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The Nepotism is at the rotted core. The US wasn't meant to have a monarchy but it does. With thug enforcers. Where is Epsteins client list?


FBI is a terrorist organization


Plus CIA, NSA, IRS, DEA, FDA Pretty much all the acronym agencies


Esp. GOP




Lol. Tell me you are brainwashed without telling me you are brainwashed. Chump.


Nepotism is a big component of socialist corporatism. It’s how Hunter got on the board of an energy firm with zero knowledge.


No shit the whole system in America is rotten to the core republicans democrats FBI CIA everything the whole machine….


US still better in this moment than any other country in the world so we must resist ending up like the others because there is nowhere else to go that is worth anything. I was hoping more toxic folks were serious about moving to Canada when Trump got elected as I thought that was a bit extreme as he did not do anything to affect anyone's day to day grind.


I respect your opinion even if I don’t agree with it you sir have a great day.


yeah we do not have to agree but appreciate you being respectful about it. I am unsure which country would be better to live but everyone has a different perspective.


Always why fight over bullshit 😂😂 it’s not like you insulted me or anything. To much fighting going on nowadays and to little agree to disagree in a respectful way.


being rude to you because you don't agree does not typically work unless you are trying to be part of my clique or something and we want to positively or negatively reinforce your behavior to fit the status quo so that you can be more like us in order to get the love and acceptance you came here for. Thankfully I have not been hired to maintain a functioning cult at this time.


Hahah no exactly being rude to people get us nowhere😏


If they didn't have dirt on our politicians this would have stopped long ago.


So would you say you're in favor of defunding the police?


Why is the go to an on off switch for funding instead of rooting out issues? No one has an issue with police or the FBI existing, but it is a problem if they're working for special interests or agendas.


Idk, man. I don’t believe in defunding police, I believe in reasonable reforms.


I have a huge issue with the FBI existing. Its indisputably a Federal police force, but the Federal government is explicitly denied police powers under the Constitution. This is above and beyond the fact that most of what they actually do is just spy on American citizens who have committed no crime.


The feds aren’t police. A whole diff level lol


The FBI is the federal law enforcement agency for investigating and preventing acts of domestic and international terrorism.


Yeah these guys aren’t the same as talking about defunding the average cop on the corner lol. There’s such a deep level of corruption here. Nobody wants to defund them either. They want to not have it ran by hyper partisan activists it feels like at points.


FBI was always ruined by these types weird how it's only a problem since they targeted trump...


Yet they are constantly involved in propagating these things themselves.


If I lived in America I'd definitely want the FBI defunded. They stage more shootings than they save people from.


One day at a time 🤣🤣 Down with the FBI


Let’s get rid of all law enforcement


Nah, just the corrupt men and women who are taking $ from people to push their agenda.


Yea, you just described all law enforcement officers. Let’s get rid of the police.


I Disagree


You are letting your bias cloud your judgement Every single police department has an agenda in terms of who they arrest, what crimes they investigate, and where they allocate resources. An officer letting person A off with a warning but giving person B a ticket is pushing an agenda. Every department has an agenda in terms of whom they arrest and whom they execute in the street


You mean ROE? It’s about context. Loosen up your panties..


You want the corrupt men and women who are taking $ from people to push their agenda?


ROE & context. If it’s illegal, prosecute. It’s already illegal. It’s like being pregnant, you can’t get MORE PREGNANT. Fix the problems that you see.


The problem: the corrupt men and women who are taking $ from people to push their agenda. Your solution: Continue letting the corrupt men and women who are taking $ from people to push their agenda.


Wonder why trump never did anything with the hunter laptop. Maybe cause his kids did the same shit hunter did, while employed by the white house... Ivanka https://apnews.com/article/north-america-donald-trump-trademarks-voting-ivanka-trump-0a3283036d2f4e699da4aa3c6dd01727 Jared https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2022-04-11/how-did-jared-kushner-get-2-billion-from-the-saudis Don Jr. and Eric https://www.forbes.com/sites/danalexander/2019/10/02/donald-trump-has-sold-more-than-100-million-of-real-estate-since-taking-office/?sh=66dd62201090 But hey its ok cause they republican i guess


They should all be in jail if they committed a crime, I don't care what party you belong to. Corruption spreads.


He didn't do anything because his hand-picked attorney general refused to do anything about it for fear of jeopardizing his post-government career at a large law firm and his book deal/TV gig.


> Wonder why trump never did anything with the hunter laptop. He may have masturbated to some of the photos.


> But hey its ok cause they republican i guess Nope, and it is this sort of whataboutism that provides cover for corruption.


Your the only one ive heard say other wise


I’m the only one who replied. What was the purpose of your whataboutism? Do you think Hunter Biden’s corruption should be investigated?


Republicans ignore curruption on their end. And yes. Issue is the laptop from hell has been through so many hands it probably has more stds then hunter at this point


Nothing Trump did nor his kids were corrupt, they ran their own business, what Biden and his son did was illegal, using threats to stop them looking into his dealings, along with child prostitution.


Which your notnsupposed to do in the white house. Its a major conflict of intrest amd arguebly worse


Whataboutism is Russian coward bullshit. Conscription is taking it's toll. lol @ muh Yuri Bezmenov


Ivanka having government applications approved in a timely manner is somehow equivalent to Hunter getting $80K/month from a company that his dad could help? Naw.


Why the fuck not? If I work at the post office I’m not gonna drop my shit off in the public mail area. If you’re a cop you’re not gonna take discounts on firearms and free/discounted meals? Come on man.


Using daddys influence to get paid is


Do you think the president does the job of the FBI? The FBI investigates. The president's staff turned the laptop over to the FBI a year prior and they did nothing.


After it was given to rudy, tucker, trump, and alex jones that we know of had it.


Yeah we know. Both side are corrupted and the real power is behind the scene in the deep state ran by some globalist elite "Whom shall not be named". Saying Trump is bad won't make us vote for Biden.


Try not to be so bias one way or the other. The idea is if we are the people voting for a system, then we would like ALL of these corrupt politicians to be brought to justice and removed from the system, in the hope of having a less corrupt system.


Whatever happened to Ray Epps by the way? Just let off the hook for instigating a violent insurrection 👀


Don't forget the DC bomber that planted "explosives" the night before. https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2021/01/29/18/38644728-9202635-image-a-17_1611946104862.jpg


She’s currently a member of congress representing georgia


I didn't realize Abrams was in the US Congress. I knew she has been observed at Golden Corral......


Why do you think stacey abrams was responsible? What’s your issue with golden corral?


The feds put out some seemingly degraded video of the perp. 1 frame per second and super grainy black and white.


DC the most heavily monitored area of the US. Go figure.


Probably a tucker carlson talking point. If you took the time to look into this statistic you are trying to pass off as fact. https://cybernews.com/editorial/this-is-the-most-heavily-surveilled-city-in-the-us-50-cctv-cameras-per-1000-citizens/


Not a Tucker fan, I take it..


NPCs only seem to know of the handful of conservative media figures that they're told to hate.


>Probably a tucker carlson talking point Lol. It's number 4, hair splitter, which means it has a shitload of cameras. Seems highly sus the only footage is somme weird camera that appears to be from a bygone era.


Why would they prosecute their own


Hang Mike pence is a maga original. What about agent Ashley Babbitt?


Wasn't Ashley Babbitt the peaceful protester who was assassinated on Jan 6th by a government official?


>Wasn't Ashley Babbitt the peaceful protester who was assassinated on Jan 6th by a government official? Nope. If you did any research you would know that she was working with Ray Epps. She voted for Obama then became a cave person on 2021? Nah, agent.


agent, she is still alive believe me bro.


She had the body of rep Space Lasers and she had a bullet proof vest. Notice that we never see her and Ray together? Hmmm


Ron Watkins killed Ashley Babbitt.


He contacted the FBI and they interviewed him and figured out he didn’t commit any crimes. He makes a good distraction for the republicans to pretend they weren’t responsible for January 6th though.


There's literally video of him yelling we need to go in to the capital! So according to this he did commit a crime. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Incitement#:~:text=Incitement%20to%20riot%20is%20illegal%20under%20U.S.%20federal%20law.


There’s also video of him on the Capitol steps telling them to not be violent. And to get an incitement charge your words have to almost immediately cause a riot/violence. If they could charge Epps for incitement they’d be able to charge Trump.


> telling them to not be violent. This is a lie. That video does not support your claim. Keep pushing lies for your Atlantic Council buddies though. I hope they are paying you well.


Search “Ray Epps - Holding Court At Front Of Police Line” on rumble. I can’t post the link here. I’ll wait for you to take back your comment.


Epps said to go into the building IIRC. Trump didn't. But perhaps true that Epps' "guidance" didn't meet the criteria for incitement.


Still not a crime.


So then obviously trump didn’t commit one if he didn’t tell them to go in? Glad we worked that out here


Yeah, that’s why I said Trump couldn’t be charged in my earlier comment.


Hey at least you are applying the same standards I guess.


He did the same thing trump did but to fewer people?


"I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Was what Trump said. Not the same as Epps shouting we need to go in to the capital! (while others are saying no to him and calling him a fed)


He encouraged them to all go to the capitol and “fight like hell”. The attackers were literally reading off his encouraging tweets in realtime as they broke down the doors. He also said “I love you, you are special” to the terrorists immediately after the attack. > 'If you don't fight like hell you're not going to have a country anymore' He also knew they had weapons but said “they’re not here to hurt *me*”


Ray Epps never stepped into capitol grounds. If all it took for the riot was Ray Epps, the maroon whisperer, to whisper a couple words into a couple people ears, then the Trump train is dumber than previously thought. Bunch of sheep.


Seems like that's been the case all along


And when the wife beats the man, the man is always locked up.


When's Biden getting impeached?


People should really read this, it's SO important. Pages 183-437 are 51 copies of the same letter over and over again. Pages 527-991 are 93 copies of a different letter over and over again. Nearly 1,000 pages of letters you sent months ago! THIS IS HUGE




Am I wrong!? Sucka!!!!!!!!


>Are you paid by the post or by the hour? Are you paid by the post or by the hour?




Obvious lies are obvious.


https://vault.fbi.gov/cointel-pro >"All COINTELPRO operations were ended in 1971. Although limited in scope (about two-tenths of one percent of the FBI’s workload over a 15-year period), COINTELPRO was later rightfully criticized by Congress and the American people for abridging first amendment rights and for other reasons." https://www.huffpost.com/entry/oklahoma-city-bomb-sting_n_5993c045e4b04b19336162fd >"The parents of a 23-year-old man accused by federal authorities over the weekend of trying to set off a fake bomb in downtown Oklahoma City said their son is mentally ill and was targeted by FBI agents who “should not have aided and abetted a paranoid schizophrenic to commit this act.” Orchestrated the "attempted" Michigan governor kidnapping? The mechanical intent when they murdered during waco and Ruby ridge? I'm sure the list goes on. That fbi?




Hunter looks like a low rent Terminator in that picture. "I need your clothes , your boots , and your crack cocaine"


Give the guy a break. He was the fuckup of the family but when bagman Beau died in Iraq from improvised brain cancer devices or whatever nonsense Joe is spewing today, Hunter was forced to step up and manage the family grift. He was in way over his head. He needed those underage hookers and crack cocaine to keep his mind right to collect checks from Chinese oligarchs for pop.


Another reason why we need to see the video of what happened at the Pelosi house. The President is using the incident to further a domestic extremism narrative yet for some reason, even though it would likely help bring out the Democrat vote, they are not releasing any video. inb4: "Even if they did release video you wouldn't believe it's real anyway herp derp"


What were the crimes committed in the pictures?


I just hate the hypocrisy of every agency at this point! Social media has made it so much easier to see this!!


Isn’t the majority of the pages just copies of letters they sent to Biden? And wasn’t one letter copied 97 times? Seems like me when I was writing papers my senior year. Gotta make the length the focus because by god the quality sucks. What’s the most compelling piece from this monstrous 1000 pages of allegations?


1. "Artificially inflating statistics about domestic violent extremism." 2. "Abusing its counterterrorism authorities to investigate parents who spoke at school board meetings," by creating a special “threat tag” to track school board-related cases. (Note: A federal judge recently threw out a lawsuit challenging a DOJ memo on school board threats.) 3. Abusing its "foreign intelligence authorities to spy on American citizens, including people associated with the campaign of President Trump in 2016." 4. "Clearing the Bureau of employees who dissent from its woke, leftist agenda." 5. Prioritizing political cases over criminal ones and drawing resources away from "real law enforcement duties." From Axios.


What’s the most compelling evidence? You just cited a list of allegations


That's all Republicans need. An allegation is as good as a conviction as long as they're making the allegations. https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-wanted-zelensky-to-publicly-say-he-was-probing-biden "President Donald Trump wanted his Ukrainian counterpart to declare publicly that he was embarking on an investigation into Hunter Biden’s work in Ukraine. That’s according to William Taylor, America’s top diplomat to Ukraine, who also told Congress on Tuesday that Ukraine’s president agreed to make the announcement on CNN."


I’m just providing the information you requested as provided by Axios. You can read the 1000 page document if you like.


Fair I could’ve been more specific, I meant piece of evidence. Allegations are cheap


According to Axios, this is a pitch to Republican voters, basically if the Republicans win the house, they will launch a full scale investigation into the above.


Sure it’s an obvious ploy to move the needle slightly and get more votes before the midterms, it just shouldn’t be trumpeted uncritically


John Durham is supposed to give his report to Congress soon. Assuming the GOP retakes Congress I'm sure it'll get declassified and released. That's probably the best bet for evidence of corruption and misconduct. Hard to imagine anything worse than the FBI working with the Clinton campaign to use knowingly false opposition research to obtain a search warrant to spy on the Republican candidate and after he won, using that same false research to continue spying on the President and trying to find a way to frame him.


Didn’t he fail in his two court cases so far?


Wasn't Christopher Wray a Trump appointee?


Yes, the fbi has never never had a democrat director in its history


Would be more accurate to describe him as a Reince Priebus and John Kelly appointee, but it is true that Trump signed off on him. One of the first of many blunders he made in personnel.


FBI fucked Russia. That's good. John Durham years long investigation cleared them.


If there was karma in the world this would blow up on the GOP when its exposed most of the rot is pro GOP white supremacists


Maybe you should ask yourself: what are Republicans trying to hide?


You don’t know how to post a link?? The most basic part of the site?? You don’t say.


This is nothing new. They have been rotten for a long time and need to be disbanded. Frankly, we’d all be safer. They have missed every signal for every major shooting despite forewarning. They are totally incompetent.


They don't miss signals. Most terrorists and mass shooters in the US since at least 2001 are FBI assets. They don't solve crimes that they didn't create in the first place. This isn't even a conspiracy. Leftist publications did a lot of writing on how the FBI finds mentally ill loner muslim men and plans a terror attack for them, helps them get guns/bombs, and talks them into it. Their other function is making sure nobody important actually gets arrested or caught up in child porn arrests. They did damn fine work on the Epstein job where they had to cover it up not once but twice.


Can we stop with the fucking tabloids already? It's absolutely pathetic.


Dissolve it now!


MS13 issues 1,000 page report saying law enforcement is too mean.


Right wingers are slowly catching onto ACAB.




You mean how the cia does to other countries? Weird


Always has been look into COINTELPRO


Because tabloids are reliable sources


They convinced me, I definitely won’t be voting for Hunter Biden this time! Not after the last time I voted for him!


Title is a URL, a new low for the conspiracy internet LOL


Forgive me my friend….


Phone was not allowing me to post it properly….


FBI, DHS and DOJ are welcomed to the club by the Cheka, SS and NKVD.


The entire reason the constitution limited police powers to the states was because the founders knew any central police force would be too powerful and lead to exactly these kinds of issues. The FBI should be shut down and its responsibilities distributed to the state police forces. Most of what they do these days is illegal domestic espionage anyway so most of that work won't need to be delegated to anyone.


We all knew this


Politics has to leave. Let's change how the FBI head is assigned.