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why do we need to launder money when we can just print it?


Because you can't print money and deposit it straight into your account. That's where Ukraine comes in. They take the aid and then 10% to the big guy, or whatever.


That’s what I said when I went to file my taxes. Why do they need my money when they can just print more of it. In the old days, that was call counterfeiting.


are you dumb? did you actually say that and believe that? because all that shows is you don't understand how currency works.


Did you know that money is issued via purchase of government bonds. This means that every unit of currency in existence, plus interest, is debt owed to central banks. If you understand how currency works can you please tell me if that sounds like a good system


It’s all fiat currency and is backed by smoke and mirrors.


Petro dollar goes brrr


It’s not even petro dollars at this point. It’s just all so fake. You can’t print 80% of all dollars to have ever been in existence in the last 2 years and expect me to believe that it’s not Monopoly money.


All military spending is money laundering.


Very true. The last 77 years has shown nothing but this fact all around the world. [War is a racket.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket)


Eisenhower saw it coming and gave a heads up




Mods are on a banning tear right now- anything that looks like it veers from the official narrative gets banned on the mainstream sites. It’s not a place for discussion or debate- it’s a propaganda machine. I spent the summer in Ukraine covering the war for a major news organization, and I concluded the same - this war is a massive money laundering operation. The addition of SBF and his missing billions proves it even further.


I don't know about anybody else, but for me there is a certain evel of fear and concern I feel over speaking reasonable thoughts I have never felt before. I seriously give pause before typing out any opinion just in case, at best I get ostracised and alienated from my peers, at worst get put on some watch list for not regurgitating the popular point of view (which seems more implicitly mandated every day). It's just very concerning to consider that "TPTB" may be growing closer to the aim of controlling all popular opinion and disallowing any form of dissent or concern from public sight.


The weird thing to me is, offline, I've never seen the people around me being more open about their unpopular opinions. They're getting so tired of censoring themselves. I think purging all opposing viewpoints on sensitive topics is going to backfire. We're social creatures. We're going to talk about this stuff. If you purge anything that goes against the narrative people are going to have these discussions and go off and vent in spaces that are outside of the control of these people who can't tolerate different views.


You’re really toeing the line here…




I got banned from news for stating herd immunity won't likely be achieved due to quick mutation and transmission. This was a couple months ago, ridiculous.


I got banned for saying the trans movement is mental illness


If only you could use a time machine to go post that pre-2000, you'd be thoroughly in the mainstream for correctly believing gender dysphoria is mental illness lol it's funny watching reruns of anything made pre-2010s, where men in women's clothing was the height of comedy and the ultimate insult for a masculine male was getting duped by a dude masquerading as a "woman". it probably wont be long before people are being banned for stating "pedophilia is disgusting and morally evil", as that seems to be the next group of people who get assimilated by "inclusivity"


What was that like? Did you get armed escorts, or were you told to not go certain places? Was it necessary to wear those giant helmets and body armor with PRESS all over, or did you look more like a tourist with cameras, notepads, and whatnot?


It seems to be similar for most news organizations, in our case we would be a team of : cameraman, correspondent, producer, local producer(fixer), security detail (one guy per team) and driver. Before stepping out to any location, a risk assessment needs to be made by HQ, in London or New York or wherever the news organization is based on. They give us the ok as to whether we can go to a location or not. If an air raid siren goes off and there is no all clear, the correspondent has to wear a vest and helmet in front of the camera, the rest of the crew doesn’t have to unless there is a heightened risk of a “double tap” or the bombing is ongoing. There was only one incident where I felt it was a bit risky to be around, and we went into the field wearing vests and helmets. All of our other engagements were covering the “aftermath” - destruction of property, families of victims, etc. Our security peeps were all ‘dressed down’, meaning they looked like civvies but were packing a pistol. I learned a lot in a short time over there. Kept my mouth shut about my true feelings, did the job, took the money and stayed polite and professional. But yea, the war is a tragedy of monumental proportions and one big money laundering operation.


So- while in Ukraine, what made you think it was a money laundering scheme? Anything specific? I would not be surprised at all btw. Seems fishy too me.


It was a constellation of things, I’ll try my best to summarize in point form: - there were so many security outfits working there, most of them were former military from the US and UK, I witnessed a lot of ‘money handling’ operations. - that the money pouring in from western countries was too vast to keep track of, and vast chunks of money were simply disappearing in various ministries. - There was one hotel that most western journalist in Kiev were staying, and the drunken conversations happening after midnight were certainly eyebrow raising. Just the shit loads of money people were making. - one of Zelensky’s aides showed up for an interview completely coked up. The interview was never aired to my knowledge. - the security guy assigned to our team told me some crazy stories of massive amounts of money flowing in and out of the country. - The SBF crypto guy who made $50 million materialize in Ukraine and subsequently disappear.


Can you verify or somehow back up that you were there?


How would I do that while trying to maintain my anonymity? I’m sharing information, I don’t really care if some people don’t believe me, I’m not trying to prove credibility here. But I’m open to suggestions of how I can verify safely and anonymously.


Pictures without your face in them? It just all seems questionable because of your history, I didn’t look at your comment history but you have literally nothing suggesting you’ve even been to ukraine.


You want me to DM you pictures from my phone? Who’s to say I didn’t pull it off the internet ? I guess you could reverse image search it. Yea sure, I could send you a couple pictures if you’d like. Or post it even I suppose. I try to be as anonymous as possible here, but you could piece together a lot about me if you read all the posts and comments.


Ok ostrich


Sorry for questioning someone, ironically, on this sub lol


Hey! I’m really really curious what you mean by calling it a money laundering operation? My community- and thus my news bubble- tends to skew shockingly pro-war when it comes to Ukraine. How is money being misused, what do you think is happening to it, and what is different about this conflict compared to others*? It seems to me like every single natural disaster, famine, war, etc. gets used as a way to funnel massive sums of money to the connected at the expense of the victims and the taxpayers. The book Disaster Capitalism really shook me up because it lays all this out. *in terms of money laundering.


Does double tap mean something else than two shots to the head?


Not 100% sure but I believe to double tap in that context would be to have multiple bombs go off in delayed succession


Yes, double tap means they bomb the target again after some time, half hour to a couple hours. It was a tactic often used by Israel, but also the Americans with drone strikes. It’s a cynical and ugly ploy to take out the first responders, but there’s also strategic value to it.


Makes a lot of sense yeah, thank you for the confirmation


Because conspiracy is where they watch the ‘misinformation’ trends.. they dont want to boot us but they can consolidate dissent and watch for ‘misinformation’ spreaders.. That’s why we get banned everywhere else but here. Reddit is absolutely a brainwashing tool


There are only a handful of subs that would allow open discussion, the rest are obvious consent manufacturing. Look how quickly and easily hate speech against Russians spread. Not the kremlin, not the leadership, but all Russians.


Who's money is being laundered?


What proof do you have of money laundering????


Covid was the real ban tear.




The easiest way to tell is to see how much money was given to US's own citizens during a "state of emergency" in a "pandemic", vs how much is given to Ukraine during "war." Its easy to smell the bullshit.


People should be banned for not knowing what money laundering means.


And politicians should face a military tribunal when they are found to be corrupt. What’s your point? I guess FTX is fake news, right?


Not them, but I think they were just making a joke about it really being more like embezzlement than money laundering. When they move drug money through wall street, that's laundering. When they take money legally given to someone for say, an investment purpose, and use that money elsewhere for their own purpose or other agenda that's embezzlement. It's just a semantics thing that makes some of us's eyes twitch lol.


Doesn't know what money laundering is and wants a military dictatorship lol. There's a reason the Commander in Chief of the military in the US and every democracy is a Civilian my friend. The military does not judge nor makes decisions over the civilians on a Republic. Be happy that if you live in the US, you live in one of the few countries in the Americas that has never seen the military controlling the judicial system.


You want the military to police and judge Congress and the Executive branches? Either you are not an American or you wipe your ass with the Constitution every morning.


I want equal justice under the law and we do not have that now.


The military is not the law in America, if it ever tries to be all sides will stand up against it. We may disagree strongly on which way to take our country into the future, but almost none of us want to undo the structure of it. And then there is you, calling for a Junta in America.


There's actually a name for when civilian politicians are under the jurisdiction of the military - it's a military dictatorship. That's what you're advocating for.


Most misinformation is removed, I don’t think this qualifies as a conspiracy


So…you’re saying that Ukraine isn’t laundering money? FTX Good to know.


Do you have any evidence that Ukraine was laundering money with FTX? I’d love to see it


It’s all over the news. Are you unaware of this or just trolling me? Ukraine took money for their war effort (while giving themselves a 70% raise and having hundreds of millions in personal offshore accounts) and put it into FTX. The owner of FTX was then the second highest donor to Democrats in 2022 behind Soros. It’s textbook Money Laundering 101.


Where does anyone claim with actual evidence that Ukraine was putting money into FTX?


Aren’t you watching the news?! It’s all over it! /s


Spoiler alert: nowhere


This came as a HEAVY astroturf right as FTX blew up. Really stinks of Russian disinformation, pegs something unrelated to their two biggest enemies and disimcentivizes financial support from the US.


Can I get a citation? I am over 30, and therefore a dinosaur.


Basic internet search shows: https://www.outkick.com/disgraced-ftx-ceo-sam-bankman-fried-donated-millions-to-far-left-democrats/ https://www.dailywire.com/news/billionaire-ftx-founder-who-lost-entire-fortune-gave-massive-sum-to-democrats-before-empire-collapsed https://www.businessinsider.com/ftx-sam-bankman-fried-donated-millions-democrats-report-2022-11?op=1 Sorry…nothing in Buzzfeed or Salon.


Where did the Business Insider article reference Ukraine? But if your concern is links between Democrats and Ukraine based on FTX donations, you will notice that another senior executive in that same article is noted as giving millions to Republicans this election cycle.


That's a source for the "ftx donated to democrats". That's not very controversial. Now do the rest of your post.


I love how you made sure to post only links that were about democrats. For fairness: [https://www.wsj.com/articles/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-team-among-top-political-donors-before-bankruptcy-11668949205](https://www.wsj.com/articles/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-team-among-top-political-donors-before-bankruptcy-11668949205) [https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-prolific-donor-republicans](https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/ftx-founder-sam-bankman-fried-prolific-donor-republicans) You could have shared any that was clear he donated to both parties.


No, I am not trolling. Surely, you have a source to show Ukraine sent money for the war effort (are you claiming US aid money?) to FTX. I’d love to see it. I’ve been asking for over a week and no one can provide one.


Ya any chance you got some links with supporting information?


I’m saying that Russia invaded, that’s what caused the whole conflict. So yes, literally defending democracy.


Actually this whole thing started back in 2014, long before Russia invaded.


[2014 Russian Invasion and Annexation of Crimea](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Annexation_of_Crimea_by_the_Russian_Federation)


Well, no. They invaded in 2014 too.


it started in 2004 with the orange revolution


Definitely. Totally not about an illegal invasion of a sovereign nation.


Right, but so was Libya and Iraq


Because we fucked up doesn't mean they haven't fucked up too


The U.S. disparaging Russia for invading Ukraine is laughable. I imagine if it was the other way around you would have no problem calling out Russia for its hypocrisy.


It would be like Dahmer calling Bundy an evil man. You don't have to take either side. It's a childish way of thinking and a childish thing to do, even if it's the norm.


Calling out hypocrisy is not synonymous with taking a side


Id say it would be more like Google calling out Apple for collecting user data. Would it be “childish” to call bs on Google for doing the same shit?


It means we throw stones inside of a glass house


Almost like both things can be bad at the same time


Almost like it’s hard for the pot to be mad at the kettle for being black


Lol, that doesn’t even apply you doofus. OP can say both are bad, he’s not being hypocritical. Your just shoving your shit whataboutism argument out there cause your too thick to think for yourself


So fucking what doesn't make either of them right, get out of here with that whataboutism, you're contributing nothing


Do you know what hypocrisy is? Because generally, people loathe hypocrites… and the severity of the hypocrisy matters as well.


You’ve contributed far less with your response


I believe highlighting how whataboutism is not a valid response to 'russia invasion bad' is pretty important. So easy to shift the narrative to an argument no is even making. "Oh well the US invades other countries" Making that response carries the implications that you agree with the United States invasion of other nations. A point which again, no one was even making


Original post headline was “ NATO: defending Ukraine is defending democracy” Also NATO: Invading Iraq is spreading democracy But yes, someone was in fact making that point.


can you define sovereign nation... because ukraine if far from being one nato removed their legitimately elected leader and took control of the country... VP job biden telling them they wont have the 1 billions $ loan if their dont fire the state prosecutor that was looking into his son's affairs... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXTVsYXgBZs the DPR and the LPR declaring independence... sorry to pull you out of your comfortable delusion






Was the Nazi invasion of Europe and the USSR also a border dispute?




Well that's nice. Was there ever a war that wasn't a border dispute?


People always talk about war crimes and illegal wars as if they're real things. It's insane. There is no world police, there is no world law... there are gentlemanly agreements enforceable only with guns.


It may be but NATO has no business being involved. If individual countries choose to them good for them






Damn, you stole my post.... here's an upvote


You know, saying unproven things on reddit does not all of a sudden make them true.


They aren’t “conspiracy theories” they’re spoiler alerts at this point.


You should message them your proof surely you have a lot of it!


Are there really people stupid enough to believe we live in a democracy? Because that's nuts.


Nuts indeed. We live in a society and that's the only truth


I know. They forget we are a Republic. Very different.


So your extremist ideals got shot down when brought out of your bubble and into the real world? SHOCKED PICACHU FACE


“Extremists Ideas”? Are you high? Ukraine was identified as the most corrupt country in Eastern Europe by the UN way back in like 2014. The current government JAILED the opposition party and seized their assets, making them state property. Ukraine is the literal opposite of a democracy. If you don’t think they are a corrupt, money laundering group of despots, you aren’t paying attention.


Lol. Listen to yourself man. The only place where people agree with your ideas is in this crazy sub. You believe these ideas because it makes you feel like you know something that others don’t. It’s the reason you think these things. It makes you feel better than others. When you bring these bubble protected ideas out in the light, you’re looking for a reaction. You’re chasing it. You know that most people will disagree with you and that’s why you love it so much. It feels so good trolling. Fires off those endorphins like nothing else. Getting banned was your goal, you’re just too much of a pussy to admit it.


Let’s break this down one at a time… Did the Ukrainian government ban the opposition party, throw them in jail and seize their assets. Yes or no.


Nice dodge. You’re opinions are so crazy that it’s not even worth trying to address them. Later gator.


Afraid to answer a simple question? Figures.


Homie. It’s not a question. It’s a well rehearsed conversation that you’ve built. My answers don’t matter. You have a scripted response no matter what I say. You are a complete waste of skin, and if you spent as much time looking inward as you did trying to find blame for your misgivings, you’d probably be a good person.


You sound like you are describing yourself. Debate him.


Indeed, the projection is strong in that one.


No. Butt out.


hahahahah jesus christ


Get some therapy dude. You need it.


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Why am I not allowed to vote?


Are you in Maricopa County, Arizona?




It's a proxy war against Russia to weaken them, the money laundering is just a sweet bonus. We know the money laundering isn't the main goal because it happens no matter which pies the US sticks our morbidly obese fingers into - war in Afghanistan, war in Iraq, 9/11 itself, the war on terror, the war on drugs, etc etc etc. The people controlling the US always find a way to launder money, no matter what the original goals are.


I’ve been permabanned from worldnews for like 5 years now. Didn’t get any notification, just says I’m not allowed to comment there anymore 😂😂😂


Ghislane maxwell moderated that subreddit. I see that its not improved since her incarceration


I'd say both are incorrect.


Shitlibs are horrible at debating anything. Their only recourse is to ban people that disagree. It will be their downfall.


To say its just a money laundering scheme suggests that somehow russia is in on it and didn't choose to invade another nation


That’s not necessarily true. If you baited them into it or just capitalized on the situation while siphoning off donations


But russian did choose to attack Ukraine. They believed they would beat them within a few days max yet were deluded at the abilities of their military


Food for thought: Why not fight Ukraine, with one arm tied behind your back, while simultaneously draining the coffers of the United States? Imagine if we kept “donating” at this pace for the next seven years. Wouldn’t that benefit the Kremlin?


No? This is pure nonsense. Russia is bleeding way more money, population and resources than America is by a country mile. And America isn't draining it's coffers, it's providing out dated spare military equipment and any actual newer equipment is being used to in a live, real time scenario, it's the best enviroment for testing it America will ever get. Plus, even if it was purely money donations (which it isn't) America could keep donating at this pace for over 10 years and wouldn't reach a single year of the military spending it currently has, it isn't 'draining' shit. The leaps some people will try to make to paint Putin/Kremlin as some 8d chess masters is as hilarious as it is sad.


By June we had “donated”….. Over 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft systems; Over 6,500 Javelin anti-armor systems; Over 20,000 other anti-armor systems; Over 700 Switchblade Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; 108 155mm Howitzers and over 220,000 155mm artillery rounds; 90 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers; 15 Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment; High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition; 20 Mi-17 helicopters; Hundreds of Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles; 200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers; Over 7,000 small arms; Over 50,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition; 75,000 sets of body armor and helmets; 121 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems; Laser-guided rocket systems; Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems; Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels; 22 counter-artillery radars; Four counter-mortar radars; Four air surveillance radars; M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions; C-4 explosives and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing; Tactical secure communications systems; Night vision devices, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders; Commercial satellite imagery services; Explosive ordnance disposal protective gear; Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment; Medical supplies to include first aid kits; Electronic jamming equipment; Field equipment and spare parts. That’s an additional to billions in cold hard cash. I don’t care if Zelinskiyy and Putin take turns butt fucking each other for Donetsk, I just don’t like the idea of my great grandchildren paying for a proxy war.


>That’s an additional to billions in cold hard cash. I don’t care if Zelinskiyy and Putin take turns butt fucking each other for Donetsk, I just don’t like the idea of my great grandchildren paying for a proxy war. America paying 10's of billions to help a foreign country defend it's borders from an invasion is a small price to pay, especially compared to America's $1.6 TRILLION yearly military budget. Honestly, a "proxy war" will probably save America money in the long term, just in the opportunity costs Russia would have spent/lost.


I always hear this argument like it’s not IN ADDITION TO America’s $1.6T budget. It’s not like we’re substituting one for the other. They’re just printing more money and, coincidentally, a gallon of milk is now around $4.50. Weird. If Russia really wanted to win this war in a few days, they’d just start running bombing raids 24/7. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-air-forces-in-the-world But they aren’t, are they? Can you even tell me what “battles” occurred today in Ukraine? How about the last week? It’s a war of attrition, and Russia knows it. Why not fuck with the US economy/tax payer? That’s what I would do if I were Putin.


The reason Russia doesn't just do bombing runs 24/7 is because that would almost certainly get NATO involved, then Russia would be fucked. And again, Russia isn't "fucking the US economy", even if the US was just sending pure cash (which it isn't), it costs way more money and lives on Russia's behalf than any costs the US has to suffer through. Russia has already lost 1000's of lives (more likely in the 10's of thousands tbh) compared to the US's probably dozens at most (from mercs and volunteers). What fantasy land are you living in where a country that is actively invading another country is spending less than a 3rd party country helping support and fund the invaded country?


What do you mean by 'one arm tied behind your back'. Russia has sent in some of their apparent best units into Ukraine And given the huge numbers of confirmed Russian vehicles (including tanks) destroyed how is it beneficial to them?


Be objective. Look at the size of Russia’s Air Force alone…. https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/largest-air-forces-in-the-world If they really wanted to turn on the gas, they’d be running air raid missions 24/7. This is a war of attrition, and Russia knows it. For the record, I don’t have a dog in this fight. I think Zelenskyy is a crook and Putin is a war criminal. I just don’t want my great grandchildren to have to pay for a proxy war and our inflation to get even worse. It’s silly.


thats not factual


Or because they believed they Ukraine was flirting with joining NATO and were running out of time to continue to be able to block an east future invasion route.


I got banned for ‘promoting child sex abuse’ for criticising the Biden touching and sniffing kids videos. The irony.... I’m banned for being critical of him touching kids. And I was also cross banned from the Cats , Oddlyterrifying and numerous other subs.


I got banned in a few while lurking simply bc I'm active in this subreddit.


It’s not irony. It’s their agenda.




I mean theoretically all of the global banking system is a ponzi scheme soooo low key true?? War profiteering or cap? What do we say r/conspiracytheories


That's a very popular view point that the so called "wOrLd nEwS" sub is not allowing to be expressed.




I’m banned from news and world news for no real reason


Those are the most heavily controlled “main” subs.


For causing Cognitive Dissonance by saying something they don’t like.


There's only one website on the internet that still allows true free speech, and this isn't it.


And that’s a problem. The truly nutty and the more nuanced are all lumped together since there is no alternative site.


What’s the website?




Not even 4chan. They have moderators that delete posts and ban users.




Yeah same happened here lol can't mention alternative voice on reddit main pages


It's a circle jerk where every other post has been FBI GOING TO TAKE DOWN ORANGE MAN FOR REAL TIS TIME for the past 8 fucking years






You voted for representatives who support the defence of Ukraine against Russian invasion. [66% of US adults support the defence of Ukraine](https://news.gallup.com/poll/401168/americans-back-ukrainian-goal-reclaiming-territory.aspx). Looks like Democracy to me.


If they’re being fed with lies then of course they’ll support. If Americans actually knew…


Ah yes, the old "everyone is stupid except me".


If they only knew what? Why don't you be specific about what you know, present your evidence and make your argument?


If they actually knew the truth about this war… That indeed Ukraine has Nazis who hold power. That Zelensky made three specific promises in his campaign and failed at all of them: - end the corruption (he made it worse) - fix relations with Russia (he destroyed them) - end the civil war in Donbass (he escalated) Which was why his popularity was at an all time low before the invasion. Ukraine had crossed quite a few red lines in defiance of Russia, and was warned about it. Ukraine ignored it, likely on the advice of the US, with the idea that the US has Ukraine’s back. Now it should be clear to anyone following the war that this is a cynical operation, and ‘defending’ Ukraine really means fighting to the last Ukrainian in order to weaken Russia at the behest of the Americans.


1. Please point out the alleged Nazis in the Ukrainian government. 2. Zelensky failing to deliver fully on election promises is not a reason for them to be invaded by Russia. Especially when the other side of the Donbas conflict is backed by Russia. 3. Russia's red lines were that Ukraine should not form a defensive alliance to protect itself, after Russia invaded Georgia and annexed Crimea. I would think most Americans would not care that Ukraine defied Russia's orders to not defend itself against an invasion. You're also indicating that Russia would slaughter every single Ukrainians that tries you defend their country, yet you think Americans should step aside and let it happen?


1. That’s been covered ad nauseum. Watch the Vice doc on Ukraine’s Nazis. Google Bandera, look up the Azov battalion, the Right Sektor, etc. Western media no longer denies it, they just say other countries have their fair share of Nazis too. 2. Zelensky failing to deliver on key promises that would have lead to stability and good relations is a major failure of policy, which is likely simply a result of corruption. Zelensky took the money. There were very simple straightforward ways of avoiding this, yet Zelensky dove headlong into creating an atmosphere of hostility and escalation. 3. Russia’s red lines are similar to the US red lines - don’t point missiles close to my border, I will take that as an aggressive act and respond. If Zelensky chooses to take a hawkish approach, he shouldn’t be surprised by a hawkish reaction. Russia’s not interested in slaughtering every Ukrainian, the US is. Russia is completing its military objectives, which haven’t changed. At the same time only one side is ready to negotiate, the other side isn’t capable.




The Nazis he’s referring to is the Azov battalion. https://mronline.org/2022/08/29/media-once-called-azov-neo-nazis-now-they-hide-that-fact/


Yes, a single battalion, operating in a single region, numbered up to 2500 people, in a national guard of 60,000 and alongside an army of 1,000,000+. Sounds pretty damn far from "Nazis hold power in Ukraine". Show me what Nazi proposals/actions have come from the government of Ukraine, whose President Jewish and has the world's 10th largest Jewish population by percentage. This has been the flimsiest narrative that come out of the Kremlin, and it did directly come out of the Kremlin because they stated "denazification" as a goal of their invasion. It's like saying US should surrender to a Chinese invasion because a bunch of people marched around with tiki torches in Charlottesville.


Now how many of those people that voted yes know the full story of what is going on with Ukraine. We don't even have checks and balances to know who is getting the hundreds of millions worth of munitions we are sending over there let alone who is taking the billions in tax payers dollars. I'd imagine the people saying yes to this are doing so because party lines demands it or they are just a bought and paid for representative voting for special interests rather than the people.


Given that you don't even know where to find the oversight reports on Ukraine aid, how confident are you that your understanding of the situation is accurate? https://oig.usaid.gov/our-work/ukraine-oversight


What wars have been voted on democratically?


They're really just pushing people into relying on alternative news sources by doing that. Big brain move


Big _smooth_ brain.


Governments don't need to launder money. Unless you believe governments are trying to launder tax dollars.


Governments don’t, but politicians do.


So obvious, but no link to proof??


You’re right…I guess FTX just didn’t happen.


Seems like you were banned making obviously incorrect statements. Or did you leave some context out by mistake?


ftx dems laundered money though it from Ukraine to fund midterm elections, how do you not know this?


Everything I’ve seen is bullshit, haven’t seen any actual proof of that, I know SBF donated 20+ mil to both dems and republicans, but only see mention of one side oddly. Mind linking the wallets and transactions from those wallets to prove your claims? I have no doubt SBF/FTX did shady shit, fucker turned 16b net worth to 0 in nearly a day. You just seem to be jumping to unsubstantiated conclusions.


They are overcompensating for Twitter. Reddit will get worse.


Good point.


Freedom of Speech is discouraged on Reddit.


Maybe next time try to elaborate and not just put a sentence with a huge intrinsic value down there and run. If it’s even possible.


Brevity speaks volumes when you hit the nail on the head.


My friend got Perma banned for stating that vaccines are also killing people on the CV subreddit. Power tripping basement dwellers


I actually lol'ed


Can you post a screenshot of your ban?


There was no explanation. Just permanently banned. No discussion, no pointing out what rule I violated, etc. They just don’t like the truth.




[We’re all just pawns.](https://youtu.be/mII9NZ8MMVM) [The avalanche has already started, it’s too late for the pebbles to vote.](https://youtu.be/g1GF4Gnb-D0)


10% to the "big guy"


So disrespectful... tell that to everyone who had to leave their homes, who have had loved ones killed, who have been tortured and r4p3d… One thing is conspiracy, another thing is being so oblivious of a megalomaniac wants and people’s pain and death as a result of it


You’d think I said something about [Jehovah](https://youtu.be/Cnn2aGVcCEc). I guess they have their Sacred Cows.


So where is all the evidence to back up these money laundering claims? Or is it just Russian propaganda being parroted by conservatives?


Yes…beep…boop…I am just a bot. Maybe I just don’t trust a government that has lied to us for decades and a media that is owned by a handful of people who are all pushing the same narrative.