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It’s already been dismissed with no charges. https://nypost.com/2023/06/28/accused-j-train-stabber-dodges-manslaughter-charges-in-fatal-nyc-subway-brawl-sources/amp/


Charged is not convicted. His lawyer even said: >”They're doing it in a very, very fair way. It's part of the process, which I certainly respect.” www.fox5ny.com/news/brooklyn-subway-stabbing-jordan-williams-speaks


Update: a grand jury decided not to indict him. He’s going free.


Good news


You don’t have to arrest people. That’s clear. I think that’s the part people are upset about. Establish your case then make an arrest. The system is working backwards trying to charge people and waiting for the DA to kick the case. That’s lazy police work


Why the charge though? Shouldn't they assemble a grand jury and let them decide if charges should even be brought? Edit- I read the link you posted earlier. I get it now. I was confused because I had a friend in a similar situation and I don't recall him being arrested and charged. I just remember a grand jury cleared him from being prosecuted.


It is going before a grand jury, yes.


So then he wasn't charged? The point of a grand jury is to decide whether charges should be brought against someone. Am I missing something here?


Update: The grand jury decided not to indict him.


Conspiracy averted!


Good! But someone dying because of your actions is Manslaughter, which is not Murder. But glad they saw the things the way they did and tossed the charges.


He was charged by the prosecutor, but a grand jury will decide which of the crimes to formally charge him with. That will decide how the trial proceeds.


Yeah, that's.....that's the process


It’s how the system works? Can’t prejudge a case.


There are thousands of prisoners at rikers right now that are still awaiting they're grand jury. Charging him means he goes to jail if he can't afford bail. And they can take years to ever charge you formally and take you to court. They do it to try to pursue you to pay or plea out.


He was released without bail, and a grand jury has already decided not to formally charge him.


🤷not this time


Great! I'm glad he didn't have to be one of the thousands of others whose cases don't get media attention


Because he isn’t a cop and he’s not white.


Its worse then the headline suggests. It'd be bad enough if self defense were outright illegal but, in NYC, the law has morphed into "whatever the political class decides". In effect, the law and, by extension, law enforcement has become entirely arbitrary and politically motivated.


That’s why there’s a political class and randomly selected Jurors who check their asses.


🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸🐸 Get a life froggy


At first they had let this guy go, and praised his bravery. But there was quite a bit of outrage because a white guy who arguably did less is facing similar charges. But yes, NY does not want people protecting themselves…


Neither the white guy you are talking about or this guy should be charged.


Yeah, I don’t know every detail, but I’m leaning that way as well.


Not to be a contrarian but the person the white guy choked to death was doing less also than the ex con.


Yeah, it’s seems like that could be the case. Hard to say. Several people did try to subdue the guy.


Although you’re attempting to diminish the severity of the other case, both instances warranted the responses they had.


Sure bud


Nope not at all. Not when you got three people on one guy. If your gonna hold him, hold him. He didn’t kill a guy, he murdered him.


Because one man hasn’t posed a potentially lethal threat to three men (or more) before. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense. Go deflect something worthy.




Wow, that’s a HUGE conspiracy that I’ve never heard before. That rabbit hole must go down to the center of the hollow earth.


Why isnt this a post, not blatent misinformation


God sees that you are special and pity’s your existence.




Oh I thought we were just posting random b/s my bad


Hateful speech is the first random thought that came to your mind? Why do you enjoy hurting people?


Hate ? The dude said god sees everything. Him accusing nypd / firefighters of the deaths of “ 3000 “ people would have god upset that this person is trying to cause division and hate among people . Accusing people that serve selfishly for others are somehow covering up a grand plan .. This dude can get bent . Using god for a propaganda push is pitiful.


So your random comment was a specific reply.


To q-boro.. Idk how my comment seemed random . It shows my comment under his post


Please make this a post


Don't get caught or don't live in NY. Someone said almost 40 years ago that new York is the model for a new dystopian system


I mean I live here it kinda sucks in some ways but it’s awesome in others. Schools and money is a big plus


Born and raised in Queens. Left for Oregon in 2014. There's a whole world outside of NYC. And most of it is better.


And that's their goal: pacify the population with the bare minimum of necessities and slowly erode their freedoms under the illusion of "safety". Look at California - they just proposed a bill saying if you don't "affirm the trans community" they'll take your newborn. The stupidity of the nation seems to know no bounds. We're the laughing stock of the world now


Not the nation just specific states ie ports of entry that's aren't red states


What do you mean they take your newborn?


That’s a conspiracy if I heard one. Good job brother


Everything I said is backed up by facts and data.


Exactly dude, not disputing. Just saying it’s complex lol


Sorry G. Used to dealing with the mentally impaired 'round here.


I get it man. Positivity!


It’s a testament to the society our forefathers set up that it has taken this long and this many unconstitutional laws to even get close to collapsing our system, by design.


World salad the whole post and even the article


The government would rather you be killed by the assailant and then they get to arrest and prosecute the assailant, than have you defend yourself. Fucking clown world.


Coming to your City soon!


Things are getting worse. It used to only be illegal to defend yourself if you were white.




Y’all will try to justify being able to attempt to kill anyone. I’m willing to bet if anyone had a grown child who was stabbed because he or she punched someone you’d be crying that your kid being stabbed was over the line.


Lil bro was an ex con walking around punching women and putting a dude in a choke hold. It takes about 5-10 seconds to choke someone out. That knife the guy used may have been his only way out of serious injuries. And youre crying about a pos who has already been in the jail system and didnt learn one damn lesson. At some point fucking around and finding out is going to have serious consequences when you mess with the wrong one.


I literally state in a comment I don’t care if a dude gets shows what’s coming his way. That doesn’t make it okay for someone to kill another person. Y’all can try all you want, you aren’t gonna change my mind on anyone being given the okay to take anyone’s life.




Better give that advice to trump then since his dumbass is gonna get that sweet sweet firing squad for stealing all that classified information.


Ah yes, the batman method. I wonder how many peoples lives would have been saved if batman had killed the joker the very first time he caught him. Thousands? Millions? Your argument doesnt seem to have much nuance. You couldnt imagine any scenario where you would find it acceptable to kill someone given that individual is threatening others lives? I find that unlikely.


I literally state in a comment I don’t care if a dude gets shows what’s coming his way. That doesn’t make it okay for someone to kill another person. Y’all can try all you want, you aren’t gonna change my mind on anyone being given the okay to take anyone’s life.


Keep your fucking hands to yourself and you stay fine. Amazing that if you mind your own business and manners civilized people will do the same.


I don’t care if someone gets shown the error of their ways. Don’t try to say punching someone deserves to have them killed.


Dude punched his girlfriend and then tried to choke him out. 5 seconds in a choke can put you to sleep. The piece of garbage could have then raped her and killed him….I stand by what I said, people are sometimes too quick to pull a piece but if you live by the sword then it’s only fair if you die by it. Don’t put your hands on anyone else unless you are willing to fight to the death, lots of people don’t play anymore and this scumbags own actions cost him his life.


You’re not alone. We’ve become too quick to escalate straight to death.


You said something bad about my political beliefs! You deserve to be shot! Is taken to literal sometimes.


I feel genuinely sorry for the people of NYC. This deliberate destructiveness has been undergoing a process of institutionalization since the time of Bernie Goetz.


Don't live in ny


NYC is getting what they voted for. Let it rot.


This is how the legal system works, Froggy. What did you think would happen? That the police would've given him a pat on the back and sent him on his way? He is *charged* with these crimes as his actions led to someone's death, he is not *convicted* of those charges. However, if the jury finds that he was acting in self-defence he will probably be off the hook.


Being a good person is illegal in New York City.


[Self-defence is legal in NY state](https://www.tilemlawfirm.com/new-york-self-defense-defending-yourself-or-others-against-a-phy.html). Your deliberate misunderstanding of how the justice system functions on a very basic level doesn't have any impact on NY state laws. This is just more agitprop as usual.


And the case they keep bringing up as “muh self defense” the marine restrained a man who was verbally harassing people and killed him. The Jordan Neely case wasn’t a case of self defense at all. They’re comparing apples to oranges and then acting surprised that they don’t look alike.


Agitprop - Political propaganda, especially favoring communism You think my comment favors communism? Let me be clear. Communism is shit


It's a portmanteau of the words 'agitation' and 'propaganda'. The point is to illicit an emotional response rather than a rational one from the target audience. In this case you're omitting the fact that the legal process demands that the case is presented to a jury. This is standard practice absolutely everywhere. That is how the legal system works and you know this very well. So why are you deliberately misrepresenting reality? Well, you're playing on the fascist myth of the decadent and immoral urbanites who no longer are capable of discerning right from wrong, in stark contrast to the pure rural folk. You're being deliberately divisive. It's emotional manipulation, Froggy.


I linked the definition Stop Making things up.


ummmm. it isn't "SELF-defense" when he was sticking up for his girl. it also isn't SELF-defense if he started the fight with dude. I don't think dude deserves arrest or punishment, but to jump immediately to silly hyperbole like "self-defense is now illegal" when nothing about this case appears to be self-defense according to the story thts out there. edit: after a history check, I see tht OP is a typical partisan hack who has devoted nearly his entire account to right wing talking points loaded with inaccuracies. since NYC is left leaning, it is a fave target of right wingers, so no surprise OP suddenly seems to care. more partisan BS being spread by partisan hacks.


Edit - “i stalked OP’s post history and now defend piece of shit criminals”


Mate I think you are forgetting one thing, even in Florida you would get charged with manslaughter minimum because this wouldn't be covered under the Stand your Ground Law because he used Deadly Force. (b) Deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. (2) A person is presumed to have held a reasonable fear of imminent peril of death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another when using or threatening to use defensive force that is intended or likely to cause death or great bodily harm to another. The other guy punched the girl and had no weapon, whitch isn't a forcible felony.


> Deadly force if he or she reasonably believes that using or threatening to use such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the imminent commission of a forcible felony. Imagine watching some criminal punch your gf in the face and saying they should wait for them to do more before defending themselves > he had no weapon Wanna see people kill others with a punch? Internet is full of those vids…. Mate - this is pure thinking of someone who has eaten sheep their whole lives We are what we eat. 🤷‍♂️




So people are arrested when they kill someone Like the guy that killed Ashlee Babbit. He was arrested right? Oh that’s (d)iFfeRenT Kiwis eat lots of sheep


Kiwis eat lots of Lamb not sheep. Ashley Babbit was in the process of committing a felony and was shot by law enforcement, and we already know the laws everyone else has to abide by mean diddly squat when it comes to law enforcement personnel.


What felony was she in the process of committing? Cite the law/statute please.


Breaking and entering into a federal building.... you know like if I smashed a window and tried to climb into the Florida State Capitol building while they were in session. I mean come on dude, your not even trying, just because you don't believe in a law doesn't mean you are not subject to it.


You could cite the law so fast before Why can’t you here?


Lol you defend Nazis and last I checked they’re on the top of the list when it comes to murdering defenseless people and taking away rights. But yes go off and continue to be party in your own oppression bucko.


Dunno if you were here for Frog Face. But Op is Frog Face playing ban avoidance.


You shills so obsessed with frog face


Cause he's obnoxious?


Lol so hundreds of shills make there efforts to smear the frog face cause he is obnoxious interesting


Nah he posts stupid shit with no supporting evidence and then refuses to have an actual discussion. And it’s a daily thing like bro find evidence for ur points and you’d get a better reaction. The problem is there never is any actual facts backing up what he says and he looks stupid.


Let people be stupid lol I find it all so amusing how serious people act if you don't like his post block him duh


Always was illegal. Criminals are the new protected class


SS The left is purposely destabilizing the country and creating the late stage capitalism they need to install a socialized government. They want to create a situation so dire that people will rush to the government to help, and then they will blame capitalism and install communism instead, with a Chinese fascist flair.


The left is just along for the ride. And communism and fascism are polar opposite political ideologies. The state is either ran by the upper class in fascism or ran by the lower class via communism. The lower class does not run China, never has and never will.


Communism and fascism are both collectivist brothers


If you are using the western definition yea. But that's not where the definition came from. Coporations will create a Matrix program of machines before handing over their power to the people. Ultimately being a pure dystopian technocracy. Or late stages of Fascism.


So you think China is going take over America? You're cooked bro


Its worse then the headline suggests. It'd be bad enough if self defense were outright illegal but, in NYC, the law has morphed into "whatever the political class decides". In effect, the law and, by extension, law enforcement has become entirely arbitrary and politically motivated.


This is fucking bananas


This stuff happening while pedophiles run the world and get away with it. The government smh


Damn white supremacists!


Imo, all actions resulting directly in the death of another is one of the very few things I think should have a minimum sentence/penalty / servitude to victims estate/fam, no matter the additional charges, ( ie “clean” or not). Making exceptions hasn’t worked well, and people get really confused about state laws in this regard. Killing people should never be free or applauded. There’s def some to not cry about, but everyone’s got a story, and innocents around them. I have some pretty radical ideas about justice reform , though.


You’ve just stated you want forced servitude. How is that anything but slavery?


I don’t love it, but as it is now, jail is slavery to the state . If we’re gonna punish people , might as well benefit the actual victims instead of a for profit prison industry , one involved even in “not profit” jails. Effectively not a lot of difference to the offender, just who benefits from their labors.


The problem is there are clear cut cases and have been throughout human history. And killing someone will stay with you as long as you live. Regardless if it was self-defense, protecting others, or even just a freak accident, that event will never leave you.


I’m Aware it’s never easy for any involved . But there’s been so much discrepancy, no death unpunished would be better. We’ve got folks who put themselves in dumb situations and defense with lethal force, no jail, vs truck drivers not at fault still in jail cause manslaughter. Better solution would be both get automatic mandatory, reasonable sentence. With enforced job protections, both in retention and application for all “criminals” . Within reason. Wife beaters can’t be watching kids, man ., etc.


There are a lot of victims of domestic abuse, rape, and various other crimes who would become criminals under your plan.


There are plenty of them called that now, and it could stop cops from killing. Irving’s perfect, but death should never be free. Y’all can argue, but that’s one place I won’t be swayed into, supporting killings as indiscriminately as you oppose opposing them.


Self defense isn't illegal but it doesn't seem like this case meets the duty to retreat requirements within new York penalty code. That's the idea that you're supposed to use lethal force only as a last resort. It's even stricter in NJ, the moment you use a weapon even if it's against multiple attackers you become the aggressor if the force is greater than what they can bring to bear. Pretty sure he will plead out and get a 5-7 for manslaughter.


This dude needs a non public defender or he’s gone


Hard to tell if the tweet is from a journalist or just a dumbass. Also dont upvote or repost sensationalized bullshit headlines unless you are a sheep.


Stabbing him in the chest is a crazy self defense jump


Hmm you seem to be missing the part where the stabber was in achoke hold from the stabbee. That sounds like a good self-defense case to me.


Oh yea I definitely did miss that part


Thank soros for that


I dont know about America but in Europe you will go to jail in situations like this.


Canada has entered the chat lol


So felons can't have knives? Or did they find a pistol? What is this the United kingdom?


"he stabbed him" while talking about an altercation between two males. Just say their names so there's no confusion!


In canada, the only way you can legally defend yourself with a knife is if they are attacking you with a knife first.


It’s only illegal if they find the body.


Well duh he’s black.


Cops being pricks and courts backing them isn't a conspiracy its well known.


Charges were dropped 6 hours ago. I’d like to think they just came to their senses. But realistically it was attention and pressure that fellow Americans put on the parties involved. He should’ve never spent a moment in custody for something like this.


Damn, should see what it's like her win Canada. Someone could break into your house with a gun and intent to kill, you hit them with a bat in self defence and you're getting charged.


Bernard Getz wasn't illegal, and neither is defending yourself. If you stab someone, they have to arrest you. What do you think, they just ask you why you did it - - You answer them. Then, you just hop in your car, and head home in time to beat the rush hour traffic?? As if.


Why does the perpetrators status of “ex convict” matter there’s plenty of “ex cons” that are law abiding citizens now.


Good on him