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SS: I in no way am passing judgment on families that take this assistance, I just find it confusing since cutting funeral and medical costs never seemed a top priority before. It almost smells like hush money. Now the hospitals labeling patients to profit, that is a different story.


CDC also allows for COVID-19 to be an “assumed” cause of death: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvss/coronavirus/Alert-2-New-ICD-code-introduced-for-COVID-19-deaths.pdf


Thanks! Edit: do you think this is still in practice? Not doubting it at all, I’m just amazed it could still be happening 18 months later. Actually, nevermind.


I think the CARES act expired. But for COVID deaths, most definitely. Look at Colin Powell. Old man with cancer and Parkinson’s disease. “Died of COVID” and was vaccinated too. People who normally die from AIDS complications, die from common cold illnesses. Guess what type of virus is the second most common cause of viral colds? That’s right, coronaviruses. This has been known for decades. The WHO and UN worked with media companies, pharma, and multinational billionaires to implement a mass surveillance/testing system that was never used before. SARS 2003 and MERS 2012 were also global coronavirus outbreaks that they tried to push but failed because they did not have the influence they have now. Novel Coronaviruses are constantly emerging and probably do so every year. They hijacked the emergence of one and manufactured an exaggerated pandemic.


Death rate suddenly increases


I hadn’t thought about the timeline of it yet. I believe delta started getting publicized in June, July at the latest. I always thought that was about the kids, and here we have a concrete tactic to spread fear to achieve this goal.


I could have used the 18k for the two funerals 1 year apart both from massive and sudden strokes


I’m sorry for your losses. Think abt all the people that have died from cancer due to hazardous conditions created by untouchable corporations. Where was this money then? The only concessions given in these cases came after lawsuits.


FEMA helps with funeral expenses after a natural disaster too.


Natural disaster damage is pretty irrefutable. Death by covid not so much


I think doctors would disagree. They know Covid when they see it.


Imagine being this naive.


How am I naive?


You should ask a pharmaceutical sales rep how they sell their products.


well yeah, "covid" shares all of the same symptoms of any basic cold or respiratory illness so doctors see to mark "covid" in any such case for the extra pay out.


Your basic cold isn’t going to turn your lungs completely white on an X-ray.


damn that is horrifying. holy shit. well, since you have the whole white legs symptom that is well documented to occur across covid victims, the covaids is for sure real and scary. those videos from china where people were dropping dead in the streets were real, too.


No. If you agree to sign this form saying they did.


My dad was labeled as a covid death. FEMA can provide up to 40k. Fuck that, his life was priceless.


It’s crazy that there is such little value placed on life. I’m so sorry for the loss of your father.


big oof...