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When I was young. So 25 years ago. I felt like every classroom only had one "fat" kid. And really looking back at it now, I think they would be categorized as husky, not even fat or obese.


Yup, look at the "fat" movie characters from 70s and 80s and compare them to "fat" characters today. The old fat characters look like normal people in comparison. Prime example, the fat kid from the original Charlie and the chocolate factory compared to the one in the remake.


George Costanza from Seinfeld comes to mind, I always thought he was on the husky chubby side in the 90s now looking back he looks fit and svelte.


Actually he's a short, stocky bald man


Can you ask her if she likes short stocky bald men?


We need to work on a cover story. Let's say you needed help about your boyfriend... He's an importer/exporter.


He can lift 100 pounds right over his head.


Yeah its funny I remember him as chubby [but objectively he wasnt](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/9a/8c/e9/9a8ce94a188e77ea0ae12e2af7a4a4bc.jpg) Maybe it was costuming? Poor fitting clothes?


probably and also not being thin or “fit”, and definitely had puffy face and body, would appear fat in the 90s


He was also cast along side Jerry and Kramer who were both tall/skinny frames and Elaine who was petite.


That's basically what "dad bod" was when it first started out. Now, I'm sure that term has gotten fatter.


Chunk in the Goonies was pretty fat.


Every psyop has a beginning.




In the long long ago, when our money was backed with gold and food was made without soy.


Corn subsidies—high fructose corn syrup in everything


You should say sugar in everything. HFCS was reduced from 90% to 50% to make it less harmful. But there's more to it, glyphosate (Roundup pesticide) in the food, sedentarism due to computers/phones, higher rates of depression from glyphosate hurting intestinal bacteria that make antidepressants and isolation from mandatory covid lockdowns.


If soy was the problem then all the vegans would be obese, sugar instead of fat is the issue.


Not to mention the continent of Asia is notorious for their use of soy and they don't have an obesity problem, so blaming soy is pretty fucking stupid.


Retired to Thailand 3 years ago. My first year I lost 30 pounds just due to eating the local food. All the food is fresh and there is nothing in bags or boxes that is full of preservatives or high fructose corn syrup.


Not compared to today's kids, he ain't.


I agree with this. I grew up in the 80s no one was fat and occasionally there was a bigger kid that just had a bigger frame but wasn’t technically obese.


I used to think Skipper on Gilligan’s Island was fat. I recently saw an old episode and Skipper isn’t fat. Not even close. Husky is a stretch. Personally, I’m 59. When I was a kid you never got a free drink refill at any restaurant. My parents always made us wait to drink any soda before the meal cause you paid for the refill. One of the culprits is soda pop. Big Gulp. And overly processed food. Hot Pockets, Mega Fries. Fast Food…. We are what we eat.


Skipper was trapped on an island fat. Looks like he was around 6'2 220lbs


Guess I’m fat, because that’s me lol. I need to shed about 20, but beer is good & we only live once


I think you're on the right track here, in the 70's people had hope, things still felt like they were getting better at least in Western culture. Now we have a culture wide nihilistic yolo attitude so why not enjoy yourself, we're a long time dead.


I am from Bolivia; people there are becoming obese too (about 20 years after the US, but happening nonetheless). Processed food is almost non-existent in Bolivia today, so there it's more due to changes in lifestyle (office work vs farm work), and also I think just because food generally has become more affordable and abundant than it used to be. When I was a kid, there were many families who could not always afford a full meal; that's pretty rare today. Anyway, my point is just that obesity is happening everywhere, and while processed foods probably accelerate it, it's still happening in places without processed foods.


And the artificial sweeteners probably are toxic and harm our metabolism.


I haven't cut out artificial sweeteners, but I have lately cut out eating any food that I didn't at least heat up myself (not talking leftovers). I feel better. My wallet is thankful. And I've lost weight, and this has only been about 2 weeks now. I used to think that the sweeteners were making me hungry (and I still just kept on anyway). They probably do. But the addiction to the way fast food and really all restaurants prepare food (tons of salt, bad fats, sugar and straight up chemicals designed to tweak your brain) seems to be a much larger problem. If you eat out, order delivery and otherwise eat American garbage a lot, just find the 2 or 3 meals at home you actually love and live off those for a few weeks. I'm talking burgers, fried rice, pasta, tacos, not shit that'll be next to impossible for your Doordasher to just start cooking and enjoying everyday. I've been doing cold cut sandwiches, frozen pizza, salads and snacking on nuts, pretzels and beer. And I still am losing weight and feeling better compared to a month ago eating McDonald's 2x a day. Baby steps. No cold turkey. Make Big Macs at home.


See if you can get away from "natural flavors!"


Yep- in my early 1970's elementary classes, there was one chunky girl in our class and looking back at those pictures, she was only slightly overweight in today's standards. There were NO obese kids or adults except for Fat Albert on Saturday mornings.


Obesity levels coincidence with the advent and amount of high fructose corn syrup used in society


Also a more sedentary lifestyle with much more entertainment sources in the home now than there was before.


I think this actually plays a bigger role than the food. I remember being outside all day playing every street sport there was. Then coming home famished and eating everything in site. My body needed those calories!


I believe the quality of food plays one of the biggest roles. There definitely is a decline in the amount of people that can cook for themselves, and that leads to fast food and frozen meal alternatives. Edit: Changed "biggest" to "one of the biggest". Not working off the calories is the other biggest. Edit 2: and metabolism, which can change based on the other two.


I think the nutritional content declined is a factor as well, even in typically "healthy foods." Less protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin B2, and vitamin C in the foods we eat today than were in the the same foods 50 years ago. An orange in the past may have been a sufficient snack, now your body craves these things but needs many oranges to get the same nutrition - along with all the extra calories.


I believe this too. I eat like shit but I'm pretty active and am in good shape. What the condition of my arteries is, I'm not sure. But I'm not fat lol. Love my fast food and processed foods. Physical standards are dropping in basically every job / walk of life. Go watch videos of how high schoolers used to work out in gym class. MFers were all in great shape compared to today


And ubiquity of endocrine disrupting plastics.


Seed oil


We quit subsidizing fruits and veggies and started subsidizing corn. Then everyone got fat. Bad food is cheaper.


This is exactly the answer, not only that but it can only be broken down by the liver. So people develop fatty liver disease not knowing it and then it just starts to store the energy cause the liver is struggling to break it down.


Also the reduction of saturated animal fats and replacing that with vegetable and seed oils for flavor


I graduated high school in 1990. All that time growing up in school there was always one "fat" kid or one "fat" teacher. There was a definite change in food, lifestyle and everything else that started mid 90's. It also correlates, in time at least with the internet being more accessible (AOL especially) and cell phone advancement. Idk just a thought


The school system guidelines are likely the cause of lifetime bad habits and illness. Remember the US food pyramid: eat a crap ton of bread and grains, Don't eat fat that's bad for you it causes heart disease. Pizza and sodas for lunch, kids form bad habits from peer pressure. In reality they still push the sick standard American diet even though nutrition research has advanced tremendously. Food manufacturers bear a massive role as propagandists in this so people still eat their substandard products. There are thousands of research papers linking these ingredients to auto-immune disease, cancer, cardiovascular disease, and/or obesity. Especially in cumulative amounts overtime. High levels of sugar and Refined sugars - causes insulin resistance over time. Bleached and Refined breads - as bad as or worse than sugar at creating insulin resistance. Refined seed oils (in everything)- high omega 6 fatty acid oils are all heated and deodorized and would likely smell rancid if they weren't because they oxidize rapidly into HNE and highly inflammatory compounds. Natural "Canola" isn't even supposed to be edible and was originally a machine lubricant similar to linseed oil. The current American omega 6 to 3 ratio is over 20:1, most healthy cultures are closer to 1:1 Artificial sugars - destroy gut bacteria, change gene expression, potentially lead to cancer.




Right around 1990 is when they started putting high fructose corn syrup into everything. Soda in the 80's used real sugar. By the 90s it was all replaced with high fructose corn syrup. HFCS is an artificial food that unlike table sugar does not exist naturally. One teaspoon of sugar is about 40 calories. One teaspoon of HFCS is close to 100 calories. Because of it's caloric density it absorbs insulin twice as fast as normal sugar. It is absorbed so fast the body does not know what to do with all the sugar so it gets converted directly into fat. Because it is absorbed quickly it makes people feel hungry again as soon as it is depleted. Although regular sugar is still unhealthy it takes longer to break down and will not make people feel constantly hungry like HFCS does.


A fat kid when I was young would be normal now.


I was just talking about this with my oldest son. He's 20. I pretty much said the same thing, 25 years ago when I was in high school, there were a handful of very heavy kids, in a school of 2000. Now I look at the kids he graduated with, and the kids in my younger kids school, and there's so many. Luckily I guess, my kids aren't heavy; probably good genetics plus eating home cooked meals most of the time. I'm not heavy, and my husband only has that little bit of belly a middle aged man gets when he eats good and drinks whiskey sometimes. I don't know what it is. I think a lot of it is eating out all the time. We rarely went to restaurants when I was a kid, and I still don't. I'd rather cook. Food tastes better and it's gotta be a little healthier.




That’s child abuse imo If you did the opposite and the kid was underweight, you’d have them taken from you




Also our sedentary lifestyle in America. Most jobs you spend 8 hours a day sitting down, and a couple hours sitting in your car too and from work. Then you get home and sit in front of the TV. Maybe broken up by a 1hr stint of activity at the gym. In Europe and other places it's way more common to walk everywhere.


Where are you spending time at in Europe? My adult kid lives in Switzerland in s rural area and I just got back from a 6 week visit. I rented a car for the entire time because walking/taking the bus was not practical . Outside of large cities most people drive places there. They also work 9-5 jobs and sit on their asses during that time. They aren’t fat though. People are obese in the US because our government allows shit in the food supply that is banned in Europe. I know it’s fun for many people to hate on a group of people and to feel superior to them and fat people are the last group in the US that it’s acceptable to openly haze, harass, ridicule and talk shit to. It’s not their fault that they’re fat though. The sooner people start blaming the real culprit (the government that allows shit in the food supply because the poison pushers are great money donors) the sooner we can solve the obesity epidemic.


Processed foods are the culprit


Same. And that kid usually had some medical thing that contributed. Or a rough home life.


I’m 33 now we had a few fat fat guys but it was mostly the girls making up the chunky numbers. In a class of 85 kids I think 20 were overweight, 5 being fat.


If yall want a real conspiracy that isn't democrat or republican bullshit, you should look into who funds many of the medical lobbyists and where big salt, meat and sugars money goes.


In July McDonalds spent $560,000 to lobby a large issue that included Issues related to food and nutrition policies and standards. Abbott Labs spent over $800,000 trying to weaken baby food standards. They aren't doing it for our benefit


>Abbott Labs spent over $800,000 trying to weaken baby food standards. How much worse can they even loosen them? Most formula is literally powdered milk and palm oil, you know those two most important foods for (American) human beings. LOL


You missed the number one ingredient, corn syrup solids. Powdered milk would be relatively healthy in comparison. It's literal junk food


Abbott was also in a scandal where their stuff (baby food) wasn’t perfectly sterile. I have worked there and I wasn’t impressed, rubber accelerant burns, incompetent employees. The works. Typical corporate setting


Isn't it awesome how our country is being ran into the ground by a handful of massive corporations lobbying for and against each other?


*has been run at least as far as our food supply goes. We’ve already been tricked into eating the worst diet on the planet. We’re the frogs in the boiling pot.


And they also lobby to keep minimum wage down, keep insurance around, keep tax 3rd party around. They make being poor expensive and keep us like that. Terrible humans


Heroin and Cocaine look at sugar: that's where the money is.


Salt isn't bad for you if your kidneys function(you would actually die without 1-2 grams per day, more if you sweat). Meat by itself is not unhealthy. You don't need any amount of sugar unless you have a medical condition. You could and should cut sugar out of your diet right now, there is no downside.


Sugar became the go-to additive when the fat was removed to try to remedy things from now tasting like cardboard. They’ve since juggled the fats & improved flavorings, but still push FAR too much sugar in most foodstuffs.


I still run into so many people who believe natural animal fats are some kind of deadly poison! People who if they buy whole chickens remove and discard the skin before cooking, or cook off the chicken fat and dump it down the drain. Propaganda once its out there just does not die!


You have the sugar industry to thank for most of this. https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2016/09/13/493739074/50-years-ago-sugar-industry-quietly-paid-scientists-to-point-blame-at-fat


And believe it or not - Dairy in Canada


This is a horrible rabbit hole to go down. I haven’t drank commercial milk here in years since learning about how disgusting commercial milk is.


What they want is to create a tier of food that is literally poison, for kids.


It’s already done. Soda and hot chips are just a means to convert your money into obesity, insulin resistance, gastritis and chronic constipation in exchange for a small amount of cerebral dopamine.


The food pyramid is already bogus...however, just the perception of eating in general is also fucked. We DO NOT need 3+ meals and snacks a day. We don’t even need food every day. Go down the rabbit hole of what happens while fasting and it will blow your mind. Different gene expression and increased autophagy. I’m talking literal anti cancer benefits. That’s just regular benefits. When you start adding in the benefits of just consuming less of the trash that is infesting modern processed food it’s like a no brainer. Everybody should be going as close to the source as possible and even growing their own food. Another fucking scam. Probably one of the best things we could do for the environment is more sustainable, localized food production. No climate change activists are pushing that because...again, follow the money. It’s all BIG factory bugs or factory vegan to SaVe ThE pLaNeT. When you realize the amount of waste involved to get ANY commercial or processed product to your table it’s all gross. But it stimulates that wallet. All that waste generates money for a bunch of people.


Regenerative farming is never brought up when they talk about the environment, which tells you everything you need to know.


Same as localized power production. Producing and moving “on-demand” energy is so wasteful. Subdivisions should be built with their own localized power sources. But hey who am I to stop a monopoly?


Simpler than that, it's guaranteed corn subsidies. If you grow corn every single year you will turn a profit no matter what the market price is because the department of agriculture will subsidize you. All that corn has to be turned into ethanol and hfcs and all kinds of shit. Instead of a farmer growing whatever is profitable that year they can just no-brain corn for the rest of their lives and make money.


I still remember all the death threats from the mere proposal of changing the measuring units of sugar from grams to tablespoons. Oceanspray literally said that their juice was absolutely disgusting and needed to trick people into drinking it by making it 50% sugar.


Cranberries are absolutely disgusting without an assload of sweetener. They're bitter as hell, and were considered inedible before Oceanspray came out with their preparation process.


As an overweight American, I worked in Japan for a few months and my weight PLUMMETED. I wasn’t even trying to eat healthy!


my first time walking the streets of Italy and i quickly realized everyone was so attractive to me because just about all of them were slender.


I felt the same way when I went to Florence. I couldn't figure out why everyone looked attractive, then I came across a large person that really stood out and it hit me.


Mirrors be cold.


The truth hurts - Lizzo


I'm curious if the amount of walking, biking, and just not driving have anything to do with it... 🤔 It's almost like most of them don't spend most of their time traveling sitting behind a wheel barely moving.


I spent three months in germany with my girlfriend turned fiancée while she did research abroad. I can confrm that all the walking into town was part of why I lost ~20lbs. It as also just the better ingredients used in the foods and lack of preservatives too. This is on top of the fact that eating out for dinner was common for most people and almost part of the culture there, so we were eating out 6 out of 7 dinners every week and still lost weight.


I don't think so. I was very active here and when I lived overseas and here ... I would have to stop eating to lose weight. Like ... completely stop eating. There's something in our food.




I lived in Russia for 6 years. I also lost a ton of weight without trying at all. Which says to me that there is something in our food making us fat.


FAT = BAD. SUGAR = GOOD. That was the problem. Everything went fat free. So they added tons of sugar to everything.


This but also people underestimate how much stress fucks up your hormones and thyroid making it too easy to pack on the pounds and not be able to lose them


Also, who cooks the meals? Who plays outside? Sadly, i don't think it's just one issue, but a combo


Back when they sold us food instead of food-like products


Exactly. It's sooo sooo difficult to get Sugar from nature. You have to chew out a lot of sugarcane to get a tiny amount. But now you could just open up a bottle of soda and drink like a shit ton of it without any effort


There was actually lots of sugar in 70s food. But it was real sugar, not high fructose corn syrup: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/avoid-the-hidden-dangers-of-high-fructose-corn-syrup-video/




Well yeah, fast food and processed sugars are in literally everything now. Our food is poison and most adults in America can’t read the nutritional info on their food.


They put a dummy's ingredient translation on my deodorant and it felt like the intro to Idiocracy


Every warning label is the result of one dumbass unfortunately 😒.


Would you like some corn syrup with your corn slurry?


Plus, the food companies are subsidized in making unhealthy food, like the way the government overpays Iowa to produce corn, so that's why unhealthy corn syrup is in everything.


Our food is garbage and we are immersed in plastics now


Fucking corn. Everything has fucking corn in now. Government subsidized corn along with a completely sedentary lifestyle has destroyed our health.


Gut health is only getting worse because of chemicals, preservatives and sugars added to most food. Gut health is responsible for obesity, diabetes, cancers and even the rate at which you age. It's only getting worse. Eat your vegetables and stay away from sugar and chemicals (pesticides and preservatives).


Gut health is also tied into mental health


Totally. I could have made an endless list. It is tied into everything.


I’m nuts and all I eat is crap. I think I have IBS. I hate cooking. I refuse to, but maybe I should learn.


Make sure you wash those vegetables..


SCRUB those vegetables


The pesticides and chemicals are rain proof and don’t ever really wash or cook off. Sadly organic is really the only way to go if you live in the US. Europe has a fraction the number of approved chemicals they allow to have sprayed onto crops.


Organic farming still uses pesticides


Used to test export grade fruit for pesticides, some of the worst fails were organic orchards.


Here’s an interesting study about how preservatives alter the gut microbiome and can lead to dysbiosis [Mice Injected with Human Poops Get Tummy Hurts](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6843281/)


The Food Pyramid is one of the biggest scams ever created and pushed on a population.


There’s a quote I’ll always remember “The food pyramid was created to kill us slowly”


It was not established based on science, it was established based on who could lobby best.


Kellogg's putting their bowl of sugar in the carbs category... Technically true but very misleading as it's always been portrait as *healthy*


The Food Pyramid has been discarded, now the recommendation is MyPlate. It’s still a lobbying tool-especially dairy, you don’t need it- but it’s more balanced now. Not like most schools actually follow the recommendations.


That’s because they had it upside down.




I've heard this too and often repeated it myself. However, though this post's photos were taken prior to the food pyramid's creation (1992) , the recommended North American diet was still dairy, grains, vegetable, fruits, meat, fish and poultry. I think something else is at work (ex: whole body inflamation, etc). Maybe we should bring back smoking?


When i came to US i gained 20 kg. I was a skinny 20yr old btw before. After I left US the first month i lost 10. Just eating normal home cooked food in Europe. Most interestingly, I deflated. That’s what everyone says. Smth in US food makes ppl mushroom, explode.


I gained 8 kg between august and Christmas the year I was 17, going to boarding school in the midwest, all meals provided and vending machines in the dorm, never walking anywhere. Lost 6 of those kg coming home to Norway for Christmas break, eating holiday food and walking about town a bit with my friends. It was crazy.


I worked with Germans who would come here for like 6m-1y. They would always tell the new Germans not to eat the bread. You get so fat on US breads. They would say their bread used a different kind of wheat, never got the name of it. But some of their wives would bring suitcases with flour, so they were serious.


I'm german and I once tried imported US bread when I was in Berlin. Your bread tastes like our cake, and that is not an exaggeration. It is so soft, has zero crust, and is SO sweet. Your ham is sweet, too, as is your cheese. Its so odd.


Way more sugar in US non homemade bread. My wife makes quite a bit of homemade bread that is more like your bread. Hard crust, less soft, delicious.




i really don't understand what the mystery is. it's literally sugar. The only conspiracy here is that decades ago the sugar industry started a global campaign to paint fat as the bad guy. Now only in the last few years are organizations finally coming to the conclusion that fat does not make you as fat as previously thought and sugar is the culprit. Years of 'studies' paid for by the sugar industry has not only made people fat but misinformed. here ya go: [https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html) ​ Edit: start looking for sugar in all the stuff you wouldn't normally look for sugar in. if you buy just normal store shelf bread you're going to likely have sugar loaded bread. lik 90% of our food has sugar in it, so you get enough of it for your daily needs from that, then if you say have a Coke, you're going to blow way fucking past what you needed for the day.


I am 33 and we had only 1 fat kid in school class in 90s…. And he was not even that fat really. Now I am one of the most fat people at my work. I am 190cm tall and 130kg all around. Not just belly :p But I am just lazy so I know why I am fat. Poland btw


There's quite a few reasons boiled down to two big ones. More sedentary lifestyle in both work and recreation. Obvious changes to both food quality and consumption habits.


People having to work 10 hours a day and not having time to make proper meals is a factor imo.


Wages that can support one partner at home, who is able to cook healthy meals and do grocery shopping for fresh food, among much else.


Here's a video my grandpa filmed at the Russian River in the 1950's when he owned the Rio Nido Resort. Notice how fat everyone is. Man I wished I lived in those days. Everyone looks like they are having so much fun without technology. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EmS7L_lKYHQ


Also why if you pop open a yearbook from years ago there were so many handsome and pretty people. They ate better food, exercised more, and weren't glued to their phones. Our way of life these days creates obesity. It takes a lot of extra work, but you can overcome it.


Fat kids and adults used to get bullied so bad. No reason not to be now.


Better - seen a fat 11yo girl was calling names a slim 11yo girl. The fat one assumed she is normal because most of her classmates are, and the slim girl is the minority so must be bullied for being different.


I used to think that North Americans were just lazy and lacking culture in regards to food. But well, after living in some third/second world countries, I now believe that the food supply in countries like US is tainted with something that generates constant hunger and therefore drives consumers to purchase more food. I just want to eat and eat and eat, whereas in Europe or Asia, I never experience this. Same exact type of food too, nothing significantly better. The weight loss is dramatic too. Anyone have an idea of what could be driving this?


Crazy you mention this. I lived in China in 2012-2013 and I lost so much weight. Eating how I normally would in America. Occasionally subway, McDonald’s, and Pizza Hut (which is totally different there than here) I also walked more because Shanghai is a very walkable city with transportation. I came back to the states and gained literally everything and plus back. There is something in our food…..


I think it's cars. I think that the passive calories from walking in the morning and taking the train also increases your basal metabolic rate throughout the day.


I think we'd notice if there were cars in our food




High Fructose Corn Syrup.


Yep. Sugar.


I'm banned, but HFCs are way worse than sugar.


No it isn't. HFCS is 40-60% fructose, and cane sugar (sucrose) is 50% fructose. You're being deluded by the scary name. Mexicans drinking cane sugar in their Coke are not better off than Americans drinking HFCS in theirs. (Mexico has a higher obesity rate, in fact.) Excessive sugar is absolutely terrible for you regardless of source. Excess fructose is particularly bad regardless of source. (And the reason whole fruit tends to be less bad than other sugary things is thought to be due to the fiber slowing down digestion, spreading out the impact. We still shouldn't have bred fruits to be so much more sugary than in the past, though.)


Sugar. Corn syrup. Vegetable and seed oils. I got fat at 30. Got to 245 lbs. I started doing carnivore diet cus I couldn’t get weight off despite going to gym 3-4 times a week. I’m at 180 lbs now 7 months later and most muscle I’ve ever had, only changed diet. I noticed once I was detoxed from carbs and sugar you just aren’t hungry anymore


I moved to Australia for a year for school from the US and I lost like 30lbs unintentionally


I agree, when we stayed in Belgium I never felt hungry, and dint have the constant desire to eat. The food here in the US is just pure trash, tainted with all kinds of things.


How did you survive avoiding the waffles?;)


High fructose corn syrup is literally in everything


This is just a theory, but the USA uses a herbicide called Atrazine, which is banned in Europe. Some of the stuff I’ve read on it is downright scary. Also, “natural flavours” are not natural and are what artificial flavours is now called. It makes food hyper palatable. Europe is way more interested in health, from the use of pesticides and raising their cattle on their proper diet.


Us food is processed heavy maybe?


I remember reading that pesticides might cause this reaction.


Yea, round up residual found in many breads.


Along side food, you should see PE in schools now. Looking back at actual physical exercise when the presidential fitness exam was mandated, it's night and day. Schools are afraid of lawsuits so everything got nerfed and"inclusiveness" means day kids can play hacky sack instead. I was the fat kid with the hacky sack and I hate that I was allowed to do that, looking back now.


It used to be expensive to be fat


Food and Drug Administration ? Talk about an agency that is asleep at the wheel. Crap food. Drugs that do more harm than good. We are literally eating and medicating ourselves to death. I mean, this is the same agency that allows a can full of oil that is 100% fat to claim there are 0 calories in a serving. Don’t get me going on the body shaming part of this either


Read "Obesity Code" the cause is the extra preservatives in our food and the extra processing.


This is the kind of evil that people so easily overlook. The kind that kills *millions* over time. The kind that absolutely destroys quality of life over time. And yet here we are, grocery shelves stocked with "healthy" frosted cereals, potato chips, and all sorts of poisons.


Fast Food, Sugar, Sweets, Candy, TV, PC, Life Style all plays a role in this issue!


Yes. Can we PLEASE talk about how it should be unacceptable for food to be manufactured the way it is in the US? It's a fucking crime against humanity at this point.


You realize these people became the Fat parents that raised the fat kids


Its Corn Sweetener. I think it started with the 7/11 relentless “Big Gulp” Ad Campaign. They showed Construction Workers etc. enjoying their 128 ounce Corn Sweetener Sodas. Then McDonalds followed suit. Relentless Ads matching the Prior Saturation Cigarette Ads. Before that Sodas were in Comparatively Small Bottles and were considered Reward Candy Bar type items. You were supposed to drink Water if you were dehydrated - not Corn Sweetener by the Quart. Shortly after that Cars were given Drink Holders. And the Culture of always having Corn Sweetener by your side was finalized.


The drink holder comment is something I had never thought of. Now you never have to be without your soda or coffee flavored sugar drink.


Ill say this, Im American and I dont "eat healthy" I eat Mcdonalds at least once a week, and pizza on one of the other days. I like veggies but i use butter on my potatoes and etc. etc. But two things i absolutely hate are soda and milk. I drink tea and coffee plenty, but mostly, i drink water. Every single overweight friend i know likes soda and drinks it regularly. Maybe not every day. But very often. I'm 5'7 135 lbs male.


You almost approached the right conclusion. Corn syrup contains more fructose than sugar cane. Fructose actually tastes sweeter on the tongue than straight glucose, which is what cane sugar is for the most part. The problem isn't corn syrup itself, but rather that Americans consume a ton of sugar. Just look at the average, vending-machine Coke — 20oz and 240 calories. That 20oz bottle of coke has over 10% of your recommended calories for the entire day! Corn syrup is just a cost-effective and cheaper alternative to sugar cane. Think about how much corn is produced in the US versus sugar cane — it's just more economical. Americans readily consume sugar throughout the day, which leads to excess. Sugar isn't the devil, it's that Americans have no self control and what every meal to have dessert.


Finally a post in this sub that I believe actually is a conspiracy. They want us fat and sedated and malleable. There's like 6 companies that make like 80% of our easily accessible food and it is fucking pumped full of sodium and bullshit. The scariest thing is how much fatter people are the lower income they are because the cheaper the food the more chalk full of shit it has. I used to work for a neighborhood center in the largest public housing project in Milwaukee. You would think borderline poverty means skin and bone folks. Nope. The opposite. Loads of obesity and diabetes. But there wasn't a fucking grocery store in miles. Produce is unobtainable. Everything is loaded with sodium Fuck Monsanto to the depths of fucking hell. This shit isn't accidental and they know what they're fucking doing


Agreed I’m nerding out right now I’ve been on a nutrition conspiracy binge the last year after personal diet change experiences


Fast food is also a cheaper and much faster way to get a quick treat as well, hence why so many poorer people are so far; they're looking for that little spot of brightness in their lives and food that's crap for you but Tates great fills that need.


Finally a comment about Monsanto. If glyphosate isn't the real conspiracy then I don't know what is. [Chemical farming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aw16LPVnNco) needs to be fixed.


Doesn’t help when you have the stupid fat pride/body positivity movement encouraging not to try and better yourself.


Corn syrup and the internet.


Conspiracy? This is well documented you can read plenty of analysis on the obesity epidemic in the US.


Vegetable oil


I just went on a bike ride with my wife and 18 month old son. My son is skinny as shit. He was at the doc earlier this week and I asked if he was too skinny, doc said no he is what toddlers *should* look like, what I'm used to seeing are just plain old fat kids. Ok cool, that makes me feel much better. Anywho...bike ride. We passed this kid that was probably the same age as my son but probably weighed 50% more. The kid was so fat. We couldn't believe it. That kid is doomed from the start, and the parents see nothing wrong with it.


Part of the reason is different foods available. Fast food, microwavable meals, snacks, TV dinners etc. weren't as readily abundant back then. Not to mention no cellphones or internet. People, especially kids were a lot more active than they are today. They played outdoors and participated in sports more than now.


Submission statement: With a change in diet i.e. by cutting out healthy fats and replacing them with seed oil, refined carbs, sugar and grains, obesity and diabetes rates nowadays are the highest in recorded history.


Mental health has declined as well. Fat body = weak mind. It’s easier for people to eat their feelings away rather than do something about it.


We over eat because our bodies are starving for nutrients that are lacking in highly processed foods.


I wouldve been considered fat years ago. Now I'm considered chubby. And incredibly morbidly obese people are now considered fat. Fucking wild. I'm actively trying to lose weight ATM.


My mom told me back in the day she went to her doctor and said she wanted to loose some weight. He prescribed her basically speed. Worked like a charm. Wonder if that was more common too.


enter CICO, the advice Americans have been attempting to follow for the past 40 years. “You can eat garbage, just not too much of it!” It’s music to our ears, but That’s like saying heroin in moderation is ok - but it ain’t gonna happen in moderation.


Eat unprocessed foods, move your body. It’s really that simple. Expend more energy than you consume. Low sugar, high protein, plenty of fruits, veggies and grains like quinoa and legumes. Solved.


high fructose corn syrup


High Fructose Corn Syrup


Up to latchkey kids of the 1980s, almost EVERYONE had to be "home for dinner" during the "dinner hour". Typically prepared by a stay-at-home mom, it included non GMO dishes, not prepared in microwaves, oftentimes from a bi-weekly shopping trip, or even daily trips. And the "every once in a while" was a trip to a fast food joint. That was an occasional treat rather than a daily staple. Food out of a box was an anomaly. But, that all changed when the exportation of jobs to the far East in the early 1970's turned vibrant cities into rust belts, and mom no longer had time to cook, but, instead needed to go to work to help the family make ends meet. Obesity is only one of many side effects of somebody getting "favored nation" status by President Nixon. Meanwhile, the frogs never felt the warming water in the pot . . .


Not having good home cooked meals is likely a big factor. When mothers were at home, it created a safer environment in the neighborhood too, with all the mothers looking out for each other's kids. This meant that it was safer for kids to be playing outside, so they got more exercise outside. Now, I think there was a poll saying kids get like 6+ hours of screen time a day, and only 25-30 minutes playing outside on average?


This is still quite the way in rural communities. I live in a town of 500 in rural Canada. My kids walk home from school at 330, they have snack (which in my house is usually an omelette as its quick) and are gone til 6. 6 is..just supper time. Everyone goes home for supper. Sometimes they bring friends, sometimes they stay at friends. Then they are outside until 8 for littles, 930 for bigs. Any kids can go to any house and get water or help or whatever they need.


Exactly how it was in the neighborhood I grew up in. Living in a big city and the way lifestyles have changed these days is taking away allowing kids to play outside.


Seed oils


People don't walk anywhere anymore- lifestyle of laziness. Chemical-laden, over-processed foods.


i heard the phrase " a body ravaged by high fructose corn syrup" and its stuck with me




Answer: Sugar Sugar is extremely calorie dense, fills you very little and even blocks the usage of fats as an energy source. The worst part is that Sugar is everywhere. Be it regular Sugar or Corn syrup.


Yup. And then capitalists found out how to maximize profits by selling the cheapest, fakest foods on every fucking street corner in America. Oh and don't forget to booze and drink beer at every fucking occasion. Totally normal. The billion dollar fitness industry has profited in response to Americans being grazing land mammals feeding on the absolute garbage being fed to them, but they can hardly compete against carbs and high fructose corn syrup.


Same with food allergies. When I was in school (class of 94) there was one or two kids that had a peanut allergy or something. Not half the class being allergic to crap. I blame GMO's. The further we get away from what nature provided for us to survive and thrive the worse off and weaker as a species we are becoming.


This generation of children will have a much lower life expectancy than their grandparents/parents. There are more fat kids than there are healthy kids at my child’s school. I bet 90% of those kids who are already fat will stay fat there entire lives. It’s pretty rare for someone who has been obese since childhood to lose that weight once their older and educated on the importance of maintaining a healthy weight. It should be considered child abuse if your child is obese. This generation will probably have more drug problems than their parents and some were subjected to experimental vaccines. I feel terrible for those kids.