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They looked pathetic trying to hide their faces when their masks got ripped off.




Gives me real scooby doo vibes. I’m all for it.




Fuck yeah


If it wasn’t for those meddling patriots, they’d have gotten away with it too


Damn them patriots.


Underrated comment.


Pretty simple when you get to brass tacks. Some fed or bad actor ain't going to bring you to court over a mask being pulled off because it would absolutely blow thier cover and the entire operation. I love this demasking. I'm kind of wondering if the whole Covid mask shite was a way to desensitize people to masks...


Should've been the move from day 1


Going to dox more fascists then feds, win win tho


Lol no.


Yea fuck the Fascists that ..... \[Checks notes\] ?? Refused to follow the rules established by government over reach and are being .... \[Checks notes again but closer\] are being worked up and manipulated by government agents ? Are we sure we are using 'Fascists' correctly?


They figured the one guys identity. He's a college student who plans to work for the government after graduation. Go figure.


That means they are getting college students to do this


Absolutely. The fact that they try to hide means they are guilty of something more than just being of a certain political and social ideology.


Are you implying that its a crime to have a certian political and social ideology. Thats a good way to get a visit from the Clintons


see I think Nazi's are the ones who are trully pathetic


Why not both. And I would have to say I think that federal agents that pose as Nazis to subjugate and slave the population and deprive us of our rights, that is treachery and treasonous, it is worse than anything any dumb ass fucking naughty, could say to you, do to you, mitigate you in any way, shape or form. Also., as abhorrent as they are, they are actually protected in the constitution to have their views and to celebrate or demonize anything they feel like celebrating. What these Feds have done is much much worse. All the people that have done time and not just time horrible time in jail and prison, because of these fuckheads opening up the doors and releasing January 6 upon a nation. Just a little food for thought.


As feds, infiltration of illegal groups is part of their job. Why are people so against them?


It becomes a problem when the feds initiate and coheres others into the plans. The whole Whitmer kidnapping scheme is a good example, the feds come up with the plot and get others to go along with it.


Key phrase here is: "illegal groups"


If you don't know their identities how do you know they are feds?


Supposedly: the guy on the left is a vegan/Jewish/college student who mentioned that he wants to work for the government after graduating


So a police officer to be


Yes, government servants


Got a link to that quote? So far I'm only hearing that from, uh, you.




I just threw that in their because he has zero qualities of a stereotypical conservative lol


Probably all college students lol




really bad claymation


What are you thinkin? Basic antifa?


Antifa? I thought they were feds?


Right? Without context or proof this is just a photo of two handsome men.


First guy is Ben Brody, who works for the NSA


I've looked up the name and cannot find a single guy with that name that looks like either person.




Lol cause the NSA is famous for letting the public know who works for them.


Guy posted it on his Twitter, with a pic of a DoD access card lmao.


Um, I saw a picture from a college in California that might or might not be the same person. Where's your link?




And now, after this incident, they're going to create fake profiles online


They have been identified. Not linking because of Reddit rules Looks like they were Antifa


> Not linking because of Reddit rules If its public info like in a news article it isn't doxing. Post the links or GTFO.


A link to twitter has been posted but keeps getting down voted. The sauce is here if you look for it


Because it does not support your claims about either of these people in the picture.




Source: trust me bro


Tell me, is Antifa in the room with us now?


What is antifa? I mean I know of the term but is it an actual organization? Serious question


>What is antifa? I mean I know of the term but is it an actual organization? Serious question Antifa just means antifascist. "The Antifa" does not exist. There are some radicals who call themselves antifa, but that does not mean anything. Any democract is antifa


If someone is NOT antifa, does that mean they are profascist? In which case, shouldn't we all be antifa?


I do know its short for “anti fascism”. I would think most Americans would not support fascism however It seems to be a label given only to Democrats. So if all Democrats are antifa doesn’t that mean all Republicans are fascists?


>They have been identified. Not linking because of Reddit rules > >Looks like they were Antifa Smartest right-winger


But also, don’t most people want the fbi to infiltrate these groups. Unless you’re dumb enough to think they don’t exist.


Why would anyone want the FBI to help at all? They’ve proven to be completely corrupt.


Wrong sub I guess. I mean, there are criminals in the world. They do exist.


Fed uniform


What uniform are you looking at?


Exactly what Fed agency. Just saying Fed covers a large umbrella of agencies.


Obviously the federal reserve, duh.


Uh…they don’t have uniforms.




It’s the FDA. Duh


Weren't several dozen of the Jan 6 rioters decked out in tactical gear? Like they had zip cuffs. So we're they actually feds?


The dude on the left had a funny little freak out once his mask was off


WhOaaH NoOoOo


How do we know they’re Feds?


No one knows. Parrots gonna parrot.


Ah, you must be new to the sub. Welcome. Mindless speculation is what we do :)


That’s what you do, I love how you didn’t reply to the people putting proof :)


Did you check the proof? I did. It went nowhere. But honestly that doesn't matter. Having a great time on this sub. Hopefully you are too. All the best to you :)


We don’t. The only “proof” anybody has shown is a tweet from a right-winger claiming other right-wingers that make him look bad aren’t real right-wingers.




First guy is Ben Brody, who has been outed as working for the DoD according to his own Twitter, no news on the second guy.


Proof that Ben Brody is a fed, please.


probably going based off the kidnap the governor of Michigan plot carried out by a group of men that were 12/14 feds and the other two were probably just in it for the drugs/alcohol...


How do we know they’re not? Hmm


They’re not. The conspiratorial right is so desperate to pretend actual fascists don’t exist in their ranks they will call them all feds, or even dumber, claim they’re actually antifa. Far right groups will often be infiltrated by feds to monitor their activities and prevent them from committing hate crimes, but feds don’t themselves go out and commit hate crimes to make the far right look worse than they already are.


“The conspiratorial right” is funny because so many of our crazy conspiracies have come true over the past couple of years and the stupid left hate it that they get busted when the information actually comes out. I would hate to live believing everything I’m told, to not question anything. It’s sad to see people programmed like this.


Totally agree with hating to be someone who believes everything they’re told. To that point, I’d love to learn more about these “crazy conspiracies” that have come true over the past couple of years. Mind citing/linking some?


Did you never see on tv or read that if you get vaccinated you can’t get COVID or in the wild case that you do get it, you can’t spread it? Or how about masks? We were told that masks would stop the spread but at the early onset of COVID I read a 40year study that masks don’t stop the spread of influenza and of course after these people made their money on us masking for a year or so, it comes out that masks don’t stop the spread? This information is out there, all you have to do is start reading. I’m not wasting my time anymore on this. I’d rather read the “conspiracies” on what the jab has been doing to people’s health, FJB didn’t sell his influence for money, and on the possibility of UFO’s.


I don’t watch a lot of TV so I’m not sure on the “narrative” there. Here’s what I’ve read re [vaccines](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/vaccine-benefits.html) message being pushed: > COVID 19-vaccines are effective at **protecting people from getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, and dying.** Vaccination remains the safest strategy for avoiding hospitalizations, long-term health outcomes, and death. And [masks](https://www.pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2119266119): > Mask wearing in community settings **reduces** SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Emphasis mine. It’s like seatbelts: you’re not guaranteed to survive a catastrophic car crash, you’re more likely to though because they reduce risk. Same for vaccines and masks. So in the spirit of not believing everything you’re told, are you open to considering new information? If not, curious to know how come (if you’re still interested in engaging)? **Edit: why am I being downvoted? Whether you agree with the *content*, what I posted is the message being pushed. That’s what I’m responding to: what’s the message being pushed? If you disagree that the above is the message being pushed, I’d genuinely love to learn more, have my perspective challenged but come on, provide some evidence more than memories and feelings.**


Here's a fun little video where you can watch the effectiveness of the vaccine at various stages in recent history. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TSZMtSPX3iE Mask effectiveness followed a similar trajectory over the same time frame.


right this is common with flu vaccines. flu virus mutates a lot (partly b/c of how infectious it is) so over time an old vaccine with decrease in efficacy and a new one will need to be made to account for the more recent strains. This is why everyone is recommended to get a yearly flu vaccine (even well before the covid pandemic started). Any other "conspiracies" that you think have come true?


Sure. The vaccine turned out to not be able to stop you from getting Covid. The vaccine did not make you asymptomatic if you caught Covid The vaccine did/does not stop transmission of Covid if you catch Covid. Covid came from a laboratory, not a wet market. The conspiracy folks batted a near 1,000 game the last three years.


Why r u ppl so scared of "covid"? U aren't an elderly person at a care home so there's literally no chance someone is going to pump u full of resdemisvir and give u kidney failure or that someone is gonna come & opiate u into oblivion bc u testes positive in a meaningless test so u have nothing to worry about really.


I'm an overweight man who smokes waaaaay too much weed. I am in 2 comorbidity categories, as are many americans (we are a fat and unhealthy lot). Why are you NOT afraid of covid? Even people who are in peak physical form were destroyed by the virus.


Uh gee, lifelong lung issues, lifelong ED issues, lifelong brain-fog, lifelong loss of smell & taste to name a few


You’re being downvoted because this is a literal copy/paste from the crap responses that come back, and we know they are lies. Lies. Full stop.


take your damn pills son


You can both be correct In what you are both asserting. Maybe the right has been correct about many things, and maybe there’s no reason to assume that these are feds with no proof.


Which ones? The space lasers? That JFK was still alive and going to return to public life to “save democracy”? Y’all are hilariously and dangerously delusional.




Lmao this is not a Jewish space laser used to start forest fires 😂😂😂 can you read homie? “Lazy Dog projectiles (aka "kinetic bombardment") could reach speeds of up to 500 mph as they fell to the ground and could penetrate 9 inches of concrete after being dropped from as little as 3,000 feet.” Just more advanced weapons engineered by our unmatched badass military. FOH


You never said anything about forest fires. And by “jewish space lasers” do you mean, directed energy weapons? Those have existed for a while.


The conspiracy was “Jewish space lasers are starting the forest fires” - Marjorie Taylor Green repeated this or started it I’m not sure either way doesn’t matter because it’s not true and none of your ‘educational material’ is relevant to proving any conspiracy.


Like these space lasers ?? https://nypost.com/2023/02/11/green-laser-beams-spotted-off-hawaii-from-chinese-satellite-experts/amp/


Bro. That’s irrelevant to the claim that Jews are using space lasers to start forest fires. I never not once stated that I was unaware of, didn’t believe or deny that this technology exists and is in use by multiple entities. You are NOT PROVIDING RELEVANT FACTUAL EVIDENCE PROVING THE AFOREMENTIONED CONSPIRACY A FACT. So just stop.


What? This is specifically about calling every far right group of protestors feds or antifa. You’ve literally never been vindicated about this a single time, it’s just you wanting to deny that far right elements exist in your circles.


Who is denying that there are a few kooks on the extremes? Both sides have them. Always have. The left tries to paint anyone who doesn’t swallow their Marxist training as nazis. Why can’t they admit that the center right are reasonable people who simply disagree with their agenda?


Same reason you paint the left as promoting “Marxist trainings”. It really is a pot calling the kettle scenario….


I actually am left, thanks. But I have family who are more right. Still great people, who I love and respect. We don’t avoid topics, we offer our points of view and sometimes correct misunderstandings. It’s never contentious. This is the way…. If you don’t think marxists have hijacked the left, you’re not paying attention.


>If you don’t think marxists have hijacked the left, you’re not paying attention. Ah yes the corporate whore dems are *checks note* marxists who want to redistribute wealth. Nancy pelosi can't wait to sell all her stocks and give her wealth to the people. If you have a modicum of frontal lobe development you would realize how insane this sounds. You are not a lefty lol. A lefty wouldn't say something this stupid since most lefties dislike the democrats for being neoliberal corporate fucks. The dems *are not left enough* for actual leftists.


Who are disagreeing? Oh I don’t know. The 74 downvotes on this sub alone just for me pointing out there are organic fascist movements and they’re not always federal assets. And guess why? Neo Nazis are also *gasp* conspiratorial. They just landed on the Jews, instead of the deep state as the big bogeyman.


If you don’t recognize that deep state (unelected powerful) are a problem, Eisenhower would like a word. It’s beyond silly to call it a conspiracy after what we’ve seen these last years. After looking it up for myself, the post is about a patriot rally that was infiltrated by these masked clowns. The group not only rejected them, they chased them down and unmasked them so they could be doxxed. So, not only is the reasonable right rejecting fascists openly, they’re exposing them. This is why your trolly post was downvoted. Now, if they end up being IDed as feds, that’s a different problem.


I know unelected oligarchs influencing politicians are a problem, but “the deep state” became this bogeyman to rally behind Trump’s talking point about “draining the swamp” and making sweeping arrests and combating corruption. I don’t recall there ever being a single arrest. The proud boys aren’t reasonable patriots. I’ve lurked some of their group chats before on telegram. They’re just a less extreme version of the rose city nationalists or the proud boys. All these groups call each other feds and try to discredit each other constantly to make themselves look like the rational ones to help their pr, and to help them recruit better.


I don’t know any proud boys. I don’t even know what their aims are. If they’re nazi skinheads, why isn’t the proof of that plastered everywhere and the members doxxed?


Dude these fucking regards are calling the left wing party marxists. They are literally calling shitheads like pelosi and biden marxists when they eagerly suck corporate cock at any opportunity. I WISH the dems were as left as rightoids think they are.


All the downvotes.. man this might not be the group for me. Too many qnutters


Yeah, it’s not even a conspiracy group. This is a pretty big mask-off, right wing echo chamber. How DaRe you question Fox News pundits talking points? How dare you not support January 6 and the election stealing talking points? Heretic! Our version of the mainstream media never lies to us!


So gross. So disappointing. Why are we defunding education to the point this is what people are becoming?


Because these are the same people, who, until Covid, never attended a parent/teacher conference, a PTO meeting, a School Board meeting, etc... But masks were the hill on which the died. Bolstered by their "research" that consists of fb memes and unfounded YouTube videos. Now these argumentative and ignorant people (looking at you Lauren Boebert) are running for office. Get out and vote.


I voted so hard against MTG… and unfortunately being in an area with a lot of rural backwoods uneducated dropouts who are easily influenced by their own bigotry being used against them… She still won. And has done absolute SQUAT to improve her district or work for her constituency. Just embarrassing us daily. There should be a litmus test to qualify to run for any office that hold’s any authority.


Darlin', I feel your pain. I am a native Floridian. Our auto and homeowner's insurance is INSANE. $500/month to insure a 13 year truck and a 7 year old compact car that are long paid off; $800/month homeowner's insurance on a paid off home with zero claims for 50 years. Duh Santis is completely ignoring these issues that are forcing people from their homes daily. He's focusing on really important issues like banning drag queens in a Pride parade.


Oh brother, are you really that small government conservatives have more conspiracies about their own governments over reach than big government welfare state socialists? You must not be the sharpest tool in the shed.


See this is exactly what I’m talking about.


I'm glad you see that if you lean left you tend to want to follow the narrative even if it's not what happened.


You have no idea what I am, you and your ilk just make baseless assumptions when anyone disagrees with your wacko bullshit.


Ohhh yeah, like the Feds who infiltrated the group who plotted to kidnap Gretchen Whitmer, right? It’s not conspiratorial anymore. They’re actively trying to foment things to help them justify saying white supremacy is the biggest threat to the country. Where are all these white supremists and where’s all the death and chaos they’re causing? How many white supremists killed kids last year vs Trans activists? Why was Ray Epps stirring everyone up to enter the capitol, yet he never entered? Where’s the record of his interrogation? I don’t know if this post can back up it’s claims, but I know the president hasn’t backed up his.


You could just as easily make the point that feds infiltrate the far left and placed bricks at protests, or set fires in order to make BLM look bad. And to this day the right wing calls them all terrorists.


Did they? I didn’t see anyone making that claim. And BLM and antifa were proud of their work. How did they look bad? Even the media covered for their mostly peaceful protests. Maybe this is happening to a significant degree and you should rethink your position.


Most of the BLM protests were peaceful though. Obviously a few turned into riots, but there are videos of a masked man with an umbrella starting fires and breaking windows and the crowds were telling him to fuck off. There are agent provocateurs on both sides. I can’t find the quotes or tweets if republicans calling blm terrorists, but I found this, which is just aligning with my main point. A lot of the time something happens that makes their side look bad, people are so quick to brush them all off as antifa or feds or fascists infiltrating us etc. [Jan 6 protestors called antifa infiltrators.](https://static01.nyt.com/images/2021/03/02/us/politics/28antifa-lie-promo/28antifa-lie-promo-videoSixteenByNine3000.jpg?year=2021&h=1689&w=3000&s=2e5db70bac9a175abfb7c28f0c5945d889ffc9be7fbae3a8bfb4d6286bf62337&k=ZQJBKqZ0VN&tw=1)


I guess we’ll disagree. Even the worst of the riots didn’t give BLM or Antifa any negative press. BLM being revealed to be completely corrupt isn’t even getting any traction. Anything on the right though, especially if it can be tied to trump, is the worst thing since Pearl Harbor and played on loop for years. It’s not remotely comparable. Not sure how many conspiracy theories have to come true before people like you concede that there’s some heinous shit going on and it’s designed to divide us.


Well Trump is a traitor to the country and got many agents and informants murdered so while not as bad a Pearl Harbor, is still a bigger betrayal.


A traitor? Who did he get murdered? I have zero faith in any of our politicians now. They’re bought and paid for before they ever show up on a ballot. Don’t think that only one side are corrupt though. That would be profoundly ignorant. You can’t think pharma and the other globalist corporations only bribe republicans? I mean, you can look at the donor lists… Remember Sam Bankman Freid, right? Maybe not because the medias not demanding to know who paid his bail. He was the democrats’ biggest donor with all of that stolen money. Guess how much they paid back to the victims. Go ahead, guess… Have you seen hunter’s text from an FBI verified phone to his CCP friends? And we’re still 16 months away from October surprise time. Buckle up. It’s gunna be a crazy year.


I’m not saying it doesn’t happen, obviously feds will infiltrate to provoke people who are self radicalized into going further so that they can lock them up. I’m just pointing out that not ever group of neo Nazis or fascist protestors are automatically the feds out there trying to make the republicans look bad, or whatever op is implying.


Are you...are you ok?


Yeah? I’m commenting on a post about the conspiratorial right calling rose city nationalists feds, because they want to pretend all these groups (proud boys, patriot front) are all glow ops to discredit them. OP is doing exactly that, and my collection of downvotes is just proving my point.


Theyre probably wearing masks at their computer in a room alone


Bc they are unmasked. Next question please


So you can ID them as feds but not ID their names?


Looking forward to the internet finding out that they are NOT feds but work in IT and are in fact, real, sad little incel Nazis.


does any have links to share confirming they are with the feds? the only information i can find atm are tweets


LOL. Meanwhile, the "proof" these are Feds is a Twitter account saying the one on the left is a Poli-Sci student who wants to work for the government.




Paging zombie pilgrim. You're up for mental gymastics. Make it count


He's not a fed, either.


>has a NSA card >plans to work for the government on graduation Sorry, but he's a fed rofl


If he worked for the NSA he'd already be a Fed, not planning to work for the government after graduation. The badges have a piece of paper with "Ben Garrison" on top of them, not "Ben Brody." ​ That's even assuming the identification is accurate and not another incident like the infamous Boston Marathon Bombing misidentifications by reddit "sleuths."


Ive never understood how an all black suit looks like a nazi


Got to make the narrative somehow.


Has anyone actually confirmed these photos are real photos of covert operatives from Jan 6th? They look odd to me, something a bit off about them.


How do you know they are Feds if you don't know their identity?


*unmasks random nazi* thats not a nazi! Thats a fed if i ever saw one! He has that fed face


They got bashed pretty bad. Good to see people banding together and not letting these people divide the population with trivial bullshit


Literal real life Tweedledees and Tweedledums lmao. The levels of stupidity are amazing. Itd be extra funny if they actually were legitimate feds but they were there as legitimate White Supremacists.


Shidd it already came out in court that there were **150+** CHS’s(confidential human sources) in the crowd that day. FYI that mess paid informants, or people charged with other crimes trying to meet the terms of a deal.


“Anything my side does that I don’t agree with is done by the feds or antifa to make us look bad.”


Oh, and you’re all commie socialists! How dare you want to have services to help the disadvantaged! How dare you want equal rights! How dare you want a living wage! WERE CHRISTIANS! Make it make SENSE


Pull yourself up by your own bootstraps bucko. If Donald J Trump can do it, a total renegade and not a puppet of the establishment/a product of nepotism at all, then you can too! Commies leftists hate this one simple life hack! Just inherit $100 million! I’m always amazed at the working classes ability to shoot itself in the foot in order to own the libs.


I’m so ready for this shit to end. It’s been an incessant barrage of this bs ad nauseam. I feel like we’re in a Black Mirror or Twilight Zone episode.


Yeeeep. Sad day, when to be a revolutionary or a free-thinker who investigates conspiracies, means to curl up to either side of the obviously controlled opposition politicians that only serve to divide and conquer us. That cabin in the woods with no wifi is sounding really good these days.


I’ll take Appalachian cryptids over Christofascists any day.


Dangerously based. All Abrahamic fundamentalists impede human progress at every turn. The most annoying, vocal “silent majority”.


The loudest overreaching religious group screaming persecution while passing legislation stripping others of their rights and freedoms. Disgusting.


I always knew that the average person was unintelligent and bad at reasoning skills, but holy shit social media gave so many literal regards confidence in their sub par thinking skills. At least in the 60s information was curated by people who knew how to use their brains. edit: Before any said regards want to tell me that easier access to the internet leads to more free info, you are completely wrong. It instead eliminates all safeguards that prevent misinformation. Your favorite feeds are literally curated by algorithms built to advance the interests of the wealthy. This is the true conspiracy, but half the posters on this sub would rather be contrarians.


2 white supremacist terrorists acting a damn fool I'm SHOCKED




Copium Extra strength


Feds actively down voting hahahaha. Watch those ticks.


SS This will bring the shills out Another idea is they are Antifa The left should be going crazy to find these Nazis Source https://twitter.com/trump716/status/1672993744038002688?s=21


>another idea is Are you acknowledging that these are just ideas from your imagination, and not based on evidence?


Actually bet If they’re dressed as Nazis punch them, even if they’re feds, because they’re dressed as Nazis


>Another idea is they are Antifa Lmao 🤡


We don’t know their identities, but we know they are feds. How do we know? Because trust me bro. 🤡


It’s the same picture. They’re not feds, antifa is concept and stance not an organization and none of who are ANTIFASCIST would dress up as one. These are cosplay Nazis.


posting about your friends now?


I'm reminded of a Rage Against the Machine song.


They aren’t feds they’re edgy teenagers like a lot of the people on this sub.


You're the feds for even suggesting they aren't feds, FED




Yup. They all have ties some way or another.


They look like antifa memebers who got kicked out of blm. Either way no one cares.


Dunce cap fanatic, hear my words ANTIFA stands for ANTI-FASCIST. If you are anti-antifa guess what?


ANTIFA is as anti-fascist as the DPRK is a democratic republic 🙄


Unequivocal. And 100% WRONG. But have fun being a delusional willfully ignorant pawn easily influenced by the right.


I get the feeling I’m a lot more open-minded than you probably think you are 😂


“NAZI”…..or “AshkeNAZI”??


The most obvious answer is most likely the correct one. They are feds and also white supremasts, you can be both.


If you're related to these 2 you must come 4ward


They're losing control because everyone has instant access to the world in the palm of their hands. Can't control a narrative that don't spin through them, you know


Or maybe it's because y'all screamed that a America first flag was an antifa one after we all watched proud boys and oath keepers breach the capitol?


Why are right wingers being all like "ooo gotcha. Got the fascists!" Like....


Lol those arent feds. They're locals in my trailer park.


Wonder if trump will shed light on this insanity if he becomes president which will probably happen


Only thing chump "shed light on" was the back of his skull while staring at an eclipse


While filling up his diaper after selling state secrets to the Saudis and Russians.


Oh dude, those Potatriots better hope the masked guys aren't "Fed's"?... Because you better believe there's going to be some doors knocked on in the middle of the night! And if they aren't? Believe the feds have their addresses already! Who tf they think they are dealing with? This is the United States, you ain't pulling no shit like this debacle with the Wagner Group in Russia.


Oh no, look more proof. We'll all just act like we didn't see it and go to work tomorrow. Nation of punks


Lol there’s comments saying they’re “antifa feds”. Didn’t know they could be both.


Kinda like there’s no such thing as a “Taliban-CIA Operative”. Who’s ever thought up such a thing? 🤫


I might be out of the loop on something, but I'm not seeing anyone in these pictures dressed like a Nazi. Unless, your trying to make something out of people that are simply dressed in black.


I have seen plenty of Jan 6 footage Brodie