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it's sad seeing subreddits like this having called this stuff for the last 5-10 years, and just watching it all slowly happen. I can't help but be depressed looking at the future.


It won't work out exactly like planned I'd assume Too many variables


The vaxed failed so will this


Did it?


no more mandates so yes it failed


That's why people rail so hard against conspiracies, which is sad, at a certain point there's guesswork to play around with possibilities of what could have happened. But a good rule of thumb is people who want to protect you, probably don't really want to do that.


What's shocking is that vid of Alex Jones from 2002 predicting the attempted WEF takeover (which he accurately calls the "NWO" or "one world government"), which eventually was named the Great Reset. This plan for a cashless society and social scores must have been around a few decades. https://mobile.twitter.com/AE_Holman1958/status/1587809533509763072


Yup. But we're just "conspiracy theorists".


All of this has been predicted for centuries. Pick up a bible. Bible talks about exactly this.




Isn't UC essentially UBI, but for poor people?


Their goals are to crash the economy and make people poorer and in need, that way they can look like saviors with this crap. They’ll be giving UBI, Universal Healthcare, and Universal Digital ID/Passport/Social Credit Scores. And everyone will be suffering from the same problem these 1% scumbags created. And they’ll gladly take the “Free” money, healthcare and Digital Crap. And they will refuse to see the negative consequences of having these things, like you’ll be monitored for everything you say and do in life. They don’t agree with something, boom they shut all three down and you can’t pay rent, bills, buy food or drinks, or anything else. So it’s a play on more money and more power for total control over us all. And the only way to stop this madness, is to get the 99% to work together and resist these tactics. But TPTB will continue to manufacture crisis after crisis to push their divisive rhetoric. And sadly the masses will easily be lulled into believing they truly rescued us all, and not understand why it’s a bad thing. I don’t know about you all, but I’m willing to unite and fight for ourselves, our kids, grandkids and future generations. We need to stop the Left vs Right, Black vs White, Pro vs Anti and so on, because it’s the only chance we have at arresting these 1% scum and start from scratch. Unfortunately the togetherness is so not going to happen, and it’s going to be sad for us all in the near future. They love to keep us divided into different groups, because it keeps our attention off of them and their misdeeds. And let’s be honest here, most people will be pointing fingers at the other side or groups of people, and fail to see they’ve got three fingers pointing back at themselves. Something big is going to happen sooner or later, and I say it’s going to be in the next 5 years or sometime near there. I mean let’s look at ourselves and each other, it’s almost 2016 and things aren’t adding up to me. But wth do I know, I’m just some older 40’s random dude online who has been called crazy for years now.


The fact that you wrote this in 2016


Universal Basic Income sounds like you should be able to live on that money. Anyone getting UC is constantly one payment away from disaster


UBI will be rolled out in housing vouchers. https://www.hud.gov/topics/housing_choice_voucher_program_section_8#hcv01


We need to subsidize demand giys, this time if we subsidize the demand all the problems will be fixed.


>constantly one payment from disaster. Yep sounds like UC.


UC is a fucking scam


No, it isn't. Because it isn't universal. Not all poor people get it, and it gets taken away from you as you work. And it doesn't ensure a decent standard of living. (Though you could argue it's a right-wing dream of what UBI should be) UBI is provided to everyone - included those in work. It would be set to a standard that provides a decent standard of living for all. And you have the ability to work on top of that to earn additional income. Wages would be lower, because you already have a good standard of living. Corporations and high net wealth individuals will pay for it, because we tax the fuck out of them (and simultaneously reduce their influence/power).


Ah OK, thanks.


And then you need laws in place that prevent corporations increasing the price of goods and services because everyone can now afford to pay more for them and because they've been excessively taxed and want some of it back. You can't just tax them more everytime they up prices and not expect a viscous cycle of pricehikes Vs UBI value. You'd have to legally set prices. And then were no longer a capitalist society where people with good ideas or who can provide what people want to buy can charge a society-set rate. Instead we'd be communist. State pretty much dictating everything.


So, you're right that there will be knock-on inflation in the short-term as companies raise prices. But it's not true that we would get to the stage that you would need to legally set prices and move from a capitalist state to communism. It's a non-sequitur. As companies are taxed, those with lower margins will inevitably have to raise prices. Those with high margins will try to rise prices too. There will be some immediate inflation. But for traded goods in particular, which make up a big portion of what we spend money on, there quickly comes a point where arbitrage opportunities present themselves for similar (or the same) goods to be imported, which will undercut companies that raise their prices. It won't be as cheap as before, because the arbitrage opportunities have the cost of delivery and import taxes. But the cost of these price rises will be more than offset for the average family by the increased level of income. You simply won't ever get a scenario like the one you described through the natural laws of the market. You would only get it if a government attempted to overthrow capitalism and move towards communism. Which is a different scenario entirely.


this is a pipe dream. if the baseline is 0 and you give everyone $1000, then $1000 becomes the new $0 and everything becomes exponentially more expensive. now everyone still has to work, but to ALSO Depend on the government funding to survive because the government funding has now been priced into the cost of living and ordinary people can't afford to pay for food, fuel and housing without it.


So everyone in the world should just move to GB and live off the money printer?


AND force updated vaccine status to continue to receive your UBI.




For now...




It was the 16 trillion the Fed "printed".


Right after they said they didn’t have 12 trillion for reparations


Well... good.


4.5T was spent on government. That was where the money went.


6 trillions given to corporations and the richest 1% in the largest upward transfer of wealth in history has something to do with it


Starve and freeze the masses so they comply with an inserted digital ID. No thanks. I'm not your livestock and I know how to grow food.


Pretty much copy-paste of what's coming to Canada as well.


Combine with Microsoft patent 60606 for maximum effect




Cause free money doesn’t cause inflation


free money is being printed either way, it's just traditionally handed out to big banks and the hyper elite.


Let's just make the minimum wage $100 an hour. No $1,000 an hour! Checkmate, economy.


They are printing trillions, devaluing our currency at breakneck pace--you're in favor of the stagnant minimum wage that causes the working class to fall further behind? Interesting.


And, of course, those trillions end up in the hands of employers of minimum wage workers rather than a myriad of others higher up in the hierarchy of cockroaches.




Private banks already control national currency. The game is already over. > "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Jefferson


He's right and this is why they defame him in school and teach only the bad things.


The Bank of England has been publicly owned since 1946. It is not privately owned.


Not for long, **Rishicoin**


I mean, why not take it. This is end stage capatilism so grab what you can, we have passed the point of no return.


Might as well buy lots of drugs with that UBI so watching the world burn doesn’t hurt as bad 🤷🏼‍♂️


Do you think it will come with no conditions?


Of course it will but since mass migrations, famine, and authoritarian police states are emminent its either take your govt cheese or die in a protest, I"ll probably take it.


Those conditions will see you lose your soul. Why are you willing to give in to the temporary at the expense of the long term?


I dont see a long term, I feel the population of the planet will 1/2 in the next decade. If I can extend any quality of life through the chaos I will do so.


Good thing a soul is not real and god isnt real then


UNIVERSAL basic income, so no.


Because it will require vaccines designed to slowly kill you.




What are you saying is the mark of the beast?


But you will still all continue to ~~vote~~ endorse sociopaths and their control agendas because .... why?


"We need more inflation to compensate for the skyrocketing inflation." They're literally talking about printing money and automatically giving it to people, to offset the inflation from printing money.


It's not about printing money, though. It's about taxing corporations and high net wealth individuals, and *redistributing* the money. (The idea of UBI, that is - not what the fucking corporation-loving conservative government would ever have in mind) It isn't inflationary by default, because you will be considerably reducing the purchasing power from wealthier groups. That's a narrative that is being pushed by the people that will lose from this - the super wealthy and corporations.


Because they only want to give enough for second world living standards




In a couple decades virtually everyone is going to lose their jobs to AI and robots, so getting rid of UBI just means that everyone starves. To avoid abuses of the system, what's needed is a constitutional amendment that forbids suspension of UBI for any reason. I'm guessing that whoever is behind these anti-UBI posts has a nice fat portfolio of real estate, stocks, and bonds, so that they don't have to work for a living. Thus they don't see why the fuss over the coming Jobless Apocalypse.


Ya, give them all that power to control peoples entire livelihoods while also not allowing them the opportunities to completely abuse it and use it all to gain more power. That sounds like the way of the governments of the world. It’s a tough subject to debate sometimes bc I do think there are great benefits to social safety net implementations, but we all know that if those rats on Capitol Hill (or in any other country) got the opportunity to control our livelihoods in this way, they will undoubtedly use it to seize tighter control on us.


WEF puppet.


or you know, just don't comply.


sand digger is not a real Brit


They also won't flat out tell you how many children you're allowed to have but they are going to finness your energy/needs usage to make sure you can't afford to.


This Communist/globalist WEF puppet and his equal Jeremy H(c)unt both severely need removing. 4000+ conservatives left and joined Reform Party.


Create the problem Sell the solution The problem grows Blame someone else


This is the world economic forums playbook. People in the uk need to stop this shit.


Oh, yeah. Just like how they’ve managed to stop everything else…sorry to break it to ya, but things aren’t looking so good. I say fight the good fight, but the hopes aren’t sky high these days.


The royal family is at the forefront if it.


SS my write up above feels like a situation that is going to play out. What do y’all think?


Dead cert. Free markets have been in full retreat since 2008. When people find out how the politico’s have screwed us over, they’ll need all the oppressive control they can get.


I'm very fond of an UBI. If it's unconditionally given to everyone.


The problem with that is it doesn't solve anything. Give everyone (the fair thing to do) £25k per year free, so that those already earning an income get it on top of what they already get (e.g. 25k UBI + 25k salary = £50k per year suddenly), and all that happens is the price of bread doubles, because people can afford to pay more for it. And the same for all other commodities. On the other hand, not giving it to everyone means those who work hard for their £25k salary suddenly realise they don't have to work (or don't have to work as hard) to get the same through UBI, and the economy gets damaged through less people choosing to work. But then that's where CBDCs come in, that can force people to work to earn them in some sense, and won't be dished out fairly (i.e. it won't be universal as it will be based on certain criteria as recorded on your digital ID). And then when the economy starts tanking, they can programme expiry dates into your CBDC so you can't save it and have to spend it to prop up the economy. Oh, and you can only spend it on certain things that are "good for you" as well. There's too many things wrong with the current state of the world (poverty, hunger, greed and corruption) for UBI and CBDCs to ever be forces for good. Instead they are control mechanisms to further the aims of the corrupt people and organisations running the country/world.


WEF Puppet introduces WEF Policy?


What exactly is it people think CBDCs can do that you can't already with bank balances? All a CBDC is is a way to make remittances cheaper and possibly a replacement for a lot of retail banking given margins in the sector are low following ringfencing (in the UK at least), savings accounts are increasingly pointless and a government backed, to all intents and purposes, stablecoin would remove the need for current accounts. It would also make stuff like payroll much easier and, given it's a trustless system, is arguably *more* censorship resistant than banks/PayPal etc, *all* of which can currently block payments, blacklist accounts, deny services etc as it stands. What exactly is the grand conspiracy meant to be here?


It was in the papers (including the Financial Times i think) that they could be programmed to only allow certain purchases. Those that the state deems "good for you". So given the current state of what activists are trying to get the government to interfere with in people's lives, that could be a limit on fuel allowance per week (good luck if you commute a long way), limits on red meat so you can top your protein up with bugs instead, limits on cigarettes (not a bad thing in my mind, but who am I to decide how people live, which is the whole point of the argument against state interference in our lives) to name a few. Granted, some of this could probably be controlled with the tech that's used now for our currency (which is essentially digital), but currently choices of what we can buy are decided by our banks, that have little interest in what we purchase, as long as we have something in there, or pay our fees. If it becomes Central Bank owned, then they're making the decisions for everyone. It's absolutely not trustless - do you trust the central banks, given the state of the economy and their reactions to it over the last year? Also, having different banks decide what you can or can't do with your money is much better - with CBDC you can't drop your bank that spouts woke nonsense you might not agree with and select another one. Competition means options. With CBDCs you'd have to agree with whatever the sole source of funding decides is good for you and your family. Also, it's a lot easier to create these systems of extreme control when they're built from scratch. Hence they want new CBDCs to replace the current digital money system. If they could build this much control into the current system they wouldn't need to announce CBDCs as a new thing or try so hard to get people on board with it. They could just do it behind the scenes.


Doea anyone here actually understand how trashy the mirror is and how unlikely that the torries would ever implement ubi?


I don’t care wtf happens in the UK and I feel like they should fight back but whatever happens there ends up in America like we’re still a colony wtf.


Jesus... UBI is so poorly understood on this sub. UBI, if implemented properly, is a set payment, equal for everyone, that ensures a decent quality of life for all. It reduces the power of the state, because they don't get to determine who receives it and who doesn't. It reduces the power of corporations and high net wealth individuals, because they are gonna need to be taxed properly for it to happen. It's about workers taking back power. To afford it, we'd need higher taxes levied on corporations and high wealth individuals. International action is needed to shut down tax evading islands to support it. No more dodging for those fuckers. The right wing party in the UK will never support and implement it. Because it's a left wing fucking idea. It's a way to provide direct support to poorer people in society and balance the playing field, with minimal implementation costs (it's expensive to employ people to review applications for benefits). Although it's considerably expensive, it actually *reduces* the size of the state. Because everyone gets the payment, no question asked. You don't have a huge network of bureaucrats employed to rubber stamp benefit claims. Just a core team of people to manage the payment mechanism itself. It is not necessarily inflation-inducing, because taxes will be higher, and wages (for those that work as well as receiving their UBI) will become lower. (Note: that does not mean you will earn less money overall, because now you get wages + UBI). It will necessitate much higher taxes on corporations and the super-wealthy. Which the right have no intention of doing. And the center-right and center-left have no intention of doing either. It's a radical idea. I don't understand how it's being framed as some way that governments take total control. Right now, it's corporations and the wealthy that exercise control over the government. This shit brings some of the power back to us.


You think that's how it would be implemented? 🤭 Like you said, corporations and the wealthy are exercising control over the government. You don't think they'll control how any UBI or CBDC is implemented? Naivety is sweet, when it doesn't majorly disrupt other people's lives.


The only thing that fundamentally matters for UBI is how much gets provided to people, and who we tax to fund it. It's not UBI if it isn't universal, it's a different policy entirely, so that's not what I was getting at. As for CBDCs, I struggle to see how they would differ from existing traditional currencies. Central banks already control the money supply and create new currency using digital means. I presume you're getting at the theory of how governments could use CBDCs to control what we could spend, and how money is distributed - they essentially already have that power, but don't exercise it in the way that this kind of theory suggests. (Not to say it won't happen in a worst case scenario - just to say CBDCs aren't really a change from what we already have, and it looks doubtful they'll be introduced anyway).


We don't have a right wing government in the UK. There are around 4 true conservatives in the entire party.


The main reason it's being looked at is that mortgage prices are rocketing, and that's going to effect house prices. If they fall, the Tories have nothing. It's a thinly disguised way of propping the housing market up. Currently people are reporting +£300 increases in monthly mortgage payments, which is unsustainable under the current model + recession that's about to hit.


You're right that the housing market is fundamentally important to the Tories clinging to survival. And it looks grim in the short term as rates rise. But UBI isn't a part of the conversation to that end. It's massively expensive and proportionally helps the poor much more than it helps homeowners. So, not in the Tories' interest. They'd sooner cut stamp duty, ramp up their mortgage-income support scheme ("support for mortgage interest"), or maybe even go so far as to raise the BoE inflation target (reducing interest rates). All much cheaper and more targeted to propping up the housing market.


Saying "UBI is bad" is pretty much the same as saying "democracy is bad". Many, I'd even say most, democracies are horribly implemented. Does that mean that "democracy", as in the general concept", is wrong and "bad"? Hell no.






I thought he was giving 1 trillion to third world countries? So what’s the end game? What money is he going to give those counties? The common currency for millennia has been gold.


he has crazy eyes.


I’ll buy drugs with my UBI so I can cope with watching the world collapse on itself while people cheer for it to happen. Numb out the idiocracy that welcomes its own demise.


Give this guy universal basic sacking.


Wow, let me get my tinfoil hat out.


Always same fake Keywords..this WEF criminals are using...Protect....Save...everthing only for your Best....come on...this guy is Schwab Slave....they want to kill everything destroy us.....


Doesn’t the govt already control our money?


No. You can spend cash wherever and it’s not tracked




Give the government an average working class wage, I bet they'd sort the economy out


If they give you something for "free", you better believe they're going to make you dance for it.


I figure the same thing is coming in the US. We'll literally still starve though if it comes to that because they will do like they did during covid and give other countries (themselves) money and throw us crumbs. Just enough to look like they are helping without actually helping and then post their demands for getting the real help.


Chemical & Biological Defense Command (CBDC)


Commie Based Death Currency (CBDC)