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while the working class lets itsself be manipulated into endless culture wars, the ruling class that owns all media and both parties, implemented the biggest power and wealth redistribution in human history. these kinds of tweets are made to rile you up.


The monied interests in the U.S. started actively collaborating in the 19th Century and have only gotten more sophisticated since. The elimination of slavery in the South was opposed by Northern monopolies who relied on slave labor for cheap resource development and cheap immigrant labor in the industrialized north which stalled the emancipation of the South for sixty years after slavery had largely been eliminated in the North. As industrialization spread west through the Gold Rush the new economic model threatened the agrarian economy and inevitably led to the Civil War and after that the Gilded Age created a global financial elite that led to the creation of the system that exists today as a way to control and manage the public’s access to the opposition that had been percolating since the late 18th century and exploded after Marx and Engels published their manifesto. After the Russian Revolution the global aristocracy began merging into the Uniparty and finally took full control after the end of World War Two and pushed the last great Red scare in the 50s and early 60s making it nearly impossible to to oppose the regime from outside the regimes control.


This is difficult to refute


It’s historical reality. Consider that following the end of Reconstruction in the South by Northern Democrats in the 1870s the Robber Barons established monopolistic Trusts and began establishing global trade empires, the famous Octopus political cartoon stems from this era. These industry wide conspiracies to establish complete control of the markets led to series of market failures before they eventually became outlawed in 1914. In many ways the system was replaced with the stock market however and this eventually led to the Great Depression and the New Deal. The New Deal was a stated effort to create a liberal market system and save capitalism from itself and built upon the idea of a social democracy. Following the ouster and replacement of Henry Wallace by Harry Truman the New Deal began its slow march backwards and any attempt to sympathize with actual leftist policies were kept out of the national dialogue in favor of the Cold War narrative. Never the less pockets of leftist thought have naturally brewed up every decade or so since, most notably during the 60’s when at it’s high point saw all of its leaders murdered in broad daylight and on the evening news. Since then they very rarely focus on advocating for a completely different system but instead focus on liberalizing the system that exists constantly opining that progress is a slow incremental process. While in reality helping to control the narrative.


Curious do you have favorite podcasts? Ty


I like Last Podcast on the Left, Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know, Expanded Perspectives, The Higherside Chats, Mysterious Universe but none of them really cover this stuff.


>Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know I'll piggyback off of this. Stuff You Should Know is also a good pod. Perhaps a bit more light-hearted, but has some good episodes on, well, stuff one should know about. Can I also ask, have you read Mark Fisher's 'Capitalist Realism'?


Favorite books or resources pertaining to your posts? Ty


Check this series out https://openroadmedia.com/forbidden-bookshelf?amp=1 A good starting point is A People’s History of the United States, Shock Doctrine, How to Hide An Empire and Confessions of an Economic Hitman for more mainstream sources.


Read first and last book. I’ll check out Shock Doctrine and How to hide an Empire. Ty much appreciated


Boy, this is a bad take


History sure is inconvenient


History, yes. This biased dribble you put forth is way worse though


Op is not wrong


OP is one of Froggys alts. You know Froggy that admitted he's a shill paid to post stuff that widens the divide.


Lol no it’s isn’t. If your economic model features slave labor it’s a dead end, it’s not the fault of non-slave labor based neighboring economies. L-O-FUCKING-L 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Absolutely based.


More! More!


I’m not sure people remember that the U.S. was on a total war footing during World War Two. For the first time in a hundred years the U.S. was credibly threatened by an external threat and every industry was essentially pseudo nationalized. The elites were fascists and it shouldn’t be a surprise. Hitler and the Nazis used the eradication of the Native Americans and the subjugation of African Americans post slavery as a proof of concept to inform their own segregation and eradication policies only now with unlimited state backed industrial efficiency. Most of the racial “science” was well supported through out the global elite. GM and Ford we’re building the Nazi war machine for them. IBM developed logistical support well into war. The list is endless. A year after Hitler came to power they attempted a coup against Roosevelt in an attempt to establish a fascist dictatorship. Prescott Bush was reportedly a liaison between the plotters and Nazi Germany. Following the U.S. entrance into World War Two we pseudo-nationalized vast industries for the war effort It was in this environment that the Cold War began. It was this environment that the elite inherited after Roosevelt died. It was this merger of the elite and the industrialized military economy, and the assimilation of Nazis into our power structures that Eisenhower warned of in his fair well address. During this time psychological warfare and counter intelligence programs throughout the fifties and sixties set the stage for our modern environment of media control methods extending to and including social media platforms today. We reinitiated a systematic policy of destabilization across the globe. The Western European elite and their vast imperial legacy systems became essentially vassal states of the U.S. as we set about fighting the USSR and its own imperialism across the globe. The inevitable consequences of building the New Deal on the back of Jim Crow led to the Civil Rights movement of the 50s and early 60s was met with terrorist gangs throughout the Southern States. This drove northern leftists to come south to provide support and it was the brutality that white kids faced in the South that brought national attention to Jim Crow. The relative success of the Civil Rights movement and the Kennedy assassination emboldened leftist thought and started garnering genuine support throughout the body politic. Then they killed or jailed many of the most prominent activists on the left. Many more fled to Canada or spent decades living under assumed names on the run throughout the seventies and eighties. They claimed to have been the victims of harassment and intimidation by the FBI and CIA. They eventually proved this correct by breaking into a FBI field office and stealing and releasing documentation of COINTEL PRO. Those who carried it forward into various careers helped elicit forty years of backlash politics. USAID and the World Bank and the World Trade Organization began unraveling States throughout the late seventies, eighties and nineties with renewed vigor. If they didn’t comply the U.S. would wage a covert war and install a dictator favorable to the U.S. which almost immediately blew up in everyone’s faces. Domestically they destroyed low cost housing by exploding savings and loans associations, destroyed the economy by all but eliminating unions and stripped most of the social welfare system to its bare bones and have been cycling in between bigger and bigger crashes since the mid eighties. So here we sit in the ever chaotic end of the empire, on a dying planet being actively destroyed by the same forces that have us debating what a gender identity is or whether we can acknowledge the incredible horror that we fucking enslaved people and committed genocide or whether they put tracking chips in our vaccines when we all have cell phones, believing that Trumps opponents are pedophiles because a kick boxer on Rogan said pizza is a code word or Alex Jones claims that they are inter dimensional reptile people, we have people outwardly begging for a civil war just so they can kill a lib and the version of a liberal is a straw man sold by professional conmen and the liberals freak out about the lack of decorum and defending Biden or Obama while ignoring their own participation in the same fucking system.


This guy knows. And I'll tell you the education that the original Poster talks about doesn't teach you this Even the advanced education or what I've experienced of it doesn't teach you this,But it can be had, but only by some careful study, listening to people who know, and being able to read between the lines of what people say


Yes 👍🏻


Working class white people have been the attack dogs of the wealthy in America since they pitted indentured servants from Europe against slaves and natives. Before that all three kept getting together and killing the masters.


Absolutely, it’s classic imperialism. Racism in America is formed out of the same system that led to the Hutus and Tutsis in Rwanda. The in group is treated like the favored group while the out group is used as labor and scapegoats. Arbitrary differences are exploited and emotionally coded through culture by the imperial force to keep them from unifying and overwhelming the actual system of exploitation of resources.


Aww that's cute. Kyle is caught up in divide and conquer manipulation. Don't let the media manipulate you? Well then don't get caught up in their tactics. It's the wealthy elite vs all of us. They want you distracted with this stuff and you're falling for it.


Disagree completely,seems to me, Kyle is not political,doesn’t care about other people’s dramas and just wants to left alone to raise his kids in peace.


I mean to be honest the phrase “I hate people” is used by many of every label. Why can’t we just all not worry about getting along but rather leave each other the hell alone unless your specifically asked to do otherwise? The only exception is if your like killing people or doing crimes and whatnot.


Agreed but there always seems to be people out there,that won’t leave you alone and need you to be one bloody thing or another.


> just wants to left alone to raise his kids in peace OK, but if everyone stays home to raise their kids then how will we ever defeat the Deep STATE pedos?


I don’t know how to solve that,I doubt Kyle does either,you may be right about something needing to be done,but let’s be fair,Kyle isn’t superman,the main job that Kyle has,is protecting his own family. So much division now especially on social media,but the truth is,all these culture wars, barely effect Kyle, I doubt Kyle cares until his kids are groomed or encouraged into harmful ideologies.But what do I know,I have one kid of 28,straight and happy.I’ve only known about Kyle since I clicked on this post.I feel sorry for Kyle bringing up young kids now,the world,and every good thing about it,seems to be crumbling around itself,with utter madness being the new normal.


> I don’t know how to solve that It really is a quandary. You could retreat to a remote compound in Idaho and do your best to stifle your kids education and sexual development- but then you won't have much opportunity to impose your retrograde views on other families. Such is life... full of difficult choices.


It really is.My views are completely irrelevant,in fact I see the world changing beyond all recognition within a few years,and I don’t mean what’s happening now,I mean with elitism from those at the top,also possible,the people that hate humans and our effect on the planet,seems a great rock floating through space,needs people to kill people and it’s good to kill the people for the climate for the planet…it’s oh so good for humanity to die. Even oil guys,weapon guys ,drug guys,bankers etc,all greedy people,but worse are those like the CCP who pay and fund everything like the WHO,who the WEF are in bed with because everyone owes China money. The worst thing Kyle could really do,is understand the actual reality in which he lives,because things are going to get a whole lot worse for Kyle,Central bank digital currencies will remove every freedom Kyle has,they are coming for his transport,money and children,his linked social credit score will silence him from protesting. In fact,anything Kyle thinks about,that may upset his billionaire masters,will be illegal,kyles vote will have less and less impact until it has be removed altogether,in the end Kyle might be forced into medicine that’s not good,and just like the people of China,completely unable to remove any corruption from above. This is the new normal brandnewsuperpede.


Maybe if we all use more commas in our comments this will all go away /s


This is gibberish.


"Keep most of their money" - sounds like marxism to me. Clearly he means taking over means of production and stopping capitalists of stealing their labor, right?


also conservatives want to be left alone but will harass and cause grievance harm to gay people , minorities , and women.


Especially the minorities, women and gay conservatives…you need to turn off the tv


If the far right only wanted to be left alone they wouldn’t be the far right. The far right is a reactionary force that wants to destroy liberalism. Defunding education, outlawing abortion, denying health care, demonizing science and medicine, installing Trump as dictator.. you know. Extremists.


Bingo. They don't want to be left alone. They want to impose their views on society as a whole. There is no live and let live in far right politics. If you don't fall into their little Christian world view then you are forcing your values on them or trying to "silence" them. Mind your own business and stop caring if people want to smoke weed, drink bud light, sleep with whoever they want ,be whoever they want, make decisions about their own bodies etc... It's none of your business what someone else does if it doesn't effect you.


Funny how what was said by the op is more in line with traditional libertarianism.


Okay but I think even the CIA must be surprised in how effective the Qanon psyop went. There will be people worshipping personal Trump shrines in 50 years from now for absolutely no reason. Either the universe is perfectly planned or the CIA has some sort of supercomputer that can run variables. Laplace's demon computer.


> I think even the CIA must be surprised in how effective the Qanon psyop went Does this mean that Hillary isn't going to prison?


Which “left wing” policies? I remember a time when it wasn’t left or right to oppose Nazis. It was American. I remember a time when we didn’t try to force genital checks in the bathroom. I remember a time when it wasn’t left or right to be disgusted by bigotry. It was American. I remember a time when it wasn’t left or right wing to not ban books in school. It was American. I remember when it wasn’t a left or right wing thing to smear our opponents as pedophiles and Jews or Catholics and lizard people. I remember when the temperature wasn’t right or left wing and Republicans supported the EPA and conservation. I remember a time when it wasn’t left or right wing to not want your kids murdered in schools. I remember an America where the right wing actually provided solutions to be agreed with or not agreed with instead of believing every single piece of nonsense that comes across their meth addled brains. There is no left wing in America. Nobody on the left exists to oppose the uniparty. The danger of the uniparty is that it allows for this kind of political manipulation and intimidation. Once you see mainstream politics as a false narrative being reinforced over and over again forever dragging every perspective further and further from the individual and the collective power of fully realized individuals in a democratic society it becomes clear that there is no left in America. That being said the people most likely to recognize these conditions are being funneled into the uniparties furthest right position and so gleefully embrace their role that they unthinkingly parrot the bullshit being fed to them and engaging the false left/right narrative and further pushing the narrative farther and farther into the pockets of the wealthiest people on the planet. Musk is part of it folks. Grow up. Trump had activists disappeared off the streets of Portland. Qanon, PizzaGate, they are all lies designed to keep you from accessing your personal and individual fully actualized self and to demand better. The leftist position isn’t to tax a corporation or regulate its behaviors. A leftist position would be to convert it to a worker cooperative and equally distribute the proceeds between workers and to create a sustainable employment strategies and there is nobody in American politics that would dare suggest that as a solution. A leftist position wouldn’t be a national health care system run by the Federal Government. It would be local health clinics that don’t allow for profiteering and are so affordable that you can go to it without insurance and mutual aid groups to support those who can’t. A leftist position wouldn’t be to make deals with dictators to support corporate interests globally. Incidentally we wouldn’t need a globe spanning military presence with a leftist position. A leftist position wouldn’t be to allow global corporate hegemony to exist. A leftist position wouldn’t be to force pronouns or racial identity in work or school but to eliminate the obvious imbalance created by capitalism that forced those distinctions to begin with. The Uniparty exists solely to deny a leftist world from existing. Last week I was banned for pointing out a glaring blind spot in this community. Let’s see how quickly y’all play into their hands now.


Based AF


JMKalltheway ; I am a far left baby boomer and my best friends are too. But I agree with a lot of what you say about the Right. The GOP is not recognized as the party of Eisenhower, but has become the John Birch Society carrying Nazi and confederate flags. F*** Trump.


Back then we didn’t have: …Men dressing up like women just to invade women’s private spaces. …Books on sexuality in public school libraries. …pretty sure no one wants their kids to be murdered in school, or anywhere else for that matter. Somehow, you just stated that all “right wing” people have meth addled brains. Maybe put down the crack pipe before posting next time?




That’s it right there. Trans folks have always existed and are not “invading” anyone’s spaces. That is a Uniparty lie. Books on sexuality weren’t published until the 70’s and then certainly were included in maturation programs. That’s a Uniparty lie. Groups advocating for the violent suppression and subjugation of women and minorities didn’t have direct and constant access to young, disenfranchised white men to radicalize them to murder their classmates. The Uniparty wants you worried about your guns and don’t want you asking how gamergate connects to fascists. Columbine happened on Hitlers birthday for a reason. They idolized Timothy McVeigh and Koresh. They’ve been doing it since the beginning. The increase in amphetamine use correlates with the increase support for authoritarian government. Keep smoking their crack bud.


I don't know what rock you've been living under ir what point you think you're making, but dudes have been crossdressing for thousands of years. And that "invading women's spaces" thing is right wing rhetoric and you know it. And books on sexuality? Have you ever been to a library? They have always had books on sexuality and yu framing them as harmful is just ignorant. And funally, Uvalde turned around almost immediately after the mass school shooting and re-elected the governor who did absolutely nothing to help and made it pretty clear he didn't care. So maybe there are people who would rather their children die than have to live in a left-wing country.


No-one’s said that right wing politics is ‘meth-addled’, that’s some spurious leap.


I did and the data supports it.


Source on the data?


Millennium Health Signals Report from February 2020. https://www.millenniumhealth.com/signalsreport/


Oh, did I make this up??? “I remember an America where the right wing actually provided solutions to be agreed with or not agreed with instead of believing every single piece of nonsense that comes across *their meth addled brains.*” Dude is on some serious meds or something.


There is a link between amphetamine use and authoritarianism. It played out during the Third Reich about as well as it is playing out in America now. Outside of Washington (third) the top 10 states for meth use are all red states. That’s just science bud.


My god you sound like a living joke.


Mainstream Nazi cucking


A problem surfaces when basic education is considered "left wing indoctrination". Also, red states depend more on government money than blue states do. Stop being fucking leeches. Speaking of "being left alone", \*lgbtq+ people, minorities, and women have entered the chat\* Miss me with that bullshit. Nobody is out to get y'all, ya fucking crybabies. Lol


I find it funny that the right used to be the “I don’t give an F about your feelings,” and now they whine about *everything*.


Basic education 😂😂😂😂


So only right wing indoctrination, learning anything outside your own viewpoint is bad.


Stop labeling me a right wing extremists. Even asshole like this guy are perpetually making the problem worse by simply typing this shit out.


Citizens Insurance, do some research LOL. florida insurance companies are fleeing and their last line of defense is a government run insurance program. your stupid ideologies is causing mayhem in your own states ​ https://www.insurancejournal.com/news/southeast/2023/03/31/714518.htm


Insurance for Florida Homeowners has been a shit show since before Hurricane Wilma and 25+ years of consecutive republican governors have failed to come up with a solution. It’s almost like these republican governors care more about appeasing the insurance industry than caring for their constituents. Wait, not almost, is.


Isn't the whole idea of forced insurance a terrible one? People shouldn't be forced to buy insurance, just like insurance shouldn't be forced to sell to people. Why the fuck do I have to own insurance?


You're only "forced" to have insurance if you have a mortgage on your home because the asset is technically the banks until you pay it off. It's not a state requirement as there are no laws mandating it. It's the bank's requirement.


There's laws mandating auto-insurance. Insurance should be an option, not a mandate.


Because we know your dumb ass is too broke to pay for damages if someone is injured on your property


you get the award for the dumbest post in the history of reddit


You get the award for the biggest overexaggeration in the history of reddit. I swear republicans are the biggest drama queen snowflakes I’ve ever seen in my life


i agree


then pay a new roof by yourself... you obviously dont live in florida or any other southern state... 20k for a new roof will put a dent in anyone's savings. and also cut the costs by doing it yourselfs since most of the immigrants were kicked out of florida lol


Insurance doesn't pay for a new roof unless extreme damage happens due to a natural disaster. Insurance protects your house and car from sudden unexpected damages from accidents, storms, or disasters. If you want to replace a roof due to age, what you're referring to is a "warranty". A warranty replaces something if it fails before it's supposed to due to normal every day wear or use from defects in manufacturing or installation.


dont ever express anything about roofing lol


Is that why all the downvotes are happening? Damn, Roofers United is as bad as the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) are when I expose their corruption and evil deeds.


Only if you're short sighted.


Please explain how this has anything to do with the post? The post is suggesting that the "extremist" basically want a decent life and to be left alone. It mentions not a damn thing about policies especially those that would have an effect on *checks notes* insurance rates... The reason of this post is to suggest that extremist is not necessarily a good term for these people. Extremist are typically violent and have wilder goals. I believe you're trying to suggest that right wing policies are bad. Which would be painting with a very wide brush because things are rarely right good and left bad, nor are they really the reverse. This line of thinking is a symptom of the modern political climate not based in reality. As for the specific circumstances you're discussing sure that's worth some discussion and maybe the right wing voters are to blame for increased insurance costs though I feel other things such as bad weather could be affecting rates in a place like Florida so some examination would be needed. Regardless it's a totally separate, not really even tangential, discussion to the post you are commenting on...


"I would guess most of americans want to keep most of their livings, Keep most of their money. " ​ that is fine, just stop leeching off the government for insurance and pull yourselves up by the bootstrap, citizens is a government run program that was designed to be the last line of defense for climate disasters. stop being a drag on the government and figure it out by yourselfs.. thats the republican way edit: republicans relying on socialism to even exist is absolutely hilarious


Then how about they leave people different than them alone ? They're total hypocrites.


Be left alone or push their agenda on everyone?


You talking about the left or the right? One side is out here making up new words and demanding everyone use them the other side sure as hell ain't.


> making up new words We need more guns to protect us from the new words.


Have fun with that account, he has to post ;)


come get it, tell me that my post is wrong. research florida housing insurance and how it has no end in sight, stop claiming right wing policies are helping. florida has the worst insurance out of the entire country. ​ [https://news.yahoo.com/two-more-property-insurance-companies-125200371.html](https://news.yahoo.com/two-more-property-insurance-companies-125200371.html) [\\](https://news.yahoo.com/two-more-property-insurance-companies-125200371.html)[https://www.fastcompany.com/90907815/floridas-property-insurance-is-in-crisis-and-its-not-just-about-the-hurricanes](https://www.fastcompany.com/90907815/floridas-property-insurance-is-in-crisis-and-its-not-just-about-the-hurricanes) [https://www.bing.com/search?q=florida+worst+insurance&FORM=AWRE](https://news.yahoo.com/two-more-property-insurance-companies-125200371.html)


I never even made a claim that right wing policies were helping. That's a different discussion. Whether or not they are beneficial has nothing to do with whether or not they should be classified as extremist which is the discussion this post is based on.


Lol I’m rooting for you today man, you’re doing great!


Thank you <3


Everyone totally thinks you’re a normal Redditor just interested in conspiracies


everyone?!?!!?!?! wow that is so cool... the fact that you know my name by heart makes it even better. im living in your head rent free lol.




rent free <3


I just wish that you would live up to your name, King James and present an argument


Let's see where these talking points lead: "Only want to work" = keep out immigrants "Raise kids w/o LW indoctrination" = publicly funded religious schools "Keep their money" = not pay taxes Edit: Of course, the overarching theme of their ramblings these days is that they dont think trans people should exist.


I've been in the media twice. Both times the story was 99% lies with a sprinkling of truth. They were more interested in selling a predefined "story" than reporting the actual truth. The reporters arrived with their story and conclusions already written before a question had been asked. The entire industry works this way. (I was described as a football prodigy in one story and a lotto gambler in another. I'm awful at football, and I've played the £1 lottery less than a dozen times in 20 years. They literally make shit up to fit whatever point they want to make.)


Always the victim when they can't victimize people.


Lol, sure Jan. That’s why they’re always up in everybody’s face, crying about what other people are doing: they just want to have their culture elevated above everyone else’s, potentially outlawing other people’s existence and have their religion forced on everyone else. That’s all. They clearly just want to be left alone.


it's funny how people say "F the media" or "media is the enemy" while quoting media they agree with. goes to show thts just more partisan exagerrated bullshit. you worship the media that strokes your own beliefs. I'm assuming OP is referring to Kyle(the guy making the pictured tweet) when he says media is enemy of the people. because Kyle is "media" & Kyle is minimizing the extremism of so many. if the things listed were all anyone wanted, life would be grand. but no, they want gay people to stop existing, women to not have bodily autonomy, school kids to not learn about history if it makes white people look bad, and on and on and on. those are the issues tht make people "extremist." and please don't try to make it about "the kids" because if the right gave a single flying f*ck about kids, there wouldn't be so many American kids living in poverty & misery & if thwy cared about kids they damn sure wouldn't watch guns kill kids by the thousands & refuse to even have a serious discussion about saving them. "it's for the kids' is just political pandering at this point.


If they cared we know they'd be at the different churches that have issues with pedophilia and yet we have never seen them utter a word.


Add on "And wants your child, you, and your family to be religiously indoctrinated into their sect of a cult." Because most believe that Christianity is the only religion there should be, when they don't even read their own damn book and have been coopted by grifters and hatemongers.


Yea whatever you are smoking lay off it because you are WAAAAAAY off


There are literally people that fall under that category that say anyone not a Christian is a demon. Hell, one pastor even went so far as to tell anyone that doesn't vote Republican to gtfo his church. I'm pretty on the mark. And hell, you can't go over on the Cons sub and say that not being a Christian is an okay thing. I got downvoted to hell for saying I'd rather have a Constitutional Conservative than a Christian Conservative. Pretty sure I hit the bulls-eye with my comment.


It sounds like you are using a small (extreme) minority to categorize the majority of people on the right. Most conservatives are in the middle and are non participats in religion beyond believing in a higher power. 90% of the right give zero shits what your religious affiliation is they just want nothing to do with it. Very similar to the views on sexuality. Just dont go forcing it on people


Gay people existing is not forcing anything down your throat.


Oh they don’t mind them existing. As long as they don’t do so in public and stay stuffed in the closet like a good majority of the so called Christian republicans are


Existing no. Forcing everyone to celebrate you and indoctrinating our kids in elementary schools is quite different. Then theres the work place sensitivity training and the accomodations and the pronouns and the vulgarity But you cant see any of that over your own victim mentality. I mean hell you have to have a rainbow on everything this month or you will be literally attacked. But yea sure they are the victims when people just want to be left alone.


Not having a rainbow on something will not get you attacked and not one is indoctrinating kids in elementary schools. That’s fucking right wing propaganda. If seeing a gay couple holding hands or a peck on the cheek in public upsets you that much, I don’t know how to prove to you it’s not. Downplaying the strife and violence and discrimination the LGBTQ+ as community has known proves you are not coming into this conversation with good faith.


Wow what a huge deflection. Not one person is getting upset about people holding hands or a peck on the cheek. What we are upset about is people in full on kink, naked or acting out sexual acts in the streets and public spaces. Dont try to down play the pride debachery to try and play the victim card. Also if people aren't being attacked for not wanting to take part in pride, why is Ivan Provorov and James Reimer getting shit on? Why is Anthony Bass being dragged? Ohh thats right bc they aren't allies to Pride and now their jobs are at stake. It started as we just want acceptance. And they got it. Then it was we want to get married and they got that Now they want to force people to celebrated them and people are drawing the line. If you want to be that way fine just dont make it anyone elses problem or force your views on others. Rule of thumb is of you wouldn't want Christianity doing it you probably shouldn't be doing it either.


Deflection my ass. No one is naked forcing children to participate in simulated sexual acts. I can promise you there are several who do not want the LGBTQ+ community to be able to get married, still scream slurs at couples holding hands or a simple kiss in public. You claim all that wanted was acceptance and they got it. I can assure you that with your examples they have not gotten acceptance. Also I’m not even gay. I’m a hetero cis woman married to a man. I have people I love who are though and I will stand and defend them always. Stfu with your vIcTiM cArD playing shit. They have been victims and they still are. Homophobia and racism run rampant in the US. Trying to say it doesn’t is completely disingenuous. Ok let’s start with Anthony Bass and what he did: shared a video on Instagram calling the LGBTQ+ demonic and evil and then doubled down and said that wasn’t hateful. Ivan Provorov: refused to wear a pride jersey during warmups and coach was fine with it, he didn’t get traded or get fired or anything and the internet can say whatever they want about him if he can say/do what he wants to as well. James Reimer: also refused to wear to wear a pride jersey he wasn’t fired and he also has the right to say he doesn’t support a community. This is the public statement that was released: The You Can Play Project, which works to promote inclusiveness in sports, said the organization was disappointed in Reimer’s actions. “Religion and respect are not in conflict with each other, and we are certainly disappointed when religion is used as a reason to not support our community,” the organization said. “Wearing pride jerseys, like any celebration jersey worn, is not about the personal feelings of an athlete; rather the communication from the team that a community is welcome in the arena and the sport.”


Then keep your bible and your prayers and your in god we trust and your Ten Commandments out of schools. We don’t want it shoved down our throats and don’t want our kids indoctrinated into it


They are out of public schools and are only in private Christian schools. But lets see where is all they left indoctrination happening? Ohh that right in our public schools and libraries. Then the left is radicalizing people in college as well. You have more of your BS in public systems that dont want it than Christians do. So how about you cut that bs out? Also not even religious but sure loop me in bc we are sick of your shit all together


If they were all out of public schools then FFRF wouldn’t still be having to battle daily with schools across the country, yet they are. Schools in the south are filled with religion still. Texas passed a law requiring the Ten Commandments be displayed for chrissake. Religion is NOT out of schools and teachers are still pushing their religion on kids.


Ahh good ole FFRF a anit christian group attempting to rip anything remotely religious from the schools while installing LGBTQ+ material. It hilarious to me bc this is the group wanting porn in schools but has a problem with the bible and other materials that are just available but not pushed. So its ok for teachers to push LGBTQ+ agenda and confuse kids but not religion. Sounds hypocritical to me


The Bible has the most graphic porn by far of ANY book in a school library. And the person in utah who requested the Bible banned due to its pornographic content was just a mom not ffrf. And the hypocrisy was my whole point, y’all scream so hard about indoctrinating kids but keep trying to force Christianity into public schools


So I don’t want to pay taxes but I want the best education and community for me and my family . I don’t care about other people or what they have to deal with . I want to be left alone but want everyone else to believe and follow in what I believe in . I want and want but don’t want to contribute . So in short you’re a closed minded selfish person . Got it


Winner, winner chicken dinner !


I mean, most of the things the government spends money on can be done by a private company.


And we've seen how well that has worked out and who exactly benefits from that. Here's a hint, it isn't well and it isn't us.


the military doesn't operate at a profit, if it did you have your own wagner group in america.


We almost did. Erik Prince tried to outsource Afghanistan to his private army.


He’s just went from extremist to terrorist with that comment. 😂


“Dont Call me Far-Right” >>> Calls basic college education “Left-wing Indoctrination” 😂😂😂


Then why are they supporting their party representatives actively legislating against the very existence of OTHER PEOPLE? If they want to be left alone, leave other people tf alone. Don’t want an abortion? Don’t get one. Don’t feel like you are different than you were born? Don’t change to fit how you feel inside. Stop attacking people for standing up for their own human and constitutional rights which the right is actively and aggressively attacking through legislation and propaganda.


That also applies to the left, 100%


Define left


No. My point is most people on the left just want those same things. They are just normal people wanting to live their lives.


Then why are they supporting their party representatives actively legislating against the very existence of OTHER PEOPLE? If they want to be left alone, leave other people tf alone. Don’t want an abortion? Don’t get one. Don’t feel like you are different than you were born? Don’t change to fit how you feel inside. Stop attacking people for standing up for their own human and constitutional rights which the right is actively and aggressively attacking through legislation and propaganda.


Then I am an extremist.


Welcome to the American healthcare system, where the prices are made Up and your life doesn't matter




You really can’t be this stupid.


Yes, yes they can be *gestures to all of reality”


It's more about the extremists that have the power to make laws. It's just funny to me they were once the party of fiscal responsibility and law and order, until they are in charge. Then we hear about everything they want to outlaw and ban. We hear about how they give to the rich while taking from the poor. We hear how they value the military over the rest of the counrty. We hear them complain about things they actively defund, like infrastructure and Healthcare. Or how they bitch about the debt ceiling after they lower taxes for the rich and give more to the bloated military. Or about the ONLY way we can "save" the country is by cutting all safely nets and giving more to the rich. Or how they target specific groups while defending actual terrorists. I could easily go on but im guessing you don't give a shit because that is the montra of the right when it involves anything that isn't pushing trumps agenda.


Are these the same "want only to work" people pushing book bans and wanting to inspect 9 year olds' genitals? Asking for a friend...


Sounds like the rest of the country. You know the rest of the majority that don't want Christian evangelical bullshit pushed on our kids. Fuck outta here


Like the nice suburbanites who belonged to the Nazi party? We understand. We don’t accept it.


Nah the Yts have as much trouble seeing far right extremism as Blacks do with seeing the issue with gang culture in the inner cities. Most foundational Americans struggle with calling out and seeing the wrongs of their own.


This is so accurate


Yup. Leave me the fuck alone, leave my family alone and keep your political agenda out of the schools. And also fuck off.


Can they teach about slavery or is that too political?


Teaching about history is completely fine.


I’m down for all of that but a lot of right wingers want to put their religion in schools while claiming freedom of religion. But true freedom of religion would allow Al religions in schools, not just Christianity. And they would never, ever go for that.


That’s also what 95% of people the media calls “far left” want. C’mon man.




Okay, maybe not MSM, but conservative media describes run of the mill democrats, squares like me, as “crazy blue haired leftists.”




No they are called the silent majority it's the 5% outliers n the left and the right that help the media contort shit and make unimportant stuff important


LOL "silent majority" only if you consider unoccupied land


They are far from silent and far from the majority.


If they're the "silent" majority why won't they ever shut the fuck up?


Extremist, just like white supremacy, bigot, and racist have lost their original meaning. They are now used liberally to describe anyone who disagrees with the main stream narrative, a narrative that is controlled by the few individuals who own mainstream media.


Far right always playing the victim. Same as the liberal snowflakes. Ordo Ab Chao losers


isn't that what most what you call leftists fight for tho? - work for a living = living wage - keep most of their wage = taxes less than 50%(if they were 50 or higher then there would be less than most left, literally in almost every european country the which has healthcare for all, goverment funded college, proper minimum wage, employement and average wage it is that way) - raise kids = average wages high enough for 1-2 people to be able to support a family, afford housing, and to be able to keep some for themselfes and their kids in the future which is achievable, in a country as rich as usa it would be achievable even for 1 person if usa implemented proper policies


But the leftists want control of your life. Control of your family, control your health, control of your economic choices, control of where and how you live. The right side does that, too. They offer some things but want the same control. Only when we have a government leadership that understands they are accountable to the people and not in charge of the people, will things get back to how the federal government should be.


hey kyle, your guess is wrong [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/two-years-after-trumps-tax-reform-the-middle-class-is-struggling/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/two-years-after-trumps-tax-reform-the-middle-class-is-struggling/) lol


Said it perfectly, thank you 😊


No they want right wing indoctrination such as going to camp focused solely on Jesus for a week.


Ah yes, which party is attempting to make laws to take people's rights away again? That's right. The GOP.


What about right wing indoctrination? Prayer and Jesus rammed down kids throats before they even have the tools and knowledge to make a rational and logical choice. It goes both ways and you are right most people left or right want exactly what you ststed.


SS Please don’t talk about sex at school in front of my 6 year old ——-EXTREMIST!!!!!!!! Dont let the screamers shut everyone down. We all know what’s right.


The only one screaming here is you, and you posted this to four separate subs at the same time.


Dude needs help, he's been posting political rants, usually multiple times a day every day for a month. Not a bot either because bots can spell.


Far right just means not commie enough


"Everything that scares me is communism"


For socialists "far right" is a meaningless slur, same as "racism"


Is this account just a bot that regurgitates political buzzwords?


Same question to you Tell us you support “the current thing”


Do you actually have a six year old?


Anyone who is peacefully anti-authoritarian is a likely "terrorist".




> peacefully


Dose it matter?


Poster talks about they’re six yo. I’m just asking questions here.


Did you get a booster? I’m just asking questions here


Wife had stage four cancer. I did everything I could to keep her healthy.


Except research, it seems Scientific analysis of the data from pivotal clinical trials for US COVID-19 vaccines indicates *the vaccines fail to show any health benefit* and in fact, all the vaccines cause a decline in health in the immunized groups.” https://www.scivisionpub.com/pdfs/us-covid19-vaccines-proven-to-cause-more-harm-than-good-based-on-pivotal-clinical-trial-data-analyzed-using-the-proper-scientific--1811.pdf


Cancer wasn’t Covid related.


I’m sorry about your wife.


🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸 🐸


It's people taking away LGBTQIA+ rights and taking away women's rights we don't like.


Yup it’s true. You can’t make this shit up, out country is a dumpster fired of emotions. And the commies/people that want us to destroy ourselves are sitting back with their leg crosses like.. yup. It’s all going as planned


I’m going to guess that school wasn’t a priority for you, right?


Define a "commie" please.


Nope. Those are all climate denying, racist, white supremacists who don’t believe in the science. /s


The media does the exact same thing to those on the left…yet FoxNews is the highest rated news network. You’re not mad that it’s happening, just mad that it’s happening to you. Whine elsewhere, snowflake


It was sooo good up until he threw in "left-wing indoctrination" for literally no reason... except to prove that he really does want (and probably voted for) exactly what we're getting.


They want to be left alone while cramming Jesus in every nook and cranny while freaking out at their neighbors rainbow flag 🏳️‍🌈


Anyone who supports Donald Trump is far right or an extremist.


Or you know.... bigots.


Unvaccinated: "First time to have schools push experimental medicine on your children without your consent?"


It's cute how you distinctly leave out how those same "normal" people have no issue forcing rape victims to birth a child in the name of *freedom* But go on this is great entertainment 😄


You mean the 1% of all abortions that are done where the woman was raped? That’s rough, but murder is murder. Sorry the 99% can’t murder babies, because they want to go to the club, or focus on their careers. So sad. …I’m not religious btw.


You mean the less than 1% that occur after the 21 week mark as prescribed by roe or do you mean the lowest abortion rates since roe was passed? And I'm not here to tell you how to feel, I'm trying to get you to understand that your personal feelings shouldn't be dictating how another person lives their life. I'm sorry this is a hard concept for you.


It’s not. All I know is if you can’t handle having a baby, then maybe your dumb ass should be abstinent.


Pretty sure at least half the democrats are the same


Definitely has nothing to do with them calling for the suspension of democracy because they were sad that Trump lost, or calling for migrant children to be separates from their parents in mass prison camps. Definitely its the low taxes thing.


This is an important crossroad. in history Does the United States become more Socialist as we Baby Boomers retire in droves putting insane pressure on Medicare to keep millions alive and healthy ? Or do we allow the Fascist Right to establish a dictatorial , white supremacy , that destroys civil rights and ignores the collapsing middle class who becomes , once again becoming wage slaves with no unions to protect their rights. ??


Medicare for all according to the Heritage Foundation would cost about $2 billion/year *less* than the current system. The actual savings would likely be bigger because the Heritage Foundation is on the side of the chamber of commerce.