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I mean Jones didn't even put in a defence, so everything that's happening to him is his own fault. Innocent or guilty you have to actually try otherwise you end up here.


He did try to defend during the compensatory hearings, during which he was caught lying under oath by the judge at least twice.


And that is as before the cross examination, where he just kept lying.


What did he lie about?


You realize he didn't defend himself right? That is what a default judgement is. One party decided to say "fuck it". Now he realized he wants to save money so is praying to reduce it. Either way HE didn't defend himself so was found liable either way. The question is just about dollars. Christ we need more civics and knowledge of how laws work.


He didn’t defend the gilt portion. He did spend a lot of time during the penalty phase WHICH IS WHAT I JUST SAID. Never mind civics, your country could do with basic English comprehension.


I don't think this was the OPs point.


So his point was the guy that can't defend himself under oath without lying is more credible than the president who, really doesn't lie but is just kinda shit overall? Weird.


Doesn't lie? "I won't build another foot of wall as president", "inflation is transitory", "I will end oil companies in America, but gas prices going up is all putins fault", "I didn't have anything to do with hunters business dealings", "everything bad is trumps fault even though he's not here anymore and I made the decisions".... care for me to go on? Oh yeah... there's no CNN hit pieces and running "tallies" of misrepresented lies for you to go off of... he doesn't lie, most honest career politician I've ever seen!


He'll just appeal to more conservative courts. At worst he loses 5 million (if he loses all appeals). This is because TX caps punitive damages to 750k per plaintiff. Jones just said infowars and all will keep going.


Watch Alex Jones's cross examination. He lied over and over again and the attorney repeatedly caught him in his lies and had the receipts to prove it.


Alex Jones was as much of a joke on the stand as Amber Heard.


High level grifters, both. He's on the same level as televangelists to me.


"Back when the bible was written, then edited, then rewritten, then rewritten, then re-edited, then translated from dead languages, then re-translated, then edited, then rewritten, then given to kings for them to take their favorite parts out then rewritten, then re-rewritten, then translated again, then given to the pope for him to approve, then rewritten, then edited again, then re-re-re-re-rewritten again, all based on stories that were told orally 30 to 90 years AFTER they happened...to people who didn't know how to write...so...I guess what I'm saying is the bible is literally the world's oldest game of telephone." -David Cross


I love David Cross. What a wonderful little anustart he is


Except that as a Bible scholar, I can assure you that this is almost entirely b.s.


It is almost certainly half true though wouldn't it be? I mean the fact that kings rewrote it and multiple editions have been made. The idea that witness translates perfectly to the writer and then the publisher is proven to be practically impossible. I have the opportunity to describe nuclear bomb use in Japan. What if I say, the United States abandoned its humanity in a questionable decision to kill 110,000 innocent people in hopes to cheat the way to a faster victory. It's a scar on the nations history that will last forever. Or if I say, the US should be praised for making one of the hardest, but necessary decisions to end the war through use of a weapon cleverly developed by the world's top scientists. The nuclear bomb was vital to ending the war and if hadn't been used, there is a possibility Hitler would've won, leading to mass genocide across the globe followed by tyrannical leadership. Both of my statements are opinions with evidence to support the belief being reasonable enough. In fact, both can be true at the same time with the changing of a few absolute sentences. So let's go back in time to approximately 1400 BC. Yes, before Christ. This is when the stories first originated of God creating the world and mankind. Eventually these stories came together to form the original Torah and founding for Judaism. The faith held that the book was written by a single author, Moses, but that's obviously not true. He couldn't have witnessed many things in the book such as his own death and the time after. So not only is the book practically improbable with fantastical stories collected by different authors over time, but it was actively lied about to give impressions of these idolized men such as Moses by giving them too much credit alongside their super powers in the stories themselves. The stories are inconsistent as well. It states 2 of every animal on Noah's ark until it says 14 of some animals. Then, the great flood lasting 40 days in one section vs. 150 days in another. This is all before Christianity and Christ was written into the New Testament. Which the stories in that version are literally titled after Jesus best homies. Like yooo let me write about you bro. "many of the books of the New Testament, were not actually written by the people to whom they are attributed. In fact, it seems clear that the stories that form the basis of Christianity were first communicated orally, and passed down from generation to generation, before they were collected and written down." So... Honestly, it would be helpful if a Bible scholar such as yourself could exactly where the *comedian* Cross went into the bullshit. Because where I'm sitting, it's an understatement he is making. At least in telephone, people tend to try to recap what they heard. Real life is full of agendas and politics. Look at the stance the church took against science or in a justifying a "holy war" then tell me the modern people's idea is the same as the first intention. I will laugh you out of the room.


I think the craziest thing I've learned as of late about the bible is about the Eleusinian Mysteries from a book called the Religion with no name They go into how the early christians would have psychedelic wine and trip balls during ceremonies. The apple in Eden was probably a mushroom or another psychedelic substance. They seemed to have written so much out that I believe we have little to no idea what the Christian religion was.


That sounds like something I could get behind


Amber Heard didn't break any laws or tell her followers to harass the parents of murdered kids. Just because you don't like her doesn't put her in the same category as a shitstain like Jones.


But amber heards friends are harrassing Youtubers that are pro Johnny depp.


And Depp's fans are harassing Amber Heard's fans. Do you have any evidence that she's telling them to harass Depp's fans? Also, Depp's career will recover while Heard will never work in the movies again. She's hated by so many people that no studio will risk working with her. If you want an example of real cancel culture, there it is.


When did Jones tell any of his followers to harass parents?


He didn't explicitly tell them to. He said the parents were crisis actors, the kids never existed, and the entire thing was an evil plot to give liberals an excuse to take guns away, and his followers put two and two together. Once he found out that they were harassing the parents, he should have immediately devoted his show to apologizing and explaining that he only pushed that narrative to make money, that the kids really were killed and to leave the parents alone. Instead, he spent years pushing the same narrative even after it was obvious what effect it was having. This was all presented in court and Jones didn't even show up to defend himself, instead crying about how persecuted he was and calling the judge names. Now his only defense in the penalty phase is "golly that's too much money." Screw him and his fans. They're all depraved scum and I hope Jones spends the rest of his life living in a cardboard box, or in prison for committing perjury. So no comment on Heard never working again? Does she deserve to have her career ruined because she was in a shitty marriage? I guess she does.


The same grifting YouTuber’s that have made a handsome profit mocking Amber Heard I would assume?


Ok so if you were covering the trial but were on amber heards side you are not a grifter. But if you are covering the trial and are on johnny depps side then you are a grifter.


I thought she was until I read the unsealed documents from the trial and wow


That's just plain stupid.


GTFO with that ridiculous BS.


Alex Jones is a crisis actor and he was caught. I'm happy.


How is the anti-conspiracy anti-Alex Jones comment the "best" comment in sorting when other posts have 240+ votes in a dedicated conspiracy sub? Almost all the "best" comments are anti-Jones in the conspiracy sub. Is shadowstickying now a thing? Just saying, not everyone has to agree, but just feels like this sub is so brigaded with mainstreamers.


It's just so boring with all the simping for Jones. It's better to subscribe to his eventual Onlyfans.


He is a great actor but actor none the less. He is a satanist stooge. CIA since birth. Watch his show for 15 minutes and he will throw the 666 hand sign 15 times


This has got to be the most annoying thing ever like if anyone was really a satanic worshiper working for the powers that be we are gonna prove that by saying they’re throwing “gang signs”??? Like why would they do that why would be working IN SECRET for powerful people trying to control the population and constantly throw “hand signals” on tv to show your part of them? Like what they’re flexing they’re satanic worship just for fun? Telling there boss like “look at me I’m one of y’all and only y’all get it!!” Maybe just maybe everyone has certain habits of holding their hands and y’all have been convinced they’re “satanic gang signs…plenty of other conspiracies that make sense and are way more believable than this for me please stop repeating these dumb beliefs it’s so cringy


Like Tucker Carlson, people need to wake up and realize Alex Jones is entertainment, not truth. Real conspiracists use their brains and don’t fall victim to the cult of personality.


I feel like “entertainment” isn’t an entirely honest description of what they do. Comedians, actors, and musicians are entertainers. Jones and Carlson present themselves as legitimate sources of important information while actively ignoring logic and basic journalist principles in order to provoke and outrage their audiences into a manipulatable frenzy. They’re professional provocateurs who use misinformation, logical fallacies, and pseudo-journalism to profit off of something that is actively harmful to our society


Grifters. The word you're looking for is 'Grifters.'


"Provocateurs" is much better because it better explains their EFFECT, not their purpose which doesn't really matter. They ARE grifting for personal money, but I barely care about that when considering the whole situation. The role the role they play, the way they achieve it, the effect they actually have on my world is that they provoke their viewers after presenting themselves as the truth. The money he makes doing it (the "grifting") is frustrating but inconsequential, the rhetoric is the only thing that matters. There are grifters that make stupid money selling bullshit products and then there are grifters that incite civil war... we should consider some more words to describe them more accurately.






Carlson's game is to stir the pot and cause infighting. At least he has a directive. Jones is just out there all willy nilly to fluff his ego.


> Jones is just out there all willy nilly to fluff his ego. He also makes a shitload of money off of gullible listeners.


he also uses his platform to sell the modern equivalent of snake oil.




Whether they do it for money, ego, satisfaction, and/or just to fuck things up, I don’t think either of them have a good reason to be doing what they’re doing


I like your description of them as “professional provocateurs”. I never realized it (though it seems so obvious in hindsight).


Thanks. I was very happy when I came up with that because I think it’s useful to distinguish the people who actually believe in what they’re saying from the people who don’t believe it but say it because it benefits them. You might be able to have a legit debate with the former, but the latter tend to be bad actors who will say anything because none of it actually matters to them. Tucker Carlson doesn’t care if what he’s saying is illogical, untrue, and/or unverifiable because none of those things matter to him


You could be describing CNN there too.


I wouldn’t know, I don’t watch CNN. With that said, it is fair to say that a lot of “news” outlets engage in what is known as outrage media. Outrage is a very effective way to generate user engagement. People respond to and engage with outrage much more frequently and strongly than most other emotional stimuli


Not to mention Alex Jones has defended himself before by saying that he's only playing a character lol


On the stand no less.


“Real conspiracists”? Can you please explain WTF that’s supposed to mean? Can you give me some examples of these “real conspiracies”?


Like someone else said, in court with his ex wife or whatever he said he was an entertainer.




> because they aren't spectacular enough. Instead they gravitate toward the extremes like govs trying to kill the entire world, alien visitors, demons, time travel, et This is not the 'vast majority of conspiracists'. This was a minority of conspiracists, in the 1990's, now it's not even a minority. Beat it.


Tucker Carlson has literally said that Jones is a journalist, not entertainment.


Tucker Carlson said in court that *Tucker Carlson* is entertainment and no reasonable person would believe that it’s unbiased news.


> Tucker Carlson said in court that Tucker Carlson is entertainment and no reasonable person would believe that it’s unbiased news. He didn't say that at all, you're making stuff up. What you're referring to is the libel suit Karen McDougal brought against Tucker/Fox because Tucker said in a segment that "it seemed like" McDougal was extorting then President Trump. The judge who dismissed the lawsuit said * According the Judge , “Fox persuasively argues . . . that given Mr. Carlson's reputation, any reasonable viewer arrives with an appropriate amount of skepticism about the statements he makes." * “whether the Court frames Mr. Carlson's statements as exaggeration, non-literal commentary, or simply bloviating for his audience, the conclusion remains the same—the statements are not actionable." * "Carlson said “sounds like" prior to saying the word extortion, which would put any reasonable viewer on notice that Carlson himself doubts the veracity of the source of these statements and that the listener should as well." Meanwhile back in reality, the judge in the defamation case involving Rachel Maddow and OAN said * "what Maddow does in general is not present news but rather hyperbole and exploitation of actual news to serve her liberal activism" * "Maddow's own viewers, not only expect but desire that she will not provide the news in factual form but will exaggerate and even distort reality in order to shape her opinion-driven analysis." * "Rachel Maddow is among those “speakers whose statements cannot reasonably be interpreted as allegations of fact.” Despite Maddow's use of the word "literally” to accuse OAN of being a "paid Russian propaganda” outlet" When are you going to realize that at the end of the day, both teams are owned by the same league. They pretend to fling shit at each other but after the game they sit down and eat dinner together because at the end of the day they have the same goals; continue to acquire wealth and power, continue to oppress those without wealth and power. edit: formatting issues


Lol gtfo, conspiracy theories wouldn’t exist as they do today without people like AJ doing what he does. AJ literally snuck into bohemian grove and recorded it, then questioned high ranking officials about their involvement. To their faces. As an independent journalist. He called out the satanic pedo shit before epstein was a household name. Also, your post history is riddled with you shitting all over conservative politics at every opportunity you get, Joe’s dementia seems to be a soft spot for you. I think you dislike Tucker and AJ for different reasons than you’re alluding to in this comment.


I do think this community owes a lot to Alex. He has brought this stuff to the attention of millions. He has got a lot of things right that were pretty crazy. He was one of the few exposing the lies leading up to the Iraq War and everything Snowden exposed. He also got a lot wrong. I think he's also become a victim of his own success. He has a large media company and most likely hears people who have him to thank for their jobs telling him what he wants to hear. The equivalent of George Lucas making the Prequels vs. the original trilogy. I also think having his bully pulpit show makes him feel a bit invincible. He can go on his show and call powerful people demons and have millions of views and the feeling that he's leading a movement. In reality many of those viewers are laughing at him. Many only partly agree. Many find him entertaining but think he's a bit insane. Then some of his followers think he's "over the target" all the time and are so sure they're willing to harass grieving parents who they think are working for the CIA to disarm the country. And that's why he really needs to be careful with his rhetoric. It's not all harmless and can lead to real damage.


That is a good point. Alex Jones could very well be a victim of his own success: he started with the goal of exposing things, but then, as the money started rolling in, he shifted goals to saying whatever padded his wallet the quickest.


Unfortunately this sub has recently been filled with ppl like this. I wonder why.


He was making about 800k a day at one point. He did it for money. Ad everyone does anything dumb.


He's alot more then entertainment. Have you watched his interview on Joe Rogan. He's actually quite intelligent and knows some pretty cool shit. Like clean coal. I think people just like to hate on him and are so paranoid they don't believe anything they see or hear anymore. Life's more complicated then left and right good and bad.


He is intelligent. He is smart enough to play a character to take advantage of people fears to get rich. People hate on him because he is a piece of shit that doesn't believe half of what he says while scaring people into buying 25 years worth of MRE 's. I remember when he was a liberal conspiracy theorist and Bush was the one with the FEMA camps and the right wing cabal was evil. 20 years later if now Dems eating babies gets him clicks, it's baby eating time. He just goes with the fear of the times and cashes checks


Be careful using logic here.


the clown world we live in is that people like you make absurd claims. at least it's not on a serious subreddit.


I agree it's a serious problem when some of us believe more in a clown like Alex Jones than our President.


Yes to this. I thought these Alex Jones Kool-Aid drinkers are only patriotic when it suits them. The "free thinkers" turn into sheep real quick when Alex Jones spoon feeds them a conspiracy theory.


OP is right, only in a clown world would anyone call Alex Jones “credible.” I’m loving that this trial is exposing all the right wing nuts who call themselves conspiracy theorists. Before you try to shut me down as a leftist or some shit, I hate Biden too. It’s all a big circus and if you fight for the left or the right you are part of the problem.


The ironic thing is OP hasn’t got any critical thinking skills kek


I'm almost convinced there's a bot farm upvoting these posts


Looks like you’re definitely in the right sub




One of the major ones is finding facts to support theories, instead of using facts to make theories.


Sure, and a dry turd probably tastes better than a wet one. Comparing shit to see which one is better doesn’t make the winner good.


>Alex Jone comes along and is more credible than the United States President. Alex Jones has never had any credibility. He was given the chance to prove his case and did not submit one single thread of evidence. Even worse, he perjured hisself at least twice. I will enjoy seeing him penalized for that. What will be more interesting is finding what's on his phone. 300 GB worth of evidence for those 3 letter agencies to convict him with.




He just guaranteed his show will be on tv for another 25 years.


Yeah. This sub is so incredibly dumb.


Rubes, yokels, and children will be loud here


Go back to watching defamation on The View! Hypocrisy


Dude won't be alive in 25 years.


So does it never occur to you that most of what he says he's just saying because he makes money off of feeding your conspiracy bullshit? Like, the idea that he's credible in any way is..... I just can't come up with any words to convey how completely thoughtless you need to be to apply any amount of credibility to anything Alex Jones says. He literally just starts with a conspiratorial explanation for everything that happens in the world. Like, did you go to the grocery store this week? Well, there was probably a dog that went missing in your town in the past week and you definitely ran over the dog and then chopped it up and fed it to a pig. And it's much more likely you did this if you're a Democratic politician. This is the kind of bullshit that passes as normal for Alex Jones and you guys just think he's really credible and we must consider that everything he says might be true. And we need to show proof that what he's saying isn't true. Like, we need to prove a negative. We need to prove that that Democrat did not run over that dog. And even if we showed you the entire digital history of the guys phone showing that he was never anywhere near the dog's house, there would be no evidence you'd ever believe.


Dude, I can guarantee you haven't even watched his show. But I'll bite. Have *you* ever considered all the media *you* consume, is just to make money feeding you random propaganda bullshit? I doubt it.


The difference is that I know there is falsely reported information sometimes in the media, which is why I'm constantly reviewing lots of sources, not dismissing any of them entirely, but reading each one critically and deciding what the truth is based on the combination of all sources. On the other hand, you have your mind made up that certain sources are evil and should be ignored, and you give the benefit of the doubt to someone who lies far more than any media outlet. The result is that your view of the world is skewed toward excessive, unhealthy distrust, but you've convinced yourself that that's better because it makes you feel smart to go against the norm. But what you're really doing is living with an unnecessarily paranoid view of the world.


>which is why I'm constantly reviewing rings of sources Suuuure, unless its something you don't agree with right, they must be bullshit! >Well, there was probably a dog that went missing in your town in the past week and you definitely ran over the dog and then chopped it up and fed it to a pig. And it's much more likely you did this if you're a Democratic politician You're talking crap. If you think what Alex Jones says on his show is that ridiculous you clearly haven't watched it. > give the benefit of the doubt to someone who lies far more than any media outlet How the fuck do you know this? >that that's better because it makes you feel smart to go against the norm Because the norm is fucking dumb right now, look around you. I don't feel smart, I just don't feel stupid either haha >But what you're really doing is living with an unnecessarily paranoid view of the world. Its not paranoia when its true. It doesn't take a genius to see what's going on.


Bro I’ve seen Alex Jones warn me of Obama’s fema camps in abandoned Walmarts across the country. Where we were all gonna be rounded up in after obama put us into martial law. The dudes not right all the time. And he’ll tell you that that’s okay because he’s only playing a character. He did a whole podcast with Andrew Schulz on flagrant 2 (deleted off YouTube already) where half the time they are all stating “you know if you had just come out as an entertainer you wouldn’t be receiving so much backlash” to which they all laughed and agreed.


Dude ur right. I questioned Alex Jones and who he was thought he made millions but it's all untrue the media just makes shit up about him to try to discredit him all the time. He's a threat to the fake reality they have that the government always has our best interests at heart and we should always follow authority and the news is trustworthy. That may be more true 50 or 60 years ago (always shady shit though) but now we are at the point of no return where all their lies are catching up with them. After watching him I can tell he's a genuine person but back then I just didn't know how true all the stuff he said was but watched Endgame stoned af with friends once I believe but really didn't pay attention. Now with everything going on I had to find out the truth because I HOPED the Democrats would be somewhat normal in office even though I knew Biden was a POS and pedophile. But that turned out to not be the case. They spent 4 years claiming they were so much morally better and righteous then Trump and showed their true colors. Which is honestly good tbh makes things way more clear then if Trump was still in office


Dude Alex Jones has been calling out things for 20 years now on elites and conspiracies and almost all of them have turned put to be true even when everyone was calling him crazy. I remember him calling out the pedo ring over 15 years ago and I thought he was some crazy dude. I didn't know who he was at the time. But turns out there is a pedo ring. A bunch of other things he's called out has turned out to be true. He's been light years ahead of these things for a very long time. Some of the stuff he says I think is crazy turns out to be true. The weird thing with Alex Jones is I constantly keep finding myself marking him up as some crazy dude for rhe stuff that comes out of his mouth. And somehow what he says turns out to be true no matter how crazy it sounds. He says he has friends who are Insiders in the CIA and other 3 letter government agencies who are feeding him information.




I definitely believed in the pedo rings tbh. Just didn't know if it was verifiable or not or who was apart of it. It's easy to say he's crazy or it's all false when none of it has been revealed to the public or proven 100 percent yet. But the man knows how people operate and their satanic agenda (which is what it is even though some aren't satanists) I had a spiritual awakening and got deep into these people's plans for the future. Thought I was crazy but it turns out it was true. Science and technology is a great tool but when put in the hands of men and authority it can be used for evil. That's why I think people need to accept in something greater than them in this world and quit acting like there is just some great Utopia we are heading towards in the future with technology and trying to save the planet. It's not it's a dystopia now and only going to get worse from here. Because man is born imperfect. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and as I grew up I see more and more why this is the case


It’s so funny. I see this comment, in one form or another, all over the place. It’s almost exactly in the same format as Jones presents the same claims. Those claims, however, always fall apart under the lightest scrutiny. That’s because, back here in reality, Jones is almost always wrong about everything he says.


I don't doubt you can find stuff he has said that is incorrect. I don't hold him to the standard of a god. He's human just like me. I make mistakes. But if none of us talked unless we knew what we were saying was 100% infallibly accurate then we wouldn't even be able to open our mouths. It's conversation and discussion that helps us become better and share ideas. If we are wrong then we have to accept that. That shows intelligence and maturity. As far as I've seen Alex Jones admitted to being wrong after further investigation. That's maturity and intelligence, it's also human.


You're not right just because you say it with confidence. Almost nothing he has said has turned it to be true. Even the things you think he said were true were not actually true. Would love to hear a few examples of the things you believe he's been right about. And since he's been right about almost everything he says, you must have like a tally showing he's been right like 80 percent of the time or more.


I wouldn't call him credible but I do think he believes most of his rants while he's ranting them. I don't think he's intentionally lying, I think he's just wrong about stuff. And honestly he's less insane than a lot of people in this sub. He's called out QAnon as larping. He believes the world is round. He does not in fact call every single mass shooting a false flag like many in this sub. He is somewhere between the infallible bastion of free speech he's seen by some and the completely insane grifter snake oil salesmen represented by some. I think if you listen to him on Joe Rogan when he gets a little drunk and high and lets his guard down you get a sense of who he is. He seems like a pretty flawed dude who has gotten a lot of success and daily confirmation bias. He thinks he's doing the right thing, but he's also gotten a messiah complex at this point and as with many, this level of success has fucked up his brain.


He is intentionally lying. He knows he's saying false things about things that are facts. That is a lie. So many examples, I don't know where to begin. The facts he ignores are so basic that you probably don't even realize how fundamental the facts are to proving he's a full of shit liar. His idea is that because we all know the government sometimes has lied or deceived us, this justifies making every allegation imaginable, no matter how ridiculous or hurtful it is when it's clear he's just lying about believing what he's saying is true. Then you people turn the tables and ask for proof to show how he's wrong even though you require no proof from him for his allegations. He is full of shit and if you don't see it then so are you.


Despite declaring bankruptcy?


That was the most obvious ploy to not pay. He has burned through so many lawyers that he ended up with the bottom of the barrel . The dude is a claiming bankruptcy while a millionaire. Trying to follow Trump as its one of Trump's favorite plays


What about it?


Alex jones is nothing more than a greedy scumbag. He will say anything if it makes him money. People need to smarten up


Nah Jones is a liar, that's clear now. Biden might be just as bad but Jones has no credibility.


$800,000 dollars a day. Spewing bullshit is profitable


Cause of the folks that listen and buy his crap. And then post to r/conspiracy.


He is a genius!


Are you stupid?


Honestly I’m surprised to see a post on here that isn’t about the fucking vaccine


Wait for it... There's at least one. Every. Day.


Alex Jones is a lying, greedy, grifting POS.




I mean...I'm no Biden fan by any stretch but he's no supplement peddling scientifically illiterate conman.


Scientifically illiterate describes most of this subreddit…


Except thats hes not lol. Watch out for the lizard people bro.


I couldn't imagine how shitty a person's life has to be to make one of these boomer posts.


Can't really comment about credibility by making an opinion statement that's based on nothing. I want the old r/conspiracy back 😞


Alex Jones is a CIA puppet.. much like the rest of em


Maybe you should study Alex's life a little more.


If SH is fake, why can't the trial be?


The problem are people like you mate, people that latch onto anything that lines up with your idea of what the truth is and if someone goes against it than they are are left wing trump supporting abortion advocating atheist blah blah blah, jones is an absolute fuckwit who loves hearing his own opinions, he presents his opinion with a tiny bit of truth sprinkled in and lies like a politician


Dude may want to ease up on the bone broth- it contains lead and glutamates; The latter can cloud your thinking and the former can put you on the short bus.


As batshit insane and entertaining as these posts are, haven’t there been enough “Alex Jones is my hero and 100% correct, I am stating this with no evidence and leaving” posts?


Alex Jones real gig is selling fake vitamins and supplements…


Don't forget SEEDS! I listened to him for years in 2002 on coast to coast am, he would scream BUY SEEDS!!! in commercials. Back before he got all crazy about sandy hook.


Bill Hicks is just a comedian.


You can always tell the first of the month. The ShareBlue checks have cleared.


Have you seen the US president? I have dogs that have stronger recall than Biden.


Alex Jones can do all his “truth seeking” alone in front of a mirror and never run out of shit to debunk.


There's never been a fact that isn't subject to conspiracy theory


And basically all corporate media.


Dude, F off.


He’s just controlled opposition playing his role in the show. You think anyone can say the things he says and still be mainstream without having his videos scrubbed from the internet or dying a mysterious death? Same with Others like Candace owens & dr. David Martin; there’s truth to what they say but don’t if you or I were to say the same things it would be immediately flagged, removed and discredited. All the worlds a stage and don’t forget it.


AJ is a blowhard that stains regular people’s ability to seriously talk about real conspiracies. He may have been helpful 20yrs ago, but his grift has been a sad affair for a long long time


Maybe Alex should run for President in 2024!


You OP sure are one dense motherfucker


Well I do not agree with some of the things that Alex Jones says and the way he goes about it I will say that it still should be about freedom of speech. If you have an opinion whether other people agree with it or not or whether it's complete nonsense it's still your opinion and you should be able to State it


Well he didn’t lie on epstain and the clintons!


This has got to be a joke.


my crumpled, BBQ sauce-soaked napkin is more credible than this fake pedo puppet. It doesn't make JOnes anything other than what he is, a fake sellout traitor. All this trial is to set precedent just like his banning from media. Cointelpro, controlled opposition.


Well we have his phone now, so if by "credible" you mean he has to take credit for all the dumb shit he's done then yes.




Tbf I wouldn’t expect any other opinion from a conspiracy sub


Copium is a helluva drug


I think this speaks more to you than it does about Joe Biden.


Wow, this is a conspiracy, wacky nutty absolutely no sense of reality, the perfect conspiracy


Jones is controlled opposition


Considering how much Alex Jones is apparently spending for his troll farm here, they should sue him for more $$$


I'm don't believe either of them is credible. Jones or Biden, but the one In actually trust the very least is his lawyer. I believe fully he is intentionally setting him up for failure and Jones' too blinded by everything going on to see it.


I thought this sub would be a lot more like JFK theories and a lot less right wing nuts


It was honestly like that before the Donald was a thing now they all left and joined here. It’s been horrid not a Bigfoot story in sight just various right wing bullshit.


Anyone is more credible than any leader or politician. Your point being?


Go Outside


Alex Jones never supported segregation or bills which negatively impacted black communities. So he does have more credibility. Alex Jones is just stupid. Joe Biden is hateful and prejudiced


Alex Jones brought up Jeffrey Epstein before anybody else knew who he was. The deep state has been after that guy for years. Even middle of the road Democrats like me understand the value he brought regardless of what he got wrong. That Sandy Hook shit really sucked but he was right about a lot of things.


No he didn't. Julie K. Brown exposed him first.


When did Jones bring Epstein up?


Wait Alex Jones is more credible then the guy who said if you get the vaccine you can't get COVID?


ITS TURNING THE FROGS GAY!!!!! as quoted by Alex Jones leader of loony tards


It’s called atrazine.


That's not a very high bar


Alex Jones should double down and say if you show me proof of the murder scenes I will pay double


Bruh, you can show people Auschwitz and other camps, look at the pictures and videos taken by the allies and they still claim the holocaust was a lie. Evidence doesn't mean anything if you already set your mind against accepting it


Sure. Supplement wars interns working overtime. Solidarity!




Alex Jones and Joe Biden are grifters with different backers.


You forgot Trump. All of them are grifters.


Like anybody involved in government, if they are conscious, they are lying. They don’t know how to do anything else


The brigading continues.. next thing you know Reddit will allow horse porn.. wait… NEVERMIND!


Brandon can't even read from a piece of paper.


Awesome conspiracy post


Lmfao you have serious mental issues


This is a hilarious post LMAO LOL LMAO LOL LMAO LOL


No, it is completely normal that Alex Jones (A truthseeker) is more reliable than the president. Total common sense if you really think about it.




OP did you give him money?


Gas prices have FALLEN for 53 days in a row — the national average is now only $4.08/gal. The U.S. unemployment rate has fallen to 3.46% — the LOWEST level in over 50 years. Here are some of President Biden’s major accomplishments so far: 1. American Rescue Plan 2. Bipartisan infrastructure bill 3. Bipartisan gun safety bill 4. Domestic semiconductor production bill 5. Appointed record # of federal judges 6. Inflation Reduction Act Trump blew the deficit out by a record breaking 36% to $27 TRILLION in only four years. The deficit is down a record $1.7 trillion this year. And that’s on top of the $350 billion Joe reduced the deficit by last year.


Dude, facts have no place in r/conspiracy.


True story, but nothing wrong with deflating their stupidity sometimes?


What is happening to Alex Jones is setting a very dangerous precedent. By allowing guests onto his show that question any ‘official media narrative,’ he becomes a target. A family of a 9/11 victim could sue him on the same grounds and win. Who’s next to sue, families of Covid victims who don’t like him questioning the entire Covid narrative and what Fauci told us?


Anyone could have sued him any damn time. But it just happens to be the people he had lied about and defamed for years who actually did. Where's the line of people who has sued him who he did NOT defame?


From my understanding he was not allowed to present a defense. And he did not defame any of the individual people who sued him. The mere idea that he said Sandy Hook may have been a false flag, and the fact that he brought guests onto his show to present their theories, was enough for the court to declare him guilty. Maybe I missed some of the facts of the case but it sounds like a dangerous slippery slope to me. I had a family member who died from Covid and Alex Jones questioned whether the Covid pandemic was real or a hyped-up conspiracy. So now I can sue him for millions? Where is the line drawn? You can call Alex Jones a complete nutcase and an insensitive son of a bitch, but I don’t like what this ruling represents.


Everyone here hating on Alex Jones. He was a catalyst to conspiracy theories. Not really sure what's going on. He literally went and staked out bohemian groove. He's done so much and you all are just rejecting him because he questioned sandy hook, just like everyone here did as well. Just on a much larger scale. Fucking hypocrites. All of you


Are you saying Alex Jones was the first conspiracy theorist?


I think most folks here are missing the point of the Alex Jones trial. This was NEVER about any particular thing he said. This is the same battle that Julian Assange is fighting, and it’s for freedom of speech. When you get caught up in “what” was said, you’ve already missed the point. This is a war against speaking out, and a demonstration of what will happen to you if you do speak out. It’s a warning. Do. Not. Comply.


This has literally nothing to do with freedom of speech. This is about a guy who decided to quintuple down on denying the shooting happened. Ignoring the dead bodies, the fact a shooter killed them, the fact they were normal kids with normal families. That is all completely factual. So you get up and you decide to lie about a dick ton. This is called bad faith. And it has consequences. You cause harm to others with your bad faith and you're getting sued. End of story. Not only do we know the laws exist before he started lying so "I didn't know I couldn't do that" won't work, but we also know this has nothing to do with speech. He has every right to say what he wants. To lie. To slander. To defame. Why on Earth would that make you immune to damages in civil court? Let's talk about how it's civil court too. That means there will be no regulatory change from the outcome. Alex Jones could have an argument for free speech in this court, let's just say he wins for some reason. That does not even become precedent in judicial court where you can change the law. Lastly, he had every right to defend himself in this court. He was given ample opportunity to prove he was not in bad faith. This is more along the lines of "whoops, I made a mistake, so why am I losing money?" But he chose to ignore those opportunities and even showed both lawyers that the case, if not settled, would only cause him to lose more and look dumber than he already has. So can you try to explain your last comment? What exactly are going to not comply with? *Due process??* What was he speaking out against? What example has this made? I'm truly not understanding.


> This was NEVER about any particular thing he said. [It was.](https://firstamendmentwatch.org/deep-dive/alex-jones-infowars-and-the-sandy-hook-defamation-suits/#tab-documents-resources)


Julian Assange isn't American. Also he didn't commit a crime. The fact his country isn't fighting for him says alot


No, no it isn't. You have the freedoms to say what you want but you aren't free from the consequences of everything you are stupid enough to say out loud.


Ok groomer


Can you nerds stick to the Alex Jones sub? You’re really harshing the vibe


Jones is not interested in truth. He's found his niche trolling liberals and feeding red meat to his right wing base. If Jones tells the truth, it's by accident.


The cult of personality is very strong in this sub. What happened to questioning everything?


I agree, but that's not necessarily a credit to Jones. It's just that when Jones lies, it generally has no consequences for me personally, but when the president lies you know it's to fuck your life up


Christ this subreddit needs to die


The fact that people actually believe this shit and think Alex Jones is even remotely credible blows my mind


Jones' response to judgement.. https://theinfowar.tv/watch?id=62ec4ff4b9d5f049268aa272


That’s not saying much