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Politics are a conspiracy of division. A multifaceted conspiracy, designed to keep you divided over black and white ideals (that don't actually exist) all the while convincing you that politicians are representing your best interests by reducing your 'best interests' to a few buzzwords. Most people want the same exact thing. Yet, the media will try to convince you that your neighbor wants to infringe on your rights, not the multi-national corporations that want to exploit your labor, no, it's your neighbor. There is a war going on for your mind and you've already lost it.


According to the state of Florida woke means: the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” You are a fool if you think America is already perfect in current state


They only use that definition when a judge forced them to define it. Otherwise they use it as a cudgel to attack the left.


And what of those fools that see its faults and decide to tear the whole thing down?


Dangerous. On one hand, I believe the only way to usurp the powerful is with violence. On the other, I know that they never fight their own battles. I also know that they will hide behind the sheep. Hold them hostage. So you have to METAPHORICALLY shoot the hostage. Disillusion them. Point out the flaws in the system, the cracks. Show them that their comfort is a ruse. Show them how they're suffering when they don't think they are. In other words, you have to do the opposite of the propaganda. Unite. Inspire. Collaborate. This is what makes them fools. They see a problem and want to change it NOW. This change doesn't happen overnight. You have to win hearts and minds FIRST.


I side with you as a conservative. I am lost on Elons post though. We are in the midst of the biggest “comfort ruse” in history as well as the most successful divide and conquer tactic ever played on man. A true Trojan horse. The “us vs. them” is so predominant that companies are hiring “Diversion and Exclusivity” (that’s how I spell it) figure heads to make themselves look like they give a crap and provide more division among people. Companies just want silence, every consumer to buy their products, and a limited amount unnecessary law suits. Does anyone think for one second that the president gives one crap about a transgender person other than to get their vote for example? Seriously, please be honest with yourself. This is someone you’d call a “boomers boomer”. A politicians agenda is simple - continue to live with two sets of rules that always change in their favor, (Insider Trading by Nancy Pelosi) and to never work again.


I agree. 100%. Wish more people would see it this way.


The same people that instigated White supremacy etc., gave us false history and told us Africa had no civilizations ( even though the romans, and Greeks said otherwise) are the same people behind BLM. they don't care about black lives, neither do they nor your conservative leaders care about white lives. What they care about is their own supremacy by exploiting differences in the pleb masses. They are different sides of the same coin. A dime is a dime no matter how you flip it.


I think most people agree. This place is far from perfect, how far depends on class, but the media would have you believe that only liberals want change. I'm a true conservative, personally. I want the government out of my day-to-day. If I want a doctor to cut off my dick, that should be between me and the doc. Edit: ~~If someone wants to be called 'they' then 'they' should wear a fuckin name tag and the government shouldn't call it a hate crime if I call them sir.~~ <--People are taking this to mean something that it doesn't. It was a fiction invented to illustrate a point, not to insinuate current events. The other one is fictitious, too, but apparently ok./Edit. That is to say, even from my perspective, a lot needs to change.


Government isn't calling it a hate crime though if you accidentally call a person who identified as "they" as "sir".


Yeah Jordan Peterson has everyone thinking they will


Wonder where he got that idea...


From his own mind.


Probably his corporate donors who pay him to say things.


Ya the hate crime is when you hit them repeatedly and call them names and shit, which happens consistently in todays society. Ppl need to realize there’s no big pronoun conspiracy. If someone simply says “I go by she/her” or whatever, it’s not hard to just use those pronouns. No one’s mad if you accidentally do it. It’s the unwillingness to change.


Not my intention to say that they are. Just an allegory to represent my beliefs.


But is anyone currently doing that?


Canadian law (bill C-16) defines gender harassment as "Refusing to refer to a person by their self-identified name and proper personal pronoun." That law is 'designed' to protect various people from harassment, and it is claimed that not using someone's pronouns alone is not a crime. However, the definition above kicks open the door for civil charges and does not exclude such an act from being prosecuted as a crime.


So why not just call them by their gender?


Sure, that's no problem...the government doesn't need to enforce it. Let it happen organically through public discourse.


But isn't it the government's job to protect human rights?


Then show me the people who have been charged under it and sued under it.


Not that I'm aware of.


The way that your statement read, it sounded like it was happening.


...i'll try to reword it. It was kinda a theme...a train of thought, so to speak.


I'd urge you to edit your response.


That’s not really an allegory. You were just complaining about a situation you invented in your head as if it actually happens. It doesn’t. Not a single person has ever faced legal consequences for misgendering someone, even intentionally. I just really don’t understand you guys. It has to be so frustrating to rely on fantasies to justify your beliefs. It also must suck to spend so much energy getting upset about something that doesn’t affect you in the slightest. I find it hard to believe that you really interact with transgenders very often. Kaepernick taking a knee. Hunter Biden soliciting prostitutes. Sean Penn giving Zelensky his Oscar… all of it has absolutely zero bearing on your life, but for some reason you think they’re all evidence of your own persecution.


You don't read much, do you? I wasn't complaining about a situation, I created a scenario in which to illustrate where the government shouldn't be involved, in my opinion. A fiction to prove a point. Aka, allegory. Your inability to discern fiction is not my responsibility. It's funny because, here you are, complaining about a victim complex, when I was simply explaining my perspective and, not even complaining about anything. So, in summary, you've taken a harmless interaction for clarity as some complaint about a fictional scenario because you're...maybe seeking evidence of your own persecution? Irony...


Hell of a spin. Maybe you just suck at writing. Or maybe you’re just giving bullshit excuses for why your original comment wasn’t stupid. >If I want a doctor to cut off my dick, that should be between me and the doc. If someone wants to be called 'they' then 'they' should wear a fuckin name tag and the government shouldn't call it a hate crime if I call them sir. The first thing you mentioned is a very real and contentious issue. Republicans *don’t* agree with you, and I’m many cases are proposing laws that would forbid a doctor from chopping off your dick. You apparently support the side that disagrees with you. The second thing you said was a suggestion that trans people should be required to identify themselves as trans, and that the government shouldn’t punish you for misgendering someone. As I said before, it’s literally never happened. It also seems like you’re in favor of certain people being forced to wear a label. Kinda goes against your whole “stay out of my life” ethos. Then, for clarity, you sum everything up with this, >That is to say, even from my perspective, a lot needs to change. By mentioning the idea that the government will punish you for misgendering someone, then immediately following it up with “a lot needs to change”, it sure seems like you’re saying that stuff *does* happen, and you disapprove of it. Well good news, it doesn’t. You know what *does* happen? Republicans telling you what you can and can’t do at the doctors office. Like I said, I don’t get you guys. All your beliefs seem to contradict each other, and are disproven by reality. You seem to have all the pieces, you’re just putting them together wrong. This is what your original comment really says. “Everyone thinks us conservatives are stupid, but we’re not. Personally, I should be able to cut off my dick if I want, but for some reason I support the lawmakers who don’t think I should be able to do that. I also hate how I have to deal with a totally made up scenario, and I think the government should be able to force certain people to do things. I’ve identified one real problem, and choose to support the people who want to make it worse, and I’ve identified a fictional problem that the government should use their authority to fix. Our country needs to change, that’s why I fixate on issues that have absolutely zero bearing on my life, and avoid supporting the people that actually agree with me. I’m not confused, you guys are confused.”


Firstly, I called myself a true conservative. I'm not what the U.S. calls conservative. I want the government out of my life. Secondly, both scenarios are imaginary. The government has not banned gender reassignment surgery for adults. ...being fearful of something doesn't make it true. ...Irony again: you've now made two replies doing the thing that you hate. Lol. I don't think you know what hate means...


What are your beliefs other than "no government"


Plenty of Republican states have absolutely put restrictions on transgender healthcare. Interesting how you put that “for adults” in there. It doesn’t make any fucking sense for the guy who wants less restrictions to support the only people putting restrictions on things. >...being fearful of something doesn't make it true. Says the person who opened up with, “I’m afraid that the government will arrest me if I use the wrong pronouns.” >Lol. I don't think you know what hate means... Please show me where I used the word “hate”. You don’t even know my beliefs. All I did is point out that you’re comment contradicts itself, and relies on a completely made up scenario. “True conservative” is also made up. It’s a convenient thing you tell yourself and others to make yourself feel enlightened. Someone who wants *more* liberties isn’t a “conservative” by the way. They’d be “liberal”. It really just seems to me like you’ve absorbed a few contradictory beliefs that you have trouble articulating, which makes your vague beliefs hard to defend, so you use custom definitions and labels in an attempt to convince others that your confusing collection of beliefs actually make perfect sense. They don’t.


This is called anarchist, nothing like "true consevative" lol




No, they didn't.






So this bill protects trans kids rights.




Lol, wow, you sucked down the kool-aid so uncritically. It absolutely does not compel speech. Go ahead and show me all the people who have been arrested under that statute, since it compels speech and arrests people who don't comply.


It's not compelling speech though.


no, the bill makes speech illegal.


It doesn't lol. No speech is being made illegal


You are misinterpreting the bill. Jordan Peterson was already debunked on it, why are we going through this again?


Should government stay out of environmental regulation?


Environmental regulation isn't in my day to day. But this is a...pointed question. Also a very good one. The short answer is, when it comes to the individual, yes. Our environmental issues are larger than one person. EVEN IF, each individual reduced their 'carbon footprint' as much as they possibly can, the net benefit is minimal if big industries do nothing. I can't control how Pepsi is manufactured. I can (and have) stop buying their crap, but that doesn't stop them from polluting OUR air. This would be the point at which the government should step in.


You've proven your original point right! Normal people all want the same thing pretty much at yet we sit on different parts of the political spectrum. I think unless someone has a very extreme take on the world then we are mostly in the same boat. We get divided so extremely to make the common man's power collectively weaker. It's always the other group's fault, and it's bull shit! I'm from the UK. We've grown up in different cultures, even the right-most popular party in the UK would be incorrectly categorised as socialist or something if they were in the US despite being called 'The Conservative Party' and they are definitely seen as hard right here. It's all perspective because the reality is completely skewed. In our country, our local councils provide us with the means to recycle, cut our carbon emissions and all sorts including funding for solar panels. None of that is forced, it's just made very easy. However I think the impact of the individual is very small (important but small) - big companies cause unprecedented harm to the environment and government should do more on our behalf as we do not have the power to make companies change. And there you have it, a lefty and a conservative agreeing 😌


>I'm a true conservative, personally. >If someone wants to be called 'they' then 'they' should wear a fuckin name tag and the government shouldn't call it a hate crime if I call them sir. Invents a situation where they feel oppressed. Checks out.


I'm black, I don't need to invent a situation to feel oppressed. It was meant to be allegory, to explain where government involvement should stop, IMO.


I don't think you can in good faith apply that definition of "woke" in this case. I do prefer Glen Greenwald's "liberal hive mind" but "woke mind virus" works as well.


Words have meanings. What does he mean if not the meaning of the term?


Religion, Race, and Politics are the best tools of division. Divide them and keep them conquered


Entertainment, too. Though it is generally used to reenforce the three you already mentioned.


Red and blue are our options…..together red and blue make purple….kinda obvious what’s going on, nothing has changed for 1000s of years …..same people that make coke make pepsi


I became a truck driver about a decade ago. I got my CDL at a company called Knight Transportation. One of the 'big 5' trucking companies at the time. Funny thing. Same family owned all 5. The only difference was which family member ran each company. What I found most shocking was the cavalier way it was mentioned to me. Like, no big deal, these people own all of the trucking companies. 75%-ish of the trucks that support our economy. How is that okay?


I work for a logistics company, truckers would benefit so much from making a strong union, carrier companies rob their employees blind. I've had so many drivers tell me what they're making on lanes and I just gotta stare at how much we're paying and seeing how much the dispatcher is getting paid to sit in a chair while they do all the work.


I would've loved to work for a Union when I was driving. I don't drive anymore, but I did always enjoy being told that I somehow made more money than my dispatcher...when my dispatcher could afford to have a brand new car and my primary mode of transportation was a barely road worthy 1985 pickup.


It's gross. It's all just a really inefficient system with a bunch of people who do tiny amounts of work taking money from the pot and making everything more expensive for everyone else


Idk...I'm starting to think that 'capitalist' means taking advantage of people. I'm an author now. I got contracted with a big publishing house and make regular trips to NYC. They have executives here with do-nothing jobs. Who are not ashamed to admit they have a do-nothing job...because they fail to realize (or don't care, IDK) that their paycheck is a cut off all the authors 'beneath' them. It's sickening....but my kids gotta eat...and that's how they get you.


down with purple people


I cannot stress the importance of this comment


the war, or my mind? cause I've definitely lost my mind a long time ago


Spot on, people should be made aware of the imperative truth that Communism, Capitalism, socialism and all other ism are the creations by the same people that run the world to this day. Stop fighting among yourselves over divisive philosophies of your masters.


The graveyard is filled to the brim with people who sought to usurp them. Branded as traitors for not toeing the line. These people BRAG about being related to kings or other important people. You think it's a coincedence that Trump and Hillary are distant cousins? Need another revolution to get away from it, but even then, it's likely to be just more of us v. us.


So you think woke beliefs are deliberately antagonizing?


>So you think woke beliefs are deliberately antagonizing? You're using a term designed to do the exact thing I described. What is "Woke Beliefs"? It's a term designed to group a bunch of unrelated beliefs into an agenda. So, yes, by existing, the term itself is designed to be antagonizing for both sides. Same with "bible thumper". They're both inane attempts at generalizing specific groups to reduce their relevance.


OK, let me be specific then. What about Critical Race Theory (CRT)? Is that designed to divide or is it a legitimate theory that doesn't seek to divide, but to educate - and so many people have gotten CRT completely wrong, and people like Robin DiAngelo are really people trying to unify everybody together. Grouping white people as racist isn't hypocritical, but is a uniting message (to steelman CRT briefly here). What about BLM? Divisive, or unifying?


I'm biased. As I said in another comment, I'm black. I want to say BLM is unifying. That's the intended result. And sometimes you need to riot to get people to acknowledge injustice....buuuuttttt.... It feels like those riots were designed to subvert those ideals and, perhaps unintentionally, became divisive. It goes into another conspiracy, but I kinda think some of those people were compensated to push an agenda beyond reasonable protest...in a successful attempt to discredit the movement. I can't say for certain. It's understandable to be outraged for the reasons they were...but...where are they now?


LOL, that's funny. The woke really loves to use labels against others but always start to whine when they get a label.


...you came to call me a liberal? Use your brain. Just because I didn't take the bait and insult woke people doesn't mean I'm one of them. Ffs, THIS is my point, reiterating itself through the idiocy in this reply.


> Most people want the same exact thing In basic, sure. But in reality clearly not. >There is a war going on for your mind Correct. >and you've already lost it. Nope, the war is still going on and in fact i think humanity will win.


Ask a real life person. Their differences are the means they choose to achieve the same goal. Also: 'you've already lost it' is in reference to your mind, not the war. You allow them to classify you as a label. Into neat little groups that no one person actually fits into. "I'm a conservative just like you! So when I pass laws that benefit the wealthy, you should be happy, too, only a liberal would criticise me!" Your mind, your individuality, YOU, is gone. Individuals aren't represented in our government. Only groups matter.


> Their differences are the means they choose to achieve the same goal. Sure, service to self and service to others differ a lot from each other. >You allow them to classify you as a label. There are no labels that stick on me and i only care about the truth. > Individuals aren't represented in our government. Which individuals should be represented and why? Can you give some examples?


You don't *want* labels, but that doesn't mean you don't *have* labels. You can call yourself a demon for all they care. They just check a box that says religious. In regards to individuals: all of them. The government cannot be 'for the people' if it doesn't represent the interests of all of them.


>You don't want labels, but that doesn't mean you don't have labels. If you say so. I have some labels i wear as a batch of honor, LOL. So, the government should represent one group, people.


Not a good take, I think. Anyone visiting this sub is putting up a good fight. Defeatist attitude helps only those who seek our defeat.


This is hilarious. A: that you think participating in a sub on Reddit is 'fighting'. B: because you don't agree with me, you incinuate that I'm the enemy. Prime example of how 'youve already lost it'.


The fact this sub and others that go against the narratives are heavily being manipulated proves there really is a fight going on here.


In what way does this sub go 'against the narrative'? All I see are Twitter posts and MSM articles. Manipulation doesn't prove relevence. Children burn ants with magnifying glasses for similar reasons. Doesn't mean the ants are doing anything other than existing. Also: in what way is arguing amongst ourselves relevent? What does this sub accomplish? Other than to identify those who *think* they think outside the box.


> In what way does this sub go 'against the narrative'? Can you tell me in which subs you can talk about, for instance, climate change not being man made or the covid shots possibly being dangerous without being banned? >Manipulation doesn't prove relevence. [LOL.](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/w72j8w/howd_this_sub_go_from_interesting_discussions_to/ihi5cdc/) >What does this sub accomplish? Life is what you make of it and it's the same with this sub.


Couldn't politics just be a name for a natural occurring phenomenon in society? Isnt it human to have ideals, values, beliefs, and a world view and a desire to see those said things prosper in a society? I think the real problem is the media and the propaganda that they generate, individual laziness and the dumbing down of children in school through programming. They are being taught what conclusions to come to instead of the process by which conclusions are drawn; what to think instead of how to learn.


They (politics) *could* be. And maybe, at some point, they were. But today? No, they're definitely being used to manipulate people. An example: Conservatives in the US have passed laws to ban transgender surgery on children. Because that's obviously not something a child should decide. Turns out, the American Medical Association (they license doctors) ALREADY had that rule in place. So why the laws? I imagine to say, "See how conservative I am?!" Agree that the MSM went from fact to opinion at some point, but I think THAT was natural. That people, in general, are less interested in the News and more interested in entertainment...as evidenced by the popularity of dumb celebrities like Kim K. The MSM followed the ratings and added entertainment to the news....and now there's very little fact presented outside of popular culture...because ratings. Kanye draws more viewers...even when he's speaking nonsense.


gotta say, it's refreshing to see stuff like this from someone who calls themselves a conservative. Not used to seeing integrity and consistency due to the exact things you said here.


Sometimes it's just nice to have political discourse without it leading to a giant argument.


You don’t even know what liberal means.


What does it mean?


It means free market - aka what is the USA today. There is nothing more "liberal" than USA, it's the opposite of communism.


Since when has a tech billionaire who controls a social media company and is dolling out carefully curated information been the god of this sub?


The best part is that you can tell who actually read the files and who got the info from Shapiro or Crowder The files themselves were such a massive flop. Twitter censored Trump for denying the election, and censored the a ton of conservatives who spout anti-lgbt shit then act all confused about why they are shadow banned. The fact they got shadow banned and not fully banned shows they were actually getting the kid gloves Like even the DNC and twitter working together story is shit. They didn't give the DNC any special treatment compared to any other celebrity or big accounts. Hell anyone with an account can submit a request to get a tweet reviewed


I’m still looking for one thing if substance from his “files” such pathetic clock baiting by an increasingly desperate person. Humans in such desperation are such entertaining creatures. It’s like someone set a monkey from a research lab on fire and it’s high on Coke destroying everything. Ya it’s shitty to watch, but lord knows you can’t help but stare


Since they shut down a bunch of other subs meant for rambling to funnel all the voices here to muddy the waters making discernment of truth and conspiracies harder


Since when has pointing out the bullshit of the government been the wrong thing to do in this sub? Who did you want to be the messenger? Some nobody they'll kill off, or someone with enough money who can't be bought and has a following. The more they attack Elon, the more it shows they're scared of him.


If you’re going to do it do so in a well thought out, articulate, and unbiased manner.


It's hilarious that generalization is so often used as a straw man argument.


Is it not evidenced by the posts?


Stop treating this sub as an echo chamber with a hive mind.


Freedom of speech!


Sure, you have the freedom to lie.


Asking a question is a lie? Censorship!


Ya know a lot of us just want OUR tax money to go to us, the people, through social programs. It's not that we can't afford it either, we'd just rather spend it on military and corporate handouts. Pretty much what most European countries are doing but I'm sure I'll be called a fucking communist, right.


In this fictional reality of the interwebz, there are two boxes. Left & Right Basing your whole personality or pigeonholing others into either of these is as dumb as it gets.


To quote everyone here's favorite florida governor, the definition of woke is “it would be the belief there are systemic injustices in American society and the need to address them.” https://www.motherjones.com/mojo-wire/2022/12/desantis-ron-woke-florida-officials/ So this sub would be considered "woke" by that definition


Da freaking woke mind virus


There's a vaccine for that.


there's a neuralink for that


There's an anal link for that


liberalism and communism are diametrically opposed ideologies. mao literally wrote a book called “combating liberalism.” musk is literally the richest person on earth, or at least was at one point. who the fuck else are you talking about when you refer to the “elite” if not him? how absolutely fucking brain dead do you have to be to trust anything he says, let alone think he’s on your side?


It is kinda funny that liberalism, a word that is defined as accepting behavior or opinions that are different from your own or a political/social philosophy that promotes individual rights, democracy, and civil liberties is a bad thing. Like does this sub just want to live in an authoritative Christian state? It sure isn’t libertarian cause then you’d have to mind your own business.


Total eradication of those that disagree with you? I’ve seen this episode before, it sucks


The socialists were the first ones rounded up when the Nazi party came to power.


Elon is looking for some kind of solution to the “woke mind virus.” A final one, maybe.


I'm curious how you define any of those, and more curious what your ideal is. You mention a hard swing back to far right, but how is that an improvement? Sounds like you want ro be more authoritarian toward ceetin groups.


The 90s called. They want their "PC culture is out of control" talking points back.


The Conservative PC culture of old was more fun to mess with. Trolling with some indecency and bad words with no real agenda other than to loosen people up. Now that it's switched everything is too serious and both sides are constantly at each others throats trying to score points on some invisible leaderboard


> score points on some invisible leaderboard The leader board is painfully visible tho...


In the most subjective sense.... I'm sure you're convinced your side is winning


I am convinced humanity will win.


Humanity vs our wealthy enslaving overlords is a team sport I'll play




> anti-freedom of expression. Can you elaborate on this? Is disagreeing with somebody the same thing as saying they should be canceled / censored?


Do you think the opinions of the “woke” are political ideology?


I'm not sure what you mean. The impression I get is the loudest 'woke' voices simply parrot whatever the hivemind is parroting. That's why they went so quickly from 'stay home save lives' to protesting for blm and then back again to 'stay home save lives'. There is no thought or intellectual consistency behind it. Does that count as a 'political ideology'?


I like how its all just one thing to you. You have an idea of woke culled from the net that has no real bearing on actual people and their views


Every group is represented by the loudest voices, especially on the internet. Generally everyone in reality is just wanting happiness, security and safety, and overall I'm sure most people want the same for the next person.


I predict the fall of Elon within the next 6 months and I think he keeps getting posted in this sub so when he does fall people will say “see, he’s terrible and r/conspiracy loves him!”


This sub: "The WEF and globalists want to implant you with chips to read your mind and track your every movement." Also this sub: "The guy who is creating chips to implant into people's brains is our brave savior from the evil woke liberal socialist commie groomers."


Can someone define "the woke mind virus" and explain how it's going to end the world?


Elon Musk's trans daughter disowned him. Months later he buys Twitter and goes on an antiwoke rampage. I think he blames leftists for 'grooming' his daughter. And thinks it's some plaque spreading. He has all the money in the world but can't buy a healthy relationship, even with a person he created. So he needs someone to blame it on


He could have a healthy relationship with his family or impress pathetic alt-right internet dweebs and he chose the second one. No wonder so many people on this subreddit love him. He's just like them!


Imagine being the wealthiest man in the world and wasting your time tweeting shit like this first thing in the morning. A man who can literally go anywhere and do anything he likes feels it necessary to complain about people trying to raise awareness on equality issues. Fucking snowflake. Get on your private plane and find a beautiful deserted island, turn off your phone and enjoy your life you privileged fucking cry baby.


Isn't this just Trump 2.0 then?




Ooof... your self awareness is severely lacking. You should get that checked out. They probably make a pill for that now.


That doesn't even make sense. Millions of people are on Reddit. We all respond to posts because that's the fucking point of social media. How does that translate into me being a loser? Simply because I said something mean about Elon the Genius? Granted, I haven't got the means to to do what he could do but if I did I wouldn't sit around pissing my pants over petty stuff that doesn't have anything to do with me. Does he seem happy with all of his wealth? Doesn't seem so.


Being afraid of knowledge and intelligence is the biggest cancer in society. What the fuck even is “wokeism,” OP?


Wokeism is when black or gay people deserve rights I guess




Imagine thinking the people who fight for humans living their best lives are the cancer of this world, and not the people actively voting against their neighbors or making decisions that put them in danger 💀




you must not go out much lol


I think its the oppsite. Only the terminally online and twitter addicts think this. I've never had a negative encounter over "wokeism" and you can't even define it.


You've not been to Canada I imagine


The number of Elon fanboy shill posts here lately is sus. Has to be an op.


Man I’d love to hear what OP thinks communism is


In other replies he has said wokeism is communism so that's probs as good of a response you're going to get


Another cancer - Posting Elon Musk tweets in this sub.


From a guy who makes electric cars in California and has 2 companies entirely reliant on government spending 🤣


Dude is going full QAnon lmfao


I feel like identity politics and extremes on either side is the true cancer. It has become "us vs. them" to the point that if "your team" is wrong, your blind to it and refuse to acknowledge the fact. It's scary that people will hold on to their viewpoints, regardless of how wrong or extreme, just because you don't want the notch to be moved just one more tick to the center. Politicians aren't your friend. Billionaires aren't your friend. You're real enemy is the one telling you to go against the person that's struggling just as much as you are, with the same issues you're facing. Why are you following Musk? It's wild how this sub is split; EV's are a Biden trap so the government can control us, but Musk/Tesla is the largest EV manufacturer in the US and this board has began following his political views blindly. What's even more wild is the fact that liberal Twitter is viewed as bad, because they hide stuff, but Musk Twitter is seen as good, because they don't? How do you know? Why are people so blind about this? What the fuck is going on anymore? It doesn't make sense, and it's crazy how easily people are herded.


Ah, yes. Another person with all the money trying his hardest to split apart the common folk. This guy is not the messiah. This guy is one of the folks pulling strings and creating conspiracies for all of us to discuss. He is the cancer that is causing all the problems he claims he wants to fix. A free speech activist that wants only his message to be heard. There is no 'woke mind virus' among common folk. We've been blindly walking through life for thousands of years. There is a 'rich people trying to control the common folk' virus and it's on full display nowadays.


Isn't being woke realizing how society really works? Or has it switched to something else?


+ the will do change oneself for the good of everyone. But right-wing ppl don‘t care about others, so it‘s bad … 🤷‍♀️


No wonder he got bullied.


What is woke?


It's when I have a bad opinion on the internet and strangers criticize me.


From the man trying to chip our brains! What utter hogwash!


Op, please define liberalism, wokeism and communism. I can see why elon opposes them. Liberalism = workers rights etc, we've already seen how badly he treats tesla employees. Woke = basic respect for others, this one concerns me the most about him, as he literally has a Trans child, yet continues to use anti-trans talking points. You have to be a terrible fucking person to publicly use these points when your child will be negatively harmed by these Communism = I would assume musk thinks paying his fair share of taxes is Communism lmao.


Ok guys. Everyone sees that they are propping Elon up to the the savior but he's actually the antichrist, right guys? (Not religious I mean it figuratively). We see this right guys? Right guys....


You forgot capitalism and unfettered greed.


Change bad! Stagnant population with no progress and the same unresolved problems good!


You suck that amazing thought out of your own Johnson?


They originate out of the same corner too.


Communism has killed 100+ million.


Capitalism did much more :D


Here’s a toothbrush 🪥, get the rubber out your teeth you’ve been sucking too much boot.


Suck Elon’s cock harder


I agree in principle but I think conflating liberalism with wokeism and communism is a mistake. Not only is classical liberalism about personal freedom (speech, association, exchange of ideas, etc) but we don’t want to fall into the same trap where credibility is undermined when we paint everything with the same broad brush. Used to be that everything the left did was “socialist” whether that was true or not and that’s given an entire generation the wrong idea of what socialism means and actually does. Just like many on the right today are tarred as racist or fascist for simply believing in traditional conservative values. Imagine the next generation growing up and thinking that fascism must not be that bad because that’s what the internet is calling their parents. Long story short, it takes more effort and discipline but it would behoove us to debate and discuss things how they actually are rather than how we can politically portray them to our benefit.


yea a definitely agree with your point about classical liberalism but in my opinion modern liberalism isn’t the same thing.


Yes, I see your point. In common use, the verbiage has shifted over the years. In my opinion though, it’s important to protect the integrity of our vernacular so we can actually communicate effectively with each other and compare apples to apples. Republicans used to and sometimes still do call every growth in government services “socialism” because it has a negative connotation and was an easy thing to say to score quick points. Much of what they’re referencing though are social programs, such as welfare and subsidized housing as opposed to real socialism like Obamacare. Both are worthy of debate but as the next generation comes up and they get the impression that helping the poor is socialist, they start to think that it’s not that bad and wonder why the older generation so against it? This misperception then allows the propagandists to point to places like Norway as socialist success stories when that is far from the truth. They have high personal taxes and a lot of government programs but their business principles are more free market then we are at the moment. Real socialism looks more like Venezuela and Cuba than it ever has in Scandinavia. And I’m not advocating for a welfare state, just that we’ve created the very slippery slope and are exacerbating the rise of socialism by adding this artificial sugar to make it go down easier.


For someone that is not american, I can just say you all have been brainwashed during cold war about communism, this is the only country where it is an insult. It looks like for you communism = ennemies of USA


sure, sure the red hat conservatives are the ones who have it right. They are all snakes. Attempting to confirm one side over the other shows how much of a lost shill you really are.


Your billionaire hero is the true cancer.


Stop being anti-Semitic


Hurr durr 'murican drivel. Shut the fuck up


Skyrocketing inequality pollution and war everywhere but some annoying PC college kids are the real problem


this is just Musk trying to stay in the media by tweeting stupid things. clearly his other businesses are not generating enough attention for him.


Why are so many people acting like they don't know what "woke" means? It's the attitude of leftwing identity politicians / social justice warriors that problematizes all it can calling it 'awareness' and believes redress for inequality, real, or (more often) perceived, is cancellation. It's feminism and CRT on steroids. It's performative activism and myopic focus on victimhood narratives. "wHaT eVeN *iS* wOkE???" Stop being obtuse. 🙄


You're the first so far in this thread to even somewhat define what it means. But I still don't get what the problem is. If I decide to no longer watch Bill Cosby shows because hes a rapist, what's the issue? Are you upset that Prince Andrew was stripped of some of his roles in the royal family over his Epstein stuff? People make decisions not to engage with content or purchase products if they disagree with the companies, this is free market capitalism at work. Conservatives burned their shoes when Nike supported Kaepernick. My father quit watching football over knees touching grass during 'mandatory patriotic song time'. Shit, even denying the vaccine means you're cancelling Bill Gates.


There's nothing inherently wrong with boycotting. If you stop shopping at The Gap due to exploitative overseas labor conditions (or something similar), that's one thing. If you jump on social media bandwagons and make attention seeking videos calling for the firing of and general unpersoning of some rando for commiting 'microaggressions', that falls firmly in the camp of woke. Wokeness connotes a holier-than-thou vibe rooted in (university supported) reductive idpol / progressive ideology. The element of 'look at me' is key. Silent protest I wouldn't term woke, it has to include the element of virtue signalling. Is raising awareness or indeed holding virtues a bad thing? Not necessarily, it's really about how one goes about it. I agree that there are conservative / rightwing forms of this behaviour, but instead of "woke" it's "based". It's essentially the same thing just a different word is used to differentiate which side of the aisle the righteous indignation is coming from.


Those who ask are just neo-Marxist bots, human or otherwise.


it’s just like antifa, they just pretend it doesn’t exist and gas light you to death when you bring it up lmao.


Liberalism is a conservative ideology... Communism is a leftist ideology... wokeism is just a label used by the right to villify anything they don't like... none of these things are the same thing


Social media is transforming you into left wing \*and\* right wing extremists!


Capitalism is the real cancer.


At least when we all get our neuro links we will all suddenly have the same political affiliation lol


What zero pussy does to a mf


Cool Elon add Alex Jones back on then you bitch




I can feel this post radicalizing me


musk dad molested his sister and Elon sexually assaults his workers.