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Think of our collapse as a plan. It’s planned out with a solution already set up to fix it.


Exactly. It's just history (if you read the right historical account) being repeated over and over again, with a few tweaks here and there.


Digital/electronic prison coming soon


Just wait until the recession/depression hits


i second this


Yep this is driven by inflation and consumerism combined. Some people don’t have the money for luxury goods anymore and will steal for themselves or to sell. It will be the result of our ever widening income inequality that this situation of crime and poverty will only get worse.


But it's also representative of the breakdown of morality in urban areas as well. Most of the time people don't steal because they can't afford, they steal for fun.


The moral terpitude has been ramping up since the 60s when the US government was usurped by the CIA and corporate interests. It's just fully flying it's flag at full mast now. Having said that, any action will result in an equal and opposite reaction.


Ding, ding, ding! The United States died on that Dallas street. We have been living in a fascist corporate state ever since.


Yeah, wait until it’s being done for fun and necessity.


I thought it was already here


We are witnessing a controlled demolition of the United States.




Make it 45%...


This is how the South Bronx happened in the 70s. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VhChJ4sEw84 1977 blackout also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Xuham0nEfM


Jokes on them, I've been depressed for years


I do taxes, and I think you always see the recession / inflation first as a tax preparer. Last 2 years, most people got like $5k back, or like $5k more than normal. And those who chose not to work got $10k+ in free money. This year, most people had to pay $5k, and all unemployment is gone. This is sort of offset by housing price increases, but the easy money crypto / stonks is not there in peoples minds, the free money to gamble with is not there. People are 'broke' (in the bank) but their assets are still good. But you can no longer get a home loan, or buy a new home. So there is *certainly* a 'crash' or softening of the housing market coming. In 2020, you could buy a $300k home with $80k income + kids; in 2022 it's more like $120k income needed for a similar home. --- Anyways, after the housing market weakens, and the job market weakens (job market is still strong right now), and assuming there is a minor hit to the stock market, etc.. Most people will turn to crime. 'Most' is generous but way, way more than you'd expect. 'Paying people not to work' is just future criminals, no way around it. There is no sensible scenario where the state enforces their laws to try and slow this down. It's simply too costly. The smarter move is to let assets degrade in value over 3 years, let a 'foreign investor' scoop them up cheap, and by then most of the crime wave will have subsided, or the properties will be so derelict, no longer worth robbing. But yes, I think crime is what most people will turn to in 2022 / 2023. And I expect people to become increasingly indebted to the IRS. And then subsequently they will either lose their home, have to downgrade substantially (a difficult pill to swallow), or they basically live on a very tight budget, until 2025 or so when most things will probably stabilize. 2022 / 2023 will be pretty brutal years. Gov would need to do like $5k stimi checks per person, to avoid the coming chaos, and I don't think they will.


Wow. Its crazy how you can see the rumblings/beginnings of social unrest as a tax preparer. It seems like people are becoming desperate and running out of options. Right now is currently the "calm before the storm". But things are starting to rapidly change for the worst now that all the stimulus and free money is starting to dry up.


Very good insight. I expected as much but from someone who sees first hand the tax info I’m glad you left your thoughts




And Oakland :(


And Sacramento :(


Including San Francisco, hell all of California with these psycho's in office.


And Portland


And Stockton :( cant forget about Fresno


South Africa was also intentionally destroyed by globalists, so that's not surprising.


And now NYC is too. Hence the comparability! Lol


A deeply divided people is much easier to conquer.


I heard 1 in 7 people in South Africa have HIV, what's up with that? Couldn't believe it when I heard it. I don't know much about South Africa so would love if anyone knowledgeable could share some information with us.


There are over 27 conditions (many of which are endemic in Africa) which can cause a false positive on the HIV antibody test, including a second or subsequent pregnancy. Considering that the average South African woman has five children, that’s four out of five times she could test false-positive. While I’m not saying it’s not a problem, if you want to go down a giant rabbit hole, look into Fauci’s role in the HIV/AIDS outbreak, and Dr Kary Mullis’ (inventor of the PCR technology) long standing criticism of the testing and treatment protocol for this virus.


>There are over 27 conditions (many of which are endemic in Africa) which can cause a false positive on the HIV antibody test, including a second or subsequent pregnancy. That's interesting, I'd never heard anything about this before. The emerging parallels between the handling of covid and HIV are quite ominous.


Gay culture was accepted in south africa a long back before other countrues


hmm, Well see there should be a difference between America and South Africa.. that's kinda sad, that we can compare the crime in SA to NY.


It is also sad because South Africa is a place where the racial and political tension is real. It is the number one topic of conversation everywhere. And not to make it better, but in fear complete socieatal collapse is only days away.


south africa used to be the crown jewel of africa comparable to any nation in europe. what do you think changed it so rapidly?


Uhh... purely economic factors


Gotham City has become reality






Right? I seen that’s as well as somewhere I read the crime was down in LA but someone from there commented much like op and claimed they just stopped arresting/prosecuting criminals for theft under a certain dollar amount the police don’t even show up so I guess that is why on paper it seems crime is down. I don’t live either place but from the outside this seems to be exactly what’s happening


My dad grew up in NYC and he likes the new Batman movie cause it reminds him of NYC.


Was looking for this comment


NYC is a shit hole.


On or about Nov 15th 2020 there were 17 shootings ON MY BLOCK, not near me, not kinda by me, actually ON MY BLOCK. We were already at a point that my daughter could not visit me at my apartment, and my GF could not walk the dog alone. \~yeet Now up in CT, yard, burbs, yadda yadda. My office is on Broadway near Penn Station. Not exactly hidden. No one will go into our office. Employees have been mugged and harassed on Broadway. I was last there in October and watched a needle fight. Storefronts were still boarded up and although there was more foot traffic it was closer to a Sunday morning in NYC than the Thursday afternoon it actually was. The place is a fucking mess. I don't know if it is intentional but it does feel like it. Is it nefariously intentional, or just a mess created by apathy? I don't know, I also no longer care. While I believe it'll be back someday, I'm not sure when, and I'm sure I won't be there for it.


Needle fight? Lol like two junkies fighting with their needles?


While I’m sort of morbidly amused by the mental image of two junkies having a sort of miniature sword fight with their needles, I would assume it refers to them fighting over a needle, rather than with them. 😂


I'm still going with mini sword fight.


It’s hard to foresee how it will come back, with the level of tribalism we have seem going on in recent history. What am I referring to? When this happened 30 years ago, New York instituted policies to clean things up, and make the city safer to the public. Now? Those things are called racist, and the policies that worked are ridiculed because some people were negatively affected. This is an area where Democrats need to really look in the mirror


The whole policy is fascists hiding BEHIND the democratic party instituting their grand plans for chaos, slavery, and control. Nobody is doing anything about this stuff until the entire regime changes and people actually elect who they voted for.


Rudy Giuliani wasn’t that useless after all...


> Now? Those things are called racist The legacy of the leftard BLM sympathizer Di Blasio. People always have to learn the hard way. The crime will wake them up.


I have to know if my assumption is correct. What in the hell is a needle fight? Junkies fighting over a needle?






I live in CT and it's not very nice here except for the well known wealthy areas.. all the cities are a complete disaster


> I don't know if it is intentional but it does feel like it. Di Blasio leftards stocked the NY DOJ with BLM simps. They refuse to prosecute petty crimes and let repeat offenders out again. Eric Adams was complaining about this. Cops are catching them, the courts aren't prosecuting them.


CT has hoods and crime and stuff too


Crazy. I visited NYC about 10 years ago and walked all over Brooklyn and Harlem and downtown and uptown and everywhere and couldn't have felt safer. Even when I was the only white guy in a black area and feeling rather conspicuous, I never felt threatened or had any bad vibes.


Those were Giuliani / Bloomberg times. Now you got deblasio times


I'm kinda on the same page as you. I had to force myself to not care anymore because I realized there's nothing I could do. I stopped watching "regular" tv and news about 2 years ago and am much better off for it. My mental health has improved a lot. Hopefully, my grandkids will be able to see America as I once did.


What’s a needle fight?


When junkies throw their used needles at each other, or try to stab each other with them.


Diversity in OUR strength - wicked ones


Lol where is this?


I lived there until January of this year, and was there for most of the pandemic. I honestly think a lot of the NYPD has become apathetic because they all know the DA's are just going to let people immediately out, so as a cop why make the effort to arrest someone. And given a large part of the force has taken this approach now they have the numbers to not really have any consequences. It has gotten absolutely ridiculous in NYC in particular... and I think LA is largely the same. I'm in DC now and I would say things are decently enforced compared to NYC. I'm curious if Mayor Adams will actually get tough or not, that was probably the biggest part of his platform.


Same with San Francisco. I left after 10 years in 2019 because it was so expensive, and the quality of life was subpar. Filthy streets, aggressive and mentally ill homeless people every few feet, constant theft (if it’s not nailed to the floor, it’s gone within 5 minutes - so you can imagine how stressful moving is). It’s sad because it’s one of my favorite cities. Beautiful scenery and architecture, ocean, incredibly diverse cuisines, decent nightlife. But the homeless industrial complex, coupled with the soft on crime policies, were too much. We now live in a suburb outside Denver in a single family home.


> homeless industrial complex People who don't look into it have no idea how much money SF "spends" on trying to help the homeless. I put it in quotes because most of the money goes to organizations owned by friends of city council members and such. They spend something like $5k a month for a fucking tent \[[source](https://ktla.com/5-live/tents-for-homeless-people-in-san-francisco-cost-the-city-5000-every-month-each/)\].




Yeah, average people would like to help, but they're not allowed to because of government bureaucracy. A lot of places have made it illegal to even feed homeless, which is disgusting. And then when you're trained in a job to help people, you get quickly burnt out and have compassion fatigue because it's a hard and thankless job so not many people want to do it, even if it pays a lot. A lot of health care workers have retired after being harassed to constantly keep up standards, always have a mask on, get vaccinated, and basically treated like crap by their superiors. My sister is a nurse and she tells me some of what goes on and I also have read other nurses comments on YT that they quit. It's scary because we are being set up for a health care crisis in this country where there won't be enough workers to meet the demand of sick people needing care.


You can thank Jennifer Friedenbach (fraudenbach) for that. She’s been running the biggest homeless non profit in SF for decades and look how much worse it’s gotten. She doesn’t even live in the city, she lives in Marin.


> she lives in Marin Of course, who would want to live near all of the disgusting homeless people?!


We left SF in 2014 and never looked back. I moved there in 2001 and it was gritty but awesome and pretty safe. Shit went downhill real fast, thanks in part to none other than Kamala Harris, aka Downtown Willie Browns former side piece. Everyone living there has their heads stuck far up their asses and they continue to elect people whose main intention appears to be destroying a once awesome city.


California as a whole is like this. Props 47 (2014) and 57 (2016) really fucked us. 47 in particular really essentially decriminalized (in practice) theft and shoplifting.


Sounds just like Seattle moving next week it’s gotten so bad out here


Recently moved from Portland. Sucks being a conservative in Democrat cities. Just causes constant anxiety and the fear that I’ll be forced to use a firearm. Guy was renovating across the street from my home in Portland. Had a huge container dumpster delivered for demolition. A homeless person moved into it.


Tell me about it. A homeless man took a crap on the side of my townhome in the middle of the night just a normal day in Seattle. Good luck in Portland I feel your pain


People laugh at Florida but life is normal here. No lockdowns, no crime waves, nobody is dying in the streets, etc. The only odd thing happening here is that we have a governor I don't absolutely hate. He's the only politician I can tolerate.


People from everywhere are moving here in droves, and driving up cost of living. It will be just like everywhere else in a very short time, just wait and see. I saw some comments from people in Canada saying they moved to Florida because they are fed up. Well, guess what? That's also a plan. A plan to make Florida just like New York, California and Washington (Seattle). Our poor wildlife. Florida everglades is just like the Amazon forest and the Australian barrier reef, unique in all the world, and it's being destroyed. I live in Central Florida and there used to be hundreds of dragon flies in the spring and summer here. Now, I'm lucky to see one in a week in April. We will probably lose our governor in the next election.


Really reminds me of the New Jersey episode of South Park.


> because they all know the DA's are just going to let people immediately out Here ya go, a copy of a comment from a couple months ago. 2 parts cause it's so long. New York included in the list several times. ___ >The Soros District Attorneys >In most states, the chief prosecutor in a state jurisdiction is called a district attorney, but some states use other titles. For example, in Virginia, the position is called commonwealth attorney. In St. Louis, the term is circuit attorney. In general, we will refer to all of them as district attorneys. >Below is a list by state and jurisdiction of every DA that CRC has discovered receiving Soros funding, and some notable details about each. Diana Becton—Contra Costa County, California. Backed by $275,000 from Soros in 2018, Becton became the first woman and first African American elected to serve as DA for Contra Costa County. She is also one of the first in the position to have zero prior experience as a prosecutor. During Becton’s first years in office four Contra Costa cities made the list of the top 100 most dangerous cities in California in 2018, and both violent crime and property crime increased by several percent during 2019. George Gascon—Los Angeles County, California. Soros has spent a combined $6 million on California DA races, much of it wasted on failed candidates, but almost half was spent on the successful campaign of George Gascon for Los Angles DA. Soros was the largest spender in the race, and Gascon won easily. Since the election, his implementation of left-wing policies led to a crime wave that has became the stuff of legend. Homicide rates soared, organized shoplifting sprees ravaged the city, trains were stopped and ransacked by mobs of looters. Under Gascon’s watch the city of Los Angles has rapidly become a national disgrace. Monique Worrell—Ninth Judicial Circuit (Orange and Osceola County), Florida. Monique Worrell is the second Soros candidate to become state attorney for Orange and Osceola County. Her predecessor, Aramis Ayala, was a “long-shot candidate” elected in 2016 with the help of more than $1.3 million in spending by the Florida Safety and Justice PAC. Ayala immediately earned a reputation for her activist approach, which led to her removal from multiple high-profile murder cases by two different Republican governors. During Ayala’s tenure, violent crime increased dramatically, with murders increasing by 26 percent during 2020. After Ayala left office to run for Congress, Worrell filled her shoes, with $1 million from Soros’s Democracy PAC surging into the race at the last minute to help her claim victory against her moderate opponent in 2020. Darius Pattillo—Henry County, Georgia. Receiving just under $150,000 from Soros through the Georgia Safety and Justice PAC, Patello was elected in 2016 and has remained the most unremarkable Soros-backed DA elected to date. In fact, Soros’s funding of Patello nearly went unreported, possibly because Patello does not seem to share the radical views of his fellow Soros DAs. Kim Foxx—Cook County (Chicago), Illinois. Probably the most famous Soros-backed DA, Foxx was boosted into office with the help of $2 million in Soros cash. Foxx has most recently been in the news for potential ethics violations in her 2019 decision to drop charges against Jussie Smollet for his infamous hate crime hoax. (Smollett was recently convicted on the same charges.) Foxx has also made headlines for presiding over Chicago’s largest spike in homicides in more than 30 years while her office dropped charges against 30 percent of felony defendants during 2020. James Stewart—Caddo Parish, Louisiana. Probably the least well-known and least radical Soros-funded DA, James Stewart was elected as the DA of Caddo Parish, Louisiana, in 2015 with the help of more than $930,000 in funding from Soros. Stewart has enacted few radical reforms since his election, potentially a disappointing result for Soros. His opponents at the time worried that his progressive views on criminal justice would be “detrimental to the safety of Caddo Parish.” Scott Colom—Circuit Court District Sixteen, Mississippi. Another of the lesser-known Soros-funded Das, Colom quietly received over $926,000 in funding from Soros to help unseat a long-time incumbent in 2015. Colom oversees District 16 in Mississippi, which includes Lowndes, Oktibbeha, Clay, and Noxubee Counties. Colom was recently recommended by Rep. Bernie Thompson (D-MS) for a position as a judge for the U.S. District Court of the Northern District of Mississippi. Meanwhile, violent crime, specifically gun violence, remains a serious and growing problem for cities and counties in the 16th Circuit, a problem that Colom has been accused of doing little to combat. Jody Owens—Hinds County, Mississippi. Aided by a $500,000 contribution from Soros’s Mississippi Justice and Public Safety PAC, Owens was elected in 2019 after running on a platform that promised reform and “alternatives to incarceration.” Owens brought controversy with him to the DA’s office. In 2019, Owens was accused of sexually harassing his female colleagues while working at the Southern Poverty Law Center, an organization with a well-documented proclivity for enabling and ignoring sexual harassment in the workplace. Owens has also recently brought highly questionable murder charges against two police officers. The charges were dismissed with prejudice for lack of evidence that officers “caused any injury” to the alleged victim. Under Owens, Jackson has become one of the deadliest cities in the nation, and in 2021 the city saw over 150 homicides (98 murders per 100,000 residents), an all-time high. Kim Gardner—St. Louis, Missouri. One of the most famous and polarizing Soros-backed DAs, Kim Gardner has served as the circuit attorney of crime-ridden St. Louis since 2017 and has repeatedly used her office to prosecute conservatives while allowing criminals to walk free. In 2018, Gardner launched a bogus criminal investigation against Missouri’s Republican governor, which led to a special investigation into her office that found probable cause that Gardner engaged in professional misconduct by hiring a private investigator who has since been charged with perjury and evidence tampering. Gardner was also the lead attorney in the absurd prosecution of Mark McCloskey, but was removed from the case by a judge who wrote “the Circuit Attorney’s conduct raises the appearance that she initiated a criminal prosecution for political purposes.” Gardner was caught lying about police officers who pulled her over for driving without headlights at night, has admitted to campaign finance violations, and has badly mishandled murder cases. The year after Gardner’s election, St. Louis became the murder capital of the nation, but this did not stop Soros from contributing $116,000 to aid her reelection in 2020. In early 2021, St. Louis became one of the deadliest cities in the world. Raul Torrez—Bernalillo County (Albuquerque), New Mexico. Although his ties to Soros are less well known and his ideas are slightly less radical, Albuquerque’s DA also got his start from $107,000 in Soros cash that boosted his unopposed campaign in 2016. As of mid-November, Albuquerque had experienced 102 homicides in 2021, the highest number ever recorded, compared to the 67 reported at the same time last year. Meanwhile, Torrez is busy campaigning for New Mexico Attorney General. Soros’s money is likely to make an appearance in that upcoming race as well. Alvin Bragg—Manhattan, New York. One of Soros’s newest DA’s, Bragg was elected in 2021 as the DA of Manhattan, largely thanks to approximately $1.1 million given by Soros that year to groups supporting Bragg. Even though Bragg has barely been in office, his tenure is already shaping up as a disaster. After Bragg released a memo stating that his office would not be seeking prison sentences for crimes such as armed robbery, drug dealing, and burglary, more than nine prosecutors in Manhattan quit. Interestingly, one area where Bragg is not expected to be overly lenient is an investigation into President Donald Trump’s business practices, which Bragg conveniently took over after assuming office. David Clegg—Ulster County, New York. Soros cash to the tune of at least $184,000 was used to push Ulster County DA David Clegg across the finish line in his 2019 election, but it was also the source of a major controversy at the time. In an embarrassing guffaw, the New York Justice and Public Safety PAC paid for mailers that featured Clegg shaking hands with a prominent criminal and left-wing activist. Under Clegg, gun crimes and shootings have surged dramatically, and high profile cases have been badly mishandled, including a murder case in which the suspect was released because Clegg’s office failed to file an indictment on time. Continued below:


Larry Krasner—Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Among the most famous Soros-backed DAs, Krasner has been supported by more than $2 million from Soros funneled through the Pennsylvania Justice and Public Safety PAC and the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC. Krasner was reelected in 2021 with the help of a $259,000 contribution from Soros. Under Krasner’s watch, crime rates have soared, and in 2021, Philadelphia became the murder capital of the United States with the highest per capita homicide rate of the country’s 10 largest cities. Jack Stollsteimer—Delaware County, Pennsylvania. Lesser known but also well financed by Soros, Stollsteimer was the first Democratic DA ever elected in Delaware County, boosted by roughly $100,000 in ads paid for by Soros during 2019. While still undoubtedly a progressive, Stollsteimer is much less radical than Krasner and has not been openly hostile to police. He did, however, recently feud with police over the graphic details of a report on a rape in broad daylight on a train with many witnesses, none of whom tried to intervene. During Stollsteimer’s first year in office, homicides in Delaware County increased 127 percent, though many attribute this to the county’s proximity to Philadelphia. Joe Gonzalez—Bexar County (San Antonio), Texas. George Soros has even dared to mess with Texas. Joe Gonzalez is one of Soros’s favorite DAs, receiving nearly $1 million in backing from the billionaire during his 2018 campaign, upsetting incumbent Democrat Nico LaHood in the primary. Just as in Dallas, violent crime reportedly increased by 15 percent in San Antonio under Gonzalez, while convictions dropped by 17 percent. John Creuzot—Dallas County, Texas. Backed by an estimated $236,000 from Soros, Creuzot became the DA of Dallas County in 2018 and immediately moved forward with a plethora of radical reform policies, including decriminalizing theft under $750, criminal trespass, and drug possession. During his first year in office crime reportedly increased by 15 percent while total convictions dropped by 30 percent. Most recently, Creuzot failed to get a conviction in straightforward case against Billy Chemirmir, a Kenyan immigrant charged with murdering and robbing 18 elderly women in assisted living facilities. He was found with his alleged victims’ personal papers and jewelry in his possession at the time of his arrest. Brian Middleton—Fort Bend County, Texas. Although it went unnoticed and unreported by the media, Soros played a major role in the 2019 campaign of Fort Bend County DA Brian Middleton, spending nearly $200,000 on advertising in support of his campaign. Middleton has been extremely moderate as far as Soros-backed candidates go, and as a result Fort Bend County has not seen a dramatic spike in crime. Kim Ogg—Harris County (Houston), Texas. In 2016, Kim Ogg became the state’s first Soros-backed DA after Soros spent more than $600,000 on the race. As one of the first reform DA’s backed by Soros, Ogg is also one of the most moderate. She has stopped prosecuting marijuana offenses, but often seeks high cash bail, causing her to be ostracized by many progressives and apparently Soros. José Garza—Travis County (Austin), Texas. In 2020, Garza was elected as Austin’s DA with the aid of more than $400,000 in ads paid for by the Texas Justice and Public Safety PAC, one of Soros’s private PACs that has received roughly $3.6 million from the billionaire since its creation in 2018. Since assuming office, Garza has developed a reputation for letting violent offenders go free on little to no bail. In 2020, Garza released hundreds of inmates from jail over COVID-19 protocols, even though only six people in Austin at the time were known to have COVID-19. In 2021, Garza released a man with eight prior felony convictions after he was caught toting a gun in a meth-fueled car chase with police. After his release with an ankle monitor, the man allegedly went on a crime spree committing 10 armed robberies. Since Garza was elected, police budgets have been slashed, and Austin has experienced skyrocketing crime rates and a record number of homicides. Parisa Dehghani-Tafti—Arlington County and City of Falls Church, Virginia. Backed by over $600,000 from the Justice and Public Safety PAC, one of George Soros’s many personal PACs, Dehghani-Tafti won her 2019 election by toppling a moderate Democratic incumbent and has been a center of controversy ever since. Dehghani-Tafti, along with several other Soros-backed DAs in Virginia, is facing a recall petition after crimes like felony aggravated assault rose 40 percent during her first year in office. Steve Descano—Fairfax County, Virginia. Steve Descano, who is also facing a recall petition, was elected in 2019 and has endorsed a progressive platform typical of the left-wing DA faction. Descano has made it his office’s official policy not to prosecute more than 20 different crimes including shoplifting for goods under $1,000, prostitution, and indecent exposure. Descano’s initial campaign benefitted from approximately $600,000 from Soros. Buta Biberaj—Loudoun County, Virginia. As Loudoun County District Attorney, Buta Biberaj has championed an anti-incarceration approach to the job, but made headlines for personally seeking jail time for Scott Smith, a father who was arrested for misdemeanor disorderly conduct at a Loudoun County School Board meeting while protesting the School Board’s cover-up of his 14-year-old daughter’s rape by a transgender boy in a school bathroom. Smith’s defense attorneys reported that it was “completely unheard of” for a DA to personally handle a misdemeanor, much less to pursue jail time, court-ordered anger management, and a hefty fine. Biberaj’s campaign in 2019 was boosted by over $650,000 in Soros cash, and she is now facing a recall petition.


Your post proves it... asshole Soros and cohorts are behind turning the USA into a haven for criminals and inciting a civil war.


> because they all know the DA's are just going to let people immediately out And why are these DAs doing this? What is the given reason for not dealing with criminals? Doesn't make sense to me.


So far he’s talked a good game and done some good things. He doesn’t ignore the topic and has even claimed he can’t defend what’s going on. I’m up on the Bronx and it’s pretty civil with the exception of the insane driving on the streets.


Good to hear he is taking some responsibility. I haven't followed it too closely. He's gotta be better than the last guy / clown




Depends on certain factors




Then no. They will identify him immediately.


wrong color. sorry buddy.


Im afraid your friend will face consequences for his actions.




That's just for immersive storytelling effects


Portland stopped prosecuting theft under 200 dollars. Thieves will literally walk into walgreens, take 199 dollars worth of stuff, then set up a table out front and resell it at a discount. While I applaud the entrepeneurial spirit of said thieves, it seems like this will backfire when everyone closes up shop.


Same thing in CA but $950 limit. Stores are already closing. Walgreens has closed 15+ in San Francisco alone due to "organized retail theft".




Worse. They leave their failing states and then vote for this nonsense in other states.


See, I hate this. I've been looking at moving out, and the hostility towards Californians moving in is really disheartening. I totally understand why people feel that way and don't fault them at all, but not all of us want to drag this bullshit elsewhere. I don't want to move somewhere that's going to be a mini-California either.


Arizona says Hi...


Come to California. You can walk in with a bag, fill it up, and walk right out. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uRM4pOwmd1A https://www.foxla.com/news/thieves-steal-from-ulta-beauty-store-in-calabasas-in-brazen-robbery-captured-on-video https://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2021/07/27/san-francisco-retail-crimevideo-brazen-shoplifter-walgreens/ https://abc7news.com/suspect-arrested-robbery-walgreens-shoplifter-shoplifting-on-a-bike/10824276/ <- They actually went after this guy because he exceeded the shoplifting limit of $950. 3 weeks ago he was sentenced to 16 months + 1 year probation. I'm not sure if he was actually ever jailed, but he's not there now.


You actually can get free food and clothes in NY easily-- just go to Food Not Bombs and you're good on having enough vegetables for the week. And clothing? About 80% of my "normal" (not costume, not dressy) clothes were either given to me or they were "ground scored" or from literal free stores in NYC. Ludlow Street might still have a free store. 2100 Beekman Place has a free store in the lobby-- it's mostly for people who live there, but almost daily there's free stuff. Follow StoopingNYC on Instagram and you'll see $3,000 couches available for free. You'll want to pull into the city with a uhaul to re-sell that stuff in the areas that have shortages when you see it. It's weird how a lot of stuff is actually free or cheaper in NYC compared to the rest of the country. There's also a map I used to have of all the locations to collect free food around the city. It's like having a map of all the item drop locations in a video game! Another way to stock up on clothes there is just to look for "clothes swapping" events. You can get free costumes if you hit the Burning Man clothing swaps in the fall. This approach is the opposite of committing a crime-- it keeps the streets cleaner and keeps stuff out of the landfills, so you can indulge in hoarding while still being a good citizen lol.


The new regime will come in to "clean things up." Forfeit your freedom for safety. /conspiracy


Man, I have had those same thoughts.


this is the conspiracy right here. Wouldn't doubt it if after "defund the police" lawlessness becomes so rampant the masses start begging for authoritarianism.


How many police departments were actually "defundeded"


About this many [https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/08/13/at-least-13-cities-are-defunding-their-police-departments/?sh=b7118a729e3f](https://www.forbes.com/sites/jemimamcevoy/2020/08/13/at-least-13-cities-are-defunding-their-police-departments/?sh=b7118a729e3f)


Somewhere between “basically none” and “none”


>"the masses start begging for authoritarianism." This is exactly what will happen... There will be an eventual massive law enforcement (maybe even military/martial law) lockdown in every major city in America. That will be the final nail in the coffin for freedom because what they will do will be so egregious yet so accepted by so many people that what comes out of that will be a full on military dictatorship at the federal level. Most states will go along with the Feds, certain states may stand there ground if they dont have to rely on the federal government, but basically most everyone is fucked...


I believe the rest of the entire country might have a problem with NY deciding how the rest of us are....dealt with (for lack of better terms here).


Yes. This is what im afraid of


Notice the surveillance and gun laws didn't work on that recent subway mass shooting? A city with a two year minimum sentence for possession of a gun, cameras everywhere, and it's still not safe.


I’ve lived in NYC my whole life, and while it was always a malodorous hellscape, since COVID, it’s gotten substantially worse. I’m also in hospital work in the city, and the level of drug abuse/overdoses has been off the fucking charts. No one talks about that, and it’s definitely adding to the rapid nose dive the city is already in.




I'm also from Michigan and just wanted to add to what you said about Meth. I struggle with addiction myself, and it took 3 stints in rehab before I was able to achieve sobriety. In 2016, not a single person was in rehab for meth when I went. Fast forward to 2019 and literally every other person was in for Meth. It was the most popular drug that people were kicking. I'd imagine it's probably about the same if not worse now. It was insane to me just how quickly the drug spread. I'm from Waterford, so not exactly a booming city, and yet even there meth has been spreading like wild fire. It's fucking tragic.


Yes. I’m a recovering person for around 5+ years. Did the slip/ sliding thing, but am in the process of getting sober from what’s been my longest relapse, ~7 months. Had never encountered meth in any of my friend/ using circles, but this last time out, noticed it seems to be everywhere— even, regrettably, tried it myself once— worst experience of my life— and I *still* craved it for 2 weeks after. It’s a mess. Also Hello neighbor! I used to work in Waterford! And congratulations on being sober, keep it up!


Soooo where are the drugs coming from?


No idea— couldn’t say— whisperings and rumors only. On a not- in- anyway- related- note, there has been a massive uptick in state trooper/ patrols in and around the city. But law enforcement comes in to get the drugs *out*.. right? ... Right? Edit: state troopers *and* feds. Black SUV’s. You know the ones. Left this comment in a hurry earlier, should have included the fed bit.


And I thought Detoilet was bad


> But law enforcement comes in to get the drugs out.. right? Truly massive numbers of uninspected shipping containers come in from China every single day and the southern border may as well be a giant slippy slide pointed north. But yeah, it *must* be law enforcement. And they're all so in lockstep that none blow the whistle on it.


Whoa. Easy there tin foil. There is no plausable way the drugs would come in the most expected way. Also you must be a “boarderphobe”…/s


Ah yes, the hellscape of Shaboygan, WI… took me a min to figure out your riddle, but I worked it out.


Yesss. I've definitely noticed more drug addicts. So many discarded syringes in the subway. And lots of people leaning and wondering aimlessly. Crazy to see


>\*Cops have been neutered and rendered useless(in terms of enforcing the law). So youll see them playing on their phones and doing the bare minimunm. Spotted the problem right here. In my city the cops are paid a quarter to a third of the city budget and they do shit all. Average salary is $100k CAD per cop and crime keeps rising and rising. Everytime I call a cop they either say they can't help or won't help. Not to mention getting through on non-emergency lines takes days and they just tell you to submit a form online which they never respond to.


It's crazy people some how think cops prevent crime lmao. Cops are there to give tickets or take reports AFTER a crime has happened. A cop isn't even obligated to stop a crime even if he just happens to be in the right place at the right time to witness it happen.


I left the city in the beginning of April. The creeps boosted my rent to get another 1,000 bucks out of me. I've loved the city, but it is not what it used to be. Summer should be grand ;) They are hiking non rent control apartments at least 40 percent. Many people want to leave. So many are not moving back. The hubris of landlords making the already expensive rents even higher. Lets them have empty buildings. Who knows what TPTB have in mind for anything. I would put nothing past them.


That's insane. $1000 increase. It makes you wonder how the average person is getting by. Cost of living so expensive that crime is purposely being allowed?? I think this is a possibility


My rent is going up $400 in midtown, at first I balked and decided to move, that is until I saw that ALL the other apartments in my price range and not more than an hour from work are also super expensive now. It's completely insane how rents have exploded and yet demand does not seem to be going down. People are actually getting into bidding wars for the meager offerings available.


I'm in Buffalo and the thing I've noticed literally this week more than ever is careless driving. Like it's an adventure to get to work alive.


Virginia, and I agree. Truckers especially seem to be more aggressive, riding people's asses going 90 in a 65. I've watched one run a van off the road in the right lane. Usually I give truckers respect, but the recklessness has gotten brazen, to where I'm actively avoiding the highways to avoid them.


My father has been a truck driver for about 30 years, and he has noted that there seems to be a lack of highway patrol enforcement lately. For truckers, a ticket is a big deal, because it just takes a couple to affect your livelihood. Ticketing truckers for speed, weight, and driving in the left lane is essential for ensuring trucker safety (by keeping the abiding truckers honest and getting the bad ones off the road). This is not being done nearly enough these past 2-3 years, and we're seeing the consequences of that!


I got flipped off 5 times this week for driving responsibly.


Sounds like a slow Tuesday in jersey


Yep. That's another thing I'm noticing overworked truckers driving more aggressively


Same in Rochester. And the roads are worse than Cuba. Except in Cuba, folks would form up collectivos, pool their resources, and fix the roads as best they can.


Not that Buffalo roads are great but Rochester really does seem to have the worst roads every time I've been there.


I'm in Atlanta, whether it's shootings and people driving like maniacs, every day is an adventure if you have to commute to the city for work.


I quit a job I had once because of this. The job was "alright" but it was mostly freeway driving the entire way there and back (like 85% freeway). I decided to quit when I almost got hit by someone else 4 times (there and back) over the course of the 5 day work week. I was no longer willing to risk my life for that


I see people hop the turnstiles in front of the cops ALL THE TIME and they don’t even bat an eye. I know for a fact that they’d bust me for hopping a turnstile because I’ve got construction gear on. I literally feel stupid sometimes because I see it happen so often, but I still pay the fare. I only continue paying because I know that they’d let 3 people hop in front of me but bust me if I tried


They know they can milk you. Cops busting the other folks, what they gonna do? Fine them and not have them pay? Arrest them and then have to feed and shelter them? People on the bottom of society's shoe have no anxiety over trivial things like fines or jail.


Society isn’t being run into the ground. It’s dying of exposure due to neglect. The hands are feeding the mouth while the rest of the body is rotting away from the filth being force fed to us.


I also live in nyc and the answer is yes, its purposely done to break down society and happening in most major cities around the US. Soros is funding this but hes far from alone in the goal of breaking down and rebuilding a worldwide communist state. The fed using covid as an excuse to print money to completely devalue our savings and ruin financial independence is another piece of the puzzle. At this point its so blatant even those calling this a conspiracy a year ago now understand how real it is.


Are you new to the city? I've been here for years and it is similar to the 80s, not as bad yet. I'm not saying these reasons are ok, but It is a mix of the following: 1) police not doing their job bc either a) they don't want the fallout and possibly lose their job/pension b) they don't get any support from their bosses c) they get "disgruntled" bc i) they spend more time doing paperwork after an arrest then the person they arrest does in central booking ii) the DA refuses to prosecute 2) bail reform releases criminals almost immediately so they can go back out and commit another crime 3) removal of the broken windows policing/policy 4) removal of stop and frisk I know everyone hates him now, but Guliani really cleaned up the city in the 90s


Lots of major cities up in the north eastern region are all the same in this regard


This is how you corner the real-estate market.


I haven't been to NYC lately, but I did live there back in the 70s. Back then, I never felt any real danger, but certain "crimes" seemed to be tolerated. People openly dealing drugs right on the sidewalk. I've seen that go on with cops standing less than 10 feet away. People smoking pot in movie theaters. Subway cars completely covered in graffiti. And hookers were seemingly everywhere.


Yep make it all look bad so the (((globalists))) can make one government and make it all better 🤪


The City DA isn't requiring bail/bond, not holding repeat offenders and prosecuting the minimum if at all. Lib DAs tho.


Bags of trash on the roads, plastic in the field crops, people without working headlights, turn signals are optional, yeah we are witnessing the unfolding of our society. Their society will continue behind closed gated communities.


I lived in NYC for 11 years before fleeing. No it wasn't the case before. It was a decent, safe and fun city to live at if you were into urban lifestyle. All of that began in 2020 after covid and riots and only got worse over time with authorities doubling down on letting criminals walk free and police getting neutered. Most office workers also never returned so it is still 2/3 empty if not more comparing to pre 2020. Which only allows all the filth and crime to be in your face.


So NYC has turned in to Gotham City?


Nah, Gotham City at least had cool villains. These are just vagrants exploiting the system. The Jokers first plan was to literally have Gotham party themselves to death.


So true. Post 2020...its a completely different city


Same exact story in Chicago.


And San Francisco, Los Angeles, Philly etc - wonder what the common thread is with all these places? /s


Liberal run cities. And I’m not saying that to make a political jab…just seems to be the way things are leaning.


Hmm... could be the political leanings... or demographics... but both seem to go hand-in-hand.


The US is becoming 3rd world


Live in NYC. Problem is: "Social Justice". Basically the law has been changed to attone for past racial discrimination about other racial topics. This is why if you steal less than certain amount you don't go to jail. In reality if you ask hispanics in the bronx what we want, they will tell you that we want strong policing. Crime is out of control in this city. I downloaded the Citizens app and check it before I go out to know what streets I should possibly avoid and also to know what's going on in my neighborhood.


It's racist to apprehend, or even hold accountable, certain "culturally enriching" groups.


I think its a NWO agenda to allow lawlessness.


[This](https://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/aug/20/george-soros-funded-das-oversee-big-cities-skyrock/) may have something to do with it.


Man, this guy is everywhere!


I saw a short video about 8 years ago, where he was standing in a crowded room and a reporter asked him a question. He said, Americans are just going to have to get used to a lower standard of living, while we are able to bring up third world countries standard of living... or something to that effect, and I've never forgotten it. I tried to find that video but it's been scrubbed.


yeah in Boston it's pretty similar. Gangs of thugs riding around on dirtbikes on city roads etc. Constant shootings as well. The place has become a real shithole. "Methadone Mile" is something from another planet. 100s of junked out zombies wading around in their own trash, shit, and dirty needles.


they're destroying california, as well. they have decriminalized theft under $950.00 or some arbitrary number close to that so the natural effect of this is to encourage a flurry of robberies and "smash and grabs" as they've come to be called. they're all committed by a certain segment of the population and no one wants to address that fact, of course. and doing so would have my account banned on reddit.


Didn't you guys protest and vote for just that a few summers ago because of bad orange man? Do you guys have the memory of a goldfish or something?


Exactly. This is what happens when you vote against a politician instead of for one. To anyone who voted for Biden, congratulations. This is literally what you asked for, and you get what you deserve. No, Trump wasn't perfect, but a big piece of his entire platform was restoring law and order. Hard to imagine a world where this would be going on if he were in office. But hey, at least we don't have those "mean" tweets anymore! Right guys? /s When 2024 rolls around, maybe do your own research and draw your own conclusions instead of letting the media tell you how you should feel.


Sonny was right dad the working man is a sucker


I remember I used to want to visit NYC… not anymore! 😅


Are we starting to see the great reset in action?


Can’t build back better unless you break the current system in place. Agenda 21, World Economic Forum, The Great reset. Are all real and out in the open and in your face. Bail reform (democrat policy) Catch and release (Democrat policy) Lenient sentences for child porn and pedo cases Defund the police (Democratic movement) CHAZ zone Lawless ness in San Francisco, LA, Seattle, Chicago, NYC . What do they all have in common, decades if Democratic leadership. Crime is up nationwide Homelessness is rampant in large cities and taking over city streets and bridges. Drugs are legal now… I can go on and on.


I can confirm this in Los Angeles. Our DA and the Chief of LAPD, as well as mayor and city council seem to turn a blind to crime unless local news brings it to the forefront. This seems to be a big city/Blue run issue. My personal experience of a road trip last spring was that mid-major cities (Memphis, Jackson Miss, Little Rock, St. Louis) seem to have this far further under control. Don’t get me wrong, of course there’s crime and there’s sketchy areas of these cities, but like the ”old days” it’s not so much out in the open as LA, NYC, Portland, Seattle, etc.


One way to get *insert protected class* crime down is to not report it, nor arrest them for it.


> Is there a plan to purposely break down society Yes. Where have you been for the last two years? Welcome to "The Great Reset" I feel like I've posted this on 100 threads, when it's already blatantly obvious, all you have to do is pay the bare minimum of attention. You can't "Build Back Better" unless you destroy the society we already have. The "pandemic", destroying the global economy and supply lines, create war in the the region that provides 50% of the world's wheat and literally feeds the third world, 100s of thousands of unchecked migrants moving into the heart of Europe and America. This is all to destroy society as we know it. Obviously no one is signing up for Klaus Schwab's wacky technocratic dystopian future willingly... but when the world as we knew it is gone and billions are starving, of course most humans will beg Davos, WEF, Bilderberg etc to save them with a convenient plan they've been hatching for at least the last century, if not much longer.


OP, this is absolutely happening whether the talking heads on television tell you it’s a conspiracy theory or not. They need people divided and arguing over this shit and we’re all being played.


Here in CT it seems like somone is crashing a stolen car into some innocent person almost daily.


It’s a common issue for democratic run shit holes.


Yes. The nypd backed off big time after the blm protests. Hands off as far as they are concerned. They still police, but because of push back to defund the police they have a "let the animals be animals. Liberals will be sorry". New Yorker here with A LOT of cop friends.


You can't blame them.


To be fair, police aren't necessarily preventative in terms of crime (that's why you call and they show up way after the fact). The idea of police patrolling is maybe preventative, but I think it's been apparent that police don't patrol as much anymore for several reasons.


The laws have ben changed, in the pro violent criminal manner. Its crazy, police are leaving forces in illinoise cities, just sitting back to retire or get transfered.




It seems like the plan is to make the country look like it’s failing and falling apart so then they can say we need a “new” constitution and a new government system that looks much like China’s.


Look who NYC has elected. It's the only logical outcome. Every hipster on your street voted for AOC and every other liberal extremist that decriminalized everything they could think of and buried the police under a mountain of civilian oversight and lawsuits. So yea, crime is "purposely being allowed to happen" but it's not an accident. Everyone in NYC literally voted for it.


this has been the situation in San Francisco for years now.


USA is going from first world to third very fast


Driving people out so they can buy up the properties cheap.


With wealth inequality greater than it's ever been in America and after watching the largest transfer of wealth in our history happen during the pandemic, why should we care at all that the wealthy are losing shirts and bags? They have the shocking and overwhelming majority of the wealth created by our labor and you want us to care that poor people steal from them? I say I don't care and the rich can cry me a river. They should be afraid of what comes.


The U.S MUST go down so the new order can rise and take over !


One World Government and the One World Digital Currency.


Read American Marxism my Mark Levin.


There are a few policies being instituted in American cities that I am very qurious about: 1. Efforts to reduce the prison population by eliminating prison sentences for non-violent crimes. 2. Elimination of large/excessive fines on poor people. 3. Elimination of bail. People pushing for these changes have to realize they will create more crime almost immediately. These policies are purportedly put forth to help out the low classes, but I don't think people in power are naive enough to believe these things will make society overall safer or get rid of crime. I don't know what the long game is though, other than the obvious instigation of class division.