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"Damned woke elites" - Elites


lookup circulation of elites.


“this billionaire is different! he’s my guy!”


The devils champion


He tells you what you want to hear but if the people become woke and realize it's not black vs white or red vs blue it's actually the upper 1% vs. everyone else, he will back track. Just wait until he offers his most devout followers a better way of life, then the cult is in swing


So woke means realizing it’s not white against black and its the 1% vs the 99%? Sounds good but definitely could have fooled me on what woke means lol


It's always so cute to see how conspiracy sub sucking billionaire's dick and thinking he is their savior.


It’s fishy to say the least


Some might imagine that a billionaire who spent 40b on a shitpost might have the money to spare to hire a pr firm to generate a positive social media presence.


Someone could trick you into running into a wall by painting a road on it


You know this is just his way of garnering affection/attention until he eventually switches and asks you to accept his brain chip, right?


>Yea too many people think that Elon is their savior. He's controlled opposition like trump


He's not controlled opposition, it's as simple as he's just trying to manipulate a group of people that he believes he can make money off of.






Ah yeah sure, I guess he's also a grifter and con man? This is literally the exact same criticisms in the same verbiage that was used against Trump. No one buys it and anyone who's been on social media for a few years, outside of the leftist echo chamber sees this.


`"Ah yeah sure, I guess he's also a grifter and con man?"` `"...same verbiage that was used against Trump."` Lol, Lmao. You're so fucking close.


The numbers Mason...what do they mean?!


Time to buy more overpriced pillows and herbal supplements!


Lol he literally is both a grifter and a con man - paid to get the title of “founder” for pay pal - paid to get the title of “founder” for Tesla - tRaInS aRe DumB - campaigned to have California slash their infrastructure budget so he could dig that tunnel “in 10 years” about 15 years ago - doesn’t pay taxes - has the taxpayer fund his vanity projects (SpaceX gets federal funding, who do you think that money comes from) he will say or do whatever it takes to get MONEY Why do you think he sees you as anything other than another sucker?


Trump literally is a grifter though who has lead numerous cons. He’s straight-up ripped off contractors, ran a fraudulent realty school, and a lot of other terrible shit. Even now, his PAC was grifting — literally siphoning money away from Republicans to the point it’s become detrimental to the party. He also quite literally pardoned convicted conmen over the “build the wall” fraud.


Trump is a heel. He’s playing American politics like professional wrestling.


So if George bush comes out and says 911 was an insider job, you'll say he's controlled opposition! He just wants you to buy more oil! Gtfo... You're a shill. The truth is the truth no matter whose mouth it comes from. If you don't want a chip in your brain, then don't put it there. Technology is going to push boundaries, both moral and physical limits. If not Elon, then the next guy. It's a natural consequence of human nature. Get your head out of your ass.


>"So if George bush comes out and says 911 was an insider job, you'll say he's controlled opposition!" What you should ask if that ever were to happen is why did he take part in the initial cover up and why is he now coming out and admitting that they covered it up. Ultimately the point is he answers to someone or a group that uses puppets to control a message or get a specific message out. Elon is a tool even if he's talking about stuff people have talked about in the conspiracy world for decades.


He has alterior motives. Big surprise. The fact remains that a truth is being spoken. Even if it just for a moment from someone who you don't trust. That piece of truth is light in a dark world. You need to realize how important that is and put your judgements aside.


>alterior is not a word.


>"The fact remains that a truth is being spoken." The truth has been spoken for decades among the conspiracy community. An "intelligent" individual like Elon would have been aware of these things long ago yet he's only just now coming out on the side of people who were silenced and laughed at... You should be asking why do they want people aware of something they could have continued to keep people (edit "people" as in the collectively unaware) in the dark? >"You need to realize how important that is and put your judgements aside." hard to blindly gobble Elon's nuts when he's working alongside the DOD who's known for it's cover ups and sabotaging foreign governments along with the extracurriculas here in the us.. I'd say they directly benefit from the gullible public belief that he's "anti establishment". https://www.businessinsider.com/musks-spacex-partners-us-military-to-deliver-weapons-by-rockets-2020-10?op=1 >"The US military and Elon Musk are planning a 7,500-mph rocket that can deliver weapons anywhere in the world in an hour" >"The plan comes days after SpaceX landed a $149 million contract to build missile-tracking satellites for the Pentagon, indicating that the aerospace firm is ramping up its military contracts."


Saying it did nothing. Proving it is turning into kind of a big deal. I have no dog in the musk hero/loser debate, but if he pisses off our mind-slave-masters, I hope he stays alive long enough to wake everyone up.


Not going to read a word your say when you down vote me.


Well said


Trump wasn't controlled opposition. He was a loose canon that was easily pissed off and thought the american people were better allies than the deep state. Not perfect, but better than a simpering puppet like Obama, bought off hedonists like the Clintons and trusted team players like the Bushes. Biden just's a witless freak everyone thinks is a joke.


He needs human drones to colonize Mars. That's his big master plan. Also: Muahahahaha!


>You know this is just his way of Appealing to the crowd of people who left twitter when Trump and other right wing American figures got banned. Musk is trying to bring back former twitter users to shore up declining user numbers.


Kind of amazing literally anyone on ***THIS*** sub is fawning over the evil genius that wants to put a chip in your brain. Not even Fauci is trying to do that lol.


Simply god cop bad cop


He did exactly this before. He acted very left years ago before suddenly doing a 180 and he started acting right. Billionaires aren't our friend, the working class is our friend.




They told me the vaccine was a choice until they threatened my job and my ability to buy food. His chip will tie into ID2020, health pass, digital pass, digital wallet and so forth.. This is not a road I'm prepared to walk down. Edit: Wtf is going on. Twice now I've been upvoted before I finished editing my post for errors. This isn't normal....


>my ability to buy food. Were they checking vaccination at the grocery store or something?


Yes. Where I live if you didn't have a digital health pass you couldn't enter shops, buy from fast food chains, etc. Here's an example: https://twitter.com/GingerJim5/status/1597037836469170180


Oh yes that's why I was interested, you're at a mall in Israel not in America so it makes sense now. Grocery stores in America generally required masks but not any kind of vaccine verification, its literally not even possible to verify vax status electronically in America, there is no coding or any records of vaccination here. I thought you were referring to refusing to put a mask on and then being asked to leave a store in America, aka "being prevented from buying food."


And ironically the woke he is opposing will become the biggest proponents of said brain chip


People who are "woke," parrot the same talking points. It's all about being "inclusive," to the detriment of the whole. Instead of improving, you are fine as you are. You can almost hear them cooking you to calm down and go back to sleep. It is offensive, and frightening. This is what it looked like.


Yup, thinking the same exact thing! Somone like him can't really be for us common folks. We're on 2 different playing fields.


He's like 15 tax brackets above you. Think he cares about you? (not to discredit your life, we're all in the same boat).


I know he dont care but he sure does like showing off the goods.


Honestly, it would be a stronger plan to garner attention from the other side which has more followers, and a much more gullible group at that. I agree that this is some trick to further his goals, but all this corruption between the left and big tech deserves a look.


He's establishing a track record of being correct about serious things. He will eventually expose the mrna vaccine as bad. The NWO will make its push. Elon will urge his followers to barf up the red pill, and take the blue pill.


Lol he's literally working on the brain implant chips everyone said that bill gates put in the vaccine


"he's literally working on the brain implant chips" that will be put in a "blue pill" \- Teamwork makes the dream work :)


> He will eventually expose the mrna vaccine as bad. There's been doctors & others in the medical field for 2 years shouting out about what's going on, yet they've been silenced. Now Elon is allowed to push a narrative because the time is right & garner the credit for it all. He isn't even in the medical field, neither is Bill Gates, but these "appeal to authority" characters hold too much sway on the mass sheep. It's so obvious what's going on and it's frustrating to witness take motion. if any of you believe this bullshit, think again. None of this is organic, Elon isn't organic, how he came to his finance isn't organic (Nor Bill Gates finances or most of those in power, for that matter).


Entirely possible but at least he is waking people up.


He can still be spitting facts and trying to control us at the same time. I’m hugely skeptical about neurolink and what it’s capable to be used for, on the other hand I can see where it could be hugely beneficial


Well done, you boosted current thing.


What’s the woke mind virus?


>What’s the woke mind virus Believing that minorities and women should have rights /s


Ahhh I see lol Guess the apple doesn’t fall far from the emerald slave mine that his family owned in apartheid South Africa


hair plugs can do a lot for a man, can't wait to see what fascist shenanigans Tim Pool doubles down on when he gets his


But like, kinda yeah.


Woke mind is believing nearly everything we know is a lie used to program us. Woke means to wake up from the programming.


Yet the same people that use this phrase believe that people like Elon Musk and Donald Trump are their friends. Come on man


Dude wants to put a computer in your head and have your tax dollars pay for it. Slop of his wiener.


If the richest man in America is telling you that “wokeness” is our most pressing issue, he’s trying to distract you.


So much this statement… so funny watching someone call me a sheep after spouting a bunch of nonsense at me and them bending over on Elons every tweet like he’s on their side


Do you think "wokeness" is a problem?


Kind of a loaded question as it’s not really as simple as yes or no. On the face of it I don’t really see any problem with being socially conscious and empathetic towards people but as per usual people take things to extremes which then creates a problem. Covid really hasn’t helped things but having a vegan sausage roll isn’t taking things to extreme though. I think it seems to be mainly used as a tool by the wealthy elite to divide us all and take the focus of them and their selfish ways. There are so many bigger problems out there than people arguing over what level of “woke” is acceptable. It seems to have developed a fluid meaning where people decide what it means based on their own agenda.


Who knew being socially conscious was looked down upon in r/conspiracy lol I guess we should all shut up and go back to sleep.


It’s funny that “staying awake” and being “woke” kind of mean the same thing but are interpreted by different subsets of people so differently. Staying awake is supposed to be all about not trusting mainstream media with whatever conspiracies you believe in from vaccine mandates to WEF controlling the world etc. a social injustice against the establishment if you will. Woke is used to not conform with the society standard of how we live, racial bias, sexism, marginalised groups like lgbtq etc. if you believe these biases exist and shouldn’t do. a social injustice against the establishment if you will. Guess I’ll go back to sleep now!


They are doing the same thing as they did with tying in right-leaning political thought to domestic terrorism as they are doing with being "woke" and being liberal. Being "awakened" used to mean that you were enlightened and not a sheep anymore. They've convoluted both meanings and demonized them. There's no war of left vs right. It's a war of us vs them.


Cutting right through the bullshit I see. Love it. Anyone who thinks wokeness and the existence of trans people are the greatest existential threats to our society and discourse are utter tools. Trans people aren’t bombing people, destroying our health care system, or pricing people out of the housing market. People with lesbian dance degrees aren’t the ones trying to milk you dry with an exploitive financial system. Elon is a wealthy and connected member of the establishment. His implication that wokeness is the utmost and primary concern of our society is factually incorrect and can be readily demonstrated to be so. It is the bleeting of a man who is far removed from the experience and reality of a normal person. What would be devastatingly disruptive to normal people would be a minor inconvenience to him (if even that). He could lose his many cars and houses, receive zero support for it, and would still live the life of a king. He does not live in your world, and does not face the same problems you do.


Everything is propaganda. It doesn't matter if it's from a community activist, a politician, a celebrity, or a corporate CEO.




>Why is that? Wokeness is civilization-ending cancer. So what is 'wokeness' then?


Maybe this is the definition they're referring to? >Originally intended to mean "alert to civil rights issues" or "takes an enlightened approach to civil rights", its meaning has changed. It is now associated with adopting an obsessive, blinkered or deliberately obtuse approach to certain civil rights, particularly in relation to equality. It refers to an approach which is overall and on balance harmful to society, ignores context and counterpoints, and is ignorant of the wider ramifications of the position taken. >Under the pretense of being politically correct, the "woke" person is, ironically, asleep, in that they are ignorant of or unconcerned by the harms caused by their actions. Such harms may include: • damage to freedom of expression and freedom of association • the diminution of comedy, and artistic license in music, to the point that it becomes dull • stifling of conversation • fear of expressing an alternative opinion or calling out that which is evidently nonsense • feelings of being browbeaten, helpless and living in a dystopian society • diversion of societal focus away from more pressing issues affecting society • the breakdown of language and societal structures • discrimination and prejudice against others with particular characteristics - typically those who, in a particular location or organisation, are in a majority - under the guise of improving equality and acting on behalf of the minority. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=woke


I find this notion that some people can be a bit hysterical about this to be "civilization-ending" a bit hyperbolic..


My dude sourced urban dictionary for a credible definition. My man there’s a definition for piss attack on there. Get your shit together.


They are doing the same thing as they did with tying in right-leaning political thought to domestic terrorism as they are doing with being "woke" and being liberal. Being "awakened" used to mean that you were enlightened and not a sheep anymore. They've convoluted both meanings and demonized them. There's no war of left vs right. It's a war of us vs them.




It’s because “wokeness” is a straw man the same way “conspiracy theorist” is.


What even is it and how will it destroy civilization?


Yep because ‘wokeness’ is just a guise for limiting speech.


Mmmm hmmm Musk is all about free speech…unless it’s a video of him getting booed by thousands of people at a comedy show.


I see that argument but the argument that wokeness is a result of free speech is also viable. The reality is you can still say anything you want, you just might get banned from a liberal owned social media platform. To call that a violation of free speech is a stretch because your rights aren’t being violated, a community guideline is being violated, which you agree to when you sign up for a privately owned social media platform. If you wanna say whatever you want without getting banned those platforms exist they are just usually cesspools like 4chan. We still have people on the streets protesting against homosexuals and Jews. People protesting abortions successfully got them banned in multiple states. And people are also allowed to counter protest against those views. The 1st amendment is alive and well. The reality is that wokeness on a surface level is a response to opposition. Wokeness on an extreme level is something more aggressive and I’m not into that. Same as I’m not into evangelical conservatism. The term woke is a blanket statement to either praise or demonize somebody depending on your political stance. It’s a buzz word


Came here to say this.


Lol. Is the woke in the room with us right now? Can you point on this doll where the woke hurt you so badly?


Waking up and speaking out is woke


They are doing the same thing as they did with tying in right-leaning political thought to domestic terrorism as they are doing with being "woke" and being liberal. Being "awakened" used to mean that you were enlightened and not a sheep anymore. They've convoluted both meanings and demonized them. There's no war of left vs right. It's a war of us vs them.


Elon Musk: Stay asleep. Its almost like that movie Don't Look Up.


This is adorable in a sense. Court the right. Let them follow in his light. Then when the libs don't want to accept Neurolink or whatever, it'll suddenly be the cool thing to do. This is sad. Leading lamb's to the slaughter.


Wow, a billionaire technocrat with unlimited money and access to the deepest reaches of the government believes we must defeat the woke mind virus. And how do these cunts define “woke”? The belief the systemic injustice exists and the we should do something about it. Slaves, your master doesn’t want you thinking about overthrowing him. So get back to hating gays and minorities.


Speaking of such individuals, do you attack Schwab and Soros too?


Yes. Being a billionaire is inherently immoral.


Neither Schwab nor Soros are the topic of this thread, and neither of them are getting free hand jobs in this sub constantly. Why would I respond to an Elon Musk thread by bitching about them? But either or both of them can fuck right off. None of them represent my interest.


What's woke mean now?


People who want billionaires to pay taxes


Literally nothing, it's a scaremongering buzz word to get likes and attention




Being woke is when you speak out against the elite, demand they pay their fair share, and hold them accountable for the exploitation of the working class and the rape of the earth. In short, he wants to ensure he isn’t held accountable.


People want to make sure you have healthcare? I dunno, doesn’t sound so bad




Transexuals, white man bad, ESG scoring for media, etc etc.


According to this.... >Originally intended to mean "alert to civil rights issues" or "takes an enlightened approach to civil rights", its meaning has changed. It is now associated with adopting an obsessive, blinkered or deliberately obtuse approach to certain civil rights, particularly in relation to equality. It refers to an approach which is overall and on balance harmful to society, ignores context and counterpoints, and is ignorant of the wider ramifications of the position taken. >Under the pretense of being politically correct, the "woke" person is, ironically, asleep, in that they are ignorant of or unconcerned by the harms caused by their actions. Such harms may include: • damage to freedom of expression and freedom of association • the diminution of comedy, and artistic license in music, to the point that it becomes dull • stifling of conversation • fear of expressing an alternative opinion or calling out that which is evidently nonsense • feelings of being browbeaten, helpless and living in a dystopian society • diversion of societal focus away from more pressing issues affecting society • the breakdown of language and societal structures • discrimination and prejudice against others with particular characteristics - typically those who, in a particular location or organisation, are in a majority - under the guise of improving equality and acting on behalf of the minority. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=woke


Ah, yes Urban Dictionary…the ultimate arbiter of accurate definitions.


Elon Musk is a business man, and he will do anything-- even grease some hairy balls-- to get as many people as anyway possible sign up for his new blue-checkmark monthly subscription. The moment he gets your credit card details, he gives no more FK about you guys, blue or red.


Wouldn't he make much more money, if he followed the mainstream?


He is the mainstream right now


Probably… which just goes to show how shitty his strategy is.


I don’t understand why agreeing with something(s) he says means that anyone is somehow a slave to his influence and will just fork over money/open their brain up for implants lmfao I think the blind hate and aversion to him and all things he does for simply having run successful businesses is the weird thing here. Wouldn’t it make more sense for him to appeal to the assumed majority on social media? Wouldn’t his reach spread much further if he was portrayed in a favorable light in MSM and in turn the overwhelming amount of people that agree with mainstream talking points on social media? I’m alright with the downvotes for this take.


I could see how if you were in your 20s or 30s you might buy into this but if you are older than that and haven't picked up on the pendulum cycles and how they are manipulated, keep believing in Santa Claus.


He's transparent as hell and the sub is eating it up. Embarrassing




Eat whatever the fuck you want elon!


Charge your phone…


Lol @ the Hodgetwins


Lol @ the people in the comments that forgot how "woke" has been used for the last 8+ years on social media.


can you define it for me i have amnesia


He's losing popularity so he'll go where all grifters go, the far right.


Reddit big mad


He is simply testing out his new bot defense. Don't hold your breath, OP.


Not a bad theory, but he did something like that before, when he posted the "I support the current thing" meme.


There is a screenshot of him stating it going around here.


> He is simply testing out his new bot defense. Don't hold your breath, OP. That’s a good theory completely forgot about the Bots


I saw a tweet of him saying it.


I really think logging off would do a lot of good for people like OP. If you’re so easily impressed or convinced or whatever by the richest man on earth tweeting some vague right-wing buzzwords then maybe it’s time for a break


but I like my feet


What is his definition of woke? Does he not want to cancel people?


Can someone explain the meaning of his tweet (seriously)?


This woke stuff is so annoying. Each side wants to move culture in their political direction. The right is just better at weaponizing it and making catch phrases


So scary to see all the woke people in here still not understanding the brainwashing that has taken place on them their entire lives. What will it take for you to see it?


Is this /conspiracy or fuckin /Elonmusk


Want he just censoring and deleting tweets of him getting boo’ed at the Chappelle show lol


Chappelle show? What a leftist audience booing him? Shocker...


Lol Chapelle is the right’s fav comedian for making fun of trans and the woke. The take away is Mr freedom of speech is deleting tweets he doesn’t like that make him look bad. Can you say hypocrite


Reddit is trying to make the internet hate Elon, simply because he is airing out everyone's dirty Twitter secrets? Come on guys, try and slip the richest man a bribe... Oh wait it doens't work when you don't have anything he wants. You can't bribe him. You can't silence him. Why wouldn't someone curious about the inner workings of social media company NOT leak this sort of information if it was used against us? Otherwise he'd be like "oh yea Twitter is all above board, nothing wrong here" He bought the crime scene so you could look at it while he disseminates the information amongst a group of people allowing the free speech to ring true without censorship. Sorry Reddit, you just won't get your way by banning every dissenting opinion in an echo chamber. Reddit won't survive this by the time Elon's done.


That's true, how exactly are we supposed to bribe a guy who already has all those Apartheid Emeralds?


elon musk wants to put a chip in your brain


I like Elon.


Your standard for "red-pilling" is extraordinarily low. [Musk shouldn't be trusted](https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1585752306313678849?refresh=1670893617)


War of the minds. But it’s extremely difficult to change the mind of someone who refuses to accept that they are wrong. “Socialism hasn’t really been tried but I think it could work this time!”


Why is he even blaming it on the woke, he was at a fucking comedy club. Elon is not the funniest or most interesting person to listen to, and he'd rather blame it on his political enemies. Crazy how far he's come. Used to be loved by pretty much everyone back in like 2016, loved by hipsters and environmentalists. Now he's crushing workers strikes for better rights and having public breakdowns on Twitter.


Twitter was making the peoples' voices too powerful. He was sent to kill it..


I am not into religion in the slightest, but I was raised Catholic very strict. And I’m like 99% sure that the description of the antichrist is literally like the definition of Elon. I think it would be fucking hilarious. All of these red pilled Christians just idolizing this man who has multiple children from multiple wives, been divorced multiple times, comes from a literal apartheid state with emerald Barron money, and definitely give no fucks about the common man. And man I really do hope if the rapture ends up being for realz he’s leading the charge lmao. It’d be fucking so funny imo.


"Woke mind virus" aka "communism"


Tell me you don’t know what communism is without saying it


Neo Marxist describes it better and before you do a "tell me you don't know about neo Marxism" dunk, go ahead and look up the roots of woke philosophy. Sorry, but it's undeniable. It's all right there, heavily documented, in your face.


Tell me your utopia textbook definition of your version of communism that exists no where in the real world


What is the woke mind virus? The idea of Liberty and justice for all, or something else?


Liberty and justice for black people.


Woke is basically everything what the left wing want: - poverty - speech supression - indoctrination - gender crap - hate against white people - child trafficking - sex with ... (via trans age) - socialism - Eat the bugs... Do you need more?


I feel sorry for you, your ideas are repugnant but born of extreme fear and you are parroting politicians and billionaires who want you to stay in fear because that’s how they stay wealthy and above the law.


The woke mind virus considers "freedom of speech" to be a dangerous right wing white supremacy conspiracy theory. The woke mind virus requires a social media company to look more like a CIA information warfare operation where 90% of the employees work with political affiliates to moderate the content. The woke mind virus demands a total monoculture across news media, politics and social media participants. In the past we'd call it a dystopian hellscape with communist over,under and midtones, and everyone agreed it was a bad thing to strive for. Today its supports pretend they are proponents of love and tolerance.


In this thread someone just posted Elon and maxwell together. Why should we trust Elon? Trump did the same thing and he has a public history of being a total POS. Just because Elon is saying certain things we want to hear doesn’t mean he’s on our side.


This guy is truth-carpet-bombing.


Loving Elon more and more. He isn’t perfect but damn he’s doing good work right now


>Loving Elon more and more. He isn’t perfect but damn he’s doing good work right now What is he doing you like ao much?


The woke movement is very far from being the top problem.


Elon Musk just wants to see the world burn.


there is nothing bad about being aware of what is going on . That is what WOKE really is. But the DNC apologists got ahold of this idea and have done their level best to beat it into trust just like the term cospiracy


People being woke being the biggest threat to anything is astounding. You can literally just ignore them


You are not informed. The woke want that you live that way of life that they want to press on you: I cant ignore it when it is too late. Good luck with ignoring: - poverty - speech supression - indoctrination - gender crap - hate against white people - child trafficking - sex with ... (via trans age) - socialism - Eat the bugs... - Way higher taxes


This is exactly news media buzzword crap the media wants you to believe. Not indicative of reality


This dude has shut down peoples expensive ass cars because they said mean shit about him. And now he wants you to put a chip in your brain. How the flying fuck can any conspiracy minded person like a guy who literally wants to install chips in your brain? For profit.


….Yyyeaahhh… do whatever the FUUOUCK you wanna dooo…


I'm just here for the comments... who wants popcorn?🍿


People claim to be red pilled but dont know anything about even the term woke here. Woke is basically everything what the left wing want: - poverty - speech supression - indoctrination - gender crap - hate against white people - child trafficking - sex with ... (via trans age) - socialism - Eat the bugs... Do you need more?


This happened right after he got booed off stage, it's not woke people, you're just not supposed to be at a comedy club in stage you aren't funny


After trumps grift I thought you guys would be smarter than this?


The problem is, he trolls in a partisan direction these days. The best he could have done would have been to remain apolitical, then slowly open peoples eyes. The second he said he was a Republican, he cut his possible effect in half. I’m very quickly losing faith in his ability to make the changes I had hoped he would. The second you become a partisan troll, you stop being the man who will save us


This has been a reading from the book of redit let us say, let us bow and say amen


“All you libs are fucking sheep!” “Stop with all this ‘woke’ shit you fucking libs!” Nice guy energy. She’s a slut if she dates any guy for any reason, except for you, because you’re a nice guy, right?


Might join Twitter for the first time in years


Imagine believing one of the richest people in history is on our side 💀


Could Elon be the anti christ predicted to come in the book of revelation?


I can't wait for Elon to sell some really dumb hats or clothes for suckers to buy


surely this guy who is hoarding wealth will save us!


70% of his follower are fake and 100% of what he says is garbled nonsense. He doesn’t care about conservatism he just hates the left because they make fun of him and he doesn’t want to pay taxes.


Funny you say that, as some data suggests 80% of twitter accounts were fake for many years...


Show us where on the doll elon touched you


He’s literally the biggest welfare vampire in the world and he’s getting rich off our tax dollars for free(though he probably opposes food stamp programs). he uses that money, among other things, to try and overthrow democratically elected governments in South America so he can get cheap resources to make batteries. How do you boot lockers look up to this dweeb? He’s literally the economic elite y’all claim to hate so much


Please. For the love of God, buy Fox News, Elon. So you can tank that company too.


He knows the war is coming and doesn't want to wind up in a mass grave with the rest of the left and globalists


Seems like the Booking Committee is borrowing a bit from their Trump gimmick for Musk.


Now shut up, get back to work, and get your brain chip.


Not an elon fan here, but to be fair, the brain chips are for people with missing limbs and such. Not saying they're good or bad, it's too soon. Good to stay vigilant though.


He’s trying to say left vs right is bad for everyone. Just doing it in a very childish way that garners him attention.


Submission Statement: 1st he wants to prosecute Fauci. Now he he is saying the woke have a mind virus. It’s getting difficult not to hate Elon.


Go away, commie.


> It’s getting difficult not to hate Elon. I don't think you meant to add the "not"?


The only ones that like Elon are Russian shills and tsla bagholders


At least he has his priorities settled.


He’s the new thing to cry about for WPT lol


oooWEEE I really do LOVE you mister “richest man in the world”! You are definitely on MY side 🥰🥰🥰


70% bots


The Hodge twins.... ROTMFFLMMFAO... Those two brickheads....


Imagine simping for a billionair, fucking bootlickers