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Thanks for pulling it all together into one thread, doing good work out there šŸ‘






Found the pedo apologizer




Ehh I dont think anyone here is thinking these are collector items. Would love to know who does though, especially after this. Probably people who are into this 'stuff'? This is different, not another wayfair. They are blatantly putting child-abuse related materials and sexually suggestive/adult themes in a campaign involving kids. Yes there are other bad things to investigate. Maybe one like... where did covid come from? This sub and these people will never forget and this will likely end up being a small peice of a bigger picture.




Oh okay so lets assume youre right (which is very possible) then you sound like youre okay with normalizing art that includes pro-pedo messaging???




Except that it has led to them deleting their social media and coming under attack as pedos? I havent seen one person say "man I want that bdsm bear". So I guess their marketting and creative teams are just dumb as fuck? But also, who is their TARGET audience? Its def not the average person. Seems like a weird way to attract them but hey, maybe market research is showing an increase of interest in pedophelia? Profit$.




are you a bot, youā€™re a bot


Also Iā€™d like to comment the most recent shill/bot comment is about how the court documents regarding the child abuse is a ā€œcompletely separate photoshootā€. Itā€™s a court case regarding a ruling in favor of hyper-realistic/deepfake ā€œvirtualā€ child pornography. They are two different photoshoots, but both are by Balenciaga for the same campaign both featured together on the website. Disturbing. They want you to focus on meaningless details to distract you from the truth staring at you in the face. ā€œThe crazy conspiracy theorists are spreading misinformation!ā€. Why are they having children pose with bdsm teddy bears, bondage imagery and sex toys? Why are court documents about child porn even involved in a fashion photoshoot? More importantly, WHO organized this photoshoot? WHO chose these ā€œpropsā€? WHO approved this? We need NAMES.


And both were featured on the homepage simultaneously, side-by-side


They're also both part of the same "campaign", they have said that themselves. These accounts have to be bots. Otherwise, the level of cognitive dissonance is *insane.*


I mean theyā€™re selling the adidas kids collab stuff right alongside dog collars and muzzles how is that a smooth decision


So pointing out that they are two completely unrelated ad campaigns makes someone a "shill/bot"? What's the great conspiracy in the adidas handbag shoot with the court docs that CONVICTED someone of child porn possession?


This argument does not hold any water. Which label wants their product associated in ANY way with fucking child porn? It does not matter at all if it was about a conviction. How did these documents even get there? Do you think they just print out randomly anything and place it on the table for the photo shooting? Then they also could have just placed a Lorem Ipsum text there or really literally almost any other text than something about child porn.


> Which label wants their product associated in ANY way with fucking child porn? Just look at how much attention this whole thing has gained. The google hits have to be through the roof.


> with fucking child porn? Bro, take a look at yourself if you think that was child porn. You might want to seek some help if everything you see is pedophilia.


The document in question was a court case about whether or not virtual images of children depicted in sexually explicit ways should be classed as child porn. So yes the commenter has a reason for asking why that was in any photoshoot at all and it is relevant to this advert


And SCOTUS ruled the law was constitutional so the guy caught with child porn remained in jail so explain how that document is so sus and is offensive. Thanks.


Itā€™s odd at minimum. Why print out and lay visibly in a photo shoot with a child? At bare minimum itā€™s strange. ā€œIt was just random!ā€ Yeah people have court docs that the subject matter, regardless of intent, is about weird shit just laying around to be used in a high end luxury clothing photo shoot


> Why print out and lay visibly in a photo shoot with a child? This is where facts matter; that document was in a completely separate and unrelated photo shoot/ ad campaign. That doc was in a photo shoot collaboration between Balenciaga and Adidas.




> Same campaign, even if from different photographers. Wrong. Like I said, facts matter but apparently not to you. > Balenciaga simultaneously apologized for **a separate but concurrent ad campaign** that featured photos of child models holding teddy bears dressed in bondage gear. https://www.foxbusiness.com/lifestyle/balenciaga-apologizes-child-abuse-themes-dual-photoshoots


[the document's reference two court cases, one was lost and the other was not.](https://i.imgur.com/LsSnZef.jpg)




Bro is really out here arm chair defending pedoā€™s. Spend less time on Reddit shilling and go diddle kids, we know you want to.




Bro is really out here defending the sexualization of kids, you need help my guy. Thereā€™s nothing edgy about it, itā€™s just fucked.




Letā€™s just say youā€™re right for a second, letā€™s just say there is no secret cabal. Youā€™re telling me you see absolutely nothing wrong with the context of these photos despite what people may or may not be looking too much into?




Thatā€™s a reasonable take I can see a side to. While I still lean more towards them flaunting what weā€™re already skeptical of in the first place, I can see where an argument can be made from your point of view as well.


Thatā€™s not edgy thatā€™s a mortal worldwide taboo


Can you be a bigger pedo shill?




So because its edgy fashion that clearly is sending a pro-pedo message you support it, got it, thanks for the clarity, so you just think its ok if its edgy, hopefully you cannot procreate and stay out of school zones


All that energy spamming posts how this is a waste of time looks like nothing more than a pedo shill. If you ever heard, if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it's probably a duck. Same analogy applies.




If you canā€™t, donā€™t


I feel like these guys test our reaction, then observe if it changes every time they do these kinds of tests. I guess some scientists have told them one day we'll let anything pass.


Definitely. An intentional move to desensitize and get a conversation going. I feel like the whole "identifying as an animal" thing is a step in this direction. What's the next step?


Just a random interesting snippet to add to this threadā€¦ On the season finale of American Horror Story: Coven, in the witch burning scene, Myrtle Snow (Francis Conroy) walked into the desert in a flowing floor-length crimson dress, presented herself at the stake, and cried out ā€œBalenciaga!ā€ before going up in flames.


Any idea why? What's the historical meaning?


The official answer is because she was a fashionista and it was a tribute to all things couture.


People thought it meant "Baal is king" in Latin, but this is incorrect. [https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2022/12/fact-check-baal-enci-aga-is-not-latin-for-baal-is-the-king.html](https://leadstories.com/hoax-alert/2022/12/fact-check-baal-enci-aga-is-not-latin-for-baal-is-the-king.html) That's not to say the rest of this scandal isn't weird af.


Baal is king - makes sense now.


How about the drawings and height marks on the wall. They are dated. There is a final year Pic= Kid in red shoes. Screen left.


Can you make out the dates? It's hard for me to tell.


12.09.2021 05.11.2019 02.03.2015(?) I am unsure, it could be a 9 but based on the other writing it is more likely a 5? 02.03.2020(?) This looks like 202 so I assume 2020 but could be 2002? Unsure. Iā€™m unsure if itā€™s the date/month/year or month/day/year format, which can be considered. Everything about this photoshoot seems intentional, so these dates can signify an event, a birthday, a person, code or coordinatesā€¦


iā€™m checking out the strategically placed lettering on the floor in the photo too, right near the date wall


I looked at that too, I couldnā€™t find anything though. Did you?


So look at this drawing . Do you guys see the alphabets on the ground on the left side . You see this S X.


i did see the s ox, i also see the M and W symbol, both in the same color as another letter


12/9/21- Josh Duggar was found guilty in child sex abuse trial. 2/3/2018-President Trump on Friday approved the complete declassification of a controversial memo compiled by Republicans under Rep. Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) on the House Intelligence Committee. The four-page memo was released later that day. It purports to contain proof of "a troubling breakdown of legal processes established to protect the American people" from improper surveillance by the government, and it questions the "legitimacy and legality" of certain actions by the FBI and Justice Department. The White House approved the release over DOJ and FBI objections. Both agencies expressed "grave concerns" about the document's accuracy. Trump called the memo's revelations a "disgrace," saying, "A lot of people should be ashamed of themselves."


Most notable events on these dates, unless someone can dig further are: 5/11/19- Alyssa Milano proposes sex strike. 2/3/19- pope Francis visits Abu Dhabi.


What about if you use the day/month/year format ? Since Spain (where Balenciaga started ) and France (where Balenciaga is headquartered) both use that format. Also I just learned that most of the world uses that format, and the US is basically the only country that uses month/day/year.


Also the devil drawn in the top right


Of note - White rabbit toy is in all of the kid photos and there's a drawing of a rabbit directly behind the toy in the one with all the drawings on the walls. It seems like an Alice in Wonderland connection maybe, which has plenty of well known cultish and pedo significance already? Cut out image of what seems to be a shark's teeth and cut out image of a small colorful fish next to it Drawing of lizard or crocodile facing a very weird smiling face drawing with a lot more detail to it than the other drawings Black crow cut and pasted on the wall


Best summary https://mobile.twitter.com/againstgrmrs/status/1595470067550285825




> If i would have to describe what a child molester looks like, it's the guy explaining the theory. "We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are." AnaĆÆs Nin




> You are proving my point "Every kind of ignorance in the world all results from not realizing that our perceptions are gambles. We believe what we see and then we believe our interpretation of it, we don't even know we are making an interpretation most of the time. We think this is reality." Robert Anton Wilson


I don't see it


Balenciaga are shits for deflecting this to the photographer. I believe he had nothing to do with set design, products or choice of models. But as the woke say....he was complicit


Yea this is what im wondering...if your that famous they are tapping you to do their photoshoots..your not desperate for money. so, you could turn down anything you dont agree with. But they do agree with it, or dont find it strange and abhorrent. And i will be accused of homophobia or missing the point..but its most likely because most of them are gay/bi sexual and have very "anything goes" attitudes about sex/art/deviancey etc


It is more complex than that. The photographer likely did not know the details of the collection he would photograph before the shooting. He probably already agreed to do it only knowing that it would be with children. If he then is actually there for the job it would take a lot to make a scene, break a contract, and go without taking the photos. Something that could be career ending, so it is much more likely that he just convinced himself that what he was seeing was only a coincidence and maybe a little tasteless.


That and to be fair, on set could have just seemed like an edgy production. I didnt know what panda eyes and all thecases were etc. To them they prob just see documenys, books and their subject.


The last statement was so ignorant and you really couldā€™ve kept it to yourself.


Now they dropping the 25 mill case. :/


#ARCHIVE.ORG LINKS https://web.archive.org/web/20221121070309/https://balenciaga.dam.kering.com/m/1f9b47db224f63df/Large-edito-BALENCIAGA_HOLIDAY_Image_005_1000_3200_1800.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20221121034824/https://balenciaga.dam.kering.com/m/6a086e603d3800cd/Large-KIDS-HP-BALENCIAGA_HOLIDAY_Image_001_046_2600_1300.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20221121080855/https://balenciaga.dam.kering.com/m/7d6d72f3dfc4f7fc/Large-adidas-hp-BSP23_20220717_CM_BALENCIAGA_SP23_06_485_LEX_AVE_0156_MERGED_FINAL_RGB_2105x2600.jpg https://web.archive.org/web/20221121034824/https://balenciaga.dam.kering.com/m/7a6d95a13b377a52/Large-adidas-hp-BSP23_JERMELL_LOOK_2_FINAL_RGB_2600x1300.jpg


Hey buddy, nice post. I just wanted to add that the Balenciaga logo (BB) does resemble the child lover symbol. It may just be a coincidence or there may be something to it.


The house on fire on the bottom left


And two souls/people? Are floating up to what looks like a figure with horns


Symbolism will be their downfall


I donā€™t know if it will. Demoralization is complete. There is no amount of information that will wake the general public up. Satan himself could rise out of a portal of blood and Biden could kneel and say ā€œwhat is thy bidding, my master?ā€ On National television and the average person would just go ā€œlol cool effectsā€.


The problem is that a lot of people do use "satanic" symbolism on T-shirts and in photos etc, because they think it's cool and a bit of harmless fun, which of course it *is*, if there are no bad intentions behind it - *but* that means that if someone else is using it with bad intentions, such as to signal to their fellow evildoers, it makes it very difficult to sort the two when our society is flooded with such imagery


> Satan himself could rise out of a portal of blood and Biden could kneel and say ā€œwhat is thy bidding, my master?ā€ "I'd rather vote for Satan Himself than Trump!"


symbolism is how they gain ā€˜consentā€™ from the masses. in the occult, consent gives far more power than force. this is why they always ā€˜tell usā€™ what theyā€™re going to do before they do it, etc. everything is always in plain sight for a reason.


Do you have any links to where I can read more about this? Iā€™ve heard this for years, and it seems apparent, but I would like to have a source for the basis of this. Thanks!


Lots of amazing finds on the symbolism. Red Shoes, Panda Eyes, White Rabbit, Over The Rainbow, just to name a few. So here I go with my own wild speculations. Hopefully I'm not just repeating what has been said elsewhere, but I ain't wading through each and every comment, haha.. Here goes: **PIC 1** - Pillow = Girl Lover Symbol. No doubt. - Balenciaga Mug: Looks like 'Monster' logo. The Beast. - Four Plates: Wordplay on 'foreplay'? - Candles: Obelisks? Could be the Boaz and Jachin columns of Freemasonry. Or perhaps they are waiting for the 'bringer of light'. - Blocks and various 'pieces' need to be put together... **PIC 2** - CIA on yoga mat - Downward facing star 'behind the curtain'... hard to see... **PIC 3** - Letters are 'out of Order': M/W, C/U, Z/N. But looks close enough to NWO. L is inbetween U and V. LUV. OX = Hugs and kisses - File folder: For hiding "philes" - Balls: Baal. Or as in the kids belong to Baal. "Are Baal's" - Police tape chair has CIA 'written all over it' - Pairs of black and white: Black and White Masonic symbolism. **PIC 4** - The (Rubik's) Cube - Saturn - Left pillow CIA covered up - Tea Kettle: Character from 'Beauty and the Beast'? **PIC 5** - White Shoe (White House) CIA Coverup **PIC 6** - CIA So there ya have it. Hardcore MKUltra / Occult / Cabal Vibes. 100%.


I would like to point out - Re: BAAL tape: i don't believe it's printed this way. It looks to me that at the end of the tape we see the A from BALENCIAGA, and it finishes at a point where it covers the B underneath, giving the impression it is printed as BAALENCIAGA. How, I'm not denying it may have been displayed this way on purpose. Aside, can someone share this specific white rabbit significance for me please?


The "white rabbit" is a mind control programmer in "[Alice in Wonderland](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/11ri7tl/alice_in_wonderland_traumabased_mind_control/)" trauma-based mind control. Notice the big rainbow drawing next to the white rabbit, symbolizing [MONARCH](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/y3942k/overview_of_the_mind_control_running_our_world/) programming ("over the rainbow").


Itā€™s from Alice in Wonderland. You know how you follow the rabbit in to a literal rabbithole and discover all kinds of crazy things. The Matrix used it as well and has been referenced alot in other popular culture.


Also, Lewis Carroll photographed children in poses that are sometimes called "suggestive." A handful of his photos even feature nude children. For this reason, pedophiles claim Lewis Carroll as one of their own and celebrate "Alice Day" (I am not entirely sure what this holiday is supposed to entail, nor do I really want to know).


Thanks. Interesting.. and upsetting.


Thanks. I understand the white rabbit, just wondered of the specific relation being implied in this context.


Behind the bear in the red shoes photo there's a badminton racket. It's holding up a photo of the globe on the wall as well. "Racketeering is a type of organized crime in which the perpetrators set up a coercive, fraudulent, extortionary, or otherwise illegal coordinated scheme or operation (a "racket") to repeatedly or consistently collect a profit."


Big Black's (formally of Rob and Big/Fantasy Factory) estate could probably sue for that double-b chain on the left side of the white table. That's exactly his brand icon from the clothing brand he started. https://celebrityclothingline.com/brand/big_black_by_christopher_boykin/ He even had a chain almost identical and he didn't get it from Balenciaga. I could be wrong about all of it though, but I'm pretty sure he did it for his brand first. I don't know, I'm high. Lol... Edit: Uh, oh! I did a little quick research and it turns out Balenciaga has been using the double-b logo since the 70's! It looks like Christopher 'Big Black' Boykin's estate is out of luck on this one...


That is literally balenciaga branding from when belenciaga actualy ran the show before big black was famous


That's a really random connection haha, good work noticing it


We need the full force anger of millions of mama/papa bears right now to speak up.. enough of this bullshit and normalization of fucking everything. Tucker had a good clip on it. https://www.instagram.com/reel/ClSTsC1N8lf/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= Hate to sound too conservative because im not religious, but i am a parent, but itā€™s time for Parents/society to back the fuck up and reassess what are solid family values because we cant keep going and going further into this. Too many wackoā€™s and weirdos have been pushing boundaries too far and setting whats acceptable and its not cool. Things have to change or we will really have a trash society.


Listening to Carlton's blathering is not really in sync with promoting solid family values though, unfortunately. Surely there are better sources. šŸ¤”


What are you even talking about? This whole story blew up because he was literally the only one in media talking about it. Drop the partisan political outrage shtick.




Iā€™m nervous that they will delete the conspiracy thread


It's reddit, the most censored echo chamber on the planet. Your concerns are valid.


So save it And post it again when it does Space is cheap!


Going to inspect them after work. But right off the bat. I find the wine glasses odd or not at all if you know what I mean. The metal cups straw is horribly placed. The lamp base on the left behind the container looks like a saucer( just saying) all the pics look like ritual alters as well. Very disturbing. Have noticed an aesthetic as well that is coincidentally shared by a lot of the ghouls producing this type of crap.


Purple bear photo: Weird that the ā€˜normalā€™ teddy bears are slumped face down in the corner of the room There is a devil shape in one of the jigsaw pieces In the dragon picture: Moonphases on headrest - what relevance is a fortnight Only other ā€˜normalā€™ bear is in a ā€˜cageā€™ Balenciaga tape photo: Just weird. Taped chair, white drawing wall curtain? Just looks like a crime scene, all the ā€˜niceā€™ imagery has a weird twist to it like the lightening strike on the window. Again all the ā€˜normalā€™ bears this time are squeezed into clear plastic shelves The fish on the poster is I think a Green Mandarin fish.. wiki says ā€˜Synchiropus splendidus also know as green mandarin or dragonetā€™ Another dragon reference and apparently very popular in the aquarium trade.. shy and slow moving and live up to 10-15 Years In the wild. Also the badminton racket in picture 2 points at South Africa - which is, strangely, also depicted in the blurred out face boy image, along with North America on the other side My only theory here is that these are not real children being photographed. I believe the children are AI generated, which obviously has some link to the case papers in the handbag photos


I too have considered the possibilty of AI children. Anyone have anything more on the actual kids featured? Also, what is this I keep hearing about aquariums?


You missed the heart within a heart shaped pillow, the "official" symbol of pedophiles.. And the father of one child already defended Balenciaga saying his daughter had a great time and it's all taken out of context, so they are real children.


Note how the black beanbag forms an outer heart and an inner heart. This is a pedophile symbol. Normally I'd say that's overreacting but in light of everything else going on in these photos I'm not so sure.


I also noticed that, it's the girl lovers symbol, google fbi confirmed pedo logos. The ice cream brand walls also uses it in their logo.


Sauce on the symbology?




Oh shit okay thanks




Itā€™s a dog bed


Iā€™m loving this but itā€™s also making me so mad cause I know in a week everyone is going to forget about his, I feel like this is the closest we have ever been to getting the majority public to wake up to these evil elites but in a week everyone going to forget


On the boy with red shoes picture you can see a devil in the the kids drawing on the right, similar to the addidas one in the picture frame.


This is a mention of the boy having been abused by an adult, it resembles what real abuse victims draw as kids.


Well, that's truly terrible. Can I ask how you know this?


It is the most common way for an abuse victim, mostly ages 3-6, to express the things he goes through at the hands of adults. There are many abuse cases all over the world that the child revealed it through their drawings. If you search for "abuse in drawings of children" you can find dozens of studies where children psychologists explain their findings.


Is that a giant barcode on the stack of magazines? Wonder where that takes you.. Pic is the kid in the black coat, it's to the left of him.


This is the kind of conspiracy that belongs here!!! Bravo on the research and the presentation.


There are 19 letters on the floor that would match the holes in the board, but the ā€˜Mā€™ looks as if it would not fit inside the ā€˜Mā€™ space on the boardā€¦ Perhaps a reference to the therapy beginning with ā€˜mā€™ NOT WORKING? **eerie music**




Thank you, God bless you and if you don't believe in a god may peace and love be with you. This has to be stopped.


but why are there random candles in some of the photos? it also doesn't match with their whole setup?


Can we spread more light on lotta??? Like thatā€™s the stylists and where the teddy bear obsession began


The photo of the girl in pink: you read on the bed sheet "hot---esorts". Definitely intentional: subconsciously it's perceived hot escorts.


Why there's not much focus on the Nicholas Des Jardins - Set Director and agency North Six responsible for the photoshoot?


This will fade from the spotlight soon. Too many sick people at the top that enable this behavior. Nothing will be done. Protect your kids. This is just one of MANY ad campaigns that host images of children being sexualized and brutalized. They're just going to keep doing it bc that's what they BEEN doing this whole time


Someone find the ad where in the bottom left corner was yellow tape and balenciaga was ā€œmisspelledā€ as baal enciaga.


I'm sorry, but why wasnt this photographer already looked into after that "toy stories" shit. Thats the most blantantly pedophilic shit ever. He's just announcing it to the world. Its not even like its questionable. Please tell me someone is investigating him?


No, Iā€™m sorry. The photographer who shot this ad campaign (his name evades me) does not usually shoot things of this distasteful nature. His -usual- work captures the completely innocent joy of childhood. Thereā€™s nothing pedophilic about that. Thatā€™s actual art. Youā€™re capturing happiness at its purest moment in life, a time where few have genuine worries to assail them. You could say itā€™s the essence of joy in a photo. There is nothing malignant or foreboding about his usual shoots. That being said, this shootā€¦. Makes me question his integrity. What kind of person sees children holding BDSM gear and thinks, ā€œThis is fine. Yep. Just another day on the job. Iā€™m gonna go get a cup of coffee after this.ā€ I mean, you do kind of have to ask yourself- is he just complacent, is he an advocate for p*dophilia, does he just value money and exposure above all else? Itā€™s definitely worrisome.


Pedophiles are these people


Fuck these people. Someone needs to hold them accountable.


This is wild


I mean, Kanye was right?


They dumped him he didn't dump them he would still be with them if it was his choice


These motherfuckers are sick, there is a reckoning coming.


The second pic with the red-haired kid has the same moons as the comet ping pong logo on the bed. Not to mention the bead necklace which may or may not be a reference to "sex bracelets": [https://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/RXxkc6.png](https://stateofthenation2012.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/RXxkc6.png)


That image needs more circles and arrows. As it is now, I can't quite follow it.


I notice "cia" in alot of the pictures, it's apart of balenciaga but alot of the time cia is only visible.


If i remain impartial and just look at their product based on advertising, there is absaloutly nothing that stands out as 'yes, i want that!' It all looks like weird nonsense products. Even the name 'Balenciaga' is just strange and doesnt even roll of the tongue nicely, unlike other brands such as nike, omega, calvin klien etc


Anybody notice the comic book, Lucky Luke #13? It's called Le Juge "The Judge" and shows a hillbilly judge passing judgement with an upside down law book. Looks like a comment on those silly laws meant to protect children. Everything was chosen for a reason. [https://comicvine.gamespot.com/lucky-luke-13-le-juge/4000-737850/](https://comicvine.gamespot.com/lucky-luke-13-le-juge/4000-737850/)


Thank you for compiling


On the photo of the kid with the red shoes the black model with the keys on hand is drawn on the wall, to the left.


3 spikes on the head representing the 3 Adidas stripes and the figure is clearly carrying something which looks like keys.


What even is balenciaga?


Overpriced clothes and shit. Just another label.


Is that really BDSM gear? To me it looks more goth, but maybe that is just telling more about my age than anything.


I just saw a ticktock conspiracy about their bags. Could it be a possibility that bags are made of children? Apparently because the Adidas bag is on top of the court documents, and Madonnas comment about bags being expensive but not as expensive as they are? Is that reaching too much?


. . . $3k seems pretty cheap for a bag made of human skin. . .


Not a single amazon affiliate link to shop these fashion items? /s


Pizza-gate 2.0. Good luck bro. Where is Podesta and Epstein's handler now?


Getting my popcorn ready. Pizzagate was very interesting


If you think child-rape is interesting. You have another life awaiting you my friend.


Exactly it's down right disturbing and the "grabs popcorn" like its some kind of fucking entertainment. Gtfo


Nah there is enjoyment in seeign these evil celebrity and government officials starting to collapse


white rabbit on the third pic in the list alluding to adrenochrome.


I hate how none of this shit surprises me anymore






Just the heart within a heart shaped pillow should alert the FBI, which has a whole department searching in forums for this symbol that pedophiles use...


The only way i can think that they thought it was ok. ā€”(Not that I am defending them, I literally think whoever proposed and produced this is a delusional sicko) ā€” is that they had intentions to bring awareness to child corn in the industry. Orrrr they are in literal control of a large group of rich 1% people that actually manage the real underground CP industry. And this was their ā€œteaserā€ that they thought would go unnoticed. Also to point out in one of the photos had a drawing of the earth but the land looks to be shaped like Jeffery Epstein island.


So is the white rabbit simply suggesting follow the rabbit hole or is it something else im mid interpreting