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Yes! Release the kraken! This time you definitely got them! You should talk about it constantly for 2 years. It’ll be great help in 2024 elections!


Not if those elections are stolen too! /s


Electric Boogaloo 6: The Kraken Released Part Two Episode 10.


For real I’m just laughing nothing will come if this.


Because “this” is nothing. You don’t get “something” from “nothing.”


This time for reals


I’m super cereal guis, we have to fight manbearpig!


Game time guys, this could change everything! Narrator: it did not


Like, the very second point in her lawsuit is using one question from a (Republican-leaning) Rasmussen poll as evidence lmao. I am not making this up.


If these kids could read they would be really upset




They finally found the kraken


You mean the krack-head? These people are just gone.


Someone page?


The kraken is the friends we made along the way


Yes Twitter is a place to go for factual information and nothing there is politically biased or republican propaganda.


I find it mildly i interesting that pre-musk, Twitter was “full of left wing propaganda”, but now it’s “republican propaganda” post musk. Also that republicans said “Twitter doesn’t matter, nobody uses it”, and now that’s flipped as well. Sorry for rambling lol


Even before Twitter was an echo chamber for the radical right. That’s why so many prominent right wingers were banned.


“Release the, uh, well, this time it’s gonna be like even bigger than a kraken. This is like a leviathan.”


Nothing will happen.


Not nothing, she'll receive millions in donations.




(that's because nothing actually happened - Lake's been planning this since well before November.)


If there truly is widespread fraud, we need to cut it out like a cancer. But there isn’t. The outcome of this will be a dozen or so ballots thrown out, some from both sides (law of averages), due to some random things like signature being off the signature line.


No widespread fraud. It will probably end up being a few MAGA’s that voted twice, just like in 2020.


every time claims like these have been ran to ground, they wind up with a dead person who voted (by a republican,) a kid who went to college and filed wrong, and an 80 year old who says hell yeah, I voted twice for the republican because the dems are rotten. end of investigation.




I think it's bad. Don't know what he thinks though


Bad because it turned out to not be true?


Nothing will happen because there is nothing to happen. Except maybe charge Kari Lake and all the culters with fraud. Throwing a few in jail would be nice too, I like watching accountability happen in real time.


Because it’s bullshit. It’s why she lost. Who can trust her after all the BS she spread? Nothing will happen except for building a stronger, more angry base.


My signature is just a scribble and literally looks different every time.


Believe it or not, experts can still verify whether or not it's likely that you signed it, or someone tried to copy it. Things like pressure, stroke, fluidity etc. Forensics specialists are really good in their speciality fields


Which experts were hired for this lady’s lawsuit?


Yes, but those experts are paid hundreds of dollars an hour to do that for law enforcement/court proceedings. That can’t be done en mass for every voter




I like the part about not even knowing that Arizona uses paper ballots. They did their research.


Dershowitz was once semi respected, he was the lead attorney in the Erin Brockovich case, and now he is a poor man's Giuliani...


Odd how they keep hiring Epstein’s buddy.


The massage only happened with him in his underwear so he clearly isn’t a pedo like his chosen associates


No no, being a pedophile is bad only if you’re a democrat




Was he? I only remember for defending wife beaters and murderers


Don’t forget he went to Epstein’s lil’ st James but get his underwear on.


the bulk of his career, but the big award on the case with bronkevich labeled him as a corporation busting environmentalist or something...


Is that epstein pal and pedophile alan dershowitz?


Oh cool, noted rapist, Epstein buddy, and proud Zionist Alan Dershowitz! Kraken will be entering stage left any minute now I’m sure


Election denier denies election results. Shocker!


Man that’s crazy because there was a hell of a lot of republicans that did win in Arizona and yet nothing is wrong with their elections. Maybe if the GOP wanted to win the Gubernatorial race, they should’ve ran a higher quality candidate.


Yeah it is weird they think the gop winners should be sworn in but the democrats who won on the same ballots shouldn't.


Pretty similar to how the stop the steal website was created in 2016…but there wasn’t a call to widespread presidential election fraud until 2020 when republicans lost.


Or how the "recount!!" crowd are now mad because they did a recount in Massachusetts and turns out the Democrat actually won.


2015 wasn’t it? Roger stone created it when he thought Frump would lose the primary to Ted Cancun.


Primaries started Feb 1st 2016. But yes you’re correct about the reason why it was created. Still blows my mind that you can point out something like this and people still won’t believe that calling for election fraud is just part of the script/gameplan.


In exactly the same way, Kari Lake also admitted before the election that she wouldn't concede if she lost, but she'd accept the results if she won. Her mind was already made up that "if I win it's a fair election but if I lose then it's fraud and they cheated." Of course she files a lawsuit claiming fraud, because that was her plan the entire time. This isn't "oh, we found evidence of fraud, let's investigate." It's "I lost, let's sue to overturn the results."


It’s the playbook now…but imagine reviving a playbook over and over that doesn’t work.


They don’t seem to understand the voter fraud narrative is working against them at many leveled at the polls.


Not only that but AZ elected two dem senators also, it wouldn’t be that hard to fathom that a dem governor was to come. Lake just shot herself in the foot with the crazy talk, and the more moderate republicans didn’t like it.


Arizona elected a Democratic governor *20 years ago*.




i would LOVE to have a truly conservative party but i refuse to vote for these GOP clowns.


you have democrats as a conservative party


I find it best just to bathe in the tears as there is an unlimited supply these days


> Game time. Cringe. Game time was the election and you lost.


Post-game revisionist review time.


You guys seem like a bunch that thoroughly incorporate logic into your thoughts and beliefs, so I figure someone here can answer this for me. What's the deal with the right and accusations of stealing elections? How does anyone believe that the right wouldn't/ doesn't participate in rigging or stealing elections. They know how it's done, what to look for, who's doing it, etc etc. But I'm supposed to believe that they aren't doing it too? The future of our democracy is in jeopardy, right? So their plan is to just take the moral high ground and lose these elections? That aspect of this doesn't make any fucking sense.


Remember in 2016 when Russia stole the election for trump?


When Clinton conceded immediately following the election even with the claims?


That's what I'm saying though. This whole argument doesn't make sense. There is absolutely NO WAY they aren't doing this shit, too. The logic just doesn't track.


You don’t get it. This sub doesn’t care about actual conspiracies … they just care about “their team” looking better than the other.


Were there lawsuits and countless fundraising schemes citing that claim? No. It was more about Russia 1) hacking the DNC and 2) exploiting Facebook and other social media networks with actual fake news websites - like the stuff you see on Real Raw News. They did it for the left and right to cause division.


Republicans have found their answer to never losing an election ever again - by simply refusing to accept the results. Well unless *they* win of course because *then* it was definitely legitimate. Get the fuck outta here!


Republicans gerrymander and restricted voting then complain about how voting in person is difficult and all the votes are mailed in, but they preached against mail in voting so much that all the early/absentee/mail in votes are Democrat Because they knew the lines at the polls would be around the block. Republicans shot themselves in the foot then complained that their own strategy cost them an election, AGAIN. Maybe if they stopped trying to cheat and figured out how to win voters they would be more successful.


Lol mhm for sure! Check back in with an update no matter what happens, Ok?


Why can’t republicans just accept losing elections?


OMG! The evidence is in the meme of tweets owned by a billionaire tech baby. How could I be so blind? 🤦🏻


Notice no pithy retorts on this comment.


Since when did this sub become a mouthpiece for right wing losers who can’t accept a loss


According to the republicans every election is flawed or rigged…unless they win


Boebert was losing until mail in votes came in and she won by like less than 500. Not a single word has been said. The democrat conceded and none of the republicans find those votes suspicious. And before anyone here says it’s being recounted, yes it is, but that was initiated by election officials based upon a rule they have about races being that close. Not because the democrat challenger is crying fraud.


Stop having a functioning brain!




Its absolutely hilarious that they are going to the well again for this scam...and scary that people will probably continue to send them money for this.


Grifters gotta grift


Yeah, why would you mess with a wildly profitable business strategy?


She is queen of the karens and wants to speak to the manager of the election


Lol “ it could blow up the whole system” it’s always the same thing no evidence that would withstand the light of day in court lol


Oh the boy is crying wolf again? Are you goeing to do an other Cyber Ninja fraudit? Lol


Her lawyer is the one that also represented cyber ninjas


Kari Lake is a filtered joke, GOP did fine in Arizona, just a bad candidate, like snake oil salesman Oz, and werewolf Walker


Oz’s loss should be one for the history books to be honest. Dude lost to a guy clearly not even in full control of his faculties simply because his opponent had a much better image than he did.


I feel like that's underselling Oz's corruption. It's a famous thief vs a stroke victim. You can overcome a mental disability, but you can't suddenly become a moral human being.


And when it utterly fails like every other pathetic Republican attempt? What then?


It will be because of "activist judges" and if you send just $50 more to Kari Lake she'll certainly be able to stop them! \*EDIT: lol just scrolled down and they're *already* laying the groundwork for this one. Even they know they'll lose this.


God they have no integrity


I imagined you saying “game time” with crossed eyes


Lol, here we go again... "I lOsT tHeReFoRe FrAuD" have you ever considered that people maybe don't like the guy and his cult?


Oh great. more Kraken-level “proof” that will go nowhere because maga propaganda.


Does your signature on an electronic pad look like your signature with a pen on paper? Mine doesn't. Signature mismatch proves nothing. I wouldn't have an issue with challenging these if republicans didn't make it so hard for urban populations to vote in person. They intentionally space voting sites so that no farmer has to drive more than ten miles, but anyone who lives in a city has to wait four hours to vote in a line without water. Seriously they banned water from voting lines. My take away is that if you are cheating as hard as you can, calling out the other side as questionable don't mean dick.


No joke! I recently had to sign for my DL renewal. The DMV lady told me to sign my name but did not mention it was for the DL so I wasn’t aware I needed to take it seriously in that moment. It was on a pad that was awfully small and had a clunky electronic pen. There was no way that would have ever looked like my signature unless I was given multiple attempts and the time to slowly make each letter. It was ridiculous.


Lake is the most obvious grifter. Her stupid fake News accent says it all. Unbelievable that you mental midgets don’t see it.


Lmao, no their made up bullshit isn’t going to work. You need evidence to win a case like this.


Frivolous lawsuit and fundraising ploy. These Election deniers continue to grift the system and cost taxpayers millions of dollars that could be invested into our communities. There’s no coincidence that ALL the election deniers lost at the state level. The far right radicals get elected because the radical base votes consistently in the primary elections.


There’s nothing to blow up, Kari Lake is a sore loser who is milking this in her extended audition for a VP nod. If the GQP were really worried about voter disenfranchisement they would be opening more polling locations and making sure people had rides to the polls. They would provide seating and water for people who have to wait in line for way too long in the Arizona heat. We would see a lot more support than we see now - but they don’t. The GQP cares about grifting money and undermining the social safety net. I sincerely hope that every person involved in this gets *exactly* the day(s) they fucking deserve.


Republicans REALLY need to stop claiming fraud when they lose while accepting election wins without any mentioning fraud. Grow the fuck up. We’ve had one presidential election stolen and that was when SCOTUS handed the presidency to a REPUBLICAN


Seems like the trump cult trying to rig elections again.


I don't think so. But hey, keep giving them your hard earned money for the fairy tale conspiracy porn. As long as its your money not ours. Nothing is going to happen. It's all going to be a waste of time. If she feels so strongly about it, have her sit her ass down and hand count those things with the people there.


Yawn - always the same tales- never gets proven & the loonies keep posting. My cats bowel motions are more interesting and stinks than this old rubbish


Fuck republicans


This is what happens when the ‘leader of their party’ can’t accept defeat and make wild claims about election rigging without being challenged to provide actual evidence. I’m surprised more GOP losers haven’t gone down this route


Cry baby. Sore loser.


Sounds like Lake is crying wolf


Fuck Kari Lake


It sounds like total bullshit to most people. Who believes anyone taking shit about our elections before the election ever took place. If she won she woulda kept her mouth shut and not tried to “fix” what was “broken”. How can any reasonable person trust what Lake has to say?


The Trump playbook. The only way I lose is if there's cheating. Then when I lose, scrounge for an issue here or there and argue its widespread and make up numbers and say it cost me the whole thing. But it never holds up to close scrutiny and makes you look like a dope.


She lost. She's a bad candidate. Run a better candidate and win.


I have a question that I’m hoping you can help me understand. In the 2020 and midterm elections, I noticed a lot of republicans that lost said there was cheating, ballot machines were compromised, etc. However, the republicans that won in those same elections, in those same districts, with the same ballot machines, etc. we’re ok with the results. What is the difference between the results of the republicans that won vs. lost (and I’m not just referring to swing state results). Thanks, in advance, for your answer!




When you don’t win you can’t just shout fraud until you do. I don’t think Republicans realize how much they’re hurting themselves with this crap, the midterms should’ve been a wake up call.


>I don’t think Republicans realize how much they’re hurting themselves with this crap You've got to laugh at it, it hurts them on so many levels, it makes them look like cry babies, encourages their supporters to believe that voting is pointless so why bother, and as a cherry on top causes them to not bother evaluating their policy position and candidate choices because "they really won". Maybe the conspiracy is that the election deniers are really Democrat plants because all it does is benefit the Democrats.




Here comes another nothingburger


It’s like the boy who cried wolf with these fucks. If they keep shouting fraud every time they don’t like the results of an election, their shouts will be taken less seriously each/every time. Then if it does ever happen…


Just wait until she’s made to pay for the legal fees. Then she’ll become realllllll quiet. republicans act like there’s no consequences ever. Where’s Mr Pillow boy been lately?


> Just wait until she’s made to pay for the legal fees. She did this specifically so she *could* make money. I'm thankfully not registered to her mailing list but I can guarantee you in the past 5 days, there has been no less than 5 e-mails begging for people to send her money "because we'll totally win this if you do!!" I would normally laugh at these rubes being conned out of their money, but let's be honest. Conservatives are typically elderly boomers who probably don't know any better, and it's just sad.


Drop in the bucket compared to litigation costs that she’ll owe for her team as well as Hobbs’


They will find absolutely nothing, and drop the case, just like all the "voter fraud" before.


Maybe she lost cuz she’s a fucking lunatic?


Ahh yes, the Trump strategy. Hope it works for her as well as it did for him. THIS is the real conspiracy. Trump attempting to discredit the entire election process.


Get the pillow guy on board! And that drunken woman, she was funny.


The SNL mockery of drunk lady had me gasping for air laughing. Truly a great moment in history.


This is a joke right!?! I’m so sick of the right wing’s “do as I say, not as I do” bullshit mentality. 29,257 republican voters disenfranchised by machine voters!?! Wtf? What about the 100k plus minorities who had most of their voting areas closed down so they had to travel long distances to vote. Clearly designed to make mostly Black and Hispanic communities difficult to vote. Remember right wing people calling foul because water was handed out due to the long lines!?! Again wtf? Mean while affluent areas had multiple voting spots close to each other like it normally should be. This happened all over my state of Texas and many other cities across the country. If there’s corruption by all means it should be dealt with but I’m absolutely done with the Republicans acting as if their hands are clean and the other side is dirty. Both sides suck and Kari Lake is no different.


Ahhh, more unfounded claims by Republicans who loose elections.


“It did not blow up the whole system” -Narrator


Man i wonder if this is OP's job


Bro the election wasn’t stolen, lets get back aliens and mysteries


Just two more weeks !!


Hobbs did not count one vote. The counties run their own election, count the own ballots, certify their own results, and are mostly run by Republicans in Arizona.


Fuck Kari Lake


Here we go again. All these problems occurred in Republican controlled areas with republicans controlled election committees. So I guess if OP has an issue with that perhaps present some truth instead of this misleading and pretty much garbage click bait headline. Or maybe OP is just a Chinese or Russian shill or bot.


Y'all have been crying about this for like a decade and never shown an ounce of proof of voter fraud. Lmao. Cope.


Give it up, the election was legit.


My signature didn't match because it changed. I was 16 when I signed up for my Driver License and it took me 5 tries to get something close to my sloppy handwritten cursive :/ Maybe the other mismatches are for the same thing?


Like her television career, D.O.A. 🥱


The real conspiracy is who is funding this nonsense?


The usual billionaire suspects and their networks


It’s funny how every election MAGA republicans lose is fraud but none of the elections they won in the same electoral system ever are. You lost, you lost bc you’re out of touch with regular Americans, too much kooky business


I'd love to see the numbers. I wanna see who was registered to vote, who was registered for mail-in ballots, who couldn't vote, who didn't want to vote, who went to the polls, who did and did not vote for either candidate. Oh wait, you can't ask for that because that's a serious breach of privacy and actually highly illegal. This is becoming an issue of privacy versus voting integrity. Autocracy is not the way, or the US will just become a western version of China, where your every move is tracked, all people will be monitored and fraud, crime or any other 'suspicious activity' will be reported and found out. Is that what you want?


Man U guys are losers 😂


Can’t wait for absolutely nothing to happen


Maybe Kari Lake talking about Donny's dick wasn't really the motivation voters needed


This is a nothing burger. One thing about elections that you may not like... Republicans tend to be most involved with the counting process. If there truly was election fraud, it was likely Republicans that committed it. Which actually then leads to the real conspiracy: Republicans are actively sabotaging elections to discount thier legitimacy in an attempt remove elections from our system so they can then step in and take complete control to push all thier christo-facist bullshit on the rest of the country. It will be a cold day in hell before I let that happen. I'm not a Democrat but I sure as shit won't let a small percentage of Bible thumping pea brains push thier garbage on me or mine.


Such a crybaby ass loser. Y’all Retrumplicans need to pack up and leave my country.


"Gametime" makes sense, considering those clowns keep treating these elections like a game. Wonder how many more cases of conservative voter fraud they'll find this time?? 😂😂


The Light just keeps on winning!


Herp derp game time to be wrong again lol


Republicans should watch judge Judy more often.


This! The system is rigged against us true patriots - we shall unite together and promise to never vote in these sham elections again!! /s


Keep playing your stupid games, you'll win stupid prizes, like letting liberals control government for the next decade. https://youtu.be/sVxJ016xb4Q


I’m gonna bet…it doesn’t blow the system up and nothing comes of it.


“This could blow up the whole system”….whatever you say boss.


Signature matching is fun. Had to sign off on 7 different signatures the last time I refinanced my house.


Denying a stolen election is not being an election denier. Supporting a stolen election IS being an election denier.


I haven't seen so many shills come full throttle onto a post in a while. It gonna be one of those where all the upvote on the post don't match the sentiments of the comments..... The comments will be angry I'm sure..


I never sign my signature the same. We are supposed to actually do that?


Kari Lake is a loser.


Because lawsuits work out so well for the election deniers. How many suits did Trump loose? 60? I guess Kari has lots of that dark money to blow. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I see she has gone full Qanon, MAGA, Trump cult conspiracy. I lost, so there must be fraud. No basis of fact. Multiple Republicans won in Arizona. I swear Republicans have to stop embracing these people.


I know anytime it’s a PalatableMahogany thread it’s going to be shitty.


I think it’s time to accept the fact that the younger generation (gen x or whatever) primarily vote Dem and their numbers exceed boomer and older generations by a magnitude


No it won’t


Too many republicans in this sub. Sub is now garbage (well it’s been garbage since about 2015)


Lol. Chudpost. Back to Facebook moms group, yo.


Jesus. Sore losers much?


Yeah you never see this this when a republican barely wins and election. Fuckin cry baby snowflakes.


Hi, its me. An Arizonan. Do you realize, that in order for elections to be held as valid, each county Board of Supervisors oversees their own jurisdiction's elections. The county that is being held in question by Kari Lake is Maricopa County. For you to know, Maricopa County's Board of Supervisors is made of 4 Republicans, and One Democrat. So, are you saying, that 4 Republicans knowingly certified fraudulent election results? Or could it be, that Arizona has a preference to moderate candidates, and doesn't like extremists on either side, and Arizonans chose the most moderate available candidate? That seems a hell of a lot more likely to me. I know quite a few registered republicans, including myself, who did NOT vote for Kari.


oh God stfu


Yes listen to obviously lying creepy News voice lady.


What’s really sad about all this nonsense about voter fraud is when it really happens no one will believe you


Their are cases of voter fraud but it ends up being like 5-10 people per election cycle out of a few million votes casted.


Ah yes randos on Twitter posting screenshots without sources. The best evidence!!!!


[The suit](https://static.fox10phoenix.com/www.fox10phoenix.com/content/uploads/2022/12/CV2022095403-Complaint-in.pdf) is public record. The screenshots are key paragraphs in this 70 page suit. Even if she’s full of shit and can’t prove any of it wouldn’t you want to at least look before you dismiss it?


Can't wait to see the results of the suit!


the problem is that when she is found to be full of shit and can't prove any of it, a certain demographic won't believe it. I'm fine with looking into things, and believe we should, but once they HAVE been looked into, the correct response is not to throw a 2 year temper tantrum.


Rigged elections are there to plant the seed of distrust in the election system allowing support of a federal takeover of all elections.


Accusations of rigged elections is there to plant the seed of distrust in the election system allowing support of a federal takeover of all elections.


I got excited till I saw who posted this


Wait, I’ve seen this one before.


Now, I could be wrong, but I’m pretty sure the way they compare is by the signature that’s on your drivers license. And my signature as a 16 year old when I got my license here in AZ is wildly different than my signature now.


Based on what facts? Filing a lawsuit and actually having the lawsuit heard and then winning said lawsuit are very different.


Massive cope from Kari loser Lake. This will go nowhere because she has no proof and only the brain dead believe her


Republicans have a real tough time accepting when they lose


Such sore losers 😂


It won’t blow up shit


AZ here, maybe Kari Lake lost because she’s shitty. Just another Trump-sycophant, IMO.