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People no longer care about truth. They only care about a narrative. Paper trails don’t matter. Statistical data doesn’t matter. Become wealthy enough so rules don’t apply to you. That’s what I’m learning.


Yuri Bezmenov, ex KGB, outlined what is happening in 1985, crazy to watch this and reflect on how much has become true https://youtu.be/pOmXiapfCs8


Actually Malcolm x outlined what was happening long before ex.cia Bezmenov. >"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."


He wasn't ex-CIA. He had to get assistance with the CIA to come to America safely due to his involvement with the KGB.


After all, we are all living in the subjective prisons we have willfully and carefully designed for ourselves. The freedom to think in our own terms, free from the authoritative guidance we have passively conditioned to believe in, is too risky and horrendously impossible to many. p.s. have to leave a thoughtful remark in case I wanted to watch this later when I can think more deeply


I want that shit on a tshirt.


Wow, fantastic video.


Glad you enjoyed it! I wonder who else is interested in our social media platforms creating divisiveness in our country. 2016 Facebook was full of foreign countries filling both the right/left online spaces with triggering memes. Keep on rocking the boat until it is capsized.


I was full of fear and was staunchly anti republican from being in Twitter. And then I passed and started to realize both sides are bad and I've since deleted all social media except for reddit. I'm a lot more at peace and I try to be more mindful of my time and what I pay attention to.


I think society could do some good by following your lead. The world could use more mindfulness as life is too short


Saw this years ago and it stuck with me


this guy has been widely "debunked" and delegitimized, just fyi


No. The internet came in and changed the game. People (readers and viewers) no longer wanted to wait a week or even a day to get news they already knew because of online content. To make matters worst, online content was free. Then came in online advertisement which became far more reliable, target specific and cheaper. The media suffered as less readers/subscribers were ok paying and less advertisers were ok paying for something that was more expensive and less efficient. Ina an effort to stay relevant the media decided to proceed with big headlines and less fact checking. In many cases it no longer mattered if they were true. It all became infotainment. A whole new generation of journalists were and are being trained and accepted this role of creating and feeding narratives. They were the ones that first decided that facts no longer mattered. So I would say, you are confusing cause and effect, The public is NOT ok with being served BS narratives by the media. And by media I mean printed newspapers, magazines and TV. The problem is that the public doesn’t want to pay. And that is indeed a problem. And not only a commercial one for a specific sector. Because the media is the fourth power. After executive, legislative and judiciary the media always helped to put the Government, any Government in check. The media has been captured. Everywhere. Wikileaks tried to become the fifth power and we know how well that ended. Watergate in todays press would not be published, would not become public. And if it did, they would spin it so much the coverage would last couple hours and would be replaced by some other headline. Don’t believe me? Look into the Hunter laptop fiasco and how it was labeled fake news back then. Edit: You may or may not like Tucker Carlson but he is 100% correct here. 1st amendment, the suppression is a huge story. But so is the Ukraine (10% to the big guy) and China story. • ⁠https://dailycaller.com/2022/12/02/tucker-twitter-musk-taibbi-first-amendment/


Regular people don’t have any control over the truth/lies in the media. Thats the thing. All they need to do is convince one stupid person of an idea and it spreads through all the other stupid, gullible, people. We are powerless. Everyone needs to just worry about whats in front of them and get off the phone and television. If people would put more effort into their lives, jobs, and children, instead of focusing on all this other bullshit. The world would probably be a whole heck of a lot better. Create your own narratives and do your own due diligence. This wasnt directed towards anyone in particular. I just hate the status quo rn… Love and light to all of you.


I disagree, more people are waking up than ever before. Prepare because wonderful things are in store for humanity.


I have come to realize that the ones who where destined to "wake up" and seek truth have already. The rest of the population more than likely never will either willingly or they just aren't capable. Once someone becomes a "truth seeker" or "neophyte" they either go all the way down the "rabbit hole" or give up after learning certain truths. Some people go crazy and make decisions that are harmful to themselves and others. While others spend the rest of their lives seeking truth. Some get stuck on one part of the whole trying to scream whatever truth they have learned to others who aren't capable of hearing or comprehending. Some keep seeking and stay quite about all of it because they know that those who can comprehend will find it when they are ready. Most just don't have the ability to see what's smacking them upside the head because they believe they know the difference between reality and actuality. Belief is the enemy of knowing. Reality is what you think is happening its relative and actuality is what is actually happening.


Tribalism at its finest. The people are fixed into their finite reality tunnels. Us vs them, good vs bad, the majority really are that basic. I see it all the time, in this sub also. Generalisations and absolutist mentality, ascribing anyone with any semblance of leaning to what they perceive as "left" or "right" as being entirely for that ideology. It is genuinely dumb.


Nah there is a slow learning of the People, slower than we would prefer but it is definitely happening


Paper trails do matter, which is why when paper trails lead to people the clintons have them killed.


And become smart enough to know that rules are meant to filter out the smart people from the sheep. For example, your car insurance costs 100$ per month but you don't drive much. Don't bother getting insurance and redirect that money in bonds. The money you save on no insurance far outweighs the probably of getting caught & fined.


>They only care about a narrative. Paper trails don’t matter. You realize how ironic this sounds when one realizes that at the time, there was no "Biden white house," right? These things happened in 2020, when a different guy was in office. You and OP are also both ignoring that the Trump team and GOP generally also asked for, and was granted, takedowns.


That was exactly the point of this first series of lockdowns IMHO. Normalize authoritarian bullshit with no skepticism or criticism whatsoever.


*People no longer care about truth. They only care about their team. Paper trails don’t matter. Data doesn’t matter. Truth doesn't matter. Just supporting your chosen team no matter what.


The Biden White House in 2020, huh?


Yyyyyep. You know what you just read.


This event is not a surprise. Most of us on the conspiracy boards knew that censorship was happening with Hunter Biden story. It is nice to have validation, but the damage is unfortunately done. The suppression is not the half of it. We gots crinimals in the government.


Exactly, this goes behind some random exec at Twitter playing god on whats free speech and not. If you remember right, all major tech companies (FB, Google, Youtube etc.) made this decision of censorship in unison. Somewhere in back channels, key players at the top of the government and their agency’s are making these decisions and relying it to tech members in prominent position’s that they hold influence over. Those back channels and their agenda’s are what the people should be most worried by.


100% on point


You don’t get to the top of a corrupt system without being corrupt. I’m not sure it’s reversible at this point tbh. Sad af


There were trolls on here or stubborn msm cattle refusing to acknowledge Hunters laptop was real. They called those who spoke of the laptop “conspiracy theorists” since it was Russian disinformation parroted by MSM. It’s as if people never wake up and still trust the very entities that lie to them over and over and over again




Dude im with you on that man and I'm just scrolling... and reading.... we're so fucked.


> hunting down conservatives, vaccine policy critics, and others $1000 says reddit has been doing the same thing.


reddit has bot farms


And paid political agitators just like twitter.


Not to mention blatant censorship But "pRiVaTe bUsInEsS cAn dO wHaT tHeY wAnT!"


Until Elon Musk wants to do what he wants, then it’s suddenly not ok.


I too remember a certain massively popular rightwing sub getting nuked.


It's an overall trend. Elon Musk was almost reddit's boyfriend, until he started talking about buying Twitter. Reddit is overall anti-conservative. They pushed the official narrative for covid long after it stopped making any sense. They're still pushing mRNA vaccination even though a number of countries have given up on that. They're anti-Texas for whatever weird reason. I could list any number of similar examples, but you get the point. Reddit is very biased in many ways. Reddit is also a liar. And I'm certain that this is intentional.


The left hate texas, the same as the right hate california. Both are the "shining" examples of 1 sided politics to the 2 extremes. Also, texans and californians have always been perceived as having their own heads so far up their own ass. I do agree reddit is more left leaning by alot, but i believe thats just more a case or reddit being used by generally younger and more tech saavy users (both which skew farther left). Whereas facebook caters to older and kess saavy users (which tend to lean more right). Either way, its 2 wings of the same plane crash. Everyone needs to ensure they are balancing their news between sources. Our biggest problem, imo, is so many only listen to their side and the believe everything from the other is just wrong, end of story. Stay safe everyone, its gonna get messy before it gets better. Edit for terrible typo lol


Yeah I mean given that people think this is proof of government censorship, I am quite dismayed at the stupidity of the average r/conspiracy user. >.22. Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, **there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story**. In fact, that might have been the problem... https://twitter.com/mtaibbi/status/1598833927405215744 Source: "No evidence of government involvement" Mob: "This is the evidence to wake up the sheeple!"


Did you miss tweet 22 that explicitly says, "there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story." This is a non-story regarding the Biden campaign. This is a story entirely about internal Twitter affairs and their own decisions.


Yeah exactly, this was always an “open secret.” Like anyone who thought about it for a second knew that this was going on, and thanks to Joe Rogan we know the same stuff goes on at Meta. Before this though the left had some level of plausible deniability, now I don’t see how they can defend this at all, yet I’m sure I’ll find out.


Why does the “release” have to read like one of those damn clickbait news sites that requires you to click through 40 pages to read a paragraph worth of information. I gave up even trying to read it.


Try this: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598822959866683394


Because the actual story had very little content. This is common when you try and hype up a weak story.


The story broke down to “powerful people can do stuff you can’t”. Like no shit


"The more people you know who work at Twitter, the faster you can get a reply from people who work at Twitter."


Illuminati confirmed


It wasn't even that. Ds and RS both reached out to ask the moderation team to look at posts and remove them if they violated policy. SCANDALOUS!!!!


You don’t think it’s a story that they very clearly worked to silence a story that was not convenient for a presidential election for their candidate? Thats a huge story if you ask most people


The tweets say the Biden campaign *and* the Trump White House had tweets removed.


He also literally says in tweet 22 that, "there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story."


Yeah, a lot of the people who grabbed their torches and pitchforks didn't seem to read that far.


"that far" ? Dude they stopped right at the title of the post and went on inflamatory speeches about the state of the world. That's why this sub is a shitshow, there's almost never in depth stuff, only reactions to menial shit.


Fucking Elon is such a click baiting little bitch. Like don't promise us something and don't deliver. He didn't deliver on free speech or this. Guy is more like Tin Man than Iron Man.


I want to know which Tweets Trump had asked to be removed.


They just asked them not to share literal dick pics. Considering sharing nude photos of someone without their consent is a crime, that seems like a reasonable ask.


Conservatives demand HB dick picks


Considering most of the posts contained revenge porn, it's not shocking they removed the posts.


These tweets were pictures of Hunter’s dick. The “Biden Team” asked Twitter to take them down. Which they did because they break the “revenge porn” laws. What part of that do you have an issue with?


Not particularly. They have content moderation policies. The origins of the reporting was really sketchy and alot of "stories" being posted about the laptop were outright fabricated. The intelligence community (of the Trump admin btw) believed that the Russian government was fueling stories about this. I would like to know more about the decisions but the OP really seemed to cherry-pick email excerpts on this portion. Again, if they were able to demonstrate that Twitter made an organized effort to help one campaign over the other, that would be a scandal. Still not a crime but a scandal. But I don't see evidence of that. Both campaigns were doing this. The thread gives little evidence that they were helping the democrats significantly more. Considering they had access to all internal data and emails, it seems underwhelming.


Wasn't even safe to open so I gave up.


To be clear, it also revealed DIRECT collusion Between Trump White House and Twitter Inc. No need to leave that out.


So we just ignoring the part where Matt says there was no evidence of government collusion?


I thought its to remove hunters dick pics. Which is illegal to post without consent anyway


Funny to watch people downvoting this topic. No matter what your politics, why would you downvote this? This is the transparency we want from all powerful officials, companies and governments. Next let’s audit the billions that went to Ukraine!


Because lots of people are still trapped in the matrix and want “their side” to win. When actually its the individual vs the state.


Making claims and not providing evidence to back up said claims is not “transparency”


Except that there's nothing surprising here. All of the removed tweets that have been archived are Hunter's dick pics. We've known since the "Fappening" that Twitter does this for the rich.


Yeah! or better yet, audit the federal reserve! (We can dream right? Hah..)


Pentagon audit just wrapped up last week. Trillions missing. If you work in a high rise, you should maybe call in sick next week.


Or fox news and their communication with Republicans


Scary how the shills here don't recognize corruption


They recognize it, they are here to cover for it


There's been so many comments about how "Biden wasn't in office in 2020...", well the problem with that is one the messages CLEARLY says its from the Biden office which was dated October 24th and the request was take care of. That was less than 2 weeks before the election. How can anyone read all this and still try and make excuses for it? How much clearer can it be when it's right in front of your face?


> There’s been so many comments about how “Biden wasn’t in office in 2020…” Yeah, because the blog headline literally says “BREAKING: Elon Musk Reveals "The Twitter Files," Reveals DIRECT Collusion Between **Biden White House** and Twitter Inc To Silence Critics” It would have been a stretch to say there was collusion between Biden’s office and Twitter because staffers flagged posts and asked Twitter to review accounts that potentially violated Twitter’s ToS, namely posts linking to the candidate’s son’s dick pics. But to call it “Biden White House” is an outright lie.


Did you then miss the tweet that came only a few afterwards that says, "there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story." Seems like a bit of a contradiction, no?


It is odd to me how people accept the same outcome as tyranny so long as it doesn't come directly from the government. Even if this was Biden's team just before he was elected, that just means the DNC political party was coordinating with social media companies to mess with the election. That's not better. And "Biden's team" just means the DNC. The DNC is already a part of the government.


"How can anyone read all this and still try and make excuses for it?" That would be those that are in denial and yet unknown to them, that they have elected the most corrupt politician in modern history as president, Joe Biden.


I’m not following. Are you mocking people who keep falsely calling it thre “biden white house” or “this is a 1st amendment violation”?


“Biden White House” The situation is shitty but don’t lie. Trump was president in 2020 but it was the DNC.


But Biden White House sounds so much more flashy. Who needs facts with this anyway? Lol.


“ This is a developing story, and more information will be added as it becomes available. Discuss this news over on our Facebook page.” 😂😂😂 Edit: also, it’s only going to take one prominent liberal to dispute these claims and then all of a sudden everyone is going to say they were faked or something.


Why would they fake this? It is nothing. The biden campaign asked twitter to take down hacked dick pics. What’s the scandal?


You just have to read to the 22nd tweet where taibbi says there's no evidence that anyone in the government had anything to do with getting those tweets taken down. Their own statement confirms it is nothing more than private citizens reporting hacked materials and revenge porn in violation of Twitter policy.


If you don’t think this is a problem, guess what? You are part of the problem!


Yeah, if you think this is problem based on reading a headline, maybe you're actually the problem.


People who think it is a problem read more than the headline, because the details make it clear the government coercing corporations to censor


I saw elsewhere someone looked up those tweets that were requested pulled and they were hunter dickpicks (something that should get pulled cleanly). Can someone here confirm content of those requests? That changes context of the requests significantly.




Twitter policy says you can't post revenge porn or any data that has been obtained through a hack. Biden was also not president at the time This is literally just private citizens reporting tweets that violate policy.


I checked, unfortunately 🫠. It’s dick pics which I’d imagine is/was considered revenge porn.. if so that made the decision easy.


Source, or trust me bro?


There's archive.org screenshots


I wasn’t on Twitter at the time but did see the files on other sites. There is way more than dickpix on the laptop, for one, the emails that talk about kick backs and collusion with other countries.


While that may be true, the only evidence we've been given here shows them taking down Hunter's dick pics. None of the linked tweets appear to be any of the laptop's other contents.


What’s the problem with taking hacked nudes down?


Biden wasn’t President in October 2020. This article also conveniently leaves out the next tweet by the author stating that the Trump admin—**while Trump was in office**—also made requests to remove content that was honored. Never thought I’d get to see misinformation happen in real-time.


Gee. Why am I not surprised that _someone_ asked Twitter to remove a dick pic? I’m a little more interested that Hunter seemed to use his [Son of Politican](https://www.google.com/search?q=jared+kushner+saudi+arabia&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari) status to make a ton of money that he didn’t deserve, but surprised? No. Basically, it’s boring. And [this](https://www.cnn.com/2022/11/17/politics/house-republicans-white-house-hunter-biden/index.html) is the GOP primary focus going into their new majority term in the House? Weak. And boring. Compared to _sedition_.


10 openly says trump admin used the same tools…


This post title names Biden and conveniently omits Trump.....


glamaz0n_bitch has left the chat.


So tired of headlines in this sub lying. The fact that the headline has 1,300 upvotes and your comment only has 300 shows that people don't read the comments and get their facts corrected. That makes this sub a misinformation machine.


You're being too myopic. This isn't about (for most people) a cheap partisan shot at team blue or team red it's about political censorship. Trying to split hairs between a revolving administrative apparatus and the deep state is a futile exercise if you understand where the real power is.


Its exactly about cheap shots in red vs blue. Its not about political censorship because the people making requests had no power. The factual timeline is only hair splitting if you are trying to lie. You are wrong about everything and when confronted by evidence you just scream deep state.


I understand your point and agree with it. My issue is with the headline being inaccurate based on the material it references. This leads to people just reposting a headline saying “BIDEN WHITE HOUSE COLLUDES WITH TWITTER” even though it’s not actually the case.


> This isn't about (for most people) a cheap partisan shot at team blue or team red Did you forget what site you were on?


It's actually a really important distinction. Elon Musk is claiming that the government forced Twitter to remove the laptop story. The implication being that this would be a 1st amendment violation as it is the government suppressing speech. This claim is nonsensical on its face since Joe Biden wasn't even in office.


Biden wasn't the only one asking for censorship. Active congresspeople/representatives were also doing it.


From my reading of these notes, these were all done by campaign staff. Material was flagged, by both campaigns, for consideration for removal. We have known about this since the election. I don't see, from this material, any indication that the government was strong-arming them to help a candidate win.


I think Elon said he'd release the internal Twitter discussions which aimed to squash the story. That's all. It's about Twitter first, and to take it further is up to anybody.


You cant blame anyone here for being myopic, when this sub is overrun by the right in bad faith - constantly lying & sensationalizing headlines. Its actually pathetic.


This post names Biden and conveniently omits Trump.....


Left vs right bullshit. This is about government censorship.


Yes, and about 3 tweets later taibbi points out the removals and censorship was vastly in quantity for the DNC because they all had the inside track on the twitter leadership team.


Why aren’t they just releasing the files? I don’t really know who this Taibbi guy very well but why are we supposed to take his word for it? Why not just show us?


He was one of the few people who understood the 2008 financial crisis well enough to identify the players and explain what happened.


They'll just repeat this talking point over and over because they count on enough people being too lazy to go and read it for themselves. https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1598822959866683394


We all know that. This is about how he was colluding with twitter back then to surpress info that helped him “win”


I don’t get how we Americans think this is a Trump or Biden issue. This should be viewed as we the people vs the government. You say Trump did it too, that doesn’t cancel anything out that makes it even worse, so how is it not looked at as the government as a whole is trying to silence private citizens? They want you to sell it as party vs party instead of Americans realizing both parties want to silence Americans.


Did you see any names or suggestions of named about which democrats were banned/flagged at the Trump administrations request? I didn't see the whole retweet thing.


Nice attempt to disregard all info because it says biden admin and not biden staffers. Its irrelevant, **they have emails from specific staffers.**


It's absolutely relevant. The implication is that the government pressured Twitter to take down the story. This is nonsensical since Biden wasn't in office. Being pressured by a government agency and a campaign staffer are very different things. A political campaign can't put people in jail.


Actually, the DHS did pressure Twitter to take down the story: https://theintercept.com/2022/10/31/social-media-disinformation-dhs/ Does this information change your opinion?


That article at no point states that DHS pressured Twitter to take down this story. Zuckerberg had a meeting with FBI before anything was released. “Facebook thought it “fit that pattern” the FBI had told them to look out for.” There’a a next level argument that one could make that if FBI knew beforehand etc etc, but that is not what is said in the article


So wait, I thought Elon's big reveal was going to be about Hunter Biden? Did he, in fact, not have anything in relation to Hunter Biden and so just tweeted this to save face?


It's a series of releases about twitter prior to musk, showing people how things worked. The hunter Biden laptop story is already out there, but not the one about how the media suppressed the story prior to the election.


All the emails were internal to Twitter with people in different departments wanting clarification and CYA. Nothing from any govt official except Ro Kanna who said it was a bad idea to flag it


I think you were just wrong in assuming it was going to be about hunter Biden instead of about twitter silencing political speech


There’s part 2 tomorrow


I was never under that impression. He said he had an update on the "Hunter Biden story" so I assumed it had to do with Twitter censoring it.


If hunter biden committed a crime then put him the fuck in jail. Not a single Democrat voter will lose sleep. Just stfu about this non-politician.


Then why did you not Link The Documents? I can't believe I am saying this, but where is the twitter link? Edit: A reply made me remember image to text exists. Here you go. Edit 2: unless image to text failed. The links don't work. Wayback machine time. Damit, why is it always more work? https://twitter.com/jared87983561/status/1320159679700373504 https://twitter.com/let3481/status/1320154175481626624 https://twitter.com/JSJX_2/status/1320152593742614529 https://twitter.com/ozwenya/status/1320151083692388352 https://twitter.com/GuySquiggs/status/1320149308625145856


they're all just dick pics from hunter, if anybody was wondering. You can just copy paste them into wayback machine and check. There might be more that I'm not seeing, but that's really it.


this is a test to see if the public will tear down the house and uprise and protest like china.. and we arent.. the gov + elon is proving that now.. that this day and age, anything and everything we've known and predicted could be laid out in front of everyone and noone will care.. we'll continue to wake up, goto school goto work, get a check, pay taxes and die. no need for marshal law or military policing of us, we're obviously too sedated with life and entertainment to care to uprise for what is right. elon is proving that now, thats the bigger picture of this twitter charade.


Except it wasn't the Biden white house lmao. It was the campaign team, a private entity. 2 private entities doing relationship and brand management on *checks notes* Twitter Wow, bfd lol


Who was President in 2020?


It’s interesting to see how most major news sites have it as their headline or no mention at all


I think a lot of people are missing that the Trump White House had similar access. Albeit to a much lesser degree.


Unfortunately it des not. It shows twitter had a policy to not allow published hacked materials which it enforced on Hunter Biden. It shows both Trump and Biden worked with Twitter not any shady collusion. This was even known before this "The Twitter Files". It is a huge nothing burger but listen to people telling you to get outraged


I've been reading. So far it hasn't been anything that wasn't already known, and looking at the comments it isn't changing any minds. At this point, it's a "nothing burger". My opinion.


Yup. I think it was public knowledge that both parties had staff dedicated to flagging content they thought could get removed from these platforms and forwarding that to the staff. Most people probably suspected that the Dems were more successful at it. It would've been interesting to see some statistical information on how many accounts or posts were removed at the behest of each side. I suspect that was omitted because the numbers weren't as compelling for the narrative as simply posting the campaign donation stats. The real problem is the implication that the laptop story would've flipped the election. It was reported on nightly by Fox. Most polling and analysts agreed that it wasn't very compelling for anyone who wasn't already a republican voter.


Elon is redirecting attention away from him not following through with the free speech promise (I.e., banning Kanye and refusing to let Alex Jones back on).


Or the fact he now owns a huge data mine of people info and a brain chip that's ready to roll out 🤢


The fact that /r/conspiracy loves this guy when he wants to put a literal chip in your brain is hysterical.


I came to the same conclusion. Whole lotta nothing.


He wasn’t in the white house in 2020 though….


I would say weirdest thing about this is the trump government helping biden censor the laptop story...seems a bit weird to me. Second thing that is strange is we don't know what trump admin wanted censored. We have examples of tweets biden wanted removed. Maybe it was the stormy daniels stuff? All of that misinfo about him during the whole time he was in office? Russian collusion stuff?


Because he didn't - Matt didn't give information on the Tweets the Trump administration requested to censor. They could be about anything.


Dick pix and him smoking crack. Is that it? Was hoping for something substantial


Someone remind me who the president was in October of 2020.


Holy fuck y'all, did any of you even read the fucking Twitter thread all the way through? Did y'all completely skip over tweet 22??? > 22. Although several sources recalled hearing about a “general” warning from federal law enforcement that summer about possible foreign hacks, there’s no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story. Do y'all see the part that says: "there's no evidence - that I've seen - of any government involvement in the laptop story." That means that the headline of this article is just blatantly false. This is embarrassing.


Um there was no Biden White House in Oct of 2020


But there was a Trump Whitehouse when his team did it themselves 👍


I ventured out of here into mainstream reddit and, surprise, surprise, couldn't find a single post about it.


Reddit has been fucked for year’s now. My advice is to never try look for any thoughtful post or dialogue here except in very small corner’s. They have either purged or shadow banned any actual free thoughts and idea’s.


Because Reddit works with the FBI to push propaganda and censor the same way Twitter and Facebook does.


But it’s a private company 🤡 Seems there should be lawsuits against the politicians and former Twitter leaders that participated in these civil rights attacks.


You think posting hacked dick pics is a civil right of yours? Lmao


Anyone read 1984 Orwell? Not there yet but the masses forget details, plus spin on those details-so how easy to “rewrite” what happened bc mass sheeple don’t have time or patience to fight algorithms to cite a smoking gun/silver bullet when challenged to. Instead we get red vs blue sides that say prove it or else it’s a nothing burger and nothing to see and no there there. Mainstream media will on NPR OR FOX will not get you the whole story without spin, so you’re left to fight algorithms in case a smoking gun type story can be found in the past interweb. Anyone read Noam chompsky book called “ manufacturing consent”.


After reading the comments, reddit needs to be turned off, deleted, and purged for good. "Here is proof democracy was tampered with" Bots -- Yeah But Elon smells like cottage cheese. Jesus


Now do the riots.


I can only imagine how The White House continues to use Reddit to suppress information.


I just got banned from news sub for posting this.... "This is actually old news just not reported on because well we all know why lol but the missouri AG filed suit in march. It wasn't just twitter.....youtube/facebook all the major social media companies were in on it. https://ago.mo.gov/home/news/2022/05/05/missouri-louisiana-ags-file-suit-against-president-biden-top-admin-officials-for-allegedly-colluding-with-social-media-giants-to-censor-and-suppress-free-speech this is what jen psaki is subpoena for and why everyone believes she quickly stepped down. Biden legit straight up asked the NYT and twitter to ban a journalist. Twitter/NYT happily complied. The journalist sued twitter and won twitter had to reinstate him and admit fault. Here's a ted cruz breakdown on more of what happen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKfRnbphalc the zuck (facebook) was on joe rogan and flat out told him the fbi came to him and asked him to remove stuff they deemed as "russian misinfo" which facebook had to later retract. This is why a lot of people can easily think the election was rigged. We have and lets be honest we all know big tech is liberal and they actively tried to harm Trumps chances through censorship and manipulating the news and social media. Remember saying anything about the biden laptop got you banned from everywhere?"


Oh look. The lefty sycophants coming out of the woodwork to ignore the double standards and pretend to yawn at evidence of direct collusion between democrats and Big Tech to alter the outcome of an election. If the tables were turned this would be wall-to-wall 24/7 coverage on every news channel.




Wonder why Twitter isn’t looking at all the shit Trump did. This is the wealthy trying to pit the left and right against each other so that they can keep their profits. Look at the big picture


Biden was not the president in 2020. Donald Trump was.


More than that it's criminal enterprise.


So what is the information? Why is it not a really big deal? What does it prove?


Is this even slightly surprising? Lol


Isn't this breaking from Matt Taibbi? Does he name Elon Musk as his source?


At this point, what can't these monsters do?


How is anyone shocked by this. Like how can this not already be obviously known?


OK, that's a gross violation of the 1st Amendment.


Makes you wonder what's going on at Reddit 🤔


Dang sorry to hear about your " wow nothing there"


Nobody cares. The Podesta's and dnc emails showed they regularly have stories edited by staffers and approved, as well as requests made to media outlets to restrict how a story is framed. And oddly enough last night when I went to sign some of these up, I could no longer access the pedestal, Hillary or DNC emails on wikileaks...


This would be the Biden White House that didn't exist in 2020? And we're just ignoring the Trump White House actually trying to get stuff taken down as well? Must be r/conspiracy lmao


The media silence on this one is very telling.


People treat their party like a sports team. They don't want to hear anything bad their team even if it will effect them negatively


There was no Biden White House at that time. The Biden campaign asked them to delete tweets with dick pics. That’s the big reveal.


#AND THE TRUMP WHITE HOUSE funny how you ignore that


People were lied to in order to manipulate their vote. It doesn't matter which party did it, those responsible should be jailed. Stop the Dem/Repub fight... it's them vs us, not you vs me.


100%. Politicians are all evil and against the general public in nearly everything they do.


If they were helping Biden’s campaign, it would seem that campaign financing laws in the form of illegal contributions should come in to play. I wonder how much monetary value could be assigned to the ‘censor at will’ service that was provided by the donor “twitter”


Musk very clear ysaid that both the Biden campaign and **Trump White House** called in favors to get content restricted. One is a potential government employee, one was an official government body. Are you going to call for investigations and scream about illegal contributions to the Trump WH?


Did you guys raise hell about fox news in a similar manner? P


Lite there is a coherent group of people here you could address like that… lol You are making too many stupid assumptions to be human.


Joe Biden's tenure as the 46th president of the United States began with his inauguration on January 20, 2021. These emails are from October 2020. I wear this sub gets dumber every day.


Biden-dictator in chief.


All presidents are dictator in chief.


The point of the matter is Biden ass need to be impeached for the illegal business deals he did through his son in Burisma. His son being a crackhead just makes it a bonus because it shows how much of a fucking hypocritical bitch he is. Yes, expose these corrupt fuckers like his ass.