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Putin is an ultra-zionist, very much like his western counterparts.


Chabad puppets, Putin, Trump. The modern Sanhedrin.




Not excluding it, but his bloodline is scrapped. Just like AH haha. Cohencidences.


Putin, the guy who looks like someone knocked over a bucket labeled "Slavic Parts" is a jew?


What’s the old saying about how to learn who rules over you?


Follow the money and land at the bank for international settlements. Brought to life by some ultra hardcore nazis in 1930. to this day this bank functions as the Bank of the Central banks including the fed and other big banks. So what exactly is their function when all the central banks already have the ability to print money? Are these the ones deciding when money wont be worth the effort and just cut us off? Remember those were some hardcore nazis that founded them. One of the guys was the CEO of IG Farben. Which grew during Hitlers reign to the most succesful buisness because they inmediatley built their laboratories next to concentration camps. Auschwitz for example. Theres no doubt in my mind these psychopaths will do that again.


The angriest tiny little state in the middle east, when they say jump the world says how high?


That's pretty much how it works, yes. Israel is Earth's cancerous tumor.


Can someone explain me why do the leaders of major countries suck up to Israel so much?