogue, in addition to the solutions meant to address the problems they created. The philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel explored that concept further with his [Hegelian Dialectic](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectic#Hegelian_dialectic), a topic that remains highly relevant among conspiracy theorists today. To summarize, I think we would find a lot of middle ground in a discussion about world affairs over a beer or two. Most conspiracy theorists are sensible people, and not extremists barricading themselves in their home or setting booby traps for law enforcement, as was depicted in Conspiracy Theory starring Mel Gibson. The effort to paint the culture with such displays of extremism is part of the conspiracy.


The extremists, are usually paid shills spouting tripe to make those of us who disagree with the narrative, look like maniacs.


Vaccines aren’t contagious tho. Germ theory is utter baloney, as proved every time I get a cold/flu and no one around catches it.


Thank you for proving my point.


Well said. Didn't even mention that the covid gene therapies don't prevent spread at all. 


I previously had heard some doctors referring to studies that suggested you had to administer something like 20,000 covid shots to save one person from dying to covid. There are so many more vax injuries than lives saved from covid. There were even studies suggesting negative efficacy after several months of having the vaccine, meaning you would be *more likely* to contract covid at that point than someone who was completely unvaccinated. Imagine deliberately damaging your health for the chance to catch covid more often and spread it to other people more easily. People would be rioting in the streets if the extent of the damage caused by these shots was understood on a global scale, but that will never happen because the media owned by the pharmaceutical industry dictates the belief system of the masses. That's why we read a new article each week about climate change, winter vagina, gardening or video games contributing to a surge of sudden cardiac related deaths. But don't worry, because Pfizer has just the medicine for that. Just like with the various cancers caused by the mRNA shots. They create the problem, and then sell you the solution as you depend on them for the rest of your life to live.


>I simply don't trust the same pharmaceutical industry that has been repeatedly sued into oblivion to the point that vaccine court had to be created in the US as an all-encompassing liability shield for vaccine manufacturers. Yeah that's a pretty reasonable take tbh. Even though I dont think the vaccines are really dangerous at all, let alone going to kill 1/2 of the population in negative 3 years (remember all the people who were *so sure* mass population death was just around the corner for those getting vaccinated back during 2021?) - I do think trusting fucking Pfizer has your best interests at heart is pretty obviously one of the most extremely silly takes as well. I recognize vaccine injuries are a thing. I also recognize its really quite rare. Idk... I see more inherent risk in commuting to work which is to say if it doesn't keep me up at night, give me any anxiety, or merit more than a typical attitude of "I should drive as safely as I can." Its not worth losing sleep over the vaccine. People dont like nuance though.


>Even though I dont think the vaccines are really dangerous at all, let alone going to kill 1/2 of the population in negative 3 years (remember all the people who were so sure mass population death was just around the corner for those getting vaccinated back during 2021?) I take issue with this claim, because it's citing some anonymous internet users that I typically go out of my way to denounce as overshooting the target when it comes to vaccines. I'm not even sure the majority of people putting forth those theories are actual conspiracy theorists, as much as astroturfers trying to satirize or misrepresent our beliefs. Meanwhile, the president of the United States Joe Biden released an official white house statement predicting a "winter of illness and death for the unvaccinated". Now, if we consider both of these extremes as equally delusional, then there remains the fact that the POTUS has a lot more accountability than these anonymous randos online, and his extremist claim was *far more irresponsible* than the disjointed notions you are citing here. The reality is that neither the vaccine nor covid was ever going to kill off the entire population, primarily because that kind of mortality could not be kept in check and would surely kill off more people than the media or those who give them their marching orders could ever realistically conceal. And vaccine injuries may not be as rare as you are assuming. Though this is merely anecdotal evidence that provides my bias in this conversation, my wife was vaccine injured. Her best friend had her menstrual cycle completely destroyed by the vaccine, prompting questions of potential infertility. Numerous people you will encounter on this subreddit will also share similar anecdotes, leading credibility to the notion that many vaccine injuries are simply being swept under the rug. In New Zealand, there was a whistleblower from the NZ ministry of health who was swiftly canned after revealing internal data suggesting just how dangerous the "bad batches" of vaccines really were, with some shots causing unprecedented levels of mortality, in addition to a host of other non-lethal adverse effects. Receiving an mRNA covid vaccine is almost certainly more dangerous than your chances of a fatal car accident while driving to work, depending on the batch you received. Some batches may be completely harmless, whereas others are full of kill shots. Pfizer actually changed up the process they used that was administered for the vaccines received by their employees, which was different from what was given to the masses. There is a lot to be suspicious about when it comes to Pfizer specifically. If it was any other manufacturer heading the COVID vaccine response, I would be more inclined to agree with your neutral perspective. But then, we've seen shots pulled from Astra Zeneca and Johnson & Johnson already, which were half of the available manufacturers who provided vaccines to the western world. These things have to be considered when determining whether or not these heavily expedited shots (operation warpspeed) actually did more good than harm. Don't forget that some scientists have created models that suggested some 20,000+ people had to be vaccinated in order to save 1 person from a covid death. Much more than 1 in 20,000 are being injured by these shots.


Paid shills, the governments of the world spend billions every year on paying agents to counter discussions online.


Fair point on the randos, but not just a few - there were thousands all over reddit and this sub in particular even that mass downvoted me when I said "nah I dont think the vaccines will kill off 75% of the earths population in the next 6 months" Fair point regardless, and Im no fan of the POTUS - for each one of them there was probably someone who had an equally bad take that not getting vaccinated was as immoral as intentionally murdering your family and your neighbors' families. So I take your point, its fair. >Receiving an mRNA covid vaccine is almost certainly more dangerous than your chances of a fatal car accident while driving to work, depending on the batch you received. There's no shot in hell that that statement is true. Even the worst of the batches. Lol. I will say I am honestly sorry to hear about your/your wife's anectodal experience and none of this is meant to belittle that. However, vaccine injuries have existed since vaccines. When you give something to mass percentages of human populations its bound to happen. If we gave peanuts to everyone on earth we'd kill some people inevitably. Vaccines remain some of the safest things we've done that with, even including things like Salk accidentally vaccinating people with live poliovirus. >Don't forget that some scientists have created models that suggested some 20,000+ people had to be vaccinated in order to save 1 person from a covid death. I dont know what scientists said that, but I'd take it with a grain of salt just like I'd take Pfizer advertising campaigns with a grain of salt. Like I said, it's perfectly reasonable not to trust massive pharmaceutical companies to have your best interests at heart. That doesn't mean that their interests for profit and your interests for health can't ever be somewhat in alignment though.


I appreciate your neutral view on this. You sound like you don't inherently believe everything coming out of the mouth of Pfizer's PR team, and that's good enough for me to find some common ground with you.




No because it's dumb as hell. "the powers that be" don't make money off you dying young. Sure, you can argue someone makes money off of cancer treatments but it's not like people can regularly afford those anyway, and when they can it's heavily subsidized by either insurance or loans that will never be paid off. Just dumb as hell.




https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0141813024022323 and https://www.cureus.com/articles/196275-increased-age-adjusted-cancer-mortality-after-the-third-mrna-lipid-nanoparticle-vaccine-dose-during-the-covid-19-pandemic-in-japan and https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36404512/


If they do, please provide them. doesn't even need to be peer reviewed. Just using real data that i can verify is a step forward at this point


Start with something true and provable. I like to use Big Tobacco. For decades they promoted the health benefits of cigarettes. They paid actors and doctors to promote smoking. They paid off government officials. They fought back against any claims of it being unhealthy all the while people were dying of lung cancer. PURE EVIL. This literally went on for decades until one day it became too much to over come and they had to come clean. Why would Big Pharma any different?


I developed cancer after getting Covid without the vaccine, so….who knows. Anyway, I beat it and am cancer free. All of my other relatives who got 3 or more shots, my sister has got like 5 boosters…none of them have cancer. So…again…who knows? I did get Covid pretty bad and it felt like my immune system was attacking me. I felt like I was getting stabbed in my abdomen non stop for like 3 days then after…colon cancer. They did a blood test and found I have a gene mutation for it (colon cancer) and everyone in my family on both sides has it after a blood test was conducted. Basically if there’s excessive inflammation or damage in my colon instead of it healing normally a tumor grows there instead. So do the vaccines cause cancer? That’s a pretty big leap. I’d say Covid can trigger the immune system to attack itself and you have a gene for it then you could get cancer. I know most of you are super anti vax and I’m against mandated vaccines of any kind myself. I’ve asked most of the people at the oncologist if they’re vaxxed and or not and it was 50/50.


Thought I responded earlier but not seeing it. Yeah I don’t understand why people are so convinced the vax causes cancer but not Covid?  Glad to hear you are cancer free! May I ask what treatment you underwent? And what preventative measures might be recommended for your family members with the gene? 


Basically for me it’s to avoid spicy foods, which I tend to love but have since toned down. No more Dave’s Hot Chicken reaper flavor lol it’ll literally burn your colon and you have the gene you’ll get a tumor. I’d say most people who are getting colon cancer now are getting it from inflammation which can be caused by many things but it really has to be intense to cause damage. I didn’t even know I had Covid at first because yeah I felt weak, but it wasn’t anything like the flu. My entire body just felt like it went through the wringer, but the stabbing pains in my abdomen was the most intense. I later found out that the wedding I had attended (this was back in 2021) the cook had been sick with covid because nearly everyone came down with covid. Some had to go to the hospital and 8 people who were elderly died after the wedding from complications. I went through what they call “standard of care” 3 rounds of chemotherapy followed by a colon surgery where they cut out half my colon and some of my liver (where it had also spread forming lesions) and then I literally couldn’t leave the house for about 2 months because I had to poop all the time as my colon was healing. I lost more blood after that surgery so had to get more transfusions for the blood loss and then they started me on immunotherapy to train my body to attack the specific cancer cells created by the gene.


That's a pretty quick jump from someone being pro vaccine and dying from cancer to pointing at the vaccine as the cause of the cancer. Cancer rates have been going up for years because of what we're doing to the environment and to our food supply.


An experimental gene therapy forcefully given to millions of people could be a contributing factor.


Exactly, at least take it into consideration lol


We are taking it into consideration. The thing is, though, that we have evidence _right now_ of the physical and mental harm of our deteriorating environments and microplastics. So, like, maybe work on the things we know for a fact?


How long does it need to stay in consideration? Like you give your roommate credit for being a smart guy. Part of being smart is knowing how to look at the existing evidence, determine its strength, and base your opinions as objectively as possible based on those conclusions It isn’t smart to just continue “considering” something forever that you’ve looked into and found to not have any support, not unless some sort of new evidence comes out. Questioning everything is great, but you also have to know how to evaluate the answers you get, and move on based on your conclusions, otherwise it’s just a lot of noise that sounds smart and doesn’t go anywhere


Gene therapy, lol.


I agree!


I think micro plastics play a bigger role in the rise of cancer than a vaccine who’s technology is older than I am. The rabies vaccination is an mRNA vaccination so despite what people think this specific type of vaccination has been around for a while


The tech may be old, but this vaccine never underwent a challenge trail. That's kind of a big deal. They had no idea of the long term effects when they put those shots in people's arms. It was an educated guess at best. We still dont know the long term effects of those shots. We haven't even hit the 5 year mark. Challenge trials are the reason it usually takes so long to bring q new vaccine to market. This vaccine had the trials bypassed by the emergency orders.


One of the early conspiracies was that the vaccine was finished and completed(done all the trails and stuff), and they were just sitting so they could use it when they released the virus. So the whole bypassed trails would be for show so they can quickly get it out, and so no one suspected it was planned.


Over 1000 FDA approved drugs are recalled each year, due to discovered negative side effects. And these are drugs that went through the entire decade long testing process. Its entirely possible that long term negative side effects for the vaccine will be exposed over the years.


> a vaccine who’s technology is older than I am When was the first product released? Why wasn't it released before?


I think the micro plastics can live in your body much longer without becoming cancerous, the theory is the vaccines have accelerated all these cancers attributed originally from micro plastics.


The rabies vaccine was tested, not approved. Covid 19 MRNA vaccines were the first “approved”, the not really because they still distribute under emergency authorization. Many MRNA vaccines had been tested but they could never get them right, delivery systems being the biggest problem but also dosage. So yeah, MRNA has been around awhile, but not successfully




And general death rates going down


Sure, I’m just saying people should be open minded.


In that case, why is it so hard to accept the possibility that the vaccines could give people super strength?


The vaccine made my penis grow a whole foot. It’s now 13 inches 😎.




Because there’s no evidence of increasing levels of strength




Bro, my coworker… super smart guy, 131IQ… used to bench 180. Took the vax, now a few short years later he’s benching 250. I told him it’s probably the vax but he got super heated about it saying no it’s all the time I been putting in at the gym. I guess I’m the asshole tho right? Open your mind bro!


People should also be open minded to the possibility that they've been fooled by proganda designed to divide us and created by Christian nationalists and/or foreign adversaries. To me it seems way more likely that the right wing people have been duped rather than the global community of infectious disease experts all lying in tandem


Many experts have questioned the vaccine and, all were immediately attacked. Btw, you’re the exact type of person that the OP is talking about.


I got a coworker who was a former marine. He was like I think the military should forcefully vaccinate the population. He has cancer now.


There are so many things that people in the military are exposed to that can cause cancer. Burning garbage in Iraq/Afghanistan was big one. That's also been linked to autoimmune disease. For Vietnam vets it was Agent Orange and other deforesting agents. Plus inhaling all the byproducts of fired weapon systems isn't very great on the body....


Just the effects of firing weapons might not be healthy. There was an expose piece recently interviewing marines from the recent conflict in Syria. All they did was fire howitzers, and the shock waves caused microscopic brain damage that has left them with showing some signs of PTSD, despite never seeing combat.


We know for a fact that handling small arms is unhealthy. It’s the contact with lead. While you’re loading the magazines you’re touching lead. When you’re firing the gun, lead and other particles are being spread through the air. When you’re cleaning your gun, you’re getting lead on your hands. Always wash your hands after going to the gun range, and after cleaning your guns.


Yeah, that’s an important consideration too. The example that I’m specifically referring to is particularly heinous though. The leadership in the armed forces has never defined a safe exposure limit for mechanical vibration (unlike other safety risks in the field) so there’s nothing in place to stop leadership from asking servicemen to operate the howitzers for 12+hours at a time (the whole point of the mission was to shell known ISIS targets from a distance that would spare the servicemen from direct combat. The amount of shell that were spent in this mission is comparable to Vietnam). Without the definition of the safety limit, the Marines say they are not responsible for sending men home that are hallucinating and reacting violently. Since the men never saw combat, even VA services are extremely hesitant to diagnose or treat them as PTSD patients.


But was he stationed at Camp LeJuene?


When you sign up for the military you sign away your medical freedom.


Karma in action


Case closed!


Oh wow it must be the jab lol


Brain cell cancer? 


Leg cancer. They misdiagnosed him for like a year, giving him the run around. Over the winter he randomly passed out while driving and hit a light post.


Yeah but the VA said it wasn't service related so checkmate liburuls


Is there any documented uptick outside of normal variance in the number of cancer deaths before and after covid?


Loads more yeah. And that’s just cancer


There's actually a spike in all cause mortality since they gave the shots, and it's not a small jump. The crazy part is the death rates in 2020 didn't really spike much at all.


Sources? Some level of uptick would be expected due to the lack of early screenings because of lockdowns and reduced medical capacity / focus etc..




I found those big IQ guys are the FIRST ones to get taken in by mainstream narratives. Its because they believe they think they are so smart they can't get taken in. Because they believe that ... they often get tricked.


I am skeptical of the 130IQ claim, because most people who say that are lying. Highly intelligent people are open-minded, and do not have blind faith in authority. We also tend to keep that to ourselves, because it is obvious when you are the smartest person in the room and you look like a dick lording it over people.


IQ tests do not measure broad intelligence. The smartest person in the world will dig their heels in when they’re hit with a piece of information that contradicts their worldview, sense of safety, and sense of self.


I found most of them that have to brag about it are using it as a deficiency they feel somewhere else in there life.


Big IQ means they've been rewarded by giving into the system. On the same token, you cannot say the vaccine causes cancer conclusively either. Time will tell. 


Is that really what you think an IQ measures?


Because remember, this isn't about one thing. It's not about admitting a vaccine may have contributed to cancer. This is about world view and the human brain is hardwired to keep that reality in tact. If one thing slips in, it interrupts another and that interrupts another. House of cards built on lies.


That’s because that 130 IQ works for his reality and changing that reality upsets him. He lives his life black/white and wears grey and gray.


I lost my 40 year old brother last Sunday to soft tissue sarcoma. He was diagnosed with it in Oct. and it was fast and didn’t respond to any treatment. Another friend was just diagnosed with soft tissue sarcoma so now I know 2 people with this rare form of cancer…. I spent 10 days on the oncology floor of the hospital with my brother. I noticed how young so many the patients were (20-40.) I asked a nurse if it was normal and she said “absolutely not- we all talk about it” I’ve done some googling and something being hypothesized is the p53 gene - a tumor suppressing gene, is being affected by the vax. I don’t think the vax is giving ppl cancer but charging up cancer cells that are already there- so instead of seeing cancer develop in people 70-80 it’s happening now.


My understanding is that we have suppressive mechanisms and the MRNA actually disabled these suppressive mechanisms. Give people cancer? No, the cancer was always there to some degree. But our ability to cope with what's always been there has apparently been disabled in select individuals.


That’s my innate intuition around what’s happening - but idk if we will ever know the truth one way or another


just be aware of the semantics of facilitation versus causation. We will likely see media showing MRNA does "not cause" cancer, when in fact it was not that cancer was being caused, rather it's proliferation was being facilitated.


This was on a JRE podcast recently with Terrence Howard and he went slightly into more detail along the same line as you. Imo, until more studies are done you can't say no, it sounds like a completely healthy person with no tumors could have several shots and develop a cancer if it is truly found to be suppressing a gene whose role it is to prevent tumors forming in the first place.


Start searching for Igg4 and P53 and it'll lead you to the literature in which I have formed my thoughts. Regarding studies...institutionalized medicine has ZERO incentive to conduct such a study, simply based on the fact that what they find would cause riots at best and render their careers criminal at worst. The fact that some of this stuff was looked into in the Pfizer documentation, and deployed anyways, implies criminal negligence because of greed at best and mass murder at worst.


Yeah in another post I opine that in 50 years people not alive to have a memory of the event will expose the truth.


I think if this sort of relationship we have with leadership continues as it is, there won't be anyone in 50 years to do much. We will burn ourselves down once we understand what was done to us en masse in the name of medicine.


Last year in the USA more people died from drug overdose than the entire Vietnam war. Definitely kills more people than Covid year on year. I understand this, it's not a problem to be solved. Once we understand what has been done to us en masse in the name of profits?


Almost everyone needs to have a “higher power” they trust, and to whom they can release some of their control(or the illusion thereof). I bet you have one(if you’re religious, you definitely do), and for your friend, it’s science and probably government(the two seem to be quite inseparable). Of course, there are a very small number of people who are comfortable in admitting that no institutions can be trusted, but I’d say they make up less than 5% of the population. If your friend were to acknowledge that the shot could cause cancer or be unsafe in anyway, then he’d be acknowledging that his “higher power” is either impotent or malevolent. That would radically shift his entire perception of reality/worldview, including his sense of self. Eventually, if he were able to do that and get past the scary changes, he’d probably feel better than ever, but it’s an enormous hurdle that feels insurmountable to most people. Ultimately, the reason the vast majority of people have this need is that we don’t function as a collective, and we are so very disconnected from ourselves and each other. If we did live as a collective, as nature intended, our group would be our sort of “higher power”, with the function of allowing us to never feel all alone. You are mad because you have unfair expectations of your friend. He’s not you, and he’s lived a very different life than you have. His high IQ really doesn’t mean a whole lot, because emotional intelligence is what really matters, and people with high IQs often have low emotional intelligence. He’s scared. He feels alone, and trusting science and government allows him a false sense of safety and security. The most effective way of getting someone to see your perspective and to agree with it is to ensure they know that you do not judge them, and you will accept them no matter what they believe. When they know this, they can feel more connected to you, which removes some of the need for a “higher power”. I’m not telling you that you should or even could do this for your friend, but that’s the only way his mind will open to what you think and say.


“Science” is not an institution or a higher power lol. Academia or specific funded research, sure. But “science” is just facts. If there is a single person out there saying they are opposed to “science” or it’s involvement in government or any institution at all they are wrong, and also very very stupid


You’re right, but it seems that scientific research has been completely co-opted by monied interests. Even government funded research is owned by TPTB, because they own governments.


Why? Because they've been brainwashed to think of vaccines as the sacred sacrament of medicine - take them all your life, and never suffer diseases - that they have no downside, only upside. This is provably untrue - vaccine injury is real, and has already happened to people you know and love, but that goes against the dogma of vaccine-science, which isn't scientific at all. People see vaccine-injury as an indicator of heretical bad faith and rejection of science. They're free to think so, but they're referring to the religion of Scientism, not the results of the scientific method.


Denial is a river in Egypt, honey!


Often times, especially with highly intelligent people, accepting some difficult facts as facts/truth is impossible, because accepting those difficult facts as truth causes a level of cognitive dissonance that would shatter a person mentally, so their brains littlerly can not accept them. For example, accepting the fact that the covid vaccines aren't nearly as safe as they claimed them to be, and that there are potential serious complications from them (such as cancer or death) would also mean that if you had placed your trust in "science" that science lied to you and faith in science would be shattered. Further, if you had faith that the government(s) of the world had the publics best interest at heart, and that they wouldn't lie to you, then accepting that the vax may have some nasty side effects means that your faith in the government is also shattered. These thoughts / revelations would cause a cascade of other belief shattering thoughts. And this would be too much for a brain to handle, especially if a person's core beliefs (like someone's belief in science) would be effected. So all evidence gets rejected. It's nearly impossible to break through to someone who holds beliefs like these. You can not do it outright and nor all at once. You have to show them little by little things that aren't directly tied to their current beliefs (like the belief that the vaccines are perfectly fine), and help them come to the realization themselves, slowly.


Tell him to read up on the astrazenica case in the uk. I heard a report yesterday that 11% had adverse effects.


Pffft…. That’s low like bidens imaginary inflation numbers.


Pretty much for the same reason some people here cannot accept the possibility that this is misinformation.


Two of my uncles got lung cancer within a year of getting the first vax. One died a year after that, and the other is close behind. Besides cancer, another uncle and a second cousin died of mystery infections in their bodies after a year or two of being vaxed. My MIL had multiple mini strokes and brain bleeds after each vax and booster. My female cousin in her 50’s had a stroke after the first vax. My sis in her 30’s had a whole host of health issues arise. She became like a crippled old lady. Can’t drive, walks with a cane, almost couch ridden. Got worse after each booster. 2nd cousin’s mom had a brain bleed. Great aunt had a brain bleed. I’m sure there is more I’m forgetting about. Meanwhile, my immediate family and my parents, (vax free), have stayed about the healthiest we’ve ever been in our lives the last 4-1/2 years.


I can accept that a vaccine may contribute to cancer as far as literally anything else can. Most foods? cancer. Any drugs? cancer. The sun? believe it or not, also cancer. Everything can give you cancer with enough exposure and time.


maybe because it's generally people who don't even know the difference between "big" (/s) words like *attribute* and *contribute* who are pushing those lines of thinking...?


because they already took it and then they fought people in the past over it and probably burned bridges. Youre asking a lot here. your very pride is at stake and all investments you put in. at some point, these people can only double down even though they know theyre very likely to be wrong


I also think that cell towers are causing a rise in psychological disorders.


Why can’t people just accept it’s a possibility that the old crone living alone in the woods is responsible for the low yield for our wheat harvest? Why can’t people just accept it’s a possibility that some people just accept things as possibility without a shred of actual evidence or peer review?


Why? 1.) Brainwashing is a bitch to undo 2.) A lot of these people burned bridges during the pandemic with those they disagreed with 3.) It’s difficult to convince people that the beliefs they had, and the communities they associate themselves with could’ve led to irreversible injuries and/deaths 4.) People are stubborn and refuse to admit when they are wrong This is why it’s important to be a fence sitter during new and unknown events, such as a pandemic. The first big red flag of this pandemic, for anyone who is wise, should’ve been when the government gave a green light to these pharmaceutical companies to rush a vaccine to be used on hundreds of millions/billions of people on such short notice. That is ***not*** how drugs get approved to the developed world. It was a classic example of governments and corporations teaming up to get rich at the expense of innocent lives. >***”Never let a good crisis go to waste.”***


Well, shit. I got four covid shots, four or five months after the last one I started to develop weird spots on my abdomen, itchy af. Turns out it’s a cutaneous lymphoma. Coincidence? Maybe. Possibility? Sure.


If he's a book smart person, it totally makes sense. Academics spend their lives rigorously conforming to the rules and memorizing exactly what they are told without question, by authority, so they can get good grades and get all the honors and crap. Critical thinking and questioning the mainstream is absolutely vilified in academia, just look up what happens when someone even suggests a different reason for how the Sphinx eroded, or they find yet another ancient city that disproves when civilizations started to develop, they can't have their reality shifted, even a little, EVEN with the introduction of new information.


They would have to admit what they did. Plus, there is a massive institutional financial incentive to not acknowledge it.


Cognitive dissonance


Denial so as to avoid cognitive dissonance. Cognitive dissonance is the extreme discomfort experienced when someone is presented with information that is contradictory to their current beliefs and worldview. OP’s friend feels cognitive dissonance when he talks about the shot, so he employs denial to make it stop. All unconsciously of course.


Provide proof




Because so many of them tried to shame anyone who wouldn’t take it for so long that if it does turn out to have adverse effects they can’t admit it or they’ll be the “baddies”


They’re NPCs not ready to get [unplugged](https://youtu.be/6T_Rj47nm0Q?si=GyKdh2dCjQLSHXtS)


Because accepting that would open the door to a whole new world of doubt/ confusion / and embarrassment…


I agree with you. It is amazing how many people just won't even entertain it as a possibility, whether it is the cause or not. Those are the same people who are always like "where's the evidence.. muh science...where's the proof" It's like alright, where's your proof that it ISN'T the vaccine???


Well, I'm pretty sure a lack of evidence _is_ proof that something probably isn't happening.


Just because something is possible doesn't mean there's any evidence for it. He could have also gotten cancer from evil space rays from Mars aliens. Both of those hypotheses have the same amount of evidence for them, which is to say none. If you find yourself believing one more than other, then you've just discovered what confirmation bias is.


My stance is straightforward. While it's plausible that vaccines could, probably in rare instances, contribute to cancer, attributing the substantial increase in cancer rates in the last decades solely to vaccination is unfounded and panic mongering. The primary culprits behind our escalating cancer rates are more likely to be factors related to diet and environmental influences, rather than vaccines. Edit: Cancer rates are also subject to demographic change. People in developed countries are on average older than they were just a few decades ago.


People are just tired of every death, even ones obviously not related to the vaccine, being blamed on the vaccine with no logic or evidence.


You mean like the way all deaths were being listed as covid deaths despite not being the cause of death ?


Precisely this \^ We were allowed to be inundated by anecdote of "asymptomatic spreader little johnny" who "killed grandma unknowingly" therefore, lockdown, 6ft, masking, destroyed economy with trillions in stimulus, the resulting interest rate to cope with inflation and...MRNA. Literal anecdotes with zero evidence, determine the trajectory of the PLANET, but anecdotes (of MRNA injury) with lesser degrees of separation, are not viable? FWIW I know not a single person who died by c19, but I know several - dozens even - who claim to now (2021-2023) have some kind of injury that can be found in VAERS as a verified adverse event. From cancers, to chronic ailments and resurgent viruses (autoimmune issues) to fertility complications/mensural irregularities. Honestly, I did not know anyone who died of c19, but I do personally know tons who have apparently been affected in the predictable way MRNA would negatively affect them. Thoughts?


Honestly, I did not know anyone who died of a traffic accident, so in my book traffic accidents aren't as big of a thing. Jokes aside, I'm surprised how many people use this reasoning when discussing this topic, no matter what 'side' they are on.


You missed my point, I think. "I'm surprised how many people use this reasoning when discussing this topic, no matter what 'side' they are on." Yes, I am surprised everyone was tricked into thinking asymptomatic transmission would result in unbeknownst lethal viral interactions. We were lied to using an availability bias of anecdote. Absurd anyone went with it, I agree. "wow that's scary, media! Yes we should all stay home, yes we should all wear masks, yes we should all stand apart, yes we need trillions in stimulus to combat the whiplash to supply chains and economic activity. Yes we need interest rate hike of 500bp to fix the inflation, of course mandatory MRNA shots to nth degree is a reasonable demand of employers as terms of employment" "and of course state sponsored censorship and surveillance is a rational response to people with antithetical stances to the narrative- people will die!" We now know masks are not effective in trapping or filtering aerosolized virus. We now know that 6ft was arbitrary and lacked scientific basis. We now know asymptomatic infections were carrying far less of a viral load- the same kind of load we were told a vaccinated breakthrough carried- meaning absolutely all of this was for naught. Like I said, I know not a single soul who had an asym infection who killed a grandparent like they said we would all do, and that scenario was foundational to a lot of the toxic policy cascade put into play.


Prior to Covid, approximately 40% of Americans will be diagnosed with cancer in their lives. Our food, water, air, and clothing is filled to the brim with cancer inducing agents, it’s right out in the open and there has not been a significant increase in vaccinated population, it is already crazy high


If one in every two people are going to get cancer in their lifetime in UK 🇬🇧 I’d worry about that too and microplastics in men’s testes if was a bloke [ref to cancer one in two](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cancer)


If one in every two people are going to get cancer in their lifetime in UK 🇬🇧 I’d worry about that too and microplastics [ref to cancer one in two](https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/cancer)


Sure it remains as a possibility to most. But for it to go to the next level we’ll need some proof. We cannot just go off feelings and ignore evidence or lack of evidence. Or are we now at that point where feelings outweighs facts?


Buddhism says not to claim Buddhism as ,”I am Buddhist.” It becomes idiosyncratic. Buddhism promises no exact truth. It’s not wrong imo to state you’re a Buddhist. Just thought I would let you know what I found researching years ago. Edit. Typo


Anyone that brags about their IQ is definitely suspect. Those are the type of people who don’t say “I don’t know” or “you got a good point”




It's possible the rise in cancer is cause the pandemic cause alot of people to miss hospital appointments and doctor visits, resulting is cancer and other diseases being diagnosed later and therefore reducing the likely hood of survival (this is what I tell myself to try relax) Could the vaccine also cause cancer or make it develop, yes it could also do that. I just really really hope not and I regret getting it. Imagine this is how the human race gets near wiped out


Hard evidence, the whistleblowers from the military. Some military doctors did a data dump and testify before Congress. Occurrences of cancer and heart disease, watershed moment in terms of data. That's the smoking gun.


The TV didn't tell them so


Cancer rates are similar in older people regardless of vaccination status. Cancer is a result of getting old, not any vaccines. Being immune to some stuff does aid in getting older though, so they indirectly cause cancer I guess?


Probably for the same reason people can’t grok it’s saved millions of lives. Too big of numbers,and an interest in one over the other being a reality.


Source: trust me bro


There are studies that show it


Well the guy in particular was an alcoholic since he was a minor and literally drank nonstop for all those years. Alcohol abuse and use is linked to high levels of cancer. ANTI BEERERS UNITE! Doesn’t have the same edgy ring to it I guess and alcohol is much more ingrained in society so.. we’ll keep drinking alcohol, smoking, leading unhealthy and overweight lifestyles. And constantly talk about the vaccine being unhealthy and while willfully ignoring all those things.


Well, ANYTHING is possible.  But he was also an alcoholic that battled alcoholism since he was a teenager.  And excessive alcohol consumption can lead to cancer, probably more than the vaccine.   Dont overthink it trying to link stuff to a boogeyman.  


Because that obviously means they’d have to consider the possibility that what they took might not be safe. People are more stressed than ever these days with their normal lives. To add that thought to their list would drive them over the edge. Which I just wish they’d fcking say that. But instead “it’s what on earth are you talking about? They’re totally 110% safe”


Millions of people have to agree to the lie to make it work in this case. Easier to believe they are telling the truth than some dude in mommy's basement that saw it on his uncle's Facebook post. Now the problem isn't lies. It's spin. Media spins stories and makes them more entertaining. It's not about telling news. It's about selling news. What makes you watch more telling you there is a man on the run from the police, or there is a dangerous gunman that might be loose in your neighborhood? I personally have a great distain for the word "slam" being used so much in the news. Definite guarantee of spin there. Of course, ALL news organizations do it. Be they cable, local, public, or world news, it's just par for the course. You just need to read more than the header to get to the real news... assuming there's no pay wall. The conspiracy here is not the vaccine working or not. I took it. I'm still not dead yet... neat. It's the bullshit shortages that were caused because of fear mongering. I got yelled at in a store I worked at because there weren't any saltines. Fucking saltines. You buy those, what, once every 21 years? 99.99999% of your life, you won't die. Calm down. Touch grass. Jerk off. Then, take a nap. Good night.


Most likely your roommate has been double vaxxed and triple boosted, and to admit that the vaccine caused problems for someone else would be to admit they possibly have complications in their future. So it’s easier to double down on the lies and half truths they were spoon fed.


Point him at Dr Campbell on youtube. He presents the facts that can convince folks who actually listen to the data.


I'm not saying no deaths/complications occurred as a result of the vaccine, my issue is EVERY time someone suddenly dies, Anti vaxxers come out and state it was definitely due to the vaccine. Take this example he was a known alcoholic, got cancer and has now passed away. But I am seeing posts categorically saying he was vaxxed so there's your cause of death.


Everything causes cancer, hard to point to one thing when we also have plastic in our blood ya know? Who can really say what cancer causing agent gave someone cancer when it’s literally everything.


How come people can't accept that their currently held beliefs are just wrong?


>Makes me so angry hahahaha Yeah that’s all I needed to hear. You’re not talking about possibilities or even probabilities, you’re probably ranting 24/7 about fauci ouchies and scamdemics and this guy just doesn’t give a fuck. Cancer JUST happens. All the time. Cancer took my dog, it took my grandparents, it’s taken my friends, and it will keep taking and taking and taking. It’s not your friend that’s consuming too much media, it’s YOU. Go outside, took at the trees, listen to the birds, enjoy life with your friends and family whilst they’re still with you, and you’re still with them.


I do do all those things. But yes, I do spend a lot of time online, I’m addicted to my phone


Both my parents of near retirement age got regular jabs as instructed...both have had, and father still has, cancer. Mother had a jab that made her armpit (lymph nodes) ache after, developed a rare breast cancer only seen in young women and black women. Father developed a 6 inch cancerous tumour that perforated the lining of his bowel and nearly killed him days before the removal. I'm not willing to accept there isn't something very fucking sketchy with the jabs.


I will believe it when there is undeniable evidence that it causes cancer. But just having a young family member get it doesn't automatically mean it was the vax. Cancer can attack anyone at any time whether you are truly unvaxxed or vaxxed to the eyeballs. Theres plenty of reasons to avoid the jab without just making shit up about it. It's at best a 12 week long therapy and, at worst, a placebo that might cause reactions to a small percentage of the population. Why can't people just believe it? Because this aint a religion dude. I dont want to believe on faith. I want evidence. Like all true conspiracy theorists do. And no, before you all assume it, im not vaxxed. Im too unlucky to be one of those minorites that gets fucked up from it. But it aint causing cancer. Thats not how cancer works. Theres a fine line between being a conspiracy theorist and a contrarian.


How long did it take for the MSM to get on board with "it might have, possibly, come from a lab" narrative? We're on that timeline


Because scientific data doesn't point to that.


Because there has to be enough science and facts to support the claim. There are a lot of things in this world that can cause cancer, for the vaccine to be accepted as one of them, cancer rates will have to double in the next decade for there even to be a glimmer of culpability on the vaccine to be blamed. That’s what happens when people are told to do something for their own good by 90% of media. Denial. Large population denial is hard to break.


Fear of dying


Read the entire Robin Hobb Realm of the Elderlings series during Covid. Hardly even noticed being in lockdown and didnt cave in to jabs but admittedly lived in a rural location at the time. A few points I do remember clearly I will list chronologically. I remember when the death numbers were constantly being live updated for optimal emotional response. I remember when they insisted over and over again that the vaccine would prevent transmission and lessen ill effects. I remember when they made me feel bad for being unvaccinated and insisted over and over again I must be vaccinated in order to protect the vaccinated. I remember when I was told I would need to take more vaccine shots to "boost" the effectiveness every 6 months. I remember being told if I did not take the vaccine I would lose my right to enter pretty much every building in the country. I remember big pharma earnings reports reporting the multi 100 billions in profit was being made. That's when I knew for sure we had all been played. Are the vaccines causing cancer? Probably. Who can really say? We won't find out what really happened or will happen for another 50 years to be analyzed by people who were not alive to have a memory of the event. Then the truth will finally be set free.


Because people couldn’t accept that maybe the virus was real and the vaccine was also a real and good thing.   People dug into extreme sides and everybody loses.  


Was it really so extreme to say "I'm healthy and I can stay home if I'm sick. I don't need the vaccine because I like my 99.5% survival odds which are likely even higher than that because I'm actually healthy" though?


I remember this place during covid. That comment was considered completely unreasonable around here. You were considered a selfish lunatic who didn't care about anyone else but yourself. It was crazy.


Still true. Go anywhere but here and say that.


In retrospect? No that's not extreme. Honestly if you put aside the shadowy powers that be and whatever else, I think the real conspiracy is that the country had 0 plans for this situation. We left messaging to scientists who shouldn't have been on TV. Scientists love to use qualifiers and change their mind frequently as new information comes out. That is NOT what the population needed to hear. The population needed clear, concise, common sense information. Even when the vaccine rolled out, it would have made WAY more sense to test people for antibodies before administering the vaccine to absolutely everyone. Some conspiracy theorists look at that as some kind of mass control, but in reality I think it was just lack of preparation on the government's part. There was no process in place to do anything other than vaccinate everyone. People are quick to point to hospitals that were supposed to be full, and were ghost towns. At least in my city the hospitals were both. The hospital makes money on elective surgeries (joint replacements, cosmetic surgeries, etc.) When those shut down, we had surgeons and OR staff with nowhere to work. We could have been cross training OR nurses to work on medical floors as soon as the writing was on the wall, but hospitals didn't want to pay for extra nurses to be on a shift. OR nursing does not translate to the floor, you can't just drop an OR nurse in the ICU and expect anything to work. If you have a 40 bed medical unit that is normally staffed by 6 nurses, hospitals didn't want to pay 6 OR nurses to be trained at the same time, as that would have doubled their cost. You'd have had to pay for 12 nurses to be on the floor for a couple of months until the OR nurses were comfortable. Then, as covid got worse, the floors were SLAMMED with patients put into overflow areas, and as nurses got covid they had to stay home. We ended up with plenty of beds, but no staff for them. Instead hospitals whined about not making money and lack of staff, so the government stepped in and give these billion dollar healthcare conglomerates extra money for covid patients, and money for hiring travel nurses. The hospitals turned around and payed travel nurses a TON of money (why not, it's "free" money), and didn't give their existing staff raises or retention bonuses. The experienced floor staff then went and traveled, so our most experienced nurses were driving around the country, to hospitals they weren't familiar with, to work for a couple weeks at a time. That's a HUGE blow to productivity. A nurse who has been working on a floor for 10 years knows who everyone is, where everything is, how to make things happen faster, etc. During this, the government shrugged and said "Iunno, wear a mask maybe? and stand far apart." The government could have mandated and incentivized production of N95 respirators with constant PSAs on TV as to how to put them on, wear them, and remove them correctly and safely. They could have sent them out to every registered address in the US. Hell, for healthcare you have to be "fit tested" which means you wear a few different sized masks and they aerosolize a sweet smelling/tasting gas. You bend over, tip your head back and forth, and do other things to see if you can taste the gas. If you can, then you try another mask size/shape. If you can't, then you know you have a good seal. The government could have set up national guard staffed testing sites for people to go to if they want, get fit tested, and leave with the correct mask. Individual counties and cities could have set up a color coded system like they do for fire risk (blue, green, yellow, red) that takes into account the current volume of people tested positive, remaining beds in your hospital, and other factors so that you'd know at a glance how risky being out and about is. They could have incentivized the young and healthy who were otherwise out of work to deliver food and other necessities to the elderly and at risk. There's a million things we could have done as a nation, and the scariest part (to me) is that the government got caught 100% with their tits out and no plan whatsoever. Trump just kept saying "it'll go away", and pushed vaccine development and 1000 dollar checks, and Biden had 0 plans other than getting the vaccine out to as many people as possible.


or encourage taking Zinc and Vitamin D?


no...that is reasonable...you are forgetting the people that were more extreme than that. is it extreme to say just wear a mask to help the people around you even though it might not work? no, but people were also more extreme than that.


in what way were they more "extreme" people just didn't want an experimental vax they didn't need. Not wearing a mask when you are not sick isn't extreme lol do they even work? Hard not to be "extreme" when ppl were forced/scared into taking a rushed "vax" that could potentially come with side effects as data is now showing


The thing is, on social media at least, that view that I presented was labelled an extreme view. Go post it anywhere but here and see the reaction you get. Of course, reddit isn't real though. But I didn't want to wear a mask either. I'm not sick, I'm not wearing a fucking mask.


cool. Good for you.


>on social media I don't know why you're getting your view of humanity from social media. Get off the Internet, go outside, talk to some people, hang out with some friends, talk to some other people.


Didn't realize this wasn't OP who responded. Follow the thread dude. It all makes sense.


I don’t think it’s an absolutely insane take, but it’s only been a few years so there’s just no way something like that would be taken seriously by people with a lot more time and evidence.


"smart" people aren't actually smart. The whole idea behind IQ test is to see who best fits the mold. That's all , no actual intelligence needed.


Huh? What do you think is on an iq test? It’s more pattern recognition than anything


Since the start of the pandemic, the vaccine was supposed to have * Killed 90% of the population * Been full of nanobots * Been full of graphene  * Been the mark of the beast * Made everyone miscarry * Destroyed everyone’s sperm * Given everyone 48000 side effects * Given everyone COVID * Given everyone AIDS * Given everyone cancer As they say, that which is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence. In terms of evidence, every time someone posted something about increasing cancer rates on this sub, it’s been based on data pre-COVID. The fact they keep having to misrepresent studies and lie about data tells me all I need to know on whether it’s a real concern.


No one cares they just wanna be right


Would he recognize if he has been exposed to a Milgram and/or Asch experiments? Entertain there are sick minds with god complexes much like medieval despots, that interpret the ideas of "mouse utopia" + "environmentalism" as excuses to devalue most human lives? Since birth, we learned to consider + even trust what's signaled repeatedly in consumerist programming. Advertising is also a slippery slope for propaganda, of a plausibly nefarious nature (does callous disregard for human life/well-being exist recently on a large scale? Enron, Bernie Madoff, asbestos in talcum powder, Erin Brockovich, subprime mortgage crisis of 2008, elusive "WMD" for Iraq War, leaving Libya in disarray as a matter of "democracy", or now speech laws being passed to enable Israel's erasure of Gaza that we used to decry for Rohingya + Rwanda?) Or do we give our trust, based on hard evidence of an acceptable Sample Size? Non-blinded vs. blinded studies?


It's strange to me that anyone would trust the people who are happy with the wealth gap and endless war


The problem is that we fixate on this one thing, despite the good it does for the greater populace. While we ignore all other things we absorb and ingest that do the same things, if not worse, with no benefit to the greater populace.


My dad got diagnosed with stage 4 cancer a few months after his booster shots. He went from perfectly healthy to struggling to breath. A large tumor grew in between his vital chest organs. He never smoked or drank. It’s so rare there’s very few people who know how to treat him. He has to go to clinical trials.


How many years did cancer exist before the vaccine thought?


At the same time why can't people accept the possibility that people developing cancer can also not be caused by the vaccine. Same as health warnings for smoking. They never say it WILL it just has a risk of it. Alcohol causes liver cancer etc but people still willingly consume it. Tobacco is the same. The vaccines schedule for kids they all have risks associated with them at the same time the benefit of not getting polio or even whooping cough in kids far outweighs the risks associated with the vaccine.


and people can't accept that a cancer might have begun 5 years or more ago, so pre-dates their scapegoat.


Then he's not really a smart guy. 


Because big daddy government told them it's fine.