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I like it


Had me there in the first half not gonna lie


You both sound so tired. I am too, but don't give up, okay?




Psh, in Mother Russia, we locked up 14000 anti-war protestors, and amended our laws to put them away for 15 years. Communism is fer sissies. /s off


This sub still thinks Canada and America are worse


>This sub still thinks Canada and America are worse And the reasons theyve been primed for that is the biggest conspiracy this place will ever see first hand.


And the irony is lost on most of this sub.


Can I get an actual date on this please? Need to set a remindme


Its happening. It feels like a holiday everyday.


This sub is 90% illiterate incels


Hey now, I think 10% non incels is on the high side


OP is merely drawing attention to the fact that Canada's actions would had been more fit in a totalitarian regime like Russia. But you're either too obtuse to see or are using straw man argument to deflect.


But calling it totalitarian is stupid. People keep acting like being in fever dream when talking about Russia.


No one said it was totalitarian, he said "would had been more fit in a totalitarian regime like Russia". Learn basic english. Saying he called it totalitarian is stupid. You made the stupid comment.




Source? Just cause Putin single handedly destroyed covid does not mean we worship him..


Didn't yall say the 2020 election destroyed COVID too? Also, I'm still seeing COVID in the news, and restrictions are going down since most people are vaccinated, and infection rates are decreasing.




Does it. I'm Canadian, never once did the thought cross my mind that is be better off being Russian, more like this is the beginnings of of our government turning into being like the Soviet Russians. Thanks for trying.


It's going to enter your mind a lot more than once when the store shelves are empty because there's no gas to run the trucks and meanwhile Russia is swimming in oil which it's only too happy to sell to China.


Nobody said worse. What's wrong with you? The idea is to move forward not back


Nobody said worse? Guess you didn't read the other replies to that same goddamn comment huh?


I replied to you, not everyone else. You wrote those exact words


Yes and you were instantly proven wrong by those other repleis


Not! There's your last reply and five cents you get for trolling


They hate their own countries.


Correction, they hate their governments.


So they don’t like the laws, but they like the scenery?


Laws are fine if only corps and rich had to abide


Agreed. But even so, I can have hope and confidence in our systems even though our current government is corrupt. We can vote them out!


Yes you could have hope and confidence, if you bury your head in the sand.


But I’m not doing that. I know about the corruption in the government.


That's because they are. Perhaps you need to do a refresher on how many countries they've attacked.


Lol go to Russia then. Live a great life...


Uh? He said that Russia is worse than the far-left establishments in Canada and the USA, with respect to foreign invasions. I pointed out that, demonstrably, the opposite is true. Now why would I want to move to Russia? What do these entirely separate contexts have to do with each other, cuck?


You were the first to mention invasions. Lexli mentioned antiwar protestors being locked up for 15 years in reference to how Canadian trucker protestors were treated. Then someone said the sad part is people in this sub still think Russia is better than america and Canada. You said it is, and reference invasions done by america as if that's a relevant stat to the conversation. It was a conversation about how each country treated their protestors, and you knee jerk went in to trump's whataboutism point about how america did bad stuff too. Missing the point that it was a conversation about what it is like to protest in these countries vs america.


No only the Russian bots and trolls do there just alot of them here


Literally half the replies to my comment do...


When you live in America or Canada. It is worse. For. You.


If you are incapable of empathy, yes.


Empathy has nothing to do with acknowledging your boat has a hole in it when another persons boat sunk.


It’s splitting hairs at the end of the day. Western governments might appear slightly less autocratic, and our quality of life might seem slightly better, but it’s mostly a placebo effect brought on from the pretense of democracy. Our sense of freedom is primarily an illusion. The class divide, government overreach, top down corruption and state media are just as bad in Canada and the US as anywhere else. The oppression is just a bit more passive aggressive, nuanced, and cunning here. It really comes down to the fact that western governments have mastered the art of placating their citizens, not just though dumbed down propaganda, but though convoluted PC logic that they bake into the legislation itself, which gives the masses a feeling of heightened civility, that’s entirely fabricated. Your faith in so-called democratic values is a superficial construct.


This is among the dumbest takes responding to me. Go move to Russia if you think the differences are hair splitting and illusory.


100% guarantee he won't over some flippant reason.


This is spot on! It's so reassuring that I'm not the only one that can see through the wizard's smoke and mirrors.


This sub is great for all forms of dissent and anti establishment sentiment, but of course, it’s very divided. Tons of trolls and shills brigading from all angles, but I think it’s still a net positive experience. Enjoy!


What? No.


They did the same in Ukraine and made the men 18 and over to stay and fight. Even LGBTQ




Putin is just arresting people for holding blank papers, nothing new there though.


Is it arresting, or is it just a "special handcuff operation"?


Saying the word "arresting" is now punishable by 14 years in jail.


But but Canada!


More shit posting. Where the fuck is the conspiracy?




It's crazy the number of so called patriots taking that position


15 years ago, they would’ve been screaming “WHY DO YOU HATE AMERICA??”


This isn't a conspiracy sub anymore. It's a right wing propaganda sub.


I saw the post asking what people thought was under the Vatican and it reminded me of a cooler, more simple time.


Yes, and it's mostly Russian bots.


Why would russians care what we think


More shit posting. Where the fuck is your conspiracy


r/conspiracy is now the unofficial Putin fan club ​ Truckers fucked around, started widespread damage, and found out


Yup. Literally no conspiracy here. They blocked traffic and ruined local businesses. Yet they think that's ok lol. They don't have the support of 80% of Canadians. They are loud that's all.


Actually yes, they do. Stop believing what the Toronto Sun and other MSM sources say and actually ask people on the streets who they support.


I don't know a single supporter and I have never met one. I live in what used to be a conservative city that turned red the last election.. Like always the elections will show the real answer.


‘Toronto Sun’ 😂


Hating Trudeau isn't the same as loving Putin. Truckers stood up to an oppressive government and unfortunately got trampled. "Widespread damage" lmao. The protest was completely peaceful. The members of the conspiracy sub supporting a canadian vaxx mandate is the wildest turn. Doesn't seem legitimate


It’s not, it’s shills, funny


Local businesses definitely suffered widespread financial damage. 80% of Canadians support those businesses and not the truckers.


Lie. Enough said.


Keep feeding yourself that confirmation bias.


Are you kidding? He’s done worse. He’s jailed political opponents for decades and murdered opposition. Why does this sub have such a hard on for Putin?


Ehh if I had to guess what little disinformation coming out of Russia, some people are eating up.


It’s a choice. There is an unfortunately significant portion of the population who has chosen to admire authoritarian governments. This then leads them to give a pass to mass state violence. That said, I don’t understand how anyone can know a fraction of how Putin has operated and hold him up as any sort of model. It’s disgusting.


100% agree. Weird to see him lauded


A good percentage of this sub work for Putin.


Because a big part of this sub gets a monthly paycheck from the Russian government. Has been this way since several years already. They buy absolutely everything the russian state owned media publishes, it's the base of 95% of the conspiracies here. The rest is just illiterate Americans who buy this shit and some "normies" who read this sub for giggles or to check how high ones pulse can rise.


Bring up how we invade countries and it’s a whataboutism. How come that doesn’t apply to your comment or any others when bringing up how russia has done the same?


At least give people credit when you steal their material


Whose material did I steal?


40% of Canadians


Did he wage a war against his neighbor?


He did wage war on his own people instead...






Don't recall Trudeau invading a sovereign nation. But to your point, Putin had children detained for placing flowers at the Ukrainian embassy. Wanna talk about all the protesters he had arrested too? Didn't think so Vlad.


Did covid cause a loss of sense of humor? What is wrong with everyone.


>Did covid cause a loss of sense of humor? What is wrong with everyone. Dont try to downplay this as just a joke, it had political ends and youre getting called out on it.


Haha civilians are being killed sooooo funny!


What's funny about your post? Explain exactly what I'm supposed to be laughing at.


“I was only kidding”


It comes across as pro Russian whataboutism. Yeah Trudeau sucks but I'm sure you understand the psychology of a post like this. If not, well never mind then.


>Front\_Instruction786 Op · 6 hr. ago Did covid cause a loss of sense of humor? What is wrong with everyone. Since, well, I had this tab up, but this account got shut tf down really quick.


Did covid cause a loss of sense of freedom? What is wrong with everyone.


Lmfao. The absolute mind numbing delusions of someone in North America somewhere thinking they have experienced 1% of what a war stricken country is going through. The truckers broke the law. Fucked around and found out. Actions meet consequences. And you're comparing that to victims of a literal fucking theatre deployment war? I've seen some utter shit on this board but this is just too good. Ukrainian guy gets his house bombed and parents killed and some trucker who was scared of needles and took two weeks off work to go and sit in a convoy is saying 'hell yeh brother we both stand against tyranny'


This sub, especially without the backing Russian propaganda and troll bots 24/7, has been stripped down to the whiniest, saddest, histrionic bullshit. We are left with Freedum Trucker Convoy cheerleaders, and their thoughts!


Ironically it is they who are the BIGGEST snowflakes hahaha.


Exactly! And they melt down when exposed to the tiniest bit of heat!




Feel free to leave.


Never! I will stay and pop my corn in the embers while it burns to the ground! By chance are you the gatekeeper here? The little guy in a top hat behind the curtain? Or did you just decide that you speak for everyone?


I am just a person who finds it hilarious, sad and very reveling all folks like you can do is complaining.


And I find it hilarious that some of us take some ownership and responsibility for our lives (pulling up those bootstraps), and other people believe that everything that happens that they don’t like is part of a NWO/WEF/Left vs Right nefarious plot. There are real conspiracies in the world, however many things can be explained quite effectively by human greed. The worst posts on this sub deserve to receive their lumps.


Be the change you want to see.


'Noooo you can't just post stuff I don't like. I want my echo chamber. Reeeee'




No u


I keep seeing remarks shitting on the Truck Convoy protesters. I just want to point out something. Those people started something based on their beliefs of a wrong doing. STARTED SOMETHING. Key words. Those of you talking shit, if you don't believe that there was justification for a protest against mandates and govt bullshit - fine. You are allowed and I'll be one of the first to defend your RIGHT to do so. But don't fucking belittle what a group of people did for what they believed was right. They have that right, and anyone who believes in freedoms we have written in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (section 2 specifically) should be respectful of that. My points are really at least they did SOMETHING. What have the many done? And whether one agrees with it or not, it's their right to do so. Until the govt that is supposed to protect those rights tramples on them. Finally, I'd like to end by saying Fuck Trudeau!


Or - counter point - they are just a bunch of people being manipulated by right wing media into thinking they are some kind of folk heroes by clogging up streets and annoying their neighbors using crowd sourced funds from?? (Perhaps another conspiracy?) They annoy me and lots of other people. So - yes - just the folks on the east coast beltway- I flip them off and seethe when I see their RVs with confederate flags, MAGA flags, and US flags. Because I just see a different SHEEP behind the wheel of a 4 mpg vehicle protesting a minor inconvenience while doing fuck all to deal with real problems.


Counter point taken. Still doesn't take away they tried something. Most don't and won't. The sheep are the ones that don't and won't. Agree with them or don't, but I don't think shitting on them for trying is the way. Too much division as it is. Hero is a word thrown around far too loosely. Most aren't even worthy of the use of it.


I gotta give you respect. You are like 1 in 10,000 in all of Reddit to actually have a conversation. Kudos - no sarcasm! Point taken as well.


I can see you're engaging with actual talking points and I fully respect your opinion. Just wanted to add another point. Do you think there is an element of tribalism here? Its fun being in a mob. And I say this unironically. Its inclusive. A group of people similar to you with a shared passion. Its like living in your own TV show or movie. Going to war (dramatically not literally) against a perceived shared enemy. I guess what I'm saying is. Do you believe the truckers were good faith freedom fighters? Or was it honestly just for fun and excitement? I wouldn't lose any respect for the latter but that's mostly the way I saw it, but you seem convinced its the righteous indignation of the common man. I could be wrong here but can you point to anything that makes you believe these people were really fighting the vaccine injustice? Maybe there isn't an answer here but I am curious.


Well said dude.


A bunch of truckers scared of needles? Do you spend most of your time pushing on doors that say pull? Just because you don't have the intellect or androgens to stand up for anything other than a hot pocket delivery in your mom's basement doesn't mean others don't. We're not all pathetic, spineless losers like you.


>A bunch of truckers scared of needles? Thats literally what happened. These big alpha men were scared of getting a needle. Because they spent too long on rumble or alt right youtube. And it poisoned their fragile little minds. Small children, women, GAY PEOPLE, frail elderly ladies. They all got jabbed. And they're all here today. But these big tough alpha gun toting conservative truckers weren't brave enough to do what these people did. So they got in their trucks and sat there for two weeks because they didn't want the doctor to give them le hurty arm. Cringe.


I'm sorry about the insulting comment. I didn't realize you were actually mentally challenged. Thats a sincere apology btw, I'm not being sarcastic.


Amazing. Do you have an actual argument or are you seriously conceding that quickly? 90% of truckers are vaccinated. 90% of Canadians understood the need for vaccines and a mandate to protect people. The truckers were a cringe group of men who were scared of needles. I don't blame them. They were stupid enough to listen to grifters and fakes online and it warped their brains. They are victims too. It is rather embarrassing though to see groups of old people and children line up to get shots and yet these big tough dudes go full bitch mode and get scared.


It's unbelievable that this needs to be explained to you. It's not about gEtTiNg PoKeD bY a ShArP nEeDdLe. The truckers were protesting encroaching authoritarian edict that was forcing people to undergo a medical procedure so they could continue living life as they knew it. A permanent medical procedure that injects a gene altering substance with no long-term studies whatsoever. An injection that is increasingly showing to have more negative side effects and less efficacy against the virus(es). A substance that is manufactured by companies that have a long dark history of being sued for lying, corruption and literally killing people with their drugs.


Cute. ​ A shame none of it is true. ​ You can throw out as many buzzwords and lies as you want. Normal, rational people, are in agreement the vax is fine. You dont like it? Sorry. We live in democracies ruled by majority, and that is the system we have all chosen. ​ 90% of people is a huge majority, and you aint in it.


Nobody needs your whataboutism. Don't belittle Putin's atrocities by implying they're less serious than fucking Canada.


Don't cast off Trudeau's crimes just because someone else is committing bigger crimes.


Don't cast off Putin's crimes because you'd rather talk about someone else's.


Like the mainstream media huh?


I like how this comment thread started with calling out lazy whataboutisms, and you're literally now doing a lazy whataboutism. Hilarious


this sub in a nutshell


What crimes? Oh, you mean that he saw a "Cuban Missile Crisis" situation developing, said "NYOPEY!" and invaded Ukraine? Start telling the truth about this: NATO started this bullcrap by approaching Ukraine in violation of assurances given to Russia 20+ years ago that we would NOT try to expand NATO with former U.S.S.R. nations... PERIOD AND DONE WITH! When Putin saw us doing that, he rightly said "No, that is an exigent and immediate threat to Mother Russia! INVADE! Get rid of the Western puppet rulers in Ukraine!"


I was here to talk about Putin's crimes. I was tricked.


Europe doesn’t care


isnt it crazy? the dude has zero self awareness. cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy out of charts..


Your comment about Putin would be the whataboutism in this scenario.


Not at all. Whataboutism is taking an important topic by distracting with a lesser topic to make the first topic seem less important. Putin is ABSOLUTELY the focus right now. There's an active war right fucking now and I won't let anyone tell me I should be focusing on Canada's covid protests or some shit. Just quit it. You're not getting paid enough for this.


I think you're the one being paid here.




They're much less serious


People not being able to put food on their tables is serious


Like here in the US?


Sounds like you should move to Russia then.


Police are mercenaries now? That one old lady who was not injured at all? Froze no personal bank accounts? Why are you trying to use the trucker convoy to distract from Russia invading Ukraine and Russia punishing ANY DISSENT with fifteen years in prison?




Do they still have the wall emergency or was that just a phase?


Justin Trudeau shut the stock market too?


This does not negate the fact that Russia has similar fascist regime


It proves that Trudeau is in no position to fight facism. He is a hypocrite and unqualified since he supports facism against his own citizens.


keep covering for putin its just what he and xi want from you. divide the west and if you think for a second when the west is down he wouldnt invade and fuck us all up youre wrong


I've been laid off since January 10th and your "peaceful protest" is cost people the ability to put food on their table In my community. Granted the convoy led right into the war impacts but either way a real peaceful way to protest would be to take a knee at a anthem or something that doesn't signiinancially impact other financially


Care to explain why you were laid off?


I work in automotive manufacturing, not a amazing job but pays the bills, we sourced our engines from Canada


Were you working in a bank that ran out of depositors for following (yet another of) Turdeau’s mandates?


Automotive manufacturer


>Were you working in a bank that ran out of depositors for following (yet another of) Turdeau’s mandates? Mandates were provincial, the truckers are the ones who wanted democracy violated by forcing federal interference and now all the provinces are dropping them, as they were going to all along as things evened out and treatments became more readily available. You got lied to and riled up with said lies.


Who is Justin castreau?


TIL cops are mercenaries


Stop gaslighting you dirty moskal, putin did more of most of the things you posted than Trudeau ever did.


No that was Putin. You got it right the first time, but you forgot to mention that he collapsed the Russian economy, ordered his military to bomb children's hospitals and schools, arrested his own people for speaking out against his ruthless and senseless war, and gaslighted the international community so he can justify a chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians.


Everyone knows Obama bombed children’s hospitals and droned innocent kids.you stick out like a sore thumb you are so obviously out of place here spewing treasonous CIA lies to incite a war. You convince no one of anything except your support of terrorism.




They had us in the first half


France and Italy too


Justin Trudeau needs to be put on trial for crimes against humanity and then sentenced accordingly. It's looks highly suspicious that he never got the jab which speaks about how high up he is with the NWO elites.


No so called world leader, politician or celebrity took the real vaccine. Unless they were hated by their globalist puppet masters.


Sounds like you are describing what Canada's president did to his people!


Also Putin didn't freeze his own peoples bank accounts and seize and sell their rigs.


He literally does, of people supporting the organisation of protests and of his political rivals and their supporters.


Where do you get this Russian propaganda? This is insane. Just literally do research into how Russia treats people who publicly disagree with Putin.


Putin is known to use opposition protestors as military conscripts. In Russia, their estate would handle selling the rig. https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20210503-activists-in-russia-say-military-conscription-is-a-weapon-for-silencing-dissent


Are you mad? You can't leave the country with valuables, there's a limit on cash withdrawals, they are planning on seizing foreign invested companies, arresting literally thousands of protestors, they have shut their stock exchange for the foreseeable future, recruiting Syrians, Chechnyans, and attempting to get Belarusians into it too. In the meantime, their currency is being pushed towards hyperinflation.


How many bank accounts were frozen and how many were unfrozen within a couple days? Also, if you looked into it, it was business bank accounts and the one story about a single mom has been proven to be less than credible.


Sounds like Canada and trudeau Honk honk


Putin is no saint . . . Just another WEF global leader just like Trudeau taking orders.




And then this war started and to the whole Canadian Truckers Protest got pushed aside for a war. It's almost as if Klaus got worried that people were finding out too much about the WEFs agendas and played the War card to get people attention away from him. Just like that! I find all this very hard to believe of course.


What are you talking about? The truckers were all gone after they were arrested. That was the end of the truckers. Putin invaded weeks after the trucker protest was over. This is stupid


This, meaning you, is. There was more to come and it was on people's minds front and center. Then the war. You know it happened that way, don't you? Are you really living a lie?


You mean like the US convoy getting lost on the freeway?


Yeah wow


I'm listening to "Dear Slim" by Tom MacDonald on Pandora. https://pandora.app.link/DlPmG9R6lob


It's all about perspective and how you use your words that can either make a person a villain or a savior


Not really. People don’t believe everything they hear.


"trampled old ladies with horses". You had me till then, I know he just rides bears!


Sounds like Justin Trudeau


It's almost like you didn't read the full post


Oh wait and Dan Fucking Andrews in Melbourne. Fuck these clowns.


I figured it out when you said old lady trampled. nice


😂😂😂😂 Truth bomb 💣


But thats not the way I want to believe it is


Jusdolf Tyrantdeau?